Keyword Index. See Typescript 2023-03-12
what is this book [about](/view/11:34:14) what is this book [about](/view/11:36:52) not expecting to hear [about](/view/10:58:30) contact improv today view welcome visitors view [about](/view/10:54:52) flagmatic plugin google is extra concerned [about](/view/09:42:18) https vs http notes to franks question [about](/view/10:12:17) personal wikis dividing i m still curious [about](/view/11:04:15) putting data in support for multilingual work [about](/view/11:33:43) ten years old school email ward talks [about](/view/10:15:51) the notion of where can i read [about](/view/11:00:57) the survey concept
wiki could be best [accomplished](/view/11:45:35) by overlaying a is like the fediverse [activitypub](/view/11:31:07) just without inboxes where are the [actuaries](/view/09:51:46) with fire and
name as simple as [adding](/view/11:33:41) it into my it at my ip [address](/view/11:33:41) at the same ip [address](/view/11:38:17) if you use welcome visitors view plugin [admin](/view/11:10:22) https [admin](/view/11:10:22) relocalizecreativity net view domain names complicates server [administration](/view/10:19:27) as eric describes does anybody know any [admins](/view/09:39:47) of these farms
keep the chat anywhere [afterwards](/view/11:13:44)
you save the chat [again](/view/11:51:49) when its over eric uses mac launch [agent](/view/10:17:42) now for his
lfi wiki dbbs co [aikido](/view/10:00:58) for a hijacked eric i tried [aikido](/view/10:39:54) last year because for computing in the [airport](/view/09:24:32) lounge
svg archive highlighting the [album](/view/11:48:07) where the mouse https johnpeelarchive com [albums](/view/11:43:18) this https johnpeelarchive com [albums](/view/11:50:30) index html shelfnum silke helfrichs library with [alexanders](/view/11:26:14) books in blue has a menu which [allows](/view/11:14:10) save chat close to json ld [already](/view/11:30:29) and our controlled does wiki [already](/view/11:42:51) have something for use the supported mechanism [already](/view/11:45:35) in wiki [also](/view/10:07:14) because of the the same database and [alternate](/view/10:12:17) versions at software
i was [amused](/view/10:06:34) to see that
a playlist in sequence [annotated](/view/11:51:49) with the orchestra helfrichs library and an [annotation](/view/11:32:19) and cataloguing effort papers etc a distributed [annotation](/view/11:32:19) and sense making greater than characters and [another](/view/11:02:34) space all the [answer](/view/11:27:31) ad hoc conventions does [anybody](/view/09:39:47) know any admins you keep the chat [anywhere](/view/11:13:44) afterwards
using wiki as an [application](/view/10:13:46) server the division content itself seems to [apply](/view/11:04:15) to elements in i [appreciate](/view/10:22:00) your reminder of
in the john peel [archive](/view/11:48:07) are done in provides the john peel [archive](/view/11:46:29) as an example this way an svg [archive](/view/11:48:07) highlighting the album c com https web [archive](/view/09:37:19) org web http https web [archive](/view/09:45:10) org web http https web [archive](/view/09:51:38) org web http in awhile https web [archive](/view/10:00:02) org web http https web [archive](/view/10:07:58) org web http donate to the internet [archive](/view/09:44:38) perhaps a navigable pleasantly interactive [archive](/view/11:46:29) using javascript etc chasing transparent seagrass [around](/view/09:23:10) a coffee house wards description of bicycling [around](/view/12:03:42) and finding roads working with neighborhood communities [around](/view/10:15:51) focused federated wiki has left and right [arrows](/view/11:50:30) its much larger
ward cunningham http ward [asia](/view/09:39:47) wiki org view ward [asia](/view/09:39:47) wiki org ward i remember at retail [aspect](/view/10:06:00) when we occasionally http npl wiki [assets](/view/11:33:51) home index html [asteroids](/view/09:26:50) it was originally there for a planetary [astronomy](/view/09:57:48) conference
ah [avalon](/view/09:20:26) hill my teenage non mac partly to [avoid](/view/10:21:31) running non native
com wiki page in [awhile](/view/10:00:02) https web archive
svg on the image [background](/view/11:45:35) to provide clickable also because of the [backing](/view/10:07:14) the classic [bank](/view/09:31:30) run the reinvention of robber [baron](/view/11:53:55) capitalism svg clip path color [bars](/view/11:05:16) html controlled vocab for the [base](/view/11:30:29) format would be with schools for example [based](/view/10:15:51) on a school
using the now discontinued [beaker](/view/10:26:12) browser [became](/view/10:04:18) visualage for xxxxxx https [because](/view/09:42:18) google is extra tried aikido last year [because](/view/10:39:54) its an influcence also [because](/view/10:07:14) of the backing copy pasting the chat [because](/view/11:14:40) that webclient doesnt work but it quickly [becomes](/view/10:31:17) something different from i ve [been](/view/11:13:03) thinking of phototelling happy to i ve [been](/view/11:53:21) updating periodically first movement of [beethovens](/view/11:50:25) th symphony thinks that are currently [being](/view/10:13:50) worked on for in wiki could be [best](/view/11:45:35) accomplished by overlaying need to figure out [best](/view/10:31:17) way to map mentions wikidata as having [better](/view/11:33:43) support for multilingual the url scheme to [better](/view/10:26:31) support static sites the division of work [between](/view/10:13:46) client lineup page about personal wikis dividing [between](/view/10:12:17) personal and public interlinks with red strings [between](/view/09:27:35) the pages
wards description of [bicycling](/view/12:03:42) around and finding they had a [billion](/view/09:31:23) dollar withdrawal and they could have weathered [billion](/view/09:31:23) dollars i have a [bitsy](/view/11:34:10) farm right now
dobbs wander dbbs co [blob](/view/10:23:07) main html compose spec compose spec [blob](/view/10:27:35) master spec md https www divami com [blog](/view/10:41:00) usage svg stroke with alexanders books in [blue](/view/11:26:14)
college ride [boards](/view/10:08:33) once upon a silke helfrich and david [bollier](/view/11:30:36) davidbollier fed wiki david [bollier](/view/09:39:47) http davidbollier fed tick from the federal [bond](/view/09:32:02) interest rates view what is this [book](/view/11:34:14) about view what is this [book](/view/11:36:52) about ed pdf of the [book](/view/11:43:36) covers inthe commons org wiki wikidata wikiproject [books](/view/11:34:19) are next to which [books](/view/11:38:47) and which [books](/view/11:38:47) are next to helfrichs library with alexanders [books](/view/11:26:14) in blue pictures of the physical [books](/view/11:35:58) with the notes eric my grandmother was [born](/view/09:57:48) in boulder i grandmother was born in [boulder](/view/09:57:48) i visited there a bunch of ah [boxes](/view/09:20:26) on the shelves
became visualage for xxxxxx [brand](/view/10:04:18) then eventually a legacy [brand](/view/10:04:25) https johnpeelarchive com [brian](/view/11:46:06) eno he has worked with [bringing](/view/10:17:42) up wiki on [browse](/view/11:40:15) vs search the now discontinued beaker [browser](/view/10:26:12) question of what their [browser](/view/11:38:17) does
this machine he s [building](/view/11:02:52) erich gamma is still [building](/view/10:06:34) ides now vscode game group had a [bunch](/view/09:20:26) of ah boxes are rideshare as a [business](/view/10:09:16) [buying](/view/10:05:15) oti and envy
my twitter [byline](/view/09:51:57)
adding it into my [caddy](/view/11:33:41) proxy and having as part of the [calibration](/view/09:23:10) sequence [camelcase](/view/10:30:21) wikiwords i still though maybe web client [cant](/view/11:17:25) dl files you [cant](/view/09:47:11) open your pop too bad we [cant](/view/11:39:49) virtual reality the delegate [capability](/view/10:16:17) tokens nod like this to delegate [capability](/view/10:15:59) tokens to people reinvention of robber baron [capitalism](/view/11:53:55) wiki form input for [capturing](/view/10:10:05) data thats quite visitors code fed wiki [catalog](/view/11:02:26) of survey probes [catalog](/view/11:02:54) of survey probes i d like to [catalogized](/view/11:26:30) and an annotation and [cataloguing](/view/11:32:19) effort i am book covers inthe commons [category](/view/11:43:36) kerry turner [causal](/view/09:56:37) loop expert horse
the combination of tls [certificate](/view/10:19:27) checking and domain you use tls and [certs](/view/11:38:17) there may be
oh right the [character](/view/11:03:14) used for the space two greater than [characters](/view/11:02:34) and another space [charging](/view/11:53:38) rent on the conspiracy [chart](/view/09:27:52) yes virtual conspiracy [chart](/view/09:28:03) environment on the graphviz pie [chart](/view/11:06:19) re rendering [chasing](/view/09:23:10) transparent seagrass around i personally save the [chat](/view/11:13:54) menu which allows save [chat](/view/11:14:10) at saving the whole [chat](/view/11:15:12) can you save the [chat](/view/11:51:49) again when its do you keep the [chat](/view/11:13:44) anywhere afterwards time copy pasting the [chat](/view/11:14:40) because that webclient an option to download [chat](/view/11:19:03) here either should dump [chat](/view/11:14:21) in the dojo upload in zooms own [chat](/view/11:17:25) p though maybe combination of tls certificate [checking](/view/10:19:27) and domain names star wars [chess](/view/09:21:32) a lot when a [child](/view/10:04:38) is due
are concerns eric may [clarify](/view/10:22:40) robert s friend of financialization creating a [class](/view/09:55:06) of financialization experts the [classic](/view/09:31:30) bank run [clever](/view/10:23:09) oh wow thats a [clever](/view/10:33:52) way of collaborating everyday it is one [click](/view/10:21:59) install marc has the one [click](/view/10:29:20) localwiki localwiki so image background to provide [clickable](/view/11:45:35) targets in the p though maybe web [client](/view/11:17:25) cant dl files the native [client](/view/11:15:12) is good at division of work between [client](/view/10:13:46) lineup page visibility the web [client](/view/11:16:17) might not have wiki dbbs co svg [clip](/view/11:05:16) path color bars thanks for finding that [clip](/view/11:06:19) path i went fed wiki is so [close](/view/11:30:29) to json ld option for a more [closed](/view/10:15:51) collaboration working with
writing r [code](/view/09:49:44) wiki view welcome visitors [code](/view/11:02:26) fed wiki catalog catalog of survey probes [code](/view/11:02:26) fed wiki site out history of the [code](/view/10:06:00) structure until it afk [coffee](/view/10:34:44) transparent seagrass around a [coffee](/view/09:23:10) house as part journalists consortiums did to [collaborate](/view/11:32:19) on the paradise a clever way of [collaborating](/view/10:33:52) and comparing his for a more closed [collaboration](/view/10:15:51) working with schools around focused federated wiki [collaborations](/view/10:15:51) login to read highlights the need for [collaborative](/view/10:29:59) wiki work to with information personally and [collaboratively](/view/10:28:49) [college](/view/10:08:33) ride boards once co svg clip path [color](/view/11:05:16) bars html way to map miller [columns](/view/10:31:17) to phone pages the [combination](/view/10:19:27) of tls certificate high school had a [commodore](/view/09:30:58) pet in the commoning wiki muster des [commoning](/view/09:39:47) ci ag http federated wiki mustersprache des [commoning](/view/09:39:47) http commoning muster [commoning](/view/09:39:47) muster federated wiki mustersprache des commoning http [commoning](/view/09:39:47) muster federated wiki muster des [commoning](/view/09:39:47) wiki muster des ag http muster des [commoning](/view/09:39:47) wiki view welcome makecommoningwork fed wiki make [commoning](/view/09:39:47) work http makecommoningwork your interest in the [commons](/view/11:52:29) rent on the enclosed [commons](/view/11:53:38) creative [commons](/view/11:54:32) language for governing the [commons](/view/10:09:29) as a community the book covers inthe [commons](/view/11:43:36) category https [commonsstrategies](/view/11:30:36) org who we marc working with neighborhood [communities](/view/10:15:51) around focused federated the commons as a [community](/view/10:09:29) of a user defined [community](/view/10:15:51) but we havent extract toward the [company](/view/09:48:31) owners partners other efforts that are [comparable](/view/11:33:43) ward mentions wikidata way of collaborating and [comparing](/view/10:33:52) his own supercollaborator concealing [complexities](/view/10:23:41) core to consumerization checking and domain names [complicates](/view/10:19:27) server administration as sufficiently interesting for the [complication](/view/10:17:42) k s requires as used with docker [compose](/view/10:18:20) and a https github com compose spec [compose](/view/10:27:35) spec blob master interesting https github com [compose](/view/10:27:35) spec compose spec https [compose](/view/10:23:26) spec io with the orchestra and [composer](/view/11:51:49) virtual monitor good for [computing](/view/09:24:32) in the airport [concealing](/view/10:23:41) complexities core to read about the survey [concept](/view/11:00:57) because google is extra [concerned](/view/09:42:18) about https vs seems like there are [concerns](/view/10:22:40) eric may clarify i presented at lfi [conf](/view/10:00:58) https lfi wiki for a planetary astronomy [conference](/view/09:57:48) lfi [conference](/view/09:58:22) local to eric he experimented with tls [configuration](/view/10:19:27) in his k that connected or didnt [connect](/view/12:03:42) and finding roads that [connected](/view/12:03:42) or didnt connect [connector](/view/12:03:14) roads and island recalling what the journalists [consortiums](/view/11:32:19) did to collaborate [conspiracy](/view/09:27:52) chart yes virtual [conspiracy](/view/09:28:03) chart environment concealing complexities core to [consumerization](/view/10:23:41) expecting to hear about [contact](/view/10:58:30) improv today but its an influcence for [contact](/view/10:39:54) improvisation what i process is good enough [container](/view/10:18:15) for fedwiki openshift no need for [containers](/view/10:17:30) for fedwiki semantic web journal net [content](/view/11:31:00) five stars linked other than the item [content](/view/11:04:15) itself seems to ld already and our [controlled](/view/11:30:29) vocab for the character used for the [convention](/view/11:03:14) for phototelling so weather is the [convention](/view/11:02:52) for this machine answer ad hoc [conventions](/view/11:27:31) marc observes very [cool](/view/11:46:42) have a hard time [copy](/view/11:14:40) pasting the chat concealing complexities [core](/view/10:23:41) to consumerization we occasionally had envy [corruption](/view/10:06:00) envy was super image map in wiki [could](/view/11:45:35) be best accomplished dollar withdrawal and they [could](/view/09:31:23) have weathered billion we [could](/view/11:54:45) use some updates public ward describes a [couple](/view/10:12:17) of personal localhost you like the dance [couple](/view/09:19:18) on a cruise of [course](/view/10:26:12) there will be pdf of the book [covers](/view/11:43:36) inthe commons category some pages up that [covers](/view/10:00:58) similar ground to
once upon a time [craigslist](/view/10:08:33) now i guess my instance has not [crashed](/view/09:39:39) clarify robert s friend [created](/view/10:22:40) this in less the curse of financialization [creating](/view/09:55:06) a class of ecosystem [creation](/view/09:21:07) time help your [creative](/view/11:54:32) commons having a ground [crew](/view/10:04:38) helps a lot mobile devices as a [critical](/view/10:29:59) need limit whispering fire in a [crowded](/view/09:32:27) theatre dance couple on a [cruise](/view/09:19:18)
asia wiki org ward [cunningham](/view/09:39:47) http ward asia ok i m still [curious](/view/11:04:15) about putting data capturing data thats quite [current](/view/10:10:05) with thinks that are [currently](/view/10:13:50) being worked on the [curse](/view/09:55:06) of financialization creating [customer](/view/09:47:47) support is too
ward describes [dabbling](/view/10:13:46) in using wiki with you like the [dance](/view/09:19:18) couple on a blog usage svg stroke [dasharray](/view/10:41:00) maps has all the [data](/view/10:09:31) an example of scripting [data](/view/11:10:21) from wiki pages still curious about putting [data](/view/11:04:15) in the json ie there is more [data](/view/11:04:15) than what is form input for capturing [data](/view/10:10:05) thats quite current content five stars linked [data](/view/11:31:00) vocabulary use instances with the same [database](/view/10:12:17) and alternate versions some updates for open [databases](/view/11:54:45) are silke helfrich and [david](/view/11:30:36) bollier davidbollier fed wiki [david](/view/09:39:47) bollier http davidbollier [davidbollier](/view/09:39:47) fed wiki david wiki david bollier http [davidbollier](/view/09:39:47) fed wiki view
github com dobbs wander [dbbs](/view/10:22:06) co conf https lfi wiki [dbbs](/view/10:00:58) co aikido for github com dobbs wander [dbbs](/view/10:23:07) co blob main https wiki [dbbs](/view/11:05:16) co svg clip
oh right non [decodable](/view/09:45:39) sequences themes whimsical front yard [decorations](/view/11:13:03) in fill of notion of a user [defined](/view/10:15:51) community but we [delegate](/view/10:16:17) capability tokens nod something like this to [delegate](/view/10:15:59) capability tokens to [delegation](/view/09:44:10) is hard eric [demonstrates](/view/11:48:07) that the lp node or [deno](/view/10:18:15) process is good the k s install [depends](/view/10:17:42) on docker and personal and public ward [describes](/view/10:12:17) a couple of ward [describes](/view/10:13:46) dabbling in using server administration as eric [describes](/view/10:19:27) he experimented with ward [describes](/view/10:15:51) marc working with marc [describes](/view/10:28:49) needs for working eric [describes](/view/10:17:42) running wiki locally eric [describes](/view/10:18:20) the wiki exposed wards [description](/view/12:03:42) of bicycling around creation time help your [developers](/view/09:21:07) roads and island village [developments](/view/12:03:14) be effective on mobile [devices](/view/10:29:59) as a critical
roads that connected or [didnt](/view/12:03:42) connect it quickly becomes something [different](/view/10:31:17) from fedwiki my own neighborhood for [different](/view/11:13:03) themes whimsical front exposing the node server [directly](/view/10:18:20) version using the now [discontinued](/view/10:26:12) beaker browser oh right storage tube [displays](/view/09:25:50) nod nod paradise papers etc a [distributed](/view/11:32:19) annotation and sense but have rarely [distributed](/view/11:14:00) it something like https www [divami](/view/10:41:00) com blog usage question about personal wikis [dividing](/view/10:12:17) between personal and an application server the [division](/view/10:13:46) of work between
https github com [dobbs](/view/10:22:06) wander dbbs co https github com [dobbs](/view/10:23:07) wander dbbs co s install depends on [docker](/view/10:17:42) and docker for same thing here using [docker](/view/10:17:30) and podman openshift avoid running non native [docker](/view/10:21:31) but i m internet as used with [docker](/view/10:18:20) compose and a depends on docker and [docker](/view/10:17:42) for mac is of what their browser [does](/view/11:38:17) [does](/view/09:39:47) anybody know any [does](/view/11:42:51) wiki already have chat because that webclient [doesnt](/view/11:14:40) make it easy reacted to http jeff [dojo](/view/11:28:18) f with frank try http ward [dojo](/view/11:02:26) fed wiki view new information http jeff [dojo](/view/11:10:21) fed wiki view http jeff [dojo](/view/11:26:33) fed wiki view updated http jeff [dojo](/view/11:41:22) fed wiki view updating http jeff [dojo](/view/11:59:46) fed wiki view http jeff [dojo](/view/12:02:33) fed wiki view dump chat in the [dojo](/view/11:14:21) somewhere each week they had a billion [dollar](/view/09:31:23) withdrawal and they could have weathered billion [dollars](/view/09:31:23) else with their own [domain](/view/11:33:41) name take a tls certificate checking and [domain](/view/10:19:27) names complicates server therefore we [donate](/view/09:44:38) to the internet john peel archive are [done](/view/11:48:07) in exactly this community but we havent [done](/view/10:15:51) specific work on is interesting ward has [done](/view/10:13:46) wiki fied extracts m on zoom mobile [dont](/view/11:19:03) see an option see an option to [download](/view/11:19:03) chat here either [download](/view/11:17:25) to upload in
should [dump](/view/11:14:21) chat in the
trainer riding dynamics system [dynamics](/view/09:56:37) in horse and expert horse trainer riding [dynamics](/view/09:56:37) system dynamics in welcome visitors view riding [dynamics](/view/11:34:14) view introduction view welcome visitors view riding [dynamics](/view/11:36:52) view introduction view
[each](/view/11:51:49) symphony is a in the dojo somewhere [each](/view/11:14:21) week p phototelling was an [early](/view/11:04:06) and specific version docker but i m [early](/view/10:21:31) in setting it flatscreens [easier](/view/09:25:19) for pairing than webclient doesnt make it [easy](/view/11:14:40)
of the visualage smalltalk [ecosystem](/view/10:05:15) [ecosystem](/view/09:21:07) creation time help
elements in graph nodes [edges](/view/11:04:15) too ie there
wiki work to be [effective](/view/10:29:59) on mobile devices annotation and sense making [effort](/view/11:32:19) an annotation and cataloguing [effort](/view/11:32:19) i am recalling there may be other [efforts](/view/11:33:43) that are comparable
to download chat here [either](/view/11:19:03)
seems to apply to [elements](/view/11:04:15) in graph nodes is letting someone [else](/view/11:33:41) with their own
based on a school [email](/view/10:15:51) ward talks about
charging rent on the [enclosed](/view/11:53:38) commons docker for mac is [energy](/view/10:17:42) intensive eric uses age for java smalltalk [engine](/view/10:01:55) pet in the senior [english](/view/09:30:58) sf and philosophy deno process is good [enough](/view/10:18:15) container for fedwiki for learning but not [enough](/view/10:19:27) to be worth yes virtual conspiracy chart [environment](/view/09:28:03) when we occasionally had [envy](/view/10:06:00) corruption envy was buying oti and [envy](/view/10:05:15) library package system occasionally had envy corruption [envy](/view/10:06:00) was super good
[eric](/view/09:50:35) [eric](/view/11:48:07) demonstrates that the complicates server administration as [eric](/view/10:19:27) describes he experimented [eric](/view/10:17:42) describes running wiki [eric](/view/10:18:20) describes the wiki in the way that [eric](/view/10:26:31) has used the [eric](/view/10:39:54) i tried aikido like there are concerns [eric](/view/10:22:40) may clarify robert toward [eric](/view/09:57:48) my grandmother was lfi conference local to [eric](/view/09:58:22) recently [eric](/view/11:06:19) thanks for finding mac is energy intensive [eric](/view/10:17:42) uses mac launch amused to see that [erich](/view/10:06:34) gamma is still
then [eventually](/view/10:04:25) a legacy brand i use this tool [everyday](/view/10:21:59) it is one
archive are done in [exactly](/view/11:48:07) this way an working with schools for [example](/view/10:15:51) based on a peel archive as an [example](/view/11:46:29) of a navigable phototelling as an [example](/view/11:10:21) of scripting data of survey probes gives [examples](/view/11:02:54) of ways to will be a server [except](/view/10:26:12) for a short to i was not [expectin](/view/11:02:20) with i was not [expecting](/view/10:58:30) to hear about as eric describes he [experimented](/view/10:19:27) with tls configuration kerry turner causal loop [expert](/view/09:56:37) horse trainer riding a class of financialization [experts](/view/09:55:06) fed wiki view sunday [explorers](/view/11:41:22) fed wiki view sunday [explorers](/view/11:59:46) fed wiki view sunday [explorers](/view/12:02:33) fed wiki view sunday [explorers](/view/11:26:33) for frank eric describes the wiki [exposed](/view/10:18:20) to the internet reverse proxy rather than [exposing](/view/10:18:20) the node server https because google is [extra](/view/09:42:18) concerned about https [extract](/view/09:48:31) toward the company has done wiki fied [extracts](/view/10:13:46) of text e
fed wiki site survey [factory](/view/11:02:26) relocalizecreativity net marcs wiki [farm](/view/10:31:49) i have a bitsy [farm](/view/11:34:10) right now far but its a [farm](/view/11:38:17) with friends security a space on my [farm](/view/11:33:41) with that name any admins of these [farms](/view/09:39:47) i have two localhost [farms](/view/10:13:50) using localhost subdomains too much leaned on [fast](/view/09:47:47) it went pretty [fast](/view/11:01:36) how do you
fundamental tick from the [federal](/view/09:32:02) bond interest rates neighborhood communities around focused [federated](/view/10:15:51) wiki collaborations login semantic markup in [federated](/view/10:10:05) wiki form input trg [federated](/view/09:39:47) wiki johann steudtle commoning muster [federated](/view/09:39:47) wiki mustersprache des commoning http commoning muster [federated](/view/09:39:47) wiki view welcome johann steudtle http trg [federated](/view/09:39:47) wiki view welcome wiki is like the [fediverse](/view/11:31:07) activitypub just without need for containers for [fedwiki](/view/10:17:30) good enough container for [fedwiki](/view/10:18:15) becomes something different from [fedwiki](/view/10:31:17) ruby fedwiki probably node [fedwiki](/view/10:05:22) inclined me toward re mobile [fedwiki](/view/10:31:17) need to figure i remember ruby [fedwiki](/view/10:05:22) probably node fedwiki https github com [fedwiki](/view/10:20:55) wiki ssg http [fedwikiriver](/view/11:57:08) com
ward has done wiki [fied](/view/10:13:46) extracts of text mobile fedwiki need to [figure](/view/10:31:17) out best way web client cant dl [files](/view/11:17:25) front yard decorations in [fill](/view/11:13:03) of row houses d grads went into [finance](/view/09:50:13) in the s the curse of [financialization](/view/09:55:06) creating a class creating a class of [financialization](/view/09:55:06) experts of bicycling around and [finding](/view/12:03:42) roads that connected eric thanks for [finding](/view/11:06:19) that clip path are the actuaries with [fire](/view/09:51:46) and sword whispering [fire](/view/09:32:27) in a crowded [first](/view/10:02:09) introduction to an [first](/view/11:50:25) movement of beethovens much larger than on [first](/view/11:50:30) sight web journal net content [five](/view/11:31:00) stars linked data
welcome visitors view about [flagmatic](/view/10:54:52) plugin [flatscreens](/view/09:25:19) easier for pairing i started with some [flutter](/view/10:31:17) work but it
with neighborhood communities around [focused](/view/10:15:51) federated wiki collaborations the knights and knaves [form](/view/09:28:45) markup in federated wiki [form](/view/10:10:05) input for capturing vocab for the base [format](/view/11:30:29) would be really
[frank](/view/10:31:53) view sunday explorers for [frank](/view/11:26:33) [frank](/view/10:32:24) relocalizecreativity net https [frank](/view/10:54:52) relocalizecreativity net view [frank](/view/11:02:26) try http ward reacted to [frank](/view/11:02:59) try http with hey [frank](/view/11:52:29) what is your [frank](/view/11:18:58) you site is c com cgi wiki [frankgerhardt](/view/09:37:19) c com cgi wiki [frankgerhardt](/view/09:45:10) c com cgi wiki [frankgerhardt](/view/10:07:58) notes to [franks](/view/10:12:17) question about personal of row houses little [free](/view/11:13:03) libraries may clarify robert s [friend](/view/10:22:40) created this in its a farm with [friends](/view/11:38:17) security i think quickly becomes something different [from](/view/10:31:17) fedwiki process to gather information [from](/view/11:04:06) photo geodata theres a fundamental tick [from](/view/09:32:02) the federal bond example of scripting data [from](/view/11:10:21) wiki pages to for different themes whimsical [front](/view/11:13:03) yard decorations in
someone twitches theres a [fundamental](/view/09:32:02) tick from the
avalon hill my teenage [game](/view/09:20:26) group had a a [game](/view/09:19:18) person to play to see that erich [gamma](/view/10:06:34) is still building the survey process to [gather](/view/11:04:06) information from photo
from wiki pages to [generate](/view/11:10:21) new information http of the static site [generator](/view/10:22:00) gather information from photo [geodata](/view/11:04:06) fg [gerhardt](/view/10:31:45) io org web http www [gerhardtinformatics](/view/09:51:38) com
robert interesting https [github](/view/10:27:35) com compose spec https [github](/view/10:22:06) com dobbs wander https [github](/view/10:23:07) com dobbs wander https [github](/view/10:20:55) com fedwiki wiki https [github](/view/11:57:14) com opentripplanner though i noticed [githubs](/view/09:45:59) markdown processor tries catalog of survey probes [gives](/view/11:02:54) examples of ways
the native client is [good](/view/11:15:12) at saving the or deno process is [good](/view/10:18:15) enough container for virtual monitor [good](/view/09:24:32) for computing in corruption envy was super [good](/view/10:06:00) for the parsed room would be a [good](/view/11:40:16) starting place for [google](/view/09:41:26) for oauth https because [google](/view/09:42:18) is extra concerned but [google](/view/10:09:31) through maps has view welcome visitors havent [gotten](/view/11:38:17) very far but a pattern language for [governing](/view/10:09:29) the commons as
some physics ph d [grads](/view/09:50:13) went into finance toward eric my [grandmother](/view/09:57:48) was born in apply to elements in [graph](/view/11:04:15) nodes edges too little dry on the [graphviz](/view/11:06:19) pie chart re types a space two [greater](/view/11:02:34) than characters and having a [ground](/view/10:04:38) crew helps a up that covers similar [ground](/view/10:00:58) to what i hill my teenage game [group](/view/09:20:26) had a bunch
the middle worries i [guess](/view/09:42:18) time craigslist now i [guess](/view/10:08:33)
i very lightly [hacked](/view/10:30:59) wikibase for personal eric has used the [handler](/view/10:26:31) to support the yes i d be [happy](/view/11:53:21) to i ve delegation is [hard](/view/09:44:10) githubs markdown processor tries [hard](/view/09:45:59) i have a [hard](/view/11:14:40) time copy pasting i [have](/view/11:34:10) a bitsy farm i [have](/view/11:14:40) a hard time but [have](/view/11:14:00) rarely distributed it does wiki already [have](/view/11:42:51) something for image web client might not [have](/view/11:16:17) that option like ward i [have](/view/10:13:50) two localhost farms withdrawal and they could [have](/view/09:31:23) weathered billion dollars defined community but we [havent](/view/10:15:51) done specific work com view welcome visitors [havent](/view/11:38:17) gotten very far hmmm [havent](/view/10:00:02) looked at my the mouse pointer is [havering](/view/11:48:07) [having](/view/10:04:38) a ground crew ward mentions wikidata as [having](/view/11:33:43) better support for my caddy proxy and [having](/view/11:33:41) them point it
[hdtv](/view/09:23:34) resolution
was not expecting to [hear](/view/10:58:30) about contact improv who we are silke [helfrich](/view/11:30:36) and david bollier with silke [helfrichs](/view/11:32:19) library and an silke [helfrichs](/view/11:26:14) library with alexanders ecosystem creation time [help](/view/09:21:07) your developers k s it was [helpful](/view/10:19:27) for learning but having a ground crew [helps](/view/10:04:38) a lot when option to download chat [here](/view/11:19:03) either same thing [here](/view/10:17:30) using docker and contact improv today but [here](/view/10:58:30) we are
my [high](/view/09:30:58) school had a we need to [highlight](/view/09:27:35) the interlinks with way an svg archive [highlighting](/view/11:48:07) the album where marc [highlights](/view/10:29:59) the need for ward [highlights](/view/10:26:31) the possibility of co aikido for a [hijacked](/view/10:00:58) retro html ah avalon [hill](/view/09:20:26) my teenage game then part of [history](/view/10:04:31) visibility and server page [history](/view/10:13:46) and persistence navigation for the parsed out [history](/view/10:06:00) of the code
[hmmm](/view/10:00:02) havent looked at
http npl wiki assets [home](/view/11:33:51) index html dynamics system dynamics in [horse](/view/09:56:37) and rider work turner causal loop expert [horse](/view/09:56:37) trainer riding dynamics in less than an [hour](/view/10:22:40) seagrass around a coffee [house](/view/09:23:10) as part of in fill of row [houses](/view/11:13:03) little free libraries
for a hijacked retro [html](/view/10:00:58) dbbs co blob main [html](/view/10:23:07) clip path color bars [html](/view/11:05:16) wiki assets home index [html](/view/11:33:51) johnpeelarchive com albums index [html](/view/11:50:30) shelfnum has left web archive org web [http](/view/09:37:19) c com cgi web archive org web [http](/view/09:45:10) c com cgi web archive org web [http](/view/10:07:58) c com cgi wiki mustersprache des commoning [http](/view/09:39:47) commoning muster federated fed wiki david bollier [http](/view/09:39:47) davidbollier fed wiki [http](/view/11:57:08) fedwikiriver com reacted to updating [http](/view/11:59:56) je with reacted to [http](/view/11:28:18) jeff dojo f to generate new information [http](/view/11:10:21) jeff dojo fed [http](/view/11:26:33) jeff dojo fed updated [http](/view/11:41:22) jeff dojo fed updating [http](/view/11:59:46) jeff dojo fed [http](/view/12:02:33) jeff dojo fed wiki make commoning work [http](/view/09:39:47) makecommoningwork fed wiki des commoning ci ag [http](/view/09:39:47) muster des commoning [http](/view/11:33:51) npl wiki assets concerned about https vs [http](/view/09:42:18) related to person wiki org reliable prosperity [http](/view/09:39:47) reliable prosperity fed federated wiki johann steudtle [http](/view/09:39:47) trg federated wiki wiki org ward cunningham [http](/view/09:39:47) ward asia wiki frank try [http](/view/11:02:26) ward dojo fed my wiki intro [http](/view/09:38:33) wiki c com web archive org web [http](/view/10:00:02) wiki c com [http](/view/09:39:18) wiki pixiereport com [http](/view/11:38:17) wiki pixiereport com reacted to frank try [http](/view/11:02:59) with web archive org web [http](/view/09:51:38) www gerhardtinformatics com [https](/view/11:10:22) admin relocalizecreativity net [https](/view/09:42:18) because google is [https](/view/11:30:36) commonsstrategies org who [https](/view/10:23:26) compose spec io [https](/view/11:42:51) en m wikipedia [https](/view/10:54:52) frank relocalizecreativity net robert interesting [https](/view/10:27:35) github com compose [https](/view/10:22:06) github com dobbs [https](/view/10:23:07) github com dobbs [https](/view/10:20:55) github com fedwiki [https](/view/11:57:14) github com opentripplanner reacted to [https](/view/11:46:25) johnpeelar with [https](/view/11:43:18) johnpeelarchive com albums hey this [https](/view/11:50:30) johnpeelarchive com albums [https](/view/11:46:06) johnpeelarchive com brian [https](/view/11:29:37) json ld org presented at lfi conf [https](/view/10:00:58) lfi wiki dbbs metamaps dot cc [https](/view/10:00:41) metamaps cc to docker compose and a [https](/view/10:18:20) reverse proxy rather [https](/view/11:34:14) ridingdynamics relocalizecreativity net [https](/view/11:36:52) ridingdynamics relocalizecreativity net [https](/view/11:31:00) semantic web journal [https](/view/11:27:58) stardata info en [https](/view/10:15:59) ucan xyz is extra concerned about [https](/view/09:42:18) vs http related page at c com [https](/view/09:37:19) web archive org [https](/view/09:45:10) web archive org [https](/view/09:51:38) web archive org wiki page in awhile [https](/view/10:00:02) web archive org [https](/view/10:07:58) web archive org [https](/view/11:05:16) wiki dbbs co maybe something like [https](/view/10:41:00) www divami com [https](/view/11:34:19) www wikidata org reacted to [https](/view/11:34:29) www wikidata with
gamma is still building [ides](/view/10:06:34) now vscode
it was originally vector [iirc](/view/09:26:50) limited to simplified
a svg on the [image](/view/11:45:35) background to provide m wikipedia org wiki [image](/view/11:42:51) map ward suggests that an [image](/view/11:45:35) map in wiki already have something for [image](/view/11:42:51) maps in the way that [image](/view/11:45:35) maps do use [imagemap](/view/11:39:17) it i love [imagining](/view/11:35:58) the pictures of the most interesting one [imho](/view/10:06:58) to hear about contact [improv](/view/10:58:30) today but here an influcence for contact [improvisation](/view/10:39:54) what i did
fediverse activitypub just without [inboxes](/view/11:31:07) fedwiki probably node fedwiki [inclined](/view/10:05:22) me toward node npl wiki assets home [index](/view/11:33:51) html https johnpeelarchive com albums [index](/view/11:50:30) html shelfnum has year because its an [influcence](/view/10:39:54) for contact improvisation https stardata [info](/view/11:27:58) en survey process to gather [information](/view/11:04:06) from photo geodata pages to generate new [information](/view/11:10:21) http jeff dojo needs for working with [information](/view/10:28:49) personally and collaboratively vs nohup vs sysv [init](/view/10:12:37) or systemd in federated wiki form [input](/view/10:10:05) for capturing data it is one click [install](/view/10:21:59) that the k s [install](/view/10:17:42) depends on docker my [instance](/view/09:39:39) has not crashed of personal localhost wiki [instances](/view/10:12:17) with the same for mac is energy [intensive](/view/10:17:42) eric uses mac of a navigable pleasantly [interactive](/view/11:46:29) archive using javascript frank what is your [interest](/view/11:52:29) in the commons from the federal bond [interest](/view/09:32:02) rates but it wasnt sufficiently [interesting](/view/10:17:42) for the complication robert [interesting](/view/10:27:35) https github com vscode is the most [interesting](/view/10:06:58) one imho package system was really [interesting](/view/10:05:15) part of the it would be [interesting](/view/10:15:59) to use something and persistence navigation is [interesting](/view/10:13:46) ward has done need to highlight the [interlinks](/view/09:27:35) with red strings we donate to the [internet](/view/09:44:38) archive perhaps wiki exposed to the [internet](/view/10:18:20) as used with of the book covers [inthe](/view/11:43:36) commons category ph d grads went [into](/view/09:50:13) finance in the simple as adding it [into](/view/11:33:41) my caddy proxy my wiki [intro](/view/09:38:33) http wiki c my [intro](/view/09:37:19) my old page first [introduction](/view/10:02:09) to an ide view riding dynamics view [introduction](/view/11:34:14) view what is view riding dynamics view [introduction](/view/11:36:52) view what is
connector roads and [island](/view/12:03:14) village developments
somewhere other than the [item](/view/11:04:15) content itself seems end of the paragraph [item](/view/11:02:34) ward types a than the item content [itself](/view/11:04:15) seems to apply
me visual age for [java](/view/10:01:55) smalltalk engine pleasantly interactive archive using [javascript](/view/11:46:29) etc
[jeff](/view/11:51:49) can you save reacted to http [jeff](/view/11:28:18) dojo f with generate new information http [jeff](/view/11:10:21) dojo fed wiki http [jeff](/view/11:26:33) dojo fed wiki updated http [jeff](/view/11:41:22) dojo fed wiki updating http [jeff](/view/11:59:46) dojo fed wiki http [jeff](/view/12:02:33) dojo fed wiki http wiki c com [jeffreymiller](/view/09:38:33)
trg federated wiki [johann](/view/09:39:47) steudtle http trg lp spines in the [john](/view/11:48:07) peel archive are paul provides the [john](/view/11:46:29) peel archive as reacted to https [johnpeelar](/view/11:46:25) with https [johnpeelarchive](/view/11:43:18) com albums hey this https [johnpeelarchive](/view/11:50:30) com albums index https [johnpeelarchive](/view/11:46:06) com brian eno title story [journal](/view/11:30:29) https semantic web [journal](/view/11:31:00) net content five am recalling what the [journalists](/view/11:32:19) consortiums did to
or [json](/view/11:28:44) ld is so close to [json](/view/11:30:29) ld already and https [json](/view/11:29:37) ld org semantic markup in [json](/view/11:27:20) objects or ad putting data in the [json](/view/11:04:15) somewhere other than
like the fediverse activitypub [just](/view/11:31:07) without inboxes
do you [keep](/view/11:13:44) the chat anywhere [kerry](/view/09:56:37) turner causal loop
of the knights and [knaves](/view/09:28:45) form logic puzzle of the [knights](/view/09:28:45) and knaves form does anybody [know](/view/09:39:47) any admins of
wiki on a local [kubernetes](/view/10:17:42) but it wasnt
is shown on the [label](/view/11:04:15) a pattern [language](/view/10:09:29) for governing the a wiki text pattern [language](/view/10:13:46) privately my new [laptop](/view/10:21:31) is non mac right arrows its much [larger](/view/11:50:30) than on first eric i tried aikido [last](/view/10:39:54) year because its intensive eric uses mac [launch](/view/10:17:42) agent now for
support is too much [leaned](/view/09:47:47) on fast it was helpful for [learning](/view/10:19:27) but not enough view welcome visitors view [learning](/view/11:10:21) phototelling seattle fed index html shelfnum has [left](/view/11:50:30) and right arrows then eventually a [legacy](/view/10:04:25) brand friend created this in [less](/view/10:22:40) than an hour is [letting](/view/11:33:41) someone else with
row houses little free [libraries](/view/11:13:03) the smell of a [library](/view/11:39:49) with silke helfrichs [library](/view/11:32:19) and an annotation buying oti and envy [library](/view/10:05:15) package system was place for putting the [library](/view/11:40:16) up silke helfrichs [library](/view/11:26:14) with alexanders books i very [lightly](/view/10:30:59) hacked wikibase for maybe something [like](/view/10:41:00) https www divami to people for things [like](/view/10:15:59) reading or reading to play with you [like](/view/09:19:18) the dance couple fed wiki is [like](/view/11:31:07) the fediverse activitypub it seems [like](/view/10:22:40) there are concerns interesting to use something [like](/view/10:15:59) this to delegate what i d [like](/view/11:26:30) to catalogized [like](/view/10:13:50) ward i have as a critical need [limit](/view/10:29:59) was originally vector iirc [limited](/view/09:26:50) to simplified monochrome handler to support the [lineup](/view/10:26:31) of wiki pages of work between client [lineup](/view/10:13:46) page visibility and net content five stars [linked](/view/11:31:00) data vocabulary use path i went a [little](/view/11:06:19) dry on the fill of row houses [little](/view/11:13:03) free libraries
up wiki on a [local](/view/10:17:42) kubernetes but it lfi conference [local](/view/09:58:22) to eric recently ward i have two [localhost](/view/10:13:50) farms using localhost two localhost farms using [localhost](/view/10:13:50) subdomains one with a couple of personal [localhost](/view/10:12:17) wiki instances with eric describes running wiki [locally](/view/10:17:42) using node he has the one click [localwiki](/view/10:29:20) localwiki so and [localwiki](/view/10:21:41) so and so the one click localwiki [localwiki](/view/10:29:20) so and so which was a peculiar [logic](/view/09:28:45) puzzle of the focused federated wiki collaborations [login](/view/10:15:51) to read is hmmm havent [looked](/view/10:00:02) at my c kerry turner causal [loop](/view/09:56:37) expert horse trainer computing in the airport [lounge](/view/09:24:32) i [love](/view/11:35:58) imagining the pictures
uber [lyft](/view/10:09:16) are rideshare as
the convention for this [machine](/view/11:02:52) he s building cant open your pop [mailbox](/view/09:47:11) try it now wander dbbs co blob [main](/view/10:23:07) html makecommoningwork fed wiki [make](/view/09:39:47) commoning work http because that webclient doesnt [make](/view/11:14:40) it easy [makecommoningwork](/view/09:39:47) fed wiki make make commoning work http [makecommoningwork](/view/09:39:47) fed wiki view distributed annotation and sense [making](/view/11:32:19) effort have something for image [maps](/view/11:42:51) the way that image [maps](/view/11:45:35) do use the but google through [maps](/view/10:09:31) has all the [marc](/view/10:28:49) describes needs for [marc](/view/10:29:20) has the one [marc](/view/10:29:59) highlights the need [marc](/view/10:00:58) i got some [marc](/view/11:46:42) observes very cool [marc](/view/10:52:33) thank you for ward describes [marc](/view/10:15:51) working with neighborhood relocalizecreativity net [marcs](/view/10:31:49) wiki farm though i noticed githubs [markdown](/view/09:45:59) processor tries hard the right of that [marker](/view/11:02:34) are treated as semantic [markup](/view/10:10:05) in federated wiki semantic [markup](/view/11:27:20) in json objects spec compose spec blob [master](/view/10:27:35) spec md [maybe](/view/10:41:00) something like https own chat p though [maybe](/view/11:17:25) web client cant
do use the supported [mechanism](/view/11:45:35) already in wiki that are comparable ward [mentions](/view/11:33:43) wikidata as having zoom has a [menu](/view/11:14:10) which allows save metamaps dot cc https [metamaps](/view/10:00:41) cc to robert [metamaps](/view/10:00:41) dot cc https
to person in the [middle](/view/09:42:18) worries i guess the web client [might](/view/11:16:17) not have that best way to map [miller](/view/10:31:17) columns to phone [minority](/view/09:28:10) report the movie vs [minority](/view/09:28:45) report the story
to be effective on [mobile](/view/10:29:59) devices as a i m on zoom [mobile](/view/11:19:03) dont see an re [mobile](/view/10:31:17) fedwiki need to virtual [monitor](/view/09:24:32) good for computing pairing than vr ar [monitors](/view/09:25:19) iirc limited to simplified [monochrome](/view/09:26:50) one option for a [more](/view/10:15:51) closed collaboration working too ie there is [more](/view/11:04:15) data than what yeah vscode is the [most](/view/10:06:58) interesting one imho the album where the [mouse](/view/11:48:07) pointer is havering first [movement](/view/11:50:25) of beethovens th minority report the [movie](/view/09:28:10)
paul thank you very [much](/view/11:49:46) and right arrows its [much](/view/11:50:30) larger than on customer support is too [much](/view/09:47:47) leaned on fast having better support for [multilingual](/view/11:33:43) work about ten muster des commoning wiki [muster](/view/09:39:47) des commoning ci [muster](/view/09:39:47) des commoning wiki commoning ci ag http [muster](/view/09:39:47) des commoning wiki commoning [muster](/view/09:39:47) federated wiki mustersprache des commoning http commoning [muster](/view/09:39:47) federated wiki view commoning muster federated wiki [mustersprache](/view/09:39:47) des commoning http
my farm with that [name](/view/11:33:41) as simple as with their own domain [name](/view/11:33:41) take a space certificate checking and domain [names](/view/10:19:27) complicates server administration the [native](/view/11:15:12) client is good to avoid running non [native](/view/10:21:31) docker but i an example of a [navigable](/view/11:46:29) pleasantly interactive archive page history and persistence [navigation](/view/10:13:46) is interesting ward
marc highlights the [need](/view/10:29:59) for collaborative wiki and podman openshift no [need](/view/10:17:30) for containers for devices as a critical [need](/view/10:29:59) limit re mobile fedwiki [need](/view/10:31:17) to figure out we [need](/view/09:27:35) to highlight the marc describes [needs](/view/10:28:49) for working with describes marc working with [neighborhood](/view/10:15:51) communities around focused phototelling in my own [neighborhood](/view/11:13:03) for different themes and which books are [next](/view/11:38:47) to which books worked on for the [next](/view/10:13:50) version
fedwiki inclined me toward [node](/view/10:05:22) remember ruby fedwiki probably [node](/view/10:05:22) fedwiki inclined me running wiki locally using [node](/view/10:17:42) he has worked [node](/view/10:18:15) or deno process rather than exposing the [node](/view/10:18:20) server directly to elements in graph [nodes](/view/11:04:15) edges too ie gnu screen vs [nohup](/view/10:12:37) vs sysv init with all of silkes [notes](/view/11:35:07) physical books with the [notes](/view/11:35:58) [notes](/view/10:12:17) to franks question though i [noticed](/view/09:45:59) githubs markdown processor ward talks about the [notion](/view/10:15:51) of a user
google for [oauth](/view/09:41:26)
semantic markup in json [objects](/view/11:27:20) or ad hoc marc [observes](/view/11:46:42) very cool
retail aspect when we [occasionally](/view/10:06:00) had envy corruption
college ride boards [once](/view/10:08:33) upon a time
use some updates for [open](/view/11:54:45) databases you cant [open](/view/09:47:11) your pop mailbox using docker and podman [openshift](/view/10:17:30) no need for [opentripplanner](/view/11:57:11) https github com [opentripplanner](/view/11:57:14) might not have that [option](/view/11:16:17) to read is one [option](/view/10:15:51) for a more mobile dont see an [option](/view/11:19:03) to download chat
sequence annotated with the [orchestra](/view/11:51:49) and composer asteroids it was [originally](/view/09:26:50) vector iirc limited
there may be [other](/view/11:33:43) efforts that are in the json somewhere [other](/view/11:04:15) than the item the released version the [other](/view/10:13:50) with thinks that
chat again when its [over](/view/11:51:49) be best accomplished by [overlaying](/view/11:45:35) a svg on
extract toward the company [owners](/view/09:48:31) partners
oti and envy library [package](/view/10:05:15) system was really my intro my old [page](/view/09:37:19) at c com page visibility and server [page](/view/10:13:46) history and persistence my c com wiki [page](/view/10:00:02) in awhile https work between client lineup [page](/view/10:13:46) visibility and server red strings between the [pages](/view/09:27:35) the lineup of wiki [pages](/view/10:26:31) miller columns to phone [pages](/view/10:31:17) i started with scripting data from wiki [pages](/view/11:10:21) to generate new marc i got some [pages](/view/10:00:58) up that covers of ways to survey [pages](/view/11:02:54) within a wiki flatscreens easier for [pairing](/view/09:25:19) than vr ar szechuan scallion [pancakes](/view/09:36:42) collaborate on the paradise [papers](/view/11:32:19) etc a distributed to collaborate on the [paradise](/view/11:32:19) papers etc a the end of the [paragraph](/view/11:02:34) item ward types super good for the [parsed](/view/10:06:00) out history of then [part](/view/10:04:31) of history a coffee house as [part](/view/09:23:10) of the calibration system was really interesting [part](/view/10:05:15) of the visualage laptop is non mac [partly](/view/10:21:31) to avoid running toward the company owners [partners](/view/09:48:31) a hard time copy [pasting](/view/11:14:40) the chat because dbbs co svg clip [path](/view/11:05:16) color bars html for finding that clip [path](/view/11:06:19) i went a a [pattern](/view/10:09:29) language for governing g a wiki text [pattern](/view/10:13:46) language privately [paul](/view/11:46:29) provides the john [paul](/view/11:49:46) thank you very
story which was a [peculiar](/view/09:28:45) logic puzzle of spines in the john [peel](/view/11:48:07) archive are done paul provides the john [peel](/view/11:46:29) archive as an delegate capability tokens to [people](/view/10:15:59) for things like to the internet archive [perhaps](/view/09:44:38) except for a short [period](/view/10:26:12) when there was i ve been updating [periodically](/view/11:53:21) server page history and [persistence](/view/10:13:46) navigation is interesting vs http related to [person](/view/09:42:18) in the middle a game [person](/view/09:19:18) to play with personal wikis dividing between [personal](/view/10:12:17) and public ward describes a couple of [personal](/view/10:12:17) localhost wiki instances lightly hacked wikibase for [personal](/view/10:30:59) sites agent now for his [personal](/view/10:17:42) wiki to franks question about [personal](/view/10:12:17) wikis dividing between for working with information [personally](/view/10:28:49) and collaboratively i [personally](/view/11:13:54) save the chat can add your new [persons](/view/11:38:17) subdomain at the http wiki c com [peterdimitrios](/view/10:00:02)
senior english sf and [philosophy](/view/09:30:58) teachers room map miller columns to [phone](/view/10:31:17) pages i started to gather information from [photo](/view/11:04:06) geodata for the convention for [phototelling](/view/11:03:14) [phototelling](/view/11:10:21) as an example ve been thinking of [phototelling](/view/11:13:03) in my own welcome visitors view learning [phototelling](/view/11:10:21) seattle fed wiki [phototelling](/view/11:04:06) was an early the pictures of the [physical](/view/11:35:58) books with the some [physics](/view/09:50:13) ph d grads
with [pictures](/view/12:02:38) put these [pictures](/view/11:39:39) in a wonder i love imagining the [pictures](/view/11:35:58) of the physical http wiki [pixiereport](/view/09:39:18) com http wiki [pixiereport](/view/11:38:17) com view welcome
be a good starting [place](/view/11:40:16) for putting the seattle fed wiki visited [places](/view/11:10:21) script visited there for a [planetary](/view/09:57:48) astronomy conference a game person to [play](/view/09:19:18) with you like each symphony is a [playlist](/view/11:51:49) in sequence annotated example of a navigable [pleasantly](/view/11:46:29) interactive archive using visitors view about flagmatic [plugin](/view/10:54:52) view welcome visitors view [plugin](/view/11:10:22) admin
here using docker and [podman](/view/10:17:30) openshift no need proxy and having them [point](/view/11:33:41) it at my album where the mouse [pointer](/view/11:48:07) is havering ward highlights the [possibility](/view/10:26:31) of revising the
ground to what i [presented](/view/10:00:58) at lfi conf it went [pretty](/view/11:01:36) fast how do wiki text pattern language [privately](/view/10:13:46) [probably](/view/09:40:31) jon richter i remember ruby fedwiki [probably](/view/10:05:22) node fedwiki inclined wiki catalog of survey [probes](/view/11:02:26) code fed wiki catalog of survey [probes](/view/11:02:54) gives examples of node or deno [process](/view/10:18:15) is good enough version of the survey [process](/view/11:04:06) to gather information i noticed githubs markdown [processor](/view/09:45:59) tries hard reliable [prosperity](/view/09:39:47) fed wiki org reliable prosperity http reliable [prosperity](/view/09:39:47) fed wiki org fed wiki org reliable [prosperity](/view/09:39:47) http reliable prosperity the image background to [provide](/view/11:45:35) clickable targets in paul [provides](/view/11:46:29) the john peel it into my caddy [proxy](/view/11:33:41) and having them and a https reverse [proxy](/view/10:18:20) rather than exposing
dividing between personal and [public](/view/10:12:17) ward describes a m still curious about [putting](/view/11:04:15) data in the good starting place for [putting](/view/11:40:16) the library up was a peculiar logic [puzzle](/view/09:28:45) of the knights
notes to franks [question](/view/10:12:17) about personal wikis there may be a [question](/view/11:38:17) of what their flutter work but it [quickly](/view/10:31:17) becomes something different for capturing data thats [quite](/view/10:10:05) current
but have [rarely](/view/11:14:00) distributed it the federal bond interest [rates](/view/09:32:02) a https reverse proxy [rather](/view/10:18:20) than exposing the
[reacted](/view/11:19:15) to f a [reacted](/view/11:02:59) to frank try [reacted](/view/11:28:18) to http jeff [reacted](/view/11:46:25) to https johnpeelar [reacted](/view/11:34:29) to https www [reacted](/view/11:02:20) to i was [reacted](/view/11:59:56) to updating http where can i [read](/view/11:00:57) about the survey wiki collaborations login to [read](/view/10:15:51) is one option things like reading or [reading](/view/10:15:59) people for things like [reading](/view/10:15:59) or reading bad we cant virtual [reality](/view/11:39:49) the smell of library package system was [really](/view/10:05:15) interesting part of base format would be [really](/view/11:30:29) simple cataloguing effort i am [recalling](/view/11:32:19) what the journalists conference local to eric [recently](/view/09:58:22) the [reinvention](/view/11:53:55) of robber baron about https vs http [related](/view/09:42:18) to person in subdomains one with the [released](/view/10:13:50) version the other [reliable](/view/09:39:47) prosperity fed wiki org reliable prosperity http [reliable](/view/09:39:47) prosperity fed wiki prosperity fed wiki org [reliable](/view/09:39:47) prosperity http reliable frank [relocalizecreativity](/view/10:32:24) net [relocalizecreativity](/view/10:31:49) net marcs wiki https frank [relocalizecreativity](/view/10:54:52) net view welcome https admin [relocalizecreativity](/view/11:10:22) net view welcome https ridingdynamics [relocalizecreativity](/view/11:34:14) net view welcome https ridingdynamics [relocalizecreativity](/view/11:36:52) net view welcome i [remember](/view/10:06:00) at retail aspect i [remember](/view/10:05:22) ruby fedwiki probably i appreciate your [reminder](/view/10:22:00) of the static graphviz pie chart re [rendering](/view/11:06:19) charging [rent](/view/11:53:38) on the enclosed minority [report](/view/09:28:10) the movie vs minority [report](/view/09:28:45) the story which the complication k s [requires](/view/10:17:42) it turns out hdtv [resolution](/view/09:23:34) i remember at [retail](/view/10:06:00) aspect when we aikido for a hijacked [retro](/view/10:00:58) html compose and a https [reverse](/view/10:18:20) proxy rather than highlights the possibility of [revising](/view/10:26:31) the url scheme
probably jon [richter](/view/09:40:31) college [ride](/view/10:08:33) boards once upon dynamics in horse and [rider](/view/09:56:37) work uber lyft are [rideshare](/view/10:09:16) as a business loop expert horse trainer [riding](/view/09:56:37) dynamics system dynamics view welcome visitors view [riding](/view/11:34:14) dynamics view introduction view welcome visitors view [riding](/view/11:36:52) dynamics view introduction https [ridingdynamics](/view/11:34:14) relocalizecreativity net view https [ridingdynamics](/view/11:36:52) relocalizecreativity net view shelfnum has left and [right](/view/11:50:30) arrows its much oh [right](/view/09:23:45) is oh [right](/view/09:45:39) non decodable sequences have a bitsy farm [right](/view/11:34:10) now the words to the [right](/view/11:02:34) of that marker oh [right](/view/09:25:50) storage tube displays oh [right](/view/11:03:14) the character used
connector [roads](/view/12:03:14) and island village bicycling around and finding [roads](/view/12:03:42) that connected or the reinvention of [robber](/view/11:53:55) baron capitalism https metamaps cc to [robert](/view/10:00:41) b [robert](/view/11:33:58) i think so [robert](/view/10:27:35) interesting https github concerns eric may clarify [robert](/view/10:22:40) s friend created [robert](/view/11:40:16) yes a wonder sf and philosophy teachers [room](/view/09:30:58) pictures in a wonder [room](/view/11:39:39) robert yes a wonder [room](/view/11:40:16) would be a
i remember [ruby](/view/10:05:22) fedwiki probably node alternate versions at software [running](/view/10:12:17) in screen mac partly to avoid [running](/view/10:21:31) non native docker eric describes [running](/view/10:17:42) wiki locally using
wiki instances with the [same](/view/10:12:17) database and alternate persons subdomain at the [same](/view/11:38:17) ip address if [same](/view/10:17:30) thing here using a menu which allows [save](/view/11:14:10) chat i personally [save](/view/11:13:54) the chat jeff can you [save](/view/11:51:49) the chat again client is good at [saving](/view/11:15:12) the whole chat
szechuan [scallion](/view/09:36:42) pancakes of revising the url [scheme](/view/10:26:31) to better support example based on a [school](/view/10:15:51) email ward talks my high [school](/view/09:30:58) had a commodore closed collaboration working with [schools](/view/10:15:51) for example based at software running in [screen](/view/10:12:17) gnu [screen](/view/10:12:37) vs nohup vs fed wiki visited places [script](/view/11:10:21) as an example of [scripting](/view/11:10:21) data from wiki
chasing transparent [seagrass](/view/09:23:10) around a coffee browse vs [search](/view/11:40:15) visitors view learning phototelling [seattle](/view/11:10:21) fed wiki visited a farm with friends [security](/view/11:38:17) i think you it [seems](/view/10:22:40) like there are the item content itself [seems](/view/11:04:15) to apply to [semantic](/view/10:10:05) markup in federated [semantic](/view/11:27:20) markup in json https [semantic](/view/11:31:00) web journal net commodore pet in the [senior](/view/09:30:58) english sf and a distributed annotation and [sense](/view/11:32:19) making effort part of the calibration [sequence](/view/09:23:10) is a playlist in [sequence](/view/11:51:49) annotated with the oh right non decodable [sequences](/view/09:45:39) and domain names complicates [server](/view/10:19:27) administration as eric than exposing the node [server](/view/10:18:20) directly there will be a [server](/view/10:26:12) except for a lineup page visibility and [server](/view/10:13:46) page history and wiki as an application [server](/view/10:13:46) the division of i m early in [setting](/view/10:21:31) it up
enough to be worth [sharing](/view/10:19:27) com albums index html [shelfnum](/view/11:50:30) has left and ah boxes on the [shelves](/view/09:20:26) server except for a [short](/view/10:26:12) period when there [should](/view/11:14:21) dump chat in marc thank you for [showing](/view/10:52:33) this data than what is [shown](/view/11:04:15) on the label
larger than on first [sight](/view/11:50:30) org who we are [silke](/view/11:30:36) helfrich and david with [silke](/view/11:32:19) helfrichs library and [silke](/view/11:26:14) helfrichs library with with all of [silkes](/view/11:35:07) notes pages up that covers [similar](/view/10:00:58) ground to what format would be really [simple](/view/11:30:29) with that name as [simple](/view/11:33:41) as adding it vector iirc limited to [simplified](/view/09:26:50) monochrome reminder of the static [site](/view/10:22:00) generator frank you [site](/view/11:18:58) is up probes code fed wiki [site](/view/11:02:26) survey factory hacked wikibase for personal [sites](/view/10:30:59) to better support static [sites](/view/10:26:31) in the way
visualage for [smalltalk](/view/10:04:11) part of the visualage [smalltalk](/view/10:05:15) ecosystem visual age for java [smalltalk](/view/10:01:55) engine cant virtual reality the [smell](/view/11:39:49) of a library
and alternate versions at [software](/view/10:12:17) running in screen pages i started with [some](/view/10:31:17) flutter work but marc i got [some](/view/10:00:58) pages up that [some](/view/09:50:13) physics ph d we could use [some](/view/11:54:45) updates for open is letting [someone](/view/11:33:41) else with their [someone](/view/09:32:02) twitches theres a how do you tag [something](/view/11:01:36) but it quickly becomes [something](/view/10:31:17) different from fedwiki does wiki already have [something](/view/11:42:51) for image maps maybe [something](/view/10:41:00) like https www be interesting to use [something](/view/10:15:59) like this to chat in the dojo [somewhere](/view/11:14:21) each week p data in the json [somewhere](/view/11:04:15) other than the
than characters and another [space](/view/11:02:34) all the words domain name take a [space](/view/11:33:41) on my farm item ward types a [space](/view/11:02:34) two greater than com compose spec compose [spec](/view/10:27:35) blob master spec https github com compose [spec](/view/10:27:35) compose spec blob https compose [spec](/view/10:23:26) io compose spec blob master [spec](/view/10:27:35) md was an early and [specific](/view/11:04:06) version of the but we havent done [specific](/view/10:15:51) work on it demonstrates that the lp [spines](/view/11:48:07) in the john
[star](/view/09:21:32) wars chess https [stardata](/view/11:27:58) info en journal net content five [stars](/view/11:31:00) linked data vocabulary to phone pages i [started](/view/10:31:17) with some flutter would be a good [starting](/view/11:40:16) place for putting your reminder of the [static](/view/10:22:00) site generator scheme to better support [static](/view/10:26:31) sites in the trg federated wiki johann [steudtle](/view/09:39:47) http trg federated that erich gamma is [still](/view/10:06:34) building ides now ah ok i m [still](/view/11:04:15) curious about putting camelcase wikiwords i [still](/view/10:30:21) think in this see if i m [still](/view/09:38:55) up oh right [storage](/view/09:25:50) tube displays nod title [story](/view/11:30:29) journal vs minority report the [story](/view/09:28:45) which was a the interlinks with red [strings](/view/09:27:35) between the pages com blog usage svg [stroke](/view/10:41:00) dasharray history of the code [structure](/view/10:06:00) until it wasnt and p p [stuff](/view/10:09:46) via waze
add your new persons [subdomain](/view/11:38:17) at the same localhost farms using localhost [subdomains](/view/10:13:50) one with the kubernetes but it wasnt [sufficiently](/view/10:17:42) interesting for the ward [suggests](/view/11:45:35) that an image dojo fed wiki view [sunday](/view/11:41:22) explorers dojo fed wiki view [sunday](/view/11:59:46) explorers dojo fed wiki view [sunday](/view/12:02:33) explorers dojo fed wiki view [sunday](/view/11:26:33) explorers for frank envy corruption envy was [super](/view/10:06:00) good for the and comparing his own [supercollaborator](/view/10:33:52) wikidata as having better [support](/view/11:33:43) for multilingual work customer [support](/view/09:47:47) is too much url scheme to better [support](/view/10:26:31) static sites in used the handler to [support](/view/10:26:31) the lineup of maps do use the [supported](/view/11:45:35) mechanism already in i read about the [survey](/view/11:00:57) concept code fed wiki site [survey](/view/11:02:26) factory examples of ways to [survey](/view/11:02:54) pages within a fed wiki catalog of [survey](/view/11:02:26) probes code fed catalog of [survey](/view/11:02:54) probes gives examples specific version of the [survey](/view/11:04:06) process to gather
actuaries with fire and [sword](/view/09:51:46)
movement of beethovens th [symphony](/view/11:50:25) each [symphony](/view/11:51:49) is a playlist horse trainer riding dynamics [system](/view/09:56:37) dynamics in horse and envy library package [system](/view/10:05:15) was really interesting vs sysv init or [systemd](/view/10:12:37) screen vs nohup vs [sysv](/view/10:12:37) init or systemd
[szechuan](/view/09:36:42) scallion pancakes
marker are treated as [tags](/view/11:02:34) their own domain name [take](/view/11:33:41) a space on a school email ward [talks](/view/10:15:51) about the notion background to provide clickable [targets](/view/11:45:35) in the way
english sf and philosophy [teachers](/view/09:30:58) room ah avalon hill my [teenage](/view/09:20:26) game group had wiki fied extracts of [text](/view/10:13:46) e g a e g a wiki [text](/view/10:13:46) pattern language privately
created this in less [than](/view/10:22:40) an hour a space two greater [than](/view/11:02:34) characters and another https reverse proxy rather [than](/view/10:18:20) exposing the node arrows its much larger [than](/view/11:50:30) on first sight the json somewhere other [than](/view/11:04:15) the item content flatscreens easier for pairing [than](/view/09:25:19) vr ar monitors there is more data [than](/view/11:04:15) what is shown marc [thank](/view/10:52:33) you for showing paul [thank](/view/11:49:46) you very much eric [thanks](/view/11:06:19) for finding that ward suggests [that](/view/11:45:35) an image map may be other efforts [that](/view/11:33:43) are comparable ward the other with thinks [that](/view/10:13:50) are currently being eric thanks for finding [that](/view/11:06:19) clip path i around and finding roads [that](/view/12:03:42) connected or didnt got some pages up [that](/view/10:00:58) covers similar ground sites in the way [that](/view/10:26:31) eric has used was amused to see [that](/view/10:06:34) erich gamma is targets in the way [that](/view/11:45:35) image maps do to the right of [that](/view/11:02:34) marker are treated on my farm with [that](/view/11:33:41) name as simple client might not have [that](/view/11:16:17) option requires it turns out [that](/view/10:17:42) the k s eric demonstrates [that](/view/11:48:07) the lp spines pasting the chat because [that](/view/11:14:40) webclient doesnt make oh wow [thats](/view/10:33:52) a clever way input for capturing data [thats](/view/10:10:05) quite current fire in a crowded [theatre](/view/09:32:27) a question of what [their](/view/11:38:17) browser does letting someone else with [their](/view/11:33:41) own domain name caddy proxy and having [them](/view/11:33:41) point it at own neighborhood for different [themes](/view/11:13:03) whimsical front yard [then](/view/10:04:25) eventually a legacy [then](/view/10:04:31) part of history it seems like [there](/view/10:22:40) are concerns eric in boulder i visited [there](/view/09:57:48) for a planetary nodes edges too ie [there](/view/11:04:15) is more data use tls and certs [there](/view/11:38:17) may be a [there](/view/11:33:43) may be other a short period when [there](/view/10:26:12) was a p of course [there](/view/10:26:12) will be a [therefore](/view/09:44:38) we donate to someone twitches [theres](/view/09:32:02) a fundamental tick know any admins of [these](/view/09:39:47) farms put [these](/view/11:39:39) pictures in a billion dollar withdrawal and [they](/view/09:31:23) could have weathered [they](/view/09:31:23) had a billion same [thing](/view/10:17:30) here using docker tokens to people for [things](/view/10:15:59) like reading or camelcase wikiwords i still [think](/view/10:30:21) in this way robert i [think](/view/11:33:58) so with friends security i [think](/view/11:38:17) you can add i ve been [thinking](/view/11:13:03) of phototelling in version the other with [thinks](/view/10:13:50) that are currently thank you for showing [this](/view/10:52:33) introduction view what is [this](/view/11:34:14) book about introduction view what is [this](/view/11:36:52) book about hey [this](/view/11:50:30) https johnpeelarchive com robert s friend created [this](/view/10:22:40) in less than [this](/view/11:43:36) is an ocr is the convention for [this](/view/11:02:52) machine he s to use something like [this](/view/10:15:59) to delegate capability i use [this](/view/10:21:59) tool everyday it i still think in [this](/view/10:30:21) way are done in exactly [this](/view/11:48:07) way an svg [though](/view/09:45:59) i noticed githubs zooms own chat p [though](/view/11:17:25) maybe web client but google [through](/view/10:09:31) maps has all
twitches theres a fundamental [tick](/view/09:32:02) from the federal i have a hard [time](/view/11:14:40) copy pasting the boards once upon a [time](/view/10:08:33) craigslist now i ecosystem creation [time](/view/09:21:07) help your developers [title](/view/11:30:29) story journal
i did yesterday and [today](/view/10:39:54) hear about contact improv [today](/view/10:58:30) but here we delegate capability [tokens](/view/10:16:17) nod this to delegate capability [tokens](/view/10:15:59) to people for i use this [tool](/view/10:21:59) everyday it is [toward](/view/09:57:48) eric my grandmother node fedwiki inclined me [toward](/view/10:05:22) node extract [toward](/view/09:48:31) the company owners
causal loop expert horse [trainer](/view/09:56:37) riding dynamics system chasing [transparent](/view/09:23:10) seagrass around a of that marker are [treated](/view/11:02:34) as tags eric i [tried](/view/10:39:54) aikido last year noticed githubs markdown processor [tries](/view/09:45:59) hard
oh right storage [tube](/view/09:25:50) displays nod nod kerry [turner](/view/09:56:37) causal loop expert k s requires it [turns](/view/10:17:42) out that the
someone [twitches](/view/09:32:02) theres a fundamental my [twitter](/view/09:51:57) byline
the paragraph item ward [types](/view/11:02:34) a space two
[uber](/view/10:09:16) lyft are rideshare
https [ucan](/view/10:15:59) xyz
of the code structure [until](/view/10:06:00) it wasnt
[updated](/view/11:41:22) http jeff dojo we could use some [updates](/view/11:54:45) for open databases reacted to [updating](/view/11:59:56) http je with [updating](/view/11:59:46) http jeff dojo to i ve been [updating](/view/11:53:21) periodically download to [upload](/view/11:17:25) in zooms own college ride boards once [upon](/view/10:08:33) a time craigslist
www divami com blog [usage](/view/10:41:00) svg stroke dasharray oh right the character [used](/view/11:03:14) for the convention way that eric has [used](/view/10:26:31) the handler to to the internet as [used](/view/10:18:20) with docker compose the notion of a [user](/view/10:15:51) defined community but is energy intensive eric [uses](/view/10:17:42) mac launch agent same thing here [using](/view/10:17:30) docker and podman navigable pleasantly interactive archive [using](/view/11:46:29) javascript etc have two localhost farms [using](/view/10:13:50) localhost subdomains one describes running wiki locally [using](/view/10:17:42) node he has a p p version [using](/view/10:26:12) the now discontinued ward describes dabbling in [using](/view/10:13:46) wiki as an
asteroids it was originally [vector](/view/09:26:50) iirc limited to on for the next [version](/view/10:13:50) an early and specific [version](/view/11:04:06) of the survey one with the released [version](/view/10:13:50) the other with was a p p [version](/view/10:26:12) using the now same database and alternate [versions](/view/10:12:17) at software running marc observes [very](/view/11:46:42) cool welcome visitors havent gotten [very](/view/11:38:17) far but its i [very](/view/10:30:59) lightly hacked wikibase paul thank you [very](/view/11:49:46) much
net view welcome visitors [view](/view/10:54:52) about flagmatic plugin visitors view riding dynamics [view](/view/11:34:14) introduction view what visitors view riding dynamics [view](/view/11:36:52) introduction view what wiki view welcome visitors [view](/view/11:10:21) learning phototelling seattle net view welcome visitors [view](/view/11:10:22) plugin admin net view welcome visitors [view](/view/11:34:14) riding dynamics view net view welcome visitors [view](/view/11:36:52) riding dynamics view jeff dojo fed wiki [view](/view/11:41:22) sunday explorers jeff dojo fed wiki [view](/view/11:59:46) sunday explorers jeff dojo fed wiki [view](/view/12:02:33) sunday explorers jeff dojo fed wiki [view](/view/11:26:33) sunday explorers for commoning muster federated wiki [view](/view/09:39:47) welcome visitors muster des commoning wiki [view](/view/09:39:47) welcome visitors http makecommoningwork fed wiki [view](/view/09:39:47) welcome visitors ward asia wiki org [view](/view/09:39:47) welcome visitors http trg federated wiki [view](/view/09:39:47) welcome visitors prosperity fed wiki org [view](/view/09:39:47) welcome visitors http davidbollier fed wiki [view](/view/09:39:47) welcome visitors ward dojo fed wiki [view](/view/11:02:26) welcome visitors code http wiki pixiereport com [view](/view/11:38:17) welcome visitors havent https frank relocalizecreativity net [view](/view/10:54:52) welcome visitors view jeff dojo fed wiki [view](/view/11:10:21) welcome visitors view https admin relocalizecreativity net [view](/view/11:10:22) welcome visitors view https ridingdynamics relocalizecreativity net [view](/view/11:34:14) welcome visitors view https ridingdynamics relocalizecreativity net [view](/view/11:36:52) welcome visitors view riding dynamics view introduction [view](/view/11:34:14) what is this riding dynamics view introduction [view](/view/11:36:52) what is this connector roads and island [village](/view/12:03:14) developments yes [virtual](/view/09:28:03) conspiracy chart environment [virtual](/view/09:24:32) monitor good for too bad we cant [virtual](/view/11:39:49) reality the smell between client lineup page [visibility](/view/10:13:46) and server page phototelling seattle fed wiki [visited](/view/11:10:21) places script born in boulder i [visited](/view/09:57:48) there for a federated wiki view welcome [visitors](/view/09:39:47) commoning wiki view welcome [visitors](/view/09:39:47) fed wiki view welcome [visitors](/view/09:39:47) wiki org view welcome [visitors](/view/09:39:47) federated wiki view welcome [visitors](/view/09:39:47) wiki org view welcome [visitors](/view/09:39:47) fed wiki view welcome [visitors](/view/09:39:47) fed wiki view welcome [visitors](/view/11:02:26) code fed wiki pixiereport com view welcome [visitors](/view/11:38:17) havent gotten very relocalizecreativity net view welcome [visitors](/view/10:54:52) view about flagmatic fed wiki view welcome [visitors](/view/11:10:21) view learning phototelling relocalizecreativity net view welcome [visitors](/view/11:10:22) view plugin admin relocalizecreativity net view welcome [visitors](/view/11:34:14) view riding dynamics relocalizecreativity net view welcome [visitors](/view/11:36:52) view riding dynamics me [visual](/view/10:01:55) age for java [visualage](/view/10:04:11) for smalltalk became [visualage](/view/10:04:18) for xxxxxx brand interesting part of the [visualage](/view/10:05:15) smalltalk ecosystem
already and our controlled [vocab](/view/11:30:29) for the base five stars linked data [vocabulary](/view/11:31:00) use
still building ides now [vscode](/view/10:06:34) yeah [vscode](/view/10:06:58) is the most
https github com dobbs [wander](/view/10:22:06) dbbs co https github com dobbs [wander](/view/10:23:07) dbbs co blob [ward](/view/09:39:47) asia wiki org org ward cunningham http [ward](/view/09:39:47) asia wiki org ward asia wiki org [ward](/view/09:39:47) cunningham http ward between personal and public [ward](/view/10:12:17) describes a couple [ward](/view/10:13:46) describes dabbling in [ward](/view/10:15:51) describes marc working frank try http [ward](/view/11:02:26) dojo fed wiki persistence navigation is interesting [ward](/view/10:13:46) has done wiki [ward](/view/10:26:31) highlights the possibility like [ward](/view/10:13:50) i have two efforts that are comparable [ward](/view/11:33:43) mentions wikidata as [ward](/view/11:45:35) suggests that an on a school email [ward](/view/10:15:51) talks about the of the paragraph item [ward](/view/11:02:34) types a space [wards](/view/12:03:42) description of bicycling star [wars](/view/09:21:32) chess code structure until it [wasnt](/view/10:06:00) local kubernetes but it [wasnt](/view/10:17:42) sufficiently interesting for probes gives examples of [ways](/view/11:02:54) to survey pages p p stuff via [waze](/view/10:09:46)
so [weather](/view/11:02:52) is the convention and they could have [weathered](/view/09:31:23) billion dollars the chat because that [webclient](/view/11:14:40) doesnt make it the dojo somewhere each [week](/view/11:14:21) p muster federated wiki view [welcome](/view/09:39:47) visitors des commoning wiki view [welcome](/view/09:39:47) visitors makecommoningwork fed wiki view [welcome](/view/09:39:47) visitors asia wiki org view [welcome](/view/09:39:47) visitors trg federated wiki view [welcome](/view/09:39:47) visitors fed wiki org view [welcome](/view/09:39:47) visitors davidbollier fed wiki view [welcome](/view/09:39:47) visitors dojo fed wiki view [welcome](/view/11:02:26) visitors code fed wiki pixiereport com view [welcome](/view/11:38:17) visitors havent gotten frank relocalizecreativity net view [welcome](/view/10:54:52) visitors view about dojo fed wiki view [welcome](/view/11:10:21) visitors view learning admin relocalizecreativity net view [welcome](/view/11:10:22) visitors view plugin ridingdynamics relocalizecreativity net view [welcome](/view/11:34:14) visitors view riding ridingdynamics relocalizecreativity net view [welcome](/view/11:36:52) visitors view riding that clip path i [went](/view/11:06:19) a little dry physics ph d grads [went](/view/09:50:13) into finance in it [went](/view/11:01:36) pretty fast how
[what](/view/11:26:30) i d like influcence for contact improvisation [what](/view/10:39:54) i did yesterday covers similar ground to [what](/view/10:00:58) i presented at is more data than [what](/view/11:04:15) is shown on dynamics view introduction view [what](/view/11:34:14) is this book dynamics view introduction view [what](/view/11:36:52) is this book hey frank [what](/view/11:52:29) is your interest effort i am recalling [what](/view/11:32:19) the journalists consortiums be a question of [what](/view/11:38:17) their browser does crew helps a lot [when](/view/10:04:38) a child is save the chat again [when](/view/11:51:49) its over for a short period [when](/view/10:26:12) there was a remember at retail aspect [when](/view/10:06:00) we occasionally had [where](/view/09:51:46) are the actuaries [where](/view/11:00:57) can i read archive highlighting the album [where](/view/11:48:07) the mouse pointer zoom has a menu [which](/view/11:14:10) allows save chat books are next to [which](/view/11:38:47) books and [which](/view/11:38:47) books are next minority report the story [which](/view/09:28:45) was a peculiar neighborhood for different themes [whimsical](/view/11:13:03) front yard decorations [whispering](/view/09:32:27) fire in a good at saving the [whole](/view/11:15:12) chat
now for his personal [wiki](/view/10:17:42) survey pages within a [wiki](/view/11:02:54) supported mechanism already in [wiki](/view/11:45:35) does [wiki](/view/11:42:51) already have something describes dabbling in using [wiki](/view/10:13:46) as an application http npl [wiki](/view/11:33:51) assets home index my wiki intro http [wiki](/view/09:38:33) c com jeffreymiller archive org web http [wiki](/view/10:00:02) c com peterdimitrios welcome visitors code fed [wiki](/view/11:02:26) catalog of survey communities around focused federated [wiki](/view/10:15:51) collaborations login to an image map in [wiki](/view/11:45:35) could be best davidbollier fed [wiki](/view/09:39:47) david bollier http lfi conf https lfi [wiki](/view/10:00:58) dbbs co aikido https [wiki](/view/11:05:16) dbbs co svg eric describes the [wiki](/view/10:18:20) exposed to the relocalizecreativity net marcs [wiki](/view/10:31:49) farm interesting ward has done [wiki](/view/10:13:46) fied extracts of semantic markup in federated [wiki](/view/10:10:05) form input for http c com cgi [wiki](/view/09:37:19) frankgerhardt http c com cgi [wiki](/view/09:45:10) frankgerhardt http c com cgi [wiki](/view/10:07:58) frankgerhardt en m wikipedia org [wiki](/view/11:42:51) image map couple of personal localhost [wiki](/view/10:12:17) instances with the my [wiki](/view/09:38:33) intro http wiki fed [wiki](/view/11:31:07) is like the fed [wiki](/view/11:30:29) is so close trg federated [wiki](/view/09:39:47) johann steudtle http eric describes running [wiki](/view/10:17:42) locally using node makecommoningwork fed [wiki](/view/09:39:47) make commoning work muster des commoning [wiki](/view/09:39:47) muster des commoning commoning muster federated [wiki](/view/09:39:47) mustersprache des commoning worked with bringing up [wiki](/view/10:17:42) on a local reliable prosperity fed [wiki](/view/09:39:47) org reliable prosperity cunningham http ward asia [wiki](/view/09:39:47) org view welcome http reliable prosperity fed [wiki](/view/09:39:47) org view welcome ward asia [wiki](/view/09:39:47) org ward cunningham at my c com [wiki](/view/10:00:02) page in awhile support the lineup of [wiki](/view/10:26:31) pages of scripting data from [wiki](/view/11:10:21) pages to generate http [wiki](/view/09:39:18) pixiereport com http [wiki](/view/11:38:17) pixiereport com view survey probes code fed [wiki](/view/11:02:26) site survey factory https github com fedwiki [wiki](/view/10:20:55) ssg text e g a [wiki](/view/10:13:46) text pattern language http jeff dojo fed [wiki](/view/11:26:33) view sunday explorers http jeff dojo fed [wiki](/view/11:41:22) view sunday explorers http jeff dojo fed [wiki](/view/11:59:46) view sunday explorers http jeff dojo fed [wiki](/view/12:02:33) view sunday explorers http commoning muster federated [wiki](/view/09:39:47) view welcome visitors http muster des commoning [wiki](/view/09:39:47) view welcome visitors work http makecommoningwork fed [wiki](/view/09:39:47) view welcome visitors steudtle http trg federated [wiki](/view/09:39:47) view welcome visitors bollier http davidbollier fed [wiki](/view/09:39:47) view welcome visitors http ward dojo fed [wiki](/view/11:02:26) view welcome visitors http jeff dojo fed [wiki](/view/11:10:21) view welcome visitors learning phototelling seattle fed [wiki](/view/11:10:21) visited places script https www wikidata org [wiki](/view/11:34:19) wikidata wikiproject books the need for collaborative [wiki](/view/10:29:59) work to be i very lightly hacked [wikibase](/view/10:30:59) for personal sites are comparable ward mentions [wikidata](/view/11:33:43) as having better https www [wikidata](/view/11:34:19) org wiki wikidata www wikidata org wiki [wikidata](/view/11:34:19) wikiproject books reacted to https www [wikidata](/view/11:34:29) with https en m [wikipedia](/view/11:42:51) org wiki image wikidata org wiki wikidata [wikiproject](/view/11:34:19) books franks question about personal [wikis](/view/10:12:17) dividing between personal camelcase [wikiwords](/view/10:30:21) i still think of course there [will](/view/10:26:12) be a server i was not expectin [with](/view/11:02:20) to frank try http [with](/view/11:02:59) a f e png [with](/view/11:19:15) http jeff dojo f [with](/view/11:28:18) to https www wikidata [with](/view/11:34:29) reacted to https johnpeelar [with](/view/11:46:25) to updating http je [with](/view/11:59:56) silke helfrichs library [with](/view/11:26:14) alexanders books in [with](/view/11:35:07) all of silkes node he has worked [with](/view/10:17:42) bringing up wiki the internet as used [with](/view/10:18:20) docker compose and where are the actuaries [with](/view/09:51:46) fire and sword but its a farm [with](/view/11:38:17) friends security i describes needs for working [with](/view/10:28:49) information personally and ward describes marc working [with](/view/10:15:51) neighborhood communities around [with](/view/12:02:38) pictures to highlight the interlinks [with](/view/09:27:35) red strings between more closed collaboration working [with](/view/10:15:51) schools for example [with](/view/11:32:19) silke helfrichs library phone pages i started [with](/view/10:31:17) some flutter work space on my farm [with](/view/11:33:41) that name as of the physical books [with](/view/11:35:58) the notes playlist in sequence annotated [with](/view/11:51:49) the orchestra and using localhost subdomains one [with](/view/10:13:50) the released version personal localhost wiki instances [with](/view/10:12:17) the same database is letting someone else [with](/view/11:33:41) their own domain released version the other [with](/view/10:13:50) thinks that are eric describes he experimented [with](/view/10:19:27) tls configuration in game person to play [with](/view/09:19:18) you like the had a billion dollar [withdrawal](/view/09:31:23) and they could ways to survey pages [within](/view/11:02:54) a wiki the fediverse activitypub just [without](/view/11:31:07) inboxes
these pictures in a [wonder](/view/11:39:39) room robert yes a [wonder](/view/11:40:16) room would be let the [wookiee](/view/09:21:45) win another space all the [words](/view/11:02:34) to the right in horse and rider [work](/view/09:56:37) better support for multilingual [work](/view/11:33:43) about ten years server the division of [work](/view/10:13:46) between client lineup started with some flutter [work](/view/10:31:17) but it quickly fed wiki make commoning [work](/view/09:39:47) http makecommoningwork fed we havent done specific [work](/view/10:15:51) on it need for collaborative wiki [work](/view/10:29:59) to be effective that are currently being [worked](/view/10:13:50) on for the using node he has [worked](/view/10:17:42) with bringing up marc describes needs for [working](/view/10:28:49) with information personally ward describes marc [working](/view/10:15:51) with neighborhood communities a more closed collaboration [working](/view/10:15:51) with schools for person in the middle [worries](/view/09:42:18) i guess not enough to be [worth](/view/10:19:27) sharing yes a wonder room [would](/view/11:40:16) be a good it [would](/view/10:15:59) be interesting to for the base format [would](/view/11:30:29) be really simple
[writing](/view/10:16:25) [writing](/view/09:49:44) r code
became visualage for [xxxxxx](/view/10:04:18) brand
different themes whimsical front [yard](/view/11:13:03) decorations in fill
[yeah](/view/10:06:58) vscode is the i tried aikido last [year](/view/10:39:54) because its an multilingual work about ten [years](/view/11:33:43) old now improvisation what i did [yesterday](/view/10:39:54) and today
ecosystem creation time help [your](/view/09:21:07) developers hey frank what is [your](/view/11:52:29) interest in the think you can add [your](/view/11:38:17) new persons subdomain you cant open [your](/view/09:47:11) pop mailbox try i appreciate [your](/view/10:22:00) reminder of the
[zoom](/view/11:14:10) has a menu i m on [zoom](/view/11:19:03) mobile dont see download to upload in [zooms](/view/11:17:25) own chat p