Keyword Index. See Typescript 2023-07-19
so he said how [about](/view/10:47:08) doom and i we were frequently talking [about](/view/11:48:56) ostroms governance work you want to do [about](/view/11:02:49) ten questions already what are you saying [about](/view/11:47:41) the ostrom workshop previews also say something [about](/view/11:15:51) the web as thats the nice thing [about](/view/10:52:21) things like gathertown truck body way high [above](/view/11:29:00) their wheels
the [activated](/view/11:09:27) patient slide stands humans who dont [actually](/view/10:55:33) read to the
gathertown tuesday [afternoon](/view/10:24:33)
do about ten questions [already](/view/11:02:49) answered easier if the chatbot [already](/view/11:02:49) has context like [also](/view/10:55:55) calling out my technically zoom [also](/view/10:27:47) does multiple screenshares there is [also](/view/10:28:22) element chat latest marc i ll [also](/view/12:01:34) post in matrix opengraph previews [also](/view/11:15:51) say something about is the open source [alternative](/view/10:29:40) to gather town
www chalkriotart com pavementart [anamorphic](/view/11:41:58) being the keyword exam voice in the [andromeda](/view/10:52:05) strain michaelcrichton com works the [andromeda](/view/10:54:21) strain of careful examination of [angles](/view/11:36:06) and vanishing points replying to on [another](/view/10:36:57) note wha on [another](/view/10:32:15) note what is about ten questions already [answered](/view/11:02:49) if you can sell [anything](/view/10:30:42)
like shift clicking to [append](/view/10:35:20) page on end
could explore googles takeout [archive](/view/11:06:01) files from like my facebook [archive](/view/11:05:42) gb bytes twitter [archive](/view/11:05:32) links to images if you go [around](/view/10:47:54) an object you
tilt shift lens review [aspx](/view/11:40:28) a chatbot as contextual [assistant](/view/10:56:57) or taking the
a little of the [automated](/view/10:52:05) exam voice in
was like that is [awesome](/view/10:47:08) yeah its help where its [awkward](/view/11:04:43) and external sites are [awkward](/view/11:05:32)
can you [backup](/view/10:36:54) and restore the diligent in setting up [backup](/view/10:37:55) but that seems management of a software [based](/view/11:51:00) collective is what a box on your [bastion](/view/10:33:11) net
i havent [been](/view/10:37:55) diligent in setting it hadn t [been](/view/10:46:12) discovered for nine a game called doom [before](/view/10:47:08) so he said this is the instance [behind](/view/10:33:31) pixiereport com newsprint newspaper image framed [behind](/view/11:53:27) plexiglas which is chalkriotart com pavementart anamorphic [being](/view/11:41:58) the keyword the [best](/view/11:37:14) examples of perspective also element chat latest [beta](/view/10:28:22) is now out know what i know [better](/view/10:39:16) and what i a chance to get [better](/view/10:40:47) prepared marcs slide deck for [between](/view/11:07:59) slide is between for between slide is [between](/view/11:07:59) where no one can tell the difference [between](/view/10:32:20) your writing finger
reacted to my [birthday](/view/10:33:50) presen with my [birthday](/view/10:33:32) present this year
waterfall or i suppose [black](/view/11:40:41) hole gravity chalk on my [block](/view/11:29:51) https tim [blog](/view/10:44:04) john romero
will lift their truck [body](/view/11:29:00) way high above fun pictures of [boring](/view/11:29:20) things
based collective is what [brian](/view/11:51:00) is interested in on how and ostrom [brian](/view/11:47:36) marick [brian](/view/11:47:51) marick wants to [brian](/view/10:38:55) marick was interested and i told [brian](/view/11:48:56) that we were flutter googles mobile [browser](/view/10:34:21)
[buffering](/view/10:59:26) of the newer flutter [builder](/view/10:37:26) tools would help a really good [buildings](/view/11:40:35) website https s he said too [busy](/view/10:40:47) right now maybe
my facebook archive gb [bytes](/view/11:05:42)
about the web as [cacheable](/view/11:15:51) small independent pieces he sent out a [call](/view/11:48:19) for interested teams heard of a game [called](/view/10:47:08) doom before so [calling](/view/10:55:39) myself out also [calling](/view/10:55:55) out my previous the name for doom [came](/view/10:47:08) from john carmack his podcast since it [came](/view/11:49:25) from that work i suppose the [camera](/view/11:36:06) obscura led to digital picture com reviews [canon](/view/11:40:28) ts e mm mini [card](/view/10:37:00) preview presentations seem one is paid to [care](/view/11:07:59) or serve to a lot of [careful](/view/11:36:06) examination of angles john [carmack](/view/10:44:31) the pc until john [carmack](/view/10:46:12) figured out how doom came from john [carmack](/view/10:47:08) he was watching john [carmack](/view/10:44:25) tim hall john specialist here is your [case](/view/11:03:48) number in case stick inside of this [case](/view/10:47:08) on his lap your case number in [case](/view/11:03:48) you get disconnected
compressed gas cylinder is [chained](/view/11:54:03) upright of perspective are the [chalk](/view/11:37:14) art shows https crystalbridges org families [chalk](/view/11:38:08) festival suppose black hole gravity [chalk](/view/11:40:41) riot heres the [chalk](/view/11:41:58) riot portfolio for on pavement http www [chalkriotart](/view/11:41:58) com pavementart anamorphic streaming is a [challenge](/view/10:59:17) yes its a [challenge](/view/11:02:23) crafting your intake will give me a [chance](/view/10:40:47) to get better for the [chat](/view/11:47:36) context on how there is also element [chat](/view/10:28:22) latest beta is for video [chat](/view/10:29:01) you mean still than the project red [chatbot](/view/10:53:12) its easier if the [chatbot](/view/11:02:49) already has context value of having a [chatbot](/view/10:56:57) as contextual assistant work for the microsoft [chatbot](/view/10:56:35) division of context where a [chatbot](/view/11:04:27) is the right instance which is pretty [cheap](/view/10:32:53) but probably not was running on their [cheapest](/view/10:36:57) option which i [choose](/view/11:38:02) what needs to
its very [classic](/view/10:43:43) for things like shift [clicking](/view/10:35:20) to append page little more cold and [clinical](/view/10:53:12) in its instructions
cool routing by zip [code](/view/11:52:02) a little more [cold](/view/10:53:12) and clinical in teams who want to [collaborate](/view/11:50:24) with indiana universitys who are interested in [collective](/view/11:48:04) governance of a software based [collective](/view/11:51:00) is what brian tom cruise s the [color](/view/10:47:08) of money movie trimmed like a hand [coming](/view/11:29:42) out of the dev episodes governing the [commons](/view/11:50:04) part man seeks that was the [compressed](/view/11:06:26) file i hope that [compressed](/view/11:54:03) gas cylinder is originally developed for next [computers](/view/10:45:10) a higher end virtual [conference](/view/10:28:07) environment that is he wants to [connect](/view/11:46:37) us with the the wrong person is [considered](/view/11:02:48) wasted the chatbot already has [context](/view/11:02:49) like your flight specific options in the [context](/view/10:35:20) menu might do create it own custom [context](/view/10:35:20) menu to deal for the chat [context](/view/11:47:36) on how and exactly the sort of [context](/view/11:04:27) where a chatbot having a chatbot as [contextual](/view/10:56:57) assistant or taking thats pretty [cool](/view/11:52:02) routing by zip so [cooperative](/view/11:51:00) management of a https vimeo com share [copy](/view/10:36:10) how much does it [cost](/view/10:32:15) a month i wonder if they [could](/view/11:02:09) ask the questions be fun if wiki [could](/view/11:06:01) explore googles takeout and i [could](/view/10:56:57) see the win now maybe in a [couple](/view/10:40:47) weeks i said
yes its a challenge [crafting](/view/11:02:23) your intake tree would maybe need to [create](/view/10:35:20) it own custom https css tricks com [creating](/view/11:17:50) a d cube walk up to tom [cruise](/view/10:47:08) he s got in there and tom [cruise](/view/10:47:08) looks down at he was watching tom [cruise](/view/10:47:08) s the color https [crystalbridges](/view/11:38:08) org families chalk https images [crystalbridges](/view/11:38:53) org uploads lizafishbone
com creating a d [cube](/view/11:17:50) image gallery an interesting [curiosity](/view/11:17:50) https css tricks to create it own [custom](/view/10:35:20) context menu to
hope that compressed gas [cylinder](/view/11:54:03) is chained upright
[dart](/view/10:33:53) flutter [dart](/view/10:34:04) underlying language google com maps m [data](/view/11:32:52) m e entry a y h t [data](/view/11:34:23) m e m
used to be a [dead](/view/11:29:42) tree trimmed like custom context menu to [deal](/view/10:35:20) with things like looking at marcs slide [deck](/view/11:07:59) for between slide its not on by [default](/view/10:27:47) for the room you to the flight [delay](/view/11:03:48) resolution specialist here your flight was [delayed](/view/11:03:48) i m sending like your flight was [delayed](/view/11:02:49) what do you originally [developed](/view/10:45:10) for next computers https [developer](/view/10:25:33) mozilla org en with [development](/view/11:47:55) teams
were surprised that he [didnt](/view/11:51:12) have quick uptake port of doom https [diekmann](/view/10:47:39) github io wasm phone can tell the [difference](/view/10:32:20) between your writing within the last [digit](/view/11:52:15) is within radio [digital](/view/10:35:44) ocean mo right for a while on [digital](/view/10:36:57) ocean which was like https www the [digital](/view/11:40:28) picture com reviews s i have a [digitalocean](/view/10:32:53) instance which is i havent been [diligent](/view/10:37:55) in setting up in case you get [disconnected](/view/11:03:48) it hadn t been [discovered](/view/10:46:12) for nine years thats a nice [discovery](/view/11:10:54) from the highlighting for the microsoft chatbot [division](/view/10:56:35)
mozilla org en us [docs](/view/10:25:33) mozilla add ons my previous [doctor](/view/11:00:27) at swedish was fedwiki and how much [does](/view/10:32:15) it cost a how [does](/view/11:46:26) it work and technically zoom also [does](/view/10:27:47) multiple screenshares too http photos ward [dojo](/view/11:07:58) fed wiki photo http photos ward [dojo](/view/11:32:05) fed wiki view early version to public [domain](/view/10:31:12) but then went humans who [dont](/view/10:55:33) actually read to our keyboard shortcuts that [dont](/view/10:35:20) have an equivalent john romero wrote original [doom](/view/10:44:25) github io wasm fizzbuzz [doom](/view/10:47:39) he said how about [doom](/view/10:47:08) and i was of a game called [doom](/view/10:47:08) before so he yeah the name for [doom](/view/10:47:08) came from john interesting joke on the [doom](/view/10:45:19) engine en wikipedia org wiki [doom](/view/10:46:34) engine en wikipedia org wiki [doom](/view/10:44:31) franchise and goes it s [doom](/view/10:47:08) he was like wasm port of [doom](/view/10:47:39) https diekmann github the [doom](/view/10:43:36) rendering engine to narrow the problem [down](/view/11:02:09) and tom cruise looks [down](/view/10:47:08) at it and
maybe getting [drag](/view/10:36:40) and drop this maybe getting drag and [drop](/view/10:36:40) this year
seattle [duck](/view/11:32:52) pond near robert ranked by [duck](/view/11:31:35) quotient
duck pond near robert [eagle](/view/11:32:52) staff school https and they released an [early](/view/10:31:12) version to public its [easier](/view/11:02:49) if the chatbot and make the override [easy](/view/11:04:39) assistant or taking the [easy](/view/10:56:57) questions
https www [edwardtufte](/view/10:38:49) com tufte powerpoint
there is also [element](/view/10:28:22) chat latest beta
screenshares too but needs [enabled](/view/10:27:47) by the host the doom rendering [engine](/view/10:43:36) joke on the doom [engine](/view/10:45:19) wikipedia org wiki doom [engine](/view/10:46:34) co uk news uk [england](/view/11:42:38) essex that i should learn [enough](/view/10:39:16) to know what m data m e [entry](/view/11:32:52) ttu ostkjyfuxngq e i i [entry](/view/11:34:23) ttu higher end virtual conference [environment](/view/10:28:07) that is pretty
his podcast [episode](/view/11:50:04) https podcast oddly podcast oddly influenced dev [episodes](/view/11:50:04) governing the commons
that dont have an [equivalent](/view/10:35:20) input mechanism on
https isabellacuevaspierson com video [essay](/view/11:43:36) uk news uk england [essex](/view/11:42:38)
i may have removed [everything](/view/10:44:12) but the titles
yep thats [exactly](/view/11:04:27) the sort of little of the automated [exam](/view/10:52:05) voice in the a lot of careful [examination](/view/11:36:06) of angles and mozilla add ons webextensions [examples](/view/10:25:33) the best [examples](/view/11:37:14) of perspective are fun if wiki could [explore](/view/11:06:01) googles takeout archive unforgiving [external](/view/11:52:33) lighting links to images and [external](/view/11:05:32) sites are awkward
my [facebook](/view/11:05:42) archive gb bytes [fallback](/view/11:15:10) sourcing for images https crystalbridges org [families](/view/11:38:08) chalk festival https www bu edu [fammed](/view/10:50:20) projectred swedish was an old [fashioned](/view/11:00:27) one who took
[featuring](/view/11:34:23) a weeping willow an updated walkthrough of [federated](/view/10:38:55) wiki smallest server to run [fedwiki](/view/10:32:15) and how much i just opened up [fedwiki](/view/11:13:19) in the mozilla i [feel](/view/10:35:20) like wiki on crystalbridges org families chalk [festival](/view/11:38:08)
than these other high [fidelity](/view/10:52:21) vr headset metaverse i had to [fight](/view/11:38:42) the twitter preview pc until john carmack [figured](/view/10:46:12) out how to that was the compressed [file](/view/11:06:26) explore googles takeout archive [files](/view/11:06:01) from like google i intend to provide [financing](/view/11:50:24) me how image plugin [finds](/view/11:15:25) images html difference between your writing [finger](/view/10:32:20) and your scanning finger and your scanning [finger](/view/10:32:20) you re in fedwiki in the mozilla [firefox](/view/11:13:19) reader view and diekmann github io wasm [fizzbuzz](/view/10:47:39) doom
vertical image with transparent [flanks](/view/11:39:07) to make it sending you to the [flight](/view/11:03:48) delay resolution specialist your [flight](/view/11:03:48) was delayed i has context like your [flight](/view/11:02:49) was delayed what dart [flutter](/view/10:33:53) any of the newer [flutter](/view/10:37:26) builder tools would https github com [flutter](/view/10:36:17) flutter wiki roadmap [flutter](/view/10:34:21) googles mobile browser https github com flutter [flutter](/view/10:36:17) wiki roadmap tools would help https [flutterflow](/view/10:37:26) io
in tucson some [folks](/view/11:29:00) will lift their thank you i may [fork](/view/11:16:36) that page to to make it landscape [format](/view/11:39:07)
a newsprint newspaper image [framed](/view/11:53:27) behind plexiglas which wikipedia org wiki doom [franchise](/view/10:44:31) brian that we were [frequently](/view/11:48:56) talking about ostroms name for doom came [from](/view/10:47:08) john carmack he googles takeout archive files [from](/view/11:06:01) like google etc podcast since it came [from](/view/11:49:25) that work thats a nice discovery [from](/view/11:10:54) the highlighting of the highlighting of photos [from](/view/11:10:54) the same page you only see the [front](/view/10:47:54)
wavelength of light the [further](/view/11:59:55) you see into
a d cube image [gallery](/view/11:17:50) t heard of a [game](/view/10:47:08) called doom before https app [gather](/view/10:25:12) town app xpemtcx open source alternative to [gather](/view/10:29:40) town if you i think [gather](/view/10:31:12) town started out thing about things like [gathertown](/view/10:52:21) rather than these [gathertown](/view/10:24:33) tuesday afternoon
marick was interested in [getting](/view/10:38:55) an updated walkthrough maybe [getting](/view/10:36:40) drag and drop
https [github](/view/10:36:17) com flutter flutter of doom https diekmann [github](/view/10:47:39) io wasm fizzbuzz said okay that will [give](/view/10:40:47) me a chance they have robots that [give](/view/10:56:17) you two options
http [goals](/view/11:15:25) pod rodwell me at the guy and [goes](/view/10:47:08) it s doom and it looks pretty [good](/view/11:13:19) a really [good](/view/11:40:35) buildings website https finger you re in [good](/view/10:32:20) shape environment that is pretty [good](/view/10:28:07) with media stream weeping willow https www [google](/view/11:34:23) com maps a staff school https www [google](/view/11:32:52) com maps m archive files from like [google](/view/11:06:01) etc flutter [googles](/view/10:34:21) mobile browser if wiki could explore [googles](/view/11:06:01) takeout archive files [gotta](/view/12:00:16) run are interested in collective [governance](/view/11:48:04) frequently talking about ostroms [governance](/view/11:48:56) work oddly influenced dev episodes [governing](/view/11:50:04) the commons part
i suppose black hole [gravity](/view/11:40:41) chalk riot that s a really [great](/view/10:47:08) name we hadn coming out of the [ground](/view/11:29:42)
server runs it i [guess](/view/10:29:01)
it [hadn](/view/10:46:12) t been discovered really great name we [hadn](/view/10:47:08) t heard of john carmack tim [hall](/view/10:44:25) john romero wrote tree trimmed like a [hand](/view/11:29:42) coming out of behind plexiglas which is [hard](/view/11:53:27) to photograph robert s i [have](/view/10:32:53) a digitalocean instance keyboard shortcuts that dont [have](/view/10:35:20) an equivalent input surprised that he didnt [have](/view/11:51:12) quick uptake are more i may [have](/view/10:44:12) removed everything but or they [have](/view/10:56:17) robots that give i [havent](/view/10:37:55) been diligent in chat you mean still [havent](/view/10:29:01) used it much win win value of [having](/view/10:56:57) a chatbot as
other high fidelity vr [headset](/view/10:52:21) metaverse options name we hadn t [heard](/view/10:47:08) of a game flutter builder tools would [help](/view/10:37:26) https flutterflow io its [help](/view/11:04:43) where its awkward flight delay resolution specialist [here](/view/11:03:48) is your case [heres](/view/11:41:58) the chalk riot
their truck body way [high](/view/11:29:00) above their wheels rather than these other [high](/view/10:52:21) fidelity vr headset spot virtual is a [higher](/view/10:28:07) end virtual conference nice discovery from the [highlighting](/view/11:10:54) of photos from
john [hmmm](/view/10:43:47)
or i suppose black [hole](/view/11:40:41) gravity chalk riot used it much the [home](/view/10:29:01) server runs it i [hope](/view/11:54:03) that compressed gas support scenarios is the [hope](/view/11:04:01) to make the get pixel smooth scrolling [horizontally](/view/10:46:12) on a pc you like to self [host](/view/10:29:40) needs enabled by the [host](/view/10:27:47) if its not
fed wiki photo rotator [html](/view/11:07:58) image plugin finds images [html](/view/11:15:25) [http](/view/11:15:25) goals pod rodwell [http](/view/11:07:58) photos ward dojo [http](/view/11:32:05) photos ward dojo [http](/view/11:53:52) studio viki wiki for perspective on pavement [http](/view/11:41:58) www chalkriotart com [https](/view/10:25:12) app gather town [https](/view/11:38:08) crystalbridges org families an interesting curiosity [https](/view/11:17:50) css tricks com [https](/view/10:25:33) developer mozilla org wasm port of doom [https](/view/10:47:39) diekmann github io [https](/view/10:44:31) en wikipedia org [https](/view/10:46:34) en wikipedia org builder tools would help [https](/view/10:37:26) flutterflow io [https](/view/10:36:17) github com flutter [https](/view/11:38:53) images crystalbridges org [https](/view/11:43:36) isabellacuevaspierson com video [https](/view/11:49:59) marc relocalizecreativity net his podcast episode [https](/view/11:50:04) podcast oddly influenced [https](/view/10:45:32) psdoom sourceforge net really good buildings website [https](/view/11:40:35) s nyc map [https](/view/12:01:26) social oddly influenced [https](/view/10:44:04) tim blog john metaphorum re presentation video [https](/view/10:36:10) vimeo com share [https](/view/10:29:40) workadventu re [https](/view/11:42:38) www bbc co [https](/view/10:50:20) www bu edu [https](/view/10:38:49) www edwardtufte com robert eagle staff school [https](/view/11:32:52) www google com featuring a weeping willow [https](/view/11:34:23) www google com [https](/view/10:54:21) www michaelcrichton com [https](/view/10:29:23) www spotvirtual com shift lens something like [https](/view/11:40:28) www the digital
[humans](/view/10:55:33) who dont actually
seem to be an [idiom](/view/10:37:00) looking for ways
of a newsprint newspaper [image](/view/11:53:27) framed behind plexiglas creating a d cube [image](/view/11:17:50) gallery thats a lot of [image](/view/11:06:47) patchworks pod rodwell me how [image](/view/11:15:25) plugin finds images padding a vertical [image](/view/11:39:07) with transparent flanks twitter archive links to [images](/view/11:05:32) and external sites https [images](/view/11:38:53) crystalbridges org uploads how image plugin finds [images](/view/11:15:25) html fallback sourcing for [images](/view/11:15:10) is resilient and [implementation](/view/10:34:26) stack mobile app [implementation](/view/10:34:38) stack
web as cacheable small [independent](/view/11:15:51) pieces want to collaborate with [indiana](/view/11:50:24) universitys ostrom workshop episode https podcast oddly [influenced](/view/11:50:04) dev episodes governing https social oddly [influenced](/view/12:01:26) dev marick dont have an equivalent [input](/view/10:35:20) mechanism on mobile got his cue stick [inside](/view/10:47:08) of this case this is the [instance](/view/10:33:31) behind pixiereport com i have a digitalocean [instance](/view/10:32:53) which is pretty and clinical in its [instructions](/view/10:53:12) than the project a challenge crafting your [intake](/view/11:02:23) tree hope to make the [intake](/view/11:04:01) tree short ostrom workshop and i [intend](/view/11:50:24) to provide financing is what brian is [interested](/view/11:51:00) in who are [interested](/view/11:48:04) in collective governance brian marick was [interested](/view/10:38:55) in getting an out a call for [interested](/view/11:48:19) teams who would images is resilient and [interesting](/view/11:15:10) an [interesting](/view/11:17:50) curiosity https css procdoom is an [interesting](/view/10:45:19) joke on the the d [interface](/view/10:52:21) requires much less the further you see [into](/view/11:59:55) an objects surface he was pushed out [into](/view/11:00:38) semi retirement nine years since the [introduction](/view/10:46:12) of the pc
https [isabellacuevaspierson](/view/11:43:36) com video essay
[jeff](/view/11:47:41) what are you
[john](/view/10:44:31) carmack of the pc until [john](/view/10:46:12) carmack figured out for doom came from [john](/view/10:47:08) carmack he was [john](/view/10:44:25) carmack tim hall [john](/view/10:43:47) hmmm https tim blog [john](/view/10:44:04) romero john carmack tim hall [john](/view/10:44:25) romero wrote original [john](/view/10:47:08) romero yeah the procdoom is an interesting [joke](/view/10:45:19) on the doom
dojo fed wiki view [july](/view/11:32:05) th photos i [just](/view/11:13:19) opened up fedwiki
with things like our [keyboard](/view/10:35:20) shortcuts that dont pavementart anamorphic being the [keyword](/view/11:41:58)
to know what i [know](/view/10:39:16) better and what better and what i [know](/view/10:39:16) less well should learn enough to [know](/view/10:39:16) what i know
flanks to make it [landscape](/view/11:39:07) format dart underlying [language](/view/10:34:04) so the natural [language](/view/11:04:01) recognition mechanism and within the [last](/view/11:52:15) digit is within is also element chat [latest](/view/10:28:22) beta is now [laughing](/view/11:28:00) at the big
thinking that i should [learn](/view/10:39:16) enough to know virtual [lego](/view/10:26:31) open spaces mm f tilt shift [lens](/view/11:40:28) review aspx a tilt and shift [lens](/view/11:40:28) something like https d interface requires much [less](/view/10:52:21) resources and so and what i know [less](/view/10:39:16) well
tucson some folks will [lift](/view/11:29:00) their truck body longer the wavelength of [light](/view/11:59:55) the further you unforgiving external [lighting](/view/11:52:33) a dead tree trimmed [like](/view/11:29:42) a hand coming which i think was [like](/view/10:36:57) a month pc and it looked [like](/view/10:46:12) a nintendo seeing [like](/view/11:56:07) a screen nice thing about things [like](/view/10:52:21) gathertown rather than takeout archive files from [like](/view/11:06:01) google etc and shift lens something [like](/view/11:40:28) https www the to deal with things [like](/view/10:35:20) our keyboard shortcuts the trick for things [like](/view/10:35:20) shift clicking to doom and i was [like](/view/10:47:08) that is awesome the tree looked [like](/view/11:30:31) this interested teams who would [like](/view/11:48:19) to do this gather town if you [like](/view/10:29:40) to self host and the guy s [like](/view/10:47:08) what s in i feel [like](/view/10:35:20) wiki on mobile s doom he was [like](/view/10:47:08) wow that s chatbot already has context [like](/view/11:02:49) your flight was page on end of [lineup](/view/10:35:20) rather than replace is there a [link](/view/10:24:39) for that twitter archive [links](/view/11:05:32) to images and a [little](/view/10:53:12) more cold and that reminds me a [little](/view/10:52:05) of the automated all the [live](/view/11:02:48) time to the images crystalbridges org uploads [lizafishbone](/view/11:38:53) jpg fit c
so a [long](/view/10:35:20) press with some the [longer](/view/11:59:55) the wavelength of a pc and it [looked](/view/10:46:12) like a nintendo the tree [looked](/view/11:30:31) like this [looking](/view/11:49:25) at his mastodon [looking](/view/11:07:59) at marcs slide i m [looking](/view/11:50:24) for teams who to be an idiom [looking](/view/10:37:00) for ways to order to get pixiereport [looking](/view/11:38:42) reasonable there and tom cruise [looks](/view/10:47:08) down at it reader view and it [looks](/view/11:13:19) pretty good down at it and [looks](/view/10:47:08) up at the but probably not the [lowest](/view/10:32:53) per month
with transparent flanks to [make](/view/11:39:07) it landscape format is the hope to [make](/view/11:04:01) the intake tree and [make](/view/11:04:39) the override easy so cooperative [management](/view/11:51:00) of a software https www google com [maps](/view/11:34:23) a y h https www google com [maps](/view/11:32:52) m data m [marc](/view/12:01:34) i ll also https [marc](/view/11:49:59) relocalizecreativity net view looking at [marcs](/view/11:07:59) slide deck for how and ostrom brian [marick](/view/11:47:36) social oddly influenced dev [marick](/view/12:01:26) brian [marick](/view/11:47:51) wants to work brian [marick](/view/10:38:55) was interested in for [mastodon](/view/11:38:07) looking at his [mastodon](/view/11:49:25) posts on his language recognition mechanism and [matching](/view/11:04:01) to support scenarios teams any age object [matchmaking](/view/11:50:04) ll also post in [matrix](/view/12:01:34) [maybe](/view/10:36:40) getting drag and too busy right now [maybe](/view/10:40:47) in a couple wiki on mobile would [maybe](/view/10:35:20) need to create
for video chat you [mean](/view/10:29:01) still havent used the natural language recognition [mechanism](/view/11:04:01) and matching to fight the twitter preview [mechanism](/view/11:38:42) in order to have an equivalent input [mechanism](/view/10:35:20) on mobile is pretty good with [media](/view/10:28:07) stream sharing can use it to [meet](/view/10:52:21) using mobile phones options in the context [menu](/view/10:35:20) might do the it own custom context [menu](/view/10:35:20) to deal with too real is too [messy](/view/10:49:34) [metaphorum](/view/10:36:10) re presentation video high fidelity vr headset [metaverse](/view/10:52:21) options
https www [michaelcrichton](/view/10:54:21) com works the to work for the [microsoft](/view/10:56:35) chatbot division in the context menu [might](/view/10:35:20) do the trick [mini](/view/10:37:00) card preview presentations i [misremembered](/view/10:44:12) some slides are
equivalent input mechanism on [mobile](/view/10:35:20) [mobile](/view/10:34:38) app implementation stack flutter googles [mobile](/view/10:34:21) browser it to meet using [mobile](/view/10:52:21) phones too feel like wiki on [mobile](/view/10:35:20) would maybe need s the color of [money](/view/10:47:08) movie and when does it cost a [month](/view/10:32:15) not the lowest per [month](/view/10:32:53) s or s a [month](/view/10:33:14) think was like a [month](/view/10:36:57) should do that some [month](/view/10:37:55) now a little [more](/view/10:53:12) cold and clinical one word others are [more](/view/10:44:12) i may have domain but then went [more](/view/10:31:12) private the one who is [most](/view/10:44:36) quoted the color of money [movie](/view/10:47:08) and when he org en us docs [mozilla](/view/10:25:33) add ons webextensions up fedwiki in the [mozilla](/view/11:13:19) firefox reader view https developer [mozilla](/view/10:25:33) org en us
run fedwiki and how [much](/view/10:32:15) does it cost the d interface requires [much](/view/10:52:21) less resources and still havent used it [much](/view/10:29:01) the home server laughing at the big [muffler](/view/11:28:00) technically zoom also does [multiple](/view/10:27:47) screenshares too but
calling [myself](/view/10:55:39) out
john romero yeah the [name](/view/10:47:08) for doom came s a really great [name](/view/10:47:08) we hadn t ask the questions to [narrow](/view/11:02:09) the problem down so the [natural](/view/11:04:01) language recognition mechanism
seattle duck pond [near](/view/11:32:52) robert eagle staff two options and you [need](/view/10:56:17) the third one on mobile would maybe [need](/view/10:35:20) to create it multiple screenshares too but [needs](/view/10:27:47) enabled by the choose what [needs](/view/11:38:02) to show up sure any of the [newer](/view/10:37:26) flutter builder tools www bbc co uk [news](/view/11:42:38) uk england essex picture of a newsprint [newspaper](/view/11:53:27) image framed behind vikis picture of a [newsprint](/view/11:53:27) newspaper image framed originally developed for [next](/view/10:45:10) computers
thats a [nice](/view/11:10:54) discovery from the thats the [nice](/view/10:52:21) thing about things t been discovered for [nine](/view/10:46:12) years since the it looked like a [nintendo](/view/10:46:12)
replying to on another [note](/view/10:36:57) wha on another [note](/view/10:32:15) what is the
here is your case [number](/view/11:03:48) in case you not quite truck [nutz](/view/11:28:07)
s nyc map photo [nynyma](/view/11:40:35) rec
software teams any age [object](/view/11:50:04) matchmaking you go around an [object](/view/10:47:54) you only see you see into an [objects](/view/11:59:55) surface i suppose the camera [obscura](/view/11:36:06) led to a
digital [ocean](/view/10:35:44) mo right now a while on digital [ocean](/view/10:36:57) which was running
podcast episode https podcast [oddly](/view/11:50:04) influenced dev episodes https social [oddly](/view/12:01:26) influenced dev marick
couple weeks i said [okay](/view/10:40:47) that will give
around an object you [only](/view/10:47:54) see the front
this is the [open](/view/10:29:40) source alternative to started out sort of [open](/view/10:31:12) source and they virtual lego [open](/view/10:26:31) spaces i just [opened](/view/11:13:19) up fedwiki in [opengraph](/view/11:15:51) previews also say running on their cheapest [option](/view/10:36:57) which i think fidelity vr headset metaverse [options](/view/10:52:21) that give you two [options](/view/10:56:17) and you need with some wiki specific [options](/view/10:35:20) in the context
twitter preview mechanism in [order](/view/11:38:42) to get pixiereport hall john romero wrote [original](/view/10:44:25) doom [originally](/view/10:45:10) developed for next
si v w wso [ostkjyfuxngq](/view/11:34:23) e i i net view search for [ostrom](/view/11:49:59) context on how and [ostrom](/view/11:47:36) brian marick connect us with the [ostrom](/view/11:46:37) workshop you saying about the [ostrom](/view/11:47:41) workshop collaborate with indiana universitys [ostrom](/view/11:50:24) workshop and i were frequently talking about [ostroms](/view/11:48:56) governance work
gathertown rather than these [other](/view/10:52:21) high fidelity vr slides are one word [others](/view/10:44:12) are more i
and make the [override](/view/11:04:39) easy
[packet](/view/11:47:02) radio routing [padding](/view/11:39:07) a vertical image the end of the [page](/view/10:55:33) photos from the same [page](/view/11:10:54) shift clicking to append [page](/view/10:35:20) on end of i may fork that [page](/view/11:16:36) to add to rather than replace the [pages](/view/10:35:20) to the right where no one is [paid](/view/11:07:59) to care or on [painting](/view/11:43:45) episodes governing the commons [part](/view/11:50:04) man seeks software a lot of image [patchworks](/view/11:06:47) the activated [patient](/view/11:09:27) slide stands out [paul](/view/11:16:36) thank you i portfolio for perspective on [pavement](/view/11:41:58) http www chalkriotart http www chalkriotart com [pavementart](/view/11:41:58) anamorphic being the
thats sort of [perfect](/view/11:03:05) time to the wrong [person](/view/11:02:48) is considered wasted the best examples of [perspective](/view/11:37:14) are the chalk chalk riot portfolio for [perspective](/view/11:41:58) on pavement http
when the [phone](/view/10:32:20) can tell the to meet using mobile [phones](/view/10:52:21) too https s nyc map [photo](/view/11:40:35) nynyma rec ward dojo fed wiki [photo](/view/11:07:58) rotator html which is hard to [photograph](/view/11:53:27) wiki view july th [photos](/view/11:32:05) from the highlighting of [photos](/view/11:10:54) from the same http [photos](/view/11:07:58) ward dojo fed http [photos](/view/11:32:05) ward dojo fed
https www the digital [picture](/view/11:40:28) com reviews canon vikis [picture](/view/11:53:27) of a newsprint fun [pictures](/view/11:29:20) of boring things as cacheable small independent [pieces](/view/11:15:51) out how to get [pixel](/view/10:46:12) smooth scrolling horizontally is the instance behind [pixiereport](/view/10:33:31) com in order to get [pixiereport](/view/11:38:42) looking reasonable
newspaper image framed behind [plexiglas](/view/11:53:27) which is hard rodwell me how image [plugin](/view/11:15:25) finds images html
his [podcast](/view/11:50:04) episode https podcast his podcast episode https [podcast](/view/11:50:04) oddly influenced dev mastodon posts on his [podcast](/view/11:49:25) since it came of angles and vanishing [points](/view/11:36:06) seattle duck [pond](/view/11:32:52) near robert eagle wasm [port](/view/10:47:39) of doom https heres the chalk riot [portfolio](/view/11:41:58) for perspective on marc i ll also [post](/view/12:01:34) in matrix looking at his mastodon [posts](/view/11:49:25) on his podcast www edwardtufte com tufte [powerpoint](/view/10:38:49)
to my wiki walkthrough [preparation](/view/11:16:36) chance to get better [prepared](/view/10:40:47) reacted to my birthday [presen](/view/10:33:50) with my birthday [present](/view/10:33:32) this year is metaphorum re [presentation](/view/10:36:10) video https vimeo mini card preview [presentations](/view/10:37:00) seem to be so a long [press](/view/10:35:20) with some wiki digitalocean instance which is [pretty](/view/10:32:53) cheap but probably thats [pretty](/view/11:52:02) cool routing by view and it looks [pretty](/view/11:13:19) good conference environment that is [pretty](/view/10:28:07) good with media show up in the [preview](/view/11:38:02) to fight the twitter [preview](/view/11:38:42) mechanism in order mini card [preview](/view/10:37:00) presentations seem to opengraph [previews](/view/11:15:51) also say something my [previous](/view/11:00:27) doctor at swedish also calling out my [previous](/view/10:55:55) m d but then went more [private](/view/10:31:12) is pretty cheap but [probably](/view/10:32:53) not the lowest questions to narrow the [problem](/view/11:02:09) down [procdoom](/view/10:45:19) is an interesting its instructions than the [project](/view/10:53:12) red chatbot www bu edu fammed [projectred](/view/10:50:20) and i intend to [provide](/view/11:50:24) financing
https [psdoom](/view/10:45:32) sourceforge net
an early version to [public](/view/10:31:12) domain but then i think he was [pushed](/view/11:00:38) out into semi
or taking the easy [questions](/view/10:56:57) to do about ten [questions](/view/11:02:49) already answered they could ask the [questions](/view/11:02:09) to narrow the that he didnt have [quick](/view/11:51:12) uptake not [quite](/view/11:28:07) truck nutz one who is most [quoted](/view/10:44:36) ranked by duck [quotient](/view/11:31:35)
last digit is within [radio](/view/11:52:15) range packet [radio](/view/11:47:02) routing digit is within radio [range](/view/11:52:15) [ranked](/view/11:31:35) by duck quotient on end of lineup [rather](/view/10:35:20) than replace the about things like gathertown [rather](/view/10:52:21) than these other
[reacted](/view/10:37:14) to i think [reacted](/view/10:33:50) to my birthday [reacted](/view/11:41:09) to robert s humans who dont actually [read](/view/10:55:33) to the end in the mozilla firefox [reader](/view/11:13:19) view and it valley of rendering too [real](/view/10:49:34) is too messy a [really](/view/11:40:35) good buildings website wow that s a [really](/view/10:47:08) great name we to get pixiereport looking [reasonable](/view/11:38:42) so the natural language [recognition](/view/11:04:01) mechanism and matching open source and they [released](/view/10:31:12) an early version https marc [relocalizecreativity](/view/11:49:59) net view search that [reminds](/view/10:52:05) me a little more i may have [removed](/view/10:44:12) everything but the the doom [rendering](/view/10:43:36) engine the uncanny valley of [rendering](/view/10:49:34) too real is of lineup rather than [replace](/view/10:35:20) the pages to [replying](/view/10:36:57) to on another the d interface [requires](/view/10:52:21) much less resources sourcing for images is [resilient](/view/11:15:10) and interesting to the flight delay [resolution](/view/11:03:48) specialist here is interface requires much less [resources](/view/10:52:21) and so you can you backup and [restore](/view/10:36:54) the stack pushed out into semi [retirement](/view/11:00:38) f tilt shift lens [review](/view/11:40:28) aspx the digital picture com [reviews](/view/11:40:28) canon ts e
the pages to the [right](/view/10:35:20) [right](/view/10:56:24) digital ocean mo [right](/view/10:35:44) now for me he said too busy [right](/view/10:40:47) now maybe in a chatbot is the [right](/view/11:04:27) tool black hole gravity chalk [riot](/view/11:40:41) heres the chalk [riot](/view/11:41:58) portfolio for perspective
com flutter flutter wiki [roadmap](/view/10:36:17) seattle duck pond near [robert](/view/11:32:52) eagle staff school [robert](/view/10:32:53) s i have [robert](/view/11:40:41) s waterfall or reacted to [robert](/view/11:41:09) s waterfall with or they have [robots](/view/10:56:17) that give you http goals pod [rodwell](/view/11:15:25) me how image https tim blog john [romero](/view/10:44:04) carmack tim hall john [romero](/view/10:44:25) wrote original doom john [romero](/view/10:47:08) yeah the name by default for the [room](/view/10:27:47) dojo fed wiki photo [rotator](/view/11:07:58) html packet radio [routing](/view/11:47:02) thats pretty cool [routing](/view/11:52:02) by zip code
digital ocean which was [running](/view/10:36:57) on their cheapest much the home server [runs](/view/10:29:01) it i guess gather town app xpemtcx [ruyg](/view/10:25:12) imv workplayce spawntoken
doom before so he [said](/view/10:47:08) how about doom a couple weeks i [said](/view/10:40:47) okay that will he [said](/view/10:40:47) too busy right of photos from the [same](/view/11:10:54) page jeff what are you [saying](/view/11:47:41) about the ostrom
writing finger and your [scanning](/view/10:32:20) finger you re and matching to support [scenarios](/view/11:04:01) is the hope near robert eagle staff [school](/view/11:32:52) https www google seeing like a [screen](/view/11:56:07) zoom also does multiple [screenshares](/view/10:27:47) too but needs to get pixel smooth [scrolling](/view/10:46:12) horizontally on a
marc relocalizecreativity net view [search](/view/11:49:59) for ostrom [seattle](/view/11:32:52) duck pond near [seeing](/view/11:56:07) like a screen the commons part man [seeks](/view/11:50:04) software teams any mini card preview presentations [seem](/view/10:37:00) to be an up backup but that [seems](/view/10:37:55) to be i if you like to [self](/view/10:29:40) host if you can [sell](/view/10:30:42) anything was pushed out into [semi](/view/11:00:38) retirement was delayed i m [sending](/view/11:03:48) you to the and so he [sent](/view/11:48:19) out a call paid to care or [serve](/view/11:07:59) it much the home [server](/view/10:29:01) runs it i what is the smallest [server](/view/10:32:15) to run fedwiki havent been diligent in [setting](/view/10:37:55) up backup but
you re in good [shape](/view/10:32:20) video https vimeo com [share](/view/10:36:10) copy good with media stream [sharing](/view/10:28:07) trick for things like [shift](/view/10:35:20) clicking to append e mm f tilt [shift](/view/11:40:28) lens review aspx use a tilt and [shift](/view/11:40:28) lens something like make the intake tree [short](/view/11:04:01) things like our keyboard [shortcuts](/view/10:35:20) that dont have seems to be i [should](/view/10:37:55) do that some was thinking that i [should](/view/10:39:16) learn enough to can you [show](/view/11:48:41) that to me choose what needs to [show](/view/11:38:02) up in the are the chalk art [shows](/view/11:37:14)
[sign](/view/11:42:18) your work posts on his podcast [since](/view/11:49:25) it came from discovered for nine years [since](/view/10:46:12) the introduction of to images and external [sites](/view/11:05:32) are awkward
looking at marcs [slide](/view/11:07:59) deck for between slide deck for between [slide](/view/11:07:59) is between where the activated patient [slide](/view/11:09:27) stands out i misremembered some [slides](/view/10:44:12) are one word
the web as cacheable [small](/view/11:15:51) independent pieces note what is the [smallest](/view/10:32:15) server to run how to get pixel [smooth](/view/10:46:12) scrolling horizontally on
ruyg imv workplayce spawntoken [sobeqyoykrodhivp](/view/10:25:12) https [social](/view/12:01:26) oddly influenced dev cooperative management of a [software](/view/11:51:00) based collective is commons part man seeks [software](/view/11:50:04) teams any age in tucson [some](/view/11:29:00) folks will lift i should do that [some](/view/10:37:55) month now i misremembered [some](/view/10:44:12) slides are one a long press with [some](/view/10:35:20) wiki specific options opengraph previews also say [something](/view/11:15:51) about the web tilt and shift lens [something](/view/11:40:28) like https www yep thats exactly the [sort](/view/11:04:27) of context where gather town started out [sort](/view/10:31:12) of open source thats [sort](/view/11:03:05) of perfect this is the open [source](/view/10:29:40) alternative to gather out sort of open [source](/view/10:31:12) and they released https psdoom [sourceforge](/view/10:45:32) net fallback [sourcing](/view/11:15:10) for images is
virtual lego open [spaces](/view/10:26:31) xpemtcx ruyg imv workplayce [spawntoken](/view/10:25:12) sobeqyoykrodhivp the flight delay resolution [specialist](/view/11:03:48) here is your press with some wiki [specific](/view/10:35:20) options in the text to [speech](/view/11:06:01) [spot](/view/10:28:07) virtual is a https www [spotvirtual](/view/10:29:23) com
implementation [stack](/view/10:34:26) mobile app implementation [stack](/view/10:34:38) backup and restore the [stack](/view/10:36:54) pond near robert eagle [staff](/view/11:32:52) school https www the activated patient slide [stands](/view/11:09:27) out i think gather town [started](/view/10:31:12) out sort of s got his cue [stick](/view/10:47:08) inside of this video chat you mean [still](/view/10:29:01) havent used it voice in the andromeda [strain](/view/10:52:05) com works the andromeda [strain](/view/10:54:21) pretty good with media [stream](/view/10:28:07) sharing [streaming](/view/10:59:17) is a challenge http [studio](/view/11:53:52) viki wiki view
mechanism and matching to [support](/view/11:04:01) scenarios is the s waterfall or i [suppose](/view/11:40:41) black hole gravity i [suppose](/view/11:36:06) the camera obscura not [sure](/view/10:37:26) any of the see into an objects [surface](/view/11:59:55) he and i were [surprised](/view/11:51:12) that he didnt
my previous doctor at [swedish](/view/11:00:27) was an old
wiki could explore googles [takeout](/view/11:06:01) archive files from as contextual assistant or [taking](/view/10:56:57) the easy questions that we were frequently [talking](/view/11:48:56) about ostroms governance
with development [teams](/view/11:47:55) part man seeks software [teams](/view/11:50:04) any age object i m looking for [teams](/view/11:50:24) who want to a call for interested [teams](/view/11:48:19) who would like [technically](/view/10:27:47) zoom also does when the phone can [tell](/view/10:32:20) the difference between low [tens](/view/10:33:17) [text](/view/11:06:01) to speech
end of lineup rather [than](/view/10:35:20) replace the pages clinical in its instructions [than](/view/10:53:12) the project red things like gathertown rather [than](/view/10:52:21) these other high paul [thank](/view/11:16:36) you i may [thanks](/view/11:50:13) there a link for [that](/view/10:24:39) i hope [that](/view/11:54:03) compressed gas cylinder like our keyboard shortcuts [that](/view/10:35:20) dont have an or they have robots [that](/view/10:56:17) give you two and i were surprised [that](/view/11:51:12) he didnt have so i was thinking [that](/view/10:39:16) i should learn is [that](/view/10:33:14) in the s and i was like [that](/view/10:47:08) is awesome yeah end virtual conference environment [that](/view/10:28:07) is pretty good you i may fork [that](/view/11:16:36) page to add [that](/view/10:52:05) reminds me a he was like wow [that](/view/10:47:08) s a really setting up backup but [that](/view/10:37:55) seems to be be i should do [that](/view/10:37:55) some month now it and he saw [that](/view/10:47:08) the guy walk can you show [that](/view/11:48:41) to me [that](/view/11:06:26) was the compressed and i told brian [that](/view/11:48:56) we were frequently weeks i said okay [that](/view/10:40:47) will give me since it came from [that](/view/11:49:25) work [thats](/view/11:06:47) a lot of [thats](/view/11:10:54) a nice discovery yep [thats](/view/11:04:27) exactly the sort [thats](/view/11:52:02) pretty cool routing [thats](/view/11:03:05) sort of perfect [thats](/view/10:52:21) the nice thing which was running on [their](/view/10:36:57) cheapest option which some folks will lift [their](/view/11:29:00) truck body way body way high above [their](/view/11:29:00) wheels to public domain but [then](/view/10:31:12) went more private is [there](/view/10:24:39) a link for like what s in [there](/view/10:47:08) and tom cruise [there](/view/10:28:22) is also element [there](/view/11:29:42) used to be like gathertown rather than [these](/view/10:52:21) other high fidelity i wonder if [they](/view/11:02:09) could ask the or [they](/view/10:56:17) have robots that of open source and [they](/view/10:31:12) released an early thats the nice [thing](/view/10:52:21) about things like fun pictures of boring [things](/view/11:29:20) the nice thing about [things](/view/10:52:21) like gathertown rather menu to deal with [things](/view/10:35:20) like our keyboard do the trick for [things](/view/10:35:20) like shift clicking i [think](/view/10:31:12) gather town started and i [think](/view/11:00:38) he was pushed i [think](/view/10:36:57) i had a reacted to i [think](/view/10:37:14) i had a cheapest option which i [think](/view/10:36:57) was like a so i was [thinking](/view/10:39:16) that i should and you need the [third](/view/10:56:17) one the tree looked like [this](/view/11:30:31) would like to do [this](/view/11:48:19) cue stick inside of [this](/view/10:47:08) case on his [this](/view/10:33:31) is the instance [this](/view/10:29:40) is the open getting drag and drop [this](/view/10:36:40) year my birthday present [this](/view/10:33:32) year is a
or use a [tilt](/view/11:40:28) and shift lens ts e mm f [tilt](/view/11:40:28) shift lens review fashioned one who took [time](/view/11:00:27) all the live [time](/view/11:02:48) to the wrong removed everything but the [titles](/view/10:44:12)
and i [told](/view/11:48:56) brian that we old fashioned one who [took](/view/11:00:27) time chatbot is the right [tool](/view/11:04:27) the newer flutter builder [tools](/view/10:37:26) would help https https app gather [town](/view/10:25:12) app xpemtcx ruyg source alternative to gather [town](/view/10:29:40) if you like i think gather [town](/view/10:31:12) started out sort
a vertical image with [transparent](/view/11:39:07) flanks to make challenge crafting your intake [tree](/view/11:02:23) the [tree](/view/11:30:31) looked like this to make the intake [tree](/view/11:04:01) short to be a dead [tree](/view/11:29:42) trimmed like a menu might do the [trick](/view/10:35:20) for things like interesting curiosity https css [tricks](/view/11:17:50) com creating a be a dead tree [trimmed](/view/11:29:42) like a hand folks will lift their [truck](/view/11:29:00) body way high not quite [truck](/view/11:28:07) nutz
in [tucson](/view/11:29:00) some folks will gathertown [tuesday](/view/10:24:33) afternoon https www edwardtufte com [tufte](/view/10:38:49) powerpoint
[twitter](/view/11:05:32) archive links to had to fight the [twitter](/view/11:38:42) preview mechanism in
the [uncanny](/view/10:49:34) valley of rendering dart [underlying](/view/10:34:04) language [unforgiving](/view/11:52:33) external lighting to collaborate with indiana [universitys](/view/11:50:24) ostrom workshop and introduction of the pc [until](/view/10:46:12) john carmack figured
interested in getting an [updated](/view/10:38:55) walkthrough of federated https images crystalbridges org [uploads](/view/11:38:53) lizafishbone jpg fit gas cylinder is chained [upright](/view/11:54:03) he didnt have quick [uptake](/view/11:51:12)
ways to be well [used](/view/10:37:00) you mean still havent [used](/view/10:29:01) it much the there [used](/view/11:29:42) to be a i [used](/view/10:56:35) to work for use it to meet [using](/view/10:52:21) mobile phones too
the uncanny [valley](/view/10:49:34) of rendering too see the win win [value](/view/10:56:57) of having a examination of angles and [vanishing](/view/11:36:06) points
they released an early [version](/view/10:31:12) to public domain padding a [vertical](/view/11:39:07) image with transparent its [very](/view/10:43:43) classic
for [video](/view/10:29:01) chat you mean https isabellacuevaspierson com [video](/view/11:43:36) essay metaphorum re presentation [video](/view/10:36:10) https vimeo com the mozilla firefox reader [view](/view/11:13:19) and it looks ward dojo fed wiki [view](/view/11:32:05) july th photos https marc relocalizecreativity net [view](/view/11:49:59) search for ostrom http studio viki wiki [view](/view/11:53:52) welcome visitors http studio [viki](/view/11:53:52) wiki view welcome [vikis](/view/11:53:27) picture of a re presentation video https [vimeo](/view/10:36:10) com share copy is a higher end [virtual](/view/10:28:07) conference environment that spot [virtual](/view/10:28:07) is a higher [virtual](/view/10:26:31) lego open spaces viki wiki view welcome [visitors](/view/11:53:52)
of the automated exam [voice](/view/10:52:05) in the andromeda
saw that the guy [walk](/view/10:47:08) up to tom in getting an updated [walkthrough](/view/10:38:55) of federated wiki add to my wiki [walkthrough](/view/11:16:36) preparation looking for teams who [want](/view/11:50:24) to collaborate with delayed what do you [want](/view/11:02:49) to do about he [wants](/view/11:46:37) to connect us brian marick [wants](/view/11:47:51) to work http photos [ward](/view/11:07:58) dojo fed wiki http photos [ward](/view/11:32:05) dojo fed wiki https diekmann github io [wasm](/view/10:47:39) fizzbuzz doom [wasm](/view/10:47:39) port of doom wrong person is considered [wasted](/view/11:02:48) and when he was [watching](/view/10:47:08) it and he john carmack he was [watching](/view/10:47:08) tom cruise s robert s [waterfall](/view/11:40:41) or i suppose reacted to robert s [waterfall](/view/11:41:09) with the longer the [wavelength](/view/11:59:55) of light the an idiom looking for [ways](/view/10:37:00) to be well
docs mozilla add ons [webextensions](/view/10:25:33) examples this year is a [website](/view/10:33:32) a really good buildings [website](/view/11:40:35) https s nyc maybe in a couple [weeks](/view/10:40:47) i said okay featuring a [weeping](/view/11:34:23) willow https www studio viki wiki view [welcome](/view/11:53:52) visitors what i know less [well](/view/10:39:16) for ways to be [well](/view/10:37:00) used public domain but then [went](/view/10:31:12) more private told brian that we [were](/view/11:48:56) frequently talking about and he and i [were](/view/11:51:12) surprised that he
jeff [what](/view/11:47:41) are you saying software based collective is [what](/view/11:51:00) brian is interested your flight was delayed [what](/view/11:02:49) do you want learn enough to know [what](/view/10:39:16) i know better i know better and [what](/view/10:39:16) i know less on another note [what](/view/10:32:15) is the smallest choose [what](/view/11:38:02) needs to show the guy s like [what](/view/10:47:08) s in there way high above their [wheels](/view/11:29:00) of money movie and [when](/view/10:47:08) he was watching [when](/view/10:32:20) the phone can the sort of context [where](/view/11:04:27) a chatbot is its help [where](/view/11:04:43) its awkward between slide is between [where](/view/11:07:59) no one is on their cheapest option [which](/view/10:36:57) i think was image framed behind plexiglas [which](/view/11:53:27) is hard to have a digitalocean instance [which](/view/10:32:53) is pretty cheap while on digital ocean [which](/view/10:36:57) was running on a wiki for a [while](/view/10:36:57) on digital ocean
updated walkthrough of federated [wiki](/view/10:38:55) would be fun if [wiki](/view/11:06:01) could explore googles https en wikipedia org [wiki](/view/10:46:34) doom engine https en wikipedia org [wiki](/view/10:44:31) doom franchise think i had a [wiki](/view/10:36:57) for a while i feel like [wiki](/view/10:35:20) on mobile would photos ward dojo fed [wiki](/view/11:07:58) photo rotator html github com flutter flutter [wiki](/view/10:36:17) roadmap long press with some [wiki](/view/10:35:20) specific options in photos ward dojo fed [wiki](/view/11:32:05) view july th http studio viki [wiki](/view/11:53:52) view welcome visitors to add to my [wiki](/view/11:16:36) walkthrough preparation think i had a [wiki](/view/10:37:14) with https en [wikipedia](/view/10:44:31) org wiki doom https en [wikipedia](/view/10:46:34) org wiki doom i said okay that [will](/view/10:40:47) give me a in tucson some folks [will](/view/11:29:00) lift their truck featuring a weeping [willow](/view/11:34:23) https www google to my birthday presen [with](/view/10:33:50) i had a wiki [with](/view/10:37:14) to robert s waterfall [with](/view/11:41:09) [with](/view/11:47:55) development teams who want to collaborate [with](/view/11:50:24) indiana universitys ostrom that is pretty good [with](/view/10:28:07) media stream sharing so a long press [with](/view/10:35:20) some wiki specific wants to connect us [with](/view/11:46:37) the ostrom workshop context menu to deal [with](/view/10:35:20) things like our padding a vertical image [with](/view/11:39:07) transparent flanks to the last digit is [within](/view/11:52:15) radio range [within](/view/11:52:15) the last digit
i [wonder](/view/11:02:09) if they could some slides are one [word](/view/10:44:12) others are more sign your [work](/view/11:42:18) brian marick wants to [work](/view/11:47:51) talking about ostroms governance [work](/view/11:48:56) it came from that [work](/view/11:49:25) how does it [work](/view/11:46:26) and why i used to [work](/view/10:56:35) for the microsoft https [workadventu](/view/10:29:40) re app xpemtcx ruyg imv [workplayce](/view/10:25:12) spawntoken sobeqyoykrodhivp https www michaelcrichton com [works](/view/10:54:21) the andromeda strain us with the ostrom [workshop](/view/11:46:37) saying about the ostrom [workshop](/view/11:47:41) with indiana universitys ostrom [workshop](/view/11:50:24) and i intend [would](/view/11:06:01) be fun if newer flutter builder tools [would](/view/10:37:26) help https flutterflow for interested teams who [would](/view/11:48:19) like to do like wiki on mobile [would](/view/10:35:20) maybe need to
the difference between your [writing](/view/10:32:20) finger and your live time to the [wrong](/view/11:02:48) person is considered tim hall john romero [wrote](/view/10:44:25) original doom
app gather town app [xpemtcx](/view/10:25:12) ruyg imv workplayce
like that is awesome [yeah](/view/10:47:08) john romero [yeah](/view/10:47:08) the name for drag and drop this [year](/view/10:36:40) my birthday present this [year](/view/10:33:32) is a website been discovered for nine [years](/view/10:46:12) since the introduction
a box on [your](/view/10:33:11) bastion net resolution specialist here is [your](/view/11:03:48) case number in already has context like [your](/view/11:02:49) flight was delayed [your](/view/11:03:48) flight was delayed its a challenge crafting [your](/view/11:02:23) intake tree your writing finger and [your](/view/10:32:20) scanning finger you sign [your](/view/11:42:18) work tell the difference between [your](/view/10:32:20) writing finger and
technically [zoom](/view/10:27:47) also does multiple