Interface Names

The user interface presents information in graphical forms. We often refer to these forms by the same names as the information.

We create and share wiki pages using an interface in a web page. When we say page only context will make clear what we mean.

Web Page or tab in the browser.

Wiki Page displayed with the web page.

The user interface exists within a browser tab. Many tabs mean many independent copies of the interface.

Location field of the browser.

Footer of the web page

Login mechanism in the footer

Search mechanism in the footer

Item one movable element of the story.

Hamburger button for special about pages.

Neighborhood membership displayed in the footer

Lineup of wiki pages (or ghosts)

The wiki page has a structure to itself which is both transported between sites and render in the interface.

Title names the page in a non-unique way.

Story tells through a linear sequence of items.

Paragraph one type of item.

Factory one type of item that becomes another.

Journal records the history of the page.

Action one author invoked edit recored in the journal.

The interface includes annotations and affordances used to understand and contribute to the federation.

Flag used to represent sites in the federation.

Page Flag identifies the source of a page.

Tab Flag identifies the origin of the interface.

Twins flags of other sites known to have a page.

Add Button that creates new space to work.

Fork Button that copies a page toward the origin.

Drag selects a page, item or file.

Drop completes the drag operation.

Split divides a paragraph into two.

Join combines two paragraphs into one.

The wiki pages form a hypertext where links exposed by items retrieve new pages to be added to the lineup.

Internal Link retrieves a page by searching for a title.

External Link opens a new browser tab by url.

Context sites known to a page guiding link search.

Reference a type of item that includes context.

Wiki pages are routinely retrieved from and maintained within the origin site. A modified background indicates some deviation from this routine.

Halo color indicates pages stored elsewhere.

Ghost transparency indicates pages not yet stored.