Typescript Index 2023-11-01

Keyword Index. See Typescript 2023-11-01


of the continual learning [about](/view/17:58:07) federated wiki in brian please say more [about](/view/17:11:11) the models for


[accept](/view/17:33:29) generously emit judiciously but then you have [access](/view/17:56:04) to all the part of the fork [action](/view/17:57:02) pages during a fork [action](/view/17:57:02) this is an


of the things it [added](/view/17:40:52) eric [added](/view/17:38:58) event handling inside parse a url which [addresses](/view/17:54:43) a lineup of names http name based [addressing](/view/18:05:49) ward [adds](/view/17:53:22) erics exploration of its purpose and javascript [advanced](/view/17:40:52) to include many agents seeking [advantage](/view/17:49:45) in this platform the web related to [advertising](/view/17:51:09) frame communication driven by [advertising](/view/17:48:10) needs


writing wiki scripts fun [again](/view/17:38:58) was thinking [again](/view/17:17:32) i d like bumping up a bit [against](/view/17:57:02) the recent changes [agents](/view/17:49:45) seeking advantage in


interesting to consider [alexander](/view/17:19:20) s work sometimes shows virtual hosting [aliases](/view/18:09:48) for the same the browser pass those [along](/view/17:44:38) through wiki ursula franklin [also](/view/17:15:33) consulted on copper [also](/view/17:08:39) gave you clouds asset that is an [alternative](/view/17:32:25) client for wiki


as tax collection via [amateur](/view/17:16:04) smelting labor


copper smelting in the [andes](/view/17:15:33) [another](/view/18:30:06) recent example https drag that json into [another](/view/18:00:20) site download to


of separate from the [application](/view/17:59:14) support that is freeze provides a different [approach](/view/17:54:33) for protecting state


vertical [arcology](/view/17:18:07) so that we still [arent](/view/17:56:04) going over the indiana edu doc teaching [arnold](/view/17:13:23) iad slides pdf


itemtext [asmyformat](/view/17:37:17) weatherreport [aspaperdoll](/view/17:37:48) control permission these fundamental [aspects](/view/17:59:14) are sort of state of page management [asset](/view/17:59:14) serving user control pwa script as an [asset](/view/17:32:25) that is an wiki and having transporters [assigned](/view/18:15:27) based on the


and forth between the [authenticated](/view/17:58:07) site forking pages


you need to be [aware](/view/18:45:21) of it for


we want to pass [back](/view/17:58:07) and forth between in some sort of [balance](/view/17:20:57) different names http name [based](/view/18:05:49) addressing exploration of the message [based](/view/17:53:22) collaboration looks like and having transporters assigned [based](/view/18:15:27) on the content name [based](/view/18:06:11) virtual hosting


locally what happens if [beaker](/view/17:42:07) browser matures what [beauty](/view/17:20:57) good truth exchange the build process [became](/view/17:39:33) a destroyer of showing up today [because](/view/17:03:45) i m planning for building things on [because](/view/17:51:09) it enables business pages this should have [been](/view/17:54:43) part of the have a little time [befor](/view/18:35:44) my next session only the main branch [being](/view/17:56:04) forked not the plugins stopped [being](/view/17:38:27) fun to write here its the server [being](/view/17:57:02) unable to fetch to listen to the [best](/view/17:17:32) of unless i unless i organize things [better](/view/17:17:32) wiki community the api [between](/view/17:44:12) client and server in isolating security domains [between](/view/17:46:56) sender and receiver pass back and forth [between](/view/17:58:07) the authenticated site that would offer capabilities [beyond](/view/17:46:07) what we can


significant https huggingface co [blog](/view/18:45:21) llama how to


david [bovill](/view/18:15:27) is interested in david [bovill](/view/18:03:14) notes that more david [bovill](/view/18:05:49) notes that ngrok david [bovills](/view/17:44:12) interest in framing


still only the main [branch](/view/17:56:04) being forked not [brian](/view/17:11:11) please say more see an image preview [briefly](/view/18:26:33) on erics page on mobile easier to [bring](/view/17:32:25) into wiki then large [bronze](/view/17:11:39) casting organized labor what happens if beaker [browser](/view/17:42:07) matures what does message passing or the [browser](/view/17:44:38) pass those along event handling in the [browser](/view/17:44:12) postmessage service workers


the [build](/view/17:39:33) process became a a longterm capability for [building](/view/17:51:09) things on because is one that is [bumping](/view/17:57:02) up a bit on because it enables [business](/view/17:51:09) cases on the neutral language covering [business](/view/17:50:00) practices and fraud


my headphones on noise [cancelling](/view/17:19:58) doing a thing you [cannot](/view/17:46:34) imagine when you point to a new [canonical](/view/18:08:59) url linking from language that would offer [capabilities](/view/17:46:07) beyond what we bet for a longterm [capability](/view/17:51:09) for building things maybe making collection or [capture](/view/17:32:25) of text or to upload a special [case](/view/18:00:20) of the export the context locally in [case](/view/18:13:52) the origin site because it enables business [cases](/view/17:51:09) on the web large bronze [casting](/view/17:11:39) organized labor [catch](/view/18:53:04) you all later


to present at recurse [center](/view/17:03:45) on federated wiki


bit against the recent [changes](/view/17:57:02) model related to good old [chatgpt](/view/18:32:56) consistently wrong with [chatgpt](/view/18:34:05) was not good google [chrome](/view/17:48:48) doubleclick features [chrome](/view/17:13:23) extension oemmndcbldboiebfnladdacbdfmadadm https


about the models for [civil](/view/17:11:11) society


looks like it gives [cleaner](/view/17:53:22) separation than the community the api between [client](/view/17:44:12) and server the been part of the [client](/view/17:54:43) but was on that is an alternative [client](/view/17:32:25) for wiki maybe a proxy server a [client](/view/18:04:11) side request to recent versions of wiki [client](/view/18:03:14) wiki server dojos also gave you [clouds](/view/17:08:39) convention for sending a [clue](/view/18:08:59) to search engines


the factory drop [code](/view/18:26:33) for dropping an the drop [code](/view/18:24:50) in the factory the electron wiki node [code](/view/17:41:02) talking to your [coffeescript](/view/17:39:23) as a trailing [coffeescript](/view/17:40:52) served its purpose of the message based [collaboration](/view/17:53:22) looks like it that a research group [collaboration](/view/18:16:57) people in david for wiki maybe making [collection](/view/17:32:25) or capture of going on as tax [collection](/view/17:16:04) via amateur smelting to all the previous [combined](/view/17:56:04) page data to visitors view configjson view [command](/view/18:30:40) line options was not good with [common](/view/18:34:05) lisp it was hoc protocol design for [communication](/view/17:44:42) can work google protocol and frame frame [communication](/view/17:48:10) driven by advertising desires of the wiki [community](/view/17:44:12) the api between view welcome visitors view [configjson](/view/18:30:40) view command line eric reflects on the [consequences](/view/18:13:52) of living in interesting to [consider](/view/17:19:20) alexander s work right but the journal [consistency](/view/18:02:02) is suspect good old chatgpt [consistently](/view/18:32:56) wrong with much ursula franklin also [consulted](/view/17:15:33) on copper smelting interest in framing in [content](/view/17:44:12) from other sites the same site updating [content](/view/18:10:57) in tandem sometimes table what sort of [content](/view/18:16:57) intake mechanism is in wiki transporters dropping [content](/view/18:15:27) on wiki and assigned based on the [content](/view/18:15:27) type optimal means in this [context](/view/17:12:06) urls for the same [context](/view/18:08:59) enough to keep the [context](/view/18:13:52) locally in case operate with a global [context](/view/17:51:51) which can be federated wiki in different [contexts](/view/17:58:07) server part of the [continual](/view/17:58:07) learning about federated management asset serving user [control](/view/17:59:14) permission these fundamental they even did [controlled](/view/18:14:48) digital lending with permanent redirect is a [convention](/view/18:08:59) for sending a thank you for interesting [converstation](/view/18:53:04) and links if i see two [copies](/view/18:10:57) of the same franklin also consulted on [copper](/view/17:15:33) smelting in the [could](/view/18:00:20) i fork a be interesting if wiki [could](/view/17:56:04) save a deeper https ostromworkshop indiana edu [courses](/view/17:14:05) teaching teaching tools neutral language [covering](/view/17:50:00) business practices and


client side request to [create](/view/18:04:11) a port forwarding


fed wiki technology and [culture](/view/17:14:10) html m in exploration and [curiosity](/view/17:12:06) i have no


resilience engineering take on [cybersecurity](/view/17:49:35)


it has to be [data](/view/17:47:08) and not methods the previous combined page [data](/view/17:56:04) to use when [david](/view/18:17:22) b reflects on [david](/view/18:18:26) b reflects on point why is that [david](/view/18:00:20) b save the [david](/view/18:15:27) bovill is interested [david](/view/18:03:14) bovill notes that [david](/view/18:05:49) bovill notes that [david](/view/17:44:12) bovills interest in group collaboration people in [david](/view/18:16:57) bs research group http [david](/view/18:30:40) ward dojo fed [david](/view/17:49:35) woods a talk a higher spreadsheet these [days](/view/17:12:35)


https wiki [dbbs](/view/18:19:33) co drop and https wiki [dbbs](/view/18:28:05) co search for


size is this a [decision](/view/17:56:04) of ours or wiki could save a [deeper](/view/17:56:04) page history as openverse org search q [deiniolen](/view/18:19:46) d c db q [deiniolen](/view/18:23:45) eric [demonstrates](/view/18:07:37) a page and i get this [description](/view/18:22:54) https live staticflickr an ad hoc protocol [design](/view/17:44:42) for communication can in the present api [design](/view/17:46:07) protocol design ward present api design protocol [design](/view/17:46:07) ward imagine when you re [designing](/view/17:46:34) it language api implementation technologies long term [desires](/view/17:44:12) of the wiki build process became a [destroyer](/view/17:39:33) of fun


object freeze provides a [different](/view/17:54:33) approach for protecting about federated wiki in [different](/view/17:58:07) contexts pages show up under [different](/view/18:05:49) names http name the disk produces two [different](/view/18:08:59) names urls for the same wiki at [different](/view/18:09:48) urls they even did controlled [digital](/view/18:14:48) lending with drm gotta go to [dinner](/view/18:46:08) bye training when using llms [directly](/view/18:45:21) you need to tandem sometimes i will [disable](/view/18:10:57) indexing on one case the origin site [disappears](/view/18:13:52) to site on the [disk](/view/18:08:59) produces two different item in the transporter [dispatcher](/view/18:16:57) can recognize via


from other sites eric [dobbs](/view/17:44:12) work in wiki well it [does](/view/18:01:28) give you a beaker browser matures what [does](/view/17:42:07) the frame iframe empower someone who is [doing](/view/17:46:34) a thing you http david ward [dojo](/view/18:30:40) fed wiki view http jeff [dojo](/view/18:34:30) fed wiki view wiki client wiki server [dojos](/view/18:03:14) version can support significant in isolating security [domains](/view/17:46:56) between sender and google chrome [doubleclick](/view/17:48:48) features json into another site [download](/view/18:00:20) to upload a gb of offline podcast [downloads](/view/17:17:32) on my phone


and drop trying a [drag](/view/18:34:30) and drop from fed wiki view openverse [drag](/view/18:34:30) and drop trying image plugin intake mechanism [drag](/view/18:18:26) and drop working i think you can [drag](/view/18:00:21) drop the json the [drag](/view/18:23:45) from the openverse as a file and [drag](/view/18:00:20) that json into rely on the journal [dragging](/view/18:00:59) lol [dragging](/view/18:00:37) the journal was and frame frame communication [driven](/view/17:48:10) by advertising needs bs research group can [drop](/view/18:16:57) an item in https wiki dbbs co [drop](/view/18:19:33) and paste inspector the factory [drop](/view/18:26:33) code for dropping the [drop](/view/18:24:50) code in the trying a drag and [drop](/view/18:34:30) from openverse onto think you can drag [drop](/view/18:00:21) the json link view openverse drag and [drop](/view/18:34:30) trying a drag intake mechanism drag and [drop](/view/18:18:26) working with wikipedia factory drop code for [dropping](/view/18:26:33) an image looks interested in wiki transporters [dropping](/view/18:15:27) content on wiki


to login redirection pages [during](/view/17:57:02) a fork action matches the one used [during](/view/18:45:21) training when using


[each](/view/17:12:35) spreadsheet has a files while on mobile [easier](/view/17:32:25) to bring into


coffeescript as a trailing [edge](/view/17:39:23) language


the [electron](/view/17:41:02) wiki node code


accept generously [emit](/view/17:33:29) judiciously [empower](/view/17:46:34) someone who is


things on because it [enables](/view/17:51:09) business cases on woods a talk resilience [engineering](/view/17:49:35) take on cybersecurity a clue to search [engines](/view/18:08:59) and wiki searches maybe you should fork [enough](/view/18:13:52) to keep the goals pod rodwell me [enrich](/view/18:30:06) kumu svg html dbbs co search for [enrich](/view/18:28:05) svg html know are in the [environment](/view/17:44:42) an ad hoc


[eric](/view/17:38:58) added event handling [eric](/view/18:07:37) demonstrates a page content from other sites [eric](/view/17:44:12) dobbs work in i see what [eric](/view/18:21:45) is seeing [eric](/view/18:13:52) reflects on the [eric](/view/17:51:09) reflects the post ward adds [erics](/view/17:53:22) exploration of the image preview briefly on [erics](/view/18:26:33) page let me


they [even](/view/18:14:48) did controlled digital idea what optimal should [even](/view/17:12:06) look like or wiki instead and maybe [even](/view/17:17:32) play them from server the api for [event](/view/17:44:12) handling in the eric added [event](/view/17:38:58) handling inside the


aware of it for [example](/view/18:45:21) how to prompt another recent [example](/view/18:30:06) https goals pod thompsons [example](/view/17:57:02) in ohio schools for [example](/view/17:45:18) jquery and the action this is an [example](/view/17:57:02) of when do beauty good truth [exchange](/view/17:20:57) in some sort move the pages the [existinace](/view/18:12:47) of the old something i did not [expect](/view/18:00:37) at all code in the factory [expects](/view/18:24:50) to have a b sounds like an [experiment](/view/17:45:00) business practices and fraud [exploitation](/view/17:50:00) marc i m in [exploration](/view/17:12:06) and curiosity i ward adds erics [exploration](/view/17:53:22) of the message special case of the [export](/view/18:00:20) import protocol chrome [extension](/view/17:13:23) oemmndcbldboiebfnladdacbdfmadadm https ostromworkshop provided through the plugin [extensions](/view/17:59:14)


the [factory](/view/18:26:33) drop code for drop code in the [factory](/view/18:24:50) expects to have openverse onto a standard [factory](/view/18:34:30) item


oath of [fealty](/view/17:19:27) niven and pournelle that is where having [feature](/view/18:13:32) support in server google chrome doubleclick [features](/view/17:48:48) at recurse center on [federated](/view/17:03:45) wiki and hopefully the continual learning about [federated](/view/17:58:07) wiki in different ward notes that [federation](/view/18:09:48) search sometimes shows technology history retelling of [fedwiki](/view/18:35:44) server being unable to [fetch](/view/17:57:02) the page now


map plugin tend to [fight](/view/17:45:18) service workers these things [figured](/view/17:44:12) in together page json as a [file](/view/18:00:20) and drag that expects to have a [file](/view/18:24:50) type move to a static [files](/view/17:42:07) running locally what capture of text or [files](/view/17:32:25) while on mobile


things are operated by [folk](/view/18:13:52) memory ward notes getting [food](/view/17:04:52) could i [fork](/view/18:00:20) a local page as part of the [fork](/view/17:57:02) action redirection pages during a [fork](/view/17:57:02) action this is pages maybe you should [fork](/view/18:13:52) enough to keep limit you mentioned for [fork](/view/17:56:04) size is this the main branch being [forked](/view/17:56:04) not the whole between the authenticated site [forking](/view/17:58:07) pages and the relating to these implicit [forks](/view/17:56:04) but the [forks](/view/17:56:04) are still only llama whitespace and minor [formatting](/view/18:45:21) is significant https to pass back and [forth](/view/17:58:07) between the authenticated port [forwarding](/view/18:03:33) letting you reveal to create a port [forwarding](/view/18:04:11) tunnel to your http [found](/view/17:14:10) ward fed wiki


iframe protocol and frame [frame](/view/17:48:10) communication driven by iframe protocol and [frame](/view/17:48:10) frame communication driven matures what does the [frame](/view/17:42:07) iframe plugin do event handling inside the [frame](/view/17:38:58) plugin which made federated wiki and hopefully [frame](/view/17:03:45) scripting was a prototype for [frame](/view/17:41:02) scripting web app that is [framed](/view/17:44:38) has its own teaching teaching tools iad [framework](/view/17:14:05) index html david bovills interest in [framing](/view/17:44:12) in content from there was a san [francisco](/view/17:08:33) sky pictures once ursula [franklin](/view/17:15:33) also consulted on covering business practices and [fraud](/view/17:50:00) exploitation object [freeze](/view/17:54:33) provides a different can support moving pages [from](/view/18:03:14) local to publicly a drag and drop [from](/view/18:34:30) openverse onto a in framing in content [from](/view/17:44:12) other sites eric ours or some limitation [from](/view/17:56:04) part of our new canonical url linking [from](/view/18:08:59) site to site approach for protecting state [from](/view/17:54:33) tampering by a are sort of separate [from](/view/17:59:14) the application support the drag [from](/view/18:23:45) the openverse grid maybe even play them [from](/view/17:17:32) there rather than


user control permission these [fundamental](/view/17:59:14) aspects are sort


also [gave](/view/17:08:39) you clouds


accept [generously](/view/17:33:29) emit judiciously [getting](/view/17:04:52) food


does give you a [ghost](/view/18:01:28) page to review


well it does [give](/view/18:01:28) you a ghost collaboration looks like it [gives](/view/17:53:22) cleaner separation than podcatcher on my phone [gives](/view/17:17:32) me and then


plugins operate with a [global](/view/17:51:51) context which can server plugins use of [globals](/view/17:53:22)


another recent example https [goals](/view/18:30:06) pod rodwell me to interpret what was [going](/view/17:16:04) on as tax that we still arent [going](/view/17:56:04) over the limit that i m never [going](/view/17:17:32) to listen to message protocol is a [good](/view/17:51:09) bet for a [good](/view/18:32:56) old chatgpt consistently beauty [good](/view/17:20:57) truth exchange in chatgpt was not [good](/view/18:34:05) with common lisp lisp it was pretty [good](/view/18:34:05) with nodejs [google](/view/17:48:48) chrome doubleclick features for communication can work [google](/view/17:44:42) map [gotta](/view/18:46:08) go to dinner


m wikipedia org wiki [grafting](/view/17:56:04) like a tree of [graftings](/view/17:56:04) drag from the openverse [grid](/view/18:23:45) of images is in david bs research [group](/view/18:16:57) can drop an so that a research [group](/view/18:16:57) collaboration people in


the api for event [handling](/view/17:44:12) in the browser eric added event [handling](/view/17:38:58) inside the frame files running locally what [happens](/view/17:42:07) if beaker browser what [happens](/view/17:42:07) if we move the factory expects to [have](/view/18:24:50) a file type m taking off to [have](/view/18:35:44) a little time stack but then you [have](/view/17:56:04) access to all of pages this should [have](/view/17:54:43) been part of exploration and curiosity i [have](/view/17:12:06) no idea what rename a page and [have](/view/18:44:07) the references updated or live objects they [have](/view/17:47:08) to be serialized that is where [having](/view/18:13:32) feature support in from there rather than [having](/view/17:17:32) gb of offline content on wiki and [having](/view/18:15:27) transporters assigned based


they prepend a standard [header](/view/18:45:21) to the prompt i had my [headphones](/view/17:19:58) on noise cancelling support in server would [help](/view/18:13:32) preserve it possibly the way that i [helped](/view/18:12:47) marc move the do we learn something [here](/view/17:57:02) its the server


rollup value to a [higher](/view/17:12:35) spreadsheet these days save a deeper page [history](/view/17:56:04) as like a you for the technology [history](/view/18:35:44) retelling of fedwiki


wiki then or later [holding](/view/17:32:25) it locally on federated wiki and [hopefully](/view/17:03:45) frame scripting can wiki [host](/view/17:32:25) a pwa script name based virtual [hosting](/view/18:06:11) search sometimes shows virtual [hosting](/view/18:09:48) aliases for the maybe it was once [hour](/view/17:08:50)


tools iad framework index [html](/view/17:14:05) wiki technology and culture [html](/view/17:14:10) drop and paste inspector [html](/view/18:19:33) search for enrich svg [html](/view/18:28:05) me enrich kumu svg [html](/view/18:30:06) [http](/view/18:30:40) david ward dojo [http](/view/17:14:10) found ward fed [http](/view/18:34:30) jeff dojo fed up under different names [http](/view/18:05:49) name based addressing [https](/view/17:56:04) en m wikipedia [https](/view/18:57:45) en wiktionary org another recent example [https](/view/18:30:06) goals pod rodwell minor formatting is significant [https](/view/18:45:21) huggingface co blog i get this description [https](/view/18:22:54) live staticflickr com [https](/view/18:03:38) ngrok com grid of images is [https](/view/18:23:45) openverse org image [https](/view/18:19:24) openverse org search [https](/view/18:19:46) openverse org search chrome extension oemmndcbldboiebfnladdacbdfmadadm [https](/view/17:13:23) ostromworkshop indiana edu [https](/view/17:14:05) ostromworkshop indiana edu [https](/view/18:36:12) robina relocalizecreativity net [https](/view/18:19:33) wiki dbbs co [https](/view/18:28:05) wiki dbbs co [https](/view/19:02:35) www theregister com


formatting is significant https [huggingface](/view/18:45:21) co blog llama


curiosity i have no [idea](/view/17:12:06) what optimal should


what does the frame [iframe](/view/17:42:07) plugin do [iframe](/view/17:48:10) protocol and frame


a link to an [image](/view/18:22:07) is https openverse org [image](/view/18:23:45) dac c c code for dropping an [image](/view/18:26:33) looks like it b reflects on the [image](/view/18:18:26) plugin intake mechanism work i see an [image](/view/18:26:33) preview briefly on drop working with wikipedia [images](/view/18:18:26) but not in the openverse grid of [images](/view/18:23:45) is https openverse not in the openverse [images](/view/18:18:26) many of which beyond what we can [imagine](/view/17:46:07) in the present a thing you cannot [imagine](/view/17:46:34) when you re dobbs work in wiki [implementation](/view/17:44:12) technologies long term ward relating to these [implicit](/view/17:56:04) forks i d like to [import](/view/17:17:32) my podcast lists mechanism to remap and [import](/view/18:17:22) pages case of the export [import](/view/18:00:20) protocol


and javascript advanced to [include](/view/17:40:52) many of the teaching tools iad framework [index](/view/17:14:05) html sometimes i will disable [indexing](/view/18:10:57) on one of https ostromworkshop [indiana](/view/17:14:05) edu courses teaching extension oemmndcbldboiebfnladdacbdfmadadm https ostromworkshop [indiana](/view/17:13:23) edu doc teaching eric added event handling [inside](/view/17:38:58) the frame plugin co drop and paste [inspector](/view/18:19:33) html my lists in wiki [instead](/view/17:17:32) and maybe even on the image plugin [intake](/view/18:18:26) mechanism drag and what sort of content [intake](/view/18:16:57) mechanism is used david bovills [interest](/view/17:44:12) in framing in david bovill is [interested](/view/18:15:27) in wiki transporters later thank you for [interesting](/view/18:53:04) converstation and links it would be [interesting](/view/17:56:04) if wiki could robert b [interesting](/view/17:34:48) maybe so if you see some [interesting](/view/18:13:52) pages maybe you [interesting](/view/17:19:20) to consider alexander to [interpret](/view/17:16:04) what was going fork a local page [into](/view/18:00:20) a public site and drag that json [into](/view/18:00:20) another site download mobile easier to bring [into](/view/17:32:25) wiki then or [inventing](/view/17:46:07) a language that


api is significant in [isolating](/view/17:46:56) security domains between


onto a standard factory [item](/view/18:34:30) group can drop an [item](/view/18:16:57) in the transporter [itemtext](/view/17:37:17) asmyformat drop the json link [itself](/view/18:00:21) too


served its purpose and [javascript](/view/17:40:52) advanced to include


http [jeff](/view/18:34:30) dojo fed wiki


right but the [journal](/view/18:02:02) consistency is suspect not rely on the [journal](/view/18:00:59) dragging lol dragging the [journal](/view/18:00:37) was something i


for example [jquery](/view/17:45:18) and the map


b save the page [json](/view/18:00:20) as a file file and drag that [json](/view/18:00:20) into another site can drag drop the [json](/view/18:00:21) link itself too


accept generously emit [judiciously](/view/17:33:29)


should fork enough to [keep](/view/18:13:52) the context locally framed has its own [keyboard](/view/17:44:38) shortcuts will message


these things we [know](/view/17:44:42) are in the


pod rodwell me enrich [kumu](/view/18:30:06) svg html


large bronze casting organized [labor](/view/17:11:39) collection via amateur smelting [labor](/view/17:16:04) as a trailing edge [language](/view/17:39:23) you re designing it [language](/view/17:46:34) api protocol neutral [language](/view/17:50:00) covering business practices inventing a [language](/view/17:46:07) that would offer a [language](/view/17:36:35) workbench as a [large](/view/17:11:39) bronze casting organized into wiki then or [later](/view/17:32:25) holding it locally catch you all [later](/view/18:53:04) thank you for


of when do we [learn](/view/17:57:02) something here its part of the continual [learning](/view/17:58:07) about federated wiki even did controlled digital [lending](/view/18:14:48) with drm port forwarding [letting](/view/18:03:33) you reveal a


deeper page history as [like](/view/17:56:04) a tree of robert b sounds [like](/view/17:45:00) an experiment my podcast lists as [like](/view/17:17:32) an opml or message based collaboration looks [like](/view/17:53:22) it gives cleaner dropping an image looks [like](/view/18:26:33) it might work optimal should even look [like](/view/17:12:06) or what optimal that was a lot [like](/view/17:08:33) that thinking again i d [like](/view/17:17:32) to import my arent going over the [limit](/view/17:56:04) you mentioned for of ours or some [limitation](/view/17:56:04) from part of view configjson view command [line](/view/18:30:40) options url which addresses a [lineup](/view/17:54:43) of pages this read and modify wiki [lineup](/view/17:51:51) state b e b jpg [link](/view/18:22:54) drag drop the json [link](/view/18:00:21) itself too a [link](/view/18:22:07) to an image a new canonical url [linking](/view/18:08:59) from site to for interesting converstation and [links](/view/18:53:04) not good with common [lisp](/view/18:34:05) it was pretty snippet to refresh the [list](/view/18:07:37) of wikis in m never going to [listen](/view/17:17:32) to the best to import my podcast [lists](/view/17:17:32) as like an and then sort my [lists](/view/17:17:32) in wiki instead off to have a [little](/view/18:35:44) time befor my and not methods or [live](/view/17:47:08) objects they have get this description https [live](/view/18:22:54) staticflickr com dd on the consequences of [living](/view/18:13:52) in a world


llama how to prompt [llama](/view/18:45:21) https huggingface co blog [llama](/view/18:45:21) how to prompt example how to prompt [llama](/view/18:45:21) whitespace and minor during training when using [llms](/view/18:45:21) directly you need btw when prompting [llms](/view/18:45:21) via most saas


letting you reveal a [local](/view/18:03:33) machine and service could i fork a [local](/view/18:00:20) page into a notes that ngrok versus [local](/view/18:05:49) pages show up support moving pages from [local](/view/18:03:14) to publicly visible of wikis in his [localhost](/view/18:07:37) neighborhood or later holding it [locally](/view/17:32:25) to keep the context [locally](/view/18:13:52) in case the a static files running [locally](/view/17:42:07) what happens if changes model related to [login](/view/17:57:02) redirection pages during in wiki implementation technologies [long](/view/17:44:12) term desires of good bet for a [longterm](/view/17:51:09) capability for building what optimal should even [look](/view/17:12:06) like or what the message based collaboration [looks](/view/17:53:22) like it gives for dropping an image [looks](/view/18:26:33) like it might can recognize via a [lookup](/view/18:16:57) table what sort


you reveal a local [machine](/view/18:03:33) and service the frame plugin which [made](/view/17:38:58) writing wiki scripts are still only the [main](/view/17:56:04) branch being forked client for wiki maybe [making](/view/17:32:25) collection or capture is state of page [management](/view/17:59:14) asset serving user javascript advanced to include [many](/view/17:40:52) of the things in the openverse images [many](/view/18:18:26) of which are [marc](/view/17:12:06) i m in way that i helped [marc](/view/18:12:47) move the pages to the prompt that [matches](/view/18:45:21) the one used happens if beaker browser [matures](/view/17:42:07) what does the in wiki instead and [maybe](/view/17:17:32) even play them or [maybe](/view/17:08:50) it was once alternative client for wiki [maybe](/view/17:32:25) making collection or robert b interesting [maybe](/view/17:34:48) so see some interesting pages [maybe](/view/18:13:52) you should fork


like or what optimal [means](/view/17:12:06) in this context the image plugin intake [mechanism](/view/18:18:26) drag and drop sort of content intake [mechanism](/view/18:16:57) is used to use the transporter [mechanism](/view/18:17:22) to remap and are operated by folk [memory](/view/18:13:52) ward notes that over the limit you [mentioned](/view/17:56:04) for fork size erics exploration of the [message](/view/17:53:22) based collaboration looks own keyboard shortcuts will [message](/view/17:44:38) passing or the eric reflects the post [message](/view/17:51:09) protocol is a be data and not [methods](/view/17:47:08) or live objects


image looks like it [might](/view/18:26:33) work i see prompt llama whitespace and [minor](/view/18:45:21) formatting is significant


or files while on [mobile](/view/17:32:25) easier to bring against the recent changes [model](/view/17:57:02) related to login say more about the [models](/view/17:11:11) for civil society used to read and [modify](/view/17:51:51) wiki lineup state brian please say [more](/view/17:11:11) about the models david bovill notes that [more](/view/18:03:14) recent versions of this to your this [morning](/view/17:56:04) ward relating to when prompting llms via [most](/view/18:45:21) saas services they that i helped marc [move](/view/18:12:47) the pages the what happens if we [move](/view/17:42:07) to a static dojos version can support [moving](/view/18:03:14) pages from local


chatgpt consistently wrong with [much](/view/18:32:56) of what it


under different names http [name](/view/18:05:49) based addressing [name](/view/18:06:11) based virtual hosting show up under different [names](/view/18:05:49) http name based disk produces two different [names](/view/18:08:59) urls for the


using llms directly you [need](/view/18:45:21) to be aware to use when if [needed](/view/17:56:04) communication driven by advertising [needs](/view/17:48:10) wikis in his localhost [neighborhood](/view/18:07:37) [neutral](/view/17:50:00) language covering business phone that i m [never](/view/17:17:32) going to listen little time befor my [next](/view/18:35:44) session in min


[ngrok](/view/18:03:20) https [ngrok](/view/18:03:38) com david bovill notes that [ngrok](/view/18:05:49) versus local pages


oath of fealty [niven](/view/17:19:27) and pournelle


the electron wiki [node](/view/17:41:02) code talking to was pretty good with [nodejs](/view/18:34:05) had my headphones on [noise](/view/17:19:58) cancelling as ward [noted](/view/18:00:59) you should not ward [notes](/view/18:09:48) that federation search by folk memory ward [notes](/view/18:13:52) that if you david bovill [notes](/view/18:03:14) that more recent david bovill [notes](/view/18:05:49) that ngrok versus


[oath](/view/17:19:27) of fealty niven


[object](/view/17:54:33) freeze provides a not methods or live [objects](/view/17:47:08) they have to ward [observes](/view/18:08:59) that permanent redirect


chrome extension [oemmndcbldboiebfnladdacbdfmadadm](/view/17:13:23) https ostromworkshop indiana


a language that would [offer](/view/17:46:07) capabilities beyond what than having gb of [offline](/view/17:17:32) podcast downloads on


thompsons example in [ohio](/view/17:57:02) schools is one


san francisco sky pictures [once](/view/17:08:33) day that was or maybe it was [once](/view/17:08:50) hour the forks are still [only](/view/17:56:04) the main branch and drop from openverse [onto](/view/18:34:30) a standard factory


dojo fed wiki view [openverse](/view/18:34:30) drag and drop the drag from the [openverse](/view/18:23:45) grid of images but not in the [openverse](/view/18:18:26) images many of drag and drop from [openverse](/view/18:34:30) onto a standard of images is https [openverse](/view/18:23:45) org image dac https [openverse](/view/18:19:24) org search q https [openverse](/view/18:19:46) org search q ward reflects the plugins [operate](/view/17:51:51) with a global world where things are [operated](/view/18:13:52) by folk memory lists as like an [opml](/view/17:17:32) or whatever my look like or what [optimal](/view/17:12:06) means in this have no idea what [optimal](/view/17:12:06) should even look configjson view command line [options](/view/18:30:40)


best of unless i [organize](/view/17:17:32) things better large bronze casting [organized](/view/17:11:39) labor locally in case the [origin](/view/18:13:52) site disappears


https [ostromworkshop](/view/17:14:05) indiana edu courses chrome extension oemmndcbldboiebfnladdacbdfmadadm https [ostromworkshop](/view/17:13:23) indiana edu doc


framing in content from [other](/view/17:44:12) sites eric dobbs


this a decision of [ours](/view/17:56:04) or some limitation


we still arent going [over](/view/17:56:04) the limit you


way to rename a [page](/view/18:44:07) and have the eric demonstrates a [page](/view/18:07:37) and script snippet we send the updated [page](/view/17:57:02) as part of all the previous combined [page](/view/17:56:04) data to use could save a deeper [page](/view/17:56:04) history as like i fork a local [page](/view/18:00:20) into a public david b save the [page](/view/18:00:20) json as a preview briefly on erics [page](/view/18:26:33) let me try there is state of [page](/view/17:59:14) management asset serving unable to fetch the [page](/view/17:57:02) now we send give you a ghost [page](/view/18:01:28) to review to remap and import [pages](/view/18:17:22) separate references to wikipedia [pages](/view/18:18:26) the authenticated site forking [pages](/view/17:58:07) and the server related to login redirection [pages](/view/17:57:02) during a fork version can support moving [pages](/view/18:03:14) from local to you see some interesting [pages](/view/18:13:52) maybe you should that ngrok versus local [pages](/view/18:05:49) show up under helped marc move the [pages](/view/18:12:47) the existinace of addresses a lineup of [pages](/view/17:54:43) this should have how do we [parse](/view/17:54:43) a url which or some limitation from [part](/view/17:56:04) of our stack this should have been [part](/view/17:54:43) of the client pages and the server [part](/view/17:58:07) of the continual the updated page as [part](/view/17:57:02) of the fork do we want to [pass](/view/17:58:07) back and forth passing or the browser [pass](/view/17:44:38) those along through keyboard shortcuts will message [passing](/view/17:44:38) or the browser dbbs co drop and [paste](/view/18:19:33) inspector html language workbench as a [pattern](/view/17:36:35)


a research group collaboration [people](/view/18:16:57) in david bs ward observes that [permanent](/view/18:08:59) redirect is a asset serving user control [permission](/view/17:59:14) these fundamental aspects


my podcatcher on my [phone](/view/17:17:32) gives me and podcast downloads on my [phone](/view/17:17:32) that i m


a san francisco sky [pictures](/view/17:08:33) once day that


today because i m [planning](/view/17:03:45) to present at seeking advantage in this [platform](/view/17:49:45) instead and maybe even [play](/view/17:17:32) them from there brian [please](/view/17:11:11) say more about from tampering by a [plugin](/view/17:54:33) does the frame iframe [plugin](/view/17:42:07) do is provided through the [plugin](/view/17:59:14) extensions reflects on the image [plugin](/view/18:18:26) intake mechanism drag jquery and the map [plugin](/view/17:45:18) tend to fight handling inside the frame [plugin](/view/17:38:58) which made writing ward reflects the [plugins](/view/17:51:51) operate with a [plugins](/view/17:38:27) stopped being fun separation than the server [plugins](/view/17:53:22) use of globals


having gb of offline [podcast](/view/17:17:32) downloads on my like to import my [podcast](/view/17:17:32) lists as like opml or whatever my [podcatcher](/view/17:17:32) on my phone and wiki searches to [point](/view/18:08:59) to a new stopped working at some [point](/view/18:00:20) why is that https www theregister com [pope](/view/19:02:35) software python [port](/view/18:03:33) forwarding letting you request to create a [port](/view/18:04:11) forwarding tunnel to would help preserve it [possibly](/view/18:13:32) with a redirect eric reflects the [post](/view/17:51:09) message protocol is [postels](/view/17:32:56) law [postmessage](/view/17:46:56) api is significant handling in the browser [postmessage](/view/17:44:12) service workers these of fealty niven and [pournelle](/view/17:19:27)


neutral language covering business [practices](/view/17:50:00) and fraud exploitation most saas services they [prepend](/view/18:45:21) a standard header can imagine in the [present](/view/17:46:07) api design protocol i m planning to [present](/view/17:03:45) at recurse center in server would help [preserve](/view/18:13:32) it possibly with common lisp it was [pretty](/view/18:34:05) good with nodejs i see an image [preview](/view/18:26:33) briefly on erics access to all the [previous](/view/17:56:04) combined page data the build [process](/view/17:39:33) became a destroyer site on the disk [produces](/view/18:08:59) two different names blog llama how to [prompt](/view/18:45:21) llama for example how to [prompt](/view/18:45:21) llama whitespace and standard header to the [prompt](/view/18:45:21) that matches the btw when [prompting](/view/18:45:21) llms via most a different approach for [protecting](/view/17:54:33) state from tampering designing it language api [protocol](/view/17:46:34) of the export import [protocol](/view/18:00:20) iframe [protocol](/view/17:48:10) and frame frame environment an ad hoc [protocol](/view/17:44:42) design for communication the present api design [protocol](/view/17:46:07) design ward reflects the post message [protocol](/view/17:51:09) is a good os windows was a [prototype](/view/17:41:02) for frame scripting application support that is [provided](/view/17:59:14) through the plugin object freeze [provides](/view/17:54:33) a different approach public website as a [proxy](/view/18:04:11) server a client


on a [public](/view/18:03:39) dns local page into a [public](/view/18:00:20) site that stopped two things a [public](/view/18:04:11) website as a pages from local to [publicly](/view/18:03:14) visible wikis coffeescript served its [purpose](/view/17:40:52) and javascript advanced


theregister com pope software [python](/view/19:02:35)


play them from there [rather](/view/17:17:32) than having gb


can be used to [read](/view/17:51:51) and modify wiki domains between sender and [receiver](/view/17:46:56) a bit against the [recent](/view/17:57:02) changes model related another [recent](/view/18:30:06) example https goals bovill notes that more [recent](/view/18:03:14) versions of wiki the transporter dispatcher can [recognize](/view/18:16:57) via a lookup planning to present at [recurse](/view/17:03:45) center on federated it possibly with a [redirect](/view/18:13:32) ward observes that permanent [redirect](/view/18:08:59) is a convention model related to login [redirection](/view/17:57:02) pages during a of which are separate [references](/view/18:18:26) to wikipedia pages page and have the [references](/view/18:44:07) updated too david b [reflects](/view/18:17:22) on a way eric [reflects](/view/18:13:52) on the consequences david b [reflects](/view/18:18:26) on the image ward [reflects](/view/17:51:51) the plugins operate eric [reflects](/view/17:51:09) the post message and script snippet to [refresh](/view/18:07:37) the list of cases on the web [related](/view/17:51:09) to advertising the recent changes model [related](/view/17:57:02) to login redirection your this morning ward [relating](/view/17:56:04) to these implicit https robina [relocalizecreativity](/view/18:36:12) net view welcome noted you should not [rely](/view/18:00:59) on the journal the transporter mechanism to [remap](/view/18:17:22) and import pages forked not the whole [remote](/view/17:56:04) tree so that the old server is [removed](/view/18:12:47) there a way to [rename](/view/18:44:07) a page and server a client side [request](/view/18:04:11) to create a people in david bs [research](/view/18:16:57) group can drop so that a [research](/view/18:16:57) group collaboration people david woods a talk [resilience](/view/17:49:35) engineering take on for the technology history [retelling](/view/18:35:44) of fedwiki port forwarding letting you [reveal](/view/18:03:33) a local machine a ghost page to [review](/view/18:01:28)


[right](/view/18:02:02) but the journal


[robert](/view/17:34:48) b interesting maybe [robert](/view/17:45:00) b sounds like https [robina](/view/18:36:12) relocalizecreativity net view example https goals pod [rodwell](/view/18:30:06) me enrich kumu each spreadsheet has a [rollup](/view/17:12:35) value to a search q welsh tea [room](/view/18:19:24)


to a static files [running](/view/17:42:07) locally what happens


prompting llms via most [saas](/view/18:45:21) services they prepend names urls for the [same](/view/18:08:59) context two copies of the [same](/view/18:10:57) site updating content hosting aliases for the [same](/view/18:09:48) wiki at different interesting if wiki could [save](/view/17:56:04) a deeper page is that david b [save](/view/18:00:20) the page json much of what it [says](/view/18:32:56)


thompsons example in ohio [schools](/view/17:57:02) is one that wiki host a pwa [script](/view/17:32:25) as an asset demonstrates a page and [script](/view/18:07:37) snippet to refresh wiki and hopefully frame [scripting](/view/17:03:45) a prototype for frame [scripting](/view/17:41:02) which made writing wiki [scripts](/view/17:38:58) fun again


sending a clue to [search](/view/18:08:59) engines and wiki https wiki dbbs co [search](/view/18:28:05) for enrich svg https openverse org [search](/view/18:19:46) q deiniolen https openverse org [search](/view/18:19:24) q welsh tea ward notes that federation [search](/view/18:09:48) sometimes shows virtual search engines and wiki [searches](/view/18:08:59) to point to is significant in isolating [security](/view/17:46:56) domains between sender see what eric is [seeing](/view/18:21:45) agents [seeking](/view/17:49:45) advantage in this it [seems](/view/17:59:14) that there is the page now we [send](/view/17:57:02) the updated page isolating security domains between [sender](/view/17:46:56) and receiver is a convention for [sending](/view/18:08:59) a clue to i [sent](/view/17:56:04) this to your aspects are sort of [separate](/view/17:59:14) from the application many of which are [separate](/view/18:18:26) references to wikipedia like it gives cleaner [separation](/view/17:53:22) than the server they have to be [serialized](/view/17:47:08) coffeescript [served](/view/17:40:52) its purpose and but was on the [server](/view/17:54:43) website as a proxy [server](/view/18:04:11) a client side something here its the [server](/view/17:57:02) being unable to of wiki client wiki [server](/view/18:03:14) dojos version can existinace of the old [server](/view/18:12:47) is removed forking pages and the [server](/view/17:58:07) part of the cleaner separation than the [server](/view/17:53:22) plugins use of api between client and [server](/view/17:44:12) the api for having feature support in [server](/view/18:13:32) would help preserve a local machine and [service](/view/18:03:33) in the browser postmessage [service](/view/17:44:12) workers these things llms via most saas [services](/view/18:45:21) they prepend a of page management asset [serving](/view/17:59:14) user control permission time befor my next [session](/view/18:35:44) in min thank


has its own keyboard [shortcuts](/view/17:44:38) will message passing no idea what optimal [should](/view/17:12:06) even look like interesting pages maybe you [should](/view/18:13:52) fork enough to lineup of pages this [should](/view/17:54:43) have been part as ward noted you [should](/view/18:00:59) not rely on ngrok versus local pages [show](/view/18:05:49) up under different [showing](/view/17:03:45) up today because that federation search sometimes [shows](/view/18:09:48) virtual hosting aliases


forwarding tunnel to your [side](/view/18:04:11) proxy server a client [side](/view/18:04:11) request to create and minor formatting is [significant](/view/18:45:21) https huggingface co postmessage api is [significant](/view/17:46:56) in isolating security in case the origin [site](/view/18:13:52) disappears that json into another [site](/view/18:00:20) download to upload forth between the authenticated [site](/view/17:58:07) forking pages and linking from site to [site](/view/18:08:59) on the disk page into a public [site](/view/18:00:20) that stopped working canonical url linking from [site](/view/18:08:59) to site on copies of the same [site](/view/18:10:57) updating content in on one of the [sites](/view/18:10:57) in content from other [sites](/view/17:44:12) eric dobbs work you mentioned for fork [size](/view/17:56:04) is this a


doc teaching arnold iad [slides](/view/17:13:23) pdf


also consulted on copper [smelting](/view/17:15:33) in the andes tax collection via amateur [smelting](/view/17:16:04) labor


a page and script [snippet](/view/18:07:37) to refresh the


the models for civil [society](/view/17:11:11) www theregister com pope [software](/view/19:02:35) python that if you see [some](/view/18:13:52) interesting pages maybe decision of ours or [some](/view/17:56:04) limitation from part that stopped working at [some](/view/18:00:20) point why is good truth exchange in [some](/view/17:20:57) sort of balance empower [someone](/view/17:46:34) who is doing when do we learn [something](/view/17:57:02) here its the dragging the journal was [something](/view/18:00:37) i did not updating content in tandem [sometimes](/view/18:10:57) i will disable notes that federation search [sometimes](/view/18:09:48) shows virtual hosting gives me and then [sort](/view/17:17:32) my lists in truth exchange in some [sort](/view/17:20:57) of balance a lookup table what [sort](/view/18:16:57) of content intake these fundamental aspects are [sort](/view/17:59:14) of separate from robert b [sounds](/view/17:45:00) like an experiment


download to upload a [special](/view/18:00:20) case of the each [spreadsheet](/view/17:12:35) has a rollup value to a higher [spreadsheet](/view/17:12:35) these days


from part of our [stack](/view/17:56:04) but then you from openverse onto a [standard](/view/18:34:30) factory item services they prepend a [standard](/view/18:45:21) header to the and modify wiki lineup [state](/view/17:51:51) different approach for protecting [state](/view/17:54:33) from tampering by seems that there is [state](/view/17:59:14) of page management we move to a [static](/view/17:42:07) files running locally this description https live [staticflickr](/view/18:22:54) com dd b tree so that we [still](/view/17:56:04) arent going over but the forks are [still](/view/17:56:04) only the main plugins [stopped](/view/17:38:27) being fun to a public site that [stopped](/view/18:00:20) working at some


is where having feature [support](/view/18:13:32) in server would server dojos version can [support](/view/18:03:14) moving pages from separate from the application [support](/view/17:59:14) that is provided the journal consistency is [suspect](/view/18:02:02)


recognize via a lookup [table](/view/18:16:57) what sort of a talk resilience engineering [take](/view/17:49:35) on cybersecurity i m [taking](/view/18:35:44) off to have david woods a [talk](/view/17:49:35) resilience engineering take electron wiki node code [talking](/view/17:41:02) to your os for protecting state from [tampering](/view/17:54:33) by a plugin site updating content in [tandem](/view/18:10:57) sometimes i will


ostromworkshop indiana edu doc [teaching](/view/17:13:23) arnold iad slides ostromworkshop indiana edu courses [teaching](/view/17:14:05) teaching tools iad indiana edu courses teaching [teaching](/view/17:14:05) tools iad framework work in wiki implementation [technologies](/view/17:44:12) long term desires found ward fed wiki [technology](/view/17:14:10) and culture html thank you for the [technology](/view/18:35:44) history retelling of and the map plugin [tend](/view/17:45:18) to fight wiki implementation technologies long [term](/view/17:44:12) desires of the collection or capture of [text](/view/17:32:25) or files while


them from there rather [than](/view/17:17:32) having gb of it gives cleaner separation [than](/view/17:53:22) the server plugins catch you all later [thank](/view/18:53:04) you for interesting next session in min [thank](/view/18:35:44) you for the was a lot like [that](/view/17:08:33) so [that](/view/18:16:57) a research group some point why is [that](/view/18:00:20) david b save ward notes [that](/view/18:09:48) federation search sometimes in the way [that](/view/18:12:47) i helped marc downloads on my phone [that](/view/17:17:32) i m never folk memory ward notes [that](/view/18:13:52) if you see script as an asset [that](/view/17:32:25) is an alternative ohio schools is one [that](/view/17:57:02) is bumping up if a web app [that](/view/17:44:38) is framed has from the application support [that](/view/17:59:14) is provided through [that](/view/18:13:32) is where having a file and drag [that](/view/18:00:20) json into another header to the prompt [that](/view/18:45:21) matches the one david bovill notes [that](/view/18:03:14) more recent versions david bovill notes [that](/view/18:05:49) ngrok versus local ward observes [that](/view/18:08:59) permanent redirect is into a public site [that](/view/18:00:20) stopped working at it seems [that](/view/17:59:14) there is state sky pictures once day [that](/view/17:08:33) was a lot whole remote tree so [that](/view/17:56:04) we still arent inventing a language [that](/view/17:46:07) would offer capabilities and maybe even play [them](/view/17:17:32) from there rather to bring into wiki [then](/view/17:32:25) or later holding phone gives me and [then](/view/17:17:32) sort my lists of our stack but [then](/view/17:56:04) you have access is [there](/view/18:44:07) a way to it seems that [there](/view/17:59:14) is state of even play them from [there](/view/17:17:32) rather than having [there](/view/17:08:33) was a san https www [theregister](/view/19:02:35) com pope software to a higher spreadsheet [these](/view/17:12:35) days serving user control permission [these](/view/17:59:14) fundamental aspects are morning ward relating to [these](/view/17:56:04) implicit forks browser postmessage service workers [these](/view/17:44:12) things figured in [these](/view/17:44:42) things we know [they](/view/18:14:48) even did controlled methods or live objects [they](/view/17:47:08) have to be via most saas services [they](/view/18:45:21) prepend a standard who is doing a [thing](/view/17:46:34) you cannot imagine two [things](/view/18:04:11) a public website in a world where [things](/view/18:13:52) are operated by of unless i organize [things](/view/17:17:32) better postmessage service workers these [things](/view/17:44:12) figured in together include many of the [things](/view/17:40:52) it added longterm capability for building [things](/view/17:51:09) on because it these [things](/view/17:44:42) we know are i [think](/view/18:00:21) you can drag was [thinking](/view/17:17:32) again i d for fork size is [this](/view/17:56:04) a decision of what optimal means in [this](/view/17:12:06) context i get [this](/view/18:22:54) description https live during a fork action [this](/view/17:57:02) is an example sent this to your [this](/view/17:56:04) morning ward relating agents seeking advantage in [this](/view/17:49:45) platform a lineup of pages [this](/view/17:54:43) should have been i sent [this](/view/17:56:04) to your this [this](/view/17:58:07) week what do [thompsons](/view/17:57:02) example in ohio or the browser pass [those](/view/17:44:38) along through wiki support that is provided [through](/view/17:59:14) the plugin extensions browser pass those along [through](/view/17:44:38) wiki


to have a little [time](/view/18:35:44) befor my next


showing up [today](/view/17:03:45) because i m these things figured in [together](/view/17:44:12) edu courses teaching teaching [tools](/view/17:14:05) iad framework index


coffeescript as a [trailing](/view/17:39:23) edge language the one used during [training](/view/18:45:21) when using llms an item in the [transporter](/view/18:16:57) dispatcher can recognize way to use the [transporter](/view/18:17:22) mechanism to remap on wiki and having [transporters](/view/18:15:27) assigned based on is interested in wiki [transporters](/view/18:15:27) dropping content on history as like a [tree](/view/17:56:04) of graftings not the whole remote [tree](/view/17:56:04) so that we beauty good [truth](/view/17:20:57) exchange in some openverse drag and drop [trying](/view/18:34:30) a drag and


create a port forwarding [tunnel](/view/18:04:11) to your side


based on the content [type](/view/18:15:27) to have a file [type](/view/18:24:50)


its the server being [unable](/view/17:57:02) to fetch the local pages show up [under](/view/18:05:49) different names http to the best of [unless](/view/17:17:32) i organize things


now we send the [updated](/view/17:57:02) page as part and have the references [updated](/view/18:44:07) too of the same site [updating](/view/18:10:57) content in tandem another site download to [upload](/view/18:00:20) a special case


same wiki at different [urls](/view/18:09:48) produces two different names [urls](/view/18:08:59) for the same [ursula](/view/17:15:33) franklin also consulted


content intake mechanism is [used](/view/18:16:57) that matches the one [used](/view/18:45:21) during training when context which can be [used](/view/17:51:51) to read and page management asset serving [user](/view/17:59:14) control permission these used during training when [using](/view/18:45:21) llms directly you en wiktionary org wiki [ustawi](/view/18:57:45)


spreadsheet has a rollup [value](/view/17:12:35) to a higher


client wiki server dojos [version](/view/18:03:14) can support moving notes that more recent [versions](/view/18:03:14) of wiki client bovill notes that ngrok [versus](/view/18:05:49) local pages show [vertical](/view/17:18:07) arcology


welcome visitors view configjson [view](/view/18:30:40) command line options wiki view welcome visitors [view](/view/18:30:40) configjson view command jeff dojo fed wiki [view](/view/18:34:30) openverse drag and https robina relocalizecreativity net [view](/view/18:36:12) welcome visitors ward dojo fed wiki [view](/view/18:30:40) welcome visitors view name based [virtual](/view/18:06:11) hosting federation search sometimes shows [virtual](/view/18:09:48) hosting aliases for from local to publicly [visible](/view/18:03:14) wikis relocalizecreativity net view welcome [visitors](/view/18:36:12) fed wiki view welcome [visitors](/view/18:30:40) view configjson view


week what do we [want](/view/17:58:07) to pass back api design protocol design [ward](/view/17:46:07) [ward](/view/17:53:22) adds erics exploration http david [ward](/view/18:30:40) dojo fed wiki http found [ward](/view/17:14:10) fed wiki technology as [ward](/view/18:00:59) noted you should [ward](/view/18:09:48) notes that federation operated by folk memory [ward](/view/18:13:52) notes that if [ward](/view/18:08:59) observes that permanent [ward](/view/17:51:51) reflects the plugins to your this morning [ward](/view/17:56:04) relating to these


[weatherreport](/view/17:37:48) aspaperdoll two things a public [website](/view/18:04:11) as a proxy this [week](/view/17:58:07) what do we robina relocalizecreativity net view [welcome](/view/18:36:12) visitors dojo fed wiki view [welcome](/view/18:30:40) visitors view configjson [well](/view/18:01:28) it does give openverse org search q [welsh](/view/18:19:24) tea room


this week [what](/view/17:58:07) do we want if beaker browser matures [what](/view/17:42:07) does the frame i see [what](/view/18:21:45) eric is seeing static files running locally [what](/view/17:42:07) happens if beaker [what](/view/17:42:07) happens if we wrong with much of [what](/view/18:32:56) it says even look like or [what](/view/17:12:06) optimal means in i have no idea [what](/view/17:12:06) optimal should even via a lookup table [what](/view/18:16:57) sort of content to interpret [what](/view/17:16:04) was going on would offer capabilities beyond [what](/view/17:46:07) we can imagine like an opml or [whatever](/view/17:17:32) my podcatcher on is an example of [when](/view/17:57:02) do we learn page data to use [when](/view/17:56:04) if needed btw [when](/view/18:45:21) prompting llms via one used during training [when](/view/18:45:21) using llms directly thing you cannot imagine [when](/view/17:46:34) you re designing that is [where](/view/18:13:32) having feature support living in a world [where](/view/18:13:52) things are operated we parse a url [which](/view/17:54:43) addresses a lineup openverse images many of [which](/view/18:18:26) are separate references with a global context [which](/view/17:51:51) can be used inside the frame plugin [which](/view/17:38:58) made writing wiki of text or files [while](/view/17:32:25) on mobile easier how to prompt llama [whitespace](/view/18:45:21) and minor formatting being forked not the [whole](/view/17:56:04) remote tree so


pass those along through [wiki](/view/17:44:38) me try my own [wiki](/view/18:26:33) transporters dropping content on [wiki](/view/18:15:27) and having transporters recurse center on federated [wiki](/view/17:03:45) and hopefully frame aliases for the same [wiki](/view/18:09:48) at different urls more recent versions of [wiki](/view/18:03:14) client wiki server term desires of the [wiki](/view/17:44:12) community the api would be interesting if [wiki](/view/17:56:04) could save a https [wiki](/view/18:19:33) dbbs co drop https [wiki](/view/18:28:05) dbbs co search en m wikipedia org [wiki](/view/17:56:04) grafting can [wiki](/view/17:32:25) host a pwa eric dobbs work in [wiki](/view/17:44:12) implementation technologies long continual learning about federated [wiki](/view/17:58:07) in different contexts sort my lists in [wiki](/view/17:17:32) instead and maybe to read and modify [wiki](/view/17:51:51) lineup state an alternative client for [wiki](/view/17:32:25) maybe making collection the electron [wiki](/view/17:41:02) node code talking plugin which made writing [wiki](/view/17:38:58) scripts fun again to search engines and [wiki](/view/18:08:59) searches to point versions of wiki client [wiki](/view/18:03:14) server dojos version http found ward fed [wiki](/view/17:14:10) technology and culture easier to bring into [wiki](/view/17:32:25) then or later bovill is interested in [wiki](/view/18:15:27) transporters dropping content https en wiktionary org [wiki](/view/18:57:45) ustawi http jeff dojo fed [wiki](/view/18:34:30) view openverse drag david ward dojo fed [wiki](/view/18:30:40) view welcome visitors and drop working with [wikipedia](/view/18:18:26) images but not https en m [wikipedia](/view/17:56:04) org wiki grafting are separate references to [wikipedia](/view/18:18:26) pages local to publicly visible [wikis](/view/18:03:14) refresh the list of [wikis](/view/18:07:37) in his localhost https en [wiktionary](/view/18:57:45) org wiki ustawi in tandem sometimes i [will](/view/18:10:57) disable indexing on its own keyboard shortcuts [will](/view/17:44:38) message passing or talking to your os [windows](/view/17:41:02) was a prototype reflects the plugins operate [with](/view/17:51:51) a global context help preserve it possibly [with](/view/18:13:32) a redirect chatgpt was not good [with](/view/18:34:05) common lisp it did controlled digital lending [with](/view/18:14:48) drm old chatgpt consistently wrong [with](/view/18:32:56) much of what it was pretty good [with](/view/18:34:05) nodejs drag and drop working [with](/view/18:18:26) wikipedia images but


david [woods](/view/17:49:35) a talk resilience to consider alexander s [work](/view/17:19:20) design for communication can [work](/view/17:44:42) google map looks like it might [work](/view/18:26:33) i see an other sites eric dobbs [work](/view/17:44:12) in wiki implementation a language [workbench](/view/17:36:35) as a pattern the browser postmessage service [workers](/view/17:44:12) these things figured public site that stopped [working](/view/18:00:20) at some point mechanism drag and drop [working](/view/18:18:26) with wikipedia images of living in a [world](/view/18:13:52) where things are it [would](/view/17:56:04) be interesting if feature support in server [would](/view/18:13:32) help preserve it inventing a language that [would](/view/17:46:07) offer capabilities beyond


stopped being fun to [write](/view/17:38:27) frame plugin which made [writing](/view/17:38:58) wiki scripts fun good old chatgpt consistently [wrong](/view/18:32:56) with much of


node code talking to [your](/view/17:41:02) os windows was port forwarding tunnel to [your](/view/18:04:11) side i sent this to [your](/view/17:56:04) this morning ward