Typescript Index 2023-06-11

Keyword Index. See Typescript 2023-06-11


in the server is [able](/view/09:41:38) to make a think i was worried [about](/view/09:56:59) not having unfreeze observer of bicycle lane [abuse](/view/11:11:51) of various sorts


a page was directly [accessible](/view/09:39:23) and end are available [across](/view/09:45:37) the multiple video


what are the expensive [affordances](/view/10:00:40) like source code


i like the proximity [alerts](/view/11:16:01) graphviz rendering and the [algorithmic](/view/09:56:45) drawing of the way the [algorithmic](/view/10:11:21) language doesnt support there is an [algorithmic](/view/10:07:51) notation for navigating pages scripts and frames [allow](/view/10:40:39) the ghost page video plug in which [allows](/view/09:43:06) you to serve speed determined by gps [also](/view/09:18:56) photo a day challenge themed by week [also](/view/09:18:56) wards sons picture


an enriched svg with [anchors](/view/10:04:14) it would be one plugin gesturating to [another](/view/10:40:39) navigating the context and [another](/view/10:07:51) navigation for how a plugin that uses [another](/view/10:38:34) plugin as its you will see your [answer](/view/09:15:13)


mastodon servers have been [appreciating](/view/09:49:34) hetzner as a for the i bridge [approach](/view/10:53:47)


algorithmic language doesnt support [arbitrary](/view/10:11:21) depth following parameters if listed in [arbitrary](/view/09:44:34) ordre wiki client and server [architecture](/view/10:37:23) discussions problem solving fedwiki script and plugin [architecture](/view/10:11:43) patterns the work in probing [around](/view/09:39:23) for a page a highway to skip [around](/view/11:07:18) traffic p we limit how things [articulate](/view/10:34:50)


in this wiki someone [asked](/view/09:34:04) is that a


had one of those [auto](/view/11:12:30) camera tickets made me think of [autocad](/view/09:59:50) broke out [autocad](/view/09:58:58) for the first couple tickets from those [automated](/view/11:12:05) cameras for when [automated](/view/11:15:41) irony


start and end are [available](/view/09:45:37) across the multiple to make a proxy [available](/view/09:41:38) when the wiki


off round roundabout and [back](/view/11:09:10) on control without diff based [backing](/view/10:00:40) store connect pages and using [backlinks](/view/09:34:04) instead of explicitly ve considered getting a [backyard](/view/09:24:45) bird cam with bicycles in lower [ballard](/view/09:19:21) fremont if it was a [ballard](/view/09:20:07) port theme or for when i just [barely](/view/11:12:05) ran a red code control without diff [based](/view/10:00:40) backing store for needing general relativity [based](/view/09:10:11) corrections to position ve seen in my [basement](/view/09:25:53) is the european brown bat in my [basement](/view/09:25:28) last night p


the strobe for high [beams](/view/11:17:25) ran a red light [because](/view/11:12:05) i decided to ward points out that [because](/view/10:11:21) of the way the mastodon servers have [been](/view/09:49:34) appreciating hetzner as this morning has [been](/view/10:35:42) close to the context ward has [been](/view/09:18:56) demonstrating bicycle traces maybe its [been](/view/11:17:38) fixed thompson and marc have [been](/view/10:38:13) hooking the platform the video plugin has [been](/view/09:44:34) updated to make we had not understood [before](/view/10:17:12) using the exercise having many links and [behaviors](/view/10:02:02) live noisy but is pretty [benign](/view/09:26:17) as spiders go it couldnt have gone [better](/view/10:14:07) eric endorses the [better](/view/09:45:37) ease of use only show text if [better](/view/09:31:48) match map with estimated mph [between](/view/10:48:58) samples and places ward notes the span [between](/view/10:37:23) wiki client and


a sharp observer of [bicycle](/view/11:11:51) lane abuse of of [bicycle](/view/11:11:18) lane blocking ward has been demonstrating [bicycle](/view/09:18:56) traces with speed interpolating missing samples wards [bicycle](/view/09:27:38) tracker mechanisms reporting the locations of [bicycle](/view/10:48:58) trip tracks for long wheelbase cargo [bicycles](/view/11:10:49) hard to make is a fish with [bicycles](/view/09:19:21) in lower ballard [bicyclists](/view/11:10:21) with helmet cameras the [biggest](/view/09:25:53) thing i ve quip done as a [bike](/view/09:20:07) rack considered getting a backyard [bird](/view/09:24:45) cam


william [blake](/view/10:29:31) mind forg d svg does that create [bloated](/view/09:55:10) wiki page journals of bicycle lane [blocking](/view/11:11:18)


next to a little [boat](/view/10:13:10) that looks like [boom](/view/11:04:15) town ghost town saves a snapshot of [both](/view/09:55:10) the dot and


than slam on the [brakes](/view/11:12:05) a few changes some [breaking](/view/10:04:21) in that jump seattle for the i [bridge](/view/10:53:47) approach [broke](/view/09:58:58) out autocad for i met a big [brown](/view/09:25:28) bat in my happens when you re [browsing](/view/09:37:57) a wiki site


names of local wifi [bubbles](/view/09:30:26) as a hint


scattered [cabins](/view/11:05:08) a general store friend megan in davis [california](/view/11:11:51) is a sharp mit [cambridge](/view/10:27:14) city government we [came](/view/10:17:12) to understand things thats when the bat [came](/view/09:58:58) to visit me i had a front [camera](/view/11:16:17) for parking one of those auto [camera](/view/11:12:30) tickets bicyclists with helmet [cameras](/view/11:10:21) tickets from those automated [cameras](/view/11:12:05) for when i i want [cameras](/view/11:07:18) to catch all the client that supports [cannot](/view/09:31:48) find that page you [cant](/view/09:36:03) get there from walk through the grand [canyon](/view/10:58:33) a notes to self [capture](/view/11:03:28) for intake of night transportation or child [care](/view/10:28:12) it can be long wheelbase [cargo](/view/11:10:49) bicycles hard to marcs [case](/view/10:03:07) where he would edge [cases](/view/09:32:31) newcastle the norman [castle](/view/10:55:50) replacing the previous this person to economic [catastrophe](/view/10:27:03) i want cameras to [catch](/view/11:07:18) all the vips six contextual questions [causal](/view/10:16:27) loop diagramming


also photo a day [challenge](/view/09:18:56) themed by week sometimes trigger a light [change](/view/11:17:32) remembered it might have [changed](/view/09:39:23) whether a page are quite a few [changes](/view/10:04:21) some breaking in welcome visitors view recent [changes](/view/10:22:28) view systems thinking showing communication [channels](/view/10:16:09) within sites in so maybe its [cheaper](/view/09:52:29) but digitalocean is convention and i should [check](/view/11:01:49) it out with of night transportation or [child](/view/10:28:12) care it can in the life of [china](/view/09:14:47) etc a mind map by [choosing](/view/09:34:04) how to connect


think hachyderm dot io [cited](/view/09:49:58) hetzner [citizen](/view/11:11:11) reporting mit cambridge [city](/view/10:27:14) government a tunnel in the [city](/view/10:53:47) of seattle for


the [click](/view/10:03:20) handler is in the span between wiki [client](/view/10:37:23) and server architecture available when the wiki [client](/view/09:41:38) is logged in paul updating the [client](/view/09:31:48) that supports cannot written with the new [client](/view/09:47:37) the old video re logged in the [client](/view/09:38:33) will redirect through you to serve a [clip](/view/09:43:06) of a vimeo how [close](/view/10:27:03) is this person we must likely be [close](/view/09:30:46) to this morning has been [close](/view/10:35:42) to the heart wards sons picture a [close](/view/09:18:56) up of a


of its of collaborating [code](/view/10:35:18) expensive affordances like source [code](/view/10:00:40) control without diff ecosystem of its of [collaborating](/view/10:35:18) code make it easier to [collect](/view/09:44:34) all the information the federation there was [common](/view/10:16:09) vocabulary and engaged fedwiki to a fan [commuity](/view/10:33:36) where the lineup showing [communication](/view/10:16:09) channels within sites fedwiki for systems and [community](/view/10:38:13) governance and navigable of the exocolonist fan [community](/view/09:34:04) i found the federated wiki as a [community](/view/10:35:42) platform interpreted versus [compiled](/view/09:58:40) [complex](/view/10:21:20) learnable movements santa fe institute for [complexity](/view/10:20:24) studies so that we can [compose](/view/10:34:55) more of them right theres a [concept](/view/09:58:04) like print preview model folks at marcs [conference](/view/10:15:07) by choosing how to [connect](/view/09:34:04) pages and using a mind map the [connections](/view/09:34:04) seem odd and made some good [connections](/view/10:15:23) with people who i ve [considered](/view/09:24:45) getting a backyard i m [considering](/view/11:01:49) a trip to workflow look like which [contains](/view/09:59:48) a ghost page notation for navigating the [context](/view/10:07:51) and another navigation [context](/view/09:37:57) paul is demonstrating [context](/view/09:18:56) ward has been six [contextual](/view/10:16:27) questions causal loop affordances like source code [control](/view/10:00:40) without diff based the world sf f [convention](/view/11:01:49) and i should needing general relativity based [corrections](/view/09:10:11) to position and i said oh you [could](/view/09:34:04) make it a export a svg and [could](/view/10:03:07) not navigate the it [couldnt](/view/10:14:07) have gone better i ve gotten a [couple](/view/11:12:05) tickets from those


the svg does that [create](/view/09:55:10) bloated wiki page brb [crow](/view/09:52:35)


a list of recent [daily](/view/10:50:33) track reports where seem iffy as to [data](/view/09:25:02) leaving your house each line has a [date](/view/10:50:33) a track duration [david](/view/10:20:48) ing is hosting https st [daviding](/view/10:22:28) wiki openlearning cc my friend megan in [davis](/view/11:11:51) california is a


red light because i [decided](/view/11:12:05) to try and look [deep](/view/09:15:13) into the ducks walked through time a [deep](/view/10:58:33) time walk through ward [demonstrates](/view/10:50:33) a list of ward [demonstrates](/view/10:48:58) a track report context ward has been [demonstrating](/view/09:18:56) bicycle traces with context paul is [demonstrating](/view/09:37:57) what happens when language doesnt support arbitrary [depth](/view/10:11:21) following the rendered result erics [description](/view/10:40:39) of a frozen marcs [description](/view/10:13:58) sounds like the the visitor pattern as [descriptive](/view/10:06:31) of the way [design](/view/09:13:10) pattern switching engine thinking ontario event tomorrow [details](/view/10:20:48) here bicycle traces with speed [determined](/view/09:18:56) by gps also


static version of a [diagram](/view/09:57:30) render like the lineup [diagram](/view/09:59:48) add things to the [diagram](/view/10:07:51) commuity where the lineup [diagram](/view/10:33:36) was a powerful contextual questions causal loop [diagramming](/view/10:16:27) of this is in [dialogue](/view/10:01:44) with rendering a source code control without [diff](/view/10:00:40) based backing store [different](/view/10:34:59) limits maybe its cheaper but [digitalocean](/view/09:52:29) is more reliable working from [dining](/view/09:08:37) room table whether a page was [directly](/view/09:39:23) accessible jeff [discusses](/view/10:33:36) introducing fedwiki to client and server architecture [discussions](/view/10:37:23) problem solving evolution statistics such as total [distance](/view/10:50:33) and fastest speed


and not in the [document](/view/10:03:20) a ghost page what [does](/view/09:59:48) a script look what [does](/view/09:59:48) a workflow look dot and the svg [does](/view/09:55:10) that create bloated way the algorithmic language [doesnt](/view/10:11:21) support arbitrary depth represent things like gps [doesnt](/view/10:53:02) work well in second wave feminist quip [done](/view/09:20:07) as a bike optical [downhaul](/view/11:18:44) general to [download](/view/09:58:22) preview print preview


rendering and the algorithmic [drawing](/view/09:56:45)


look deep into the [ducks](/view/09:15:13) eye and you see infinity in a [ducks](/view/09:16:19) eye eternity in up of a mallard [ducks](/view/09:18:56) eye reflecting the by specifying start and [duration](/view/09:43:06) a date a track [duration](/view/10:50:33) and summary statistics


[dynamic](/view/09:57:30) and static versions the [dynamic](/view/10:05:33) part of the a page versus a [dynamic](/view/09:59:48) render like the [dynamic](/view/09:58:50) versus static


daily track reports where [each](/view/10:50:33) line has a eric endorses the better [ease](/view/09:45:37) of use now updated to make it [easier](/view/09:44:34) to collect all more [easily](/view/10:02:29) edited format more [easily](/view/10:02:24) shared format


is this person to [economic](/view/10:27:03) catastrophe an [ecosystem](/view/10:35:18) of its of


[edge](/view/09:32:31) cases more easily [edited](/view/10:02:29) format


it next to loren [eiseleys](/view/10:58:52) the immense journey


the [element](/view/11:03:28) app as a


eric [endorses](/view/09:45:37) the better ease was common vocabulary and [engaged](/view/10:16:09) interested listeners for version of a switching [engine](/view/09:12:57) design pattern switching [engine](/view/09:13:10) wiki switcher railroad yard [engine](/view/09:14:11) or shunter i [enjoyed](/view/09:14:47) a day in to the pages an [enriched](/view/10:04:14) svg with anchors


[eric](/view/09:45:37) endorses the better be the rendered result [erics](/view/10:40:39) description of a


can be hard to [escape](/view/10:28:12) the trap on a map with [estimated](/view/10:48:58) mph between samples


in a ducks eye [eternity](/view/09:16:19) in a splash


my basement is the [european](/view/09:25:53) house spider


the systems thinking ontario [event](/view/10:20:48) tomorrow details here architecture discussions problem solving [evolution](/view/10:37:23) of scripts etc


understood before using the [exercise](/view/10:17:12) method that marc a minute [exercise](/view/10:14:23) truncated to min pencil and paper [exercises](/view/10:14:41) some members of the [exocolonist](/view/09:34:04) fan community i transitions what are the [expensive](/view/10:00:40) affordances like source what are the [expensive](/view/10:00:40) transitions what are using backlinks instead of [explicitly](/view/09:34:04) pointing case where he would [export](/view/10:03:07) a svg and freezing the svg for [export](/view/10:01:29) maybe be present in the [exported](/view/10:03:07) svg


random [family](/view/10:28:12) for want of ghosts in my wiki [farm](/view/11:04:06) hes using a wiki [farm](/view/10:20:48) i provide to as total distance and [fastest](/view/10:50:33) speed within the


to the heart of [federated](/view/10:35:42) wiki as a within sites in the [federation](/view/10:16:09) there was common into how to use [fedwiki](/view/10:38:13) for systems and we re talking [fedwiki](/view/10:11:43) script and plugin multiple video hosting services [fedwiki](/view/09:45:37) supports jeff discusses introducing [fedwiki](/view/10:33:36) to a fan yesterday i was introducing [fedwiki](/view/09:34:04) to some members the original version of [fedwikis](/view/10:05:33) survey or a second wave [feminist](/view/09:20:07) quip done as


client that supports cannot [find](/view/09:31:48) that page and know that google location [finding](/view/09:30:26) used to harvest out autocad for the [first](/view/09:58:58) time in a there is a [fish](/view/09:19:21) with bicycles in maybe its been [fixed](/view/11:17:38) function to render a [fixed](/view/09:57:30) static version of


trying to make a [floor](/view/09:58:58) plan thats when


viable systems model [folks](/view/10:15:07) at marcs conference doesnt support arbitrary depth [following](/view/10:11:21) william blake mind [forg](/view/10:29:31) d manacles last minute on the [forks](/view/11:07:18) of a highway understand the minutes seconds [format](/view/09:47:37) more easily shared [format](/view/10:02:24) more easily edited [format](/view/10:02:29) i [found](/view/11:04:06) some frozen ghosts exocolonist fan community i [found](/view/09:34:04) the lineup graph


ghost pages scripts and [frames](/view/10:40:39) allow the ghost instead of [freezing](/view/10:01:29) the dot i i m interested in [freezing](/view/10:01:29) the svg for bicycles in lower ballard [fremont](/view/09:19:21) my [friend](/view/11:11:51) megan in davis when pulling a page [from](/view/09:47:37) a wiki that working [from](/view/09:08:37) dining room table you cant get there [from](/view/09:36:03) here you have demonstrates a track report [from](/view/10:48:58) the helium network gotten a couple tickets [from](/view/11:12:05) those automated cameras [from](/view/10:01:46) wiki wish i had a [front](/view/11:16:17) camera for parking zooming up through the [frontage](/view/11:10:09) slip road i found some [frozen](/view/11:04:06) ghosts in my erics description of a [frozen](/view/10:40:39) svg output or like that generates a [frozen](/view/09:59:48) version of a


an svg that has [full](/view/10:04:14) path names to page use a preview [function](/view/09:57:30) to render a


is interesting for needing [general](/view/09:10:11) relativity based corrections scattered cabins a [general](/view/11:05:08) store a speed [general](/view/09:58:22) to download preview if you [generate](/view/10:04:14) an svg that script look like that [generates](/view/09:59:48) a frozen version page as one plugin [gesturating](/view/10:40:39) to another i ve considered [getting](/view/09:24:45) a backyard bird


and frames allow the [ghost](/view/10:40:39) page to be like which contains a [ghost](/view/09:59:48) page what does the [ghost](/view/10:40:39) pages scripts and boom town [ghost](/view/11:04:15) town i found some frozen [ghosts](/view/11:04:06) in my wiki


starting to get a [glimpse](/view/09:34:49) of thompson morrisons [glitches](/view/10:53:02) in track reports


and [going](/view/10:38:13) into how thompson i think i m [going](/view/09:48:51) to try hetzner it couldnt have [gone](/view/10:14:07) better plugin was not as [good](/view/09:44:34) at parsing the made some [good](/view/10:15:23) connections with people i know that [google](/view/09:30:26) location finding used i ve [gotten](/view/11:12:05) a couple tickets neighborhood level [governance](/view/10:18:59) for systems and community [governance](/view/10:38:13) and navigable information mit cambridge city [government](/view/10:27:14)


time walk through the [grand](/view/10:58:33) canyon i found the lineup [graph](/view/09:34:04) very helpful for the way that the [graphviz](/view/10:06:31) plugin can work dynamic part of the [graphviz](/view/10:05:33) plugin is much if the [graphviz](/view/09:55:10) plugin saves a should we separate the [graphviz](/view/09:56:45) rendering and the the wasm version of [graphviz](/view/10:04:21) we are using


i think [hachyderm](/view/09:49:58) dot io cited the click [handler](/view/10:03:20) is in the paul is demonstrating what [happens](/view/09:37:57) when you re care it can be [hard](/view/10:28:12) to escape the long wheelbase cargo bicycles [hard](/view/11:10:49) to make quick location finding used to [harvest](/view/09:30:26) the names of of the mastodon servers [have](/view/09:49:34) been appreciating hetzner how thompson and marc [have](/view/10:38:13) been hooking the was remembered it might [have](/view/09:39:23) changed whether a it couldnt [have](/view/10:14:07) gone better connections with people who [have](/view/10:15:23) had a lifelong there from here you [have](/view/09:36:03) to go all yet [having](/view/10:02:02) many links and was worried about not [having](/view/09:56:59) unfreeze land on your helmet [hazard](/view/09:11:10)


i [heard](/view/09:49:34) that some of been close to the [heart](/view/10:35:42) of federated wiki track report from the [helium](/view/10:48:58) network reporting the bicyclists with [helmet](/view/11:10:21) cameras serious land on your [helmet](/view/09:11:10) hazard the lineup graph very [helpful](/view/09:34:04) for summarizing whats ontario event tomorrow details [here](/view/10:20:48) over [here](/view/11:09:10) those that take cant get there from [here](/view/09:36:03) you have to hachyderm dot io cited [hetzner](/view/09:49:58) servers have been appreciating [hetzner](/view/09:49:34) as a host https www [hetzner](/view/09:49:07) com m going to try [hetzner](/view/09:48:51) next [hetzner](/view/09:52:22) site hosting


the strobe for [high](/view/11:17:25) beams the forks of a [highway](/view/11:07:18) to skip around wifi bubbles as a [hint](/view/09:30:26) to location


and marc have been [hooking](/view/10:38:13) the platform up [hope](/view/10:06:34) i got that appreciating hetzner as a [host](/view/09:49:34) clip of a vimeo [hosted](/view/09:43:06) video by specifying hetzner site [hosting](/view/09:52:22) across the multiple video [hosting](/view/09:45:37) services fedwiki supports david ing is [hosting](/view/10:20:48) the systems thinking to data leaving your [house](/view/09:25:02) basement is the european [house](/view/09:25:53) spider


source of pages is [http](/view/09:37:57) all the way there [http](/view/09:36:03) sites and https a wiki site in [https](/view/09:37:57) and some of [https](/view/09:14:11) en wikipedia org there http sites and [https](/view/09:36:03) sites [https](/view/10:22:28) st daviding wiki [https](/view/10:20:48) wiki st on [https](/view/09:49:07) www hetzner com [https](/view/10:29:28) www poetryfoundation org


all of them seem [iffy](/view/09:25:02) as to data


vips that merge in [illegally](/view/11:07:18) at the last


to loren eiseleys the [immense](/view/10:58:52) journey


from a wiki that [includes](/view/09:47:37) video items written to see [infinity](/view/09:16:19) in a ducks community governance and navigable [information](/view/10:38:13) spaces to collect all the [information](/view/09:44:34) the old plugin pages and using backlinks [instead](/view/09:34:04) of explicitly pointing [instead](/view/10:01:29) of freezing the mentions the santa fe [institute](/view/10:20:24) for complexity studies to self capture for [intake](/view/11:03:28) of a word have had a lifelong [interest](/view/10:15:23) in sustainable systems the dot i m [interested](/view/10:01:29) in freezing the common vocabulary and engaged [interested](/view/10:16:09) listeners for marcs gps is [interesting](/view/09:10:11) for needing general smoothed tracks for [interpolating](/view/09:27:38) missing samples wards [interpreted](/view/09:58:40) versus compiled and going [into](/view/10:38:13) how thompson and hooking the platform up [into](/view/10:38:13) how to use look deep [into](/view/09:15:13) the ducks eye jeff discusses [introducing](/view/10:33:36) fedwiki to a yesterday i was [introducing](/view/09:34:04) fedwiki to some


automated [irony](/view/11:15:41)


wiki that includes video [items](/view/09:47:37) written with the


[jeff](/view/10:33:36) discusses introducing fedwiki [jeff](/view/10:20:24) mentions the santa


create bloated wiki page [journals](/view/09:55:10) loren eiseleys the immense [journey](/view/10:58:52)


some breaking in that [jump](/view/10:04:21) cameras for when i [just](/view/11:12:05) barely ran a


i [know](/view/09:30:26) that google location


newcastle by [lake](/view/10:56:11) stairs serious [land](/view/09:11:10) on your helmet sharp observer of bicycle [lane](/view/11:11:51) abuse of various of bicycle [lane](/view/11:11:18) blocking the way the algorithmic [language](/view/10:11:21) doesnt support arbitrary in illegally at the [last](/view/11:07:18) minute on the bat in my basement [last](/view/09:25:28) night p time in a while [last](/view/09:58:58) night trying to quite old now the [latest](/view/10:04:21) version via the


complex [learnable](/view/10:21:20) movements iffy as to data [leaving](/view/09:25:02) your house the site serving the [leftmost](/view/09:41:38) page in the neighborhood [level](/view/10:18:59) governance


a day in the [life](/view/09:14:22) of a day in the [life](/view/09:14:47) of china etc who have had a [lifelong](/view/10:15:23) interest in sustainable barely ran a red [light](/view/11:12:05) because i decided will sometimes trigger a [light](/view/11:17:32) change [like](/view/09:14:22) a day in little boat that looks [like](/view/10:13:10) a logging pond reports might represent things [like](/view/10:53:02) gps doesnt work [like](/view/10:55:29) newton new town right theres a concept [like](/view/09:58:04) print preview are the expensive affordances [like](/view/10:00:40) source code control does a script look [like](/view/09:59:48) that generates a versus a dynamic render [like](/view/09:59:48) the lineup diagram graphviz plugin is much [like](/view/10:05:33) the original version i [like](/view/11:16:01) the proximity alerts marcs description sounds [like](/view/10:13:58) the up side does a workflow look [like](/view/09:59:48) which contains a see thedoghousenumber we must [likely](/view/09:30:46) be close to how can we [limit](/view/10:34:50) how things articulate different [limits](/view/10:34:59) track reports where each [line](/view/10:50:33) has a date leftmost page in the [lineup](/view/09:41:38) work with traversing the [lineup](/view/10:06:31) dynamic render like the [lineup](/view/09:59:48) diagram fan commuity where the [lineup](/view/10:33:36) diagram was a community i found the [lineup](/view/09:34:04) graph very helpful a word and a [link](/view/11:03:28) yet having many [links](/view/10:02:02) and behaviors live pointing to mastodon [links](/view/11:03:42) and others could not navigate the [links](/view/10:03:07) that would be ward demonstrates a [list](/view/10:50:33) of recent daily the video parameters if [listed](/view/09:44:34) in arbitrary ordre vocabulary and engaged interested [listeners](/view/10:16:09) for marcs segment is next to a [little](/view/10:13:10) boat that looks [little](/view/11:04:55) towns that might many links and behaviors [live](/view/10:02:02)


harvest the names of [local](/view/09:30:26) wifi bubbles as as a hint to [location](/view/09:30:26) i know that google [location](/view/09:30:26) finding used to showing the sequence of [location](/view/10:48:58) samples and times helium network reporting the [locations](/view/10:48:58) of bicycle trip that if you ve [logged](/view/09:39:23) in since the if you re [logged](/view/09:38:33) in the client [logged](/view/09:41:38) in the server the wiki client is [logged](/view/09:41:38) in to the that looks like a [logging](/view/10:13:10) pond tug www poetryfoundation org poems [london](/view/10:29:28) d e [long](/view/11:10:49) wheelbase cargo bicycles [look](/view/09:15:13) deep into the what does a script [look](/view/09:59:48) like that generates what does a workflow [look](/view/09:59:48) like which contains a little boat that [looks](/view/10:13:10) like a logging six contextual questions causal [loop](/view/10:16:27) diagramming shelve it next to [loren](/view/10:58:52) eiseleys the immense fish with bicycles in [lower](/view/09:19:21) ballard fremont


print preview [made](/view/09:59:50) me think of [made](/view/10:15:23) some good connections last night trying to [make](/view/09:58:58) a floor plan server is able to [make](/view/09:41:38) a proxy available said oh you could [make](/view/09:34:04) it a mind has been updated to [make](/view/09:44:34) it easier to decided to try and [make](/view/11:12:05) it through rather cargo bicycles hard to [make](/view/11:10:49) quick swerves close up of a [mallard](/view/09:18:56) ducks eye reflecting blake mind forg d [manacles](/view/10:29:31) yet having [many](/view/10:02:02) links and behaviors hi [marc](/view/10:11:27) into how thompson and [marc](/view/10:38:13) have been hooking [marc](/view/10:13:10) is next to the exercise method that [marc](/view/10:17:12) presented [marcs](/view/10:03:07) case where he systems model folks at [marcs](/view/10:15:07) conference [marcs](/view/10:13:58) description sounds like engaged interested listeners for [marcs](/view/10:16:09) segment pointing to [mastodon](/view/11:03:42) links and others that some of the [mastodon](/view/09:49:34) servers have been show text if better [match](/view/09:31:48) the svg for export [maybe](/view/10:01:29) [maybe](/view/11:17:38) its been fixed so [maybe](/view/09:52:29) its cheaper but [maybe](/view/10:58:52) shelve it next


samples wards bicycle tracker [mechanisms](/view/09:27:38) and prep for the [meeting](/view/10:20:48) my friend [megan](/view/11:11:51) in davis california introducing fedwiki to some [members](/view/09:34:04) of the exocolonist jeff [mentions](/view/10:20:24) the santa fe all the vips that [merge](/view/11:07:18) in illegally at two way migration via [metadata](/view/10:02:38) before using the exercise [method](/view/10:17:12) that marc presented


little towns that [might](/view/11:04:55) be mostly a work was remembered it [might](/view/09:39:23) have changed whether glitches in track reports [might](/view/10:53:02) represent things like two way [migration](/view/10:02:38) via metadata william blake [mind](/view/10:29:31) forg d manacles could make it a [mind](/view/09:34:04) map by choosing asked is that a [mind](/view/09:34:04) map the connections the [miniature](/view/09:12:28) pickup truck version a [minute](/view/10:14:23) exercise truncated to illegally at the last [minute](/view/11:07:18) on the forks may not understand the [minutes](/view/09:47:37) seconds format smoothed tracks for interpolating [missing](/view/09:27:38) samples wards bicycle


viable systems [model](/view/10:15:07) folks at marcs [more](/view/10:02:29) easily edited format [more](/view/10:02:24) easily shared format that we can compose [more](/view/10:34:55) of them cheaper but digitalocean is [more](/view/09:52:29) reliable anchors it would be [more](/view/10:04:14) useful this [morning](/view/10:35:42) has been close a glimpse of thompson [morrisons](/view/09:34:49) wikihaiku notions towns that might be [mostly](/view/11:04:55) a recreational stopping complex learnable [movements](/view/10:21:20)


the graphviz plugin is [much](/view/10:05:33) like the original are available across the [multiple](/view/09:45:37) video hosting services can see thedoghousenumber we [must](/view/09:30:46) likely be close


used to harvest the [names](/view/09:30:26) of local wifi that has full path [names](/view/10:04:14) to the pages [naming](/view/11:10:29) and shaming and community governance and [navigable](/view/10:38:13) information spaces svg and could not [navigate](/view/10:03:07) the links that an algorithmic notation for [navigating](/view/10:07:51) the context and the context and another [navigation](/view/10:07:51) for how to


[near](/view/10:56:24) seattle gps is interesting for [needing](/view/09:10:11) general relativity based [neighborhood](/view/10:18:59) level governance and some of the [neighborhood](/view/09:37:57) source of pages report from the helium [network](/view/10:48:58) reporting the locations the newest [newcastle](/view/10:55:36) [newcastle](/view/10:56:11) by lake [newcastle](/view/10:55:50) the norman castle versus [newcastle](/view/10:56:34) upon tyne the [newest](/view/10:55:36) newcastle like [newton](/view/10:55:29) new town going to try hetzner [next](/view/09:48:51) marc is [next](/view/10:13:10) to a little maybe shelve it [next](/view/10:58:52) to loren eiseleys


in my basement last [night](/view/09:25:28) p family for want of [night](/view/10:28:12) transportation or child in a while last [night](/view/09:58:58) trying to make


is big and occasionally [noisy](/view/09:26:17) but is pretty newcastle the [norman](/view/10:55:50) castle replacing the there is an algorithmic [notation](/view/10:07:51) for navigating the paul [notes](/view/09:47:37) that when pulling ward [notes](/view/10:37:23) the span between element app as a [notes](/view/11:03:28) to self capture of thompson morrisons wikihaiku [notions](/view/09:34:49)


california is a sharp [observer](/view/11:11:51) of bicycle lane


which is big and [occasionally](/view/09:26:17) noisy but is


find that page and [only](/view/09:31:48) show text if hosting the systems thinking [ontario](/view/10:20:48) event tomorrow details


up side of the [open](/view/10:13:58) spaces potential https st daviding wiki [openlearning](/view/10:22:28) cc view welcome [optical](/view/11:18:44) downhaul


if listed in arbitrary [ordre](/view/09:44:34) is much like the [original](/view/10:05:33) version of fedwikis


to mastodon links and [others](/view/11:03:42)


of a frozen svg [output](/view/10:40:39) or a survey


[over](/view/11:09:10) here those that way of showing an [overview](/view/10:33:36)


supports cannot find that [page](/view/09:31:48) and only show or a survey result [page](/view/10:40:39) as one plugin that when pulling a [page](/view/09:47:37) from a wiki site serving the leftmost [page](/view/09:41:38) in the lineup probing around for a [page](/view/09:39:23) is remembered but that create bloated wiki [page](/view/09:55:10) journals frames allow the ghost [page](/view/10:40:39) to be the static versions of a [page](/view/09:57:30) use a preview frozen version of a [page](/view/09:59:48) versus a dynamic have changed whether a [page](/view/09:39:23) was directly accessible which contains a ghost [page](/view/09:59:48) what does a path names to the [pages](/view/10:04:14) an enriched svg choosing how to connect [pages](/view/09:34:04) and using backlinks the neighborhood source of [pages](/view/09:37:57) is http the ghost [pages](/view/10:40:39) scripts and frames i was [paid](/view/10:08:02) for a year pencil and [paper](/view/10:14:41) exercises at parsing the video [parameters](/view/09:44:34) if listed in [paraphrase](/view/09:39:30) a front camera for [parking](/view/11:16:17) not as good at [parsing](/view/09:44:34) the video parameters the dynamic [part](/view/10:05:33) of the graphviz svg that has full [path](/view/10:04:14) names to the ward raises the visitor [pattern](/view/10:06:31) as descriptive of design [pattern](/view/09:13:10) switching engine script and plugin architecture [patterns](/view/10:11:43) context [paul](/view/09:37:57) is demonstrating what [paul](/view/09:47:37) notes that when [paul](/view/09:31:48) updating the client


[pencil](/view/10:14:41) and paper exercises systems thinking selected readings [penguin](/view/10:22:28) some good connections with [people](/view/10:15:23) who have had how close is this [person](/view/10:27:03) to economic catastrophe


determined by gps also [photo](/view/09:18:56) a day challenge ducks eye reflecting the [photographer](/view/09:18:56)


the miniature [pickup](/view/09:12:28) truck version of [pics](/view/09:14:31) in a day week also wards sons [picture](/view/09:18:56) a close up putting in an ap [pier](/view/09:11:49) rance


mph between samples and [places](/view/10:48:58) stopped to make a floor [plan](/view/09:58:58) thats when the wiki as a community [platform](/view/10:35:42) have been hooking the [platform](/view/10:38:13) up into how sample of the video [plug](/view/09:43:06) in which allows e g the youtube [plugin](/view/09:44:43) handler is in the [plugin](/view/10:03:20) and not in talking fedwiki script and [plugin](/view/10:11:43) architecture patterns plugin that uses another [plugin](/view/10:38:34) as its visualiser way that the graphviz [plugin](/view/10:06:31) can work with result page as one [plugin](/view/10:40:39) gesturating to another the video [plugin](/view/09:44:34) has been updated part of the graphviz [plugin](/view/10:05:33) is much like client the old video [plugin](/view/09:47:37) may not understand if the graphviz [plugin](/view/09:55:10) saves a snapshot a [plugin](/view/10:38:34) that uses another the information the old [plugin](/view/09:44:34) was not as


https www poetryfoundation org [poems](/view/10:29:28) london d e https www [poetryfoundation](/view/10:29:28) org poems london mostly a recreational stopping [point](/view/11:04:55) remembered but a subtle [point](/view/09:39:23) is that if backlinks instead of explicitly [pointing](/view/09:34:04) [pointing](/view/11:03:42) to mastodon links ward [points](/view/10:11:21) out that because looks like a logging [pond](/view/10:13:10) tug a log [pond](/view/09:12:57) version of a it was a ballard [port](/view/09:20:07) theme or a relativity based corrections to [position](/view/09:10:11) and time of the open spaces [potential](/view/10:13:58) lineup diagram was a [powerful](/view/10:33:36) way of showing


to do writing and [prep](/view/10:20:48) for the meeting links that would be [present](/view/10:03:07) in the exported exercise method that marc [presented](/view/10:17:12) occasionally noisy but is [pretty](/view/09:26:17) benign as spiders [pretty](/view/11:18:48) speedy a concept like print [preview](/view/09:58:04) preview print preview rendering [preview](/view/09:58:22) a page use a [preview](/view/09:57:30) function to render print [preview](/view/09:59:50) made me think general to download [preview](/view/09:58:22) print preview rendering to download preview print [preview](/view/09:58:22) rendering preview norman castle replacing the [previous](/view/10:55:50) theres a concept like [print](/view/09:58:04) preview [print](/view/09:59:50) preview made me general to download preview [print](/view/09:58:22) preview rendering preview the work in [probing](/view/09:39:23) around for a logged in since the [probing](/view/09:39:23) work was remembered and server architecture discussions [problem](/view/10:37:23) solving evolution of a wiki farm i [provide](/view/10:20:48) to do writing i like the [proximity](/view/11:16:01) alerts will redirect through a [proxy](/view/09:38:33) able to make a [proxy](/view/09:41:38) available when the


paul notes that when [pulling](/view/09:47:37) a page from [putting](/view/09:11:49) in an ap


six contextual [questions](/view/10:16:27) causal loop diagramming bicycles hard to make [quick](/view/11:10:49) swerves a second wave feminist [quip](/view/09:20:07) done as a is now there are [quite](/view/10:04:21) a few changes we are using is [quite](/view/10:04:21) old now the


done as a bike [rack](/view/09:20:07) wikipedia org wiki switcher [railroad](/view/09:14:11) yard engine or ward [raises](/view/10:06:31) the visitor pattern in an ap pier [rance](/view/09:11:49) [random](/view/10:28:12) family for want and make it through [rather](/view/11:12:05) than slam on


view systems thinking selected [readings](/view/10:22:28) penguin view welcome visitors view [recent](/view/10:22:28) changes view systems demonstrates a list of [recent](/view/10:50:33) daily track reports might be mostly a [recreational](/view/11:04:55) stopping point in the client will [redirect](/view/09:38:33) through a proxy a mallard ducks eye [reflecting](/view/09:18:56) the photographer interesting for needing general [relativity](/view/09:10:11) based corrections to but digitalocean is more [reliable](/view/09:52:29) for a page is [remembered](/view/09:39:23) but a subtle the probing work was [remembered](/view/09:39:23) it might have [render](/view/09:57:51) a preview function to [render](/view/09:57:30) a fixed static page versus a dynamic [render](/view/09:59:48) like the lineup page to be the [rendered](/view/10:40:39) result erics description is in dialogue with [rendering](/view/10:01:44) a static site we separate the graphviz [rendering](/view/09:56:45) and the algorithmic download preview print preview [rendering](/view/09:58:22) preview newcastle the norman castle [replacing](/view/10:55:50) the previous ward demonstrates a track [report](/view/10:48:58) from the helium may and the track [report](/view/10:48:58) showing the sequence citizen [reporting](/view/11:11:11) from the helium network [reporting](/view/10:48:58) the locations of glitches in track [reports](/view/10:53:02) might represent things of recent daily track [reports](/view/10:50:33) where each line in track reports might [represent](/view/10:53:02) things like gps to be the rendered [result](/view/10:40:39) erics description of output or a survey [result](/view/10:40:39) page as one


oh [right](/view/09:14:14) hope i got that [right](/view/10:06:34) [right](/view/09:58:04) theres a concept


through the frontage slip [road](/view/11:10:09) working from dining [room](/view/09:08:37) table take the slip off [round](/view/11:09:10) roundabout and back the slip off round [roundabout](/view/11:09:10) and back on


[ryuichi](/view/09:42:04) sakamoto


seem odd and i [said](/view/09:34:04) oh you could ryuichi [sakamoto](/view/09:42:04) a [sample](/view/09:43:06) of the video with estimated mph between [samples](/view/10:48:58) and places stopped the sequence of location [samples](/view/10:48:58) and times on tracks for interpolating missing [samples](/view/09:27:38) wards bicycle tracker jeff mentions the [santa](/view/10:20:24) fe institute for if the graphviz plugin [saves](/view/09:55:10) a snapshot of


[scattered](/view/11:05:08) cabins a general considering a trip to [scotland](/view/11:01:49) for the world we re talking fedwiki [script](/view/10:11:43) and plugin architecture page what does a [script](/view/09:59:48) look like that the ghost pages [scripts](/view/10:40:39) and frames allow problem solving evolution of [scripts](/view/10:37:23) etc


near [seattle](/view/10:56:24) in the city of [seattle](/view/10:53:47) for the i bicycle trip tracks for [seattle](/view/10:48:58) may and the port theme or a [second](/view/09:20:07) wave feminist quip not understand the minutes [seconds](/view/09:47:37) format but all of them [seem](/view/09:25:02) iffy as to mind map the connections [seem](/view/09:34:04) odd and i biggest thing i ve [seen](/view/09:25:53) in my basement interested listeners for marcs [segment](/view/10:16:09) changes view systems thinking [selected](/view/10:22:28) readings penguin as a notes to [self](/view/11:03:28) capture for intake should we [separate](/view/09:56:45) the graphviz rendering track report showing the [sequence](/view/10:48:58) of location samples stairs [serious](/view/09:11:10) land on your which allows you to [serve](/view/09:43:06) a clip of between wiki client and [server](/view/10:37:23) architecture discussions problem logged in to the [server](/view/09:41:38) for the site logged in the [server](/view/09:41:38) is able to some of the mastodon [servers](/view/09:49:34) have been appreciating the multiple video hosting [services](/view/09:45:37) fedwiki supports server for the site [serving](/view/09:41:38) the leftmost page


naming and [shaming](/view/11:10:29) more easily [shared](/view/10:02:24) format davis california is a [sharp](/view/11:11:51) observer of bicycle maybe [shelve](/view/10:58:52) it next to f convention and i [should](/view/11:01:49) check it out [should](/view/09:56:45) we separate the that page and only [show](/view/09:31:48) text if better a powerful way of [showing](/view/10:33:36) an overview [showing](/view/10:16:09) communication channels within and the track report [showing](/view/10:48:58) the sequence of railroad yard engine or [shunter](/view/09:14:11)


sounds like the up [side](/view/10:13:58) of the open you ve logged in [since](/view/09:39:23) the probing work with rendering a static [site](/view/10:01:44) hetzner [site](/view/09:52:22) hosting re browsing a wiki [site](/view/09:37:57) in https and the server for the [site](/view/09:41:38) serving the leftmost http sites and https [sites](/view/09:36:03) the way there http [sites](/view/09:36:03) and https sites showing communication channels within [sites](/view/10:16:09) in the federation


of a highway to [skip](/view/11:07:18) around traffic p


it through rather than [slam](/view/11:12:05) on the brakes those that take the [slip](/view/11:09:10) off round roundabout up through the frontage [slip](/view/11:10:09) road


[smoothed](/view/09:27:38) tracks for interpolating


graphviz plugin saves a [snapshot](/view/09:55:10) of both the


server architecture discussions problem [solving](/view/10:37:23) evolution of scripts quite a few changes [some](/view/10:04:21) breaking in that i found [some](/view/11:04:06) frozen ghosts in made [some](/view/10:15:23) good connections with was introducing fedwiki to [some](/view/09:34:04) members of the i heard that [some](/view/09:49:34) of the mastodon site in https and [some](/view/09:37:57) of the neighborhood whats in this wiki [someone](/view/09:34:04) asked is that will [sometimes](/view/11:17:32) trigger a light and i [sometimes](/view/11:16:17) wish i had by week also wards [sons](/view/09:18:56) picture a close lane abuse of various [sorts](/view/11:11:51) marcs description [sounds](/view/10:13:58) like the up the expensive affordances like [source](/view/10:00:40) code control without some of the neighborhood [source](/view/09:37:57) of pages is


governance and navigable information [spaces](/view/10:38:13) side of the open [spaces](/view/10:13:58) potential ward notes the [span](/view/10:37:23) between wiki client vimeo hosted video by [specifying](/view/09:43:06) start and duration demonstrating bicycle traces with [speed](/view/09:18:56) determined by gps a general store a [speed](/view/11:05:08) trap total distance and fastest [speed](/view/10:50:33) within the track pretty [speedy](/view/11:18:48) is the european house [spider](/view/09:25:53) is pretty benign as [spiders](/view/09:26:17) go eye eternity in a [splash](/view/09:16:19)


[stairs](/view/09:11:10) serious land on hosted video by specifying [start](/view/09:43:06) and duration use now that the [start](/view/09:45:37) and end are and now i am [starting](/view/09:34:49) to get a dynamic versus [static](/view/09:58:50) dialogue with rendering a [static](/view/10:01:44) site to render a fixed [static](/view/09:57:30) version of a dynamic and [static](/view/09:57:30) versions of a track duration and summary [statistics](/view/10:50:33) such as total between samples and places [stopped](/view/10:48:58) be mostly a recreational [stopping](/view/11:04:55) point without diff based backing [store](/view/10:00:40) scattered cabins a general [store](/view/11:05:08) a speed trap check it out with [street](/view/11:01:49) view the [strobe](/view/11:17:25) for high beams fe institute for complexity [studies](/view/10:20:24)


is remembered but a [subtle](/view/09:39:23) point is that duration and summary statistics [such](/view/10:50:33) as total distance graph very helpful for [summarizing](/view/09:34:04) whats in this a track duration and [summary](/view/10:50:33) statistics such as the algorithmic language doesnt [support](/view/10:11:21) arbitrary depth following video hosting services fedwiki [supports](/view/09:45:37) updating the client that [supports](/view/09:31:48) cannot find that not [sure](/view/09:20:07) if it was original version of fedwikis [survey](/view/10:05:33) svg output or a [survey](/view/10:40:39) result page as a lifelong interest in [sustainable](/view/10:15:23) systems [sustainable](/view/11:09:36) systems


hard to make quick [swerves](/view/11:10:49) en wikipedia org wiki [switcher](/view/09:14:11) railroad yard engine pond version of a [switching](/view/09:12:57) engine design pattern [switching](/view/09:13:10) engine


lifelong interest in sustainable [systems](/view/10:15:23) sustainable [systems](/view/11:09:36) to use fedwiki for [systems](/view/10:38:13) and community governance viable [systems](/view/10:15:07) model folks at ing is hosting the [systems](/view/10:20:48) thinking ontario event view recent changes view [systems](/view/10:22:28) thinking selected readings


working from dining room [table](/view/09:08:37) over here those that [take](/view/11:09:10) the slip off we re [talking](/view/10:11:43) fedwiki script and


page and only show [text](/view/09:31:48) if better match


make it through rather [than](/view/11:12:05) slam on the wiki someone asked is [that](/view/09:34:04) a mind map ward points out [that](/view/10:11:21) because of the and the svg does [that](/view/09:55:10) create bloated wiki a script look like [that](/view/09:59:48) generates a frozen i know [that](/view/09:30:26) google location finding you generate an svg [that](/view/10:04:14) has full path a subtle point is [that](/view/09:39:23) if you ve page from a wiki [that](/view/09:47:37) includes video items changes some breaking in [that](/view/10:04:21) jump to a little boat [that](/view/10:13:10) looks like a using the exercise method [that](/view/10:17:12) marc presented catch all the vips [that](/view/11:07:18) merge in illegally little towns [that](/view/11:04:55) might be mostly that supports cannot find [that](/view/09:31:48) page and only hope i got [that](/view/10:06:34) right i heard [that](/view/09:49:34) some of the paul updating the client [that](/view/09:31:48) supports cannot find over here those [that](/view/11:09:10) take the slip descriptive of the way [that](/view/10:06:31) the graphviz plugin ease of use now [that](/view/09:45:37) the start and a plugin [that](/view/10:38:34) uses another plugin so [that](/view/10:34:55) we can compose came to understand things [that](/view/10:17:12) we had not paul notes [that](/view/09:47:37) when pulling a not navigate the links [that](/view/10:03:07) would be present make a floor plan [thats](/view/09:58:58) when the bat oh we can see [thedoghousenumber](/view/09:30:46) we must likely can compose more of [them](/view/10:34:55) but all of [them](/view/09:25:02) seem iffy as was a ballard port [theme](/view/09:20:07) or a second photo a day challenge [themed](/view/09:18:56) by week also wasm version is now [there](/view/10:04:21) are quite a you cant get [there](/view/09:36:03) from here you go all the way [there](/view/09:36:03) http sites and [there](/view/09:19:21) is a fish [there](/view/10:07:51) is an algorithmic sites in the federation [there](/view/10:16:09) was common vocabulary right [theres](/view/09:58:04) a concept like [theres](/view/10:53:47) a tunnel in the biggest [thing](/view/09:25:53) i ve seen can we limit how [things](/view/10:34:50) articulate track reports might represent [things](/view/10:53:02) like gps doesnt we came to understand [things](/view/10:17:12) that we had for how to add [things](/view/10:07:51) to the diagram i [think](/view/09:49:58) hachyderm dot io i [think](/view/09:48:51) i m going nod i [think](/view/11:12:30) i ve had [think](/view/09:56:59) i was worried print preview made me [think](/view/09:59:50) of autocad is hosting the systems [thinking](/view/10:20:48) ontario event tomorrow recent changes view systems [thinking](/view/10:22:28) selected readings penguin all of [this](/view/10:01:44) is in dialogue [this](/view/10:35:42) morning has been how close is [this](/view/10:27:03) person to economic for summarizing whats in [this](/view/09:34:04) wiki someone asked and going into how [thompson](/view/10:38:13) and marc have get a glimpse of [thompson](/view/09:34:49) morrisons wikihaiku notions ve had one of [those](/view/11:12:30) auto camera tickets a couple tickets from [those](/view/11:12:05) automated cameras for over here [those](/view/11:09:10) that take the the client will redirect [through](/view/09:38:33) a proxy try and make it [through](/view/11:12:05) rather than slam i see zooming up [through](/view/11:10:09) the frontage slip a deep time walk [through](/view/10:58:33) the grand canyon the man who walked [through](/view/10:58:33) time a deep


of those auto camera [tickets](/view/11:12:30) ve gotten a couple [tickets](/view/11:12:05) from those automated corrections to position and [time](/view/09:10:11) man who walked through [time](/view/10:58:33) a deep time autocad for the first [time](/view/09:58:58) in a while through time a deep [time](/view/10:58:33) walk through the of location samples and [times](/view/10:48:58) on a map


systems thinking ontario event [tomorrow](/view/10:20:48) details here summary statistics such as [total](/view/10:50:33) distance and fastest like newton new [town](/view/10:55:29) boom town ghost [town](/view/11:04:15) boom [town](/view/11:04:15) ghost town little [towns](/view/11:04:55) that might be


has been demonstrating bicycle [traces](/view/09:18:56) with speed determined fastest speed within the [track](/view/10:50:33) has a date a [track](/view/10:50:33) duration and summary ward demonstrates a [track](/view/10:48:58) report from the seattle may and the [track](/view/10:48:58) report showing the glitches in [track](/view/10:53:02) reports might represent list of recent daily [track](/view/10:50:33) reports where each missing samples wards bicycle [tracker](/view/09:27:38) mechanisms smoothed [tracks](/view/09:27:38) for interpolating missing locations of bicycle trip [tracks](/view/10:48:58) for seattle may highway to skip around [traffic](/view/11:07:18) p what are the expensive [transitions](/view/10:00:40) what are the for want of night [transportation](/view/10:28:12) or child care hard to escape the [trap](/view/10:28:12) general store a speed [trap](/view/11:05:08) plugin can work with [traversing](/view/10:06:31) the lineup will sometimes [trigger](/view/11:17:32) a light change i m considering a [trip](/view/11:01:49) to scotland for the locations of bicycle [trip](/view/10:48:58) tracks for seattle the miniature pickup [truck](/view/09:12:28) version of a a minute exercise [truncated](/view/10:14:23) to min a while last night [trying](/view/09:58:58) to make a


truck version of a [tugboat](/view/09:12:28) work well in a [tunnel](/view/10:53:02) theres a [tunnel](/view/10:53:47) in the city


versus newcastle upon [tyne](/view/10:56:34)


video plugin may not [understand](/view/09:47:37) the minutes seconds we came to [understand](/view/10:17:12) things that we that we had not [understood](/view/10:17:12) before using the worried about not having [unfreeze](/view/09:56:59)


video plugin has been [updated](/view/09:44:34) to make it paul [updating](/view/09:31:48) the client that versus newcastle [upon](/view/10:56:34) tyne


that google location finding [used](/view/09:30:26) to harvest the it would be more [useful](/view/10:04:14) a plugin that [uses](/view/10:38:34) another plugin as hes [using](/view/10:20:48) a wiki farm to connect pages and [using](/view/09:34:04) backlinks instead of of graphviz we are [using](/view/10:04:21) is quite old had not understood before [using](/view/10:17:12) the exercise method


bicycle lane abuse of [various](/view/11:11:51) sorts


version via the wasm [version](/view/10:04:21) is now there render a fixed static [version](/view/09:57:30) of a diagram that generates a frozen [version](/view/09:59:48) of a page a log pond [version](/view/09:12:57) of a switching the miniature pickup truck [version](/view/09:12:28) of a tugboat much like the original [version](/view/10:05:33) of fedwikis survey the wasm [version](/view/10:04:21) of graphviz we old now the latest [version](/view/10:04:21) via the wasm dynamic and static [versions](/view/09:57:30) of a page version of a page [versus](/view/09:59:48) a dynamic render interpreted [versus](/view/09:58:40) compiled [versus](/view/10:56:34) newcastle upon tyne dynamic [versus](/view/09:58:50) static found the lineup graph [very](/view/09:34:04) helpful for summarizing


[viable](/view/10:15:07) systems model folks of a vimeo hosted [video](/view/09:43:06) by specifying start available across the multiple [video](/view/09:45:37) hosting services fedwiki a wiki that includes [video](/view/09:47:37) items written with good at parsing the [video](/view/09:44:34) parameters if listed a sample of the [video](/view/09:43:06) plug in which the [video](/view/09:44:34) plugin has been new client the old [video](/view/09:47:37) plugin may not it out with street [view](/view/11:01:49) cc view welcome visitors [view](/view/10:22:28) recent changes view visitors view recent changes [view](/view/10:22:28) systems thinking selected daviding wiki openlearning cc [view](/view/10:22:28) welcome visitors view a clip of a [vimeo](/view/09:43:06) hosted video by to catch all the [vips](/view/11:07:18) that merge in the bat came to [visit](/view/09:58:58) me p year to visitor visitor [visitor](/view/10:08:02) ward raises the [visitor](/view/10:06:31) pattern as descriptive a year to visitor [visitor](/view/10:08:02) visitor for a year to [visitor](/view/10:08:02) visitor visitor openlearning cc view welcome [visitors](/view/10:22:28) view recent changes another plugin as its [visualiser](/view/10:38:34)


federation there was common [vocabulary](/view/10:16:09) and engaged interested


time a deep time [walk](/view/10:58:33) through the grand the man who [walked](/view/10:58:33) through time a i [want](/view/11:07:18) cameras to catch random family for [want](/view/10:28:12) of night transportation [ward](/view/10:50:33) demonstrates a list [ward](/view/10:48:58) demonstrates a track context [ward](/view/09:18:56) has been demonstrating [ward](/view/10:37:23) notes the span [ward](/view/10:11:21) points out that [ward](/view/10:06:31) raises the visitor for interpolating missing samples [wards](/view/09:27:38) bicycle tracker mechanisms themed by week also [wards](/view/09:18:56) sons picture a latest version via the [wasm](/view/10:04:21) version is now the [wasm](/view/10:04:21) version of graphviz theme or a second [wave](/view/09:20:07) feminist quip done


day challenge themed by [week](/view/09:18:56) also wards sons wiki openlearning cc view [welcome](/view/10:22:28) visitors view recent like gps doesnt work [well](/view/10:53:02) in a tunnel


[what](/view/10:00:40) are the expensive are the expensive transitions [what](/view/10:00:40) are the expensive contains a ghost page [what](/view/09:59:48) does a script [what](/view/09:59:48) does a workflow context paul is demonstrating [what](/view/09:37:57) happens when you very helpful for summarizing [whats](/view/09:34:04) in this wiki long [wheelbase](/view/11:10:49) cargo bicycles hard those automated cameras for [when](/view/11:12:05) i just barely paul notes that [when](/view/09:47:37) pulling a page a floor plan thats [when](/view/09:58:58) the bat came make a proxy available [when](/view/09:41:38) the wiki client is demonstrating what happens [when](/view/09:37:57) you re browsing recent daily track reports [where](/view/10:50:33) each line has marcs case [where](/view/10:03:07) he would export to a fan commuity [where](/view/10:33:36) the lineup diagram it might have changed [whether](/view/09:39:23) a page was the video plug in [which](/view/09:43:06) allows you to a workflow look like [which](/view/09:59:48) contains a ghost [which](/view/09:26:17) is big and first time in a [while](/view/09:58:58) last night trying [whoa](/view/09:25:41)


the names of local [wifi](/view/09:30:26) bubbles as a from [wiki](/view/10:01:46) the heart of federated [wiki](/view/10:35:42) as a community notes the span between [wiki](/view/10:37:23) client and server proxy available when the [wiki](/view/09:41:38) client is logged frozen ghosts in my [wiki](/view/11:04:06) farm hes using a [wiki](/view/10:20:48) farm i provide https st daviding [wiki](/view/10:22:28) openlearning cc view does that create bloated [wiki](/view/09:55:10) page journals you re browsing a [wiki](/view/09:37:57) site in https summarizing whats in this [wiki](/view/09:34:04) someone asked is https [wiki](/view/10:20:48) st on org https en wikipedia org [wiki](/view/09:14:11) switcher railroad yard a page from a [wiki](/view/09:47:37) that includes video glimpse of thompson morrisons [wikihaiku](/view/09:34:49) notions https en [wikipedia](/view/09:14:11) org wiki switcher logged in the client [will](/view/09:38:33) redirect through a ducks eye and you [will](/view/09:15:13) see your answer [will](/view/11:17:32) sometimes trigger a [william](/view/10:29:31) blake mind forg and i sometimes [wish](/view/11:16:17) i had a pages an enriched svg [with](/view/10:04:14) anchors it would there is a fish [with](/view/09:19:21) bicycles in lower times on a map [with](/view/10:48:58) estimated mph between bicyclists [with](/view/11:10:21) helmet cameras made some good connections [with](/view/10:15:23) people who have this is in dialogue [with](/view/10:01:44) rendering a static been demonstrating bicycle traces [with](/view/09:18:56) speed determined by should check it out [with](/view/11:01:49) street view includes video items written [with](/view/09:47:37) the new client graphviz plugin can work [with](/view/10:06:31) traversing the lineup showing communication channels [within](/view/10:16:09) sites in the distance and fastest speed [within](/view/10:50:33) the track like source code control [without](/view/10:00:40) diff based backing


for intake of a [word](/view/11:03:28) and a link the [work](/view/09:39:23) in probing around in since the probing [work](/view/09:39:23) was remembered it things like gps doesnt [work](/view/10:53:02) well in a the graphviz plugin can [work](/view/10:06:31) with traversing the what does a [workflow](/view/09:59:48) look like which [working](/view/09:08:37) from dining room to scotland for the [world](/view/11:01:49) sf f convention think i was [worried](/view/09:56:59) about not having svg with anchors it [would](/view/10:04:14) be more useful navigate the links that [would](/view/10:03:07) be present in marcs case where he [would](/view/10:03:07) export a svg


i provide to do [writing](/view/10:20:48) and prep for that includes video items [written](/view/09:47:37) with the new


org wiki switcher railroad [yard](/view/09:14:11) engine or shunter


was paid for a [year](/view/10:08:02) to visitor visitor [yesterday](/view/09:34:04) i was introducing


and you will see [your](/view/09:15:13) answer stairs serious land on [your](/view/09:11:10) helmet hazard as to data leaving [your](/view/09:25:02) house e g the [youtube](/view/09:44:43) plugin


oh i see [zooming](/view/11:10:09) up through the