Text extraction. See Typescript Archive
See Typescript Index 2024-02-07, Transcriber Notes 2024-02-07. Thanks to Paul Rodwell for the full Wednesday Wiki transcript.
18:00:52 From Robert Sterbal Interesting problem Zoom and Teams don't like each other
18:02:36 From Jeff Miller I'm planning to make this a short visit today, timeboxing to an hour. Last Wednesday was a big chunk of the day. Zoom has a certain amount of "By Any Means Necessary"
18:04:34 From Jeff Miller no network updates required for DoomOS
18:07:57 From Andrew Shell Is there a url for DoomOS? I’m not finding it
18:08:14 From Jeff Miller http://jeff.dojo.fed.wiki/view/typescript-archive
18:08:25 From Robert Sterbal Rankings are less important than relationships
18:08:52 From Ward Cunningham http://duskos.org/
18:08:55 From Robert Sterbal How To Make A Formatted Transcript Save Chat Rename the chat transcript file using the form YYYY-MM-DD.txt Log in to your wiki, in wiki mode. Upload the chat transcript to the assets by dropping it on the asset panel item. Reload the page so that the script frames notice the new asset, or jiggle the frame script items to refresh content. Click the file name you uploaded on the format panel. Scroll way down to the bottom of the ghost Typescript YYYY-MM-DD page and hit the flag to fork the page into the wiki. Click the file name on the index panel. Scroll way down to the bottom of the ghost KWIC index page and hit the flag to fork the index page into the wiki. Go to Typescript Transcripts and add links to the formatted typescript and index pages you created.
18:08:56 From Marc Pierson Minor improvement is usability of EIP CLD Workspace:

Uploaded image
18:09:37 From Robert Sterbal can you also accept... 2024-02-07@13-09-41 or just 2024-02-07
18:09:53 From Jeff Miller That's a fine "cave drawing" diagram to point to.
18:11:52 From Jeff Miller Robert: try it. (the title of the transcript gets massaged into the page name) "see what happens if..."
18:13:04 From Robert Sterbal Does anyone know who this is?? Site Owned by: Sakunu http://sterbal.dojo.fed.wiki/view/welcome-visitors
18:13:58 From Jeff Miller Mary Parker Follett cites neighborhood level associations as inspiration for her "scientific management" work (100+ ya) Underwriters' Labs serving the insurance industry "we won't insure you if you install things without a Underwriters' Laboratories trademark approval"
18:15:14 From Paul Rodwell Just the random name that friends security gave you when the wiki was claimed - just ask Ward nicely to give it the right name.
18:15:57 From Jeff Miller enforcement by contract, effectively "we won't sign an insurance contract unless you... we won't honor it if you don't install to code"
18:15:57 From Robert Sterbal do I need the reclaim code too?
18:16:24 From Jeff Miller yes, the reclaim code unlocks it for edit
18:16:27 From Paul Rodwell you will need it to login if you get logged out
18:16:40 From Robert Sterbal I am locked out I was trying to fix my access to my credit card online they suggested clearing the cache
18:21:05 From Jeff Miller dilution :)
18:21:58 From Marc Pierson http://marc.relocalizecreativity.net/view/ivan-taylor
18:24:06 From Jeff Miller small causal loop diagrams as patterns?
18:25:28 From Jeff Miller balancing loops and reinforcing loops showing the way the variables behave I am looking for the stereotypical / archetype diagrams since that's a thing in dynamical system modeling, they have names which are evocative
18:26:40 From Jeff Miller (Marc and Ward discuss causal loop diagrams; relating interactions and change over time) Ward points to Michael Mehaffy's work about sustainability models - "a simplified model is sometimes better than a detailed model" is one of his notes.
18:32:30 From Jeff Miller Mehaffy, "Street Furniture" pattern.
18:34:25 From Jeff Miller correction, "Street Furnishings" Street furniture causal loop diagram? more crime, less willingness to maintain and install; more furniture installed, more pro-social use, more willingness?
18:37:33 From Jeff Miller http://npl.wiki/view/street-furnishings Ward reflects that taking Mehaffy's thesis forward with a dynamics view was considered
18:38:45 From Jeff Miller and that causal loop diagrams are a possible extension which Mehaffy might be interested in. Ward has a RELATIONSHIP THROUGH ANNOTATION demo, capturing an aspect connecting related code.
18:40:36 From Jeff Miller "I distinguished INDEXING the federation contents for search from QUERYING the search index. There were also aspects for DEBUGGING and another." Starting with the Supercollaborator, minus Croquet interaction, the overlapping of code connected by aspect was a point of interest.
18:42:28 From Jeff Miller Aspect-oriented browsing of systems diagrams. Ward's latest was to annotate the system diagram drawing code. The results of the first annotation prompted re-visiting the code and re-annotating it. "Aspects of the Solo Collaborator"
18:44:01 From Robert Sterbal http://ward.dojo.fed.wiki/view/aspects-of-the-solo-collaborator
18:45:13 From Jeff Miller "Drop, Load, Select, Composer, Format, Draw, Zoom, Action" - aspects
18:46:46 From Jeff Miller a gold highlight on the aspects shows a possible overlap from the current choices selected from the graphs on the right - "selected from the beam"
18:47:55 From Jeff Miller Ward reflects on the organization of the aspect diagram and its current labeling. An interesting test case for using the annotated aspect viewer to look at itself - is it helpful for sense-making? Does it show how the aspects connect?
18:49:44 From Jeff Miller Once I've labeled the code, does that prompt how I should refactor the code to organize it in ways that it doesn't need once Croquet is removed? :) "annotate as a refactoring prompt" <3
18:51:12 From Paul Rodwell loosely related - the new pan/zoom code removes a package (about 1000 lines of code) replacing it with about 50 lines of code.
18:51:42 From Jeff Miller "this code has the feeling, or smell, of nearby troubles of these sorts"
18:51:50 From Marc Pierson say more? paul
18:52:19 From Jeff Miller Reacted to "loosely related - th..." with ❤️ javadoc is not actually bad :) thinking of generated documentation of APIs etc.]
18:53:33 From Jeff Miller the annotation viewer from Ward: "this allows you to examine the code partway between the code itself and the document you'd write about the why and how" Aspect-Oriented Programming: cross-cutting concerns someimes inserted at annotation points; the annotations in Ward's code are declarations of what and why, which cut across modules.
18:54:37 From Jeff Miller Can the modules be rearticulated around the concerns? Or are they well-articulated now.
18:56:54 From Jeff Miller Pete reflects that notes are an attention-shaping technique. "build your own (mental) models"
18:59:08 From Jeff Miller Marc displays a 700m transceiver link between camera and microphone for capturing synchronous audio local to the microphone in sync with the camera for Kerry and Marc's meetings with groups. (Jeff wraps up early)
19:00:02 From Robert Sterbal take care!
19:05:51 From Robert Sterbal Spotify creates transcripts on the fly YouTube allows you to do edits
19:09:31 From Ward Cunningham https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_behavioral_therapy
19:15:37 From Marc Pierson http://marc.relocalizecreativity.net/view/ivan-taylor
19:38:22 From Robert Sterbal https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-02-05/forgot-your-apple-vision-pro-s-passcode-you-may-have-to-take-it-back-to-store?embedded-checkout=true
19:40:23 From Robert Sterbal https://www.techradar.com/computing/virtual-reality-augmented-reality/dont-forget-your-vision-pro-passcode-if-you-do-youll-have-to-send-your-headset-back-to-apple the second link has a popup but no paywall
20:01:01 From Robert Sterbal http://sterbal.dojo.fed.wiki/