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Pages about us.
Pages where we do and share.
Typescript Archive a fork of Ward's Zoom chat transcript formatter launch page, for Wednesday and Sunday transcript chats from CE 02023, fewer after 02024 April 15h, when Jeff got a day job again.
Delight and Outrage learning lists
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Ward's suggestion to David Ing about moving into one's wiki site: a lineup to start . For the first domain name, jeff.dojo.fed.wiki, you can substitute the domain of your own wiki. 2022-12-18.
Trying to check out the export affordances. Export Backup Exercise.
Checking out the journal merging and content sync'ing (drag the journal of a remote page onto your copy): Looking at Folding Bikes.
Reclaimed 2021-10-17 after the authentication updates.
A zettel on 2022-09-11. Ward's Hypertext Supercollaborator.