Elements of Mastery

These are some things we've written about that will seem strange to people use to ordinary web pages and even ordinary wiki sites.

# Begin

footer logged-in writable

Click the word __wiki ✔︎__ in the footer below. A check mark means you want to enable editing.

Edit this paragraph __right now__. Write your favorite poetry phrase or movie line. Mine is, "I don't think that word means what you think it does."

See the double underlines around __right now__ while you're editing? Those turn into __boldface__ in the reading view of this paragraph, because it uses the Markdown plugin.

Tip: Double-click an item to edit it. Click away from the item when finished. If you've edited a page you don't own only you will see the changes. A yellow halo surrounds the page to warn you. See Local Changes to review or discard your work here.

A key paragraph from Local Changes: If you make local changes to a site you own, you can selectively publish local changes to that site by logging in and then forking [⚑] each local page you want to save.

I think I created this situation while logged in with Elements of Mastery open in two tabs, each of which had been used for editing. As far as I know the edits weren't overlapping, but I don't have a mental model of the page state. "What, I have to fork my own page back in? Okay, sure."

Ward explained during a meet-up that occasionally a server round-trip may fail silently, visible only in the Javascript console, and yield a modified-locally-only page.

Footer logged-out

If you double-click and nothing happens, maybe you are logged out. If there are no flags at the bottom of this page, you are probably logged out or seeing it outside a FedWiki context.

Tip: Notice Where and How We Click makes a difference.

# Proceed

Here are some sites that will help you learn more about what we do here. Don't worry if something doesn't make sense yet. That's why we have these workshops.

We throw around a lot of terms when we talk about federated wiki that come from a variety of sources. Here we look at the sources and mention the most common names they provide.

I needed this page first, particularly the link Interface Names, to set the context for what I was seeing. The flagged Items are References. About Reference Plugin.

Wiki is a hypertext. When you click a link you will go to that page. Here we have arranged the pages like rooms in an adventure game.

We show you what we find interesting in the federation and suggest how you can make yourself at home here.

This wiki deviates from most others in that each participant in a collaboration is expected to own their own working space. You have options. We'll help.

Many simple things that could be a button in a centralized system turn into a series of steps in federated wiki. We'll catalog them here as we notice them.