Keyword Index. See Typescript 2024-04-03
solo supercollaborator and thinks [about](/view/11:05:07) how the new add that explanation see [about](/view/11:28:52) image plugin double marc inquires [about](/view/11:36:21) markers which the or the lineup how [about](/view/11:36:04) other ways to on how to think [about](/view/11:19:28) plug ins as [about](/view/11:28:19) pop up plugin to hear you talk [about](/view/10:55:05) the large fedwiki haiku wiki view radical [abstraction](/view/10:35:00) a radical [abstraction](/view/10:34:13) successfully unfolds beauty
can the image plugin [accept](/view/11:28:36) svgs or then last days count hubs [active](/view/10:58:45) in the last
a pop up suggest [adding](/view/11:35:17) additional controls and ward [adding](/view/11:19:28) background on how an earlier notion of [adding](/view/11:39:51) metadata of various approach like this for [adding](/view/11:51:18) positions todays wiki exploration tool [adding](/view/10:51:47) recent connections as pop up suggest adding [additional](/view/11:35:17) controls and affordances more tractable and less [adversarial](/view/10:54:05) for a way to [advise](/view/10:46:21) on system resilience
adding additional controls and [affordances](/view/11:35:17) whats next for graphs [after](/view/11:06:42) graphviz if more
will drop out [again](/view/11:43:24) see you in
interested in doing an [algorithm](/view/10:46:11) for this for the new model might [allow](/view/11:05:07) a sub set zooming in and out [allows](/view/10:56:54) him to find following [along](/view/11:20:57) with the source enlarge it thats present [already](/view/11:28:52) this [also](/view/10:53:04) made me think
rather than graphviz for [animated](/view/11:00:01) progression of views an [animation](/view/10:29:38) of the markov or semantic web for [another](/view/11:40:05) name term effort
quite following at speed [apologies](/view/10:40:40) drawing graphs with dot [apparently](/view/11:02:06) free if a while in fedwiki which [appear](/view/11:03:50) to have opportunities discussion of embedding [applications](/view/11:02:53) in tabs which ward suggests an [approach](/view/11:51:18) like this for thompsons [approach](/view/10:56:54) of zooming in thompsons [approach](/view/10:55:51) to using wiki meaningful patterns suggests more [approaches](/view/10:56:54) parents gives a rough [approximation](/view/10:20:20) of the central
processes energizes the community [around](/view/10:47:54) the tools a article by chris [arthur](/view/10:46:10) from a [article](/view/10:46:10) by chris arthur
or hedgedoc etc as [ashared](/view/11:35:43) html item paragraph plugin [assets](/view/11:15:18) plugin etc add a file in the [assets](/view/11:17:14) source for example lineup looks for [assets](/view/11:09:11) sources expressjs [async](/view/10:10:26) await and promises
enough to make it [attractive](/view/10:52:48) to wiki authors
want to see the [author](/view/10:53:04) flags on the it attractive to wiki [authors](/view/10:52:48)
plugins with detail views [available](/view/11:32:24) make it more universally [available](/view/11:33:40) server and is made [available](/view/11:14:52) as part of
expressjs async [await](/view/10:10:26) and promises four volumes they take [away](/view/10:45:31) as many words haiku demand a flensing [away](/view/10:45:31) of what s
copying stories and items [back](/view/11:18:50) and forth the its done it lands [back](/view/11:35:43) in everyones wiki ward adding [background](/view/11:19:28) on how to
formula which unfolds a [beautiful](/view/10:37:14) pattern radical abstraction successfully unfolds [beauty](/view/10:34:13) pages may render differently [because](/view/11:18:50) of different plug paul had [been](/view/11:12:21) working to convert boundary markers at the [beginning](/view/11:53:40) define the limits assets plugin etc add [behavior](/view/11:15:18) to items in report tm at t [bell](/view/11:01:01) laboratories murray hill google com maps place [bethel](/view/11:51:24) park pa z many words as possible [between](/view/10:45:31) the thing and m wikipedia org wiki [betweenness](/view/10:46:11) centrality algorithm for this for [betweenness](/view/10:46:11) centrality for the
ward notes that the [bicycle](/view/11:49:10) share map considering [bicycle](/view/11:37:25) sharing station map nyc and the related [bike](/view/11:49:10) share plugin both want to show my [bike](/view/11:52:02) trip in portland map considering the page [biking](/view/11:49:10) in nyc and https [billthefarmer](/view/11:40:58) github io blog
markov blankets view overlapping [blankets](/view/10:23:39) following from federation relocalizecreativity net view markov [blankets](/view/10:23:39) view overlapping blankets wardcunningham wiki plugin solo [blob](/view/11:20:47) main client solo github com jmeowmeow pixiereport [blob](/view/11:57:22) main pixifier icao https billthefarmer github io [blog](/view/11:40:58) markdown openstreetmap maps somewhere on the [blue](/view/10:46:52) plane unnecessary as r h [blyth](/view/10:45:31) puts it in
wikipedia org wiki evidence [board](/view/10:50:01) david [bohm](/view/10:49:39) explored the space wiki haiku unfold a [book](/view/10:43:17) with collaborators yes wiki haiku unfold a [book](/view/10:43:17) yes library i ve had [bookmarked](/view/11:06:42) for whats next wiki haiku for each [books](/view/10:44:35) composition with a thompson notes that both [books](/view/10:44:35) resulted in the thompson notes that [both](/view/10:44:35) books resulted in related bike share plugin [both](/view/11:49:10) consume and produce drawn only within the [boundary](/view/11:53:40) [boundary](/view/11:53:40) markers at the wiki can use [boundary](/view/11:52:45) markers to create
a [british](/view/10:49:32) series a mystery part of the wiki [browser](/view/11:14:52) client to render a separate tab or [browser](/view/11:11:20) page making use solo lineup [browser](/view/11:07:04) plug in page
series a mystery series [called](/view/10:49:32) death in paradise trinity hall masters garden [cambridge](/view/11:27:09) university the sample a keyword is all [caps](/view/11:38:35) and the first all [caps](/view/11:37:56) as a directive and records of the [case](/view/10:49:32) ward describes a [case](/view/11:52:02) where i want
rough approximation of the [central](/view/10:20:20) nodes peers wikipedia org wiki betweenness [centrality](/view/10:46:11) for this for betweenness [centrality](/view/10:46:11) for the hubs
on wikis mind recent [changes](/view/10:52:23) wards observations of chaos and less than [chaos](/view/10:56:07) explained not relates to [chaos](/view/10:56:07) and less than a [childs](/view/10:20:20) parents gives a different wiki installations may [choose](/view/11:17:59) different plug ins from a article by [chris](/view/10:46:10) arthur
net view a walled [city](/view/10:43:29)
geo div class span [class](/view/11:41:20) org wiki geo div [class](/view/11:41:20) span class double [click](/view/11:26:43) on an image about image plugin double [click](/view/11:28:52) the image to the enriched svg for [clickable](/view/11:05:07) navigation then all the node [clickbility](/view/11:28:36) would then be plugin solo tree main [client](/view/11:21:40) dialog tree main as a [client](/view/11:10:28) plug in it separate window utilities into [client](/view/11:12:21) plug ins plugin solo blob main [client](/view/11:20:47) solo js of the wiki browser [client](/view/11:14:52) to render content
window plugins solo this [code](/view/11:20:29) dopopup event and it contains [code](/view/11:22:50) for navigating panning of the solo plugin [code](/view/11:20:29) in solo js the original croquet [code](/view/11:17:14) launches from a page and stylesheet source [code](/view/11:21:40) live here https nobodys [coded](/view/11:37:40) marker support for the science of [collaboration](/view/10:42:37) as findings emergent a google docs style [collaborative](/view/11:35:43) document as a unfold a book with [collaborators](/view/10:43:17) yes today together its what [comes](/view/10:45:34) out of thompson are there enough [commonalities](/view/11:33:40) in content to in tabs which might [communicate](/view/11:02:53) with the fedwiki that the map plugin [communicates](/view/11:34:48) with information within making processes energizes the [community](/view/10:47:54) around the tools a jolt of confidence [comparable](/view/10:57:56) to tests going tools is patient and [comparative](/view/10:55:51) haiku for each books [composition](/view/10:44:35) with a story produce a jolt of [confidence](/view/10:57:56) comparable to tests ins as an optional [configurable](/view/11:19:28) part of the of a pop up [confined](/view/11:13:07) to the lineup exploration tool adding recent [connections](/view/10:51:47) as a point where the detective suddenly [connects](/view/10:49:32) what makes sense [consciousness](/view/10:56:07) explained not relates with lat long label [consider](/view/11:51:18) a native or the bicycle share map [considering](/view/11:49:10) the page biking bike share plugin both [consume](/view/11:49:10) and produce markers it [contains](/view/11:22:50) code for navigating ins operating on that [content](/view/11:18:50) if they share page [content](/view/11:18:50) by copying stories browser client to render [content](/view/11:14:52) for example a directive within item [content](/view/11:37:56) like page and marc reflects on whether [content](/view/11:33:19) might have structure the [content](/view/10:47:54) of meaning making there enough commonalities in [content](/view/11:33:40) to make it finding or creating social [context](/view/10:50:39) for creativity is pagerank takes [continuous](/view/10:54:05) tuning wiki should up suggest adding additional [controls](/view/11:35:17) and affordances we have a [convention](/view/11:38:35) in wiki where adding metadata of various [conventions](/view/11:39:51) had been working to [convert](/view/11:12:21) previously separate window on system resilience to [convey](/view/10:46:21) understanding to others plugin looks at image [coordinates](/view/11:36:04) in the page share page content by [copying](/view/11:18:50) stories and items maybe a plugin that [could](/view/11:46:03) do something with oh wow i [could](/view/11:43:22) use leaflet to [could](/view/11:32:09) we pop up in the last days [count](/view/10:58:45) hubs active in [count](/view/10:58:45) references made in
[create](/view/11:51:18) a csv spreadsheet [create](/view/11:51:18) an html script use boundary markers to [create](/view/11:52:45) an implicit zoom finding or [creating](/view/10:50:39) social context for to cultivate the process [creative](/view/10:51:00) perspective creating social context for [creativity](/view/10:50:39) is worth the the original [croquet](/view/11:17:14) code launches from of the previously developed [croquet](/view/11:11:20) supercollaborator
growth and how to [cultivate](/view/10:51:00) the process creative markov [curtains](/view/10:26:36) way more powerful and [customizable](/view/10:53:04) after graphviz if more [customization](/view/11:06:42) etc is needed
https js [cytoscape](/view/11:06:42) org
or sink for lineup [data](/view/12:00:58) [david](/view/10:49:39) bohm explored the made in the last [days](/view/10:58:45) count hubs active
a mystery series called [death](/view/10:49:32) in paradise where lets go [deep](/view/10:45:34) on this today consider a native or [default](/view/11:51:18) zoom level markers at the beginning [define](/view/11:53:40) the limits of rather than just in [degree](/view/10:46:11) replying to haiku [demand](/view/10:46:10) a flens haiku [demand](/view/10:45:31) a flensing away is a stripped down [derivative](/view/11:22:02) of the previous ward [describes](/view/11:52:02) a case where configurable part of the [design](/view/11:19:28) in items for more [detail](/view/11:32:09) does the map [detail](/view/11:35:17) view as a see it in a [detail](/view/11:33:19) view see it examples of pop up [detail](/view/11:26:43) views examining fedwiki plugins with [detail](/view/11:32:24) views available in paradise where the [detective](/view/10:49:32) suddenly connects what use of the previously [developed](/view/11:11:20) croquet supercollaborator
panning and zooming a [diagram](/view/11:22:50) view solo tree main client [dialog](/view/11:21:40) wiki installations may choose [different](/view/11:17:59) plug ins render differently because of [different](/view/11:18:50) plug ins operating however [different](/view/11:17:59) wiki installations may the pages may render [differently](/view/11:18:50) because of different are meeting at my [dinner](/view/12:02:06) time all caps as a [directive](/view/11:37:56) within item content [discussion](/view/11:02:53) of embedding applications paul where the solosupercollaborater [displays](/view/10:56:39)
that just a google [docs](/view/11:35:43) or hedgedoc etc something like a google [docs](/view/11:35:43) style collaborative document google docs style collaborative [document](/view/11:35:43) as a plugin [does](/view/11:35:17) the map detail i m interested in [doing](/view/10:46:11) an algorithm for green in the fuzzier [domain](/view/10:57:56) of sense making window but once its [done](/view/11:35:43) it lands back plugins solo this code [dopopup](/view/11:20:29) event and that [double](/view/11:26:43) click on an see about image plugin [double](/view/11:28:52) click the image html is a stripped [down](/view/11:22:02) derivative of the
koutsofios and stephen north [drawing](/view/11:01:01) graphs with dot www researchgate net publication [drawing](/view/11:02:06) graphs with dot map and markers are [drawn](/view/11:53:40) only within the will [drop](/view/11:43:24) out again see
wards observations of the [dynamics](/view/10:52:23) of c and
following wiki haiku for [each](/view/10:44:35) books composition with microformats as an [earlier](/view/11:39:51) notion of adding exploration and view tool [easy](/view/10:52:48) enough to make
his influential and highly [eccentric](/view/10:45:31) haiku in four
creativity is worth the [effort](/view/10:50:39) for another name term [effort](/view/11:40:05)
[eleftherios](/view/11:01:01) koutsofios and stephen markdown supports html [elements](/view/11:40:15)
c spn c source [embed](/view/11:53:22) mid eviuqynqelcrnywx ixrl discussion of [embedding](/view/11:02:53) applications in tabs of collaboration as findings [emergent](/view/10:42:37) from exploring patterns
of meaning making processes [energizes](/view/10:47:54) the community around click the image to [enlarge](/view/11:28:52) it thats present are there [enough](/view/11:33:40) commonalities in content radical just [enough](/view/10:35:25) roots to grow and view tool easy [enough](/view/10:52:48) to make it sub set of the [enriched](/view/11:05:07) svg for clickable
the recurrence [equation](/view/10:37:14) of the mandelbrot
referring to in my [estimation](/view/10:49:39)
[even](/view/11:18:50) if they share solo this code dopopup [event](/view/11:20:29) and that is it do now next [ever](/view/10:55:05) as a plugin so [everyone](/view/11:35:43) can pop that it lands back in [everyones](/view/11:35:43) wiki m wikipedia org wiki [evidence](/view/10:50:01) board c source embed mid [eviuqynqelcrnywx](/view/11:53:22) ixrl ja z
[examining](/view/11:32:24) fedwiki plugins with to render content for [example](/view/11:14:52) the assets source for [example](/view/11:17:14) not from a svg view is an [example](/view/11:13:07) of a pop ward gives an [example](/view/11:17:36) of a shared in solo js for [example](/view/11:20:29) see window plugins more [examples](/view/11:26:43) of pop up consciousness [explained](/view/10:56:07) not relates to possible to add that [explanation](/view/11:28:52) see about image making and wiki network [exploration](/view/10:57:56) need to make todays [exploration](/view/10:52:48) and view tool using a new wiki [exploration](/view/10:45:34) tool parameters of the [exploration](/view/10:58:21) tool todays wiki [exploration](/view/10:51:47) tool adding recent to using wiki network [exploration](/view/10:55:51) tools is patient david bohm [explored](/view/10:49:39) the space thompson as findings emergent from [exploring](/view/10:42:37) patterns in making [expressjs](/view/10:10:26) async await and
overlapping blankets following from [federation](/view/10:23:39) search might communicate with the [fedwiki](/view/11:02:53) line up large [fedwiki](/view/10:55:52) page talk about the large [fedwiki](/view/10:55:05) page that referred examining [fedwiki](/view/11:32:24) plugins with detail referred to the regular [fedwiki](/view/10:55:05) what can it for a while in [fedwiki](/view/11:03:50) which appear to
implemented in this same [file](/view/11:20:29) code launches from a [file](/view/11:17:14) in the assets out allows him to [find](/view/10:56:54) meaningful patterns finding to find meaningful patterns [finding](/view/10:56:54) meaningful patterns suggests [finding](/view/10:50:39) or creating social science of collaboration as [findings](/view/10:42:37) emergent from exploring all caps and the [first](/view/11:38:35) word on the
to see the author [flags](/view/10:53:04) on the nodes to haiku demand a [flens](/view/10:46:10) haiku demand a [flensing](/view/10:45:31) away of what
item out into a [focused](/view/11:35:43) shared window but [following](/view/11:20:57) along with the i m not quite [following](/view/10:40:40) at speed apologies blankets view overlapping blankets [following](/view/10:23:39) from federation search number of pages while [following](/view/10:44:35) wiki haiku for set as a radical [formula](/view/10:37:14) which unfolds a and items back and [forth](/view/11:18:50) the pages may https [forum](/view/11:00:48) graphviz org t highly eccentric haiku in [four](/view/10:45:31) volumes they take
use the [frame](/view/12:00:58) plugin as a graphs with dot apparently [free](/view/11:02:06) if a little [from](/view/10:46:10) a article by original croquet code launches [from](/view/11:17:14) a file in source for example not [from](/view/11:17:14) a plug in collaboration as findings emergent [from](/view/10:42:37) exploring patterns in view overlapping blankets following [from](/view/10:23:39) federation search html script which reads [from](/view/11:51:18) the csv and understanding one or more [fruits](/view/10:51:00) of the process
going green in the [fuzzier](/view/10:57:56) domain of sense
a story and a [garden](/view/10:44:35) trinity hall masters [garden](/view/11:27:09) cambridge university the
a [generative](/view/10:48:05) process
https [github](/view/11:57:22) com jmeowmeow pixiereport https [github](/view/11:10:28) com wardcunningham wiki https [github](/view/11:20:47) com wardcunningham wiki code live here https [github](/view/11:21:40) com wardcunningham wiki https billthefarmer [github](/view/11:40:58) io blog markdown there might be a [github](/view/11:29:32) link for some a childs parents [gives](/view/10:20:20) a rough approximation ward [gives](/view/11:17:36) an example of
confidence comparable to tests [going](/view/10:57:56) green in the https www [google](/view/11:53:22) com maps d https www [google](/view/11:51:24) com maps place is that just a [google](/view/11:35:43) docs or hedgedoc maybe something like a [google](/view/11:35:43) docs style collaborative oh [gosh](/view/10:57:13) i miss green
for whats next for [graphs](/view/11:06:42) after graphviz if researchgate net publication drawing [graphs](/view/11:02:06) with dot apparently and stephen north drawing [graphs](/view/11:01:01) with dot technical graphviz stephen north and [graphviz](/view/11:00:48) use d rather than [graphviz](/view/11:00:01) for animated progression next for graphs after [graphviz](/view/11:06:42) if more customization https forum [graphviz](/view/11:00:48) org t the the [graphviz](/view/11:13:07) plug in that t the history of [graphviz](/view/11:00:48) stephen north and oh gosh i miss [green](/view/10:57:13) bar comparable to tests going [green](/view/10:57:56) in the fuzzier just enough roots to [grow](/view/10:35:25) the roots and the [growth](/view/10:51:00) and how to
replying to [haiku](/view/10:46:10) demand a flens [haiku](/view/10:45:31) demand a flensing pages while following wiki [haiku](/view/10:44:35) for each books influential and highly eccentric [haiku](/view/10:45:31) in four volumes can wiki [haiku](/view/10:43:17) unfold a book can wiki [haiku](/view/10:43:17) unfold a book thompson fed wiki view [haiku](/view/10:35:00) wiki view radical trinity [hall](/view/11:27:09) masters garden cambridge station picker since i [have](/view/11:43:22) a big list we [have](/view/11:38:35) a convention in fedwiki which appear to [have](/view/11:03:50) opportunities for solutions on whether content might [have](/view/11:33:19) structure where you not all plug ins [have](/view/11:29:32) such a source [hazel](/view/10:45:50) weakly yes
href geo u wikimedia [headquarters](/view/11:46:15) a i would love to [hear](/view/10:55:05) you talk about a google docs or [hedgedoc](/view/11:35:43) etc as ashared stylesheet source code live [here](/view/11:21:40) https github com
in his influential and [highly](/view/10:45:31) eccentric haiku in t bell laboratories murray [hill](/view/11:01:01) new jersey september graphviz org t the [history](/view/11:00:48) of graphviz stephen
want to show my [house](/view/11:52:02) and i want [however](/view/11:17:59) different wiki installations
a [href](/view/11:46:15) geo u wikimedia
markdown supports [html](/view/11:40:15) elements and index [html](/view/11:22:02) is a stripped hedgedoc etc as ashared [html](/view/11:35:43) item create an [html](/view/11:51:18) script which reads [http](/view/11:05:36) marc tries fed in is installed within [http](/view/11:08:02) marc tries fed [http](/view/10:35:00) thompson fed wiki [https](/view/11:40:58) billthefarmer github io [https](/view/10:46:11) en m wikipedia [https](/view/10:50:01) en m wikipedia [https](/view/11:00:48) forum graphviz org [https](/view/11:57:22) github com jmeowmeow [https](/view/11:10:28) github com wardcunningham [https](/view/11:20:47) github com wardcunningham source code live here [https](/view/11:21:40) github com wardcunningham [https](/view/11:06:42) js cytoscape org [https](/view/10:43:29) marc relocalizecreativity net [https](/view/10:23:39) marcus relocalizecreativity net [https](/view/11:41:20) microformats org wiki [https](/view/11:51:24) www google com [https](/view/11:53:22) www google com [https](/view/11:02:06) www researchgate net
the last days count [hubs](/view/10:58:45) active in the betweenness centrality for the [hubs](/view/10:46:11) rather than just
pixiereport blob main pixifier [icao](/view/11:57:22) js
the sample pop up [image](/view/11:27:09) map plugin looks at [image](/view/11:36:04) coordinates in the [image](/view/11:37:25) item can the [image](/view/11:28:36) plugin accept svgs that explanation see about [image](/view/11:28:52) plugin double click plugin double click the [image](/view/11:28:52) to enlarge it double click on an [image](/view/11:26:43) to pop up a separate window for [images](/view/11:26:43) event and that is [implemented](/view/11:20:29) in this same markers to create an [implicit](/view/11:52:45) zoom level for
ready for the kwic [index](/view/10:40:01) and [index](/view/11:22:02) html is a as a place to [indicate](/view/11:39:25) a marker as as a place to [indication](/view/11:39:06) a marker puts it in his [influential](/view/10:45:31) and highly eccentric of lat long station [info](/view/11:43:22) map plugin communicates with [information](/view/11:34:48) within the page marc [inquires](/view/11:36:21) about markers which the limits of the [inside](/view/11:53:40) of the map however different wiki [installations](/view/11:17:59) may choose different a plug in is [installed](/view/11:14:52) as part of the plug in is [installed](/view/11:08:02) within http marc as a point of [interest](/view/10:51:47) i m [interested](/view/10:46:11) in doing an pop that item out [into](/view/11:35:43) a focused shared previously separate window utilities [into](/view/11:12:21) client plug ins
etc as ashared html [item](/view/11:35:43) image [item](/view/11:37:25) map [item](/view/11:37:25) the line of the [item](/view/11:38:35) the text of the [item](/view/11:39:25) as a directive within [item](/view/11:37:56) content like page everyone can pop that [item](/view/11:35:43) out into a wiki protocol with json [items](/view/11:17:36) marker support for other [items](/view/11:37:40) by copying stories and [items](/view/11:18:50) back and forth the map plug in [items](/view/11:32:09) for more detail etc add behavior to [items](/view/11:15:18) in the story
source embed mid eviuqynqelcrnywx [ixrl](/view/11:53:22) ja z
laboratories murray hill new [jersey](/view/11:01:01) september
https github com [jmeowmeow](/view/11:57:22) pixiereport blob main
what might produce a [jolt](/view/10:57:56) of confidence comparable
shared wiki protocol with [json](/view/11:17:36) items
or is that [just](/view/11:35:43) a google docs radical [just](/view/10:35:25) enough roots to the hubs rather than [just](/view/10:46:11) in degree
in wiki where a [keyword](/view/11:38:35) is all caps
please let me [know](/view/12:01:41) if make any
eleftherios [koutsofios](/view/11:01:01) and stephen north
links ready for the [kwic](/view/10:40:01) index
spreadsheet with lat long [label](/view/11:51:18) consider a native tm at t bell [laboratories](/view/11:01:01) murray hill new once its done it [lands](/view/11:35:43) back in everyones [large](/view/10:55:52) fedwiki page you talk about the [large](/view/10:55:05) fedwiki page that that opens up a [larger](/view/11:13:07) svg view is to pop up a [larger](/view/11:26:43) view in a references made in the [last](/view/10:58:45) days count hubs hubs active in the [last](/view/10:58:45) year the original croquet code [launches](/view/11:17:14) from a file
wow i could use [leaflet](/view/11:43:22) to make a little more tractable and [less](/view/10:54:05) adversarial relates to chaos and [less](/view/10:56:07) than chaos [lets](/view/10:45:34) go deep on native or default zoom [level](/view/11:51:18) create an implicit zoom [level](/view/11:52:45) for the map
this is the [library](/view/11:06:42) i ve had maybe something [like](/view/11:35:43) a google docs directive within item content [like](/view/11:37:56) page and lineup ward suggests an approach [like](/view/11:51:18) this for adding the beginning define the [limits](/view/11:53:40) of the inside first word on the [line](/view/11:38:35) of the item communicate with the fedwiki [line](/view/11:02:53) up top of a wiki [lineup](/view/11:10:28) page and or the [lineup](/view/11:34:48) content like page and [lineup](/view/11:37:56) produce markers within the [lineup](/view/11:49:10) of talking to the [lineup](/view/12:00:58) as the source solo [lineup](/view/11:07:04) browser plug in source or sink for [lineup](/view/12:00:58) data the page or the [lineup](/view/11:36:04) how about other [lineup](/view/11:09:11) looks for assets see it in a [lineup](/view/11:33:19) see it in up confined to the [lineup](/view/11:13:07) tab might be a github [link](/view/11:29:32) for some scripts yay notes and [links](/view/10:40:01) ready for the to yay notes and [links](/view/10:40:19) with i have a big [list](/view/11:43:22) of lat long wiki should be a [little](/view/10:54:05) more tractable and apparently free if a [little](/view/11:02:06) pesky with pop and stylesheet source code [live](/view/11:21:40) here https github
ways to mark a [location](/view/11:36:04) can i put lat [long](/view/11:36:04) in a page csv spreadsheet with lat [long](/view/11:51:18) label consider a big list of lat [long](/view/11:43:22) station info her post on mastodon [looking](/view/10:46:21) for a way now the map plugin [looks](/view/11:36:04) at image coordinates lineup [looks](/view/11:09:11) for assets sources clickbility would then be [lost](/view/11:28:36) paul i would [love](/view/10:55:05) to hear you
wiki server and is [made](/view/11:14:52) available as part count references [made](/view/10:58:45) in the last this also [made](/view/10:53:04) me think of wiki plugin solo tree [main](/view/11:10:28) as a client wiki plugin solo tree [main](/view/11:21:40) client dialog wiki plugin solo blob [main](/view/11:20:47) client solo js com jmeowmeow pixiereport blob [main](/view/11:57:22) pixifier icao js could use leaflet to [make](/view/11:43:22) a weather report let me know if [make](/view/12:01:41) any progress tool easy enough to [make](/view/10:52:48) it attractive to commonalities in content to [make](/view/11:33:40) it more universally we need to [make](/view/10:52:48) todays exploration and [makes](/view/10:53:04) me want to detective suddenly connects what [makes](/view/10:49:32) sense out of fuzzier domain of sense [making](/view/10:57:56) and wiki network thank you for [making](/view/10:48:30) me ponder this the content of meaning [making](/view/10:47:54) processes energizes the from exploring patterns in [making](/view/10:42:37) sense of things tab or browser page [making](/view/11:11:20) use of the recurrence equation of the [mandelbrot](/view/10:37:14) set as a they take away as [many](/view/10:45:31) words as possible io blog markdown openstreetmap [maps](/view/11:40:58) https www google com [maps](/view/11:53:22) d u viewer https www google com [maps](/view/11:51:24) place bethel park [marc](/view/11:36:21) inquires about markers [marc](/view/11:05:07) points to models [marc](/view/11:33:19) reflects on whether https [marc](/view/10:43:29) relocalizecreativity net view http [marc](/view/11:05:36) tries fed wiki is installed within http [marc](/view/11:08:02) tries fed wiki https [marcus](/view/10:23:39) relocalizecreativity net view about other ways to [mark](/view/11:36:04) a location billthefarmer github io blog [markdown](/view/11:40:58) openstreetmap maps paragraph or [markdown](/view/11:38:59) perhaps [markdown](/view/11:40:15) supports html elements in other places for [marker](/view/11:38:07) place to indication a [marker](/view/11:39:06) place to indicate a [marker](/view/11:39:25) as part of nobodys coded [marker](/view/11:37:40) support for other of the map and [markers](/view/11:53:40) are drawn only boundary [markers](/view/11:53:40) at the beginning wiki can use boundary [markers](/view/11:52:45) to create an marc inquires about [markers](/view/11:36:21) which the map both consume and produce [markers](/view/11:49:10) within the lineup marcus relocalizecreativity net view [markov](/view/10:23:39) blankets view overlapping [markov](/view/10:26:36) curtains an animation of the [markov](/view/10:29:38) monkey trinity hall [masters](/view/11:27:09) garden cambridge university her post on [mastodon](/view/10:46:21) looking for a site survey page [maybe](/view/10:55:58) so [maybe](/view/11:40:20) [maybe](/view/11:46:03) a plugin that [maybe](/view/11:35:43) something like a
the content of [meaning](/view/10:47:54) making processes energizes allows him to find [meaningful](/view/10:56:54) patterns finding meaningful find meaningful patterns finding [meaningful](/view/10:56:54) patterns suggests more you in the next [meeting](/view/11:43:24) i think you are [meeting](/view/12:02:06) at my dinner earlier notion of adding [metadata](/view/11:39:51) of various conventions
[microformats](/view/11:39:51) as an earlier could do something with [microformats](/view/11:46:03) but they don https [microformats](/view/11:41:20) org wiki geo how the new model [might](/view/11:05:07) allow a sub ward notes that there [might](/view/11:29:32) be a github applications in tabs which [might](/view/11:02:53) communicate with the reflects on whether content [might](/view/11:33:19) have structure where ward reflects on what [might](/view/10:57:56) produce a jolt that [might](/view/11:46:33) work for a what is on wikis [mind](/view/10:52:23) recent changes wards oh gosh i [miss](/view/10:57:13) green bar
about how the new [model](/view/11:05:07) might allow a marc points to [models](/view/11:05:07) for seeing systems tries fed wiki view [models](/view/11:05:36) for seeing systems animation of the markov [monkey](/view/10:29:38) finding meaningful patterns suggests [more](/view/10:56:54) approaches graphs after graphviz if [more](/view/11:06:42) customization etc is plug in items for [more](/view/11:32:09) detail [more](/view/11:26:43) examples of pop understanding one or [more](/view/10:51:00) fruits of the its visualization but way [more](/view/10:53:04) powerful and customizable should be a little [more](/view/10:54:05) tractable and less content to make it [more](/view/11:33:40) universally available
[murder](/view/10:50:01) map p at t bell laboratories [murray](/view/11:01:01) hill new jersey
a british series a [mystery](/view/10:49:32) series called death
there are some [nagging](/view/11:03:50) things that we semantic web for another [name](/view/11:40:05) term effort long label consider a [native](/view/11:51:18) or default zoom it contains code for [navigating](/view/11:22:50) panning and zooming enriched svg for clickable [navigation](/view/11:05:07)
we [need](/view/10:52:48) to make todays we probably [need](/view/11:00:01) to use d more customization etc is [needed](/view/11:06:42) sense making and wiki [network](/view/10:57:56) exploration approach to using wiki [network](/view/10:55:51) exploration tools is can it do now [next](/view/10:55:05) ever had bookmarked for whats [next](/view/11:06:42) for graphs after see you in the [next](/view/11:43:24) meeting
[nobodys](/view/11:37:40) coded marker support or then all the [node](/view/11:28:36) clickbility would then author flags on the [nodes](/view/10:53:04) approximation of the central [nodes](/view/10:20:20) peers history of graphviz stephen [north](/view/11:00:48) and graphviz eleftherios koutsofios and stephen [north](/view/11:01:01) drawing graphs with [note](/view/11:34:48) that the map yay [notes](/view/10:40:01) and links ready reacted to yay [notes](/view/10:40:19) and links with thompson [notes](/view/10:44:35) that both books ward [notes](/view/11:49:10) that the bicycle ward [notes](/view/11:29:32) that there might microformats as an earlier [notion](/view/11:39:51) of adding metadata
resulted in the same [number](/view/10:44:35) of pages while in this wiki x [numbers](/view/10:59:12) of pages per
sense out of the [observations](/view/10:49:32) and records of mind recent changes wards [observations](/view/10:52:23) of the dynamics
focused shared window but [once](/view/11:35:43) its done it and markers are drawn [only](/view/11:53:40) within the boundary
plug in it can [open](/view/11:10:28) a pop up the previous solo supercollaborator [opens](/view/11:11:20) as a separate graphviz plug in that [opens](/view/11:13:07) up a larger github io blog markdown [openstreetmap](/view/11:40:58) maps of different plug ins [operating](/view/11:18:50) on that content which appear to have [opportunities](/view/11:03:50) for solutions plug ins as an [optional](/view/11:19:28) configurable part of
the [original](/view/11:17:14) croquet code launches reflects on thompsons striking [originality](/view/10:47:21) of perspective
coded marker support for [other](/view/11:37:40) items we do that in [other](/view/11:38:07) places for marker the lineup how about [other](/view/11:36:04) ways to mark to convey understanding to [others](/view/10:46:21)
a pop up window [over](/view/11:10:28) the top of view markov blankets view [overlapping](/view/10:23:39) blankets following from
is the [pace](/view/10:59:12) of work in pre set the temporal [pace](/view/10:59:12) parameters large fedwiki [page](/view/10:55:52) lineup browser plug in [page](/view/11:07:04) the story of a [page](/view/11:15:18) of the previous supercollaborator [page](/view/11:22:02) within item content like [page](/view/11:37:56) and lineup with information within the [page](/view/11:34:48) and or the the pop up [page](/view/11:21:40) and stylesheet source share map considering the [page](/view/11:49:10) biking in nyc even if they share [page](/view/11:18:50) content by copying separate tab or browser [page](/view/11:11:20) making use of site survey [page](/view/10:55:58) maybe image coordinates in the [page](/view/11:36:04) or the lineup about the large fedwiki [page](/view/10:55:05) that referred to pop up solo supercollaborator [page](/view/11:06:09) the pop up lat long in a [page](/view/11:36:04) where the map [pagerank](/view/10:54:05) takes continuous tuning back and forth the [pages](/view/11:18:50) may render differently wiki x numbers of [pages](/view/10:59:12) per day pre the same number of [pages](/view/10:44:35) while following wiki contains code for navigating [panning](/view/11:22:50) and zooming a series called death in [paradise](/view/10:49:32) where the detective [paragraph](/view/11:38:59) or markdown perhaps [paragraph](/view/11:15:18) plugin assets plugin set the temporal pace [parameters](/view/10:59:12) [parameters](/view/10:58:21) of the exploration a childs [parents](/view/10:20:20) gives a rough com maps place bethel [park](/view/11:51:24) pa z as an optional configurable [part](/view/11:19:28) of the design view in solo is [part](/view/11:20:29) of the solo indicate a marker as [part](/view/11:39:25) of the text in is installed as [part](/view/11:14:52) of the wiki is made available as [part](/view/11:14:52) of the wiki network exploration tools is [patient](/view/10:55:51) and comparative which unfolds a beautiful [pattern](/view/10:37:14) him to find meaningful [patterns](/view/10:56:54) finding meaningful patterns findings emergent from exploring [patterns](/view/10:42:37) in making sense meaningful patterns finding meaningful [patterns](/view/10:56:54) suggests more approaches animated progression of views [paul](/view/11:00:01) [paul](/view/11:12:21) had been working [paul](/view/10:55:05) i would love [paul](/view/10:56:39) where the solosupercollaborater
of the central nodes [peers](/view/10:20:20) paragraph or markdown [perhaps](/view/11:38:59) thompsons striking originality of [perspective](/view/10:47:21) cultivate the process creative [perspective](/view/10:51:00) free if a little [pesky](/view/11:02:06) with pop ups
a weather report station [picker](/view/11:43:22) since i have https github com jmeowmeow [pixiereport](/view/11:57:22) blob main pixifier jmeowmeow pixiereport blob main [pixifier](/view/11:57:22) icao js
www google com maps [place](/view/11:51:24) bethel park pa as a [place](/view/11:39:25) to indicate a as a [place](/view/11:39:06) to indication a do that in other [places](/view/11:38:07) for marker somewhere on the blue [plane](/view/10:46:52) [please](/view/12:01:41) let me know example not from a [plug](/view/11:17:14) in the [plug](/view/11:08:02) in is installed a [plug](/view/11:14:52) in is installed main as a client [plug](/view/11:10:28) in it can pop up the map [plug](/view/11:32:09) in items for solo lineup browser [plug](/view/11:07:04) in page the graphviz [plug](/view/11:13:07) in that opens window utilities into client [plug](/view/11:12:21) ins installations may choose different [plug](/view/11:17:59) ins how to think about [plug](/view/11:19:28) ins as an scripts though not all [plug](/view/11:29:32) ins have such differently because of different [plug](/view/11:18:50) ins operating on about pop up [plugin](/view/11:28:19) level for the map [plugin](/view/11:52:45) can the image [plugin](/view/11:28:36) accept svgs or think of the present [plugin](/view/10:53:04) and its visualization use the frame [plugin](/view/12:00:58) as a way paragraph [plugin](/view/11:15:18) assets plugin etc the related bike share [plugin](/view/11:49:10) both consume and markers which the map [plugin](/view/11:36:21) can read part of the solo [plugin](/view/11:20:29) code in solo note that the map [plugin](/view/11:34:48) communicates with information explanation see about image [plugin](/view/11:28:52) double click the paragraph plugin assets [plugin](/view/11:15:18) etc add behavior right now the map [plugin](/view/11:36:04) looks at image collaborative document as a [plugin](/view/11:35:43) so everyone can github com wardcunningham wiki [plugin](/view/11:20:47) solo blob main github com wardcunningham wiki [plugin](/view/11:10:28) solo tree main github com wardcunningham wiki [plugin](/view/11:21:40) solo tree main maybe a [plugin](/view/11:46:03) that could do for example see window [plugins](/view/11:20:29) solo this code examining fedwiki [plugins](/view/11:32:24) with detail views
recent connections as a [point](/view/10:51:47) of interest have such a source [pointer](/view/11:29:32) marc [points](/view/11:05:07) to models for you for making me [ponder](/view/10:48:30) this my bike trip in [portland](/view/11:52:02) like this for adding [positions](/view/11:51:18) as many words as [possible](/view/10:45:31) between the thing its [possible](/view/11:28:52) to add that reacted to its [possible](/view/11:33:44) to add with her [post](/view/10:46:21) on mastodon looking visualization but way more [powerful](/view/10:53:04) and customizable
to enlarge it thats [present](/view/11:28:52) already me think of the [present](/view/10:53:04) plugin and its the [previous](/view/11:11:20) solo supercollaborator opens down derivative of the [previous](/view/11:22:02) supercollaborator page making use of the [previously](/view/11:11:20) developed croquet supercollaborator been working to convert [previously](/view/11:12:21) separate window utilities we [probably](/view/11:00:01) need to use a generative [process](/view/10:48:05) how to cultivate the [process](/view/10:51:00) creative perspective more fruits of the [process](/view/10:51:00) understanding the roots content of meaning making [processes](/view/10:47:54) energizes the community reflects on what might [produce](/view/10:57:56) a jolt of plugin both consume and [produce](/view/11:49:10) markers within the know if make any [progress](/view/12:01:41) than graphviz for animated [progression](/view/11:00:01) of views paul expressjs async await and [promises](/view/10:10:26) of a shared wiki [protocol](/view/11:17:36) with json items
https www researchgate net [publication](/view/11:02:06) drawing graphs with as r h blyth [puts](/view/10:45:31) it in his
i m not [quite](/view/10:40:40) following at speed
view haiku wiki view [radical](/view/10:35:00) abstraction a [radical](/view/10:34:13) abstraction successfully unfolds mandelbrot set as a [radical](/view/10:37:14) formula which unfolds [radical](/view/10:35:25) just enough roots need to use d [rather](/view/11:00:01) than graphviz for centrality for the hubs [rather](/view/10:46:11) than just in
[reacted](/view/11:33:44) to its possible [reacted](/view/10:40:19) to yay notes the map plugin can [read](/view/11:36:21) the thing and the [reader](/view/10:45:31) an html script which [reads](/view/11:51:18) from the csv yay notes and links [ready](/view/10:40:01) for the kwic is on wikis mind [recent](/view/10:52:23) changes wards observations wiki exploration tool adding [recent](/view/10:51:47) connections as a of the observations and [records](/view/10:49:32) of the case the [recurrence](/view/10:37:14) equation of the count [references](/view/10:58:45) made in the large fedwiki page that [referred](/view/10:55:05) to the regular the space thompson is [referring](/view/10:49:39) to in my models for seeing systems [reflects](/view/11:05:07) on the solo ward [reflects](/view/10:47:21) on thompsons striking ward [reflects](/view/10:57:56) on what might marc [reflects](/view/11:33:19) on whether content that referred to the [regular](/view/10:55:05) fedwiki what can in nyc and the [related](/view/11:49:10) bike share plugin consciousness explained not [relates](/view/10:56:07) to chaos and https marc [relocalizecreativity](/view/10:43:29) net view a https marcus [relocalizecreativity](/view/10:23:39) net view markov wiki browser client to [render](/view/11:14:52) content for example forth the pages may [render](/view/11:18:50) differently because of [replying](/view/10:46:10) to haiku demand to make a weather [report](/view/11:43:22) station picker since graphs with dot technical [report](/view/11:01:01) tm at t https www [researchgate](/view/11:02:06) net publication drawing to advise on system [resilience](/view/10:46:21) to convey understanding notes that both books [resulted](/view/10:44:35) in the same
map will see it [right](/view/11:36:04) now the map
the process understanding the [roots](/view/10:51:00) and the growth radical just enough [roots](/view/10:35:25) to grow childs parents gives a [rough](/view/10:20:20) approximation of the
is implemented in this [same](/view/11:20:29) file books resulted in the [same](/view/10:44:35) number of pages garden cambridge university the [sample](/view/11:27:09) pop up image
the [science](/view/10:42:37) of collaboration as create an html [script](/view/11:51:18) which reads from github link for some [scripts](/view/11:29:32) though not all
blankets following from federation [search](/view/10:23:39) wiki view models for [seeing](/view/11:05:36) systems points to models for [seeing](/view/11:05:07) systems reflects on but they don t [seem](/view/11:46:03) to age well or [semantic](/view/11:40:05) web for another the fuzzier domain of [sense](/view/10:57:56) making and wiki exploring patterns in making [sense](/view/10:42:37) of things together suddenly connects what makes [sense](/view/10:49:32) out of the supercollaborator opens as a [separate](/view/11:11:20) tab or browser larger view in a [separate](/view/11:26:43) window for images working to convert previously [separate](/view/11:12:21) window utilities into murray hill new jersey [september](/view/11:01:01) a british [series](/view/10:49:32) a mystery series british series a mystery [series](/view/10:49:32) called death in part of the wiki [server](/view/11:14:52) and is made
notes that the bicycle [share](/view/11:49:10) map considering the even if they [share](/view/11:18:50) page content by and the related bike [share](/view/11:49:10) plugin both consume an example of a [shared](/view/11:17:36) wiki protocol with out into a focused [shared](/view/11:35:43) window but once bicycle [sharing](/view/11:37:25) station map takes continuous tuning wiki [should](/view/10:54:05) be a little and i want to [show](/view/11:52:02) my bike trip where i want to [show](/view/11:52:02) my house and
weather report station picker [since](/view/11:43:22) i have a as the source or [sink](/view/12:00:58) for lineup data [site](/view/10:55:58) survey page maybe
finding or creating [social](/view/10:50:39) context for creativity com wardcunningham wiki plugin [solo](/view/11:20:47) blob main client view in [solo](/view/11:20:29) is part of solo blob main client [solo](/view/11:20:47) js solo plugin code in [solo](/view/11:20:29) js for example [solo](/view/11:07:04) lineup browser plug is part of the [solo](/view/11:20:29) plugin code in systems reflects on the [solo](/view/11:05:07) supercollaborator and thinks the previous [solo](/view/11:11:20) supercollaborator opens as the pop up [solo](/view/11:06:09) supercollaborator page the example see window plugins [solo](/view/11:20:29) this code dopopup com wardcunningham wiki plugin [solo](/view/11:10:28) tree main as com wardcunningham wiki plugin [solo](/view/11:21:40) tree main client paul where the [solosupercollaborater](/view/10:56:39) displays to have opportunities for [solutions](/view/11:03:50) there are [some](/view/11:03:50) nagging things that a github link for [some](/view/11:29:32) scripts though not maybe [something](/view/11:35:43) like a google plugin that could do [something](/view/11:46:03) with microformats but [somewhere](/view/10:46:52) on the blue following along with the [source](/view/11:20:57) might work for a [source](/view/11:46:33) up page and stylesheet [source](/view/11:21:40) code live here ll c spn c [source](/view/11:53:22) embed mid eviuqynqelcrnywx file in the assets [source](/view/11:17:14) for example not the lineup as the [source](/view/12:00:58) or sink for ins have such a [source](/view/11:29:32) pointer lineup looks for assets [sources](/view/11:09:11)
david bohm explored the [space](/view/10:49:39) thompson is referring wiki geo div class [span](/view/11:41:20) class not quite following at [speed](/view/10:40:40) apologies create a csv [spreadsheet](/view/11:51:18) with lat long
list of lat long [station](/view/11:43:22) info bicycle sharing [station](/view/11:37:25) map make a weather report [station](/view/11:43:22) picker since i the history of graphviz [stephen](/view/11:00:48) north and graphviz eleftherios koutsofios and [stephen](/view/11:01:01) north drawing graphs page content by copying [stories](/view/11:18:50) and items back books composition with a [story](/view/10:44:35) and a garden to items in the [story](/view/11:15:18) of a page ward reflects on thompsons [striking](/view/10:47:21) originality of perspective index html is a [stripped](/view/11:22:02) down derivative of whether content might have [structure](/view/11:33:19) where you can like a google docs [style](/view/11:35:43) collaborative document as pop up page and [stylesheet](/view/11:21:40) source code live
a radical abstraction [successfully](/view/10:34:13) unfolds beauty dynamics of c and [successors](/view/10:52:23) all plug ins have [such](/view/11:29:32) a source pointer paradise where the detective [suddenly](/view/10:49:32) connects what makes as a pop up [suggest](/view/11:35:17) adding additional controls ward [suggests](/view/11:51:18) an approach like patterns finding meaningful patterns [suggests](/view/10:56:54) more approaches the previously developed croquet [supercollaborator](/view/11:11:20) reflects on the solo [supercollaborator](/view/11:05:07) and thinks about the previous solo [supercollaborator](/view/11:11:20) opens as a derivative of the previous [supercollaborator](/view/11:22:02) page the pop up solo [supercollaborator](/view/11:06:09) page the pop nobodys coded marker [support](/view/11:37:40) for other items markdown [supports](/view/11:40:15) html elements site [survey](/view/10:55:58) page maybe
the image plugin accept [svgs](/view/11:28:36) or then all
way to advise on [system](/view/10:46:21) resilience to convey view models for seeing [systems](/view/11:05:36) to models for seeing [systems](/view/11:05:07) reflects on the
of embedding applications in [tabs](/view/11:02:53) which might communicate in four volumes they [take](/view/10:45:31) away as many pagerank [takes](/view/10:54:05) continuous tuning wiki love to hear you [talk](/view/10:55:05) about the large as a way of [talking](/view/12:00:58) to the lineup
drawing graphs with dot [technical](/view/11:01:01) report tm at day pre set the [temporal](/view/10:59:12) pace parameters web for another name [term](/view/11:40:05) effort of confidence comparable to [tests](/view/10:57:56) going green in as part of the [text](/view/11:39:25) of the item
to chaos and less [than](/view/10:56:07) chaos to use d rather [than](/view/11:00:01) graphviz for animated for the hubs rather [than](/view/10:46:11) just in degree [thank](/view/10:48:30) you for making thompson notes [that](/view/10:44:35) both books resulted plug ins operating on [that](/view/11:18:50) content maybe a plugin [that](/view/11:46:03) could do something its possible to add [that](/view/11:28:52) explanation see about can we do [that](/view/11:38:07) in other places code dopopup event and [that](/view/11:20:29) is implemented in so everyone can pop [that](/view/11:35:43) item out into or is [that](/view/11:35:43) just a google [that](/view/11:46:33) might work for the graphviz plug in [that](/view/11:13:07) opens up a the large fedwiki page [that](/view/10:55:05) referred to the ward notes [that](/view/11:49:10) the bicycle share note [that](/view/11:34:48) the map plugin ward notes [that](/view/11:29:32) there might be are some nagging things [that](/view/11:03:50) we ve wanted image to enlarge it [thats](/view/11:28:52) present already plugin accept svgs or [then](/view/11:28:36) all the node the node clickbility would [then](/view/11:28:36) be lost [there](/view/11:03:50) are some nagging are [there](/view/11:33:40) enough commonalities in ward notes that [there](/view/11:29:32) might be a something with microformats but [they](/view/11:46:03) don t seem even if [they](/view/11:18:50) share page content haiku in four volumes [they](/view/10:45:31) take away as as possible between the [thing](/view/10:45:31) and the reader there are some nagging [things](/view/11:03:50) that we ve in making sense of [things](/view/10:42:37) together background on how to [think](/view/11:19:28) about plug ins this also made me [think](/view/10:53:04) of the present i [think](/view/12:02:06) you are meeting the solo supercollaborator and [thinks](/view/11:05:07) about how the for making me ponder [this](/view/10:48:30) [this](/view/10:53:04) also made me see window plugins solo [this](/view/11:20:29) code dopopup event suggests an approach like [this](/view/11:51:18) for adding positions doing an algorithm for [this](/view/10:46:11) for betweenness centrality [this](/view/11:06:42) is the library that is implemented in [this](/view/11:20:29) same file lets go deep on [this](/view/10:45:34) today together its pace of work in [this](/view/10:59:12) wiki x numbers http [thompson](/view/10:35:00) fed wiki view bohm explored the space [thompson](/view/10:49:39) is referring to [thompson](/view/10:44:35) notes that both what comes out of [thompson](/view/10:45:34) using a new [thompsons](/view/10:56:54) approach of zooming [thompsons](/view/10:55:51) approach to using ward reflects on [thompsons](/view/10:47:21) striking originality of link for some scripts [though](/view/11:29:32) not all plug
meeting at my dinner [time](/view/12:02:06)
go deep on this [today](/view/10:45:34) together its what we need to make [todays](/view/10:52:48) exploration and view [todays](/view/10:51:47) wiki exploration tool making sense of things [together](/view/10:42:37) deep on this today [together](/view/10:45:34) its what comes a new wiki exploration [tool](/view/10:45:34) parameters of the exploration [tool](/view/10:58:21) todays wiki exploration [tool](/view/10:51:47) adding recent connections todays exploration and view [tool](/view/10:52:48) easy enough to the community around the [tools](/view/10:47:54) using wiki network exploration [tools](/view/10:55:51) is patient and
be a little more [tractable](/view/10:54:05) and less adversarial wardcunningham wiki plugin solo [tree](/view/11:10:28) main as a wardcunningham wiki plugin solo [tree](/view/11:21:40) main client dialog installed within http marc [tries](/view/11:08:02) fed wiki http marc [tries](/view/11:05:36) fed wiki view [trinity](/view/11:27:09) hall masters garden to show my bike [trip](/view/11:52:02) in portland
pagerank takes continuous [tuning](/view/10:54:05) wiki should be
[understanding](/view/10:51:00) one or more fruits of the process [understanding](/view/10:51:00) the roots and system resilience to convey [understanding](/view/10:46:21) to others can wiki haiku [unfold](/view/10:43:17) a book with can wiki haiku [unfold](/view/10:43:17) a book yes a radical formula which [unfolds](/view/10:37:14) a beautiful pattern a radical abstraction successfully [unfolds](/view/10:34:13) beauty to make it more [universally](/view/11:33:40) available hall masters garden cambridge [university](/view/11:27:09) the sample pop away of what s [unnecessary](/view/10:45:31) as r h
comes out of thompson [using](/view/10:45:34) a new wiki thompsons approach to [using](/view/10:55:51) wiki network exploration
convert previously separate window [utilities](/view/11:12:21) into client plug
of adding metadata of [various](/view/11:39:51) conventions
and zooming a diagram [view](/view/11:22:50) https marc relocalizecreativity net [view](/view/10:43:29) a walled city does the map detail [view](/view/11:35:17) as a pop http thompson fed wiki [view](/view/10:35:00) haiku wiki view pop up a larger [view](/view/11:26:43) in a separate [view](/view/11:20:29) in solo is up a larger svg [view](/view/11:13:07) is an example https marcus relocalizecreativity net [view](/view/10:23:39) markov blankets view marc tries fed wiki [view](/view/11:05:36) models for seeing net view markov blankets [view](/view/10:23:39) overlapping blankets following wiki view haiku wiki [view](/view/10:35:00) radical abstraction it in a detail [view](/view/11:33:19) see it in make todays exploration and [view](/view/10:52:48) tool easy enough com maps d u [viewer](/view/11:53:22) ie utf hl of pop up detail [views](/view/11:26:43) fedwiki plugins with detail [views](/view/11:32:24) available for animated progression of [views](/view/11:00:01) paul present plugin and its [visualization](/view/10:53:04) but way more
eccentric haiku in four [volumes](/view/10:45:31) they take away
relocalizecreativity net view a [walled](/view/10:43:29) city makes me [want](/view/10:53:04) to see the a case where i [want](/view/11:52:02) to show my my house and i [want](/view/11:52:02) to show my things that we ve [wanted](/view/11:03:50) for a while [ward](/view/11:19:28) adding background on [ward](/view/11:52:02) describes a case [ward](/view/11:17:36) gives an example [ward](/view/11:49:10) notes that the [ward](/view/11:29:32) notes that there [ward](/view/10:47:21) reflects on thompsons [ward](/view/10:57:56) reflects on what [ward](/view/11:51:18) suggests an approach https github com [wardcunningham](/view/11:10:28) wiki plugin solo https github com [wardcunningham](/view/11:20:47) wiki plugin solo here https github com [wardcunningham](/view/11:21:40) wiki plugin solo wikis mind recent changes [wards](/view/10:52:23) observations of the lineup how about other [ways](/view/11:36:04) to mark a
hazel [weakly](/view/10:45:50) yes leaflet to make a [weather](/view/11:43:22) report station picker t seem to age [well](/view/11:46:03)
to the regular fedwiki [what](/view/10:55:05) can it do this today together its [what](/view/10:45:34) comes out of wikinow [what](/view/10:52:23) is on wikis the detective suddenly connects [what](/view/10:49:32) makes sense out ward reflects on [what](/view/10:57:56) might produce a a flensing away of [what](/view/10:45:31) s unnecessary as ve had bookmarked for [whats](/view/11:06:42) next for graphs a convention in wiki [where](/view/11:38:35) a keyword is [where](/view/11:36:04) can i put ward describes a case [where](/view/11:52:02) i want to called death in paradise [where](/view/10:49:32) the detective suddenly long in a page [where](/view/11:36:04) the map will paul [where](/view/10:56:39) the solosupercollaborater displays content might have structure [where](/view/11:33:19) you can see marc reflects on [whether](/view/11:33:19) content might have a while in fedwiki [which](/view/11:03:50) appear to have embedding applications in tabs [which](/view/11:02:53) might communicate with create an html script [which](/view/11:51:18) reads from the marc inquires about markers [which](/view/11:36:21) the map plugin as a radical formula [which](/view/10:37:14) unfolds a beautiful same number of pages [while](/view/10:44:35) following wiki haiku ve wanted for a [while](/view/11:03:50) in fedwiki which
http marc tries fed [wiki](/view/11:08:02) lands back in everyones [wiki](/view/11:35:43) make it attractive to [wiki](/view/10:52:48) authors en m wikipedia org [wiki](/view/10:46:11) betweenness centrality as part of the [wiki](/view/11:14:52) browser client to [wiki](/view/11:52:45) can use boundary en m wikipedia org [wiki](/view/10:50:01) evidence board thompson using a new [wiki](/view/10:45:34) exploration tool todays [wiki](/view/10:51:47) exploration tool adding https microformats org [wiki](/view/11:41:20) geo div class of pages while following [wiki](/view/10:44:35) haiku for each can [wiki](/view/10:43:17) haiku unfold a can [wiki](/view/10:43:17) haiku unfold a however different [wiki](/view/11:17:59) installations may choose the top of a [wiki](/view/11:10:28) lineup of sense making and [wiki](/view/10:57:56) network exploration thompsons approach to using [wiki](/view/10:55:51) network exploration tools https github com wardcunningham [wiki](/view/11:20:47) plugin solo blob https github com wardcunningham [wiki](/view/11:10:28) plugin solo tree https github com wardcunningham [wiki](/view/11:21:40) plugin solo tree example of a shared [wiki](/view/11:17:36) protocol with json as part of the [wiki](/view/11:14:52) server and is pagerank takes continuous tuning [wiki](/view/10:54:05) should be a http thompson fed [wiki](/view/10:35:00) view haiku wiki http marc tries fed [wiki](/view/11:05:36) view models for fed wiki view haiku [wiki](/view/10:35:00) view radical abstraction have a convention in [wiki](/view/11:38:35) where a keyword of work in this [wiki](/view/10:59:12) x numbers of a href geo u [wikimedia](/view/11:46:15) headquarters a [wikinow](/view/10:52:23) what is on https en m [wikipedia](/view/10:46:11) org wiki betweenness https en m [wikipedia](/view/10:50:01) org wiki evidence wikinow what is on [wikis](/view/10:52:23) mind recent changes [will](/view/11:43:24) drop out again page where the map [will](/view/11:36:04) see it right the pop up [window](/view/11:06:17) into a focused shared [window](/view/11:35:43) but once its view in a separate [window](/view/11:26:43) for images open a pop up [window](/view/11:10:28) over the top js for example see [window](/view/11:20:29) plugins solo this to convert previously separate [window](/view/11:12:21) utilities into client yay notes and links [with](/view/10:40:19) its possible to add [with](/view/11:33:44) for each books composition [with](/view/10:44:35) a story and haiku unfold a book [with](/view/10:43:17) collaborators yes examining fedwiki plugins [with](/view/11:32:24) detail views available net publication drawing graphs [with](/view/11:02:06) dot apparently free stephen north drawing graphs [with](/view/11:01:01) dot technical report the map plugin communicates [with](/view/11:34:48) information within the a shared wiki protocol [with](/view/11:17:36) json items create a csv spreadsheet [with](/view/11:51:18) lat long label that could do something [with](/view/11:46:03) microformats but they if a little pesky [with](/view/11:02:06) pop ups and tabs which might communicate [with](/view/11:02:53) the fedwiki line following along [with](/view/11:20:57) the source plug in is installed [within](/view/11:08:02) http marc tries caps as a directive [within](/view/11:37:56) item content like markers are drawn only [within](/view/11:53:40) the boundary consume and produce markers [within](/view/11:49:10) the lineup plugin communicates with information [within](/view/11:34:48) the page and
caps and the first [word](/view/11:38:35) on the line take away as many [words](/view/10:45:31) as possible between that might [work](/view/11:46:33) for a source is the pace of [work](/view/10:59:12) in this wiki paul had been [working](/view/11:12:21) to convert previously context for creativity is [worth](/view/10:50:39) the effort paul i [would](/view/10:55:05) love to hear all the node clickbility [would](/view/11:28:36) then be lost
from the csv and [writes](/view/11:51:18) to a map
active in the last [year](/view/10:58:45)
a native or default [zoom](/view/11:51:18) level to create an implicit [zoom](/view/11:52:45) level for the for navigating panning and [zooming](/view/11:22:50) a diagram view thompsons approach of [zooming](/view/10:56:54) in and out