Meta from transcriber: I'm starting a new job 2024-04-15, and so I expect to be absent Wednesdays. I may be absent on Sundays until my book group completes The Programmer's Brain. -JM
Ward, Marc, Paul, Robert S, Jeff M present in chat (+ others on call).
* DB schema for the FedWiki federation scrape, sites, site names, pages, etc., supporting Federation Search.
* Related data modeling issues when dealing with Other People's Data and Workflows (per-customer schema or glossary/taxonomy), having a data dictionary database to explain each variant.
* Importing GraphViz SVGs with node titles which include double-quotes in the text of the node title. Using a workaround which may create inconsistencies when trying to navigate to the title emerging from the node title quote workaround. (Seen in some of Thompson Morrison's collaborators' work).
* Moderation questions about the Matrix channel for FedWiki, questions about whether to resume sending social media invitations for the Wednesday chat, and if so, where (probably not Twitter any longer).
* Geographic Information Services issues, complexities, creating and maintaining them, forces which tend to make them proprietary (though they may offer special deals to nonprofit orgs).
* Experiments with offering Marker data from Frame Scripts. Can we also extend the Data plugin to allow Markers (lat, long, optional name, optional weblink) to help with Marc's local org mapping?
* Demonstration from Ward about taking Marker data from a frame script in the lineup and using Map plugin boundaries to highlight geographical concentrations of markers ("weather stations in Colorado", "... in the Himalayas") etc. See import-geodata which runs a frame script producing marker data. The marker data producing page links to a page with maps which consume the markers. The following lineup opens both pages, but note the race condition below with the map wanting MarkerData before it's necessarily ready to consume. geodata-offered-consumed
* Notes that there are race conditions when loading an entire lineup and looking for markerData (map pins) in the lineup wiki client context. It might be good to share the lineup without including the page with the Map plugin including the data, and have the page offering the map marker data include a link to the base map which is looking for pins using the LINEUP directive; that way the markerData is known to be loaded before the map is looking for it.
* Discussion of other plugin-based and context to context use of offered and consumed data, notably Observable's in comparison to FedWiki's. Usage of wikis inside private organizations, including corporations.
* Resources on public geocoding / geocoded locations from Robert Sterbal; also links to adaptations of MediaWiki and the Between the Brackets podcast, e.g. the featured creator whose blog is ; wikis in computer/video game development shops.
* Extended troubleshooting of the Site Survey Factory and handling of unusual names and unusual page titles and slugs. Jeff demonstrates his ability to be a bug magnet with a page title with leading and trailing spaces, and another page title (from 's I Ching hexagrams) of unusual form.