David Bovill and transporters, transporters dispatched by content type recognition in order to import or transclude content into a fedwiki with appropriate context and metadata. Could you register a wiki site hostname and use the transporter logic to migrate pages to a new host?
Stopped with meeting still in progress because I left to have time before my next meeting at the Recurse Center site .
Thanks to Paul Rodwell for capturing and uploading the full transcript, formatting and running a keyword index. You may note that the Zoom timestamps are local to his time zone rather than mine.
History of wiki client and server technology, Sinatra/Ruby to NodeJS server; jQuery based front end web client; evolution of features and mechanisms under need; keeping features and mechanisms spare and not overspecific, allowing discovery of new solutions a few steps away from the current implementation.
History of plugin development, originally Typescript running in the server context, with access to environment globals to see what pages are present; running a build for a plugin became increasingly tedious, so there has been little new development, especially since Eric Dobbs' work on the Frame script and post-message coordination of content from a frame to the page content.
Drag-and-drop import from Openverse, what are the troublesome parts? Can you drag a picture from the grid view of results, can you drag a picture from the detail view into FedWiki? Eric Dobbs shares his drag-and-drop inspector page.