Transcriber Notes 2023-12-10

See Typescript 2023-12-10 especially for interesting links to texts and resources from today's discussion across many topics.

Discussion from Marc about community to community conversations between Superior, Arizona and the Banana Mountain School in Spain

Demonstration from Ward on a digital radio capture project, mapping current conversations to their geographic location using the geo-grid conventions, then snapping the location to the largest city in that grid square as a hint for the likely location (e.g. Muncie, Indiana, vs. the center of its grid square).

Demonstration and problem-solving and examples around usage of the Activity Plugin and Roster Plugin together to shape a conversation activity page -- updates from pages shared between two wikis listed in the roster, for example.

Discussion of what makes a good group for conversation and knowledge sharing; what are the interesting dynamics and tensions; if you're gathered for a purpose to accomplish something, what else is needed to be done and kept in mind.

Culturally sensitive terminology, communicating norms around that, evolution of terms (Python slowly retiring Monty Python in-jokes that were more fun and engaging for early users; GitHub and Git moving the standard branch name from "master" to "main", "master-slave" controls in electronics and automatic controls). Transcriber notes using "coordinator" and "volunteers" for roles of computing units in a task-assigner / task-worker system.

Preparation to communicate (e.g. designers and programmers), mechanisms enabling communication, boundary objects.

Evolution of trust and self-segregation as games (Polygons, Trust) from Vi Hart and Nicky Case.

Design for effectiveness, design for inclusion, graphic style.

Exposure of implementation details (like Wikidata abstract identifiers), or hiding them from the surface interaction.

Wikidata and Wikifunctions.

Problem-solving around the Map plugin and BOUNDARY directives to set the map borders, either limiting or expanding them -- limiting if at the start of the list of map pins, possibly expanding the map if the BOUNDARY directives are at the end of the set of pins.

Wandering around an area to get oriented in the way things are connected -- even with location-aware guidance, a little wandering is helpful.