Transcriber Notes 2024-02-07

Today's notes were just from the first hour. Paul Rodwell kindly provided extended transcripts (typescript and index) from the latter part of Wednesday Wiki.

The first hour included:

* Marc with a new EIP diagram highlighting the STAGE in the middle between Eco-Bio-Physical and Political columns, and also keeping the Variables off-stage as possible context, while letting the institutions and organizations and their connecting relationships be highlighted on the stage. There is another connection for consideration - non-governmental organizations with a scope like "neighborhood association" per Mary Parker Follett.

* Discussions of Michael Mehaffy's thesis about patterns of urban design, and their possible extension to a dynamics approach, maybe including systems dynamics / causal loop diagrams. "Street Furnishings" examined as a possible pattern to investigate with dynamical variables and interactions.

* Ward with a demonstration of the Solo Supercollaborator used for exploring annotated code from its own code base. The original annotations looked wrong, and prompted re-annotating each section or file with the purpose, like "drag", "drop", etc. The Solo collaborator no longer needs to conform to the Croquet protocol, and so the forces which structure the code may prompt refactoring to a better shape for the Solo case.