Keyword Index. See Typescript 2023-10-11
thirty people would be [able](/view/10:36:23) to keep up the core program is [able](/view/10:39:42) to run plugins brian thinks [about](/view/10:27:07) fedwiki lets say non shared story pages [about](/view/11:26:55) gateway pages and general discussion [about](/view/10:22:10) how the journal size [about](/view/11:26:55) non shared story coordination call to talk [about](/view/10:32:48) the book work the person most knowledgeable [about](/view/10:38:00) the particular area little colored boxes stacked [above](/view/11:43:55) a table how
of a particular servers [activity](/view/11:45:27) and health
control paradigms were incredible [advancements](/view/11:05:54) linus torvalds [advocacy](/view/10:59:48) talk at google
com search q repo [afedwiki](/view/11:16:31) fwiki client path thompson was as [affected](/view/10:32:48) by his experience history of the kernel [after](/view/11:07:03) losing their sponsored database dispute at work [after](/view/10:38:00) two and a
a friend recording an [agile](/view/11:35:54) class into a thompson morrison of transforming [agile](/view/10:28:44) software development such
ideas the supercollaborator view [allowed](/view/11:26:55) thompson to see the journal [allows](/view/10:17:18) you to reconstruct personal projects i m [almost](/view/11:04:35) to a tcr define the book they [also](/view/10:32:48) had a weekly gitk was [also](/view/10:58:12) key for learning yeah [also](/view/11:07:30) the cost of concrete slab in palo [alto](/view/10:13:55) was learning git i [always](/view/10:57:45) read it as and macro scales is [always](/view/11:23:38) where interesting things
was it a bit [ambitious](/view/10:17:18)
[andy](/view/11:08:36) serkis
comments there are two [apis](/view/10:18:14) really the browsing do to bring thompsons [approach](/view/10:28:44) back in ward important in changing his [approach](/view/11:24:07) during the book be used as an [approach](/view/10:28:44) in the educational
knowledgeable about the particular [area](/view/10:38:00)
the server are implicitly [assuming](/view/10:19:53) consistent continuity history of [asynchronously](/view/10:16:31) edited objects
picture of the tilt [augmented](/view/11:43:00) reality vr setup how does the fedwiki [authoring](/view/11:32:33) and editing process established credibility with other [authors](/view/10:34:09) and was the exercise with two other [authors](/view/10:32:48) each working in the subject and the [authors](/view/11:32:33) for that particular individual wikis the three [authors](/view/10:34:09) having narratives a work of the multiple [authors](/view/11:22:27) in graph form ward and thompsons co [authors](/view/11:21:52) used to create writing pattern included three [authors](/view/10:34:09) writing individual wikis
things were one step [away](/view/11:26:55) from the gateway
that they rehosted the [back](/view/11:03:03) end on their to bring thompsons approach [back](/view/10:28:44) in ward reflects editorial point of view [based](/view/11:24:50) on his experience
results of the transcription [became](/view/11:35:54) multiple books [because](/view/11:22:27) the tools evolved server api could have [been](/view/10:19:08) more separate from we trust the story [before](/view/10:16:47) we trust the other wikis recent changes [before](/view/10:31:15) writing in your hint at a page [being](/view/10:22:55) a collection of that searchable the synopsis [being](/view/10:23:39) the content of and editing process work [better](/view/11:32:33) for the subject there was productive interaction [between](/view/10:24:53) joshua and paul translating [between](/view/11:23:38) the micro and [beyond](/view/11:19:37) compare but were rarely used [beyond](/view/11:06:17) forking and merging tend to scale well [beyond](/view/10:35:39) people organizational structure is needed [beyond](/view/10:30:28) wikis and pages
mybikeshop com sg my [bike](/view/10:42:33) shop ownership guides view looking at folding [bikes](/view/10:40:58) buyers guide for folding [bikes](/view/10:42:33)
[blackout](/view/11:09:03) curtains over mine same wide [blinking](/view/11:05:16) eyes sunny [blocks](/view/11:47:07)
y document write html [body](/view/12:06:00) h links loc br y document write [body](/view/12:06:00) html y document used to create the [book](/view/11:21:52) went into the printed [book](/view/11:27:30) an ide for a [book](/view/11:31:41) authors for that particular [book](/view/11:32:33) the [book](/view/11:29:26) as published preserved experiences in writing the [book](/view/11:24:07) in using zoom experience writing an earlier [book](/view/11:24:50) let the core his approach during the [book](/view/11:24:07) production tools to support thompsons [book](/view/11:31:29) project when going through the [book](/view/11:28:24) sometimes losing the thompson to define the [book](/view/10:32:48) they also had the course of the [book](/view/11:22:27) thompson used the part of finishing the [book](/view/11:27:30) was in choosing to talk about the [book](/view/10:32:48) work outside the the [book](/view/10:34:09) writing pattern included i found a cool [bookmarklet](/view/12:05:47) the transcription became multiple [books](/view/11:35:54) set of little colored [boxes](/view/11:43:55) stacked above a can get many little [boxes](/view/11:44:18) usefully present on
commit messages on a [branch](/view/11:04:35) and then clean img y document write [break](/view/12:06:00) else y document [brian](/view/10:30:28) reflects i see [brian](/view/10:34:42) reflects successful teams [brian](/view/11:28:24) relates a story [brian](/view/10:35:39) says email doesnt [brian](/view/10:27:07) thinks about fedwiki can we do to [bring](/view/10:28:44) thompsons approach back more separate from the [browsing](/view/10:19:08) api two apis really the [browsing](/view/10:18:14) api is pretty
paul worked together in [building](/view/11:31:29) tools to support [bummer](/view/11:08:32) i had many tended to be more [burdensome](/view/10:15:08) maintaining the important the [business](/view/10:38:37) model depended on bike shop ownership guides [buyers](/view/10:42:33) guide for folding
had a weekly coordination [call](/view/10:32:48) to talk about and i got a [cant](/view/10:47:36) do it maybe can i put the [carrier](/view/10:44:18) on the window and paul relate the [case](/view/10:56:01) in which dragging damaging the customer use [cases](/view/10:38:37) for the time
reflects successful teams overcome [challenges](/view/10:34:42) or shortcomings in quote for me was [change](/view/10:38:28) the company you you work for or [change](/view/10:38:28) the company you especially if there are [changes](/view/10:18:14) state of a page [changes](/view/10:22:10) two other wikis recent [changes](/view/10:31:15) before writing in so the landscape was [changing](/view/11:07:30) view were important in [changing](/view/11:24:07) his approach during cost of disks was [changing](/view/11:07:30) rapidly so the save [chat](/view/11:55:41) many migraines as a [child](/view/11:08:32) too j if x n [childnodes](/view/12:06:00) j nodename img j j x n [childnodes](/view/12:06:00) length j if ward reflects you can [choose](/view/10:31:15) a specific site the book was in [choosing](/view/11:27:30) which version of of mediation an exec [chose](/view/10:38:00) a particular person
friend recording an agile [class](/view/11:35:54) into a phone a branch and then [clean](/view/11:04:35) it up and ward comments that the [client](/view/10:19:53) and the server q repo afedwiki fwiki [client](/view/11:16:31) path a f but was way too [close](/view/11:05:54) to rcs the body html y document [close](/view/12:06:00) void lol i m [closer](/view/10:59:13) to never merge i m [closer](/view/10:58:53) to never rebase
f f merge type [code](/view/11:16:31) a side by side [collaboration](/view/11:20:22) machine as fedwiki ward refers to [collaborative](/view/11:20:22) work where side a page being a [collection](/view/10:22:55) of distributed parts page as an ordered [collection](/view/10:15:33) of items gateways and the garden [collective](/view/11:26:01) pages were his does that work for [collective](/view/10:27:07) sense making and gather and present a [collective](/view/10:27:07) statement how does sphere thompson did a [collective](/view/10:32:48) writing exercise with a set of little [colored](/view/11:43:55) boxes stacked above and reach into the [columnar](/view/11:45:27) representation of a ward [comments](/view/10:19:53) that the client paul [comments](/view/10:18:14) there are two nick [comments](/view/10:21:26) with a slightly numerous commits with bad [commit](/view/11:04:35) messages on a to a tcr test [commit](/view/11:04:35) revert mode so so i have numerous [commits](/view/11:04:35) with bad commit then the garden of [common](/view/11:26:55) ideas the supercollaborator narratives a garden of [common](/view/10:34:09) ideas thompson as me was change the [company](/view/10:38:28) you work for for or change the [company](/view/10:38:28) you work for with thompson there was [comparatively](/view/10:28:44) little forking but beyond [compare](/view/11:19:37) used the supercollaborator to [compare](/view/11:22:27) and reflect on where side by side [comparison](/view/11:20:22) is a workaday his study of a [complex](/view/11:24:50) overlapping diagram could be destructive or [complicating](/view/10:56:01) a house over a [concrete](/view/10:13:55) slab in palo the n are fully [connected](/view/10:36:24) works fine for git i d seriously [consider](/view/11:00:42) fossil to see server are implicitly assuming [consistent](/view/10:19:53) continuity it than it can [consistently](/view/10:18:14) support especially if the same in item [content](/view/11:05:16) but my local the synopsis being the [content](/view/10:23:39) of the first are implicitly assuming consistent [continuity](/view/10:19:53) rcs the distributed version [control](/view/11:05:54) paradigms were incredible for two people in [conversation](/view/10:30:28) what does it i found a [cool](/view/12:05:47) bookmarklet also had a weekly [coordination](/view/10:32:48) call to talk earlier book let the [core](/view/11:24:50) ideas emerge from model is that the [core](/view/10:39:42) program is able p was so [core](/view/11:03:03) to google that yeah also the [cost](/view/11:07:30) of disks was which dragging an item [could](/view/10:56:01) be destructive or right you [could](/view/11:07:45) have a lot and updating server api [could](/view/10:19:08) have been more interaction maybe three people [could](/view/10:31:15) have designated wikis slightly different structure one [could](/view/10:21:26) have the journal an item but i [could](/view/10:49:37) merge the journal interaction and that you [could](/view/10:31:15) read two other i [could](/view/11:07:03) understand linus motivation a table how many [could](/view/11:43:55) you visualize and i [couldnt](/view/10:49:37) drag or shift tools evolved over the [course](/view/11:22:27) of the book
reflects that his federation [crawl](/view/10:26:22) and scrape has edit move fork [create](/view/10:16:15) co authors used to [create](/view/11:21:52) the book and visionary who established [credibility](/view/10:34:09) with other authors
blackout [curtains](/view/11:09:03) on not damaging the [customer](/view/10:38:37) use cases for
able to keep up [daily](/view/10:36:23) model depended on not [damaging](/view/10:38:37) the customer use for the time series [database](/view/10:38:37) to a time series [database](/view/10:38:00) dispute at work back end on their [datacenter](/view/11:03:03) storage while supporting jeff recalls a [dataglove](/view/11:46:52) for d manu two and a half [days](/view/10:38:00) of mediation an
outside the educational profession [decision](/view/11:30:43) makers in education person to make the [decision](/view/10:38:00) on the dispute on what [decisions](/view/10:14:30) shaped future options and what [decisions](/view/10:15:08) tended to be git reflog as somewhat [deep](/view/10:57:49) magic worked by thompson to [define](/view/10:32:48) the book they the glasses the bit [density](/view/11:46:15) is not as wiki org view spatial [density](/view/11:45:19) of diagrams the business model [depended](/view/10:38:37) on not damaging [design](/view/10:16:03) of support for three people could have [designated](/view/10:31:15) wikis for interaction an item could be [destructive](/view/10:56:01) or complicating the garden of encyclopedic [detail](/view/11:29:26) shared as reference lost in the side [detail](/view/11:28:24) when going through google hit my oversell [detector](/view/10:59:48) so i was gateways were important in [determining](/view/11:26:01) the structure of transforming agile software [development](/view/10:28:44) such that it
of a complex overlapping [diagram](/view/11:24:50) view spatial density of [diagrams](/view/11:45:19) thompsons [diagrams](/view/11:26:01) of the narrative do things that we [didnt](/view/10:26:22) expect or suspect comments with a slightly [different](/view/10:21:26) structure one could [difftastic](/view/11:19:39) goals pod rodwell me [difftastic](/view/11:20:08) html nick [discusses](/view/10:57:49) git reflog as as part of the [discussion](/view/10:29:49) general [discussion](/view/10:22:10) about how the also the cost of [disks](/view/11:07:30) was changing rapidly a time series database [dispute](/view/10:38:00) at work after the decision on the [dispute](/view/10:38:00) the editor has within fedwiki fedwiki is [distributed](/view/10:26:22) does that make being a collection of [distributed](/view/10:22:55) parts ward on the [distributed](/view/10:20:38) state of federated close to rcs the [distributed](/view/11:05:54) version control paradigms
with a [docking](/view/11:36:04) station sort of write body html y [document](/view/12:06:00) close void title document title x [document](/view/12:06:00) getelementsbytagname a y loc location href title [document](/view/12:06:00) title x document n href br y [document](/view/12:06:00) write body html j nodename img y [document](/view/12:06:00) write break else y window open y [document](/view/12:06:00) write html body write break else y [document](/view/12:06:00) write x n people in conversation what [does](/view/10:30:28) it look like what [does](/view/11:31:49) scriveners process look fedwiki fedwiki is distributed [does](/view/10:26:22) that make it a collective statement how [does](/view/10:27:07) that work for how [does](/view/11:32:33) the fedwiki authoring [doesnt](/view/10:36:24) scale when the brian says email [doesnt](/view/10:35:39) tend to scale nope still [doesnt](/view/10:48:12) work reflects on his experience [doing](/view/10:28:44) a co reading so are we [doomed](/view/10:35:17) to reinvent google
maybe a shift [drag](/view/10:47:55) i tried to [drag](/view/10:47:36) a paragraph and couldnt drag or shift [drag](/view/10:49:37) an item but i couldnt [drag](/view/10:49:37) or shift drag the case in which [dragging](/view/10:56:01) an item could i ll try [dragging](/view/10:48:22) the journal tb hard [drive](/view/11:56:44) robert s
in changing his approach [during](/view/11:24:07) the book production
preserved the narrative of [each](/view/11:29:26) other and referred and pages playing off [each](/view/10:29:49) other generated new work and pointed to [each](/view/10:28:44) others pages writing that played off [each](/view/10:28:44) others work and with two other authors [each](/view/10:32:48) working in their his experience writing an [earlier](/view/11:24:50) book let the
[edit](/view/10:16:15) move fork create same item id but [edited](/view/10:47:36) updates and i havent [edited](/view/11:05:16) it since merging history of asynchronously [edited](/view/10:16:31) objects pretty good the underlying [editing](/view/10:18:14) and persistence api ward and paul the [editing](/view/10:19:08) and updating server the fedwiki authoring and [editing](/view/11:32:33) process work better common ideas thompson as [editor](/view/10:34:09) and visionary who on the dispute the [editor](/view/10:38:00) has to be thompsons [editorial](/view/11:24:50) point of view profession decision makers in [education](/view/11:30:43) to folks outside the [educational](/view/11:30:43) profession decision makers the experience into the [educational](/view/10:32:48) sphere thompson did an approach in the [educational](/view/10:28:44) sphere what can
client path a f [elib](/view/11:16:31) c f f y document write break [else](/view/12:06:00) y document write
brian says [email](/view/10:35:39) doesnt tend to let the core ideas [emerge](/view/11:24:50) from his study
to the garden of [encyclopedic](/view/11:29:26) detail shared as to see how things [entered](/view/11:26:55) the gateway and a peer to peer [environment](/view/10:21:26)
same [epoch](/view/11:05:23) i guess
it can consistently support [especially](/view/10:18:14) if there are editor and visionary who [established](/view/10:34:09) credibility with other
[everyone](/view/11:07:56) is the source because the tools [evolved](/view/11:22:27) over the course
an [example](/view/11:43:55) layout of a ward relates an [example](/view/11:35:54) of a friend days of mediation an [exec](/view/10:38:00) chose a particular co reading co writing [exercise](/view/10:28:44) with thompson there did a collective writing [exercise](/view/10:32:48) with two other and persistence api folks [expect](/view/10:18:14) more of it things that we didnt [expect](/view/10:26:22) or suspect within as affected by his [experience](/view/10:32:48) as ward was ward reflects on his [experience](/view/10:28:44) doing a co thompson to take the [experience](/view/10:32:48) into the educational ugh my [experience](/view/11:00:09) with perforce was view based on his [experience](/view/11:24:50) writing an earlier ward reflects that thompsons [experiences](/view/11:24:07) in writing the
mine same wide blinking [eyes](/view/11:05:16)
looking at the map [feature](/view/11:26:47) of the photos p had some good [features](/view/11:05:54) but was way the distributed state of [federated](/view/10:20:38) wiki ward reflects that his [federation](/view/10:26:22) crawl and scrape side collaboration machine as [fedwiki](/view/11:20:22) how does the [fedwiki](/view/11:32:33) authoring and editing expect or suspect within [fedwiki](/view/10:26:22) fedwiki is distributed or suspect within fedwiki [fedwiki](/view/10:26:22) is distributed does brian thinks about [fedwiki](/view/10:27:07) lets say we
are fully connected works [fine](/view/10:36:24) for the to part of [finishing](/view/11:27:30) the book was the content of the [first](/view/10:23:39) paragraph of a the tilt [five](/view/11:46:15) look through the high on a tilt [five](/view/11:46:15) than a typical
read it as re [flog](/view/10:57:45) rather than ref
were his points of [focus](/view/11:26:01) the gateways were wiki view looking at [folding](/view/10:40:58) bikes guides buyers guide for [folding](/view/10:42:33) bikes and the never rebase [folks](/view/10:58:33) and theres the rebase [folks](/view/10:58:33) and the never editing and persistence api [folks](/view/10:18:14) expect more of garden less meaningful to [folks](/view/11:30:43) outside the educational [food](/view/11:54:58) tiled edit move [fork](/view/10:16:15) create were rarely used beyond [forking](/view/11:06:17) and merging there was comparatively little [forking](/view/10:28:44) but more writing any individual site the [forking](/view/10:22:55) history and the multiple authors in graph [form](/view/11:22:27) i d seriously consider [fossil](/view/11:00:42) to see if i [found](/view/12:05:47) a cool bookmarklet http [found](/view/11:45:19) ward bay wiki http [found](/view/10:40:58) ward fed wiki own wiki with a [fourth](/view/10:32:48) point of view
got a lot less [frequent](/view/11:08:43) git reflog was used [frequently](/view/10:57:45) as i was an example of a [friend](/view/11:35:54) recording an agile is a page separate [from](/view/10:22:55) any individual view the core ideas emerge [from](/view/11:24:50) his study of have been more separate [from](/view/10:19:08) the browsing api were one step away [from](/view/11:26:55) the gateway
up then later supporting [fuller](/view/10:24:53) text indexing then when the n are [fully](/view/10:36:24) connected works fine plugins and all the [functionality](/view/10:39:42) is implemented with on what decisions shaped [future](/view/10:14:30) options in a
search q repo afedwiki [fwiki](/view/11:16:31) client path a
the gateways and the [garden](/view/11:26:01) collective pages were was the [garden](/view/11:30:43) less meaningful to authors having narratives a [garden](/view/10:34:09) of common ideas pages and then the [garden](/view/11:26:55) of common ideas and referred to the [garden](/view/11:29:26) of encyclopedic detail the gateway and the [garden](/view/11:26:55) what things were step away from the [gateway](/view/11:26:55) how things entered the [gateway](/view/11:26:55) and the garden which version of a [gateway](/view/11:27:30) page went into shared story pages about [gateway](/view/11:26:55) pages and then narrative pages and the [gateways](/view/11:26:01) and the garden points of focus the [gateways](/view/11:26:01) were important in to use it to [gather](/view/10:27:07) and present a
[general](/view/10:22:10) discussion about how playing off each other [generated](/view/10:29:49) new pages as document title x document [getelementsbytagname](/view/12:06:00) a y window my wife still [gets](/view/11:09:43) them occasionally relates a story of [getting](/view/11:28:24) lost in the
https [github](/view/11:16:31) com search q [gitk](/view/10:58:12) was also key
five look through the [glasses](/view/11:46:15) the bit density
http [goals](/view/11:20:08) pod rodwell me the side detail when [going](/view/11:28:24) through the book p had some [good](/view/11:05:54) features but was browsing api is pretty [good](/view/10:18:14) the underlying editing [google](/view/11:04:54) did the similar torvalds advocacy talk at [google](/view/10:59:48) hit my oversell was so core to [google](/view/11:03:03) that they rehosted we doomed to reinvent [google](/view/10:35:17) wave jeff
the multiple authors in [graph](/view/11:22:27) form
same epoch i [guess](/view/11:05:23) shop ownership guides buyers [guide](/view/10:42:33) for folding bikes my bike shop ownership [guides](/view/10:42:33) buyers guide for
after two and a [half](/view/10:38:00) days of mediation phone with a whiteboard [handy](/view/11:35:54) the phone recording always where interesting things [happen](/view/11:23:38) perforce was not a [happy](/view/11:00:09) one detector so i was [happy](/view/10:59:48) to stick with tb [hard](/view/11:56:44) drive robert s have to [hash](/view/11:10:21) the journal the window of my [hatchback](/view/10:44:18) right you could [have](/view/11:07:45) a lot a do you [have](/view/10:29:19) any idea how updating server api could [have](/view/10:19:08) been more separate maybe three people could [have](/view/10:31:15) designated wikis for revert mode so i [have](/view/11:04:35) numerous commits with number of people who [have](/view/11:35:51) replaced their laptop different structure one could [have](/view/10:21:26) the journal operate [have](/view/11:10:21) to hash the the updates and i [havent](/view/11:05:16) edited it since ward reflects on [having](/view/10:23:39) a synopsis stored wikis the three authors [having](/view/10:34:09) narratives a garden but [having](/view/10:20:09) the single owner on the search results [having](/view/10:24:53) the synopsis pop
particular servers activity and [health](/view/11:45:27) i like [hearing](/view/10:14:18) the reflections authors and was the [helper](/view/10:34:09) whats a wiki per wiki at least [helps](/view/10:20:09) jeff the plumber is [here](/view/11:47:01)
density is not as [high](/view/11:46:15) on a tilt and the item ids [hint](/view/10:22:55) at a page a lot of local [history](/view/11:07:45) individual site the forking [history](/view/10:22:55) and the item [history](/view/10:16:31) of asynchronously edited making lots of traceable [history](/view/11:07:03) of the kernel pages at points in [history](/view/10:17:18) was it a
after losing their sponsored [host](/view/11:07:03) my dad has a [house](/view/10:13:55) over a concrete
document write x n [href](/view/12:06:00) br y document n if x n [href](/view/12:06:00) if x n javascript loc location [href](/view/12:06:00) title document title
pod rodwell me difftastic [html](/view/11:20:08) open y document write [html](/view/12:06:00) body h links y document write body [html](/view/12:06:00) y document close [http](/view/11:45:19) found ward bay [http](/view/10:40:58) found ward fed [http](/view/11:20:08) goals pod rodwell [https](/view/11:16:31) github com search [https](/view/11:32:02) www literatureandlatte com [https](/view/10:42:33) www mybikeshop com [https](/view/11:45:19) www tiltfive com
thread of the meaningful [idea](/view/11:28:24) do you have any [idea](/view/10:29:19) how many pages book let the core [ideas](/view/11:24:50) emerge from his the garden of common [ideas](/view/11:26:55) the supercollaborator view a garden of common [ideas](/view/10:34:09) thompson as editor
for multiple people i [imagine](/view/10:30:28) some sort of all the functionality is [implemented](/view/10:39:42) with a plugin and the server are [implicitly](/view/10:19:53) assuming consistent continuity the networked view were [important](/view/11:24:07) in changing his focus the gateways were [important](/view/11:26:01) in determining the more burdensome maintaining the [important](/view/10:15:08) nature and the
the book writing pattern [included](/view/10:34:09) three authors writing version control paradigms were [incredible](/view/11:05:54) advancements later supporting fuller text [indexing](/view/10:24:53) then understanding what individual view or any [individual](/view/10:22:55) site the forking page separate from any [individual](/view/10:22:55) view or any included three authors writing [individual](/view/10:34:09) wikis the three ward and thompson the [inspirations](/view/10:29:49) and pages playing have designated wikis for [interaction](/view/10:31:15) and that you that there was productive [interaction](/view/10:24:53) between joshua and site for a topical [interaction](/view/10:31:15) maybe three people scales is always where [interesting](/view/11:23:38) things happen important nature and the [interoperability](/view/10:15:08) up and turn it [into](/view/11:04:35) a patch for recording an agile class [into](/view/11:35:54) a phone with a picture and reach [into](/view/11:45:27) the columnar representation to take the experience [into](/view/10:32:48) the educational sphere a gateway page went [into](/view/11:27:30) the printed book in using zoom and [investigating](/view/11:24:07) the networked view
or shift drag an [item](/view/10:49:37) but i could not the same in [item](/view/11:05:16) content but my in which dragging an [item](/view/10:56:01) could be destructive maybe its the same [item](/view/10:47:36) id but edited forking history and the [item](/view/10:22:55) ids hint at an ordered collection of [items](/view/10:15:33)
[javascript](/view/12:06:00) loc location href
wiki at least helps [jeff](/view/10:20:09) to reinvent google wave [jeff](/view/10:35:17) [jeff](/view/11:46:52) recalls a dataglove
was productive interaction between [joshua](/view/10:24:53) and paul on ll try dragging the [journal](/view/10:48:22) i could merge the [journal](/view/10:49:37) have to hash the [journal](/view/11:10:21) the [journal](/view/10:17:18) allows you to one could have the [journal](/view/10:21:26) operate in a it since merging wards [journal](/view/11:05:16) over mine same discussion about how the [journal](/view/10:22:10) relates to how before we trust the [journal](/view/10:16:47) ward
future options in a [keep](/view/10:14:30) it open way would be able to [keep](/view/10:36:23) up daily traceable history of the [kernel](/view/11:07:03) after losing their
i [know](/view/11:35:51) a number of be the person most [knowledgeable](/view/10:38:00) about the particular
changing rapidly so the [landscape](/view/11:07:30) was changing five than a typical [laptop](/view/11:46:15) screen who have replaced their [laptop](/view/11:35:51) with their phone synopsis pop up then [later](/view/10:24:53) supporting fuller text an example [layout](/view/11:43:55) of a set
was also key for [learning](/view/10:58:12) git frequently as i was [learning](/view/10:57:45) git i always owner per wiki at [least](/view/10:20:09) helps jeff n text replace s [length](/view/12:06:00) for j j j x n childnodes [length](/view/12:06:00) j if x for n n x [length](/view/12:06:00) n if x the got a lot [less](/view/11:08:43) frequent was the garden [less](/view/11:30:43) meaningful to folks brian thinks about fedwiki [lets](/view/10:27:07) say we wanted
does scriveners process look [like](/view/11:31:49) what does it look [like](/view/10:30:28) for multiple people what the neighborhood looked [like](/view/10:24:53) for search visibility i [like](/view/10:14:18) hearing the reflections things outside your neighborhood [like](/view/10:26:22) in physical space would a pattern look [like](/view/10:36:23) where twenty or wiki reference vs a [link](/view/10:34:09) a successful project lists all the [link](/view/12:06:12) on a page write html body h [links](/view/12:06:00) loc h n i could understand [linus](/view/11:07:03) motivation for making [linus](/view/10:59:48) torvalds advocacy talk [lists](/view/12:06:12) all the link https www [literatureandlatte](/view/11:32:02) com scrivener overview you can get many [little](/view/11:44:18) boxes usefully present of a set of [little](/view/11:43:55) colored boxes stacked thompson there was comparatively [little](/view/10:28:44) forking but more
lot a lot of [local](/view/11:07:45) history item content but my [local](/view/11:05:16) page has all javascript loc [location](/view/12:06:00) href title document what does scriveners process [look](/view/11:31:49) like conversation what does it [look](/view/10:30:28) like for multiple what would a pattern [look](/view/10:36:23) like where twenty the tilt five [look](/view/11:46:15) through the glasses understanding what the neighborhood [looked](/view/10:24:53) like for search ward fed wiki view [looking](/view/10:40:58) at folding bikes [looking](/view/11:26:47) at the map through the book sometimes [losing](/view/11:28:24) the thread of of the kernel after [losing](/view/11:07:03) their sponsored host a story of getting [lost](/view/11:28:24) in the side linus motivation for making [lots](/view/11:07:03) of traceable history
side by side collaboration [machine](/view/11:20:22) as fedwiki between the micro and [macro](/view/11:23:38) scales is always how many pages we [made](/view/10:29:19) maybe two pages reflog as somewhat deep [magic](/view/10:57:49) into a patch for [mainline](/view/11:04:35) to be more burdensome [maintaining](/view/10:15:08) the important nature is distributed does that [make](/view/10:26:22) it opaque things a particular person to [make](/view/10:38:00) the decision on could you visualize and [make](/view/11:43:55) useful the educational profession decision [makers](/view/11:30:43) in education work for collective sense [making](/view/10:27:07) and statements understand linus motivation for [making](/view/11:07:03) lots of traceable the site map and [making](/view/10:23:39) that searchable the [manipulation](/view/11:46:57) a dataglove for d [manu](/view/11:46:52) fine for the to [many](/view/10:36:24) above a table how [many](/view/11:43:55) could you visualize that you can get [many](/view/11:44:18) little boxes usefully bummer i had [many](/view/11:08:32) migraines as a have any idea how [many](/view/10:29:19) pages we made i met [martin](/view/10:38:28) one time and used git reflog once [maybe](/view/10:58:14) [maybe](/view/10:47:55) a shift drag a cant do it [maybe](/view/10:47:36) its the same for a topical interaction [maybe](/view/10:31:15) three people could many pages we made [maybe](/view/10:29:19) two pages a
the thread of the [meaningful](/view/11:28:24) idea was the garden less [meaningful](/view/11:30:43) to folks outside a half days of [mediation](/view/10:38:00) an exec chose one time and his [memorable](/view/10:38:28) quote for me oh yeah git [merge](/view/11:00:02) m closer to never [merge](/view/10:59:13) lol item but i could [merge](/view/10:49:37) the journal elib c f f [merge](/view/11:16:31) type code used beyond forking and [merging](/view/11:06:17) havent edited it since [merging](/view/11:05:16) wards journal over commits with bad commit [messages](/view/11:04:35) on a branch
translating between the [micro](/view/11:23:38) and macro scales for a system you [might](/view/11:45:27) take a picture bummer i had many [migraines](/view/11:08:32) as a child merging wards journal over [mine](/view/11:05:16) same wide blinking
tcr test commit revert [mode](/view/11:04:35) so i have the business [model](/view/10:38:37) depended on not obsidian md [model](/view/10:39:42) is that the decisions tended to be [more](/view/10:15:08) burdensome maintaining the persistence api folks expect [more](/view/10:18:14) of it than api could have been [more](/view/10:19:08) separate from the comparatively little forking but [more](/view/10:28:44) writing that played ward points to thompson [morrison](/view/10:28:44) of transforming agile to be the person [most](/view/10:38:00) knowledgeable about the fourth point of view [mostly](/view/10:32:48) worked by thompson ward was and it [motivated](/view/10:32:48) thompson to take i could understand linus [motivation](/view/11:07:03) for making lots edit [move](/view/10:16:15) fork create
side work of the [multiple](/view/11:22:27) authors in graph of the transcription became [multiple](/view/11:35:54) books it look like for [multiple](/view/10:30:28) people i imagine
https www [mybikeshop](/view/10:42:33) com sg my
reference points in the [narrative](/view/11:29:26) as published preserved the [narrative](/view/11:29:26) of each other thompsons diagrams of the [narrative](/view/11:26:01) pages and the the three authors having [narratives](/view/10:34:09) a garden of burdensome maintaining the important [nature](/view/10:15:08) and the interoperability
of organizational structure is [needed](/view/10:30:28) beyond wikis and fit my team and [needs](/view/11:00:42) opaque things outside your [neighborhood](/view/10:26:22) like in physical then understanding what the [neighborhood](/view/10:24:53) looked like for zoom and investigating the [networked](/view/11:24:07) view were important i m closer to [never](/view/10:59:13) merge lol i m closer to [never](/view/10:58:53) rebase rebase folks and the [never](/view/10:58:33) rebase folks
[nick](/view/10:21:26) comments with a [nick](/view/10:57:49) discusses git reflog a day we did [ninety](/view/10:29:19) six pages
x n childnodes j [nodename](/view/12:06:00) img y document [nope](/view/10:48:12) still doesnt work
i know a [number](/view/11:35:51) of people who mode so i have [numerous](/view/11:04:35) commits with bad
history of asynchronously edited [objects](/view/10:16:31) [obsidian](/view/10:39:42) md model is
wife still gets them [occasionally](/view/11:09:43)
only used git reflog [once](/view/10:58:14) maybe i think i ve [only](/view/10:58:14) used git reflog
does that make it [opaque](/view/10:26:22) things outside your in a keep it [open](/view/10:14:30) way getelementsbytagname a y window [open](/view/12:06:00) y document write could have the journal [operate](/view/10:21:26) in a peer what decisions shaped future [options](/view/10:14:30) in a keep
a page as an [ordered](/view/10:15:33) collection of items imagine some sort of [organizational](/view/10:30:28) structure is needed
the narrative of each [other](/view/11:29:26) and referred to who established credibility with [other](/view/10:34:09) authors and was writing exercise with two [other](/view/10:32:48) authors each working pages playing off each [other](/view/10:29:49) generated new pages you could read two [other](/view/10:31:15) wikis recent changes and pointed to each [others](/view/10:28:44) pages that played off each [others](/view/10:28:44) work and pointed
less meaningful to folks [outside](/view/11:30:43) the educational profession about the book work [outside](/view/10:32:48) the wiki work make it opaque things [outside](/view/10:26:22) your neighborhood like
dad has a house [over](/view/10:13:55) a concrete slab since merging wards journal [over](/view/11:05:16) mine same wide because the tools evolved [over](/view/11:22:27) the course of brian reflects successful teams [overcome](/view/10:34:42) challenges or shortcomings study of a complex [overlapping](/view/11:24:50) diagram at google hit my [oversell](/view/10:59:48) detector so i www literatureandlatte com scrivener [overview](/view/11:32:02)
but having the single [owner](/view/10:20:09) per wiki at sg my bike shop [ownership](/view/10:42:33) guides buyers guide
first paragraph of a [page](/view/10:23:39) the link on a [page](/view/12:06:12) title a slug a [page](/view/10:15:33) as an ordered ids hint at a [page](/view/10:22:55) being a collection the state of a [page](/view/10:22:10) changes content but my local [page](/view/11:05:16) has all the what is a [page](/view/10:22:55) separate from any version of a gateway [page](/view/11:27:30) went into the pointed to each others [pages](/view/10:28:44) we did ninety six [pages](/view/10:29:19) needed beyond wikis and [pages](/view/10:30:28) we made maybe two [pages](/view/10:29:19) a day we about non shared story [pages](/view/11:26:55) about gateway pages diagrams of the narrative [pages](/view/11:26:01) and the gateways story pages about gateway [pages](/view/11:26:55) and then the when two [pages](/view/11:05:16) are not the each other generated new [pages](/view/10:29:49) as part of allows you to reconstruct [pages](/view/10:17:18) at points in thompson the inspirations and [pages](/view/10:29:49) playing off each any idea how many [pages](/view/10:29:19) we made maybe and the garden collective [pages](/view/11:26:01) were his points a concrete slab in [palo](/view/10:13:55) alto the distributed version control [paradigms](/view/11:05:54) were incredible advancements tried to drag a [paragraph](/view/10:47:36) and i got content of the first [paragraph](/view/10:23:39) of a page [part](/view/11:27:30) of finishing the generated new pages as [part](/view/10:29:49) of the discussion most knowledgeable about the [particular](/view/10:38:00) area the authors for that [particular](/view/11:32:33) book an exec chose a [particular](/view/10:38:00) person to make columnar representation of a [particular](/view/11:45:27) servers activity and a collection of distributed [parts](/view/10:22:55) turn it into a [patch](/view/11:04:35) for mainline repo afedwiki fwiki client [path](/view/11:16:31) a f elib the book writing [pattern](/view/10:34:09) included three authors what would a [pattern](/view/10:36:23) look like where [paul](/view/10:18:14) comments there are interaction between joshua and [paul](/view/10:24:53) on the search ward and [paul](/view/10:56:01) relate the case ward and [paul](/view/10:19:08) the editing and relates that he and [paul](/view/11:31:29) worked together in
in a peer to [peer](/view/10:21:26) environment journal operate in a [peer](/view/10:21:26) to peer environment to scale well beyond [people](/view/10:35:39) topical interaction maybe three [people](/view/10:31:15) could have designated seven years we see [people](/view/10:26:22) do things that look like for multiple [people](/view/10:30:28) i imagine some can work for two [people](/view/10:30:28) in conversation what know a number of [people](/view/11:35:51) who have replaced where twenty or thirty [people](/view/10:36:23) would be able happy to stick with [perforce](/view/10:59:48) for a while ugh my experience with [perforce](/view/11:00:09) was not a storage while supporting the [perforce](/view/11:03:03) wire protocol the underlying editing and [persistence](/view/10:18:14) api folks expect has to be the [person](/view/10:38:00) most knowledgeable about exec chose a particular [person](/view/10:38:00) to make the for my [personal](/view/11:04:35) projects i m
their laptop with their [phone](/view/11:35:51) [phone](/view/11:33:29) map app a whiteboard handy the [phone](/view/11:35:54) recording was transcribed agile class into a [phone](/view/11:35:54) with a whiteboard think you are shortchanging [phones](/view/11:26:47) map feature of the [photos](/view/11:26:47) app i think your neighborhood like in [physical](/view/10:26:22) space
you might take a [picture](/view/11:45:27) and reach into ward shares a [picture](/view/11:43:00) of the tilt his sample [picture](/view/11:45:27) relates the set
but more writing that [played](/view/10:28:44) off each others the inspirations and pages [playing](/view/10:29:49) off each other is implemented with a [plugin](/view/10:39:42) is able to run [plugins](/view/10:39:42) and all the the [plumber](/view/11:47:01) is here [plumbing](/view/10:13:29) day
thompsons editorial [point](/view/11:24:50) of view based wiki with a fourth [point](/view/10:32:48) of view mostly each others work and [pointed](/view/10:28:44) to each others to reconstruct pages at [points](/view/10:17:18) in history was detail shared as reference [points](/view/11:29:26) in the narrative collective pages were his [points](/view/11:26:01) of focus the ward [points](/view/10:28:44) to thompson morrison
it to gather and [present](/view/10:27:07) a collective statement many little boxes usefully [present](/view/11:44:18) on the shared the book as published [preserved](/view/11:29:26) the narrative of the browsing api is [pretty](/view/10:18:14) good the underlying page went into the [printed](/view/11:27:30) book what does scriveners [process](/view/11:31:49) look like fedwiki authoring and editing [process](/view/11:32:33) work better for approach during the book [production](/view/11:24:07) reflects that there was [productive](/view/10:24:53) interaction between joshua folks outside the educational [profession](/view/11:30:43) decision makers in is that the core [program](/view/10:39:42) is able to a link a successful [project](/view/10:34:09) to support thompsons book [project](/view/11:31:29) for my personal [projects](/view/11:04:35) i m almost supporting the perforce wire [protocol](/view/11:03:03)
the book as [published](/view/11:29:26) preserved the narrative
time and his memorable [quote](/view/10:38:28) for me was
of disks was changing [rapidly](/view/11:07:30) so the landscape but were [rarely](/view/11:06:17) used beyond forking it as re flog [rather](/view/10:57:45) than ref log
take a picture and [reach](/view/11:45:27) into the columnar learning git i always [read](/view/10:57:45) it as re and that you could [read](/view/10:31:15) two other wikis experience doing a co [reading](/view/10:28:44) co writing exercise of the tilt augmented [reality](/view/11:43:00) vr setup there are two apis [really](/view/10:18:14) the browsing api m closer to never [rebase](/view/10:58:53) folks and the never [rebase](/view/10:58:33) folks and theres the [rebase](/view/10:58:33) folks and the jeff [recalls](/view/11:46:52) a dataglove for read two other wikis [recent](/view/10:31:15) changes before writing what is the [recipe](/view/11:21:52) that thompson ward journal allows you to [reconstruct](/view/10:17:18) pages at points example of a friend [recording](/view/11:35:54) an agile class whiteboard handy the phone [recording](/view/11:35:54) was transcribed the encyclopedic detail shared as [reference](/view/11:29:26) points in the helper whats a wiki [reference](/view/10:34:09) vs a link of each other and [referred](/view/11:29:26) to the garden ward [refers](/view/11:20:22) to collaborative work supercollaborator to compare and [reflect](/view/11:22:27) on the side i like hearing the [reflections](/view/10:14:18) brian [reflects](/view/10:30:28) i see how ward [reflects](/view/10:23:39) on having a approach back in ward [reflects](/view/10:28:44) on his experience brian [reflects](/view/10:34:42) successful teams overcome ward [reflects](/view/10:26:22) that his federation ward [reflects](/view/10:24:53) that there was ward [reflects](/view/11:24:07) that thompsons experiences ward [reflects](/view/11:44:18) that you can ward [reflects](/view/10:31:15) you can choose nick discusses git [reflog](/view/10:57:49) as somewhat deep ve only used git [reflog](/view/10:58:14) once maybe git [reflog](/view/10:57:45) was used frequently to google that they [rehosted](/view/11:03:03) the back end are we doomed to [reinvent](/view/10:35:17) google wave jeff ward and paul [relate](/view/10:56:01) the case in a story at work [related](/view/10:38:00) to a time ward [relates](/view/10:38:00) a story at brian [relates](/view/11:28:24) a story of ward [relates](/view/11:35:54) an example of ward [relates](/view/11:31:29) that he and his sample picture [relates](/view/11:45:27) the set of about how the journal [relates](/view/10:22:10) to how the if x n text [replace](/view/12:06:00) s length for of people who have [replaced](/view/11:35:51) their laptop with everyone is the source [repo](/view/11:07:56) github com search q [repo](/view/11:16:31) afedwiki fwiki client [reposurgen](/view/10:58:57) reach into the columnar [representation](/view/11:45:27) of a particular paul on the search [results](/view/10:24:53) having the synopsis recording was transcribed the [results](/view/11:35:54) of the transcription a tcr test commit [revert](/view/11:04:35) mode so i
[right](/view/11:07:45) you could have
tb hard drive [robert](/view/11:56:44) s http goals pod [rodwell](/view/11:20:08) me difftastic html
[same](/view/11:05:23) epoch i guess pages are not the [same](/view/11:05:16) in item content it maybe its the [same](/view/10:47:36) item id but wards journal over mine [same](/view/11:05:16) wide blinking eyes his [sample](/view/11:45:27) picture relates the [save](/view/11:55:41) chat brian [says](/view/10:35:39) email doesnt tend
email doesnt tend to [scale](/view/10:35:39) well beyond people doesnt [scale](/view/10:36:24) when the n the micro and macro [scales](/view/11:23:38) is always where his federation crawl and [scrape](/view/10:26:22) has served us than a typical laptop [screen](/view/11:46:15) [scrivener](/view/11:31:41) an ide for https www literatureandlatte com [scrivener](/view/11:32:02) overview what does [scriveners](/view/11:31:49) process look like
https github com [search](/view/11:16:31) q repo afedwiki and paul on the [search](/view/10:24:53) results having the neighborhood looked like for [search](/view/10:24:53) visibility map and making that [searchable](/view/10:23:39) the synopsis being that work for collective [sense](/view/10:27:07) making and statements what is a page [separate](/view/10:22:55) from any individual could have been more [separate](/view/10:19:08) from the browsing cases for the time [series](/view/10:38:37) database related to a time [series](/view/10:38:00) database dispute at using git i d [seriously](/view/11:00:42) consider fossil to andy [serkis](/view/11:08:36) crawl and scrape has [served](/view/10:26:22) us well for the editing and updating [server](/view/10:19:08) api could have the client and the [server](/view/10:19:53) are implicitly assuming representation of a particular [servers](/view/11:45:27) activity and health relates the set of [servers](/view/11:45:27) used for a docking station sort of [setup](/view/11:36:04) tilt augmented reality vr [setup](/view/11:43:00) well for six or [seven](/view/10:26:22) years we see
on what decisions [shaped](/view/10:14:30) future options in garden of encyclopedic detail [shared](/view/11:29:26) as reference points size about non [shared](/view/11:26:55) story pages about usefully present on the [shared](/view/11:44:18) view ward [shares](/view/11:43:00) a picture of maybe a [shift](/view/10:47:55) drag i couldnt drag or [shift](/view/10:49:37) drag an item com sg my bike [shop](/view/10:42:33) ownership guides buyers i think you are [shortchanging](/view/11:26:47) phones teams overcome challenges or [shortcomings](/view/10:34:42) in the tools
workaday useful view a [side](/view/11:20:22) by side collaboration to collaborative work where [side](/view/11:20:22) by side comparison and reflect on the [side](/view/11:22:27) by side work view a side by [side](/view/11:20:22) collaboration machine as work where side by [side](/view/11:20:22) comparison is a getting lost in the [side](/view/11:28:24) detail when going on the side by [side](/view/11:22:27) work of the google did the [similar](/view/11:04:54) with subversion too i havent edited it [since](/view/11:05:16) merging wards journal but having the [single](/view/10:20:09) owner per wiki can choose a specific [site](/view/10:31:15) for a topical synopsis stored in the [site](/view/10:23:39) map and making view or any individual [site](/view/10:22:55) the forking history [size](/view/11:26:55) about non shared
house over a concrete [slab](/view/10:13:55) in palo alto [slabs](/view/10:13:44) nick comments with a [slightly](/view/10:21:26) different structure one a title a [slug](/view/10:15:33) a page as
morrison of transforming agile [software](/view/10:28:44) development such that whats the solution the [solution](/view/10:20:25) whats the [solution](/view/10:20:25) the solution p had [some](/view/11:05:54) good features but multiple people i imagine [some](/view/10:30:28) sort of organizational going through the book [sometimes](/view/11:28:24) losing the thread discusses git reflog as [somewhat](/view/10:57:49) deep magic people i imagine some [sort](/view/10:30:28) of organizational structure with a docking station [sort](/view/11:36:04) of setup everyone is the [source](/view/11:07:56) repo
neighborhood like in physical [space](/view/10:26:22) bay wiki org view [spatial](/view/11:45:19) density of diagrams you can choose a [specific](/view/10:31:15) site for a experience into the educational [sphere](/view/10:32:48) thompson did a approach in the educational [sphere](/view/10:28:44) what can we kernel after losing their [sponsored](/view/11:07:03) host
of little colored boxes [stacked](/view/11:43:55) above a table relates to how the [state](/view/10:22:10) of a page ward on the distributed [state](/view/10:20:38) of federated wiki and present a collective [statement](/view/10:27:07) how does that collective sense making and [statements](/view/10:27:07) with a docking [station](/view/11:36:04) sort of setup what things were one [step](/view/11:26:55) away from the i was happy to [stick](/view/10:59:48) with perforce for nope [still](/view/10:48:12) doesnt work my wife [still](/view/11:09:43) gets them occasionally end on their datacenter [storage](/view/11:03:03) while supporting the on having a synopsis [stored](/view/10:23:39) in the site ward relates a [story](/view/10:38:00) at work related we trust the [story](/view/10:16:47) before we trust brian relates a [story](/view/11:28:24) of getting lost size about non shared [story](/view/11:26:55) pages about gateway important in determining the [structure](/view/11:26:01) some sort of organizational [structure](/view/10:30:28) is needed beyond with a slightly different [structure](/view/10:21:26) one could have ideas emerge from his [study](/view/11:24:50) of a complex
work better for the [subject](/view/11:32:33) and the authors did the similar with [subversion](/view/11:04:54) too vs a link a [successful](/view/10:34:09) project brian reflects [successful](/view/10:34:42) teams overcome challenges transforming agile software development [such](/view/10:28:44) that it can [sunny](/view/11:47:07) blocks book thompson used the [supercollaborator](/view/11:22:27) to compare and of common ideas the [supercollaborator](/view/11:26:55) view allowed thompson than it can consistently [support](/view/10:18:14) especially if there design of [support](/view/10:16:03) for re do in building tools to [support](/view/11:31:29) thompsons book project pop up then later [supporting](/view/10:24:53) fuller text indexing their datacenter storage while [supporting](/view/11:03:03) the perforce wire we didnt expect or [suspect](/view/10:26:22) within fedwiki fedwiki
making that searchable the [synopsis](/view/10:23:39) being the content search results having the [synopsis](/view/10:24:53) pop up then reflects on having a [synopsis](/view/10:23:39) stored in the servers used for a [system](/view/11:45:27) you might take
boxes stacked above a [table](/view/11:43:55) how many could a system you might [take](/view/11:45:27) a picture and it motivated thompson to [take](/view/10:32:48) the experience into weekly coordination call to [talk](/view/10:32:48) about the book linus torvalds advocacy [talk](/view/10:59:48) at google hit
it would fit my [team](/view/11:00:42) and needs brian reflects successful [teams](/view/10:34:42) overcome challenges or brian says email doesnt [tend](/view/10:35:39) to scale well and what decisions [tended](/view/10:15:08) to be more almost to a tcr [test](/view/11:04:35) commit revert mode then later supporting fuller [text](/view/10:24:53) indexing then understanding href if x n [text](/view/12:06:00) replace s length
on a tilt five [than](/view/11:46:15) a typical laptop expect more of it [than](/view/10:18:14) it can consistently as re flog rather [than](/view/10:57:45) ref log though ward relates [that](/view/11:31:29) he and paul ward reflects [that](/view/10:26:22) his federation crawl agile software development such [that](/view/10:28:44) it can be fedwiki is distributed does [that](/view/10:26:22) make it opaque and the authors for [that](/view/11:32:33) particular book forking but more writing [that](/view/10:28:44) played off each site map and making [that](/view/10:23:39) searchable the synopsis ward comments [that](/view/10:19:53) the client and obsidian md model is [that](/view/10:39:42) the core program ward reflects [that](/view/10:24:53) there was productive so core to google [that](/view/11:03:03) they rehosted the what is the recipe [that](/view/11:21:52) thompson ward and ward reflects [that](/view/11:24:07) thompsons experiences in see people do things [that](/view/10:26:22) we didnt expect collective statement how does [that](/view/10:27:07) work for collective whoa [that](/view/10:49:04) worked ward reflects [that](/view/11:44:18) you can get wikis for interaction and [that](/view/10:31:15) you could read the back end on [their](/view/11:03:03) datacenter storage while people who have replaced [their](/view/11:35:51) laptop with their authors each working in [their](/view/10:32:48) own wiki with replaced their laptop with [their](/view/11:35:51) phone the kernel after losing [their](/view/11:07:03) sponsored host my wife still gets [them](/view/11:09:43) occasionally on a branch and [then](/view/11:04:35) clean it up the synopsis pop up [then](/view/10:24:53) later supporting fuller about gateway pages and [then](/view/11:26:55) the garden of supporting fuller text indexing [then](/view/10:24:53) understanding what the consistently support especially if [there](/view/10:18:14) are changes paul comments [there](/view/10:18:14) are two apis writing exercise with thompson [there](/view/10:28:44) was comparatively little ward reflects that [there](/view/10:24:53) was productive interaction and [theres](/view/10:58:33) the rebase folks to define the book [they](/view/10:32:48) also had a core to google that [they](/view/11:03:03) rehosted the back thompson to see how [things](/view/11:26:55) entered the gateway is always where interesting [things](/view/11:23:38) happen that make it opaque [things](/view/10:26:22) outside your neighborhood we see people do [things](/view/10:26:22) that we didnt and the garden what [things](/view/11:26:55) were one step i [think](/view/10:58:14) i ve only the photos app i [think](/view/11:26:47) you are shortchanging brian [thinks](/view/10:27:07) about fedwiki lets like where twenty or [thirty](/view/10:36:23) people would be garden of common ideas [thompson](/view/10:34:09) as editor and into the educational sphere [thompson](/view/10:32:48) did a collective ward points to [thompson](/view/10:28:44) morrison of transforming ward and [thompson](/view/10:29:49) the inspirations and co writing exercise with [thompson](/view/10:28:44) there was comparatively view mostly worked by [thompson](/view/10:32:48) to define the the supercollaborator view allowed [thompson](/view/11:26:55) to see how was and it motivated [thompson](/view/10:32:48) to take the course of the book [thompson](/view/11:22:27) used the supercollaborator is the recipe that [thompson](/view/11:21:52) ward and thompsons [thompson](/view/10:32:48) was as affected we do to bring [thompsons](/view/10:28:44) approach back in building tools to support [thompsons](/view/11:31:29) book project that thompson ward and [thompsons](/view/11:21:52) co authors used [thompsons](/view/11:26:01) diagrams of the [thompsons](/view/11:24:50) editorial point of ward reflects that [thompsons](/view/11:24:07) experiences in writing rather than ref log [though](/view/10:57:45) book sometimes losing the [thread](/view/11:28:24) of the meaningful writing individual wikis the [three](/view/10:34:09) authors having narratives book writing pattern included [three](/view/10:34:09) authors writing individual a topical interaction maybe [three](/view/10:31:15) people could have side detail when going [through](/view/11:28:24) the book sometimes the tilt five look [through](/view/11:46:15) the glasses the
food [tiled](/view/11:54:58) a picture of the [tilt](/view/11:43:00) augmented reality vr the [tilt](/view/11:46:15) five look through as high on a [tilt](/view/11:46:15) five than a https www [tiltfive](/view/11:45:19) com i met martin one [time](/view/10:38:28) and his memorable use cases for the [time](/view/10:38:37) series database work related to a [time](/view/10:38:00) series database dispute a [title](/view/10:15:33) a slug a javascript loc location href [title](/view/12:06:00) document title x location href title document [title](/view/12:06:00) x document getelementsbytagname
he and paul worked [together](/view/11:31:29) in building tools or shortcomings in the [tools](/view/10:34:42) because the [tools](/view/11:22:27) evolved over the worked together in building [tools](/view/11:31:29) to support thompsons specific site for a [topical](/view/10:31:15) interaction maybe three linus [torvalds](/view/10:59:48) advocacy talk at
for making lots of [traceable](/view/11:07:03) history of the the phone recording was [transcribed](/view/11:35:54) the results of the results of the [transcription](/view/11:35:54) became multiple books to thompson morrison of [transforming](/view/10:28:44) agile software development [translating](/view/11:23:38) between the micro i [tried](/view/10:47:36) to drag a the story before we [trust](/view/10:16:47) the journal ward we [trust](/view/10:16:47) the story before
clean it up and [turn](/view/11:04:35) it into a
pattern look like where [twenty](/view/10:36:23) or thirty people
c f f merge [type](/view/11:16:31) code tilt five than a [typical](/view/11:46:15) laptop screen
is pretty good the [underlying](/view/10:18:14) editing and persistence i could [understand](/view/11:07:03) linus motivation for fuller text indexing then [understanding](/view/10:24:53) what the neighborhood
page has all the [updates](/view/11:05:16) and i havent paul the editing and [updating](/view/10:19:08) server api could
that it can be [used](/view/10:28:44) as an approach but were rarely [used](/view/11:06:17) beyond forking and the set of servers [used](/view/11:45:27) for a system git reflog was [used](/view/10:57:45) frequently as i think i ve only [used](/view/10:58:14) git reflog once of the book thompson [used](/view/11:22:27) the supercollaborator to and thompsons co authors [used](/view/11:21:52) to create the you visualize and make [useful](/view/11:43:55) comparison is a workaday [useful](/view/11:20:22) view a side get many little boxes [usefully](/view/11:44:18) present on the if i werent [using](/view/11:00:42) git i d writing the book in [using](/view/11:24:07) zoom and investigating
to rcs the distributed [version](/view/11:05:54) control paradigms were was in choosing which [version](/view/11:27:30) of a gateway
present on the shared [view](/view/11:44:18) is a workaday useful [view](/view/11:20:22) a side by common ideas the supercollaborator [view](/view/11:26:55) allowed thompson to thompsons editorial point of [view](/view/11:24:50) based on his found ward fed wiki [view](/view/10:40:58) looking at folding a fourth point of [view](/view/10:32:48) mostly worked by separate from any individual [view](/view/10:22:55) or any individual ward bay wiki org [view](/view/11:45:19) spatial density of and investigating the networked [view](/view/11:24:07) were important in looked like for search [visibility](/view/10:24:53) thompson as editor and [visionary](/view/10:34:09) who established credibility how many could you [visualize](/view/11:43:55) and make useful
html y document close [void](/view/12:06:00)
fedwiki lets say we [wanted](/view/10:27:07) to use it we trust the journal [ward](/view/10:16:47) [ward](/view/10:56:01) and paul relate [ward](/view/10:19:08) and paul the [ward](/view/10:29:49) and thompson the the recipe that thompson [ward](/view/11:21:52) and thompsons co http found [ward](/view/11:45:19) bay wiki org [ward](/view/10:19:53) comments that the http found [ward](/view/10:40:58) fed wiki view [ward](/view/10:20:38) on the distributed [ward](/view/10:28:44) points to thompson [ward](/view/11:20:22) refers to collaborative [ward](/view/10:23:39) reflects on having thompsons approach back in [ward](/view/10:28:44) reflects on his [ward](/view/10:26:22) reflects that his [ward](/view/10:24:53) reflects that there [ward](/view/11:24:07) reflects that thompsons [ward](/view/11:44:18) reflects that you [ward](/view/10:31:15) reflects you can [ward](/view/10:38:00) relates a story [ward](/view/11:35:54) relates an example [ward](/view/11:31:29) relates that he [ward](/view/11:43:00) shares a picture by his experience as [ward](/view/10:32:48) was and it edited it since merging [wards](/view/11:05:16) journal over mine doomed to reinvent google [wave](/view/10:35:17) jeff
they also had a [weekly](/view/10:32:48) coordination call to doesnt tend to scale [well](/view/10:35:39) beyond people scrape has served us [well](/view/10:26:22) for six or of a gateway page [went](/view/11:27:30) into the printed the garden collective pages [were](/view/11:26:01) his points of investigating the networked view [were](/view/11:24:07) important in changing of focus the gateways [were](/view/11:26:01) important in determining distributed version control paradigms [were](/view/11:05:54) incredible advancements the garden what things [were](/view/11:26:55) one step away but [were](/view/11:06:17) rarely used beyond if i [werent](/view/11:00:42) using git i
in the educational sphere [what](/view/10:28:44) can we do on [what](/view/10:14:30) decisions shaped future and [what](/view/10:15:08) decisions tended to two people in conversation [what](/view/10:30:28) does it look [what](/view/11:31:49) does scriveners process [what](/view/10:22:55) is a page [what](/view/11:21:52) is the recipe text indexing then understanding [what](/view/10:24:53) the neighborhood looked gateway and the garden [what](/view/11:26:55) things were one [what](/view/10:36:23) would a pattern and was the helper [whats](/view/10:34:09) a wiki reference [whats](/view/10:20:25) the solution the in the side detail [when](/view/11:28:24) going through the doesnt scale [when](/view/10:36:24) the n are [when](/view/11:05:16) two pages are macro scales is always [where](/view/11:23:38) interesting things happen refers to collaborative work [where](/view/11:20:22) side by side a pattern look like [where](/view/10:36:23) twenty or thirty relate the case in [which](/view/10:56:01) dragging an item book was in choosing [which](/view/11:27:30) version of a with perforce for a [while](/view/10:59:48) on their datacenter storage [while](/view/11:03:03) supporting the perforce a phone with a [whiteboard](/view/11:35:54) handy the phone [whoa](/view/10:49:04) that worked
journal over mine same [wide](/view/11:05:16) blinking eyes my [wife](/view/11:09:43) still gets them distributed state of federated [wiki](/view/10:20:38) the single owner per [wiki](/view/10:20:09) at least helps http found ward bay [wiki](/view/11:45:19) org view spatial the helper whats a [wiki](/view/10:34:09) reference vs a http found ward fed [wiki](/view/10:40:58) view looking at working in their own [wiki](/view/10:32:48) with a fourth book work outside the [wiki](/view/10:32:48) work structure is needed beyond [wikis](/view/10:30:28) and pages people could have designated [wikis](/view/10:31:15) for interaction and could read two other [wikis](/view/10:31:15) recent changes before three authors writing individual [wikis](/view/10:34:09) the three authors the carrier on the [window](/view/10:44:18) of my hatchback document getelementsbytagname a y [window](/view/12:06:00) open y document while supporting the perforce [wire](/view/11:03:03) protocol [with](/view/11:36:04) a docking station in their own wiki [with](/view/10:32:48) a fourth point the functionality is implemented [with](/view/10:39:42) a plugin nick comments [with](/view/10:21:26) a slightly different class into a phone [with](/view/11:35:54) a whiteboard handy i have numerous commits [with](/view/11:04:35) bad commit messages visionary who established credibility [with](/view/10:34:09) other authors and was happy to stick [with](/view/10:59:48) perforce for a ugh my experience [with](/view/11:00:09) perforce was not google did the similar [with](/view/11:04:54) subversion too have replaced their laptop [with](/view/11:35:51) their phone reading co writing exercise [with](/view/10:28:44) thompson there was a collective writing exercise [with](/view/10:32:48) two other authors didnt expect or suspect [within](/view/10:26:22) fedwiki fedwiki is
work outside the wiki [work](/view/10:32:48) nope still doesnt [work](/view/10:48:12) series database dispute at [work](/view/10:38:00) after two and played off each others [work](/view/10:28:44) and pointed to authoring and editing process [work](/view/11:32:33) better for the change the company you [work](/view/10:38:28) for statement how does that [work](/view/10:27:07) for collective sense change the company you [work](/view/10:38:28) for or change see how it can [work](/view/10:30:28) for two people the side by side [work](/view/11:22:27) of the multiple talk about the book [work](/view/10:32:48) outside the wiki relates a story at [work](/view/10:38:00) related to a ward refers to collaborative [work](/view/11:20:22) where side by side comparison is a [workaday](/view/11:20:22) useful view a whoa that [worked](/view/10:49:04) point of view mostly [worked](/view/10:32:48) by thompson to that he and paul [worked](/view/11:31:29) together in building two other authors each [working](/view/10:32:48) in their own n are fully connected [works](/view/10:36:24) fine for the what [would](/view/10:36:23) a pattern look twenty or thirty people [would](/view/10:36:23) be able to to see if it [would](/view/11:00:42) fit my team
href br y document [write](/view/12:06:00) body html y nodename img y document [write](/view/12:06:00) break else y window open y document [write](/view/12:06:00) html body h break else y document [write](/view/12:06:00) x n href based on his experience [writing](/view/11:24:50) an earlier book a co reading co [writing](/view/10:28:44) exercise with thompson thompson did a collective [writing](/view/10:32:48) exercise with two wikis recent changes before [writing](/view/10:31:15) in your own pattern included three authors [writing](/view/10:34:09) individual wikis the the book [writing](/view/10:34:09) pattern included three little forking but more [writing](/view/10:28:44) that played off that thompsons experiences in [writing](/view/11:24:07) the book in
[yeah](/view/11:07:30) also the cost oh [yeah](/view/11:00:02) git merge for six or seven [years](/view/10:26:22) we see people
it opaque things outside [your](/view/10:26:22) neighborhood like in changes before writing in [your](/view/10:31:15) own
the book in using [zoom](/view/11:24:07) and investigating the