An item, often but not always a paragraph, makes up one self-contained element of a wiki page's story.
Items can be made of words, numbers, images, formulas, sounds and diagrams. They do things, creating and responding to events.
An item may be expressed as markup that can be edited by double-clicking the item. Some markups format words, others program actions.
Type cmd-i/alt-i/ctrl-i (by operating system) in an editor to read about an item's markup.
Other ways to learn about an Item include pressing the JSON link in the page's footer (CC BY-SA 4.0 . JSON . . search) -- these are all linked. JSON gives you the item's local attributes, text content, etc.
Google Chrome's inspector shows you each paragraph as a DIV element, <div class="item html ..."> for example, where "html" indicates an html plugin item.