Transcriber Notes 2023-09-27

Wednesday Wiki.

Ward demonstrates an early site scraper which could explore a site for pages which referred to other federated wiki sites, adapted to reduce the load and make the exploration more manual. Each scrape of this exploratory version would visit the ten most recently updated pages on a wiki and look for references to other sites. Any new sites would be added to the "sites todo" list. Each new scrape was started with a click on one of the sites todo, which loaded up a list of pages and processed them while the user watched.

Marc is in Scotland and described watching golf in high-wind conditions on firm soil where the ball can roll a long way.

Eric and Paul continue to explore and reflect on the possibilities of the Observable runtime based wiki client UI. Paul has one with local wiki links working. They also consider ways of presenting or framing in content that might not be directly supported by the core wiki client; how should we deal with panels in the wiki client lineup which are not strictly views of local or remote wiki pages, but might be views of non-wiki content such as a whole Observable notebook within the lineup. Would there be any meaning to forking such a page into your wiki?

Robert Sterbal highlights the Global Grey Ebooks archive of public-domain ebooks formatted for pdf, mobi, epub, and Kindle, including cover art from classic paintings.

How should we consider the long-term value of wiki content (titled, linked pages and other material)? What is core beyond the story and the journal?