Transcriber Notes 2023-11-05

A lively session, though I (Jeff M) showed up late, tired from immunizations, at the end of introductions.

David Bovill and his collective collaborators in Wales, reflecting on using wiki authoring for multimedia presentations, including podcasts and videos, where AI support can improve the user experience by providing transcripts and contextual information keyed to the more linear story.

Thompson Morrison visiting to reflect on beauty, unfolding, the structure of wiki haiku pages, The Dayton Experiment, The Joyful Sandbox, in dialogue with Ward about the process of editing and producing a book, and the tools and scripts to support it; two additional books in process aimed at being produced in a year; also Designed Ingenuity.

Ward and Eric reflecting together about the EPISODES pattern language and the context in which "technical debt" was conceived as things which wanted cleaning up at the end of a weekly delivery cycle; about the climbing-the-mountain and working out from the perspective of the top of the climb, what needed to happen for WyCash. Eric interested in the context to apply to advice and recommendations about his company's software process.

mentioned; Alfred North Whitehead, Jimmy Wales, Brewster Kahle; Bret Victor; "ustawi" as harmonious prosperity.

Eric's experiments with changing the wiki and sub-wiki URLs to include the author's name like the old "site/~user/wiki/pagename" ; Ward's reflections on DNS. Eric's experiments with launching wiki-server on Deno, and the bumps in late-compiled Coffeescript presumed by the current NodeJS wiki server.