Text extraction. See Typescript Archive
10:16:08 From Jeff Miller Craigewan Links? north side
10:19:03 From Jeff Miller https://www.google.com/maps/place//@57.5212665,-1.8025789,1044m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1?entry=ttu
10:20:44 From Robert Sterbal Has Robert Best been able to share the complete chats with you?
10:21:03 From Jeff Miller complete chats from the week I was gone? I haven't seen them.
10:21:20 From Robert Sterbal chats in general He said he had an autosave set up
10:21:33 From Jeff Miller or the earlier ones if I'm not there at the beginning? oh! I didn't know, we hadn't arranged anything. but it would be possible for anyone to do the processing and then I could copy (fork) the page (etc.)
10:24:08 From Jeff Miller ghosts of plugin pages yet to come (Eric mentions chatting with a colleague about system diagramming using various techniques)
10:27:03 From Jeff Miller All these tools have to have some inducements (case study successes?) which make it worthwhile to invest the time to master the approach prescribed by the tool to the point where you can produce the successes.
10:34:53 From Jeff Miller (Eric and Paul discuss editable diagrams, for things like Sofi) A past sentiment about avoiding a multiplication of custom editors in FedWiki.
10:36:11 From Jeff Miller (from Eric, recalling a page from a few years back, possibly written by Paul) and about the long-lived, multipurpose content of wiki being the JSON of the page story. Ward does a demo from http://search.dojo.fed.wiki/
10:38:57 From Paul Rodwell The code for the internal link is in the internal link branch of my fork. See the first pass commit.
10:39:02 From Jeff Miller http://search.dojo.fed.wiki/view/federation-search-explained/view/search-index-dataflow/view/search-index-dataflow-graph
10:40:21 From Jeff Miller composing graphs by opening pages side by side and then generating a graph from the pages in the limeup
10:40:37 From Paul Rodwell Replying to "The code for the int..." There are a few things that I’m not happy about. Like adding `host` to the panel rather than extracting the host from the flag.
10:41:21 From Jeff Miller I see the "preview" button generating a graph from Search Index Dataflow.
10:42:32 From Jeff Miller (and Search Index Dataflow Graph can either be a generated page, or a forked and persisted page, with possible tweaking of the graph style in the Dot source from the static fork of the generated page). Eric suggest: if we have some models for the idioms of dealing with pages together, maybe we can keep the complexiti and special cases limited.
10:44:07 From Jeff Miller generated page: says From Search Index Dataflow and shows a rendered Dot graph.
10:48:28 From Jeff Miller A "plugin" is a little like an app; the administrator who chooses which plugins to install for all user. The frame script is an approach to adding behavior without adding another plugin.
10:50:36 From Jeff Miller Eric's explorations in Observable's client runtime indicate that plugins could interact with one another. (Ward's note) We do these things not because they are easy but because we thought they would be easy.
10:51:48 From Jeff Miller (recalling a sardonic quote used on software) related to Eric's thoughts about Sofi diagrams as a possible big test for editing content in the wiki client
10:54:46 From Jeff Miller (Ward describes some possible visions for having Frame Scripts and the Observable runtime -- asking Eric about interactions between the page panel and another sort of panel (the preview of the editor to the left).
10:55:27 From Paul Rodwell The difficult is what takes a little time; the impossible is what takes a little longer. — Fridtjof Nansen
10:56:57 From Marc Pierson What is a “panel”?
10:57:26 From Jeff Miller Eric reflects that: "I created a viewer that was sufficiently general that it would work for most item types. I could imagine a scenario where I pull up a panel, pick up a type for it [Observable Notebook], and make it interoperate with the FedWiki lineup by rendering it in the panel. It's a protocol, effectively, for things interoperating." A "panel" is a thing in the lineup The lineup has page viewers
10:57:46 From Paul Rodwell panel is the representation of a wiki page in the lineup
10:58:17 From Jeff Miller The lineup might have other types of viewers than a wiki page panel.
10:58:34 From Eric Dobbs Sadly I’ve gotta get to a meeting in a couple minutes
10:58:52 From Jeff Miller Eric: glad to see you!
11:00:08 From Jeff Miller Ward describes the interplay of generated ghost pages and forked pages resulting from the generated pages; if you have a panel that doesn't contain a page, does it make sense to fork it into your wiki site? Eric observes that many of the pages in Ward's workflow demo have a "preview" button which generates a ghost page.
11:01:29 From Paul Rodwell https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Treachery_of_Images
11:01:37 From Jeff Miller (Marc and Eric describe what you might do) maybe "fork" an OpenGraph preview of the tool content with metadata? (Jeff's suggestion for how you might represent not-exactly-wiki content that could be seen in a panel)
11:04:22 From Jeff Miller Ward describes the character-at-a-time search, and when you get the search results you want, you could press return and make a new ghost page of search results based on a snapshot. (Ward discusses a comparison between the supercollaborator -- full-screen, zoomable -- and tools and behaviors as part of a lineup)
11:05:28 From Jeff Miller the image pop-up viewer as an example of an overlay on the lineup not effectively clickable Marc asks if some of the pop-ups might be enabled to be clickable.Ward and Paul think it's closer to do-able these days.
11:07:01 From Jeff Miller Ward proposes foregrounding a page such that it's effectively a magnified view, like the image popup becomes a magnified view.
11:08:16 From Jeff Miller Paul reflects on using the Observable send-message protocol for the case that Ward brings up. We still have interest in making a smartphone touch display useful.
11:09:35 From Jeff Miller sideways mobile phone as a viewer for FedWiki
11:11:30 From Jeff Miller discussion of offline behavior using the service worker cache (example: Google Docs Offline mode)
11:12:50 From Jeff Miller Marc describes online / offline mode for OmniGraffle worked on phone and computer how to resolve a conflict among out-of-sync versions of a document - that was an awkward moment (that's why people like CRDTs)
11:13:56 From Jeff Miller documents with embedded history tracks "DocChain" :)
11:15:01 From Jeff Miller Paul's introduction of the page recycler was at least a partial solution to the "multiple versions of a page" problem - you can pull multiple versions into a lineup. and resolve them by dragging paragraphs, etc. oh interesting, two copes of the same page in a lineup, and then drag a paragraph from one to another?
11:16:44 From Jeff Miller FedWiki: a best-effort approach to try and do the right thing
11:17:07 From Paul Rodwell really need to look at making both local/origin pages being viewable the same way as recycler/origin
11:17:39 From Robert Sterbal This would be another fun collection to create a wiki for: https://www.globalgreyebooks.com/entire-collection.html
11:18:05 From Jeff Miller any offline wiki behavior and page resolution needs to be explainable and not secretive magic
11:19:38 From Jeff Miller Robert S: that's pretty interesting. (I wonder if Orwell's "The Road to Wigan Pier" is out of copyright -- looks like the others mostly are)
11:20:36 From Robert Sterbal all of the title are out of copyright
11:20:43 From Jeff Miller add 👍
11:20:56 From Robert Sterbal titles The nice part is all of the works are shared in multiple formats
11:24:26 From Jeff Miller "Each folder contains separate PDF, epub, and Kindle format folders."
11:25:52 From Jeff Miller "The Oregon Experiment" as a reflection; vs. the University of Oregon, Eugene pattern language. funding corporations are hostile to the campus pattern language like the moated Eugene sports center
11:36:38 From Jeff Miller Ward has a demo of an old script to scrape from the browser
11:38:22 From Jeff Miller The scraper learns about pages by scraping the ten most recent pages on a wiki and looking for references a new reference is added to "sites todo" a scraped site is accumulated in "sites done"
11:39:45 From Jeff Miller The scraper is human-directed, by clicking on an entry in "sites todo"
11:40:51 From Jeff Miller The page scraper is a precursor to today's federation search; it was learning how to use sitemaps. Ward worked on it to capture the history in something that people could use without it generating a lot of immediate traffic.
11:42:12 From Jeff Miller The "click-to-scrape.html" is a slowed-down version of the automatic navigation of related sites which it's derived from.
11:43:52 From Jeff Miller (description of async calls from the older Javascript callback model; async versions of things like Pythpn [Stackless Python])
11:46:33 From Robert Sterbal G:\entities-all\G\GL\Global-Grey-books\entire>dir george-orwell*.* /s Total Files Listed: 28 File(s) 45,162,077 bytes
11:47:24 From Jeff Miller Marc asks about the history of different ways of expressing programs, whether there were specific advances that made some problems more tractable.
11:48:38 From Jeff Miller Ward describes some of the advances simply being due to being able to address much bigger chunks of data;
11:49:01 From Robert Sterbal Replying to "G:\entities-all\G\GL..." george-orwell_animal-farm.azw3 george-orwell_burmese-days.azw3 george-orwell_animal-farm.epub george-orwell_burmese-days.epub george-orwell_clergymans-daughter.epub george-orwell_animal-farm.mobi george-orwell_burmese-days.mobi george-orwell_clergymans-daughter.mobi george-orwell_animal-farm.pdf george-orwell_burmese-days.pdf george-orwell_clergymans-daughter.pdf Replying to "G:\entities-all\G\GL..." george-orwell_down-and-out-in-paris-and-london.epub george-orwell_homage-to-catalonia.epub george-orwell_down-and-out-in-paris-and-london.mobi george-orwell_homage-to-catalonia.mobi george-orwell_down-and-out-in-paris-and-london.pdf george-orwell_homage-to-catalonia.pdf george-orwell_collected-essays.azw3 george-orwell_collected-essays.epub george-orwell_collected-essays.mobi george-orwell_collected-essays.pdf
11:49:20 From Jeff Miller and early innovations like Lisp's single format for data and code.
11:49:23 From Robert Sterbal Replying to "G:\entities-all\G\GL..." george-orwell_nineteen-eighty-four.azw3 george-orwell_nineteen-eighty-four.epub george-orwell_nineteen-eighty-four.mobi george-orwell_nineteen-eighty-four.pdf george-orwell_road-to-wigan-pier.epub george-orwell_road-to-wigan-pier.mobi george-orwell_road-to-wigan-pier.pdf
11:50:06 From Jeff Miller Robert S: 1200 curated public domain titles, rendered as epub, mobi, and PDF
11:52:44 From Paul Rodwell Replying to ""The Oregon Experime..." better link - https://cpfm.uoregon.edu/campus-plan
11:53:02 From Jeff Miller Ward asks for the Global Grey Ebooks edition of Orwell's Animal Farm.
11:55:49 From Robert Sterbal https://library.cmu.edu/about/news/2021-09/banned-books-week-2021-animal-farm
11:59:07 From Marc Pierson I have a phone call in 1 min. Have to go.