Typescript Index 2023-12-24

Keyword Index. See Typescript 2023-12-24


[aaaaaargh](/view/11:58:02) latex


since its unambiguously parse [able](/view/11:37:03) pages need to be [able](/view/11:04:27) to evolve but also need to be [able](/view/11:04:27) to talk to from kerry telling chris [about](/view/10:37:01) a british pub the top person cares [about](/view/09:50:21) and the bottom working with brians thought [about](/view/10:44:12) erics incident report marc brian and eric [about](/view/11:16:00) failure modes for hochsteins recent blog entries [about](/view/09:47:35) focusing on the wards heuristic example [about](/view/10:01:32) helping groups at core yes and how [about](/view/10:54:53) jndi service discovery marc eric is talking [about](/view/10:55:04) resolving names ie nods to brians suggestion [about](/view/10:53:04) standards as somewhat the bottom person cares [about](/view/09:50:21) tech aspects thing which looks interesting [about](/view/11:04:27) the at protocol we care [about](/view/11:49:40) the authentication part brian relates a story [about](/view/10:41:26) the local coffee the thing i care [about](/view/11:29:35) the thing its as ward s link [above](/view/09:57:47) i am [absolutely](/view/11:22:55) attracted to that


blog protocol roadmap authentication [account](/view/10:57:53) migration federation ledger doesnt have any [accountability](/view/11:50:37) via cryptography history by tracing them [across](/view/11:09:33) history maybe there can be very different [across](/view/09:56:07) the boundary bluesky at protocol vs [activity](/view/10:57:14) pub diagrams are pretty wonderful [actually](/view/11:14:09) an heres how we [actually](/view/10:15:27) get the job


could be useful for [adding](/view/11:07:35) a cryptographic signature that a spec could [address](/view/11:12:34) or [address](/view/10:44:12) documents to the narrow and cannot be [advanced](/view/10:30:45) in favor of brian recalls a mentor [advising](/view/10:38:36) you have to


html one sort of [affordance](/view/11:16:46) paragraphs allow dragging around [affordances](/view/11:23:23) format and protocol easy [affordances](/view/11:55:55) easy customization create using fedwiki that these [affordances](/view/11:55:55) might be difficult to leave by each [afternoon](/view/10:04:29)


sure it never happens [again](/view/09:48:03) too particular a


of the outage but [aimed](/view/10:44:12) toward having the


with proof of work [algorithmically](/view/11:49:32) fascinating behaviorally and you need to not [align](/view/09:55:23) things closely inter planetary file system [aligned](/view/10:59:59) somewhat with at fine grained paragraphs [allow](/view/11:23:23) dragging around affordances is the essence which [allows](/view/11:00:56) interoperability in fedwiki there is [almost](/view/11:06:18) no server its eric describes interacting [alongside](/view/10:30:45) other volunteers with use their software project [alongside](/view/10:11:06) the customers to operator of the system [alongside](/view/10:15:27) the team built the security model is [already](/view/10:50:25) a point of mastodon is [already](/view/11:57:01) a protocol where hayden superior and globe [also](/view/09:54:35) an interesting place from wards descriptions we [also](/view/11:05:31) have a sitemap [also](/view/11:48:38) it rate limist simple file format is [also](/view/11:20:23) markdown rather than to evolve but they [also](/view/11:04:27) need to be we re [also](/view/11:05:55) pretty dependent on uh huh [also](/view/09:50:51) productivity based management eric [also](/view/10:55:36) relates the various a spec could [also](/view/11:13:47) say what items use domain names but [also](/view/11:07:35) the w c because eric has considered [alternative](/view/11:00:56) ways of organizing [although](/view/09:50:43) might just be system the problem is [always](/view/10:01:32) at the center templates examples [always](/view/09:44:18) help


stick figures https www [amazon](/view/12:00:45) com drawing right a boundary person an [ambassador](/view/10:17:03) a translator a discussion [among](/view/11:16:00) marc brian and groups broadly fedwiki but [amping](/view/10:46:03) it up toward


paywall for christmas movie [anaysis](/view/11:34:03) by nyt https text was the general [anchor](/view/12:03:48) granularity brian relates an [anecdote](/view/11:26:21) of how large remote [anna](/view/09:51:21) learn new things and [another](/view/10:04:29) person wants to embed in paragraphs is [another](/view/11:12:34) thing that a [anticipate](/view/12:01:36) that there will [anyone](/view/11:36:45) else use ulysses bovill he can do [anything](/view/11:05:31) he likes for could have done that [anytime](/view/10:08:28) so why did just be writing latex [anyway](/view/11:57:47) lol


protocol specifications which have [appeared](/view/10:53:04) as important on [apple](/view/11:39:08) is the lb like ulysses is a [apple](/view/11:37:08) thing so i the environment and relationships [appreciated](/view/09:59:33) by the vsm update of the microformats [approaches](/view/10:55:36) to things like


wont render the internet [archive](/view/11:56:12) [archive](/view/11:16:46) as html one thinking of say could [archive](/view/11:16:19) dot org render beakerbrowser beaker blob master [archive](/view/11:43:00) notice md how the internet [archive](/view/11:16:45) would show this pfrazee and beaker browser [archived](/view/11:35:57) https github com attempts in the same [area](/view/10:56:52) the board members cant [argue](/view/10:30:45) that your priorities copper corridor in middle [arizona](/view/09:52:12) tourist site map oracle [arizona](/view/09:54:35) through winkelman hayden grained paragraphs allow dragging [around](/view/11:23:23) affordances a point of shattering [around](/view/10:50:25) fedwikis federation ve interacted with him [around](/view/11:21:46) masfwiki idioms of dragging paragraphs [around](/view/11:24:26) page as data you finally got [around](/view/10:07:46) to the thing national weather services page [arrangement](/view/11:30:40) for the public graph but that turns [arrows](/view/11:40:02) into paths so


us [ascii](/view/12:03:48) text was the brian [asking](/view/10:05:16) my manager for person cares about tech [aspects](/view/09:50:21) all of the responsive [aspects](/view/12:10:27) of fedwiki the the utilization of [assets](/view/11:12:34) and what to sitemap json we have [assets](/view/11:05:31) folders those are an [association](/view/10:27:01) of neighborhood centers


cloud https github com [atek](/view/11:03:46) cloud pages a paragraph as [atomic](/view/11:25:11) unit of ideas that floppy bits vs [atoms](/view/11:48:10) https [atproto](/view/10:56:49) com from pauls link https [atproto](/view/10:57:53) com blog protocol https [atproto](/view/11:05:44) com guides overview sort of a brand [attached](/view/11:07:35) to cryptocurrencies even is simply and closely [attached](/view/11:59:18) to the real good and iffy painful [attempts](/view/10:56:52) in the same on the center of [attention](/view/11:29:35) needs a continuous i am absolutely [attracted](/view/11:22:55) to that for which some of this [attribution](/view/11:08:31) could be worked eric considers [attribution](/view/11:09:33) of wiki content


target communications to an [audience](/view/10:42:52) and use their reminds me of different [audiences](/view/09:50:21) talking past each google auth like twitter [auth](/view/11:02:48) like the certification on groups like google [auth](/view/11:02:48) like twitter auth com blog protocol roadmap [authentication](/view/10:57:53) account migration federation we care about the [authentication](/view/11:49:40) part not the a core for cryptographic [authentication](/view/11:51:46) these days the autonomy of the [author](/view/11:09:33) factor is giving the [author](/view/11:10:36) autonomy and power be particular to the [author](/view/11:09:33) w c decentralized auth like the certification [authorities](/view/11:02:48) is giving the author [autonomy](/view/11:10:36) and power over decentralized id preserving the [autonomy](/view/11:09:33) of the author


[avoid](/view/11:37:23) the beaker ng


needs a continuous triple [awareness](/view/11:29:35) the thing i the customers to see [awkward](/view/10:11:06) usability issues by


who if he comes [back](/view/10:40:20) late from work to use i went [back](/view/10:56:52) to looking at internet exploder or chrome [balkanization](/view/11:17:43) based management vs capability [based](/view/09:50:51) management uh huh also productivity [based](/view/09:50:51) management vs capability prototype [based](/view/09:44:13) practice has been surveying various [basic](/view/10:53:04) protocol specifications which


https github com beakerbrowser [beaker](/view/11:35:57) between [beaker](/view/11:03:46) and bsky paul https github com beakerbrowser [beaker](/view/11:43:00) blob master archive paul frazee and the [beaker](/view/10:59:14) browser github com pfrazee and [beaker](/view/11:35:57) browser archived https of the conclusion of [beaker](/view/11:43:00) browser https github avoid the [beaker](/view/11:37:23) ng follow on archived https github com [beakerbrowser](/view/11:35:57) beaker browser https github com [beakerbrowser](/view/11:43:00) beaker blob master on dat before it [became](/view/11:08:31) hypercore points out [because](/view/11:14:09) embedded svgs and wiki interoperability and federation [because](/view/11:00:56) eric has considered with the at protocol [because](/view/11:10:36) its heart is dying in some sense [because](/view/11:18:35) several mosaic features your working relationship can [become](/view/10:04:29) signficantly more effective center of the diagram [becuase](/view/10:01:32) the team is timely that eric has [been](/view/10:53:04) surveying various basic these mechanisms on dat [before](/view/11:08:31) it became hypercore of work algorithmically fascinating [behaviorally](/view/11:49:32) and organizationally eh key private key cryptography [being](/view/11:51:46) a core for incident was recognized as [being](/view/09:48:53) in progress i ve had fun [being](/view/10:17:52) in the middle a lark ends up [being](/view/10:07:11) the most popular suspect that i should [better](/view/11:35:55) understand tufte s the interest groups institutions [between](/view/10:25:56) [between](/view/11:03:46) beaker and bsky


and a few core [binary](/view/12:04:44) libraries dont copy that floppy [bits](/view/11:48:10) vs atoms


fear of the [blank](/view/09:43:58) page github com beakerbrowser beaker [blob](/view/11:43:00) master archive notice a fedwiki [block](/view/11:08:54) chain for permantent of how large a [block](/view/11:26:21) of knowledge is foundation could own that [blockchain](/view/11:10:12) and the resource [blockchain](/view/11:47:11) is cheap its i supposed a foundation [blockchain](/view/11:56:36) would have a https fedimeister onyxbits de [blog](/view/10:57:14) bluesky at protocol reading lorin hochsteins recent [blog](/view/09:47:35) entries about focusing link https atproto com [blog](/view/10:57:53) protocol roadmap authentication approaches to things like [blog](/view/10:55:36) syndication overspecific corrections https surfingcomplexity [blog](/view/09:50:07) the courage to fedimeister onyxbits de blog [bluesky](/view/10:57:14) at protocol vs with at protocol and [blueskys](/view/10:59:59) federation work


on your side the [board](/view/10:30:45) members cant argue other volunteers with school [board](/view/10:30:45) members related to examples on the miro [board](/view/09:43:26) showing the patterns great [book](/view/12:00:45) for people that easy customization create a [book](/view/11:55:55) using fedwiki that stay there ed emberleys [books](/view/12:01:57) third place [books](/view/10:37:20) an example of cares about and the [bottom](/view/09:50:21) person cares about very different across the [boundary](/view/09:56:07) hospital visit spellcheck a [boundary](/view/09:56:50) object [boundary](/view/09:55:40) object can be community a possible general [boundary](/view/09:59:33) object for examining boundary objects text a [boundary](/view/09:54:48) object is any column is made of [boundary](/view/09:55:08) objects replying to [boundary](/view/09:57:47) objects a replying to [boundary](/view/10:11:55) objects a [boundary](/view/09:56:40) objects a field scalar usc edu works [boundary](/view/09:54:48) objects guide boundary scalar usc edu works [boundary](/view/09:56:40) objects guide index wordpress com key concept [boundary](/view/10:11:55) objects pdf works boundary objects guide [boundary](/view/09:54:48) objects text a a [boundary](/view/10:17:03) person an ambassador eric considers david [bovill](/view/11:05:31) he can do


com drawing right side [brain](/view/12:00:45) definitive dp identities sort of a [brand](/view/11:07:35) attached to cryptocurrencies being in the middle [brian](/view/10:17:52) magnitude units and uncertainty [brian](/view/10:23:39) separable as a tweet [brian](/view/11:26:52) nodes on the screen [brian](/view/11:28:49) a discussion among marc [brian](/view/11:16:00) and eric about [brian](/view/10:15:27) as an operator [brian](/view/10:05:16) asking my manager [brian](/view/10:11:06) considers a warm [brian](/view/10:46:03) considers the center marc and [brian](/view/10:49:25) discuss the limitations [brian](/view/11:35:55) i suspect that is a place where [brian](/view/10:41:26) might have started page as data source [brian](/view/11:24:26) plays with some [brian](/view/10:38:36) recalls a mentor [brian](/view/11:28:31) reflects on the [brian](/view/11:30:40) reflects on tuftes [brian](/view/11:20:23) reflects pandoc as [brian](/view/10:34:08) reflects that groups [brian](/view/10:41:26) relates a story right unit of granularity [brian](/view/11:26:21) relates an anecdote [brian](/view/11:19:37) says could i leos in superior with [brians](/view/10:36:20) community party example [brians](/view/12:10:27) goal sharing information marc suggest that [brians](/view/11:31:46) insights on tuftes that people can understand [brians](/view/10:42:52) story a firefighter eric nods to [brians](/view/10:53:04) suggestion about standards will be working with [brians](/view/10:44:12) thought about erics the school if you [bring](/view/10:30:45) in members of telling chris about a [british](/view/10:37:01) pub a public in favor of the [broader](/view/10:30:45) community paraphrase zoom and chat groups [broadly](/view/10:46:03) fedwiki but amping json ld scheme more [broadly](/view/11:02:48) using all of frazee and the beaker [browser](/view/10:59:14) com pfrazee and beaker [browser](/view/11:35:57) archived https github we re depending on [browser](/view/11:17:43) ecosystem to remain the conclusion of beaker [browser](/view/11:43:00) https github com


between beaker and [bsky](/view/11:03:46) paul was working


idling the old [buick](/view/11:52:23) to solve sudoku run by the local [builder](/view/10:40:20) who if he locally [built](/view/11:45:17) compact data indexing system alongside the team [built](/view/10:15:27) trust and rapport cost of hardware [burden](/view/10:31:56) of retraining


priorities are narrow and [cannot](/view/10:30:45) be advanced in side the board members [cant](/view/10:30:45) argue that your productivity based management vs [capability](/view/09:50:51) based management we [care](/view/11:49:40) about the authentication awareness the thing i [care](/view/11:29:35) about the thing or make a [career](/view/12:02:48) of it tom other the top person [cares](/view/09:50:21) about and the and the bottom person [cares](/view/09:50:21) about tech aspects greg wilson software [carpentry](/view/10:21:22) history of software [carpentry](/view/10:24:57) https software carpentry software carpentry https software [carpentry](/view/10:24:57) org scf history twice as long or [carry](/view/10:42:52) half as much to the real use [cases](/view/11:59:18) erics reflection which


versus a specific neighborhood [center](/view/10:27:01) and a town eip i think the [center](/view/09:55:08) column is made university of minnesota geometry [center](/view/11:18:35) dying in some marc reflects on the [center](/view/11:29:35) of attention needs brian considers the [center](/view/10:46:03) of interest for is always at the [center](/view/10:01:32) of the diagram in intercultural dialogue https [centerforinterculturaldialogue](/view/10:11:55) files wordpress com an association of neighborhood [centers](/view/10:27:01) versus a specific points out that a [certain](/view/11:13:03) percentage of the twitter auth like the [certification](/view/11:02:48) authorities


to html as publishing [chain](/view/12:08:06) a fedwiki block [chain](/view/11:08:54) for permantent storage the [challenges](/view/11:44:39) are interesting to to compare with fedwikis [challenges](/view/11:44:39) some are similar be flexible for that [change](/view/12:01:36) the fedwiki zoom and [chat](/view/10:46:03) groups broadly fedwiki [chat](/view/10:09:57) llm interfaces and encryption is now fairly [cheap](/view/11:50:37) curren fedwiki distributed blockchain is [cheap](/view/11:47:11) its the proof for cooperation making specific [choices](/view/10:47:24) to work together example from kerry telling [chris](/view/10:37:01) about a british interactive upshot hallmark lifetime [christmas](/view/11:34:03) html maybe a paywall for [christmas](/view/11:34:03) movie anaysis by no internet exploder or [chrome](/view/11:17:43) balkanization


that groups of senior [citizens](/view/10:34:08) in his local


units as a first [class](/view/10:22:34) thing eric a nice [clean](/view/12:07:33) format there not [clear](/view/11:26:21) if the paragraph graphviz diagrams with their [clickable](/view/11:27:26) links as high likes for his wiki [client](/view/11:05:31) in whatever language in traditional [client](/view/11:06:18) server those formats everything is in the [client](/view/11:06:18) so then when other as the various [clients](/view/11:06:18) evolve everyone has their own [clients](/view/11:06:18) how to keep clients how to keep [clients](/view/11:06:18) interoperable with each to not align things [closely](/view/09:55:23) code is simply and [closely](/view/11:59:18) attached to the hesitates to work too [closely](/view/11:10:36) with the at https github com atek [cloud](/view/11:03:46) working on a personal [cloud](/view/11:03:46) https github com


the [code](/view/11:59:18) is simply and story about the local [coffee](/view/10:41:26) shop where a part tied to the [coins](/view/11:47:11) part that is [color](/view/10:08:28) customization for example to seven things using [color](/view/11:28:31) or grouping to demonstration of the eip [column](/view/10:25:56) diagrams the hierarchy i think the center [column](/view/09:55:08) is made of to be ordered by [column](/view/11:32:19) one ordering of the [columns](/view/11:32:19) ordering of the marc says that the [combination](/view/12:08:57) of many sorts group of farmers would [come](/view/10:41:26) in and talk protocol where the federation [comes](/view/11:57:01) and goes for builder who if he [comes](/view/10:40:20) back late from work together as a [commitment](/view/10:47:24) something like twitter the [common](/view/11:10:36) factor is giving he likes but the [common](/view/11:05:31) point needs to in [common](/view/12:03:58) with runoff and how the java environment [communicates](/view/10:54:53) with external resources be as useful for [communication](/view/11:40:02) as much weight target [communications](/view/10:42:52) to an audience to connect with the [community](/view/10:41:26) appreciated by the vsm [community](/view/09:59:33) a possible general citizens in his local [community](/view/10:34:08) are good at maybe you organize the [community](/view/10:38:36) gatherings yourself by members of the [community](/view/11:17:05) interaction get a of a deliberately intended [community](/view/10:37:20) living room public house as a [community](/view/10:37:01) living room to members of the larger [community](/view/10:30:45) on your side favor of the broader [community](/view/10:30:45) paraphrase in superior with brians [community](/view/10:36:20) party example as small [community](/view/09:36:38) scale software seems locally built [compact](/view/11:45:17) data indexing was challenges are interesting to [compare](/view/11:44:39) with fedwikis challenges discuss the limitations of [compatibility](/view/10:49:25) and the consequences json ld to a [compatible](/view/11:01:39) spec level tiny gem which is [complete](/view/11:58:16) in essence [complex](/view/09:50:07) systems and overspecific landing page increasing in [complexity](/view/11:30:40) and detail and eric reflects that the [complexity](/view/11:15:27) of the federated many sorts of plugins [composable](/view/12:08:57) in fedwiki is and then you can [compose](/view/11:28:31) the three things with different ways to [compose](/view/11:14:54) wiki content which and the things its [composed](/view/11:29:35) of fedwiki as flexible [composing](/view/12:07:48) environment possibly work one day [computer](/view/11:57:56) projects in erics no [computer](/view/10:22:34) scientist writes languages board members related to [computers](/view/10:30:45) provided for the files wordpress com key [concept](/view/10:11:55) boundary objects pdf single page from key [concepts](/view/10:11:55) in intercultural dialogue of ideas separation of [concerns](/view/11:25:11) with regard to up history of the [conclusion](/view/11:43:00) of beaker browser having a [concrete](/view/11:58:45) real example of might have started to [connect](/view/10:41:26) with the community make this sort of [connection](/view/10:37:01) thats not the significant [connection](/view/11:07:35) there are signed way of making human [connections](/view/10:36:20) for networking and marc [connects](/view/10:36:20) leos in superior of compatibility and the [consequences](/view/10:49:25) of workflows which federation because eric has [considered](/view/11:00:56) alternative ways of brian [considers](/view/10:11:06) a warm hand eric [considers](/view/11:09:33) attribution of wiki eric [considers](/view/11:05:31) david bovill he brian [considers](/view/10:46:03) the center of eric [considers](/view/11:00:56) what is the to make the content [consistent](/view/11:19:37) [consortium](/view/10:51:06) of standards it was the [consultant](/view/10:05:24) not the consulting the consultant not the [consulting](/view/10:05:24) a way that a [consulting](/view/10:19:06) developer can focus power over their own [content](/view/11:10:36) and not go through to make the [content](/view/11:19:37) consistent page versions of wiki [content](/view/11:19:37) eric says yes considers attribution of wiki [content](/view/11:09:33) history by tracing can generate all the [content](/view/11:20:23) in the way metadata outside the page [content](/view/11:17:49) itself ways of organizing the [content](/view/11:00:56) so what is dot org render wiki [content](/view/11:16:19) somehow ways to compose wiki [content](/view/11:14:54) which are not losing the [context](/view/11:17:49) required for dynamic dev team having to [continue](/view/10:11:06) to use their of attention needs a [continuous](/view/11:29:35) triple awareness the brian plays with some [contrast](/view/11:24:26) to markdown as very first web project [converting](/view/12:03:29) vax runoff docs though the [cool](/view/11:37:03) kids are using people to pay for [cooperation](/view/10:47:24) making specific choices people to pay for [coordination](/view/10:47:24) not stepping on maybe there are old [copies](/view/11:09:33) of the page interesting that latest ai [copilots](/view/09:45:17) really end up the [copper](/view/09:52:12) corridor in middle can take the local [copy](/view/11:09:47) of your own dont [copy](/view/11:48:10) that floppy bits things like soap and [corba](/view/10:56:52) as previous examples formats and a few [core](/view/12:04:44) binary libraries key cryptography being a [core](/view/11:51:46) for cryptographic authentication one of the markdown [core](/view/11:37:03) implementors since its folders those are the [core](/view/11:05:31) pieces of the it still at the [core](/view/10:54:53) yes and how or may not be [correct](/view/09:45:17) complex systems and overspecific [corrections](/view/09:50:07) https surfingcomplexity blog the copper [corridor](/view/09:52:12) in middle arizona if the outage [cost](/view/09:48:03) how much should [cost](/view/10:31:56) of hardware burden level execs and managers [cost](/view/10:44:12) of the outage thing that a spec [could](/view/11:12:34) address a spec [could](/view/11:13:47) also say what thinking of say [could](/view/11:16:19) archive dot org missing from fedwiki it [could](/view/11:07:35) be useful for some of this attribution [could](/view/11:08:31) be worked out the spec until it [could](/view/10:04:43) by parsed with from to edge [could](/view/11:40:02) encode any graph for example oh we [could](/view/10:08:28) have done that brian says [could](/view/11:19:37) i create static a fedwiki foundation [could](/view/11:10:12) own that blockchain the simplest thing that [could](/view/11:57:56) possibly work one details the lead engineer [could](/view/10:03:51) quickly draw a center and a town [council](/view/10:27:01) https surfingcomplexity blog the [courage](/view/09:50:07) to imagine other


story [craft](/view/09:36:54) easy affordances easy customization [create](/view/11:55:55) a book using brian says could i [create](/view/11:19:37) static page versions a brand attached to [cryptocurrencies](/view/11:07:35) even if thats trade for illicit drugs [cryptocurrency](/view/11:52:23) mining being a core for [cryptographic](/view/11:51:46) authentication these days useful for adding a [cryptographic](/view/11:07:35) signature for the have any accountability via [cryptography](/view/11:50:37) public key private key [cryptography](/view/11:51:46) being a core


is now fairly cheap [curren](/view/11:50:37) fedwiki distributed ledger the [customer](/view/10:06:41) demonstrates the workflow marc as engaged [customer](/view/10:09:26) using fedwiki demonstrating popular thing to the [customer](/view/10:07:11) ward most valuable to the [customer](/view/10:19:06) ward the same way the [customers](/view/10:11:29) did using it like the [customers](/view/10:11:06) do software project alongside the [customers](/view/10:11:06) to see awkward protocol easy affordances easy [customization](/view/11:55:55) create a book color [customization](/view/10:08:28) for example oh proofing if there are [customizations](/view/11:55:55) of the wiki up generating dreaming very [customized](/view/09:45:17) templates that may


my manager for his [dashboard](/view/10:05:16) was very informative the simplicity of wards [data](/view/11:14:54) design offers opportunities locally built compact [data](/view/11:45:17) indexing was a aspects of fedwiki the [data](/view/12:10:27) manipulation of a core pieces of the [data](/view/11:05:31) model columns ordering of the [data](/view/11:32:19) rows which dont paragraphs around page as [data](/view/11:24:26) source brian plays copy of your own [data](/view/11:09:47) to a new wiki is a distributed [database](/view/11:04:27) of pages the wiki as a [database](/view/12:10:50) to store information eric considers [david](/view/11:05:31) bovill he can for cryptographic authentication these [days](/view/11:51:46)


the author w c [decentralized](/view/11:09:33) id preserving the also the w c [decentralized](/view/11:07:35) identities sort of drawing right side brain [definitive](/view/12:00:45) dp an example of a [deliberately](/view/10:37:20) intended community living toward more specific project [deliveries](/view/10:46:03) would likely narrow the customer [demonstrates](/view/10:06:41) the workflow weekly engaged customer using fedwiki [demonstrating](/view/10:09:26) workflow and usage to marcs [demonstration](/view/10:25:56) of the eip nelsons mother of all [demos](/view/10:09:57) clickable links as high [density](/view/11:27:26) entanglements of ideas neglected even within organizations [departmental](/view/09:36:38) level consequences of workflows which [depend](/view/10:49:25) on new and we re also pretty [dependent](/view/11:05:55) on domain names we re [depending](/view/11:17:43) on browser ecosystem of these global ontologies [depends](/view/11:02:48) on groups like eric [describes](/view/10:30:45) interacting alongside other paul frazees [description](/view/11:08:31) of these mechanisms here starting from wards [descriptions](/view/11:05:31) we also have value of a detailed [design](/view/09:49:22) document vs operating simplicity of wards data [design](/view/11:14:54) offers opportunities for relating to software [design](/view/09:49:22) the relative value pattern in domain driven [design](/view/09:55:23) when you need and leader will succeed [despite](/view/10:06:29) the process the increasing in complexity and [detail](/view/11:30:40) and scope as relative value of a [detailed](/view/09:49:22) design document vs not involved in those [details](/view/09:49:22) principles document too many [details](/view/09:49:22) require too much was getting lost in [details](/view/10:03:51) the lead engineer way that a consulting [developer](/view/10:19:06) can focus on tough on open source [developers](/view/11:39:54)


are we on this [diagram](/view/10:26:05) the center of the [diagram](/view/10:01:32) becuase the team could quickly draw a [diagram](/view/10:03:51) of the system because embedded svgs and [diagrams](/view/11:14:09) are pretty wonderful of the eip column [diagrams](/view/10:25:56) the hierarchy of eric reflects on graphviz [diagrams](/view/11:27:26) with their clickable key concepts in intercultural [dialogue](/view/10:11:55) https centerforinterculturaldialogue files state some are just [different](/view/11:44:39) significance can be very [different](/view/09:56:07) across the boundary thing reminds me of [different](/view/09:50:21) audiences talking past all valid but slightly [different](/view/09:45:06) examples a hosiptal visit [different](/view/09:56:28) to each participant opportunities for experimenting with [different](/view/11:14:54) ways to compose each others toes and [difficult](/view/10:47:24) to get people these affordances might be [difficult](/view/11:55:55) to preserve and graphs let you [digest](/view/11:28:31) five to seven information a script to [digest](/view/12:10:50) it into a where its easy to [digest](/view/11:28:31) three things at several mosaic features were [discontinued](/view/11:18:35) like the sketch https www [discovercoppercorridor](/view/09:54:35) org explore tourist and jini local network [discovery](/view/10:54:53) how about jndi service [discovery](/view/10:54:53) and jini local marc and brian [discuss](/view/10:49:25) the limitations of a [discussion](/view/11:16:00) among marc brian brian reflects on tuftes [discussion](/view/11:30:40) of web pages when the [discussion](/view/10:03:51) was getting lost is incidental are not [distinguished](/view/09:45:43) federated wiki is a [distributed](/view/11:04:27) database of pages fairly cheap curren fedwiki [distributed](/view/11:50:37) ledger doesnt have [distributed](/view/11:47:30) ledger interesting [distributed](/view/11:47:41) ledger with proof [distributed](/view/11:49:32) ledger with proof a [divinding](/view/09:56:20) river


cool kids are using [djot](/view/11:37:03) from one of


json ld org https [docs](/view/10:56:09) oracle com javase project converting vax runoff [docs](/view/12:03:29) to a static existance of such a [document](/view/09:50:30) just gives other about erics incident report [document](/view/10:44:12) that the document document vs operating principles [document](/view/09:49:22) too many details of a detailed design [document](/view/09:49:22) vs operating principles report document that the [document](/view/10:44:12) was written by or address [documents](/view/10:44:12) to the people external resources jdbc etc [does](/view/10:54:53) spring still use curren fedwiki distributed ledger [doesnt](/view/11:50:37) have any accountability eric relates ontology [doesnt](/view/11:01:39) seem to be know what you are [doing](/view/09:50:30) helps with trust we have lattitude for [doing](/view/10:09:57) really new things server on a new [domain](/view/11:09:47) separate ways pattern in [domain](/view/09:55:23) driven design when repository records from the [domain](/view/11:07:35) holder this is the page but the [domain](/view/11:09:33) is lost the protocol we ll use [domain](/view/11:07:35) names but also also pretty dependent on [domain](/view/11:05:55) names but everybody actually get the job [done](/view/10:15:27) oh we could have [done](/view/10:08:28) that anytime so [dont](/view/11:48:10) copy that floppy the data rows which [dont](/view/11:32:19) necessarily need to sometimes a [dorky](/view/10:07:11) thing that the or grouping to keep [down](/view/11:28:31) to five to


fine grained paragraphs allow [dragging](/view/11:23:23) around affordances structure and idioms of [dragging](/view/11:24:26) paragraphs around page lead engineer could quickly [draw](/view/10:03:51) a diagram of groups at tektronix research [draw](/view/10:01:32) a picture of book for people that [draw](/view/12:00:45) stick figures https https www amazon com [drawing](/view/12:00:45) right side brain really end up generating [dreaming](/view/09:45:17) very customized templates ways pattern in domain [driven](/view/09:55:23) design when you can trade for illicit [drugs](/view/11:52:23) cryptocurrency mining


ontologies to be useful [during](/view/11:02:48) transition to a


of minnesota geometry center [dying](/view/11:18:35) in some sense the context required for [dynamic](/view/11:17:49) operation and federation


wants to leave by [each](/view/10:04:29) afternoon able to talk to [each](/view/11:04:27) other keep clients interoperable with [each](/view/11:06:18) other as the different audiences talking past [each](/view/09:50:21) other the top coordination not stepping on [each](/view/10:47:24) others toes and not work to have [each](/view/11:26:52) paragraph be separable hosiptal visit different to [each](/view/09:56:28) participant [earthstar](/view/11:09:59) has some of thanks for the [earthstar](/view/11:12:20) link hadnt heard the same things https [earthstar](/view/11:09:59) project org which i prefer its [easier](/view/11:20:23) than writing those wiki format and protocol [easy](/view/11:55:55) affordances easy customization and protocol easy affordances [easy](/view/11:55:55) customization create a the form where its [easy](/view/11:28:31) to digest three marc reflects that its [easy](/view/10:47:24) to get people [easy](/view/10:04:39) to work with


editors are a big [ecosystem](/view/12:04:29) re depending on browser [ecosystem](/view/11:17:43) to remain viable diagrams the hierarchy of [ecosystems](/view/10:25:56) the hierarchy of


table with from to [edge](/view/11:40:02) could encode any neovim a programmers text [editor](/view/12:11:17) nvim image [editors](/view/12:04:29) are a big [edlin](/view/12:11:56) exe


can become signficantly more [effective](/view/10:04:29) for example one


[ejbs](/view/12:00:14) i missed out


anyone [else](/view/11:36:45) use ulysses


assets and what to [embed](/view/11:12:34) in paragraphs is because [embedded](/view/11:14:09) svgs and diagrams gauld is totally an [emberley](/view/12:02:48) style and stay there ed [emberleys](/view/12:01:57) books


[enable](/view/11:17:05) forking by members search and neighborhood are [enabled](/view/11:11:44) by fetching things from to edge could [encode](/view/11:40:02) any graph but [encryption](/view/11:50:37) is now fairly in as a lark [ends](/view/10:07:11) up being the formats and protocols are [enforced](/view/11:06:18) by the server marc as [engaged](/view/10:09:26) customer using fedwiki in details the lead [engineer](/view/10:03:51) could quickly draw the workflow weekly to [engineering](/view/10:06:41) ward links as high density [entanglements](/view/11:27:26) of ideas which lorin hochsteins recent blog [entries](/view/09:47:35) about focusing on fedwiki as flexible composing [environment](/view/12:07:48) sofi model including the [environment](/view/09:59:33) and relationships appreciated for how the java [environment](/view/10:54:53) communicates with external eric reflects on the [environment](/view/10:54:53) of standards for


a first class thing [eric](/view/10:22:34) names but everybody is [eric](/view/11:05:55) with regard to prose [eric](/view/11:25:11) of tiny simple solutions [eric](/view/11:59:53) among marc brian and [eric](/view/11:16:00) about failure modes [eric](/view/10:55:36) also relates the [eric](/view/11:09:33) considers attribution of [eric](/view/11:05:31) considers david bovill [eric](/view/11:00:56) considers what is [eric](/view/10:30:45) describes interacting alongside as somewhat timely that [eric](/view/10:53:04) has been surveying interoperability and federation because [eric](/view/11:00:56) has considered alternative [eric](/view/11:10:36) hesitates to work marc [eric](/view/10:55:04) is talking about [eric](/view/11:02:48) nods that say [eric](/view/10:53:04) nods to brians [eric](/view/11:04:27) notes that a [eric](/view/11:55:55) points out some [eric](/view/11:14:54) points out that [eric](/view/11:27:26) reflects on graphviz [eric](/view/10:54:53) reflects on the [eric](/view/11:07:35) reflects on the [eric](/view/11:15:27) reflects that the [eric](/view/11:01:39) relates ontology doesnt versions of wiki content [eric](/view/11:19:37) says yes though [eric](/view/09:48:39) take a look with brians thought about [erics](/view/10:44:12) incident report document day computer projects in [erics](/view/11:57:56) reflection the real use cases [erics](/view/11:59:18) reflection which is things which sounds like [erics](/view/09:47:35) template question problem


page to be an [essay](/view/11:26:52) it may not which is complete in [essence](/view/11:58:16) so what is the [essence](/view/11:00:56) which allows interoperability right what is [essential](/view/09:45:43) and what is


and there are two [evaluation](/view/09:53:54) functions on that brand attached to cryptocurrencies [even](/view/11:07:35) if thats not scale software seems neglected [even](/view/09:36:38) within organizations departmental in and talk together [every](/view/10:41:26) day this is on domain names but [everybody](/view/11:05:55) is eric client so then when [everyone](/view/11:06:18) has their own i have to have [everyone](/view/11:01:39) participating maintaining the of json files and [everything](/view/11:06:18) is in the as the various clients [evolve](/view/11:06:18) to be able to [evolve](/view/11:04:27) but they also


m reminded of tim [ewald](/view/10:26:25) s talk from


general boundary object for [examining](/view/09:59:33) relationships from the for [example](/view/11:40:02) a table with wards heuristic [example](/view/10:01:32) about helping groups with brians community party [example](/view/10:36:20) as a way marc provides an [example](/view/10:37:01) from kerry telling gollumwiki an [example](/view/11:22:02) implementation third place books an [example](/view/10:37:20) of a deliberately paul gives an [example](/view/10:40:20) of a local wards [example](/view/10:04:43) of a parser having a concrete real [example](/view/11:58:45) of a problem color customization for [example](/view/10:08:28) oh we could signficantly more effective for [example](/view/10:04:29) one person really other servers like for [example](/view/11:12:04) ralfs servers valid but slightly different [examples](/view/09:45:06) templates [examples](/view/09:44:18) always help and corba as previous [examples](/view/10:56:52) of good and nice [examples](/view/09:43:26) on the miro i love [examples](/view/10:24:40) with particular named written by high level [execs](/view/10:44:12) and managers cost but the [existance](/view/09:50:30) of such a coins part that is [expensive](/view/11:47:11) from ward from his [experience](/view/11:59:53) of tiny simple design offers opportunities for [experimenting](/view/11:14:54) with different ways remain viable no internet [exploder](/view/11:17:43) or chrome balkanization https www discovercoppercorridor org [explore](/view/09:54:35) tourist site map [export](/view/12:04:19) is big for [export](/view/12:08:06) of markdown and [exporting](/view/12:04:40) a page to java environment communicates with [external](/view/10:54:53) resources jdbc etc


but is the lessor [factor](/view/10:06:29) like twitter the common [factor](/view/11:10:36) is giving the brian and eric about [failure](/view/11:16:00) modes for federation modes for federation a [failure](/view/11:16:00) to whom courage to imagine other [failures](/view/09:50:07) encryption is now [fairly](/view/11:50:37) cheap curren fedwiki where a group of [farmers](/view/10:41:26) would come in proof of work algorithmically [fascinating](/view/11:49:32) behaviorally and organizationally cannot be advanced in [favor](/view/10:30:45) of the broader there are a few [favored](/view/12:04:44) formats and a


[fear](/view/09:43:58) of the blank sense because several mosaic [features](/view/11:18:35) were discontinued like the complexity of the [federated](/view/11:15:27) links the magic the specification for how [federated](/view/11:00:56) wiki interoperability and to maintain here in [federated](/view/11:04:27) wiki is a [federated](/view/11:24:26) wikis structure and of shattering around fedwikis [federation](/view/10:50:25) roadmap authentication account migration [federation](/view/10:57:53) fetching things from the [federation](/view/11:11:44) about failure modes for [federation](/view/11:16:00) a failure to federated wiki interoperability and [federation](/view/11:00:56) because eric has a protocol where the [federation](/view/11:57:01) comes and goes for dynamic operation and [federation](/view/11:17:49) losing the metadata at protocol and blueskys [federation](/view/10:59:59) work https [fedimeister](/view/10:57:14) onyxbits de blog [fedwiki](/view/12:07:48) as flexible composing a [fedwiki](/view/11:08:54) block chain for and chat groups broadly [fedwiki](/view/10:46:03) but amping it as engaged customer using [fedwiki](/view/10:09:26) demonstrating workflow and now fairly cheap curren [fedwiki](/view/11:50:37) distributed ledger doesnt a [fedwiki](/view/11:10:12) foundation could own of plugins composable in [fedwiki](/view/12:08:57) is a win this is missing from [fedwiki](/view/11:07:35) it could be a way to import [fedwiki](/view/11:26:27) lineups into ulysses writing those plugins for [fedwiki](/view/11:20:23) my underlying simple of people can keep [fedwiki](/view/11:59:18) running create a book using [fedwiki](/view/11:55:55) that these affordances the responsive aspects of [fedwiki](/view/12:10:27) the data manipulation by the server in [fedwiki](/view/11:06:18) there is almost of interest for the [fedwiki](/view/10:46:03) zoom and chat interesting to compare with [fedwikis](/view/11:44:39) challenges some are point of shattering around [fedwikis](/view/10:50:25) federation ie g urls or [fedwitki](/view/10:55:04) sites neighborhood are enabled by [fetching](/view/11:11:44) things from the


boundary objects a [field](/view/09:56:40) guide https scalar so how do we [figure](/view/10:44:12) this out stick [figures](/view/12:01:57) and stay there people that draw stick [figures](/view/12:00:45) https www amazon fedwiki my underlying simple [file](/view/11:20:23) format is also server its largely a [file](/view/11:06:18) server of json ipfs inter planetary [file](/view/10:59:59) system aligned somewhat markdown shared versioned [files](/view/11:22:20) file server of json [files](/view/11:06:18) and everything is intercultural dialogue https centerforinterculturaldialogue [files](/view/10:11:55) wordpress com key having the operations team [fill](/view/10:44:12) it out so you [finally](/view/10:07:46) got around to would be interesting to [find](/view/11:26:27) a way to [fine](/view/11:23:23) grained paragraphs allow can stay in a [fire](/view/10:42:52) site twice as understand brians story a [firefighter](/view/10:42:52) can stay in that need to happen [first](/view/09:34:49) is thinking of that [first](/view/10:01:32) with units as a [first](/view/10:22:34) class thing eric my very [first](/view/12:03:29) web project converting graphs let you digest [five](/view/11:28:31) to seven things to keep down to [five](/view/11:28:31) to seven things


renderer with my own [flavor](/view/11:20:23) i can generate fedwiki as [flexible](/view/12:07:48) composing environment a version and be [flexible](/view/12:01:36) for that change dont copy that [floppy](/view/11:48:10) bits vs atoms


eric nods that say [foaf](/view/11:02:48) dot org has a consulting developer can [focus](/view/10:19:06) on the work recent blog entries about [focusing](/view/09:47:35) on the wrong json we have assets [folders](/view/11:05:31) those are the avoid the beaker ng [follow](/view/11:37:23) on from the make them hard to [forge](/view/11:07:35) as my words enable [forking](/view/11:17:05) by members of is naturally to the [form](/view/11:26:21) brian reflects on the [form](/view/11:28:31) where its easy like json ld a [formalized](/view/10:55:36) update of the for a personal wiki [format](/view/11:22:55) customizations of the wiki [format](/view/11:55:55) and protocol easy my underlying simple file [format](/view/11:20:23) is also markdown a nice clean [format](/view/12:07:33) there up json as the [format](/view/10:56:52) to use i are a few favored [formats](/view/12:04:44) and a few traditional client server those [formats](/view/11:06:18) and protocols are as a lump of [formatted](/view/11:24:26) text thompson morrisons paragraph [formed](/view/11:25:11) wiki pages a [fossilized](/view/10:10:14) i supposed a [foundation](/view/11:56:36) blockchain would have a fedwiki [foundation](/view/11:10:12) could own that


out some risks of [fragility](/view/11:55:55) and future proofing would likely narrow and [fragment](/view/10:46:03) the members of paul [frazee](/view/10:58:55) protocol related to paul [frazee](/view/10:59:14) and the beaker replying to paul [frazee](/view/11:37:23) https paul [frazee](/view/11:35:57) https github com paul [frazees](/view/11:08:31) description of these of the most user [friendly](/view/10:08:36) programs i ve holder this is missing [from](/view/11:07:35) fedwiki it could of simplicity from ward [from](/view/11:59:53) his experience of tim ewald s talk [from](/view/10:26:25) https www youtube marc provides an example [from](/view/10:37:01) kerry telling chris a single page [from](/view/10:11:55) key concepts in kids are using djot [from](/view/11:37:03) one of the including pulling over indexes [from](/view/11:12:04) other servers like the at protocol roadmap [from](/view/10:57:53) pauls link https are signed repository records [from](/view/11:07:35) the domain holder enabled by fetching things [from](/view/11:11:44) the federation object for examining relationships [from](/view/09:59:33) the point of beaker ng follow on [from](/view/11:37:23) the same place example a table with [from](/view/11:40:02) to edge could the practice of simplicity [from](/view/11:59:53) ward from his fuzzy spec here starting [from](/view/11:05:31) wards descriptions we he comes back late [from](/view/10:40:20) work the locals masfwiki obsidian markdown with [front](/view/11:21:17) matter


there are two evaluation [functions](/view/09:53:54) on that state the not so far [future](/view/11:16:45) risks of fragility and [future](/view/11:55:55) proofing if there non technical people warm [fuzzies](/view/09:50:30) that you know json we have a [fuzzy](/view/11:05:31) spec here starting


trust and rapport and [gained](/view/10:15:27) insights theres an you organize the community [gatherings](/view/10:38:36) yourself career of it tom [gauld](/view/12:02:48) is totally an we [gave](/view/10:56:52) up on xml


ascii text was the [general](/view/12:03:48) anchor vsm community a possible [general](/view/09:59:33) boundary object for on new and non [general](/view/10:49:25) item types requiring own flavor i can [generate](/view/11:20:23) all the content [generated](/view/09:50:52) by ai nowadays copilots really end up [generating](/view/09:45:17) dreaming very customized an interesting place for [geologists](/view/09:54:35) and paleontologists the university of minnesota [geometry](/view/11:18:35) center dying in com javase jndi tutorial [getstarted](/view/10:56:09) overview index html when the discussion was [getting](/view/10:03:51) lost in details


a personal cloud https [github](/view/11:03:46) com atek cloud beaker browser archived https [github](/view/11:35:57) com beakerbrowser beaker of beaker browser https [github](/view/11:43:00) com beakerbrowser beaker paul frazee https [github](/view/11:35:57) com pfrazee and paul [gives](/view/10:40:20) an example of such a document just [gives](/view/09:50:30) other largely non the common factor is [giving](/view/11:10:36) the author autonomy


using all of these [global](/view/11:02:48) ontologies depends on winkelman hayden superior and [globe](/view/09:54:35) also an interesting the [glue](/view/10:17:07) work


brians [goal](/view/12:10:27) sharing information as the federation comes and [goes](/view/11:57:01) for moderation reasons be part of whats [going](/view/10:38:36) on or maybe [gollumwiki](/view/11:22:02) an example implementation as previous examples of [good](/view/10:56:52) and iffy painful his local community are [good](/view/10:34:08) at networking and lookup system with vetted [good](/view/09:45:35) patterns rather than a [good](/view/09:45:35) textbook lookup system depends on groups like [google](/view/11:02:48) auth like twitter apple is the lb [gorilla](/view/11:39:08) here i got tired of [gorilla](/view/11:39:29) wrestling the hierarchy of political [governance](/view/10:25:56) structures and the


fine [grained](/view/11:23:23) paragraphs allow dragging the right unit of [granularity](/view/11:26:21) brian relates an edge could encode any [graph](/view/11:40:02) but that turns i think tables and [graphs](/view/11:38:56) are isomorphic but a time marc and [graphs](/view/11:28:31) let you digest eric reflects on [graphviz](/view/11:27:26) diagrams with their theres [grass](/view/09:46:14) in the picture [great](/view/12:00:45) book for people [greg](/view/10:21:22) wilson software carpentry ve promised to go [grocery](/view/09:34:49) shopping this morning the members of the [group](/view/10:46:03) coffee shop where a [group](/view/10:41:26) of farmers would why such a small [group](/view/11:59:18) of people can things using color or [grouping](/view/11:28:31) to keep down heuristic example about helping [groups](/view/10:01:32) at tektronix research fedwiki zoom and chat [groups](/view/10:46:03) broadly fedwiki but structures and the interest [groups](/view/10:25:56) institutions between global ontologies depends on [groups](/view/11:02:48) like google auth brian reflects that [groups](/view/10:34:08) of senior citizens it rate limist the [growth](/view/11:48:38) of the pool


edu works boundary objects [guide](/view/09:54:48) boundary objects text boundary objects a field [guide](/view/09:56:40) https scalar usc edu works boundary objects [guide](/view/09:56:40) index https atproto com [guides](/view/11:05:44) overview


for the earthstar link [hadnt](/view/11:12:20) heard of them as long or carry [half](/view/10:42:52) as much weight nytimes com interactive upshot [hallmark](/view/11:34:03) lifetime christmas html brian considers a warm [hand](/view/10:11:06) off for usability things that need to [happen](/view/09:34:49) first make sure it never [happens](/view/09:48:03) again too particular a similar thing that [happens](/view/10:04:29) when you ask missed out on them [happily](/view/12:00:14) publish to make them [hard](/view/11:07:35) to forge as cost of [hardware](/view/10:31:56) burden of retraining the page json we [have](/view/11:05:31) a fuzzy spec you do want to [have](/view/11:28:49) a hundred nodes a foundation blockchain would [have](/view/11:56:36) a moderation issue wards descriptions we also [have](/view/11:05:31) a sitemap json once you [have](/view/11:28:49) a use for fedwiki distributed ledger doesnt [have](/view/11:50:37) any accountability via basic protocol specifications which [have](/view/10:53:04) appeared as important a sitemap json we [have](/view/11:05:31) assets folders those example oh we could [have](/view/10:08:28) done that anytime may not work to [have](/view/11:26:52) each paragraph be me i have to [have](/view/11:01:39) everyone participating maintaining i wouldnt [have](/view/10:11:29) had that insight are now where we [have](/view/10:09:57) lattitude for doing to have quantities which [have](/view/10:23:39) magnitude units and then you want to [have](/view/10:23:39) quantities which have place where brian might [have](/view/10:41:26) started to connect in ux wimp interfaces [have](/view/10:09:57) stratified since nelsons a mentor advising you [have](/view/10:38:36) to go to path for me i [have](/view/11:01:39) to have everyone apple thing so i [havent](/view/11:37:08) [having](/view/11:58:45) a concrete real i love [having](/view/09:45:06) multiple models tha outage but aimed toward [having](/view/10:44:12) the operations team that the dev team [having](/view/10:11:06) to continue to oracle arizona through winkelman [hayden](/view/09:54:35) superior and globe


the earthstar link hadnt [heard](/view/11:12:20) of them at protocol because its [heart](/view/11:10:36) is to replace templates examples always [help](/view/09:44:18) process the process can [help](/view/10:06:29) or not but not necessarily [helpful](/view/10:05:28) but useful for wards heuristic example about [helping](/view/10:01:32) groups at tektronix what you are doing [helps](/view/09:50:30) with trust is the lb gorilla [here](/view/11:39:08) re wanting to maintain [here](/view/11:04:27) in federated wiki have a fuzzy spec [here](/view/11:05:31) starting from wards official script and an [heres](/view/10:15:27) how we actually eric [hesitates](/view/11:10:36) to work too wards [heuristic](/view/10:01:32) example about helping


of secrecy proprietary stuff [hiding](/view/11:39:27) eip column diagrams the [hierarchy](/view/10:25:56) of ecosystems the hierarchy of ecosystems the [hierarchy](/view/10:25:56) of political governance their clickable links as [high](/view/11:27:26) density entanglements of document was written by [high](/view/10:44:12) level execs and software carpentry org scf [history](/view/10:24:57) attribution of wiki content [history](/view/11:09:33) by tracing them by tracing them across [history](/view/11:09:33) maybe there are [history](/view/10:24:57) of software carpentry of the history pre [history](/view/10:59:14) of the at wrap up [history](/view/11:43:00) of the conclusion relates some of the [history](/view/10:59:14) pre history of


was just reading lorin [hochsteins](/view/09:47:35) recent blog entries records from the domain [holder](/view/11:07:35) this is missing a [hosiptal](/view/09:56:28) visit different to a [hospital](/view/09:56:50) visit spellcheck a we re at the [hour](/view/12:05:05) british pub a public [house](/view/10:37:01) as a community


tutorial getstarted overview index [html](/view/10:56:09) upshot hallmark lifetime christmas [html](/view/11:34:03) common with runoff and [html](/view/12:03:58) markdown and markdown to [html](/view/12:08:06) as publishing chain archive as [html](/view/11:16:46) one sort of [http](/view/09:48:31) marc relocalizecreativity net replying to paul frazee [https](/view/11:37:23) [https](/view/10:56:49) atproto com roadmap from pauls link [https](/view/10:57:53) atproto com blog [https](/view/11:05:44) atproto com guides concepts in intercultural dialogue [https](/view/10:11:55) centerforinterculturaldialogue files wordpress https json ld org [https](/view/10:56:09) docs oracle com of the same things [https](/view/11:09:59) earthstar project org [https](/view/10:57:14) fedimeister onyxbits de on a personal cloud [https](/view/11:03:46) github com atek and beaker browser archived [https](/view/11:35:57) github com beakerbrowser conclusion of beaker browser [https](/view/11:43:00) github com beakerbrowser paul frazee [https](/view/11:35:57) github com pfrazee [https](/view/10:56:09) json ld org [https](/view/11:21:23) massive wiki [https](/view/09:54:48) scalar usc edu objects a field guide [https](/view/09:56:40) scalar usc edu history of software carpentry [https](/view/10:24:57) software carpentry org systems and overspecific corrections [https](/view/09:50:07) surfingcomplexity blog the that draw stick figures [https](/view/12:00:45) www amazon com [https](/view/09:54:35) www discovercoppercorridor org movie anaysis by nyt [https](/view/11:34:03) www nytimes com ewald s talk from [https](/view/10:26:25) www youtube com


a way of making [human](/view/10:36:20) connections for networking want to have a [hundred](/view/11:28:49) nodes on the


dat before it became [hypercore](/view/11:08:31) points out to


storage is an interesting [idea](/view/11:08:54) too as atomic unit of [ideas](/view/11:25:11) separation of concerns high density entanglements of [ideas](/view/11:27:26) which can summon the w c decentralized [identities](/view/11:07:35) sort of a federated wikis structure and [idioms](/view/11:24:26) of dragging paragraphs [idling](/view/11:52:23) the old buick


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[image](/view/12:04:29) editors are a export is big for [images](/view/12:04:19) blog the courage to [imagine](/view/09:50:07) other failures gollumwiki an example [implementation](/view/11:22:02) of the markdown core [implementors](/view/11:37:03) since its unambiguously find a way to [import](/view/11:26:27) fedwiki lineups into which have appeared as [important](/view/10:53:04) on reflection


brians thought about erics [incident](/view/10:44:12) report document that out that part of [incident](/view/09:48:53) response might be salience of how an [incident](/view/09:48:53) was recognized as essential and what is [incidental](/view/09:45:43) are not distinguished [including](/view/11:12:04) pulling over indexes marcs vsm sofi model [including](/view/09:59:33) the environment and board showing the patterns [including](/view/09:43:26) the quantities qualities the public landing page [increasing](/view/11:30:40) in complexity and works boundary objects guide [index](/view/09:56:40) jndi tutorial getstarted overview [index](/view/10:56:09) html and should not be [indexed](/view/11:13:03) in the same including pulling over [indexes](/view/11:12:04) from other servers items are subject to [indexing](/view/11:13:47) or what to percentage of the large [indexing](/view/11:13:03) relates to things locally built compact data [indexing](/view/11:45:17) was a point a database to store [information](/view/12:10:50) a script to brians goal sharing [information](/view/12:10:27) as a website his dashboard was very [informative](/view/10:05:16) in the what kafka the trial messaging [infrastructure](/view/11:33:15) [innovations](/view/10:42:52) in terms that wouldnt have had that [insight](/view/10:11:29) without working in marc suggest that brians [insights](/view/11:31:46) on tuftes methods and rapport and gained [insights](/view/10:15:27) theres an official interaction get a wiki [instance](/view/11:17:05) into the neighborhood and the interest groups [institutions](/view/10:25:56) between example of a deliberately [intended](/view/10:37:20) community living room ipfs [inter](/view/10:59:59) planetary file system peter kaminski i ve [interacted](/view/11:21:46) with him around eric describes [interacting](/view/10:30:45) alongside other volunteers members of the community [interaction](/view/11:17:05) get a wiki https www nytimes com [interactive](/view/11:34:03) upshot hallmark lifetime from key concepts in [intercultural](/view/10:11:55) dialogue https centerforinterculturaldialogue particular time probably of [interest](/view/11:50:02) considers the center of [interest](/view/10:46:03) for the fedwiki governance structures and the [interest](/view/10:25:56) groups institutions between distributed ledger [interesting](/view/11:47:30) a thing which looks [interesting](/view/11:04:27) about the at permantent storage is an [interesting](/view/11:08:54) idea too and globe also an [interesting](/view/09:54:35) place for geologists magic there is the [interesting](/view/11:15:27) point for how [interesting](/view/09:45:17) that latest ai the challenges are [interesting](/view/11:44:39) to compare with it would be [interesting](/view/11:26:27) to find a chat llm [interfaces](/view/10:09:57) and ar vr interfaces and ar vr [interfaces](/view/10:09:57) are now where things in ux wimp [interfaces](/view/10:09:57) have stratified since page wont render the [internet](/view/11:56:12) archive how the [internet](/view/11:16:45) archive would show to remain viable no [internet](/view/11:17:43) exploder or chrome the essence which allows [interoperability](/view/11:00:56) for how federated wiki [interoperability](/view/11:00:56) and federation because how to keep clients [interoperable](/view/11:06:18) with each other your page must [interoperate](/view/11:56:31) wikipedia script to digest it [into](/view/12:10:50) a static website but that turns arrows [into](/view/11:40:02) paths so may get a wiki instance [into](/view/11:17:05) the neighborhood to import fedwiki lineups [into](/view/11:26:27) ulysses of a problem is [invaluable](/view/11:58:45) to solving the sounds like the [inverted](/view/11:30:53) pyramid of journalism unchallengable by people not [involved](/view/09:49:22) in those details


[ipfs](/view/10:59:59) inter planetary file


sure they are usefully [isomorphic](/view/11:38:56) tables and graphs are [isomorphic](/view/11:38:56) but not sure would have a moderation [issue](/view/11:56:36) to see awkward usability [issues](/view/10:11:06) by using it


do with less obvious [item](/view/11:13:47) types new and non general [item](/view/10:49:25) types requiring plugins could also say what [items](/view/11:13:47) are subject to outside the page content [itself](/view/11:17:49)


audience and use their [jargon](/view/10:42:52) not we can standards for how the [java](/view/10:54:53) environment communicates with much support of the [javascript](/view/11:17:22) liveness is needed https docs oracle com [javase](/view/10:56:09) jndi tutorial getstarted


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the inverted pyramid of [journalism](/view/11:30:53)


also markdown rather than [json](/view/11:20:23) us and picked up [json](/view/10:56:52) as the format a file server of [json](/view/11:06:18) files and everything in the world like [json](/view/10:55:36) ld a formalized https [json](/view/10:56:09) ld org https during transition to a [json](/view/11:02:48) ld scheme more everyone participating maintaining the [json](/view/11:01:39) ld to a structure of the page [json](/view/11:05:31) we have a also have a sitemap [json](/view/11:05:31) we have assets


although might [just](/view/09:50:43) be a snow perfect world we d [just](/view/11:57:47) be writing latex peer state some are [just](/view/11:44:39) different of such a document [just](/view/09:50:30) gives other largely if we [just](/view/10:19:06) had this one i was [just](/view/09:47:35) reading lorin hochsteins its [just](/view/11:39:54) tough on open


[kafka](/view/11:33:15) the trial messaging right peter [kaminski](/view/11:21:46) i ve interacted


own clients how to [keep](/view/11:06:18) clients interoperable with color or grouping to [keep](/view/11:28:31) down to five group of people can [keep](/view/11:59:18) fedwiki running provides an example from [kerry](/view/10:37:01) telling chris about


though the cool [kids](/view/11:37:03) are using djot


and plan if you [know](/view/10:04:39) those things warm fuzzies that you [know](/view/09:50:30) what you are from work the locals [know](/view/10:40:20) where the key large a block of [knowledge](/view/11:26:21) is naturally to


arrangement for the public [landing](/view/11:30:40) page increasing in wiki client in whatever [language](/view/11:05:31) he likes but relates the various ontology [languages](/view/10:55:36) in the world no computer scientist writes [languages](/view/10:22:34) with units as an anecdote of how [large](/view/11:26:21) a block of certain percentage of the [large](/view/11:13:03) indexing relates to almost no server its [largely](/view/11:06:18) a file server document just gives other [largely](/view/09:50:30) non technical people in members of the [larger](/view/10:30:45) community on your put in as a [lark](/view/10:07:11) ends up being if he comes back [late](/view/10:40:20) from work the connections for networking and [later](/view/10:36:20) working together interesting that [latest](/view/09:45:17) ai copilots really aaaaaargh [latex](/view/11:58:02) d just be writing [latex](/view/11:57:47) anyway lol now where we have [lattitude](/view/10:09:57) for doing really


lost in details the [lead](/view/10:03:51) engineer could quickly a solid team and [leader](/view/10:06:29) will succeed despite person really likes to [learn](/view/10:04:29) new things and another person wants to [leave](/view/10:04:29) by each afternoon up on the signed [ledger](/view/11:50:21) cheap curren fedwiki distributed [ledger](/view/11:50:37) doesnt have any distributed [ledger](/view/11:47:30) interesting distributed [ledger](/view/11:47:41) with proof of distributed [ledger](/view/11:49:32) with proof of marc connects [leos](/view/10:36:20) in superior with what to do with [less](/view/11:13:47) obvious item types not but is the [lessor](/view/10:06:29) factor even within organizations departmental [level](/view/09:36:38) to a compatible spec [level](/view/11:01:39) was written by high [level](/view/10:44:12) execs and managers


a few core binary [libraries](/view/12:04:44) com interactive upshot hallmark [lifetime](/view/11:34:03) christmas html [lightbulb](/view/10:00:26) microformats approaches to things [like](/view/10:55:36) blog syndication wrong things which sounds [like](/view/09:47:35) erics template question indexes from other servers [like](/view/11:12:04) for example ralfs ontologies depends on groups [like](/view/11:02:48) google auth like languages in the world [like](/view/10:55:36) json ld a to looking at things [like](/view/10:56:52) soap and corba i [like](/view/09:53:54) that there is auth like twitter auth [like](/view/11:02:48) the certification authorities issues by using it [like](/view/10:11:06) the customers do sounds [like](/view/11:30:53) the inverted pyramid discussion of web pages [like](/view/11:30:40) the national weather mosaic features were discontinued [like](/view/11:18:35) the sketch jot groups like google auth [like](/view/11:02:48) twitter auth like is to replace something [like](/view/11:10:36) twitter the common replying to looks [like](/view/11:39:05) ulysses i looks [like](/view/11:37:08) ulysses is a specific project deliveries would [likely](/view/10:46:03) narrow and fragment in whatever language he [likes](/view/11:05:31) but the common can do anything he [likes](/view/11:05:31) for his wiki example one person really [likes](/view/10:04:29) to learn new also it rate [limist](/view/11:48:38) the growth of and brian discuss the [limitations](/view/10:49:25) of compatibility and way to import fedwiki [lineups](/view/11:26:27) into ulysses doc as ward s [link](/view/09:57:47) above thanks for the earthstar [link](/view/11:12:20) hadnt heard of protocol roadmap from pauls [link](/view/10:57:53) https atproto com diagrams with their clickable [links](/view/11:27:26) as high density complexity of the federated [links](/view/11:15:27) the magic there [links](/view/09:57:47) to same doc data manipulation of a [live](/view/12:10:27) site support of the javascript [liveness](/view/11:17:22) is needed a deliberately intended community [living](/view/10:37:20) room house as a community [living](/view/10:37:01) room to make


pub run by the [local](/view/10:40:20) builder who if a story about the [local](/view/10:41:26) coffee shop where senior citizens in his [local](/view/10:34:08) community are good you can take the [local](/view/11:09:47) copy of your service discovery and jini [local](/view/10:54:53) network discovery an example of a [local](/view/10:40:20) pub run by [locally](/view/11:45:17) built compact data late from work the [locals](/view/10:40:20) know where the fire site twice as [long](/view/10:42:52) or carry half which are not a [long](/view/11:14:54) reach eric take a [look](/view/09:48:39) i went back to [looking](/view/10:56:52) at things like that a thing which [looks](/view/11:04:27) interesting about the replying to [looks](/view/11:39:05) like ulysses i [looks](/view/11:37:08) like ulysses is than a good textbook [lookup](/view/09:45:35) system with vetted i was just reading [lorin](/view/09:47:35) hochsteins recent blog [losing](/view/11:17:49) the context required dynamic operation and federation [losing](/view/11:17:49) the metadata outside the discussion was getting [lost](/view/10:03:51) in details the but the domain is [lost](/view/11:09:33) the signature can and [lots](/view/11:39:27) of secrecy proprietary i [love](/view/10:24:40) examples with particular i [love](/view/09:45:06) having multiple models


to markdown as a [lump](/view/11:24:26) of formatted text


the center column is [made](/view/09:55:08) of boundary objects the federated links the [magic](/view/11:15:27) there is the have quantities which have [magnitude](/view/10:23:39) units and uncertainty we re wanting to [maintain](/view/11:04:27) here in federated org has to be [maintained](/view/11:02:48) by someone for to have everyone participating [maintaining](/view/11:01:39) the json ld or [make](/view/12:02:48) a career of should we paying to [make](/view/09:48:03) sure it never to work through to [make](/view/11:19:37) the content consistent pages i publish to [make](/view/11:07:35) them hard to community living room to [make](/view/10:37:01) this sort of as a way of [making](/view/10:36:20) human connections for to pay for cooperation [making](/view/10:47:24) specific choices to management vs capability based [management](/view/09:50:51) huh also productivity based [management](/view/09:50:51) vs capability based brian asking my [manager](/view/10:05:16) for his dashboard high level execs and [managers](/view/10:44:12) cost of the of fedwiki the data [manipulation](/view/12:10:27) of a live operating principles document too [many](/view/09:49:22) details require too ideas which can summon [many](/view/11:27:26) other pages that the combination of [many](/view/12:08:57) sorts of plugins [marc](/view/10:49:25) and brian discuss things at a time [marc](/view/11:28:31) and graphs let [marc](/view/10:09:26) as engaged customer a discussion among [marc](/view/11:16:00) brian and eric [marc](/view/10:36:20) connects leos in [marc](/view/10:55:04) eric is talking [marc](/view/10:37:01) provides an example [marc](/view/11:29:35) reflects on the [marc](/view/10:47:24) reflects that its http [marc](/view/09:48:31) relocalizecreativity net view [marc](/view/12:08:57) says that the [marc](/view/11:31:46) suggest that brians to [marcs](/view/10:25:56) demonstration of the in [marcs](/view/09:55:08) eip i think [marcs](/view/09:59:33) vsm sofi model export of [markdown](/view/12:08:06) and markdown to with some contrast to [markdown](/view/11:24:26) as a lump from one of the [markdown](/view/11:37:03) core implementors since exporting a page to [markdown](/view/12:04:40) might be pretty file format is also [markdown](/view/11:20:23) rather than json brian reflects pandoc as [markdown](/view/11:20:23) renderer with my [markdown](/view/11:22:20) shared versioned files export of markdown and [markdown](/view/12:08:06) to html as masfwiki obsidian [markdown](/view/11:21:17) with front matter interacted with him around [masfwiki](/view/11:21:46) [masfwiki](/view/11:21:17) obsidian markdown with [masfwiki](/view/11:20:39) or obsdidian https [massive](/view/11:21:23) wiki [massivewiki](/view/11:21:22) com beakerbrowser beaker blob [master](/view/11:43:00) archive notice md [mastodon](/view/11:57:01) is already a did [matrix](/view/11:03:21) do it right obsidian markdown with front [matter](/view/11:21:17) [maybe](/view/11:34:03) a paywall for at a particular time [maybe](/view/11:50:21) shows up on tracing them across history [maybe](/view/11:09:33) there are old use for an overview [maybe](/view/11:28:49) you do want whats going on or [maybe](/view/10:38:36) you organize the


frazees description of these [mechanisms](/view/11:08:31) on dat before your side the board [members](/view/10:30:45) cant argue that enable forking by [members](/view/11:17:05) of the community narrow and fragment the [members](/view/10:46:03) of the group if you bring in [members](/view/10:30:45) of the larger volunteers with school board [members](/view/10:30:45) related to computers brian recalls a [mentor](/view/10:38:36) advising you have kafka the trial [messaging](/view/11:33:15) infrastructure and federation losing the [metadata](/view/11:17:49) outside the page brians insights on tuftes [methods](/view/11:31:46) might be useful


formalized update of the [microformats](/view/10:55:36) approaches to things the copper corridor in [middle](/view/09:52:12) arizona fun being in the [middle](/view/10:17:52) brian fedwiki that these affordances [might](/view/11:55:55) be difficult to a page to markdown [might](/view/12:04:40) be pretty useful part of incident response [might](/view/09:48:53) be the salience insights on tuftes methods [might](/view/11:31:46) be useful to a place where brian [might](/view/10:41:26) have started to although [might](/view/09:50:43) just be a static website migration migration [migration](/view/12:03:29) protocol roadmap authentication account [migration](/view/10:57:53) federation a static website migration [migration](/view/12:03:29) migration to a static website [migration](/view/12:03:29) migration migration for illicit drugs cryptocurrency [mining](/view/11:52:23) of the university of [minnesota](/view/11:18:35) geometry center dying nice examples on the [miro](/view/09:43:26) board showing the ejbs i [missed](/view/12:00:14) out on them domain holder this is [missing](/view/11:07:35) from fedwiki it


pieces of the data [model](/view/11:05:31) marcs vsm sofi [model](/view/09:59:33) including the environment thinking that the security [model](/view/10:50:25) is already a has a subscription [model](/view/11:39:05) so no as i love having multiple [models](/view/09:45:06) tha are all blockchain would have a [moderation](/view/11:56:36) issue comes and goes for [moderation](/view/11:57:01) reasons and eric about failure [modes](/view/11:16:00) for federation a a json ld scheme [more](/view/11:02:48) broadly using all relationship can become signficantly [more](/view/10:04:29) effective for example its [more](/view/11:59:53) powerful the practice amping it up toward [more](/view/10:46:03) specific project deliveries go grocery shopping this [morning](/view/09:34:49) but there are thompson [morrisons](/view/11:25:11) paragraph formed wiki some sense because several [mosaic](/view/11:18:35) features were discontinued ends up being the [most](/view/10:07:11) popular thing to some of the [most](/view/10:08:36) user friendly programs focus on the work [most](/view/10:19:06) valuable to the have stratified since nelsons [mother](/view/10:09:57) of all demos a paywall for christmas [movie](/view/11:34:03) anaysis by nyt


can store twice as [much](/view/10:42:52) oxygen the outage cost how [much](/view/09:48:03) should we paying how [much](/view/11:17:22) support of the or carry half as [much](/view/10:42:52) weight target communications many details require too [much](/view/09:49:22) work seem unchallengable i love having [multiple](/view/09:45:06) models tha are in the picture there [must](/view/09:46:14) be a dog your page [must](/view/11:56:31) interoperate wikipedia


be pointed to and [named](/view/09:55:40) love examples with particular [named](/view/10:24:40) nodes and relationships we ll use domain [names](/view/11:07:35) but also the pretty dependent on domain [names](/view/11:05:55) but everybody is is talking about resolving [names](/view/10:55:04) ie g urls that your priorities are [narrow](/view/10:30:45) and cannot be project deliveries would likely [narrow](/view/10:46:03) and fragment the web pages like the [national](/view/11:30:40) weather services page block of knowledge is [naturally](/view/11:26:21) to the form


not [necessarily](/view/10:05:28) helpful but useful data rows which dont [necessarily](/view/11:32:19) need to be view when do you [need](/view/09:48:31) the numbers of pages the pages [need](/view/11:04:27) to be able evolve but they also [need](/view/11:04:27) to be able rows which dont necessarily [need](/view/11:32:19) to be ordered there are things that [need](/view/09:34:49) to happen first driven design when you [need](/view/09:55:23) to not align the javascript liveness is [needed](/view/11:17:22) the center of attention [needs](/view/11:29:35) a continuous triple but the common point [needs](/view/11:05:31) to be in community scale software seems [neglected](/view/09:36:38) even within organizations wiki instance into the [neighborhood](/view/11:17:05) search and [neighborhood](/view/11:11:44) are enabled by centers versus a specific [neighborhood](/view/10:27:01) center and a an association of [neighborhood](/view/10:27:01) centers versus a interfaces have stratified since [nelsons](/view/10:09:57) mother of all [neovim](/view/12:11:17) a programmers text discovery and jini local [network](/view/10:54:53) discovery community are good at [networking](/view/10:34:08) and co organizing making human connections for [networking](/view/10:36:20) and later working to make sure it [never](/view/09:48:03) happens again too


a [nice](/view/12:07:33) clean format there [nice](/view/09:43:26) examples on the over some of the [niceties](/view/12:08:57) of ulysses


examples with particular named [nodes](/view/10:24:40) and relationships to have a hundred [nodes](/view/11:28:49) on the screen eric [nods](/view/11:02:48) that say foaf eric [nods](/view/10:53:04) to brians suggestion eric [notes](/view/11:04:27) that a thing beaker blob master archive [notice](/view/11:43:00) md generated by ai [nowadays](/view/09:50:52)


do you need the [numbers](/view/09:48:31)


a programmers text editor [nvim](/view/12:11:17)


by nyt https www [nytimes](/view/11:34:03) com interactive upshot


visit spellcheck a boundary [object](/view/09:56:50) boundary [object](/view/09:55:40) can be pointed a possible general boundary [object](/view/09:59:33) for examining relationships objects text a boundary [object](/view/09:54:48) is any is made of boundary [objects](/view/09:55:08) replying to boundary [objects](/view/09:57:47) a replying to boundary [objects](/view/10:11:55) a boundary [objects](/view/09:56:40) a field guide usc edu works boundary [objects](/view/09:54:48) guide boundary objects usc edu works boundary [objects](/view/09:56:40) guide index com key concept boundary [objects](/view/10:11:55) pdf boundary objects guide boundary [objects](/view/09:54:48) text a boundary masfwiki or [obsdidian](/view/11:20:39) [obsidian](/view/11:20:44) masfwiki [obsidian](/view/11:21:17) markdown with front to do with less [obvious](/view/11:13:47) item types


of wards data design [offers](/view/11:14:54) opportunities for experimenting gained insights theres an [official](/view/10:15:27) script and an


[once](/view/11:28:49) you have a all of these global [ontologies](/view/11:02:48) depends on groups maintained by someone for [ontologies](/view/11:02:48) to be useful eric relates [ontology](/view/11:01:39) doesnt seem to also relates the various [ontology](/view/10:55:36) languages in the https fedimeister [onyxbits](/view/10:57:14) de blog bluesky


its just tough on [open](/view/11:39:54) source developers detailed design document vs [operating](/view/09:49:22) principles document too context required for dynamic [operation](/view/11:17:49) and federation losing aimed toward having the [operations](/view/10:44:12) team fill it brian as an [operator](/view/10:15:27) of the system wards data design offers [opportunities](/view/11:14:54) for experimenting with


explore tourist site map [oracle](/view/09:54:35) arizona through winkelman ld org https docs [oracle](/view/10:56:09) com javase jndi necessarily need to be [ordered](/view/11:32:19) by column one [ordering](/view/11:32:19) of the columns ordering of the columns [ordering](/view/11:32:19) of the data algorithmically fascinating behaviorally and [organizationally](/view/11:49:32) eh seems neglected even within [organizations](/view/09:36:38) departmental level on or maybe you [organize](/view/10:38:36) the community gatherings at networking and co [organizing](/view/10:34:08) priorities considered alternative ways of [organizing](/view/11:00:56) the content so


to talk to each [other](/view/11:04:27) clients interoperable with each [other](/view/11:06:18) as the various the courage to imagine [other](/view/09:50:07) failures a document just gives [other](/view/09:50:30) largely non technical which can summon many [other](/view/11:27:26) pages pulling over indexes from [other](/view/11:12:04) servers like for audiences talking past each [other](/view/09:50:21) the top person eric describes interacting alongside [other](/view/10:30:45) volunteers with school not stepping on each [others](/view/10:47:24) toes and difficult


managers cost of the [outage](/view/10:44:12) but aimed toward if the [outage](/view/09:48:03) cost how much federation losing the metadata [outside](/view/11:17:49) the page content


including pulling [over](/view/11:12:04) indexes from other fedwiki is a win [over](/view/12:08:57) some of the author autonomy and power [over](/view/11:10:36) their own content was a point of [overlap](/view/11:45:17) complex systems and [overspecific](/view/09:50:07) corrections https surfingcomplexity https atproto com guides [overview](/view/11:05:44) javase jndi tutorial getstarted [overview](/view/10:56:09) index html a use for an [overview](/view/11:28:49) maybe you do


store twice as much [oxygen](/view/10:42:52)


fear of the blank [page](/view/09:43:58) the national weather services [page](/view/11:30:40) arrangement for the of dragging paragraphs around [page](/view/11:24:26) as data source old copies of the [page](/view/11:09:33) but the domain the metadata outside the [page](/view/11:17:49) content itself a single [page](/view/10:11:55) from key concepts for the public landing [page](/view/11:30:40) increasing in complexity the structure of the [page](/view/11:05:31) json we have your [page](/view/11:56:31) must interoperate wikipedia if you want the [page](/view/11:26:52) to be an exporting a [page](/view/12:04:40) to markdown might could i create static [page](/view/11:19:37) versions of wiki your [page](/view/11:56:12) wont render the can summon many other [pages](/view/11:27:26) morrisons paragraph formed wiki [pages](/view/11:25:11) a paragraph as cryptographic signature for the [pages](/view/11:07:35) i publish to tuftes discussion of web [pages](/view/11:30:40) like the national database of pages the [pages](/view/11:04:27) need to be a distributed database of [pages](/view/11:04:27) the pages need of good and iffy [painful](/view/10:56:52) attempts in the place for geologists and [paleontologists](/view/09:54:35) brian reflects [pandoc](/view/11:20:23) as markdown renderer like the sketch jot [panel](/view/11:18:35) formed wiki pages a [paragraph](/view/11:25:11) as atomic unit work to have each [paragraph](/view/11:26:52) be separable as thompson morrisons [paragraph](/view/11:25:11) formed wiki pages not clear if the [paragraph](/view/11:26:21) is the right fine grained [paragraphs](/view/11:23:23) allow dragging around and idioms of dragging [paragraphs](/view/11:24:26) around page as what to embed in [paragraphs](/view/11:12:34) is another thing of the broader community [paraphrase](/view/10:30:45) implementors since its unambiguously [parse](/view/11:37:03) able until it could by [parsed](/view/10:04:43) wards example of a [parser](/view/10:04:43) and a spec part not the secrecy [part](/view/11:49:40) care about the authentication [part](/view/11:49:40) not the secrecy the thing its a [part](/view/11:29:35) of and the ward points out that [part](/view/09:48:53) of incident response you want to be [part](/view/10:38:36) of whats going tied to the coins [part](/view/11:47:11) that is expensive the proof of work [part](/view/11:47:11) tied to the visit different to each [participant](/view/09:56:28) of view of various [participants](/view/09:59:33) have to have everyone [participating](/view/11:01:39) maintaining the json never happens again too [particular](/view/09:48:03) a solution i love examples with [particular](/view/10:24:40) named nodes and at a [particular](/view/11:50:21) time maybe shows work x at a [particular](/view/11:50:02) time probably of the signature can be [particular](/view/11:09:33) to the author superior with brians community [party](/view/10:36:20) example as a of different audiences talking [past](/view/09:50:21) each other the to be the right [path](/view/11:01:39) for me i that turns arrows into [paths](/view/11:40:02) so may not separate ways [pattern](/view/09:55:23) in domain driven system with vetted good [patterns](/view/09:45:35) and usage for purposeful [patterns](/view/10:09:26) miro board showing the [patterns](/view/09:43:26) including the quantities [paul](/view/10:58:55) frazee at protocol related to [paul](/view/10:59:14) frazee and the replying to [paul](/view/11:37:23) frazee https [paul](/view/11:35:57) frazee https github [paul](/view/11:08:31) frazees description of [paul](/view/10:40:20) gives an example [paul](/view/11:13:03) points out that [paul](/view/10:59:14) relates some of between beaker and bsky [paul](/view/11:03:46) was working on at protocol roadmap from [pauls](/view/10:57:53) link https atproto where the tin for [paying](/view/10:40:20) is how much should we [paying](/view/09:48:03) to make sure maybe a [paywall](/view/11:34:03) for christmas movie


are similar peer to [peer](/view/11:44:39) state some are challenges some are similar [peer](/view/11:44:39) to peer state a small group of [people](/view/11:59:18) can keep fedwiki innovations in terms that [people](/view/10:42:52) can understand brians work seem unchallengable by [people](/view/09:49:22) not involved in great book for [people](/view/12:00:45) that draw stick its easy to get [people](/view/10:47:24) to pay for and difficult to get [people](/view/10:47:24) to pay for other largely non technical [people](/view/09:50:30) warm fuzzies that happens when you ask [people](/view/10:04:29) what they value address documents to the [people](/view/10:44:12) who will be out that a certain [percentage](/view/11:13:03) of the large ward will write a [perfect](/view/11:58:16) tiny gem which in my [perfect](/view/11:57:47) world we d no as the trial [period](/view/11:39:05) is short fedwiki block chain for [permantent](/view/11:08:54) storage is an a boundary [person](/view/10:17:03) an ambassador a each other the top [person](/view/09:50:21) cares about and about and the bottom [person](/view/09:50:21) cares about tech effective for example one [person](/view/10:04:29) really likes to new things and another [person](/view/10:04:29) wants to leave was working on a [personal](/view/11:03:46) cloud https github to that for a [personal](/view/11:22:55) wiki format right [peter](/view/11:21:46) kaminski i ve


frazee https github com [pfrazee](/view/11:35:57) and beaker browser


some of us and [picked](/view/10:56:52) up json as tektronix research draw a [picture](/view/10:01:32) of your system theres grass in the [picture](/view/09:46:14) there must be those are the core [pieces](/view/11:05:31) of the data


on from the same [place](/view/11:37:23) as thorium with third [place](/view/10:37:20) books an example globe also an interesting [place](/view/09:54:35) for geologists and day this is a [place](/view/10:41:26) where brian might to work with and [plan](/view/10:04:39) if you know ipfs inter [planetary](/view/10:59:59) file system aligned go to where the [players](/view/10:38:36) are if you as data source brian [plays](/view/11:24:26) with some contrast general item types requiring [plugins](/view/10:49:25) of many sorts of [plugins](/view/12:08:57) composable in fedwiki easier than writing those [plugins](/view/11:20:23) for fedwiki my


there is the interesting [point](/view/11:15:27) for how to likes but the common [point](/view/11:05:31) needs to be data indexing was a [point](/view/11:45:17) of overlap model is already a [point](/view/10:50:25) of shattering around examining relationships from the [point](/view/09:59:33) of view of boundary object can be [pointed](/view/09:55:40) to and named eric [points](/view/11:55:55) out some risks paul [points](/view/11:13:03) out that a ward [points](/view/09:48:53) out that part eric [points](/view/11:14:54) out that the before it became hypercore [points](/view/11:08:31) out to a ecosystems the hierarchy of [political](/view/10:25:56) governance structures and the growth of the [pool](/view/11:48:38) up being the most [popular](/view/10:07:11) thing to the the vsm community a [possible](/view/09:59:33) general boundary object simplest thing that could [possibly](/view/11:57:56) work one day the author autonomy and [power](/view/11:10:36) over their own its more [powerful](/view/11:59:53) the practice of


prototype based [practice](/view/09:44:13) its more powerful the [practice](/view/11:59:53) of simplicity from the way which i [prefer](/view/11:20:23) its easier than point for how to [preserve](/view/11:15:27) might be difficult to [preserve](/view/11:55:55) w c decentralized id [preserving](/view/11:09:33) the autonomy of we re also [pretty](/view/11:05:55) dependent on domain to markdown might be [pretty](/view/12:04:40) useful svgs and diagrams are [pretty](/view/11:14:09) wonderful actually soap and corba as [previous](/view/10:56:52) examples of good design document vs operating [principles](/view/09:49:22) document too many networking and co organizing [priorities](/view/10:34:08) cant argue that your [priorities](/view/10:30:45) are narrow and public key [private](/view/11:51:46) key cryptography being at a particular time [probably](/view/11:50:02) of interest like erics template question [problem](/view/09:47:35) to solving the right [problem](/view/11:58:45) of your system the [problem](/view/10:01:32) is always at real example of a [problem](/view/11:58:45) is invaluable to some of the same [problems](/view/11:37:23) despite the process the [process](/view/10:06:29) can help or will succeed despite the [process](/view/10:06:29) the process can uh huh also [productivity](/view/09:50:51) based management vs thing that the weakest [programmer](/view/10:07:11) put in as neovim a [programmers](/view/12:11:17) text editor nvim the most user friendly [programs](/view/10:08:36) i ve used recognized as being in [progress](/view/09:48:53) to use their software [project](/view/10:11:06) alongside the customers my very first web [project](/view/12:03:29) converting vax runoff up toward more specific [project](/view/10:46:03) deliveries would likely same things https earthstar [project](/view/11:09:59) org work one day computer [projects](/view/11:57:56) in erics reflection i ve [promised](/view/09:34:49) to go grocery distributed ledger with [proof](/view/11:49:32) of work algorithmically distributed ledger with [proof](/view/11:47:41) of work eh is cheap its the [proof](/view/11:47:11) of work part of fragility and future [proofing](/view/11:55:55) if there are and lots of secrecy [proprietary](/view/11:39:27) stuff hiding concerns with regard to [prose](/view/11:25:11) eric aligned somewhat with at [protocol](/view/10:59:59) and blueskys federation closely with the at [protocol](/view/11:10:36) because its heart the wiki format and [protocol](/view/11:55:55) easy affordances easy history of the at [protocol](/view/10:59:14) related to paul https atproto com blog [protocol](/view/10:57:53) roadmap authentication account the at [protocol](/view/10:57:53) roadmap from pauls been surveying various basic [protocol](/view/10:53:04) specifications which have de blog bluesky at [protocol](/view/10:57:14) vs activity pub reflects on the at [protocol](/view/11:07:35) we ll use interesting about the at [protocol](/view/11:04:27) well what we mastodon is already a [protocol](/view/11:57:01) where the federation server those formats and [protocols](/view/11:06:18) are enforced by [prototype](/view/09:44:13) based practice members related to computers [provided](/view/10:30:45) for the school marc [provides](/view/10:37:01) an example from


a british pub a [public](/view/10:37:01) house as a [public](/view/11:51:46) key private key page arrangement for the [public](/view/11:30:40) landing page increasing for the pages i [publish](/view/11:07:35) to make them markdown to html as [publishing](/view/12:08:06) chain including [pulling](/view/11:12:04) over indexes from workflow and usage for [purposeful](/view/10:09:26) patterns reflect on for usability [purposes](/view/11:31:46) buick to solve sudoku [puzzles](/view/11:52:23) you can trade


sounds like the inverted [pyramid](/view/11:30:53) of journalism


patterns including the quantities [qualities](/view/09:43:26) quantity of [quality](/view/09:40:19) of variables the patterns including the [quantities](/view/09:43:26) qualities you want to have [quantities](/view/10:23:39) which have magnitude [quantity](/view/09:40:19) of quality of sounds like erics template [question](/view/09:47:35) problem the lead engineer could [quickly](/view/10:03:51) draw a diagram


servers like for example [ralfs](/view/11:12:04) servers team built trust and [rapport](/view/10:15:27) and gained insights also it [rate](/view/11:48:38) limist the growth [rather](/view/09:45:35) than a good format is also markdown [rather](/view/11:20:23) than json


are not a long [reach](/view/11:14:54) i was just [reading](/view/09:47:35) lorin hochsteins recent having a concrete [real](/view/11:58:45) example of a closely attached to the [real](/view/11:59:18) use cases erics that latest ai copilots [really](/view/09:45:17) end up generating for example one person [really](/view/10:04:29) likes to learn have lattitude for doing [really](/view/10:09:57) new things in and goes for moderation [reasons](/view/11:57:01) brian [recalls](/view/10:38:36) a mentor advising just reading lorin hochsteins [recent](/view/09:47:35) blog entries about how an incident was [recognized](/view/09:48:53) as being in there are signed repository [records](/view/11:07:35) from the domain useful to unfold and [reflect](/view/11:31:46) on for usability appeared as important on [reflection](/view/10:53:04) computer projects in erics [reflection](/view/11:57:56) real use cases erics [reflection](/view/11:59:18) which is why eric [reflects](/view/11:27:26) on graphviz diagrams eric [reflects](/view/11:07:35) on the at marc [reflects](/view/11:29:35) on the center eric [reflects](/view/10:54:53) on the environment brian [reflects](/view/11:28:31) on the form brian [reflects](/view/11:30:40) on tuftes discussion brian [reflects](/view/11:20:23) pandoc as markdown brian [reflects](/view/10:34:08) that groups of marc [reflects](/view/10:47:24) that its easy eric [reflects](/view/11:15:27) that the complexity separation of concerns with [regard](/view/11:25:11) to prose eric with school board members [related](/view/10:30:45) to computers provided of the at protocol [related](/view/10:59:14) to paul frazee brian [relates](/view/10:41:26) a story about unit of granularity brian [relates](/view/11:26:21) an anecdote of eric [relates](/view/11:01:39) ontology doesnt seem paul [relates](/view/10:59:14) some of the eric also [relates](/view/10:55:36) the various ontology of the large indexing [relates](/view/11:13:03) to things that [relating](/view/09:49:22) to software design they value your working [relationship](/view/10:04:29) can become signficantly particular named nodes and [relationships](/view/10:24:40) including the environment and [relationships](/view/09:59:33) appreciated by the boundary object for examining [relationships](/view/09:59:33) from the point to software design the [relative](/view/09:49:22) value of a http marc [relocalizecreativity](/view/09:48:31) net view when on browser ecosystem to [remain](/view/11:17:43) viable no internet i m [reminded](/view/10:26:25) of tim ewald the template thing [reminds](/view/09:50:21) me of different [remote](/view/09:51:21) anna your page wont [render](/view/11:56:12) the internet archive could archive dot org [render](/view/11:16:19) wiki content somehow reflects pandoc as markdown [renderer](/view/11:20:23) with my own its heart is to [replace](/view/11:10:36) something like twitter [replying](/view/09:57:47) to boundary objects [replying](/view/10:11:55) to boundary objects [replying](/view/11:39:05) to looks like [replying](/view/11:37:23) to paul frazee thought about erics incident [report](/view/10:44:12) document that the connection there are signed [repository](/view/11:07:35) records from the document too many details [require](/view/09:49:22) too much work losing the context [required](/view/11:17:49) for dynamic operation non general item types [requiring](/view/10:49:25) plugins helping groups at tektronix [research](/view/10:01:32) draw a picture eric is talking about [resolving](/view/10:55:04) names ie g that blockchain and the [resource](/view/11:10:12) to serve it environment communicates with external [resources](/view/10:54:53) jdbc etc does that part of incident [response](/view/09:48:53) might be the using all of the [responsive](/view/12:10:27) aspects of fedwiki of hardware burden of [retraining](/view/10:31:56)


did matrix do it [right](/view/11:03:21) ish somehow seem to be the [right](/view/11:01:39) path for me [right](/view/11:21:46) peter kaminski i invaluable to solving the [right](/view/11:58:45) problem www amazon com drawing [right](/view/12:00:45) side brain definitive the paragraph is the [right](/view/11:26:21) unit of granularity [right](/view/09:45:43) what is essential eric points out some [risks](/view/11:55:55) of fragility and a divinding [river](/view/09:56:20)


atproto com blog protocol [roadmap](/view/10:57:53) authentication account migration the at protocol [roadmap](/view/10:57:53) from pauls link deliberately intended community living [room](/view/10:37:20) as a community living [room](/view/10:37:01) to make this ordering of the data [rows](/view/11:32:19) which dont necessarily


people can keep fedwiki [running](/view/11:59:18) in common with [runoff](/view/12:03:58) and html web project converting vax [runoff](/view/12:03:29) docs to a


response might be the [salience](/view/09:48:53) of how an painful attempts in the [same](/view/10:56:52) area links to [same](/view/09:57:47) doc as ward follow on from the [same](/view/11:37:23) place as thorium with some of the [same](/view/11:37:23) problems has some of the [same](/view/11:09:59) things https earthstar be indexed in the [same](/view/11:13:03) way without working in the [same](/view/10:11:29) way the customers brian [says](/view/11:19:37) could i create marc [says](/view/12:08:57) that the combination of wiki content eric [says](/view/11:19:37) yes though there


https [scalar](/view/09:54:48) usc edu works a field guide https [scalar](/view/09:56:40) usc edu works go go to twitter [scale](/view/11:10:36) small community [scale](/view/09:36:38) software seems neglected to a json ld [scheme](/view/11:02:48) more broadly using alongside other volunteers with [school](/view/10:30:45) board members related computers provided for the [school](/view/10:30:45) if you bring no computer [scientist](/view/10:22:34) writes languages with complexity and detail and [scope](/view/11:30:40) as you scroll hundred nodes on the [screen](/view/11:28:49) brian insights theres an official [script](/view/10:15:27) and an heres to store information a [script](/view/12:10:50) to digest it and scope as you [scroll](/view/11:30:40) vertically


[search](/view/11:11:44) and neighborhood are authentication part not the [secrecy](/view/11:49:40) part and lots of [secrecy](/view/11:39:27) proprietary stuff hiding m thinking that the [security](/view/10:50:25) model is already eric relates ontology doesnt [seem](/view/11:01:39) to be the require too much work [seem](/view/09:49:22) unchallengable by people small community scale software [seems](/view/09:36:38) neglected even within reflects that groups of [senior](/view/10:34:08) citizens in his what do you value [sense](/view/10:05:16) center dying in some [sense](/view/11:18:35) because several mosaic have each paragraph be [separable](/view/11:26:52) as a tweet [separate](/view/09:55:23) ways pattern in atomic unit of ideas [separation](/view/11:25:11) of concerns with and the resource to [serve](/view/11:10:12) it are enforced by the [server](/view/11:06:18) in fedwiki there there is almost no [server](/view/11:06:18) its largely a its largely a file [server](/view/11:06:18) of json files data to a new [server](/view/11:09:47) on a new in traditional client [server](/view/11:06:18) those formats and like for example ralfs [servers](/view/11:12:04) over indexes from other [servers](/view/11:12:04) like for example and how about jndi [service](/view/10:54:53) discovery and jini like the national weather [services](/view/11:30:40) page arrangement for down to five to [seven](/view/11:28:31) things and then you digest five to [seven](/view/11:28:31) things using color in some sense because [several](/view/11:18:35) mosaic features were


there is a single [shared](/view/09:53:54) state and there markdown [shared](/view/11:22:20) versioned files brians goal [sharing](/view/12:10:27) information as a already a point of [shattering](/view/10:50:25) around fedwikis federation youtube com watch v [sheez](/view/10:26:25) jkofw about the local coffee [shop](/view/10:41:26) where a group promised to go grocery [shopping](/view/09:34:49) this morning but the trial period is [short](/view/11:39:05) i suspect that i [should](/view/11:35:55) better understand tufte are not text and [should](/view/11:13:03) not be indexed outage cost how much [should](/view/09:48:03) we paying to the internet archive would [show](/view/11:16:45) this in the on the miro board [showing](/view/09:43:26) the patterns including a particular time maybe [shows](/view/11:50:21) up on the


amazon com drawing right [side](/view/12:00:45) brain definitive dp larger community on your [side](/view/10:30:45) the board members domain is lost the [signature](/view/11:09:33) can be particular for adding a cryptographic [signature](/view/11:07:35) for the pages shows up on the [signed](/view/11:50:21) ledger significant connection there are [signed](/view/11:07:35) repository records from working relationship can become [signficantly](/view/10:04:29) more effective for but the workflow and [significance](/view/09:56:07) can be very if thats not the [significant](/view/11:07:35) connection there are [signing](/view/11:49:42) my work [signing](/view/11:50:02) my work x fedwikis challenges some are [similar](/view/11:44:39) peer to peer there is a [similar](/view/10:04:29) thing that happens for fedwiki my underlying [simple](/view/11:20:23) file format is his experience of tiny [simple](/view/11:59:53) solutions eric the [simplest](/view/11:57:56) thing that could powerful the practice of [simplicity](/view/11:59:53) from ward from points out that the [simplicity](/view/11:14:54) of wards data the code is [simply](/view/11:59:18) and closely attached the markdown core implementors [since](/view/11:37:03) its unambiguously parse wimp interfaces have stratified [since](/view/10:09:57) nelsons mother of a [single](/view/10:11:55) page from key that there is a [single](/view/09:53:54) shared state and manipulation of a live [site](/view/12:10:27) discovercoppercorridor org explore tourist [site](/view/09:54:35) map oracle arizona stay in a fire [site](/view/10:42:52) twice as long we also have a [sitemap](/view/11:05:31) json we have g urls or fedwitki [sites](/view/10:55:04)


were discontinued like the [sketch](/view/11:18:35) jot panel


are all valid but [slightly](/view/09:45:06) different examples


[small](/view/09:36:38) community scale software is why such a [small](/view/11:59:18) group of people


might just be a [snow](/view/09:50:43) job


looking at things like [soap](/view/10:56:52) and corba as marcs vsm [sofi](/view/09:59:33) model including the greg wilson [software](/view/10:21:22) carpentry history of [software](/view/10:24:57) carpentry https software of software carpentry https [software](/view/10:24:57) carpentry org scf relating to [software](/view/09:49:22) design the relative continue to use their [software](/view/10:11:06) project alongside the small community scale [software](/view/09:36:38) seems neglected even a [solid](/view/10:06:29) team and leader again too particular a [solution](/view/09:48:03) experience of tiny simple [solutions](/view/11:59:53) eric the old buick to [solve](/view/11:52:23) sudoku puzzles you problem is invaluable to [solving](/view/11:58:45) the right problem peer to peer state [some](/view/11:44:39) are just different compare with fedwikis challenges [some](/view/11:44:39) are similar peer source brian plays with [some](/view/11:24:26) contrast to markdown paul relates [some](/view/10:59:14) of the history [some](/view/10:08:36) of the most is a win over [some](/view/12:08:57) of the niceties earthstar has [some](/view/11:09:59) of the same place as thorium with [some](/view/11:37:23) of the same to a way which [some](/view/11:08:31) of this attribution gave up on xml [some](/view/10:56:52) of us and eric points out [some](/view/11:55:55) risks of fragility geometry center dying in [some](/view/11:18:35) sense because several yes though there are [some](/view/11:19:37) wrinkles to work do it right ish [somehow](/view/11:03:21) org render wiki content [somehow](/view/11:16:19) to be maintained by [someone](/view/11:02:48) for ontologies to heart is to replace [something](/view/11:10:36) like twitter the [sometimes](/view/10:07:11) a dorky thing suggestion about standards as [somewhat](/view/10:53:04) timely that eric planetary file system aligned [somewhat](/view/10:59:59) with at protocol w c decentralized identities [sort](/view/11:07:35) of a brand archive as html one [sort](/view/11:16:46) of affordance room to make this [sort](/view/10:37:01) of connection the combination of many [sorts](/view/12:08:57) of plugins composable the wrong things which [sounds](/view/09:47:35) like erics template [sounds](/view/11:30:53) like the inverted around page as data [source](/view/11:24:26) brian plays with just tough on open [source](/view/11:39:54) developers


to the thing that [sparks](/view/10:07:46) joy another thing that a [spec](/view/11:12:34) could address a [spec](/view/11:13:47) could also say we have a fuzzy [spec](/view/11:05:31) here starting from ld to a compatible [spec](/view/11:01:39) level a parser and a [spec](/view/10:04:43) tinkering with the spec tinkering with the [spec](/view/10:04:43) until it could pay for cooperation making [specific](/view/10:47:24) choices to work neighborhood centers versus a [specific](/view/10:27:01) neighborhood center and it up toward more [specific](/view/10:46:03) project deliveries would considers what is the [specification](/view/11:00:56) for how federated surveying various basic protocol [specifications](/view/10:53:04) which have appeared a hospital visit [spellcheck](/view/09:56:50) a boundary object resources jdbc etc does [spring](/view/10:54:53) still use jdbc


consortium of [standards](/view/10:51:06) to brians suggestion about [standards](/view/10:53:04) as somewhat timely on the environment of [standards](/view/10:54:53) for how the where brian might have [started](/view/10:41:26) to connect with a fuzzy spec here [starting](/view/11:05:31) from wards descriptions evaluation functions on that [state](/view/09:53:54) is a single shared [state](/view/09:53:54) and there are similar peer to peer [state](/view/11:44:39) some are just says could i create [static](/view/11:19:37) page versions of digest it into a [static](/view/12:10:50) website runoff docs to a [static](/view/12:03:29) website migration migration story a firefighter can [stay](/view/10:42:52) in a fire stick figures and [stay](/view/12:01:57) there ed emberleys pay for coordination not [stepping](/view/10:47:24) on each others [stick](/view/12:01:57) figures and stay for people that draw [stick](/view/12:00:45) figures https www use jdbc is it [still](/view/10:54:53) at the core jdbc etc does spring [still](/view/10:54:53) use jdbc is block chain for permantent [storage](/view/11:08:54) is an interesting as a database to [store](/view/12:10:50) information a script jargon not we can [store](/view/10:42:52) twice as much people can understand brians [story](/view/10:42:52) a firefighter can brian relates a [story](/view/10:41:26) about the local [story](/view/09:36:54) craft ux wimp interfaces have [stratified](/view/10:09:57) since nelsons mother federated wikis [structure](/view/11:24:26) and idioms of to be in the [structure](/view/11:05:31) of the page hierarchy of political governance [structures](/view/10:25:56) and the interest lots of secrecy proprietary [stuff](/view/11:39:27) hiding is totally an emberley [style](/view/12:02:48)


say what items are [subject](/view/11:13:47) to indexing or has a [subscription](/view/11:39:05) model so no team and leader will [succeed](/view/10:06:29) despite the process but the existance of [such](/view/09:50:30) a document just reflection which is why [such](/view/11:59:18) a small group old buick to solve [sudoku](/view/11:52:23) puzzles you can marc [suggest](/view/11:31:46) that brians insights eric nods to brians [suggestion](/view/10:53:04) about standards as of ideas which can [summon](/view/11:27:26) many other pages arizona through winkelman hayden [superior](/view/09:54:35) and globe also marc connects leos in [superior](/view/10:36:20) with brians community how much [support](/view/11:17:22) of the javascript i [supposed](/view/11:56:36) a foundation blockchain we paying to make [sure](/view/09:48:03) it never happens are isomorphic but not [sure](/view/11:38:56) they are usefully and overspecific corrections https [surfingcomplexity](/view/09:50:07) blog the courage that eric has been [surveying](/view/10:53:04) various basic protocol brian i [suspect](/view/11:35:55) that i should


because embedded [svgs](/view/11:14:09) and diagrams are


to things like blog [syndication](/view/10:55:36) ipfs inter planetary file [system](/view/10:59:59) aligned somewhat with an operator of the [system](/view/10:15:27) alongside the team a picture of your [system](/view/10:01:32) the problem is a diagram of the [system](/view/10:03:51) they were working a good textbook lookup [system](/view/09:45:35) with vetted good complex [systems](/view/09:50:07) and overspecific corrections


for example a [table](/view/11:40:02) with from to i think [tables](/view/11:38:56) and graphs are eric [take](/view/09:48:39) a look you can [take](/view/11:09:47) the local copy of tim ewald s [talk](/view/10:26:25) from https www to be able to [talk](/view/11:04:27) to each other would come in and [talk](/view/10:41:26) together every day marc eric is [talking](/view/10:55:04) about resolving names me of different audiences [talking](/view/09:50:21) past each other half as much weight [target](/view/10:42:52) communications to an


a solid [team](/view/10:06:29) and leader will the system alongside the [team](/view/10:15:27) built trust and toward having the operations [team](/view/10:44:12) fill it out in that the dev [team](/view/10:11:06) having to continue the diagram becuase the [team](/view/10:01:32) is thinking of bottom person cares about [tech](/view/09:50:21) aspects gives other largely non [technical](/view/09:50:30) people warm fuzzies about helping groups at [tektronix](/view/10:01:32) research draw a an example from kerry [telling](/view/10:37:01) chris about a which sounds like erics [template](/view/09:47:35) question problem the [template](/view/09:50:21) thing reminds me [templates](/view/09:44:18) examples always help generating dreaming very customized [templates](/view/09:45:17) that may or innovations in [terms](/view/10:42:52) that people can a lump of formatted [text](/view/11:24:26) objects guide boundary objects [text](/view/09:54:48) a boundary object things that are not [text](/view/11:13:03) and should not neovim a programmers [text](/view/12:11:17) editor nvim us ascii [text](/view/12:03:48) was the general rather than a good [textbook](/view/09:45:35) lookup system with


rather [than](/view/09:45:35) a good textbook is also markdown rather [than](/view/11:20:23) json i prefer its easier [than](/view/11:20:23) writing those plugins [thanks](/view/11:12:20) for the earthstar paul points out [that](/view/11:13:03) a certain percentage one thing a way [that](/view/10:19:06) a consulting developer paragraphs is another thing [that](/view/11:12:34) a spec could eric notes [that](/view/11:04:27) a thing which we could have done [that](/view/10:08:28) anytime so why indexing relates to things [that](/view/11:13:03) are not text fedwiki foundation could own [that](/view/11:10:12) blockchain and the marc suggest [that](/view/11:31:46) brians insights on and be flexible for [that](/view/12:01:36) change the simplest thing [that](/view/11:57:56) could possibly work great book for people [that](/view/12:00:45) draw stick figures standards as somewhat timely [that](/view/10:53:04) eric has been team is thinking of [that](/view/10:01:32) first dont copy [that](/view/11:48:10) floppy bits vs am absolutely attracted to [that](/view/11:22:55) for a personal brian reflects [that](/view/10:34:08) groups of senior is a similar thing [that](/view/10:04:29) happens when you brian i suspect [that](/view/11:35:55) i should better i wouldnt have had [that](/view/10:11:29) insight without working to the coins part [that](/view/11:47:11) is expensive marc reflects [that](/view/10:47:24) its easy to interesting [that](/view/09:45:17) latest ai copilots dreaming very customized templates [that](/view/09:45:17) may or may but there are things [that](/view/09:34:49) need to happen ward points out [that](/view/09:48:53) part of incident innovations in terms [that](/view/10:42:52) people can understand eric nods [that](/view/11:02:48) say foaf dot around to the thing [that](/view/10:07:46) sparks joy two evaluation functions on [that](/view/09:53:54) state marc says [that](/view/12:08:57) the combination of eric reflects [that](/view/11:15:27) the complexity of off for usability in [that](/view/10:11:06) the dev team erics incident report document [that](/view/10:44:12) the document was i m thinking [that](/view/10:50:25) the security model eric points out [that](/view/11:14:54) the simplicity of sometimes a dorky thing [that](/view/10:07:11) the weakest programmer i like [that](/view/09:53:54) there is a anticipate [that](/view/12:01:36) there will be a book using fedwiki [that](/view/11:55:55) these affordances might encode any graph but [that](/view/11:40:02) turns arrows into technical people warm fuzzies [that](/view/09:50:30) you know what board members cant argue [that](/view/10:30:45) your priorities are to cryptocurrencies even if [thats](/view/11:07:35) not the significant on graphviz diagrams with [their](/view/11:27:26) clickable links as an audience and use [their](/view/10:42:52) jargon not we then when everyone has [their](/view/11:06:18) own clients how autonomy and power over [their](/view/11:10:36) own content and to continue to use [their](/view/10:11:06) software project alongside link hadnt heard of [them](/view/11:12:20) content history by tracing [them](/view/11:09:33) across history maybe i missed out on [them](/view/12:00:14) happily i publish to make [them](/view/11:07:35) hard to forge be a version and [then](/view/12:01:36) a version and in the client so [then](/view/11:06:18) when everyone has to seven things and [then](/view/11:28:31) you can compose and [then](/view/10:23:39) you want to a nice clean format [there](/view/12:07:33) though [there](/view/12:04:44) are a few and future proofing if [there](/view/11:55:55) are customizations of them across history maybe [there](/view/11:09:33) are old copies not the significant connection [there](/view/11:07:35) are signed repository eric says yes though [there](/view/11:19:37) are some wrinkles shopping this morning but [there](/view/09:34:49) are things that single shared state and [there](/view/09:53:54) are two evaluation stick figures and stay [there](/view/12:01:57) ed emberleys books [there](/view/10:04:29) is a similar i like that [there](/view/09:53:54) is a single the server in fedwiki [there](/view/11:06:18) is almost no federated links the magic [there](/view/11:15:27) is the interesting grass in the picture [there](/view/09:46:14) must be a anticipate that [there](/view/12:01:36) will be a rapport and gained insights [theres](/view/10:15:27) an official script [theres](/view/09:46:14) grass in the book using fedwiki that [these](/view/11:55:55) affordances might be core for cryptographic authentication [these](/view/11:51:46) days broadly using all of [these](/view/11:02:48) global ontologies depends paul frazees description of [these](/view/11:08:31) mechanisms on dat able to evolve but [they](/view/11:04:27) also need to isomorphic but not sure [they](/view/11:38:56) are usefully isomorphic you ask people what [they](/view/10:04:29) value your working diagram of the system [they](/view/10:03:51) were working with just had this one [thing](/view/10:19:06) a way that as a first class [thing](/view/10:22:34) eric continuous triple awareness the [thing](/view/11:29:35) i care about i care about the [thing](/view/11:29:35) its a part the template [thing](/view/09:50:21) reminds me of ulysses is a apple [thing](/view/11:37:08) so i havent in paragraphs is another [thing](/view/11:12:34) that a spec the simplest [thing](/view/11:57:56) that could possibly there is a similar [thing](/view/10:04:29) that happens when got around to the [thing](/view/10:07:46) that sparks joy sometimes a dorky [thing](/view/10:07:11) that the weakest being the most popular [thing](/view/10:07:11) to the customer eric notes that a [thing](/view/11:04:27) which looks interesting if you know those [things](/view/10:04:39) can compose the three [things](/view/11:28:31) likes to learn new [things](/view/10:04:29) and another person to five to seven [things](/view/11:28:31) and then you easy to digest three [things](/view/11:28:31) at a time need to not align [things](/view/09:55:23) closely are enabled by fetching [things](/view/11:11:44) from the federation some of the same [things](/view/11:09:59) https earthstar project for doing really new [things](/view/10:09:57) in ux wimp part of and the [things](/view/11:29:35) its composed of the microformats approaches to [things](/view/10:55:36) like blog syndication back to looking at [things](/view/10:56:52) like soap and large indexing relates to [things](/view/11:13:03) that are not morning but there are [things](/view/09:34:49) that need to digest five to seven [things](/view/11:28:31) using color or focusing on the wrong [things](/view/09:47:35) which sounds like i [think](/view/11:18:35) of the university i [think](/view/11:38:56) tables and graphs in marcs eip i [think](/view/09:55:08) the center column [thinking](/view/11:16:19) of say could becuase the team is [thinking](/view/10:01:32) of that first i m [thinking](/view/10:50:25) that the security [third](/view/10:37:20) place books an way which some of [this](/view/11:08:31) attribution could be where are we on [this](/view/10:26:05) diagram internet archive would show [this](/view/11:16:45) in the not talk together every day [this](/view/10:41:26) is a place from the domain holder [this](/view/11:07:35) is missing from to go grocery shopping [this](/view/09:34:49) morning but there if we just had [this](/view/10:19:06) one thing a how do we figure [this](/view/10:44:12) out living room to make [this](/view/10:37:01) sort of connection [thompson](/view/11:25:11) morrisons paragraph formed the same place as [thorium](/view/11:37:23) with some of we have assets folders [those](/view/11:05:31) are the core people not involved in [those](/view/09:49:22) details in traditional client server [those](/view/11:06:18) formats and protocols its easier than writing [those](/view/11:20:23) plugins for fedwiki plan if you know [those](/view/10:04:39) things [though](/view/11:37:03) the cool kids [though](/view/12:04:44) there are a content eric says yes [though](/view/11:19:37) there are some be working with brians [thought](/view/10:44:12) about erics incident you can compose the [three](/view/11:28:31) things its easy to digest [three](/view/11:28:31) things at a some wrinkles to work [through](/view/11:19:37) to make the site map oracle arizona [through](/view/09:54:35) winkelman hayden superior


proof of work part [tied](/view/11:47:11) to the coins three things at a [time](/view/11:28:31) marc and graphs at a particular [time](/view/11:50:21) maybe shows up x at a particular [time](/view/11:50:02) probably of interest about standards as somewhat [timely](/view/10:53:04) that eric has parser and a spec [tinkering](/view/10:04:43) with the spec will write a perfect [tiny](/view/11:58:16) gem which is from his experience of [tiny](/view/11:59:53) simple solutions eric i got [tired](/view/11:39:29) of gorilla wrestling


stepping on each others [toes](/view/10:47:24) and difficult to networking and later working [together](/view/10:36:20) specific choices to work [together](/view/10:47:24) as a commitment come in and talk [together](/view/10:41:26) every day this it tom gauld is [totally](/view/12:02:48) an emberley style its just [tough](/view/11:39:54) on open source www discovercoppercorridor org explore [tourist](/view/09:54:35) site map oracle the outage but aimed [toward](/view/10:44:12) having the operations but amping it up [toward](/view/10:46:03) more specific project neighborhood center and a [town](/view/10:27:01) council


wiki content history by [tracing](/view/11:09:33) them across history sudoku puzzles you can [trade](/view/11:52:23) for illicit drugs in [traditional](/view/11:06:18) client server those to be useful during [transition](/view/11:02:48) to a json person an ambassador a [translator](/view/10:17:03) kafka the [trial](/view/11:33:15) messaging infrastructure so no as the [trial](/view/11:39:05) period is short attention needs a continuous [triple](/view/11:29:35) awareness the thing are doing helps with [trust](/view/09:50:30) alongside the team built [trust](/view/10:15:27) and rapport and


i should better understand [tufte](/view/11:35:55) s work brian reflects on [tuftes](/view/11:30:40) discussion of web that brians insights on [tuftes](/view/11:31:46) methods might be i ve used were [tuis](/view/10:08:36) any graph but that [turns](/view/11:40:02) arrows into paths oracle com javase jndi [tutorial](/view/10:56:09) getstarted overview index


be separable as a [tweet](/view/11:26:52) brian in a fire site [twice](/view/10:42:52) as long or not we can store [twice](/view/10:42:52) as much oxygen like google auth like [twitter](/view/11:02:48) auth like the not go go to [twitter](/view/11:10:36) scale to replace something like [twitter](/view/11:10:36) the common factor


with less obvious item [types](/view/11:13:47) and non general item [types](/view/10:49:25) requiring plugins


import fedwiki lineups into [ulysses](/view/11:26:27) anyone else use [ulysses](/view/11:36:45) of the niceties of [ulysses](/view/12:08:57) replying to looks like [ulysses](/view/11:39:05) i looks like [ulysses](/view/11:37:08) is a apple


core implementors since its [unambiguously](/view/11:37:03) parse able have magnitude units and [uncertainty](/view/10:23:39) brian too much work seem [unchallengable](/view/09:49:22) by people not plugins for fedwiki my [underlying](/view/11:20:23) simple file format terms that people can [understand](/view/10:42:52) brians story a that i should better [understand](/view/11:35:55) tufte s work helpful but useful for [understanding](/view/10:05:28) might be useful to [unfold](/view/11:31:46) and reflect on paragraph is the right [unit](/view/11:26:21) of granularity brian a paragraph as atomic [unit](/view/11:25:11) of ideas separation quantities which have magnitude [units](/view/10:23:39) and uncertainty brian scientist writes languages with [units](/view/10:22:34) as a first i think of the [university](/view/11:18:35) of minnesota geometry tinkering with the spec [until](/view/10:04:43) it could by


json ld a formalized [update](/view/10:55:36) of the microformats www nytimes com interactive [upshot](/view/11:34:03) hallmark lifetime christmas


resolving names ie g [urls](/view/10:55:04) or fedwitki sites


warm hand off for [usability](/view/10:11:06) in that the customers to see awkward [usability](/view/10:11:06) issues by using and reflect on for [usability](/view/11:31:46) purposes fedwiki demonstrating workflow and [usage](/view/10:09:26) for purposeful patterns friendly programs i ve [used](/view/10:08:36) were tuis markdown might be pretty [useful](/view/12:04:40) for ontologies to be [useful](/view/11:02:48) during transition to fedwiki it could be [useful](/view/11:07:35) for adding a may not be as [useful](/view/11:40:02) for communication not necessarily helpful but [useful](/view/10:05:28) for understanding tuftes methods might be [useful](/view/11:31:46) to unfold and not sure they are [usefully](/view/11:38:56) isomorphic some of the most [user](/view/10:08:36) friendly programs i as a website not [using](/view/12:10:27) all of the ld scheme more broadly [using](/view/11:02:48) all of these five to seven things [using](/view/11:28:31) color or grouping the cool kids are [using](/view/11:37:03) djot from one marc as engaged customer [using](/view/10:09:26) fedwiki demonstrating workflow customization create a book [using](/view/11:55:55) fedwiki that these awkward usability issues by [using](/view/10:11:06) it like the


the [utilization](/view/11:12:34) of assets and


models tha are all [valid](/view/09:45:06) but slightly different on the work most [valuable](/view/10:19:06) to the customer software design the relative [value](/view/09:49:22) of a detailed the what do you [value](/view/10:05:16) sense ask people what they [value](/view/10:04:29) your working relationship quantity of quality of [variables](/view/09:40:19) eric has been surveying [various](/view/10:53:04) basic protocol specifications each other as the [various](/view/11:06:18) clients evolve eric also relates the [various](/view/10:55:36) ontology languages in point of view of [various](/view/09:59:33) participants


version and then a [version](/view/12:01:36) and be flexible there will be a [version](/view/12:01:36) and then a markdown shared [versioned](/view/11:22:20) files i create static page [versions](/view/11:19:37) of wiki content association of neighborhood centers [versus](/view/10:27:01) a specific neighborhood scope as you scroll [vertically](/view/11:30:40) end up generating dreaming [very](/view/09:45:17) customized templates that and significance can be [very](/view/09:56:07) different across the my [very](/view/12:03:29) first web project for his dashboard was [very](/view/10:05:16) informative in the textbook lookup system with [vetted](/view/09:45:35) good patterns


browser ecosystem to remain [viable](/view/11:17:43) no internet exploder from the point of [view](/view/09:59:33) of various participants http marc relocalizecreativity net [view](/view/09:48:31) when do you a hosiptal [visit](/view/09:56:28) different to each a hospital [visit](/view/09:56:50) spellcheck a boundary


describes interacting alongside other [volunteers](/view/10:30:45) with school board


so why did you [wait](/view/10:08:28) if you [want](/view/11:26:52) the page to players are if you [want](/view/10:38:36) to be part overview maybe you do [want](/view/11:28:49) to have a and then you [want](/view/10:23:39) to have quantities well what we re [wanting](/view/11:04:27) to maintain here things and another person [wants](/view/10:04:29) to leave by workflow weekly to engineering [ward](/view/10:06:41) thing to the customer [ward](/view/10:07:11) valuable to the customer [ward](/view/10:19:06) practice of simplicity from [ward](/view/11:59:53) from his experience [ward](/view/09:48:53) points out that to same doc as [ward](/view/09:57:47) s link above [ward](/view/11:58:16) will write a that the simplicity of [wards](/view/11:14:54) data design offers spec here starting from [wards](/view/11:05:31) descriptions we also [wards](/view/10:04:43) example of a [wards](/view/10:01:32) heuristic example about largely non technical people [warm](/view/09:50:30) fuzzies that you brian considers a [warm](/view/10:11:06) hand off for https www youtube com [watch](/view/10:26:25) v sheez jkofw eric has considered alternative [ways](/view/11:00:56) of organizing the separate [ways](/view/09:55:23) pattern in domain for experimenting with different [ways](/view/11:14:54) to compose wiki


dorky thing that the [weakest](/view/10:07:11) programmer put in pages like the national [weather](/view/11:30:40) services page arrangement it into a static [website](/view/12:10:50) docs to a static [website](/view/12:03:29) migration migration migration sharing information as a [website](/view/12:10:27) not using all customer demonstrates the workflow [weekly](/view/10:06:41) to engineering ward carry half as much [weight](/view/10:42:52) target communications to about the at protocol [well](/view/11:04:27) what we re format to use i [went](/view/10:56:52) back to looking because several mosaic features [were](/view/11:18:35) discontinued like the programs i ve used [were](/view/10:08:36) tuis of the system they [were](/view/10:03:51) working with


very informative in the [what](/view/10:05:16) do you value right [what](/view/09:45:43) is essential and what is essential and [what](/view/09:45:43) is incidental are organizing the content so [what](/view/11:00:56) is the essence eric considers [what](/view/11:00:56) is the specification spec could also say [what](/view/11:13:47) items are subject when you ask people [what](/view/10:04:29) they value your subject to indexing or [what](/view/11:13:47) to do with utilization of assets and [what](/view/11:12:34) to embed in the at protocol well [what](/view/11:04:27) we re wanting fuzzies that you know [what](/view/09:50:30) you are doing his wiki client in [whatever](/view/11:05:31) language he likes to be part of [whats](/view/10:38:36) going on or marc relocalizecreativity net view [when](/view/09:48:31) do you need the client so then [when](/view/11:06:18) everyone has their [when](/view/10:03:51) the discussion was similar thing that happens [when](/view/10:04:29) you ask people in domain driven design [when](/view/09:55:23) you need to the local coffee shop [where](/view/10:41:26) a group of [where](/view/10:26:05) are we on this is a place [where](/view/10:41:26) brian might have reflects on the form [where](/view/11:28:31) its easy to is already a protocol [where](/view/11:57:01) the federation comes work the locals know [where](/view/10:40:20) the key is have to go to [where](/view/10:38:36) the players are the key is and [where](/view/10:40:20) the tin for vr interfaces are now [where](/view/10:09:57) we have lattitude what is the essence [which](/view/11:00:56) allows interoperability to compose wiki content [which](/view/11:14:54) are not a density entanglements of ideas [which](/view/11:27:26) can summon many the consequences of workflows [which](/view/10:49:25) depend on new of the data rows [which](/view/11:32:19) dont necessarily need various basic protocol specifications [which](/view/10:53:04) have appeared as want to have quantities [which](/view/10:23:39) have magnitude units content in the way [which](/view/11:20:23) i prefer its a perfect tiny gem [which](/view/11:58:16) is complete in use cases erics reflection [which](/view/11:59:18) is why such notes that a thing [which](/view/11:04:27) looks interesting about out to a way [which](/view/11:08:31) some of this on the wrong things [which](/view/09:47:35) sounds like erics federation a failure to [whom](/view/11:16:00)


pop [wide](/view/09:38:10) https massive [wiki](/view/11:21:23) [wiki](/view/12:10:50) as a database he likes for his [wiki](/view/11:05:31) client in whatever static page versions of [wiki](/view/11:19:37) content eric says eric considers attribution of [wiki](/view/11:09:33) content history by archive dot org render [wiki](/view/11:16:19) content somehow different ways to compose [wiki](/view/11:14:54) content which are that for a personal [wiki](/view/11:22:55) format are customizations of the [wiki](/view/11:55:55) format and protocol community interaction get a [wiki](/view/11:17:05) instance into the specification for how federated [wiki](/view/11:00:56) interoperability and federation maintain here in federated [wiki](/view/11:04:27) is a distributed thompson morrisons paragraph formed [wiki](/view/11:25:11) pages a paragraph your page must interoperate [wikipedia](/view/11:56:31) federated [wikis](/view/11:24:26) structure and idioms anticipate that there [will](/view/12:01:36) be a version to the people who [will](/view/10:44:12) be working with solid team and leader [will](/view/10:06:29) succeed despite the ward [will](/view/11:58:16) write a perfect greg [wilson](/view/10:21:22) software carpentry new things in ux [wimp](/view/10:09:57) interfaces have stratified map oracle arizona through [winkelman](/view/09:54:35) hayden superior and system they were working [with](/view/10:03:51) easy to work [with](/view/10:04:39) and plan if file system aligned somewhat [with](/view/10:59:59) at protocol and connects leos in superior [with](/view/10:36:20) brians community party who will be working [with](/view/10:44:12) brians thought about offers opportunities for experimenting [with](/view/11:14:54) different ways to to keep clients interoperable [with](/view/11:06:18) each other as the java environment communicates [with](/view/10:54:53) external resources jdbc are interesting to compare [with](/view/11:44:39) fedwikis challenges some for example a table [with](/view/11:40:02) from to edge masfwiki obsidian markdown [with](/view/11:21:17) front matter kaminski i ve interacted [with](/view/11:21:46) him around masfwiki or what to do [with](/view/11:13:47) less obvious item pandoc as markdown renderer [with](/view/11:20:23) my own flavor i love examples [with](/view/10:24:40) particular named nodes distributed ledger [with](/view/11:47:41) proof of work distributed ledger [with](/view/11:49:32) proof of work ideas separation of concerns [with](/view/11:25:11) regard to prose in common [with](/view/12:03:58) runoff and html interacting alongside other volunteers [with](/view/10:30:45) school board members data source brian plays [with](/view/11:24:26) some contrast to same place as thorium [with](/view/11:37:23) some of the to work too closely [with](/view/11:10:36) the at protocol have started to connect [with](/view/10:41:26) the community and a spec tinkering [with](/view/10:04:43) the spec until reflects on graphviz diagrams [with](/view/11:27:26) their clickable links you are doing helps [with](/view/09:50:30) trust computer scientist writes languages [with](/view/10:22:34) units as a good textbook lookup system [with](/view/09:45:35) vetted good patterns software seems neglected even [within](/view/09:36:38) organizations departmental level have had that insight [without](/view/10:11:29) working in the


and diagrams are pretty [wonderful](/view/11:14:09) actually your page [wont](/view/11:56:12) render the internet dialogue https centerforinterculturaldialogue files [wordpress](/view/10:11:55) com key concept to forge as my [words](/view/11:07:35) the glue [work](/view/10:17:07) protocol and blueskys federation [work](/view/10:59:59) better understand tufte s [work](/view/11:35:55) signing my [work](/view/11:49:42) ledger with proof of [work](/view/11:49:32) algorithmically fascinating behaviorally ledger with proof of [work](/view/11:47:41) eh can focus on the [work](/view/10:19:06) most valuable to thing that could possibly [work](/view/11:57:56) one day computer its the proof of [work](/view/11:47:11) part tied to details require too much [work](/view/09:49:22) seem unchallengable by comes back late from [work](/view/10:40:20) the locals know are some wrinkles to [work](/view/11:19:37) through to make essay it may not [work](/view/11:26:52) to have each making specific choices to [work](/view/10:47:24) together as a eric hesitates to [work](/view/11:10:36) too closely with easy to [work](/view/10:04:39) with and plan signing my [work](/view/11:50:02) x at a this attribution could be [worked](/view/11:08:31) out but the [workflow](/view/09:56:07) and significance can customer using fedwiki demonstrating [workflow](/view/10:09:26) and usage for the customer demonstrates the [workflow](/view/10:06:41) weekly to engineering and the consequences of [workflows](/view/10:49:25) which depend on had that insight without [working](/view/10:11:29) in the same and bsky paul was [working](/view/11:03:46) on a personal what they value your [working](/view/10:04:29) relationship can become for networking and later [working](/view/10:36:20) together the system they were [working](/view/10:03:51) with people who will be [working](/view/10:44:12) with brians thought https scalar usc edu [works](/view/09:54:48) boundary objects guide https scalar usc edu [works](/view/09:56:40) boundary objects guide ontology languages in the [world](/view/10:55:36) like json ld in my perfect [world](/view/11:57:47) we d just it [would](/view/11:26:27) be interesting to a group of farmers [would](/view/10:41:26) come in and supposed a foundation blockchain [would](/view/11:56:36) have a moderation more specific project deliveries [would](/view/10:46:03) likely narrow and how the internet archive [would](/view/11:16:45) show this in i [wouldnt](/view/10:11:29) have had that


[wrap](/view/11:43:00) up history of got tired of gorilla [wrestling](/view/11:39:29) though there are some [wrinkles](/view/11:19:37) to work through ward will [write](/view/11:58:16) a perfect tiny no computer scientist [writes](/view/10:22:34) languages with units we d just be [writing](/view/11:57:47) latex anyway lol prefer its easier than [writing](/view/11:20:23) those plugins for that the document was [written](/view/10:44:12) by high level about focusing on the [wrong](/view/09:47:35) things which sounds


a dog in the [yard](/view/09:46:14)


the local copy of [your](/view/11:09:47) own data to [your](/view/11:56:31) page must interoperate [your](/view/11:56:12) page wont render members cant argue that [your](/view/10:30:45) priorities are narrow the larger community on [your](/view/10:30:45) side the board draw a picture of [your](/view/10:01:32) system the problem people what they value [your](/view/10:04:29) working relationship can organize the community gatherings [yourself](/view/10:38:36) talk from https www [youtube](/view/10:26:25) com watch v


interest for the fedwiki [zoom](/view/10:46:03) and chat groups