Keyword Index. See Typescript 2024-01-07
authors thompson describes being [able](/view/10:40:44) to see the nh oddly influenced dev [about](/view/09:44:18) thinking of an anecdote [about](/view/10:48:01) a con man to the patterns community [about](/view/10:29:09) c wiki ppr thinking [about](/view/10:08:08) conceptual integrity as vim is pretty good [about](/view/09:26:33) giving suggestions about we were just talking [about](/view/11:20:17) goggles the pengi episode [about](/view/09:50:45) how small an a discussion [about](/view/10:45:16) motivation via emotional good about giving suggestions [about](/view/09:26:33) orphaned swap files dojo fed wiki view [about](/view/11:24:56) plugins plugins fed scanning the mdn docs [about](/view/09:17:05) preflight options requests ward describes [about](/view/09:57:53) seeding suggestions for thinking [about](/view/09:48:46) slime mold path not even sure [about](/view/09:46:57) the font it interview with david chapman [about](/view/09:50:45) the offloaded brain an anecdote from paul [about](/view/10:27:09) tiddlywikis developer visiting any two question preserve [abstractions](/view/09:41:25) and modules keep
of youtube ui for [accidental](/view/11:19:43) autoplay playback and be researched and modeled [according](/view/09:48:20) to an assembly team after bt had [acquired](/view/10:30:55) osmosoft in systems of conversational [actors](/view/09:55:00) making a decision
where stdlib stdio were [added](/view/10:11:00) after the fact in ot was [adopted](/view/10:36:27) as a core early adopters late [adopters](/view/09:56:18) consensus building cascade early [adopters](/view/09:56:18) late adopters consensus
visiting jeremy s team [after](/view/10:30:55) bt had acquired as a lesson learned [after](/view/10:11:00) c where stdlib which can re emerge [after](/view/10:08:08) moving data from stdlib stdio were added [after](/view/10:11:00) the fact from
offloaded brain chapman and [agre](/view/09:50:45) a discussion with
fetching pages [ahead](/view/12:12:47) as link previews
[alan](/view/10:22:36) kay joe armstrong we inch the environment [along](/view/11:56:38) all of these right job when needed [also](/view/10:18:30) how do we [also](/view/09:54:13) startup picks up summer sublet in los [altos](/view/10:00:46) but mostly appreciated
am thinking of an [anecdote](/view/10:48:01) about a con replying to an [anecdote](/view/10:30:55) from pa an [anecdote](/view/10:27:09) from paul about standard library is pretty [annoying](/view/10:10:32) their members and one [another](/view/10:06:42) from one platform to [another](/view/10:08:08) is pre cors so [anything](/view/09:38:32) you add is
watch v t jm [aotdk](/view/10:08:18)
the collaboration features in [apache](/view/10:36:27) wave and google los altos but mostly [appreciated](/view/10:00:46) it as an thompson morrisons [approach](/view/10:40:44) to asynchronous collaboration maricks exploration of evolutionary [approaches](/view/11:57:46) to spareness and edge cases cheaply and [approximately](/view/09:54:13) then iterates toward
appreciated it as an [architectural](/view/10:00:46) philosophy storybook tiddlywiki patterns which joe [armstrong](/view/10:25:59) highlighted as interesting alan kay joe [armstrong](/view/10:22:36) podcasts the systems and processes [around](/view/10:17:24) the software bullying https davidgraeber org [articles](/view/11:00:03) the bullys pulpit
the other important [aspect](/view/10:22:10) of successful cascades modeled according to an [assembly](/view/09:48:20) line in the thompson morrisons approach to [asynchronous](/view/10:40:44) collaboration using fedwiki
on an opm models [attributes](/view/09:12:38)
at which a potential [author](/view/10:40:44) co author grasps a potential author co [author](/view/10:40:44) grasps how the using fedwiki for book [authoring](/view/10:40:44) with educators who works with those potential [authors](/view/10:40:44) thompson describes being youtube ui for accidental [autoplay](/view/11:19:43) playback and performance
complexity link pdf download [available](/view/09:30:22) https www [avegant](/view/11:16:40) com vr glasses air force training qualifying [average](/view/10:18:30) people to do
con man who went [back](/view/10:48:01) and made the call a few weeks [back](/view/12:12:32) has got wiki [baseball](/view/09:51:18) catching math simple a discussion of confidence [based](/view/10:50:39) fraud and tricks
are hoping that erlang [beam](/view/10:14:24) are the silver of erlang elixir and [beam](/view/10:25:26) erlangs lightweight processes discusses losing conceptual integrity [because](/view/10:17:24) its embodied in useful for federated wiki [because](/view/10:38:43) of the consistency [because](/view/11:56:38) we inch the as a core technique [behind](/view/10:36:27) the collaboration features potential authors thompson describes [being](/view/10:40:44) able to see the biological cognition units [being](/view/10:25:26) explored in new working with robert [bests](/view/11:26:15) wiki configuration innovators dilemma worse is [better](/view/09:53:35) looks like it is [better](/view/09:46:57) for print than to solve that problem [better](/view/09:59:42) so ideas that
russ rufer and tracy [bialik](/view/10:01:46) on tuesday evenings maricks model for the [biological](/view/10:25:26) cognition units being continuous system testing [biology](/view/09:46:17) look up the package [bits](/view/11:46:56) directly to make change the core [bits](/view/11:46:56) of server to
github com fedwiki wiki [blob](/view/11:23:38) a a ea for my [blog](/view/09:45:32) https jvns ca [blog](/view/12:03:57) some notes on picture you shared the [blue](/view/11:54:04) nodes were early
edwardtufte github io et [book](/view/09:44:37) needed to create a [book](/view/10:40:44) and works with collaboration using fedwiki for [book](/view/10:40:44) authoring with educators et [book](/view/09:44:37) font from https
chapman about the offloaded [brain](/view/09:50:45) chapman and agre the new things dont [break](/view/11:52:27) old things bye [brian](/view/11:33:13) [brian](/view/10:45:54) brushwood has great [brian](/view/10:51:58) describes business enterprise [brian](/view/09:55:00) discusses cascade thresholds [brian](/view/10:17:24) discusses losing conceptual of federated wiki to [brian](/view/11:57:46) maricks exploration of erlangs lightweight processes as [brian](/view/10:25:26) maricks model for [brian](/view/10:06:42) notes some specific listening to [brian](/view/09:48:26) on small creature [brian](/view/09:47:52) please share your [brian](/view/09:52:52) what is your of the prompts for [brians](/view/09:50:45) explorations https podcast about tiddlywikis developer visiting [british](/view/10:27:09) telecom and demonstrating expensive or a different [brooks](/view/09:52:07) fred [brooks](/view/09:52:07) conceptual integrity as brian [brushwood](/view/10:45:54) has great podcast
watch v ye tpp [bsgw](/view/10:11:42)
adopters late adopters consensus [building](/view/09:56:18) cascade when does community and content having [built](/view/11:52:27) up over time beam are the silver [bullet](/view/10:14:24) [bullying](/view/11:00:03) https davidgraeber org davidgraeber org articles the [bullys](/view/11:00:03) pulpit on the a library with a [bunch](/view/09:39:32) of tests [bundle](/view/11:06:54) diagram as evocative [business](/view/10:53:24) e mail compromise brian describes [business](/view/10:51:58) enterprise crime as approximately then iterates toward [business](/view/09:54:13) model success
the federation sites connection [cable](/view/09:31:22) overview diagram who was on the [call](/view/12:12:32) a few weeks hop on a wednesday [call](/view/12:12:32) soon to show cries in node [canvas](/view/10:12:50) is not supported drivers to motivate improving [capabilities](/view/11:50:07) and usability and recruiting as a motivational [cascade](/view/11:00:05) pattern brian discusses [cascade](/view/09:55:00) thresholds in systems late adopters consensus building [cascade](/view/09:56:18) when does something cascades https gregsatell com [cascades](/view/10:20:21) a pattern in motivational [cascades](/view/10:54:59) i was looking into [cascades](/view/10:20:21) https gregsatell com important aspect of successful [cascades](/view/10:22:10) is that it way in for many [cases](/view/10:05:18) startup picks up edge [cases](/view/09:54:13) cheaply and approximately baseball [catching](/view/09:51:18) math simple rules https jvns ca [categories](/view/12:04:24) nix
though the way how [cell](/view/09:48:20) work might be
need to replace config [chain](/view/11:26:51) [change](/view/11:46:56) the core bits up config and code [changes](/view/11:43:12) install the custom agre a discussion with [chapman](/view/09:50:45) an interview with david [chapman](/view/09:50:45) about the offloaded about the offloaded brain [chapman](/view/09:50:45) and agre a picks up edge cases [cheaply](/view/09:54:13) and approximately then
and modules keep code [clean](/view/09:41:25) support elaboration of [clear](/view/09:39:32) requirements you re
picking up config and [code](/view/11:43:12) changes install the abstractions and modules keep [code](/view/09:41:25) clean support elaboration the etherpad [code](/view/10:33:40) is partly from [code](/view/11:25:27) rules except see d f deae cli [coffee](/view/11:23:38) l l compile any [coffeescript](/view/11:43:12) to js picking brian on small creature [cognition](/view/09:48:26) discussion model for the biological [cognition](/view/10:25:26) units being explored core technique behind the [collaboration](/view/10:36:27) features in apache morrisons approach to asynchronous [collaboration](/view/10:40:44) using fedwiki for that it is a [combination](/view/10:22:10) of the people hurry no way of [communiicating](/view/10:15:50) integrity how do the other [communities](/view/10:06:42) relate to their email to the patterns [community](/view/10:29:09) about c wiki discussion of fedwikis [community](/view/11:52:27) and content having a society or large [community](/view/09:59:42) has shared problem serendipitous connection when jeremys [company](/view/10:28:21) visited bt consulting [compile](/view/11:43:12) any coffeescript to jan thanks for think [complexity](/view/09:30:22) link pdf download business e mail [compromise](/view/10:53:24) https darknetdiaries com new hampshire style small [computational](/view/12:19:53) units following local marc describes [computer](/view/09:59:18) programming as in words precede [concepts](/view/09:51:36) thus open to new [concepts](/view/09:59:18) modularity mitigate lack of [conceptual](/view/09:53:12) integrity fred brooks [conceptual](/view/09:52:07) integrity as expensive thinking about [conceptual](/view/10:08:08) integrity as something brian discusses losing [conceptual](/view/10:17:24) integrity because its from jan [conceptual](/view/09:53:12) integrity helps newcomers have a feel of [conceptual](/view/10:05:18) integrity thats a there was a large [conference](/view/09:57:53) which spread the a discussion of [confidence](/view/10:50:39) based fraud and to js picking up [config](/view/11:43:12) and code changes maybe need to replace [config](/view/11:26:51) chain with robert bests wiki [configuration](/view/11:26:15) of islands of grid [connected](/view/09:46:03) by routes of the federation sites [connection](/view/09:31:22) cable overview diagram as a serendipitous [connection](/view/10:28:21) when jeremys company early adopters late adopters [consensus](/view/09:56:18) building cascade when wiki because of the [consistency](/view/10:38:43) model of working of working on a [constellation](/view/10:38:43) of pages versus jeremys company visited bt [consulting](/view/10:28:21) on a different of fedwikis community and [content](/view/11:52:27) having built up of these developments have [continued](/view/11:56:38) to be possible [continuous](/view/09:46:17) system testing biology a practice which supports [continuously](/view/12:07:52) recomposing and finding thresholds in systems of [conversational](/view/09:55:00) actors making a change the [core](/view/11:46:56) bits of server was adopted as a [core](/view/10:36:27) technique behind the preflight options requests for [cors](/view/09:17:05) aha mode [cors](/view/09:24:16) https developer mozilla for http is pre [cors](/view/09:38:32) so anything you pages notes from a [couple](/view/12:07:06) of early years from the most recent [couple](/view/12:07:06) of years of still does in person [courses](/view/11:05:33) i recommend going
[crdt](/view/10:35:01) territory and perspective needed to [create](/view/10:40:44) a book and good endorsement for whoever [created](/view/09:12:51) that to brian on small [creature](/view/09:48:26) cognition discussion [cries](/view/10:12:50) in node canvas and tricks for street [crime](/view/10:50:39) brian describes business enterprise [crime](/view/10:51:58) as a funds something go viral in [crossing](/view/09:56:18) a threshold
[curious](/view/09:12:52) can the form code changes install the [custom](/view/11:43:12) plugin version in wiki org maintaining a [custom](/view/11:24:56) wiki pack in maintaining a [custom](/view/11:28:38) wiki was a
https [dancoecarto](/view/09:34:17) com k rivers [dark](/view/11:19:48) ui patterns e mail compromise https [darknetdiaries](/view/10:53:24) com transcript re emerge after moving [data](/view/10:08:08) from one platform e an interview with [david](/view/09:50:45) chapman about the bullying https [davidgraeber](/view/11:00:03) org articles the
eaa ea d f [deae](/view/11:23:38) cli coffee l conversational actors making a [decision](/view/09:55:00) is pretty heavy on [decorator](/view/10:02:33) for web requests visiting british telecom and [demonstrating](/view/10:27:09) an early version related to node vs [deno](/view/10:11:42) keyboard event handling fibber mcgees [dependency](/view/09:37:28) tree ward [describes](/view/09:57:53) about seeding suggestions those potential authors thompson [describes](/view/10:40:44) being able to brian [describes](/view/10:51:58) business enterprise crime marc [describes](/view/09:59:18) computer programming as marc [describes](/view/10:42:00) the experience of so than for a [design](/view/10:03:59) language i love the grand [design](/view/09:31:22) of the federation about seeding suggestions for [design](/view/09:57:53) patterns early in aha mode cors https [developer](/view/09:24:16) mozilla org en from paul about tiddlywikis [developer](/view/10:27:09) visiting british telecom helpful incantation for plugin [development](/view/11:28:38) overlaps of evolutionary software [development](/view/12:19:53) the new hampshire along all of these [developments](/view/11:56:38) have continued to
sites connection cable overview [diagram](/view/09:31:22) bundle [diagram](/view/11:06:54) as evocative of evolutionary node and link [diagram](/view/12:07:06) picks up items a nodes and edges [diagram](/view/11:59:21) where the edges the tufte css but [didnt](/view/09:45:27) embed the tufte i [didnt](/view/11:54:17) recognize follett as as expensive or a [different](/view/09:52:07) brooks bt consulting on a [different](/view/10:28:21) matter not vulnerable thompson prefers [different](/view/10:41:30) terms the innovators [dilemma](/view/09:53:35) worse is better orchard have gone that [direction](/view/10:14:43) up the package bits [directly](/view/11:46:56) to make life brian [discusses](/view/09:55:00) cascade thresholds in brian [discusses](/view/10:17:24) losing conceptual integrity on small creature cognition [discussion](/view/09:48:26) a [discussion](/view/10:45:16) about motivation via a [discussion](/view/10:50:39) of confidence based a [discussion](/view/10:25:26) of erlang elixir [discussion](/view/11:52:27) of fedwikis community [discussion](/view/11:50:07) of marcs work a [discussion](/view/10:13:32) of the package chapman and agre a [discussion](/view/09:50:45) with chapman
apache wave and google [docs](/view/10:36:27) scanning the mdn [docs](/view/09:17:05) about preflight options mozilla org en us [docs](/view/09:24:16) web api fetch of pages versus a [document](/view/10:38:43) to open source but [does](/view/09:53:12) good modularity mitigate if he still [does](/view/11:05:33) in person courses consensus building cascade when [does](/view/09:56:18) something go viral with the work he [does](/view/12:12:32) with nix and http plugins [dojo](/view/11:24:56) fed wiki view picks up items from [dojo](/view/12:07:06) practices pages notes the elementary structure of [domination](/view/11:00:03) is excellent us all what hes [done](/view/12:12:32) where the new things [dont](/view/11:52:27) break old things think complexity link pdf [download](/view/09:30:22) available
thompsons work as feature [drivers](/view/11:50:07) to motivate improving i will [drop](/view/11:20:28) out see you
i wanted to flag [earlier](/view/12:12:32) when we were [early](/view/09:56:18) adopters late adopters suggestions for design patterns [early](/view/09:57:53) in the period the blue nodes were [early](/view/11:54:04) on and the for organizations from the [early](/view/11:55:11) th c telecom and demonstrating an [early](/view/10:27:09) version from a couple of [early](/view/12:07:06) years and from
discussion of the package [ecosystem](/view/10:13:32) as a source
also startup picks up [edge](/view/09:54:13) cases cheaply and edges diagram where the [edges](/view/11:59:21) are the pointer via a nodes and [edges](/view/11:59:21) diagram where the for book authoring with [educators](/view/10:40:44) who have the book font from https [edwardtufte](/view/09:44:37) github io et stuff https github com [edwardtufte](/view/09:45:23) tufte css
anything you add is [either](/view/09:38:32) a bag on
keep code clean support [elaboration](/view/09:41:25) of the model bullys pulpit on the [elementary](/view/11:00:03) structure of domination a discussion of erlang [elixir](/view/10:25:26) and beam erlangs
march wards [email](/view/10:29:09) to the patterns tufte css but didnt [embed](/view/09:45:27) the tufte font conceptual integrity because its [embodied](/view/10:17:24) in people who something which can re [emerge](/view/10:08:08) after moving data discussion about motivation via [emotional](/view/10:45:16) narrative
are the pointer shows [enablement](/view/11:59:21) of the other [enders](/view/11:17:50) game thats a pretty good [endorsement](/view/09:12:51) for whoever created brian describes business [enterprise](/view/10:51:58) crime as a because we inch the [environment](/view/11:56:38) along all of virtual [environment](/view/10:11:56) managers sigh
the pengi [episode](/view/09:50:45) about how small podcast oddly influenced dev [episodes](/view/09:50:45) e an interview
and are hoping that [erlang](/view/10:14:24) beam are the a discussion of [erlang](/view/10:25:26) elixir and beam erlang elixir and beam [erlangs](/view/10:25:26) lightweight processes as
of fedwiki to preserve [essential](/view/12:19:53) possibilities for extension
the [etherpad](/view/10:33:40) code is partly
not [even](/view/09:46:57) sure about the tracy bialik on tuesday [evenings](/view/10:01:46) for a number node vs deno keyboard [event](/view/10:11:42) handling in standard bundle diagram as [evocative](/view/11:06:54) of federated wiki of software and platform [evolution](/view/10:16:38) it was subject to [evolution](/view/09:59:18) and not settled ward relates the [evolution](/view/11:57:46) of federated wiki nh style intentionally the [evolution](/view/12:19:53) of fedwiki to brian maricks exploration of [evolutionary](/view/11:57:46) approaches to spareness wards [evolutionary](/view/12:07:06) node and link from today overlaps of [evolutionary](/view/12:19:53) software development the
structure of domination is [excellent](/view/11:00:03) code rules [except](/view/11:25:27) see reflections on people are pretty [excited](/view/10:14:24) by whatsapp and transfer scam which is [expanding](/view/10:51:58) as a pattern brooks conceptual integrity as [expensive](/view/09:52:07) or a different marc describes the [experience](/view/10:42:00) of seeing others truth as you have [experienced](/view/10:41:11) it wiki to brian maricks [exploration](/view/11:57:46) of evolutionary approaches the prompts for brians [explorations](/view/09:50:45) https podcast oddly biological cognition units being [explored](/view/10:25:26) in new hampshire experience of seeing others [expose](/view/10:42:00) their tender self thompsons notion [expose](/view/10:41:11) your tender self my [exposure](/view/10:01:06) introduction was ward preserve essential possibilities for [extension](/view/12:19:53)
were added after the [fact](/view/10:11:00) from ward conceptual integrity thats a [faster](/view/10:05:18) way in for
and thompsons work as [feature](/view/11:50:07) drivers to motivate here map of fedwiki [features](/view/11:59:21) and mechanisms via technique behind the collaboration [features](/view/10:36:27) in apache wave specific references to smallest [federated](/view/10:06:42) wiki as inspiration less obviously useful for [federated](/view/10:38:43) wiki because of diagram as evocative of [federated](/view/11:06:54) wiki interactions relates the evolution of [federated](/view/11:57:46) wiki to brian the [federation](/view/09:23:09) navigator grand design of the [federation](/view/09:31:22) sites connection cable and finding information in [fedwiki](/view/12:07:52) get here map of [fedwiki](/view/11:59:21) features and mechanisms to asynchronous collaboration using [fedwiki](/view/10:40:44) for book authoring previews a thought for [fedwiki](/view/12:12:47) inspired by wikipedia [fedwiki](/view/10:05:32) inspired or wiki intentionally the evolution of [fedwiki](/view/12:19:53) to preserve essential https github com [fedwiki](/view/11:23:38) wiki blob a discussion of [fedwikis](/view/11:52:27) community and content please share your mastodon [feed](/view/09:47:52) patterns have a [feel](/view/10:05:18) of conceptual integrity us docs web api [fetch](/view/09:24:16) [fetching](/view/12:12:47) pages ahead as
[fibber](/view/09:37:28) mcgees dependency tree for people peer pressure [figures](/view/09:55:38) in suggestions about orphaned swap [files](/view/09:26:33) a form [filling](/view/09:12:38) template to cue supports continuously recomposing and [finding](/view/12:07:52) information in fedwiki they work https worldsgreatestcon [fireside](/view/10:45:54) fm assembly line in the [first](/view/09:48:20) place i guess [first](/view/10:34:12) widespread use of
off i wanted to [flag](/view/12:12:32) earlier when we cp m [flags](/view/11:45:16)
i didnt recognize [follett](/view/11:54:17) as a reference org wiki mary parker [follett](/view/11:55:11) probably systems thinking style small computational units [following](/view/12:19:53) local landmarks working didnt embed the tufte [font](/view/09:45:27) et book [font](/view/09:44:37) from https edwardtufte even sure about the [font](/view/09:46:57) it looks like ward mentions air [force](/view/10:18:30) training qualifying average curious can the [form](/view/09:12:52) doc be linked a [form](/view/09:12:38) filling template to
discussion of confidence based [fraud](/view/10:50:39) and tricks for [fred](/view/09:52:07) brooks conceptual integrity were on nix my [friend](/view/12:12:32) sam rose who dojo practices pages notes [from](/view/12:07:06) a couple of diagram picks up items [from](/view/12:07:06) dojo practices pages et book font [from](/view/09:44:37) https edwardtufte github [from](/view/09:53:12) jan conceptual integrity emerge after moving data [from](/view/10:08:08) one platform to replying to an anecdote [from](/view/10:30:55) pa simpler but thats work [from](/view/11:46:56) paul an anecdote [from](/view/10:27:09) paul about tiddlywikis systems thinking for organizations [from](/view/11:55:11) the early th of early years and [from](/view/12:07:06) the most recent takeaways [from](/view/12:19:53) today overlaps of added after the fact [from](/view/10:11:00) ward etherpad code is partly [from](/view/10:33:40) wave i think
[functional](/view/09:36:57) programming gives you enterprise crime as a [funds](/view/10:51:58) transfer scam which
enders [game](/view/11:17:50) be to play a [game](/view/09:50:45) was one of [gang](/view/11:00:05) recruiting as a than for screen a [garamond](/view/09:46:57) cut
reacted to [genius](/view/10:15:58) programmer i with [genius](/view/10:15:50) programmer in a
css tufte stuff https [github](/view/09:45:23) com edwardtufte tufte https [github](/view/11:23:38) com fedwiki wiki font from https edwardtufte [github](/view/09:44:37) io et book functional programming [gives](/view/09:36:57) you software ics is pretty good about [giving](/view/09:26:33) suggestions about orphaned
www avegant com vr [glasses](/view/11:16:40)
were just talking about [goggles](/view/11:20:17) web is [going](/view/10:09:10) just great person courses i recommend [going](/view/11:05:33) to it and mechanical orchard have [gone](/view/10:14:43) that direction vim is pretty [good](/view/09:26:33) about giving suggestions thats a pretty [good](/view/09:12:51) endorsement for whoever open source but does [good](/view/09:53:12) modularity mitigate lack on go needs a [good](/view/10:11:00) standard library as in apache wave and [google](/view/10:36:27) docs [google](/view/11:07:36) translate says that [gore](/view/10:57:52)
i love the [grand](/view/09:31:22) design of the potential author co author [grasps](/view/10:40:44) how the system web is going just [great](/view/10:09:10) brian brushwood has [great](/view/10:45:54) podcast on con weekend things have a [great](/view/11:31:10) week early on and the [green](/view/11:54:04) ones were the looking into cascades https [gregsatell](/view/10:20:21) com cascades mixture of islands of [grid](/view/09:46:03) connected by routes [grievance](/view/10:54:59) harvesting as a the silicon valley patterns [group](/view/10:01:46) hosted by russ npm install [grunt](/view/11:42:22) npm install npm
you software ics i [guess](/view/09:36:57) see you we i [guess](/view/11:20:28) i [guess](/view/10:34:12) first widespread use
a year and a [half](/view/09:57:53) there was a being explored in new [hampshire](/view/10:25:26) style software development the new [hampshire](/view/12:19:53) style small computational vs deno keyboard event [handling](/view/10:11:42) in standard library grievance [harvesting](/view/10:54:59) as a pattern patterns [have](/view/10:05:18) a feel of of the weekend things [have](/view/11:31:10) a great week all of these developments [have](/view/11:56:38) continued to be the truth as you [have](/view/10:41:11) experienced it mee and mechanical orchard [have](/view/10:14:43) gone that direction authoring with educators who [have](/view/10:40:44) the information and fedwikis community and content [having](/view/11:52:27) built up over
microsofts c is pretty [heavy](/view/10:02:33) on decorator for custom wiki was a [helpful](/view/11:28:38) incantation for plugin from jan conceptual integrity [helps](/view/09:53:12) newcomers to open just type it [here](/view/10:30:04) how did we get [here](/view/11:59:21) map of fedwiki
patterns which joe armstrong [highlighted](/view/10:25:59) as interesting a point of its [history](/view/09:59:18) where it was
promise can rapidly take [hold](/view/09:59:42) with nix and he [hopes](/view/12:12:32) to hop on many users and are [hoping](/view/10:14:24) that erlang beam silicon valley patterns group [hosted](/view/10:01:46) by russ rufer
reacted to [http](/view/11:06:25) ipa reader xy [http](/view/11:05:55) ipa reader xyz sinatras state model for [http](/view/09:38:32) is pre cors [http](/view/11:24:56) plugins dojo fed [https](/view/09:34:17) dancoecarto com k business e mail compromise [https](/view/10:53:24) darknetdiaries com transcript bullying [https](/view/11:00:03) davidgraeber org articles aha mode cors [https](/view/09:24:16) developer mozilla org et book font from [https](/view/09:44:37) edwardtufte github io [https](/view/10:35:46) en wikipedia org [https](/view/11:55:11) en wikipedia org css tufte stuff [https](/view/09:45:23) github com edwardtufte [https](/view/11:23:38) github com fedwiki was looking into cascades [https](/view/10:20:21) gregsatell com cascades [https](/view/12:03:57) jvns ca blog [https](/view/12:04:24) jvns ca categories thread [https](/view/09:53:29) mstdn social marick sounds a bit like [https](/view/09:56:38) ncase me polygons [https](/view/09:44:18) nh oddly influenced prompts for brians explorations [https](/view/09:50:45) podcast oddly influenced [https](/view/10:24:12) tiddlywiki com [https](/view/10:09:53) web isgoinggreat com and how they work [https](/view/10:45:54) worldsgreatestcon fireside fm [https](/view/11:16:40) www avegant com [https](/view/10:08:18) www youtube com video ward referred to [https](/view/10:11:42) www youtube com [https](/view/11:13:17) www youtube com
genius programmer in a [hurry](/view/10:15:50) no way of
conference which spread the [idea](/view/09:57:53) that problem better so [ideas](/view/09:59:42) that show promise
the other [important](/view/10:22:10) aspect of successful feature drivers to motivate [improving](/view/11:50:07) capabilities and usability
wiki was a helpful [incantation](/view/11:28:38) for plugin development because we [inch](/view/11:56:38) the environment along parameter switch [indicator](/view/11:45:30) typeface on nh oddly [influenced](/view/09:43:18) dev https nh oddly [influenced](/view/09:44:18) dev about explorations https podcast oddly [influenced](/view/09:50:45) dev episodes e educators who have the [information](/view/10:40:44) and perspective needed continuously recomposing and finding [information](/view/12:07:52) in fedwiki the [innovators](/view/09:53:35) dilemma worse is smallest federated wiki as [inspiration](/view/10:06:42) e g masvf fedwiki inspired or wiki [inspired](/view/10:05:32) a thought for fedwiki [inspired](/view/12:12:47) by wikipedia fedwiki [inspired](/view/10:05:32) or wiki inspired npm [install](/view/11:42:22) grunt npm install npm install grunt npm [install](/view/11:42:22) npm pack right npm [install](/view/11:28:38) npm pack in config and code changes [install](/view/11:43:12) the custom plugin works in a running [instance](/view/09:13:34) of opcloud catching math simple rules [instead](/view/09:51:18) the people and the [institutions](/view/10:22:10) mitigate lack of conceptual [integrity](/view/09:53:12) no way of communiicating [integrity](/view/10:15:50) fred brooks conceptual [integrity](/view/09:52:07) as expensive or thinking about conceptual [integrity](/view/10:08:08) as something which brian discusses losing conceptual [integrity](/view/10:17:24) because its embodied from jan conceptual [integrity](/view/09:53:12) helps newcomers to a feel of conceptual [integrity](/view/10:05:18) thats a faster working the nh style [intentionally](/view/12:19:53) the evolution of evocative of federated wiki [interactions](/view/11:06:54) joe armstrong highlighted as [interesting](/view/10:25:59) dev episodes e an [interview](/view/09:50:45) with david chapman where i was looking [into](/view/10:20:21) cascades https gregsatell my exposure [introduction](/view/10:01:06) was ward et
https web [isgoinggreat](/view/10:09:53) com is a mixture of [islands](/view/09:46:03) of grid connected
link diagram picks up [items](/view/12:07:06) from dojo practices cheaply and approximately then [iterates](/view/09:54:13) toward business model
i was visiting [jeremy](/view/10:30:55) s team after a serendipitous connection when [jeremys](/view/10:28:21) company visited bt
i need to [jump](/view/12:12:32) off i wanted web is going [just](/view/10:09:10) great oculus box we were [just](/view/11:20:17) talking about goggles [just](/view/10:30:04) type it here
https [jvns](/view/12:03:57) ca blog some https [jvns](/view/12:04:24) ca categories nix
preserve abstractions and modules [keep](/view/09:41:25) code clean support to node vs deno [keyboard](/view/10:11:42) event handling in
does good modularity mitigate [lack](/view/09:53:12) of conceptual integrity computational units following local [landmarks](/view/12:19:53) working the nh than for a design [language](/view/10:03:59) i met a pattern [language](/view/10:00:46) at a summer when a society or [large](/view/09:59:42) community has shared half there was a [large](/view/09:57:53) conference which spread brian what is your [last](/view/09:52:52) name early adopters [late](/view/09:56:18) adopters consensus building
library as a lesson [learned](/view/10:11:00) after c where in people who may [leave](/view/10:17:24) and not in ots as [less](/view/10:38:43) obviously useful for standard library as a [lesson](/view/10:11:00) learned after c
event handling in standard [library](/view/10:11:42) needs a good standard [library](/view/10:11:00) as a lesson without a proper standard [library](/view/10:10:32) is pretty annoying you re porting a [library](/view/09:39:32) with a bunch bits directly to make [life](/view/11:46:56) simpler but thats [light](/view/11:13:43) gun [light](/view/11:13:59) receptor elixir and beam erlangs [lightweight](/view/10:25:26) processes as brian sounds a bit [like](/view/09:56:38) https ncase me the font it looks [like](/view/09:46:57) it is better according to an assembly [line](/view/09:48:20) in the first wards evolutionary node and [link](/view/12:07:06) diagram picks up thanks for think complexity [link](/view/09:30:22) pdf download available fetching pages ahead as [link](/view/12:12:47) previews a thought [link](/view/10:20:21) where i was the form doc be [linked](/view/09:12:52) [listening](/view/09:48:26) to brian on is a thing we [live](/view/12:00:01) in
small computational units following [local](/view/12:19:53) landmarks working the now i need to [look](/view/09:43:18) up his typeface bits of server to [look](/view/11:46:56) up the package link where i was [looking](/view/10:20:21) into cascades https and it [looks](/view/11:26:51) if we maybe about the font it [looks](/view/09:46:57) like it is brian discusses [losing](/view/10:17:24) conceptual integrity because i [love](/view/09:31:22) the grand design
who went back and [made](/view/10:48:01) the same pitch business e [mail](/view/10:53:24) compromise https darknetdiaries plugins fed wiki org [maintaining](/view/11:24:56) a custom wiki install npm pack in [maintaining](/view/11:28:38) a custom wiki package bits directly to [make](/view/11:46:56) life simpler but systems of conversational actors [making](/view/09:55:00) a decision virtual environment [managers](/view/10:11:56) sigh faster way in for [many](/view/10:05:18) cases whatsapp and small team [many](/view/10:14:24) many users and and small team many [many](/view/10:14:24) users and are [marc](/view/09:59:18) describes computer programming [marc](/view/10:42:00) describes the experience [march](/view/10:29:09) wards email to discussion of [marcs](/view/11:50:07) work and thompsons thread https mstdn social [marick](/view/09:53:29) federated wiki to brian [maricks](/view/11:57:46) exploration of evolutionary lightweight processes as brian [maricks](/view/10:25:26) model for the en wikipedia org wiki [mary](/view/11:55:11) parker follett probably brian please share your [mastodon](/view/09:47:52) feed as inspiration e g [masvf](/view/10:06:42) wiki how do baseball catching [math](/view/09:51:18) simple rules instead consulting on a different [matter](/view/10:28:21) it looks if we [maybe](/view/11:26:51) need to replace
fibber [mcgees](/view/09:37:28) dependency tree
rob mee and [mechanical](/view/10:14:43) orchard have gone spareness and simplicity of [mechanism](/view/11:57:46) of fedwiki features and [mechanisms](/view/11:59:21) via a nodes communities relate to their [members](/view/10:06:42) and one another signals that reinforce the [membership](/view/11:00:11) and power ward [mentions](/view/10:18:30) air force training
[microsoft](/view/10:16:38) as a survivor [microsofts](/view/10:02:33) c is pretty way how cell work [might](/view/09:48:20) be researched and [mine](/view/10:01:46) was the silicon but does good modularity [mitigate](/view/09:53:12) lack of conceptual seattle is a [mixture](/view/09:46:03) of islands of
aha [mode](/view/09:24:16) cors https developer support elaboration of the [model](/view/09:41:25) sinatras state [model](/view/09:38:32) for http is processes as brian maricks [model](/view/10:25:26) for the biological because of the consistency [model](/view/10:38:43) of working on then iterates toward business [model](/view/09:54:13) success might be researched and [modeled](/view/09:48:20) according to an you on an opm [models](/view/09:12:38) attributes source but does good [modularity](/view/09:53:12) mitigate lack of question preserve abstractions and [modules](/view/09:41:25) keep code clean thinking about slime [mold](/view/09:48:46) path optimization [molly](/view/10:09:20) white refactoring as much or [more](/view/10:03:59) so than for thompson [morrisons](/view/10:40:44) approach to asynchronous years and from the [most](/view/12:07:06) recent couple of in los altos but [mostly](/view/10:00:46) appreciated it as zapper worked in slow [motion](/view/11:13:17) you can watch as feature drivers to [motivate](/view/11:50:07) improving capabilities and a discussion about [motivation](/view/10:45:16) via emotional narrative gang recruiting as a [motivational](/view/11:00:05) cascade pattern as a pattern in [motivational](/view/10:54:59) cascades can re emerge after [moving](/view/10:08:08) data from one mode cors https developer [mozilla](/view/09:24:16) org en us
thread https [mstdn](/view/09:53:29) social marick
target for refactoring as [much](/view/10:03:59) or more so
what is your last [name](/view/09:52:52) about motivation via emotional [narrative](/view/10:45:16) the federation [navigator](/view/09:23:09)
a bit like https [ncase](/view/09:56:38) me polygons
[need](/view/11:31:10) to do the i [need](/view/12:12:32) to jump off now i [need](/view/09:43:18) to look up looks if we maybe [need](/view/11:26:51) to replace config the right job when [needed](/view/10:18:30) also how do the information and perspective [needed](/view/10:40:44) to create a rob pike on go [needs](/view/10:11:00) a good standard how small an ai [needs](/view/09:50:45) to be to jan conceptual integrity helps [newcomers](/view/09:53:12) to open source
xnsvb y how the [nintendo](/view/11:13:17) zapper worked in
in this version of [node](/view/10:12:50) wards evolutionary [node](/view/12:07:06) and link diagram cries in [node](/view/10:12:50) canvas is not rubygems [node](/view/11:59:53) npm nix yesterdays pairing related to [node](/view/10:11:42) vs deno keyboard and mechanisms via a [nodes](/view/11:59:21) and edges diagram you shared the blue [nodes](/view/11:54:04) were early on scattering [notes](/view/12:07:52) as a practice from dojo practices pages [notes](/view/12:07:06) from a couple jvns ca blog some [notes](/view/12:03:57) on using nix brian [notes](/view/10:06:42) some specific references thompsons [notion](/view/10:41:11) expose your tender
tuesday evenings for a [number](/view/10:01:46) of years
ots as less [obviously](/view/10:38:43) useful for federated
[oculus](/view/11:20:17) box we were
his typeface on nh [oddly](/view/09:43:18) influenced dev https nh [oddly](/view/09:44:18) influenced dev about brians explorations https podcast [oddly](/view/09:50:45) influenced dev episodes
david chapman about the [offloaded](/view/09:50:45) brain chapman and
on and the green [ones](/view/11:54:04) were the recent reacted to jan it [only](/view/09:13:39) works i with jan it [only](/view/09:13:34) works in a
a running instance of [opcloud](/view/09:13:34) integrity helps newcomers to [open](/view/09:53:12) source but does and not settled thus [open](/view/09:59:18) to new concepts en wikipedia org wiki [operational](/view/10:35:46) transformation first widespread use of [operational](/view/10:34:12) transforms about slime mold path [optimization](/view/09:48:46) mdn docs about preflight [options](/view/09:17:05) requests for cors
rob mee and mechanical [orchard](/view/10:14:43) have gone that probably systems thinking for [organizations](/view/11:55:11) from the early about giving suggestions about [orphaned](/view/09:26:33) swap files
after bt had acquired [osmosoft](/view/10:30:55)
wiki how do the [other](/view/10:06:42) communities relate to the [other](/view/10:22:10) important aspect of shows enablement of the [other](/view/11:59:21) thing the experience of seeing [others](/view/10:42:00) expose their tender
content having built up [over](/view/11:52:27) time where the takeaways from today [overlaps](/view/12:19:53) of evolutionary software federation sites connection cable [overview](/view/09:31:22) diagram
grunt npm install npm [pack](/view/11:42:22) right npm install npm [pack](/view/11:28:38) in maintaining a to look up the [package](/view/11:46:56) bits directly to a discussion of the [package](/view/10:13:32) ecosystem as a [packaging](/view/12:00:01) is a thing fetching [pages](/view/12:12:47) ahead as link items from dojo practices [pages](/view/12:07:06) notes from a on a constellation of [pages](/view/10:38:43) versus a document yesterdays [pairing](/view/10:11:42) related to node [parameter](/view/11:45:30) switch indicator wikipedia org wiki mary [parker](/view/11:55:11) follett probably systems the etherpad code is [partly](/view/10:33:40) from wave i thinking about slime mold [path](/view/09:48:46) optimization is expanding as a [pattern](/view/10:51:58) as a motivational cascade [pattern](/view/11:00:05) grievance harvesting as a [pattern](/view/10:54:59) in motivational cascades i met a [pattern](/view/10:00:46) language at a dark ui [patterns](/view/11:19:48) [patterns](/view/10:03:59) are a useful wards email to the [patterns](/view/10:29:09) community about c seeding suggestions for design [patterns](/view/09:57:53) early in the was the silicon valley [patterns](/view/10:01:46) group hosted by [patterns](/view/10:05:18) have a feel tiddlywiki [patterns](/view/10:25:59) which joe armstrong but thats work from [paul](/view/11:46:56) an anecdote from [paul](/view/10:27:09) about tiddlywikis developer
for people [peer](/view/09:55:38) pressure figures in the [pengi](/view/09:50:45) episode about how a combination of the [people](/view/10:22:10) and the institutions [people](/view/10:14:24) are pretty excited a job so that [people](/view/10:18:30) can do it for [people](/view/09:55:38) peer pressure figures force training qualifying average [people](/view/10:18:30) to do the because its embodied in [people](/view/10:17:24) who may leave accidental autoplay playback and [performance](/view/11:19:43) patterns early in the [period](/view/09:57:53) of study within pitch to the same [person](/view/10:48:01) a second time he still does in [person](/view/11:05:33) courses i recommend have the information and [perspective](/view/10:40:44) needed to create
it as an architectural [philosophy](/view/10:00:46) storybook
a [pick](/view/09:41:25) any two question replying to aha i [picked](/view/09:46:57) the tu aha i [picked](/view/09:45:27) the tufte css any coffeescript to js [picking](/view/11:43:12) up config and also startup [picks](/view/09:54:13) up edge cases node and link diagram [picks](/view/12:07:06) up items from oh that was the [picture](/view/11:54:04) you shared the rob [pike](/view/10:11:00) on go needs the rob [pike](/view/10:11:42) video ward referred and made the same [pitch](/view/10:48:01) to the same
line in the first [place](/view/09:48:20) survivor of software and [platform](/view/10:16:38) evolution moving data from one [platform](/view/10:08:08) to another needs to be to [play](/view/09:50:45) a game was ui for accidental autoplay [playback](/view/11:19:43) and performance brian [please](/view/09:47:52) share your mastodon a helpful incantation for [plugin](/view/11:28:38) development changes install the custom [plugin](/view/11:43:12) version in the http [plugins](/view/11:24:56) dojo fed wiki wiki view about plugins [plugins](/view/11:24:56) fed wiki org fed wiki view about [plugins](/view/11:24:56) plugins fed wiki
for brians explorations https [podcast](/view/09:50:45) oddly influenced dev brian brushwood has great [podcast](/view/10:45:54) on con men alan kay joe armstrong [podcasts](/view/10:22:36) able to see the [point](/view/10:40:44) at which a programming as in a [point](/view/09:59:18) of its history the edges are the [pointer](/view/11:59:21) shows enablement of like https ncase me [polygons](/view/09:56:38) clear requirements you re [porting](/view/09:39:32) a library with fedwiki to preserve essential [possibilities](/view/12:19:53) for extension preservation of [possibility](/view/11:56:54) have continued to be [possible](/view/11:56:38) point at which a [potential](/view/10:40:44) author co author and works with those [potential](/view/10:40:44) authors thompson describes reinforce the membership and [power](/view/11:00:11)
scattering notes as a [practice](/view/12:07:52) which supports continuously up items from dojo [practices](/view/12:07:06) pages notes from words [precede](/view/09:51:36) concepts not vulnerable thompson [prefers](/view/10:41:30) different terms the mdn docs about [preflight](/view/09:17:05) options requests for [preservation](/view/11:56:54) of possibility pick any two question [preserve](/view/09:41:25) abstractions and modules evolution of fedwiki to [preserve](/view/12:19:53) essential possibilities for for people peer [pressure](/view/09:55:38) figures in proper standard library is [pretty](/view/10:10:32) annoying people are [pretty](/view/10:14:24) excited by whatsapp vim is [pretty](/view/09:26:33) good about giving thats a [pretty](/view/09:12:51) good endorsement for microsofts c is [pretty](/view/10:02:33) heavy on decorator pages ahead as link [previews](/view/12:12:47) a thought for it is better for [print](/view/09:46:57) than for screen wiki mary parker follett [probably](/view/11:55:11) systems thinking for seeking to solve that [problem](/view/09:59:42) better so ideas large community has shared [problem](/view/09:59:42) then they are in the systems and [processes](/view/10:17:24) around the software and beam erlangs lightweight [processes](/view/10:25:26) as brian maricks reacted to genius [programmer](/view/10:15:58) i with genius [programmer](/view/10:15:50) in a hurry marc describes computer [programming](/view/09:59:18) as in a functional [programming](/view/09:36:57) gives you software so ideas that show [promise](/view/09:59:42) can rapidly take was one of the [prompts](/view/09:50:45) for brians explorations js without a [proper](/view/10:10:32) standard library is
org articles the bullys [pulpit](/view/11:00:03) on the elementary
mentions air force training [qualifying](/view/10:18:30) average people to a pick any two [question](/view/09:41:25) preserve abstractions and
that show promise can [rapidly](/view/09:59:42) take hold
[reacted](/view/10:15:58) to genius programmer [reacted](/view/11:06:25) to http ipa [reacted](/view/09:13:39) to jan it [reacted](/view/09:31:01) to jan thanks reacted to http ipa [reader](/view/11:06:25) xy with http ipa [reader](/view/11:05:55) xyz and from the most [recent](/view/12:07:06) couple of years green ones were the [recent](/view/11:54:04) updates to wiki light [receptor](/view/11:13:59) i didnt [recognize](/view/11:54:17) follett as a in person courses i [recommend](/view/11:05:33) going to it practice which supports continuously [recomposing](/view/12:07:52) and finding information side or requires some [recomposition](/view/09:38:32) gang [recruiting](/view/11:00:05) as a motivational a useful target for [refactoring](/view/10:03:59) as much or recognize follett as a [reference](/view/11:54:17) brian notes some specific [references](/view/10:06:42) to smallest federated rob pike video ward [referred](/view/10:11:42) to https www code rules except see [reflections](/view/11:25:27) on trusting trust rituals are signals that [reinforce](/view/11:00:11) the membership and do the other communities [relate](/view/10:06:42) to their members yesterdays pairing [related](/view/10:11:42) to node vs ward [relates](/view/11:57:46) the evolution of we maybe need to [replace](/view/11:26:51) config chain [replying](/view/09:46:57) to aha i [replying](/view/10:30:55) to an anecdote on decorator for web [requests](/view/10:02:33) docs about preflight options [requests](/view/09:17:05) for cors clear [requirements](/view/09:39:32) you re porting on the side or [requires](/view/09:38:32) some recomposition cell work might be [researched](/view/09:48:20) and modeled according need to do the [rest](/view/11:31:10) of the weekend
people to do the [right](/view/10:18:30) job when needed [right](/view/11:28:38) npm install npm [rituals](/view/11:00:11) are signals that https dancoecarto com k [rivers](/view/09:34:17)
working with [robert](/view/11:26:15) bests wiki configuration capabilities and usability and [robustness](/view/11:50:07) nix my friend sam [rose](/view/12:12:32) who was on of grid connected by [routes](/view/09:46:03)
[rubygems](/view/11:59:53) node npm nix group hosted by russ [rufer](/view/10:01:46) and tracy bialik code [rules](/view/11:25:27) except see reflections baseball catching math simple [rules](/view/09:51:18) instead only works in a [running](/view/09:13:34) instance of opcloud patterns group hosted by [russ](/view/10:01:46) rufer and tracy
same pitch to the [same](/view/10:48:01) person a second back and made the [same](/view/10:48:01) pitch to the google translate [says](/view/11:07:36) that wiki is t f ti [says](/view/11:05:15) wikipedia
source of trouble at [scale](/view/10:13:32) as a funds transfer [scam](/view/10:51:58) which is expanding [scanning](/view/09:17:05) the mdn docs [scattering](/view/12:07:52) notes as a for print than for [screen](/view/09:46:57) a garamond cut
[seattle](/view/09:46:03) is a mixture the same person a [second](/view/10:48:01) time ward describes about [seeding](/view/09:57:53) suggestions for design describes the experience of [seeing](/view/10:42:00) others expose their then they are all [seeking](/view/09:59:42) to solve that notion expose your tender [self](/view/10:41:11) tell the truth others expose their tender [self](/view/10:42:00) when telling their as a [serendipitous](/view/10:28:21) connection when jeremys the core bits of [server](/view/11:46:56) to look up to evolution and not [settled](/view/09:59:18) thus open to
brian please [share](/view/09:47:52) your mastodon feed or large community has [shared](/view/09:59:42) problem then they was the picture you [shared](/view/11:54:04) the blue nodes better so ideas that [show](/view/09:59:42) promise can rapidly wednesday call soon to [show](/view/12:12:32) us all what edges are the pointer [shows](/view/11:59:21) enablement of the
a bag on the [side](/view/09:38:32) or requires some virtual environment managers [sigh](/view/10:11:56) rituals are [signals](/view/11:00:11) that reinforce the mine was the [silicon](/view/10:01:46) valley patterns group erlang beam are the [silver](/view/10:14:24) bullet swahili and sounds very [similar](/view/11:07:36) to how we baseball catching math [simple](/view/09:51:18) rules instead directly to make life [simpler](/view/11:46:56) but thats work approaches to spareness and [simplicity](/view/11:57:46) of mechanism [sinatras](/view/09:38:32) state model for design of the federation [sites](/view/09:31:22) connection cable overview
thinking about [slime](/view/09:48:46) mold path optimization nintendo zapper worked in [slow](/view/11:13:17) motion you can
pengi episode about how [small](/view/09:50:45) an ai needs the new hampshire style [small](/view/12:19:53) computational units following listening to brian on [small](/view/09:48:26) creature cognition discussion excited by whatsapp and [small](/view/10:14:24) team many many some specific references to [smallest](/view/10:06:42) federated wiki as
thread https mstdn [social](/view/09:53:29) marick when a [society](/view/09:59:42) or large community and processes around the [software](/view/10:17:24) as a survivor of [software](/view/10:16:38) and platform evolution today overlaps of evolutionary [software](/view/12:19:53) development the new the [software](/view/09:36:27) ic functional programming gives you [software](/view/09:36:57) ics i guess are all seeking to [solve](/view/09:59:42) that problem better https jvns ca blog [some](/view/12:03:57) notes on using the side or requires [some](/view/09:38:32) recomposition brian notes [some](/view/10:06:42) specific references to building cascade when does [something](/view/09:56:18) go viral in about conceptual integrity as [something](/view/10:08:08) which can re on a wednesday call [soon](/view/12:12:32) to show us [sounds](/view/09:56:38) a bit like wiki is swahili and [sounds](/view/11:07:36) very similar to helps newcomers to open [source](/view/09:53:12) but does good package ecosystem as a [source](/view/10:13:32) of trouble at
of evolutionary approaches to [spareness](/view/11:57:46) and simplicity of brian notes some [specific](/view/10:06:42) references to smallest a large conference which [spread](/view/09:57:53) the idea
keyboard event handling in [standard](/view/10:11:42) library go needs a good [standard](/view/10:11:00) library as a js without a proper [standard](/view/10:10:32) library is pretty also [startup](/view/09:54:13) picks up edge sinatras [state](/view/09:38:32) model for http after c where stdlib [stdio](/view/10:11:00) were added after learned after c where [stdlib](/view/10:11:00) stdio were added if he [still](/view/11:05:33) does in person self when telling their [stories](/view/10:42:00) as an architectural philosophy [storybook](/view/10:00:46) fraud and tricks for [street](/view/10:50:39) crime pulpit on the elementary [structure](/view/11:00:03) of domination is in the period of [study](/view/09:57:53) within a year css tufte [stuff](/view/09:45:23) https github com explored in new hampshire [style](/view/10:25:26) landmarks working the nh [style](/view/12:19:53) intentionally the evolution development the new hampshire [style](/view/12:19:53) small computational units
[subdirectories](/view/11:45:47) were ms dos history where it was [subject](/view/09:59:18) to evolution and language at a summer [sublet](/view/10:00:46) in los altos iterates toward business model [success](/view/09:54:13) other important aspect of [successful](/view/10:22:10) cascades is that pretty good about giving [suggestions](/view/09:26:33) about orphaned swap ward describes about seeding [suggestions](/view/09:57:53) for design patterns pattern language at a [summer](/view/10:00:46) sublet in los modules keep code clean [support](/view/09:41:25) elaboration of the node canvas is not [supported](/view/10:12:50) in this version as a practice which [supports](/view/12:07:52) continuously recomposing and not even [sure](/view/09:46:57) about the font microsoft as a [survivor](/view/10:16:38) of software and
says that wiki is [swahili](/view/11:07:36) and sounds very giving suggestions about orphaned [swap](/view/09:26:33) files parameter [switch](/view/11:45:30) indicator
continuous [system](/view/09:46:17) testing biology author grasps how the [system](/view/10:40:44) works and not in the [systems](/view/10:17:24) and processes around discusses cascade thresholds in [systems](/view/09:55:00) of conversational actors mary parker follett probably [systems](/view/11:55:11) thinking for organizations
show promise can rapidly [take](/view/09:59:42) hold [takeaways](/view/12:19:53) from today overlaps box we were just [talking](/view/11:20:17) about goggles patterns are a useful [target](/view/10:03:59) for refactoring as
was visiting jeremy s [team](/view/10:30:55) after bt had by whatsapp and small [team](/view/10:14:24) many many users end [tease](/view/11:55:02) adopted as a core [technique](/view/10:36:27) behind the collaboration tiddlywikis developer visiting british [telecom](/view/10:27:09) and demonstrating an expose your tender self [tell](/view/10:41:11) the truth as their tender self when [telling](/view/10:42:00) their stories a form filling [template](/view/09:12:38) to cue you thompsons notion expose your [tender](/view/10:41:11) self tell the seeing others expose their [tender](/view/10:42:00) self when telling vulnerable thompson prefers different [terms](/view/10:41:30) crdt [territory](/view/10:35:01) continuous system [testing](/view/09:46:17) biology with a bunch of [tests](/view/09:39:32)
much or more so [than](/view/10:03:59) for a design is better for print [than](/view/09:46:57) for screen a reacted to jan [thanks](/view/09:31:01) for thin with jan [thanks](/view/09:30:22) for think complexity endorsement for whoever created [that](/view/09:12:51) mechanical orchard have gone [that](/view/10:14:43) direction users and are hoping [that](/view/10:14:24) erlang beam are of successful cascades is [that](/view/10:22:10) it is a up a job so [that](/view/10:18:30) people can do all seeking to solve [that](/view/09:59:42) problem better so rituals are signals [that](/view/11:00:11) reinforce the membership problem better so ideas [that](/view/09:59:42) show promise can oh [that](/view/11:54:04) was the picture google translate says [that](/view/11:07:36) wiki is swahili feel of conceptual integrity [thats](/view/10:05:18) a faster way [thats](/view/09:12:51) a pretty good make life simpler but [thats](/view/11:46:56) work from paul other communities relate to [their](/view/10:06:42) members and one tender self when telling [their](/view/10:42:00) stories of seeing others expose [their](/view/10:42:00) tender self when cases cheaply and approximately [then](/view/09:54:13) iterates toward business community has shared problem [then](/view/09:59:42) they are all year and a half [there](/view/09:57:53) was a large environment along all of [these](/view/11:56:38) developments have continued has shared problem then [they](/view/09:59:42) are all seeking con men and how [they](/view/10:45:54) work https worldsgreatestcon to jan thanks for [thin](/view/09:31:01) with enablement of the other [thing](/view/11:59:21) packaging is a [thing](/view/12:00:01) we live in things dont break old [things](/view/11:52:27) time where the new [things](/view/11:52:27) dont break old rest of the weekend [things](/view/11:31:10) have a great partly from wave i [think](/view/10:33:40) jan thanks for [think](/view/09:30:22) complexity link pdf [thinking](/view/10:08:08) about conceptual integrity [thinking](/view/09:48:46) about slime mold parker follett probably systems [thinking](/view/11:55:11) for organizations from i am [thinking](/view/10:48:01) of an anecdote is not supported in [this](/view/10:12:50) version of node with those potential authors [thompson](/view/10:40:44) describes being able [thompson](/view/10:40:44) morrisons approach to not vulnerable [thompson](/view/10:41:30) prefers different terms [thompsons](/view/10:41:11) notion expose your of marcs work and [thompsons](/view/11:50:07) work as feature book and works with [those](/view/10:40:44) potential authors thompson [though](/view/09:48:20) the way how as link previews a [thought](/view/12:12:47) for fedwiki inspired [thread](/view/09:53:29) https mstdn social viral in crossing a [threshold](/view/09:56:18) brian discusses cascade [thresholds](/view/09:55:00) in systems of evolution and not settled [thus](/view/09:59:18) open to new
https [tiddlywiki](/view/10:24:12) com [tiddlywiki](/view/10:25:59) patterns which joe anecdote from paul about [tiddlywikis](/view/10:27:09) developer visiting british same person a second [time](/view/10:48:01) having built up over [time](/view/11:52:27) where the new
takeaways from [today](/view/12:19:53) overlaps of evolutionary and approximately then iterates [toward](/view/09:54:13) business model success
by russ rufer and [tracy](/view/10:01:46) bialik on tuesday ward mentions air force [training](/view/10:18:30) qualifying average people compromise https darknetdiaries com [transcript](/view/10:53:24) crime as a funds [transfer](/view/10:51:58) scam which is wikipedia org wiki operational [transformation](/view/10:35:46) widespread use of operational [transforms](/view/10:34:12) google [translate](/view/11:07:36) says that wiki fibber mcgees dependency [tree](/view/09:37:28) confidence based fraud and [tricks](/view/10:50:39) for street crime as a source of [trouble](/view/10:13:32) at scale [troubleshooting](/view/11:19:43) of youtube ui see reflections on trusting [trust](/view/11:25:27) except see reflections on [trusting](/view/11:25:27) trust tender self tell the [truth](/view/10:41:11) as you have
and tracy bialik on [tuesday](/view/10:01:46) evenings for a https github com edwardtufte [tufte](/view/09:45:23) css aha i picked the [tufte](/view/09:45:27) css but didnt but didnt embed the [tufte](/view/09:45:27) font css [tufte](/view/09:45:23) stuff https github
just [type](/view/10:30:04) it here to look up his [typeface](/view/09:43:18) on nh oddly
for the biological cognition [units](/view/10:25:26) being explored in hampshire style small computational [units](/view/12:19:53) following local landmarks
can watch the tv [update](/view/11:13:17) ones were the recent [updates](/view/11:54:04) to wiki
motivate improving capabilities and [usability](/view/11:50:07) and robustness ots as less obviously [useful](/view/10:38:43) for federated wiki patterns are a [useful](/view/10:03:59) target for refactoring small team many many [users](/view/10:14:24) and are hoping approach to asynchronous collaboration [using](/view/10:40:44) fedwiki for book blog some notes on [using](/view/12:03:57) nix
mine was the silicon [valley](/view/10:01:46) patterns group hosted
and demonstrating an early [version](/view/10:27:09) install the custom plugin [version](/view/11:43:12) in the wiki not supported in this [version](/view/10:12:50) of node a constellation of pages [versus](/view/10:38:43) a document is swahili and sounds [very](/view/11:07:36) similar to how
the rob pike [video](/view/10:11:42) ward referred to plugins dojo fed wiki [view](/view/11:24:56) about plugins plugins when does something go [viral](/view/09:56:18) in crossing a [virtual](/view/10:11:56) environment managers sigh connection when jeremys company [visited](/view/10:28:21) bt consulting on paul about tiddlywikis developer [visiting](/view/10:27:09) british telecom and i was [visiting](/view/10:30:55) jeremy s team
not [vulnerable](/view/10:41:30) thompson prefers different
to jump off i [wanted](/view/12:12:32) to flag earlier after the fact from [ward](/view/10:11:00) [ward](/view/09:57:53) describes about seeding my exposure introduction was [ward](/view/10:01:06) et al [ward](/view/10:18:30) mentions air force the rob pike video [ward](/view/10:11:42) referred to https [ward](/view/11:57:46) relates the evolution march [wards](/view/10:29:09) email to the [wards](/view/12:07:06) evolutionary node and slow motion you can [watch](/view/11:13:17) the tv update https www youtube com [watch](/view/10:08:18) v t jm https www youtube com [watch](/view/11:13:17) v v xnsvb https www youtube com [watch](/view/10:11:42) v ye tpp collaboration features in apache [wave](/view/10:36:27) and google docs code is partly from [wave](/view/10:33:40) i think
to hop on a [wednesday](/view/12:12:32) call soon to things have a great [week](/view/11:31:10) the rest of the [weekend](/view/11:31:10) things have a the call a few [weeks](/view/12:12:32) back has got a con man who [went](/view/10:48:01) back and made c where stdlib stdio [were](/view/10:11:00) added after the shared the blue nodes [were](/view/11:54:04) early on and oculus box we [were](/view/11:20:17) just talking about subdirectories [were](/view/11:45:47) ms dos flag earlier when we [were](/view/12:12:32) on nix my and the green ones [were](/view/11:54:04) the recent updates
to show us all [what](/view/12:12:32) hes done brian [what](/view/09:52:52) is your last are pretty excited by [whatsapp](/view/10:14:24) and small team [when](/view/09:59:42) a society or adopters consensus building cascade [when](/view/09:56:18) does something go as a serendipitous connection [when](/view/10:28:21) jeremys company visited do the right job [when](/view/10:18:30) needed also how expose their tender self [when](/view/10:42:00) telling their stories wanted to flag earlier [when](/view/12:12:32) we were on link [where](/view/10:20:21) i was looking point of its history [where](/view/09:59:18) it was subject lesson learned after c [where](/view/10:11:00) stdlib stdio were nodes and edges diagram [where](/view/11:59:21) the edges are built up over time [where](/view/11:52:27) the new things see the point at [which](/view/10:40:44) a potential author conceptual integrity as something [which](/view/10:08:08) can re emerge a funds transfer scam [which](/view/10:51:58) is expanding as tiddlywiki patterns [which](/view/10:25:59) joe armstrong highlighted was a large conference [which](/view/09:57:53) spread the idea notes as a practice [which](/view/12:07:52) supports continuously recomposing molly [white](/view/10:09:20) pretty good endorsement for [whoever](/view/09:12:51) created that
i guess first [widespread](/view/10:34:12) use of operational org maintaining a custom [wiki](/view/11:24:56) plugin version in the [wiki](/view/11:43:12) the recent updates to [wiki](/view/11:54:04) references to smallest federated [wiki](/view/10:06:42) as inspiration e obviously useful for federated [wiki](/view/10:38:43) because of the https github com fedwiki [wiki](/view/11:23:38) blob a a working with robert bests [wiki](/view/11:26:15) configuration inspiration e g masvf [wiki](/view/10:06:42) how do the fedwiki inspired or [wiki](/view/10:05:32) inspired as evocative of federated [wiki](/view/11:06:54) interactions google translate says that [wiki](/view/11:07:36) is swahili and https en wikipedia org [wiki](/view/11:55:11) mary parker follett https en wikipedia org [wiki](/view/10:35:46) operational transformation about plugins plugins fed [wiki](/view/11:24:56) org maintaining a patterns community about c [wiki](/view/10:29:09) ppr the evolution of federated [wiki](/view/11:57:46) to brian maricks http plugins dojo fed [wiki](/view/11:24:56) view about plugins in maintaining a custom [wiki](/view/11:28:38) was a helpful weeks back has got [wiki](/view/12:12:32) working with the t f ti says [wikipedia](/view/11:05:15) for fedwiki inspired by [wikipedia](/view/12:12:47) https en [wikipedia](/view/11:55:11) org wiki mary https en [wikipedia](/view/10:35:46) org wiki operational i [will](/view/11:20:28) drop out see it only works i [with](/view/09:13:39) jan thanks for thin [with](/view/09:31:01) to genius programmer i [with](/view/10:15:58) http ipa reader xy [with](/view/11:06:25) re porting a library [with](/view/09:39:32) a bunch of and agre a discussion [with](/view/09:50:45) chapman episodes e an interview [with](/view/09:50:45) david chapman about fedwiki for book authoring [with](/view/10:40:44) educators who have the work he does [with](/view/12:12:32) nix and he working [with](/view/11:26:15) robert bests wiki has got wiki working [with](/view/12:12:32) the work he a book and works [with](/view/10:40:44) those potential authors the period of study [within](/view/09:57:53) a year and js [without](/view/10:10:32) a proper standard
[words](/view/09:51:36) precede concepts couple of years of [work](/view/12:07:06) discussion of marcs [work](/view/11:50:07) and thompsons work marcs work and thompsons [work](/view/11:50:07) as feature drivers life simpler but thats [work](/view/11:46:56) from paul wiki working with the [work](/view/12:12:32) he does with men and how they [work](/view/10:45:54) https worldsgreatestcon fireside the way how cell [work](/view/09:48:20) might be researched how the nintendo zapper [worked](/view/11:13:17) in slow motion the consistency model of [working](/view/10:38:43) on a constellation units following local landmarks [working](/view/12:19:53) the nh style [working](/view/11:26:15) with robert bests back has got wiki [working](/view/12:12:32) with the work grasps how the system [works](/view/10:40:44) to jan it only [works](/view/09:13:39) i with jan it only [works](/view/09:13:34) in a running create a book and [works](/view/10:40:44) with those potential how they work https [worldsgreatestcon](/view/10:45:54) fireside fm the innovators dilemma [worse](/view/09:53:35) is better
com watch v v [xnsvb](/view/11:13:17) y how the
of study within a [year](/view/09:57:53) and a half for a number of [years](/view/10:01:46) a couple of early [years](/view/12:07:06) and from the most recent couple of [years](/view/12:07:06) of work [yesterdays](/view/10:11:42) pairing related to
brian what is [your](/view/09:52:52) last name brian please share [your](/view/09:47:52) mastodon feed thompsons notion expose [your](/view/10:41:11) tender self tell https www [youtube](/view/10:08:18) com watch v referred to https www [youtube](/view/10:11:42) com watch v https www [youtube](/view/11:13:17) com watch v troubleshooting of [youtube](/view/11:19:43) ui for accidental
y how the nintendo [zapper](/view/11:13:17) worked in slow