A visit from Brian Marick; discussion of ways to be useful in spreading information and perspective. Introductions from regular FedWiki folks about how they got to be present.
Resilience Engineering as an emerging discipline as software development becomes safety-critical in the same ways that medicine is. Overlaps between the sociology of practice in medicine and in software. Understanding knowledge transmission and useful knowledge application. The Mangle of Practice.
Dan Davies' book "The Unaccountability Machine" and blog Back of Mind; the professional / managerial class as exception handlers, hired essentially on retainer to have depth of context in exception handling and coordinating changes of course from routine daily activities.
Ward's Swim workflow system for managing committer rights at the Eclipse Foundation, with Bjorn Freeman-Benson, and its embedded '?' system for revealing what the next steps of the workflow would be. The PNSQA paper related to Swim and its embedded testing / workflow visualization system.
Marc demonstrates signed messages for wiki coordination at the level of a roster == a community of coordination.
Federated Wiki as a better mechanism for Dark Souls fandom to collaborate on discovering secrets and inside references that allow the discoverer to get credit for their discoveries rather than being scooped by ad-supported media which doesn't credit them.
Wikki Stix as a toy for creative manipulation.
Art history; the history of perspective in art in the Renaissance; sequential art as propaganda telling the story of the Order of St. Francis and the Order of St. Dominic by a visual point by point comparison to events in the life of Jesus Christ from the bible.
Neal Stephenson's Anathem as monasteries preserving technology; similarly Walter M. Miller's A Canticle for Leibowitz. In the practical world, martial arts and meditation techniques as intensive, teacher to student apprenticeships which span the rise and fall of empires.