Keyword Index. See Typescript 2023-09-24
eric observes that the [ability](/view/11:42:36) to preview svg what ward team were [able](/view/10:59:11) to do is you should be [able](/view/12:06:35) to drag both eric evans was being [able](/view/10:32:11) to express the a weekly demo is [about](/view/11:01:44) recalls a blog post [about](/view/09:52:46) an offsite on marc s story [about](/view/11:11:02) cell membrane being problem and customer need [about](/view/10:57:52) coding and syntax structure thats not just [about](/view/11:07:05) domination the point my notion [about](/view/10:48:57) erics observation i know the least [about](/view/09:56:39) hence the most and you could reason [about](/view/10:58:52) it we discovered new things [about](/view/10:39:40) money and dates is reputedly really good [about](/view/09:56:25) remembering boilerplate i find that thinking [about](/view/09:45:14) roles can be people around each of [about](/view/09:52:30) six issues topics nodding to erics point [about](/view/10:59:44) spending the time have fun while learning [about](/view/10:31:02) the ecological recursions the browser doesnt know [about](/view/11:56:27) though we could programming is [about](/view/10:57:52) understanding the problem an [abstraction](/view/10:35:38)
of equals equality of [access](/view/09:50:12) and knowledege must that correct as the [account](/view/11:17:24) of the relocalize to provide the [accountability](/view/09:48:27) telling or encouraging an [activity](/view/11:24:23) named term in the [actual](/view/10:34:58) financial domain ward says smalltalk [actually](/view/10:39:40) is composed in able to do is [actually](/view/10:59:11) spend the time
focusing on how they [adhere](/view/09:42:32) to values is an [advancer](/view/10:35:27) lets you automate of the domain like [advancers](/view/10:34:58) in wycash an of a natural ordering [advancing](/view/10:55:20) by date was
over and over [again](/view/10:59:32) i see teams to see y all [again](/view/11:53:58) soon and reviewed [against](/view/09:48:15) the values of sofi diagram with an [aggregate](/view/11:37:51) roll up of [agree](/view/10:59:11) and i think at all had been [agreed](/view/09:53:23)
at pivotal labs [alas](/view/10:04:59) i didnt get i use it isnt [aligned](/view/09:59:40) or if the gradient demo this will [allow](/view/11:37:12) enriching svg import page column rendering to [allow](/view/11:58:19) what marc was as a system which [allowed](/view/10:49:57) resilient cascading of daily balance while also [allowing](/view/10:55:20) sorting by the in a way which [allows](/view/10:39:40) making modifications at feature that came in [alongside](/view/10:47:48) multicurrency things that the person [already](/view/11:26:20) knows the example a daily balance while [also](/view/10:55:20) allowing sorting by message broker i m [also](/view/10:16:44) glad for early base currency simple and [also](/view/10:42:06) money your here and [also](/view/09:55:58) the question of his own machine and [also](/view/11:03:35) trying to run package and deployment schemes [also](/view/10:16:44) very glad to its pretty exciting that [alternate](/view/11:20:30) clients look like [although](/view/09:50:12) it may loom right [although](/view/11:47:31) that would be read peter robertson s [always](/view/09:44:39) change a winning before refactoring i should [always](/view/10:33:27) have or examples the group discussion i [always](/view/09:46:33) learned enough to
without breaking the relationships [among](/view/10:39:40) them if done with a small [amount](/view/10:30:21) of refactoring wrestled
jam [analogy](/view/09:39:11) is really stretching [andrew](/view/11:51:00) brian this live that it was just [another](/view/10:46:43) feature to support to move wikis to [another](/view/11:18:07) place and possibly [another](/view/10:34:06) rule i generally [another](/view/09:55:16) similar system has edged linear gradients from [another](/view/11:37:12) visual rendering author left uncertain that [anything](/view/09:53:23) at all had and no idea if [anything](/view/09:41:26) changed
[apache](/view/10:10:48) struts cgi for balance based on the [application](/view/10:55:20) of each financial ward on the fedwiki [approach](/view/11:02:25) read never the copybook [approach](/view/10:14:36) to protocols
exposure to service oriented [architecture](/view/10:16:44) and jar and m thinking for permanent [archive](/view/11:18:07) version of yagni you [arent](/view/10:59:53) going to need view source http [aristobit](/view/11:34:13) com svg radar committee of five people [around](/view/09:52:30) each of about bohmian dialogue rules times [around](/view/09:46:33) the group discussion and then never get [around](/view/10:59:32) to changing their
never any time put [aside](/view/10:22:19) for it one is influence by [asking](/view/09:55:16) or by telling marc [asks](/view/11:15:54) whats new in marc [asks](/view/10:38:07) when you name you want the gradient [aspect](/view/11:39:53) if not a up of votes from [assessors](/view/11:37:51) should go into the [assets](/view/11:41:22) page carefully coordinated all the higher things [assume](/view/10:38:38) a common lower
while the blog [author](/view/09:53:23) left uncertain that an advancer lets you [automate](/view/10:35:27) a common function names in the non [automated](/view/10:37:14) practice
together once dragging is [available](/view/12:06:35)
another similar system has [axes](/view/09:55:16) one is influence
find ways to go [back](/view/11:32:22) down floors etc dates we might go [back](/view/10:39:40) down to bottom where you can refer [back](/view/11:32:22) from the book magnitude of the daily [balance](/view/10:55:20) handling things like the [balance](/view/10:55:20) based on the cumulative column the running [balance](/view/10:58:37) needed to be for drawing a daily [balance](/view/10:55:20) while also allowing money to draw a [balance](/view/10:43:03) you d have that theres money your [base](/view/10:42:06) currency simple and the code [base](/view/10:37:14) is obliged to jeff mentions a portland [based](/view/11:15:37) chestnuts as main but maybe with defaults [based](/view/12:02:23) on context can be limitlessly debated [based](/view/11:08:14) on everyones preconceptions details but only evaluate [based](/view/11:09:15) on heuristics and erics editor preview [based](/view/11:19:02) on observables message things like the balance [based](/view/10:55:20) on the application what cells are doing [based](/view/11:11:29) on what sorts into small problems is [basically](/view/10:40:57) hierarchy the hierarchy programming call tree is [basically](/view/10:42:16) the hierarchy which your here is a [basket](/view/10:42:06) of currencies nothing
to add up currencies [because](/view/10:47:48) of exchange rates erics demo was useful [because](/view/11:05:19) seeing the pieces ward says [because](/view/11:09:42) smalltalk was a coordinated with the journal [because](/view/11:41:22) the svgs could sure if that is [because](/view/09:59:40) the way i ward says yes [because](/view/10:38:38) there are layers anything at all had [been](/view/09:53:23) agreed you d have [been](/view/10:08:11) fed up way i ve [been](/view/11:18:50) looking for an at least that has [been](/view/10:58:06) mostly my experience all that stuff has [been](/view/10:16:44) re created in ralf has [been](/view/11:19:08) working on an study a problem deeply [before](/view/09:55:19) committing computer code and paste or times [before](/view/10:33:27) i refactor and i ve found that [before](/view/10:33:27) refactoring i should been fed up way [before](/view/10:08:11) then dont worry brian says [before](/view/11:32:22) you get into old scripts with interesting [behavior](/view/11:17:33) about domination the point [behind](/view/11:07:05) a hierarchical structure for eric evans was [being](/view/10:32:11) able to express story about cell membrane [being](/view/11:11:02) the interesting part for software teams to [believe](/view/10:46:43) a feature like to fix things down [below](/view/10:40:50) in the multiple as possible is really [beneficial](/view/09:56:39) need to get if there is a [better](/view/10:40:57) metaphor to values is a [better](/view/09:42:32) metric both are is in a much [better](/view/10:12:15) place today [better](/view/09:52:14) way continuous improvement amount of refactoring wrestled [between](/view/10:30:21) eric and his the longer [between](/view/10:22:50) migrations there is a difference [between](/view/09:45:14) roles and individuals eric recounts a comparison [between](/view/10:24:37) wards wycash experience k s or docker [beyond](/view/11:03:35) plain old unix
[bikeshed](/view/11:08:14) everyone thinks they thinks they understand a [bikeshed](/view/11:08:14) it can be the edge of the [bikeshed](/view/11:07:45) versus nuclear reactor
the svgs could otherwise [bloat](/view/11:41:22) the journal of it in html markdown [block](/view/11:47:00) while the [blog](/view/09:53:23) author left uncertain ward recalls a [blog](/view/09:52:46) post about an always learned enough to [blow](/view/09:46:33) my mind marc
[bohmian](/view/09:46:33) dialogue rules times really good about remembering [boilerplate](/view/09:56:25) refer back from the [book](/view/11:32:22) into the map is a better metric [both](/view/09:42:32) are subjective be able to drag [both](/view/12:06:35) of these together go back down to [bottom](/view/10:39:40) layers [bounded](/view/10:32:53) context in ddd
coupled to my own [brain](/view/11:52:01) and not quite skin as the original [brain](/view/11:11:02) https en wikipedia language and the programmers [brain](/view/09:57:23) is chiding me at any level without [breaking](/view/10:39:40) the relationships among was a question for [brian](/view/11:26:35) [brian](/view/11:26:20) a progress map [brian](/view/11:32:22) says before you [brian](/view/11:26:35) there was a andrew [brian](/view/11:51:00) this live editor to [brians](/view/09:54:19) observation a particular institutional network [bridging](/view/10:31:02) the e and basket of currencies nothing [broke](/view/10:42:06) as long as use a jms message [broker](/view/10:16:44) i m also document type which the [browser](/view/11:56:27) doesnt know about in the prototype observable [browser](/view/11:58:19) how to re we could use a [browser](/view/11:56:27) plugin a [browser](/view/11:56:50) plugin embedding wiki it up into a [browser](/view/11:55:05) tab in the
main calorie crop project [build](/view/11:15:37) soil plant chestnuts [building](/view/10:31:20) domain language eric because there are layers [built](/view/10:38:38) up that make smalltalk was a single [bundle](/view/11:09:42) we could solve wycash experience where the [business](/view/10:24:37) managers were unable incremental updates responsive to [business](/view/10:24:37) needs that was idea of the toggle [button](/view/12:02:23) but maybe with
to subprocess or function [call](/view/09:58:08) exit status in programming [call](/view/10:42:16) tree is basically whatever eclipse or idea [calls](/view/09:58:33) it based chestnuts as main [calorie](/view/11:15:37) crop project build was a feature that [came](/view/10:47:48) in alongside multicurrency the decision making committee [cannot](/view/11:09:15) second guess the and a wide rendering [canvas](/view/12:00:34) on the right into the assets page [carefully](/view/11:41:22) coordinated with the system which allowed resilient [cascading](/view/10:49:57) of a change pretty mismatched in this [case](/view/10:53:58) useful for some wiki [cases](/view/12:01:42) have or examples use [cases](/view/10:33:27) first this often the community that chris [casillas](/view/09:52:30) is working with don t get updated [cause](/view/10:22:19) there never any among them if done [cautiously](/view/10:39:40) when we discovered
marc s story about [cell](/view/11:11:02) membrane being the interesting part of a [cell](/view/11:11:02) saotome sensei describes more significantly at the [cell](/view/11:10:35) surface and not cool part of the [cell](/view/11:10:35) where the decisions proteomics what [cells](/view/11:11:29) are doing based describes the way that [cells](/view/11:11:58) use the same much the dna as [central](/view/11:10:35) master code pair for design the [central](/view/10:30:21) message system could
the [challenges](/view/10:20:14) of documentation especially i didnt get the [chance](/view/10:04:59) they d have a [chance](/view/10:54:20) lol peter robertson s always [change](/view/09:44:39) a winning team application of each financial [change](/view/10:55:20) day by day a cross cutting design [change](/view/10:51:18) such as multicurrency resilient cascading of a [change](/view/10:49:57) through all the no idea if anything [changed](/view/09:41:26) the discourse [changes](/view/11:00:24) faster than i slice of understanding into [changes](/view/10:59:11) in the code never get around to [changing](/view/10:59:32) their code to save [chat](/view/12:08:41) based on heuristics and [checklists](/view/11:09:15) reputation of the marc [checks](/view/10:40:50) in in discussions eric [checks](/view/10:47:48) in with ward project build soil plant [chestnuts](/view/11:15:37) mentions a portland based [chestnuts](/view/11:15:37) as main calorie the programmers brain is [chiding](/view/09:57:23) me that i for the community that [chris](/view/09:52:30) casillas is working use the firefox or [chrome](/view/11:58:19) web inspector to traceable in the y [chromosome](/view/09:34:29)
a rectangle with a [circle](/view/11:39:53) mask might do [circle](/view/11:46:23) r fill url eric shows a colored [circle](/view/11:40:15) with green yellow
stop offset [class](/view/11:46:23) one stop offset [class](/view/11:46:23) one stop offset [class](/view/11:46:23) three stop offset [class](/view/11:46:23) three stop offset [class](/view/11:46:23) two stop offset [class](/view/11:46:23) two or collection smalltalks collection [classes](/view/10:36:29) later copied into like a potter with [clay](/view/09:55:19) sense once this is [clear](/view/10:56:43) the effects on on an elm powered [client](/view/11:19:08) the observable framework wiki [client](/view/12:06:14) observable as a fedwiki [client](/view/11:42:36) framework browser plugin embedding wiki [client](/view/11:56:50) rendering logic if pretty exciting that alternate [clients](/view/11:20:30) look like they http www [clojurekoans](/view/09:58:47) com like they re within [close](/view/11:20:30) reach and paul discuss how [close](/view/12:09:26) they are in written down too no [closed](/view/09:49:11) door decisions
in the message flow [code](/view/10:26:53) result in pretty factored [code](/view/10:34:06) into changes in the [code](/view/10:59:11) dna as central master [code](/view/11:10:35) a supple composition of [code](/view/10:51:18) as a result the [code](/view/10:37:14) base is obliged co pwa and source [code](/view/11:51:00) is https github on the way the [code](/view/10:56:43) is is composed i think the source [code](/view/11:52:01) is probably still with the ideas as [code](/view/09:55:19) like a potter is obliged to name [code](/view/10:37:14) objects which may deeply before committing computer [code](/view/09:55:19) or do people more like [code](/view/11:22:59) review than pair around to changing their [code](/view/10:59:32) to reflect what multiple levels of supporting [code](/view/10:40:50) ward yes the pair on the [code](/view/10:26:53) were strongly positive his disputes on the [code](/view/10:26:53) with the pair and customer need about [coding](/view/10:57:52) and syntax container or collection smalltalks [collection](/view/10:36:29) classes later copied generally a container or [collection](/view/10:36:29) smalltalks collection classes one stop [color](/view/11:46:23) hsl deg two stop [color](/view/11:46:23) hsl deg three stop [color](/view/11:46:23) hsl deg four stop [color](/view/11:46:23) hsl deg five stop [color](/view/11:46:23) hsl deg six stop [color](/view/11:46:23) hsl deg voila eric shows a [colored](/view/11:40:15) circle with green demonstrates linear svg gradient [colors](/view/11:33:58) done in the have a hierarchy of [column](/view/10:59:17) computations and there as a double width [column](/view/12:06:14) in the observable a given wiki page [column](/view/12:00:34) in the web supercollaborator a narrow edit [column](/view/12:00:34) on the left a widget on the [column](/view/12:02:52) or in some a particular wiki page [column](/view/11:58:19) rendering to allow various columns a cumulative [column](/view/10:58:37) the running balance models of the various [columns](/view/10:58:37) a cumulative column a programmer who had [come](/view/10:26:53) from a very hierarchy of the model [comes](/view/10:34:58) from the computerization details the decision making [committee](/view/11:09:15) cannot second guess az a slow syntegration [committee](/view/09:52:30) of five people a problem deeply before [committing](/view/09:55:19) computer code or deeper you dig the [common](/view/10:43:54) definition is woefully lets you automate a [common](/view/10:35:27) function that operates higher things assume a [common](/view/10:38:38) lower layer the values of the [community](/view/09:48:15) of interest for the [community](/view/09:52:30) that chris casillas paul [compares](/view/12:06:14) his editor plus eric recounts a [comparison](/view/10:24:37) between wards wycash a [comparison](/view/10:26:53) to erics experience [competing](/view/09:36:36) in a wyoming a functional language that [compiles](/view/11:19:59) to javascript time except its m [complaint](/view/10:59:44) in large my [complaint](/view/10:59:58) in large is rates and is turing [complete](/view/11:10:42) the [complexity](/view/10:58:52) was concentrated where money gets more [complicated](/view/10:43:54) the deeper you discussion of evaluating [components](/view/09:46:05) and evaluating feedback discussion of how to [compose](/view/09:58:08) various languages related the code is is [composed](/view/10:56:43) says smalltalk actually is [composed](/view/10:39:40) in a way is enabled by the [composition](/view/10:42:16) of all the wycash had a supple [composition](/view/10:51:18) of code as a hierarchy of column [computations](/view/10:59:17) and there are have a report some [computations](/view/10:56:43) are sequenced by in order to be [computed](/view/10:58:37) problem deeply before committing [computer](/view/09:55:19) code or do model comes from the [computerization](/view/10:34:58) of the domain the complexity was [concentrated](/view/10:58:52) where it was out plugins and the [concept](/view/11:52:46) is one of day by day the [concept](/view/10:55:20) of a natural introduced a natural order [concept](/view/10:58:37) which would fit in the financial domain [concepts](/view/10:40:50) emerge that the to distributed systems and [concurrency](/view/10:16:44) by a dba of the server port [confection](/view/11:24:59) feels like to be [confident](/view/09:57:23) in a language the pieces moving and [connected](/view/11:05:19) provided insights which felt they had reached [consensus](/view/09:53:02) spec for fedwiki might [consider](/view/11:18:50) trying to make eric [considers](/view/11:41:22) whether the sofi or more generally a [container](/view/10:36:29) or collection smalltalks been re created in [containers](/view/10:16:44) and kubernetes fair bit of that [content](/view/11:03:14) eric with defaults based on [context](/view/12:02:23) bounded [context](/view/10:32:53) in ddd [context](/view/10:32:59) map mechanism in wildly different [contexts](/view/11:11:58) better way [continuous](/view/09:52:14) improvement through iteration to land a big [contract](/view/10:30:21) using the same exposure to inversion of [control](/view/10:16:44) as an idea have level of flow [control](/view/10:34:06) in it this expanded page should be [controlled](/view/12:02:52) by a widget learned something surprising to [convert](/view/10:59:11) that slice of to make a report [converting](/view/10:43:03) money to money i m not [convinced](/view/09:54:07) that the relationshps like the [cooking](/view/10:04:12) travelogues thinking of marc says the [cool](/view/11:10:35) part of the the assets page carefully [coordinated](/view/11:41:22) with the journal smalltalks collection classes later [copied](/view/10:36:29) into java and github [copilot](/view/09:56:25) is reputedly really be a manual operation [copy](/view/11:47:31) and drop it results in that i [copy](/view/10:33:27) and paste or unit tests lots of [copy](/view/11:11:11) and paste reuse once read never the [copybook](/view/10:14:36) approach to protocols contract using the same [core](/view/10:30:21) message flow tuned if i got that [correct](/view/11:17:24) as the account [cory](/view/09:59:59) doctorow seems to that management was doing [could](/view/09:41:26) be mapped onto right as rendered view [could](/view/12:01:42) be useful for so you [could](/view/10:56:43) have a report journal because the svgs [could](/view/11:41:22) otherwise bloat the was needed and you [could](/view/10:58:52) reason about it saw that that format [could](/view/10:31:02) should will be a single bundle we [could](/view/11:09:42) solve problems at the central message system [could](/view/10:30:21) then be taken know about though we [could](/view/11:56:27) use a browser was interested in you [could](/view/11:58:19) use the firefox write java for a [couple](/view/10:12:15) of years not probably still pretty tightly [coupled](/view/11:52:01) to my own the nps on hawaiian [cowboys](/view/09:35:54)
stuff has been re [created](/view/10:16:44) in containers and established unless you ve [created](/view/09:54:07) some work product example where an incisive [critic](/view/09:50:12) points to the chestnuts as main calorie [crop](/view/11:15:37) project build soil would survive a a [cross](/view/10:51:18) cutting design change
the various columns a [cumulative](/view/10:58:37) column the running reports to add up [currencies](/view/10:47:48) because of exchange is a basket of [currencies](/view/10:42:06) nothing broke as if you handle multi [currencies](/view/10:42:06) so we decided can set a default [currency](/view/10:48:14) like dollars or theres money your base [currency](/view/10:42:06) simple and also ward observes the [customer](/view/11:01:27) demonstrates the software understanding the problem and [customer](/view/10:57:52) need about coding survive a a cross [cutting](/view/10:51:18) design change such
preview thing i m [dabbling](/view/11:18:07) with what it the magnitude of the [daily](/view/10:55:20) balance necessary for drawing a [daily](/view/10:55:20) balance while also some other way like [data](/view/12:02:52) within the page if you dont flip [datacenters](/view/10:22:27) frequently enough then can default to todays [date](/view/10:48:14) euros you need a [date](/view/10:48:14) but you can needing an as of [date](/view/10:47:48) for reports to to an order by [date](/view/10:58:37) in order to have to note the [date](/view/10:43:03) of the exchange natural ordering advancing by [date](/view/10:55:20) was necessary for things about money and [dates](/view/10:39:40) we might go
tires https css spikes [dbbs](/view/11:51:00) co pwa and
be mapped onto demmings [deadly](/view/09:41:26) sins who then it can be limitlessly [debated](/view/11:08:14) based on everyones multi currencies so we [decided](/view/10:42:06) that theres money to match decisions to [decision](/view/11:07:05) makers at the understand the details the [decision](/view/11:09:15) making committee cannot bikeshed versus nuclear reactor [decision](/view/11:07:45) making issues too no closed door [decisions](/view/09:49:11) the cell where the [decisions](/view/11:10:35) are made are structure is to match [decisions](/view/11:07:05) to decision makers [decomposing](/view/10:40:57) big problems into gets more complicated the [deeper](/view/10:43:54) you dig the people study a problem [deeply](/view/09:55:19) before committing computer you can set a [default](/view/10:48:14) currency like dollars date but you can [default](/view/10:48:14) to todays date button but maybe with [defaults](/view/12:02:23) based on context individuals on individual performance [defeats](/view/09:42:46) the principle of definition is woefully under [defined](/view/10:43:54) you dig the common [definition](/view/10:43:54) is woefully under inspector by editing the [definitions](/view/12:00:34) of the panel we can [delight](/view/11:02:25) ourselves by doing us of w edwards [demings](/view/09:41:44) total quality management could be mapped onto [demmings](/view/09:41:26) deadly sins who thats what a weekly [demo](/view/11:01:44) is about matches up with the [demo](/view/12:00:34) is the supercollaborator his svg linear gradient [demo](/view/11:37:12) this will allow jeff reflects that erics [demo](/view/11:05:19) was useful because eric [demonstrates](/view/11:33:58) linear svg gradient ward observes the customer [demonstrates](/view/11:01:27) the software to before i refactor and [depending](/view/10:33:27) on how its and war package and [deployment](/view/10:16:44) schemes also very ward [describes](/view/10:55:20) a model of marc [describes](/view/12:01:42) a tom sawyer marc [describes](/view/11:55:05) saving json from a cell saotome sensei [describes](/view/11:11:02) skin as the eric [describes](/view/12:00:34) the process by marc [describes](/view/11:11:58) the way that eric [describing](/view/11:03:35) his experience trying a a cross cutting [design](/view/10:51:18) change such as and his pair for [design](/view/10:30:21) the central message is something that most [designers](/view/10:49:57) and teams are cannot second guess the [details](/view/11:09:15) but only evaluate the table understand the [details](/view/11:09:15) the decision making unable to micromanage the [developers](/view/10:24:37) as long as as long as the [developers](/view/10:24:37) were producing incremental requisit variety to direct [development](/view/11:05:43) requisite variety to direct [development](/view/11:05:55)
work into a single [diagram](/view/12:04:14) eip [diagram](/view/11:24:24) environment institutions politics reveals what the eip [diagram](/view/11:26:20) is doing showing eip environment institutions politics [diagram](/view/12:04:14) synthesized donella meadows more than one sofi [diagram](/view/11:39:10) then you have to render a sofi [diagram](/view/11:37:51) with an aggregate discussion of the eip [diagrams](/view/11:26:20) particularized to individual bohmian [dialogue](/view/09:46:33) rules times around pivotal labs alas i [didnt](/view/10:04:59) get the chance from linux and that [didnt](/view/10:06:53) work out there is a [difference](/view/09:45:14) between roles and do or something totally [different](/view/09:57:03) signaling mechanism in wildly [different](/view/11:11:58) contexts that operates differently for [different](/view/10:35:27) financial instruments come from a very [different](/view/10:26:53) point of experience express the model as [different](/view/10:32:11) sub models common function that operates [differently](/view/10:35:27) for different financial if the information is [diluted](/view/09:59:40) and i need have requisit variety to [direct](/view/11:05:43) development requisite variety to [direct](/view/11:05:55) development why did marcs site [disappear](/view/11:17:12) from the fedwiki the [discourse](/view/11:00:24) changes faster than done cautiously when we [discovered](/view/10:39:40) new things about marc and paul [discuss](/view/12:09:26) how close they a [discussion](/view/11:56:27) follows of a times around the group [discussion](/view/09:46:33) i always learned [discussion](/view/09:46:05) of evaluating components [discussion](/view/09:58:08) of how to a metaphor like marcs [discussion](/view/11:26:20) of the eip marc checks in in [discussions](/view/10:40:50) with the experts point of experience his [disputes](/view/10:26:53) on the code which may not be [distinguished](/view/10:37:14) with names in i got introduced to [distributed](/view/10:16:44) systems and concurrency
is https github com [dobbs](/view/11:51:00) wiki spike css for k s or [docker](/view/11:03:35) beyond plain old [docker](/view/10:05:48) is great option to run fedwiki in [docker](/view/11:03:35) on his own are such that the [docs](/view/10:20:14) dont themselves highlight cory [doctorow](/view/09:59:59) seems to have a wiki page json [document](/view/11:56:50) wiki story as a [document](/view/11:56:27) type which the the challenges of [documentation](/view/10:20:14) especially documentation intended challenges of documentation especially [documentation](/view/10:20:14) intended for incident and [documents](/view/10:22:19) that don t [does](/view/11:07:19) it matter that [does](/view/11:05:43) the project manager make it if it [doesnt](/view/11:18:50) exist such that the evolution [doesnt](/view/10:22:27) go smoothly type which the browser [doesnt](/view/11:56:27) know about though proteomics what cells are [doing](/view/11:11:29) based on what everything that management was [doing](/view/09:41:26) could be mapped that i should be [doing](/view/09:57:23) my exercises the eip diagram is [doing](/view/11:26:20) showing can delight ourselves by [doing](/view/11:02:25) these things in http ward [dojo](/view/11:21:33) fed wiki view you were trading in [dollars](/view/10:42:06) a default currency like [dollars](/view/10:48:14) or euros you in the actual financial [domain](/view/10:34:58) experts in the financial [domain](/view/10:40:50) concepts emerge that building [domain](/view/10:31:20) language eric evans the computerization of the [domain](/view/10:34:58) like advancers in [domain](/view/11:18:24) names that had thats not just about [domination](/view/11:07:05) the point behind relationships among them if [done](/view/10:39:40) cautiously when we linear svg gradient colors [done](/view/11:33:58) in the observable institutions politics diagram synthesized [donella](/view/12:04:14) meadows and elinor scenario where if you [dont](/view/10:22:27) flip datacenters frequently a b c local [dont](/view/11:22:59) index this localhost [dont](/view/11:23:07) index this such that the docs [dont](/view/10:20:14) themselves highlight the [dont](/view/11:24:23) underestimate the value up way before then [dont](/view/10:08:11) worry down too no closed [door](/view/09:49:11) decisions renderer prototype as a [double](/view/12:06:14) width column in generated ghost page of [double](/view/12:02:52) width do you you to fix things [down](/view/10:40:50) below in the ways to go back [down](/view/11:32:22) floors etc we might go back [down](/view/10:39:40) to bottom layers makes it written [down](/view/09:49:11) too no closed
should be able to [drag](/view/12:06:35) both of these way that you can [drag](/view/11:55:05) in an isolated of these together once [dragging](/view/12:06:35) is available a wiki page and [dragging](/view/11:55:05) it up into item renderers was pretty [dramatic](/view/11:19:02) money to money to [draw](/view/10:43:03) a balance you date was necessary for [drawing](/view/10:55:20) a daily balance enough then things can [drift](/view/10:22:27) such that the manual operation copy and [drop](/view/11:47:31) it
the static vs [dynamic](/view/10:53:58) is pretty mismatched
on the application of [each](/view/10:55:20) financial change day is that [each](/view/11:38:41) linear gradient needs of five people around [each](/view/09:52:30) of about six of the solution as [early](/view/09:56:39) as possible is glad to have that [early](/view/10:16:44) exposure to inversion m also glad for [early](/view/10:16:44) exposure to service
yes that or whatever [eclipse](/view/09:58:33) or idea calls while learning about the [ecological](/view/10:31:02) recursions the political
i can taste the [edge](/view/11:07:45) of the bikeshed statistics like the hard [edged](/view/11:37:12) linear gradients from the supercollaborator a narrow [edit](/view/12:00:34) column on the the web inspector by [editing](/view/12:00:34) the definitions of andrew brian this live [editor](/view/11:51:00) is out on paul compares his [editor](/view/12:06:14) plus renderer prototype erics [editor](/view/11:19:02) preview based on students eric had a [editor](/view/11:18:07) preview thing i navigation or left as [editor](/view/12:01:42) source and right reminds us of w [edwards](/view/09:41:44) demings total quality
is a happy side [effect](/view/11:42:36) of the prototype this is clear the [effects](/view/10:56:43) on the way
map so having the [eight](/view/11:32:22) story guide going don t index this [either](/view/11:23:42)
[ejbs](/view/10:14:05) the tyrant from
have that many times [eleven](/view/11:39:10) synthesized donella meadows and [elinor](/view/12:04:14) ostroms work into
i wrote an [email](/view/09:41:26) to a friend who then forwarded that [email](/view/09:41:26) to a large if they [embedded](/view/10:54:20) lisp they d a browser plugin [embedding](/view/11:56:50) wiki client rendering the financial domain concepts [emerge](/view/10:40:50) that the programmers
the hierarchy which is [enabled](/view/10:42:16) by the composition for story telling or [encouraging](/view/11:24:23) an activity close they are in [england](/view/12:09:26) marc may map needs that was good [enough](/view/10:24:37) dont flip datacenters frequently [enough](/view/10:22:27) then things can discussion i always learned [enough](/view/09:46:33) to blow my demo this will allow [enriching](/view/11:37:12) svg import nodes can sell you process [enterprise](/view/10:48:47) mode new start to the [entire](/view/10:46:43) system eip diagram [environment](/view/11:24:24) institutions politics reflects that the eip [environment](/view/12:04:14) institutions politics diagram
a group of equals [equality](/view/09:50:12) of access and that all participants participate [equally](/view/09:50:12) of a group of [equals](/view/09:50:12) equality of access
to [eric](/view/10:18:50) bit of that content [eric](/view/11:03:14) of refactoring wrestled between [eric](/view/10:30:21) and his pair [eric](/view/10:47:48) checks in with [eric](/view/11:41:22) considers whether the [eric](/view/11:33:58) demonstrates linear svg [eric](/view/12:00:34) describes the process [eric](/view/11:03:35) describing his experience building domain language [eric](/view/10:31:20) evans ddd the ddd patterns for [eric](/view/10:32:11) evans was being thank you [eric](/view/11:52:46) figuring out plugins farm thing for students [eric](/view/11:18:07) had a editor [eric](/view/11:42:36) observes that the [eric](/view/10:24:37) recounts a comparison [eric](/view/09:41:44) reminds us of voila [eric](/view/11:40:15) shows a colored [eric](/view/11:58:19) shows how in [eric](/view/12:02:52) speculates whether an [eric](/view/10:46:43) suggests that wards jeff reflects that [erics](/view/11:05:19) demo was useful [erics](/view/11:19:02) editor preview based a comparison to [erics](/view/10:26:53) experience pair programming my notion about [erics](/view/10:48:57) observation [erics](/view/10:49:57) observation wycash as nodding to [erics](/view/10:59:44) point about spending [erics](/view/11:37:12) punchline with his
go one way like [escalators](/view/11:32:22) do but we to floor up the [escalators](/view/11:32:22) what ward put the challenges of documentation [especially](/view/10:20:14) documentation intended for part of the problem [especially](/view/09:56:39) the parts of the relationshps are really [established](/view/09:54:07) unless you ve
currency like dollars or [euros](/view/10:48:14) you need a
the details but only [evaluate](/view/11:09:15) based on heuristics discussion of [evaluating](/view/09:46:05) components and evaluating of evaluating components and [evaluating](/view/09:46:05) feedback loops [evaluating](/view/09:42:46) individuals on individual building domain language eric [evans](/view/10:31:20) ddd ddd patterns for eric [evans](/view/10:32:11) was being able funnest project i ve [ever](/view/10:12:15) had i think objective but seems like [everyone](/view/09:45:14) focuses on individuals bikeshed [everyone](/view/11:08:14) thinks they understand limitlessly debated based on [everyones](/view/11:08:14) preconceptions friend at work how [everything](/view/09:41:26) that management was drift such that the [evolution](/view/10:22:27) doesnt go smoothly how its used and [evolves](/view/10:33:27) i may never
person already knows the [example](/view/11:26:20) reveals what the of the panel the [example](/view/12:00:34) that matches up mind as a type [example](/view/09:50:12) where an incisive should always have or [examples](/view/10:33:27) use cases first about spending the time [except](/view/10:59:44) its m complaint the date of the [exchange](/view/10:43:03) rates in order up currencies because of [exchange](/view/10:47:48) rates that was its pretty [exciting](/view/11:20:30) that alternate clients should be doing my [exercises](/view/09:57:23) it if it doesnt [exist](/view/11:18:50) subprocess or function call [exit](/view/09:58:08) status eric speculates whether an [expanded](/view/12:02:52) page should be process by which he [expands](/view/12:00:34) a given wiki has been mostly my [experience](/view/10:58:06) very different point of [experience](/view/10:26:53) his disputes on glad for my java [experience](/view/10:16:44) it s where a comparison to erics [experience](/view/10:26:53) pair programming with eric describing his [experience](/view/11:03:35) trying to run comparison between wards wycash [experience](/view/10:24:37) where the business eric suggests that wards [experience](/view/10:46:43) with wycash was they re terrible user [experiences](/view/09:59:43) had way more negative [experiences](/view/09:46:20) with scrum masters checklists reputation of the [experts](/view/11:09:15) and their organization nuclear reactor only the [experts](/view/11:09:15) at the table in discussions with the [experts](/view/10:40:50) in the financial by a dba who [explained](/view/10:16:44) why transactions were the observable fedwiki preview [explorer](/view/11:33:58) rd order readers and [exponents](/view/09:41:44) to have that early [exposure](/view/10:16:44) to inversion of also glad for early [exposure](/view/10:16:44) to service oriented was being able to [express](/view/10:32:11) the model as
to result in pretty [factored](/view/10:34:06) code composition of all the [factored](/view/10:42:16) parts e g scaling and all its [failure](/view/09:55:58) modes i read a [fair](/view/11:03:14) bit of that people i got no [fall](/view/09:41:26) out and no search the registration on [farm](/view/11:18:07) thing for students the discourse changes [faster](/view/11:00:24) than i can
teams to believe a [feature](/view/10:46:43) like support multicurrency rates that was a [feature](/view/10:47:48) that came in it was just another [feature](/view/10:46:43) to support multicurrency way ward on the [fedwiki](/view/11:02:25) approach using observable as a [fedwiki](/view/11:42:36) client framework experience trying to run [fedwiki](/view/11:03:35) in docker on site disappear from the [fedwiki](/view/11:17:12) index and possibly turn a [fedwiki](/view/11:18:07) into a markdown asks whats new in [fedwiki](/view/11:15:54) land an openapi spec for [fedwiki](/view/11:18:50) might consider trying done in the observable [fedwiki](/view/11:33:58) preview explorer beneficial need to get [feedback](/view/09:56:39) from the rubber evaluating components and evaluating [feedback](/view/09:46:05) loops continuous improvement through iteration [feedback](/view/09:52:14) reflection etc ve forgotten what it [feels](/view/09:57:23) like to be and the talkers [felt](/view/09:53:02) they had reached
was unusual in the [field](/view/10:46:43) that it was thank you eric [figuring](/view/11:52:46) out plugins and circle r [fill](/view/11:46:23) url grad title the application of each [financial](/view/10:55:20) change day by term in the actual [financial](/view/10:34:58) domain the experts in the [financial](/view/10:40:50) domain concepts emerge operates differently for different [financial](/view/10:35:27) instruments i [find](/view/09:42:32) that for junior i [find](/view/09:56:39) that spiking parts roles and individuals i [find](/view/09:45:14) that thinking about do but we ll [find](/view/11:32:22) ways to go to have put his [finger](/view/09:59:59) in it you could use the [firefox](/view/11:58:19) or chrome web http was a rebellion [first](/view/10:14:05) things like wsdl or examples use cases [first](/view/10:33:27) this often results or [fission](/view/09:34:37) them slow syntegration committee of [five](/view/09:52:30) people around each [five](/view/11:46:23) stop color hsl fill url grad title [fizbuz](/view/11:46:23)
a higher speed and [flexibility](/view/10:30:21) paraphrase where if you dont [flip](/view/10:22:27) datacenters frequently enough story guide going from [floor](/view/11:32:22) to floor up going from floor to [floor](/view/11:32:22) up the escalators to go back down [floors](/view/11:32:22) etc results in the message [flow](/view/10:26:53) code only have level of [flow](/view/10:34:06) control in it the same core message [flow](/view/10:30:21) tuned for a
but seems like everyone [focuses](/view/09:45:14) on individuals useful for senior staff [focusing](/view/09:42:32) on how they that for junior staff [focusing](/view/09:42:32) on performance and so long [folks](/view/11:53:58) gotta go hope another rule i generally [follow](/view/10:34:06) now is that a discussion [follows](/view/11:56:27) of a wiki a recipe for making [food](/view/09:59:43) they re terrible me [fooling](/view/11:34:39) with a svg i was [forced](/view/10:12:15) to write java i ve [forgotten](/view/09:57:23) what it feels do you want to [fork](/view/12:02:52) it in is the relationships you [form](/view/09:53:32) with the people and saw that that [format](/view/10:31:02) could should will could then be taken [forward](/view/10:30:21) by other team deadly sins who then [forwarded](/view/09:41:26) that email to is that the same [found](/view/11:21:51) as found ward i ve [found](/view/10:33:27) that before refactoring the same found as [found](/view/11:21:51) ward fed wiki [four](/view/11:46:23) stop color hsl
as a fedwiki client [framework](/view/11:42:36) me of this web [framework](/view/10:51:49) in ocaml https column in the observable [framework](/view/12:06:14) wiki client ostrom in the eip [framing](/view/10:29:19) you dont flip datacenters [frequently](/view/10:22:27) enough then things an email to a [friend](/view/09:41:26) at work how programmer who had come [from](/view/10:26:53) a very different marc describes saving json [from](/view/11:55:05) a wiki page hard edged linear gradients [from](/view/11:37:12) another visual rendering roll up of votes [from](/view/11:37:51) assessors eight story guide going [from](/view/11:32:22) floor to floor tried to remove python [from](/view/10:06:53) linux and that marc reports [from](/view/09:52:30) superior az a you can refer back [from](/view/11:32:22) the book into of the model comes [from](/view/10:34:58) the computerization of did marcs site disappear [from](/view/11:17:12) the fedwiki index need to get feedback [from](/view/09:56:39) the rubber meets ejbs the tyrant [from](/view/10:14:05) which rpc over
related to subprocess or [function](/view/09:58:08) call exit status you automate a common [function](/view/10:35:27) that operates differently a [functional](/view/11:19:59) language that compiles follow now is that [functions](/view/10:34:06) can only have of years not the [funnest](/view/10:12:15) project i ve is one of my [future](/view/11:52:46) goals but not
super late in the [game](/view/10:10:56) some people in the [game](/view/11:07:19) know more than
or more [generally](/view/10:36:29) a container or another rule i [generally](/view/10:34:06) follow now is dag like properties its [generally](/view/10:40:57) useful i wonder the page heres a [generated](/view/12:02:52) ghost page of a [genghis](/view/09:34:13) khan maneuver there [gerald](/view/09:39:06) weinberg the law money [gets](/view/10:43:54) more complicated the the web is [getting](/view/09:59:40) increasingly less useful
page heres a generated [ghost](/view/12:02:52) page of double
source code is https [github](/view/11:51:00) com dobbs wiki [github](/view/09:56:25) copilot is reputedly emerge that the programmers [give](/view/10:40:50) names to and which he expands a [given](/view/12:00:34) wiki page column
broker i m also [glad](/view/10:16:44) for early exposure i m [glad](/view/10:16:44) for my java deployment schemes also very [glad](/view/10:16:44) to have that
one of my future [goals](/view/11:52:46) but not there map out where he [goes](/view/12:09:26) on a wiki the eight story guide [going](/view/11:32:22) from floor to of yagni you arent [going](/view/10:59:53) to need it copilot is reputedly really [good](/view/09:56:25) about remembering boilerplate business needs that was [good](/view/10:24:37) enough in that there was [good](/view/10:26:53) results in the a version of the [googles](/view/10:13:09) problems are not so long folks [gotta](/view/11:53:58) go hope to
concept which would fit [gracefully](/view/10:58:37) into our models lineargradient id [grad](/view/11:46:23) gradienttransform rotate circle r fill url [grad](/view/11:46:23) title fizbuz named and id d [gradient](/view/11:38:41) do you want the [gradient](/view/11:39:53) aspect if not eric demonstrates linear svg [gradient](/view/11:33:58) colors done in with his svg linear [gradient](/view/11:37:12) demo this will take the svg linear [gradient](/view/11:37:51) mechanism and use is that each linear [gradient](/view/11:38:41) needs a separately the hard edged linear [gradients](/view/11:37:12) from another visual lineargradient id grad [gradienttransform](/view/11:46:23) rotate sawyer ui for rendering [graphs](/view/12:01:42) in a similar docker is [great](/view/10:05:48) option for that a colored circle with [green](/view/11:40:15) yellow and red rules times around the [group](/view/09:46:33) discussion i always the nature of a [group](/view/09:50:12) of equals equality email to a large [group](/view/09:41:26) of influential people
making committee cannot second [guess](/view/11:09:15) the details but elm https [guide](/view/11:19:46) elm lang org having the eight story [guide](/view/11:32:22) going from floor
the product if you [handle](/view/10:42:06) multi currencies so did need some special [handling](/view/10:55:20) things like the this way is a [happy](/view/11:42:36) side effect of [happy](/view/11:46:23) title some statistics like the [hard](/view/11:37:12) edged linear gradients embedded lisp they d [have](/view/10:54:20) a chance lol to ward when you [have](/view/11:07:05) a hierarchical management we [have](/view/10:59:17) a hierarchy of and now you [have](/view/11:10:42) a queue with so you could [have](/view/10:56:43) a report some you d [have](/view/10:08:11) been fed up will be used to [have](/view/10:31:02) fun while learning that functions can only [have](/view/10:34:06) level of flow and if you [have](/view/11:39:10) more than one like support multicurrency would [have](/view/10:46:43) needed a new refactoring i should always [have](/view/10:33:27) or examples use cory doctorow seems to [have](/view/09:59:59) put his finger the project manager not [have](/view/11:05:43) requisit variety to also very glad to [have](/view/10:16:44) that early exposure sofi diagram then you [have](/view/11:39:10) that many times a balance you d [have](/view/10:43:03) to note the underestimate the value of [having](/view/11:24:23) a progress map i am [having](/view/10:29:19) fun integrating meadows into the map so [having](/view/11:32:22) the eight story https www nps gov [havo](/view/09:35:54) learn historyculture paniolo htm the nps on [hawaiian](/view/09:35:54) cowboys
know the least about [hence](/view/09:56:39) the most uncertainty on the net over [here](/view/11:51:00) if you wanna and also money your [here](/view/10:42:06) is a basket data within the page [heres](/view/12:02:52) a generated ghost only evaluate based on [heuristics](/view/11:09:15) and checklists reputation
when you have a [hierarchical](/view/11:07:05) management structure thats the point behind a [hierarchical](/view/11:07:05) structure is to right level of the [hierarchy](/view/11:09:42) is basically hierarchy the [hierarchy](/view/10:40:57) has dag like we have a [hierarchy](/view/10:59:17) of column computations the [hierarchy](/view/10:34:58) of the model small problems is basically [hierarchy](/view/10:40:57) the hierarchy has tree is basically the [hierarchy](/view/10:42:16) which is enabled flow tuned for a [higher](/view/10:30:21) speed and flexibility work and all the [higher](/view/10:38:38) things assume a the docs dont themselves [highlight](/view/10:20:14) the most relevant nps gov havo learn [historyculture](/view/09:35:54) paniolo htm the
a story like the [hobbit](/view/11:32:22) theres a map long folks gotta go [hope](/view/11:53:58) to see y you really need that [horizontal](/view/09:55:58) scaling and all green yellow and red [horizontal](/view/11:40:15) stripes representing the beyond plain old unix [hosting](/view/11:03:35) microclippy as a [hotkey](/view/09:58:41)
[html](/view/11:47:56) message passing system and [html](/view/11:19:02) item renderers was can wrap it in [html](/view/11:47:00) markdown block into a markdown static [html](/view/11:18:07) site i m view source [http](/view/11:34:13) aristobit com svg my recipe [http](/view/10:05:05) paniolo xyz view [http](/view/11:21:33) ward dojo fed from which rpc over [http](/view/10:14:05) was a rebellion [http](/view/09:58:47) www clojurekoans com is it [https](/view/09:34:46) wanna kick the tires [https](/view/11:51:00) css spikes dbbs [https](/view/09:47:40) en wikipedia org as the original brain [https](/view/11:11:02) en wikipedia org and source code is [https](/view/11:51:00) github com dobbs elm [https](/view/11:19:46) guide elm lang text [https](/view/09:48:29) www jofreeman com [https](/view/09:35:54) www nps gov web framework in ocaml [https](/view/10:51:49) www youtube com
the [hunt](/view/11:17:12) for relocalize why
of control as an [idea](/view/10:16:44) all that stuff or whatever eclipse or [idea](/view/09:58:33) calls it fall out and no [idea](/view/09:41:26) if anything changed i like the [idea](/view/12:02:23) of the toggle start working with the [ideas](/view/09:55:19) as code like
the software to the [implementation](/view/11:01:27) team will allow enriching svg [import](/view/11:37:12) nodes with some explained why transactions were [important](/view/10:16:44) and got us other team members and [improved](/view/10:30:21) to land a better way continuous [improvement](/view/09:52:14) through iteration feedback
especially documentation intended for [incident](/view/10:20:14) response are such type example where an [incisive](/view/09:50:12) critic points to the web is getting [increasingly](/view/09:59:40) less useful not the developers were producing [incremental](/view/10:24:37) updates responsive to disappear from the fedwiki [index](/view/11:17:12) fed wiki view search [index](/view/11:21:33) logs b c local dont [index](/view/11:22:59) this localhost dont [index](/view/11:23:07) this relocalizecreativity [index](/view/11:23:17) this b local don t [index](/view/11:23:42) this either evaluating individuals on [individual](/view/09:42:46) performance defeats the eip diagrams particularized to [individual](/view/11:26:20) things that the like everyone focuses on [individuals](/view/09:45:14) difference between roles and [individuals](/view/09:45:14) i find that evaluating [individuals](/view/09:42:46) on individual performance has axes one is [influence](/view/09:55:16) by asking or a large group of [influential](/view/09:41:26) people i got aligned or if the [information](/view/09:59:40) is diluted and moving and connected provided [insights](/view/11:05:19) which were not obvious in the web [inspector](/view/11:05:19) column in the web [inspector](/view/12:00:34) by editing the firefox or chrome web [inspector](/view/11:58:19) to temporarily re maybe its an [instance](/view/09:39:31) of raspberry jam recursions and a particular [institutional](/view/10:31:02) network bridging the eip diagram environment [institutions](/view/11:24:24) politics that the eip environment [institutions](/view/12:04:14) politics diagram synthesized differently for different financial [instruments](/view/10:35:27) i am having fun [integrating](/view/10:29:19) meadows and ostrom [intellisense](/view/09:58:12) and hit the of documentation especially documentation [intended](/view/10:20:14) for incident response the value of those [intense](/view/09:53:32) workshops is the six issues topics of [interest](/view/09:52:30) for the community allow what marc was [interested](/view/11:58:19) in you could of old scripts with [interesting](/view/11:17:33) behavior cell membrane being the [interesting](/view/11:11:02) part of a might be [interesting](/view/09:44:39) to read peter and dragging it up [into](/view/11:55:05) a browser tab possibly turn a fedwiki [into](/view/11:18:07) a markdown static and elinor ostroms work [into](/view/12:04:14) a single diagram says before you get [into](/view/11:32:22) a story like that slice of understanding [into](/view/10:59:11) changes in the isolated svg to zoom [into](/view/11:55:05) it or provide collection classes later copied [into](/view/10:36:29) java and java which would fit gracefully [into](/view/10:58:37) our models of decomposing big problems [into](/view/10:40:57) small problems is up svgs should go [into](/view/11:41:22) the assets page back from the book [into](/view/11:32:22) the map so it was three years [into](/view/10:42:06) the product where in the day we [introduced](/view/10:58:37) a natural order s where i got [introduced](/view/10:16:44) to distributed systems that early exposure to [inversion](/view/10:16:44) of control as
tasks topic is pretty [irrelevant](/view/09:53:32)
way i use it [isnt](/view/09:59:40) aligned or if openjdk [isnt](/view/10:06:12) too bad can drag in an [isolated](/view/11:55:05) svg to zoom nuclear reactor decision making [issues](/view/11:07:45) each of about six [issues](/view/09:52:30) topics of interest
stanley tucci series on [italy](/view/10:04:12) passing system and html [item](/view/11:19:02) renderers was pretty way continuous improvement through [iteration](/view/09:52:14) feedback reflection etc like an [iterator](/view/10:35:50) for the next like [iterator](/view/09:56:40) in python vs
apache struts cgi for [java](/view/10:10:48) copied into java and [java](/view/10:36:29) classes later copied into [java](/view/10:36:29) and java m glad for my [java](/view/10:16:44) experience it s was forced to write [java](/view/10:12:15) for a couple had i think jvm [java](/view/10:12:15) scala is in language that compiles to [javascript](/view/11:19:59)
[jeff](/view/11:15:37) mentions a portland [jeff](/view/11:05:19) reflects that erics
text https www [jofreeman](/view/09:48:29) com joreen tyranny https www jofreeman com [joreen](/view/09:48:29) tyranny htm carefully coordinated with the [journal](/view/11:41:22) because the svgs could otherwise bloat the [journal](/view/11:41:22) of a page
just pushing and pulling [json](/view/10:14:05) recognizes a wiki page [json](/view/11:56:50) document marc describes saving [json](/view/11:55:05) from a wiki
i find that for [junior](/view/09:42:32) staff focusing on management structure thats not [just](/view/11:07:05) about domination the field that it was [just](/view/10:46:43) another feature to like wsdl and then [just](/view/10:14:05) pushing and pulling ward i [just](/view/10:31:02) stumbled upon your
balance needed to be [keyed](/view/10:58:37) to an order
a genghis [khan](/view/09:34:13) maneuver there
here if you wanna [kick](/view/11:51:00) the tires https
which the browser doesnt [know](/view/11:56:27) about though we people in the game [know](/view/11:07:19) more than others the program that i [know](/view/09:56:39) the least about equality of access and [knowledege](/view/09:50:12) must be maintained that the person already [knows](/view/11:26:20) the example reveals
jim weirich ism ruby [koans](/view/10:05:30)
created in containers and [kubernetes](/view/10:16:44) to run it in [kubernetes](/view/11:03:35) but mostly theres
at pivotal [labs](/view/10:04:59) alas i didnt whats new in fedwiki [land](/view/11:15:54) members and improved to [land](/view/10:30:21) a big contract is that the technical [landscape](/view/10:59:58) is unreadable to elm https guide elm [lang](/view/11:19:46) org be confident in a [language](/view/09:57:23) and the programmers building domain [language](/view/10:31:20) eric evans ddd a functional [language](/view/11:19:59) that compiles to how to compose various [languages](/view/09:58:08) related to subprocess its m complaint in [large](/view/10:59:44) that email to a [large](/view/09:41:26) group of influential my complaint in [large](/view/10:59:58) is that the although it may loom [larger](/view/09:50:12) in my mind super [late](/view/10:11:02) [late](/view/10:58:37) in the day spring is super [late](/view/10:10:56) in the game collection smalltalks collection classes [later](/view/10:36:29) copied into java assume a common lower [layer](/view/10:38:38) back down to bottom [layers](/view/10:39:40) yes because there are [layers](/view/10:38:38) built up that change through all the [layers](/view/10:49:57) due to supporting
www nps gov havo [learn](/view/09:35:54) historyculture paniolo htm faster than i can [learn](/view/11:00:24) how to navigate to reflect what they [learned](/view/10:59:32) group discussion i always [learned](/view/09:46:33) enough to blow i see teams who [learned](/view/10:59:32) something and then the time when they [learned](/view/10:59:11) something surprising to to have fun while [learning](/view/10:31:02) about the ecological that i know the [least](/view/09:56:39) about hence the at [least](/view/10:58:06) that has been edit column on the [left](/view/12:00:34) and a wide left as navigation or [left](/view/12:01:42) as editor source a similar way to [left](/view/12:01:42) as navigation or while the blog author [left](/view/09:53:23) uncertain that anything web is getting increasingly [less](/view/09:59:40) useful not sure an advancer [lets](/view/10:35:27) you automate a makers at the same [level](/view/11:07:05) functions can only have [level](/view/10:34:06) of flow control problems at the right [level](/view/11:09:42) of the hierarchy making modifications at any [level](/view/10:39:40) without breaking the below in the multiple [levels](/view/10:40:50) of supporting code
it sounds [like](/view/10:05:30) a jim weirich the ideas as code [like](/view/09:55:19) a potter with computerization of the domain [like](/view/10:34:58) advancers in wycash [like](/view/10:35:50) an iterator for more [like](/view/11:22:59) code review than in some other way [like](/view/12:02:52) data within the set a default currency [like](/view/10:48:14) dollars or euros pointers go one way [like](/view/11:32:22) escalators do but more objective but seems [like](/view/09:45:14) everyone focuses on [like](/view/09:56:40) iterator in python wrapped in a metaphor [like](/view/11:26:20) marcs discussion of the hierarchy has dag [like](/view/10:40:57) properties its generally word local in it [like](/view/11:18:24) relocalize to believe a feature [like](/view/10:46:43) support multicurrency would some special handling things [like](/view/10:55:20) the balance based [like](/view/10:04:12) the cooking travelogues nodes with some statistics [like](/view/11:37:12) the hard edged get into a story [like](/view/11:32:22) the hobbit theres i [like](/view/12:02:23) the idea of that alternate clients look [like](/view/11:20:30) they re within forgotten what it feels [like](/view/09:57:23) to be confident sounds [like](/view/09:59:43) when you look a rebellion first things [like](/view/10:14:05) wsdl and then bikeshed it can be [limitlessly](/view/11:08:14) debated based on punchline with his svg [linear](/view/11:37:12) gradient demo this can take the svg [linear](/view/11:37:51) gradient mechanism and is that each [linear](/view/11:38:41) gradient needs a like the hard edged [linear](/view/11:37:12) gradients from another eric demonstrates [linear](/view/11:33:58) svg gradient colors [lineargradient](/view/11:46:23) [lineargradient](/view/11:46:23) id grad gradienttransform a page in the [lineup](/view/11:58:19) to remove python from [linux](/view/10:06:53) and that didnt if they embedded [lisp](/view/10:54:20) they d have i m a [listener](/view/09:53:35) says ward andrew brian this [live](/view/11:51:00) editor is out
paul right that [local](/view/11:24:59) can be not a b [local](/view/11:23:42) don t index a b c [local](/view/11:22:59) dont index this that had the word [local](/view/11:18:24) in it like [localhost](/view/11:23:07) dont index this embedding wiki client rendering [logic](/view/11:56:50) if it recognizes wiki view search index [logs](/view/11:21:33) micromanage the developers as [long](/view/10:24:37) as the developers currencies nothing broke as [long](/view/10:42:06) as you were so [long](/view/11:53:58) folks gotta go the [longer](/view/10:22:50) between migrations exciting that alternate clients [look](/view/11:20:30) like they re sounds like when you [look](/view/09:59:43) up a recipe i ve been [looking](/view/11:18:50) for an openapi although it may [loom](/view/09:50:12) larger in my components and evaluating feedback [loops](/view/09:46:05) system tests unit tests [lots](/view/11:11:11) of copy and things assume a common [lower](/view/10:38:38) layer
docker on his own [machine](/view/11:03:35) and also trying where the decisions are [made](/view/11:10:35) are more significantly seems to be the [magician](/view/09:45:36) allowing sorting by the [magnitude](/view/10:55:20) of the daily portland based chestnuts as [main](/view/11:15:37) calorie crop project wiki spike css tree [main](/view/11:51:00) pwa and knowledege must be [maintained](/view/09:50:12) so that all rates in order to [make](/view/10:43:03) a report if you wanted to [make](/view/10:43:03) a report converting might consider trying to [make](/view/11:18:50) it if it layers built up that [make](/view/10:38:38) the program work match decisions to decision [makers](/view/11:07:05) at the same [makes](/view/09:49:11) it written down the details the decision [making](/view/11:09:15) committee cannot second up a recipe for [making](/view/09:59:43) food they re versus nuclear reactor decision [making](/view/11:07:45) issues a way which allows [making](/view/10:39:40) modifications at any you have a hierarchical [management](/view/11:07:05) structure thats not work how everything that [management](/view/09:41:26) was doing could edwards demings total quality [management](/view/09:41:44) where its possible does the project [manager](/view/11:05:43) not have requisit experience where the business [managers](/view/10:24:37) were unable to power position for micro [managing](/view/09:46:20) a genghis khan [maneuver](/view/09:34:13) there that would be a [manual](/view/11:47:31) operation copy and then you have that [many](/view/11:39:10) times eleven was doing could be [mapped](/view/09:41:26) onto demmings deadly [marc](/view/12:09:26) and paul discuss [marc](/view/11:15:54) asks whats new [marc](/view/10:38:07) asks when you [marc](/view/10:40:50) checks in in [marc](/view/12:01:42) describes a tom [marc](/view/11:55:05) describes saving json [marc](/view/11:11:58) describes the way they are in england [marc](/view/12:09:26) may map out to blow my mind [marc](/view/09:46:33) p [marc](/view/12:04:14) reflects that the [marc](/view/11:07:05) replies to ward [marc](/view/09:52:30) reports from superior riffing on [marc](/view/11:11:02) s story about [marc](/view/11:10:35) says the cool rendering to allow what [marc](/view/11:58:19) was interested in in a metaphor like [marcs](/view/11:26:20) discussion of the for relocalize why did [marcs](/view/11:17:12) site disappear from wrap it in html [markdown](/view/11:47:00) block a fedwiki into a [markdown](/view/11:18:07) static html site rectangle with a circle [mask](/view/11:39:53) might do similar the dna as central [master](/view/11:10:35) code the scrum [master](/view/09:45:36) seems to be than positive ones scrum [master](/view/09:46:20) was seen as negative experiences with scrum [masters](/view/09:46:20) than positive ones hierarchical structure is to [match](/view/11:07:05) decisions to decision panel the example that [matches](/view/12:00:34) up with the does it [matter](/view/11:07:19) that some people [maybe](/view/09:39:31) its an instance the toggle button but [maybe](/view/12:02:23) with defaults based
politics diagram synthesized donella [meadows](/view/12:04:14) and elinor ostroms am having fun integrating [meadows](/view/10:29:19) and ostrom in dabbling with what it [means](/view/11:18:07) to move wikis the svg linear gradient [mechanism](/view/11:37:51) and use it use the same signaling [mechanism](/view/11:11:58) in wildly different feedback from the rubber [meets](/view/09:56:39) the road part forward by other team [members](/view/10:30:21) and improved to s story about cell [membrane](/view/11:11:02) being the interesting jeff [mentions](/view/11:15:37) a portland based to use a jms [message](/view/10:16:44) broker i m good results in the [message](/view/10:26:53) flow code using the same core [message](/view/10:30:21) flow tuned for preview based on observables [message](/view/11:19:02) passing system and for design the central [message](/view/10:30:21) system could then there is a better [metaphor](/view/10:40:57) map wrapped in a [metaphor](/view/11:24:23) for story telling map wrapped in a [metaphor](/view/11:26:20) like marcs discussion need to use other [methods](/view/09:59:40) techniques values is a better [metric](/view/09:42:32) both are subjective
a power position for [micro](/view/09:46:20) managing [microclippy](/view/09:58:41) as a hotkey managers were unable to [micromanage](/view/10:24:37) the developers as [might](/view/09:44:39) be interesting to openapi spec for fedwiki [might](/view/11:18:50) consider trying to with a circle mask [might](/view/11:39:53) do similar thing money and dates we [might](/view/10:39:40) go back down the longer between [migrations](/view/10:22:50) loom larger in my [mind](/view/09:50:12) as a type enough to blow my [mind](/view/09:46:33) marc p its possible that hes [misinterpreted](/view/09:41:44) by nd or vs dynamic is pretty [mismatched](/view/10:53:58) in this case en wikipedia org wiki [mitsugi](/view/11:11:02) saotome
sell you process enterprise [mode](/view/10:48:47) able to express the [model](/view/10:32:11) as different sub the hierarchy of the [model](/view/10:34:58) comes from the ward describes a [model](/view/10:55:20) of the report model as different sub [models](/view/10:32:11) fit gracefully into our [models](/view/10:58:37) of the various and all its failure [modes](/view/09:55:58) way which allows making [modifications](/view/10:39:40) at any level discovered new things about [money](/view/10:39:40) and dates we [money](/view/10:43:54) gets more complicated report converting money to [money](/view/10:43:03) to draw a make a report converting [money](/view/10:43:03) to money to we decided that theres [money](/view/10:42:06) your base currency currency simple and also [money](/view/10:42:06) your here is money gets [more](/view/10:43:54) complicated the deeper or [more](/view/10:36:29) generally a container [more](/view/11:22:59) like code review i ve had way [more](/view/09:46:20) negative experiences with about roles can be [more](/view/09:45:14) objective but seems decisions are made are [more](/view/11:10:35) significantly at the and if you have [more](/view/11:39:10) than one sofi in the game know [more](/view/11:07:19) than others multicurrency where it was [more](/view/10:46:43) typical for software this is something that [most](/view/10:49:57) designers and teams googles problems are not [most](/view/10:13:09) peoples problems dont themselves highlight the [most](/view/10:20:14) relevant points of least about hence the [most](/view/09:56:39) uncertainty and possible least that has been [mostly](/view/10:58:06) my experience it in kubernetes but [mostly](/view/11:03:35) theres not a what it means to [move](/view/11:18:07) wikis to another because seeing the pieces [moving](/view/11:05:19) and connected provided
scala is in a [much](/view/10:12:15) better place today surface and not so [much](/view/11:10:35) the dna as product if you handle [multi](/view/10:42:06) currencies so we that came in alongside [multicurrency](/view/10:47:48) design change such as [multicurrency](/view/10:51:18) layers due to supporting [multicurrency](/view/10:49:57) this is something another feature to support [multicurrency](/view/10:46:43) where it was a feature like support [multicurrency](/view/10:46:43) would have needed down below in the [multiple](/view/10:40:50) levels of supporting of access and knowledege [must](/view/09:50:12) be maintained so
base is obliged to [name](/view/10:37:14) code objects which marc asks when you [name](/view/10:38:07) something and use gradient needs a separately [named](/view/11:38:41) and id d in wycash an un [named](/view/10:34:58) term in the not be distinguished with [names](/view/10:37:14) in the non domain [names](/view/11:18:24) that had the that the programmers give [names](/view/10:40:50) to and sometimes is the supercollaborator a [narrow](/view/12:00:34) edit column on day we introduced a [natural](/view/10:58:37) order concept which computations are sequenced by [natural](/view/10:56:43) order temporal in the concept of a [natural](/view/10:55:20) ordering advancing by critic points to the [nature](/view/09:50:12) of a group can learn how to [navigate](/view/11:00:24) it way to left as [navigation](/view/12:01:42) or left as
advancing by date was [necessary](/view/10:55:20) for drawing a dollars or euros you [need](/view/10:48:14) a date but the problem and customer [need](/view/10:57:52) about coding and you arent going to [need](/view/10:59:53) it that some views did [need](/view/10:55:20) some special handling of do you really [need](/view/09:55:58) that horizontal scaling possible is really beneficial [need](/view/09:56:39) to get feedback is diluted and i [need](/view/09:59:40) to use other support multicurrency would have [needed](/view/10:46:43) a new start concentrated where it was [needed](/view/10:58:52) and you could column the running balance [needed](/view/10:58:37) to be keyed with ward the reports [needing](/view/10:47:48) an as of that each linear gradient [needs](/view/11:38:41) a separately named updates responsive to business [needs](/view/10:24:37) that was good ve had way more [negative](/view/09:46:20) experiences with scrum and a particular institutional [network](/view/10:31:02) bridging the e get updated cause there [never](/view/10:22:19) any time put learned something and then [never](/view/10:59:32) get around to and evolves i may [never](/view/10:33:27) refactor write once read [never](/view/10:14:36) the copybook approach next the next the [next](/view/10:35:50) for the next the [next](/view/10:35:50) the next an iterator for the [next](/view/10:35:50) the next the
[nodding](/view/10:59:44) to erics point roll up for that [node](/view/11:40:15) allow enriching svg import [nodes](/view/11:37:12) with some statistics you d have to [note](/view/10:43:03) the date of a basket of currencies [nothing](/view/10:42:06) broke as long my [notion](/view/10:48:57) about erics observation
of the bikeshed versus [nuclear](/view/11:07:45) reactor decision making [nuclear](/view/11:09:15) reactor only the
model of the report [object](/view/10:55:20) aka the report roles can be more [objective](/view/09:45:14) but seems like obliged to name code [objects](/view/10:37:14) which may not the code base is [obliged](/view/10:37:14) to name code prototype work on using [observable](/view/11:42:36) as a fedwiki how in the prototype [observable](/view/11:58:19) browser how to colors done in the [observable](/view/11:33:58) fedwiki preview explorer width column in the [observable](/view/12:06:14) framework wiki client editor preview based on [observables](/view/11:19:02) message passing system to brians [observation](/view/09:54:19) my notion about erics [observation](/view/10:48:57) erics [observation](/view/10:49:57) wycash as a eric [observes](/view/11:42:36) that the ability ward [observes](/view/11:01:27) the customer demonstrates insights which were not [obvious](/view/11:05:19) in the web
this web framework in [ocaml](/view/10:51:49) https www youtube
stop [offset](/view/11:46:23) class one stop [offset](/view/11:46:23) class one stop [offset](/view/11:46:23) class three stop [offset](/view/11:46:23) class three stop [offset](/view/11:46:23) class two stop [offset](/view/11:46:23) class two blog post about an [offsite](/view/09:52:46) use cases first this [often](/view/10:33:27) results in that
both of these together [once](/view/12:06:35) dragging is available write [once](/view/10:14:36) read never the temporal in this sense [once](/view/10:56:43) this is clear scrum masters than positive [ones](/view/09:46:20) scrum master was guess the details but [only](/view/11:09:15) evaluate based on is that functions can [only](/view/10:34:06) have level of nuclear reactor [only](/view/11:09:15) the experts at doing could be mapped [onto](/view/09:41:26) demmings deadly sins
been looking for an [openapi](/view/11:18:50) spec for fedwiki [openjdk](/view/10:06:12) isnt too bad a common function that [operates](/view/10:35:27) differently for different would be a manual [operation](/view/11:47:31) copy and drop docker is great [option](/view/10:05:48) for that
be keyed to an [order](/view/10:58:37) by date in we introduced a natural [order](/view/10:58:37) concept which would by nd or rd [order](/view/09:41:44) readers and exponents are sequenced by natural [order](/view/10:56:43) temporal in this order by date in [order](/view/10:58:37) to be computed the exchange rates in [order](/view/10:43:03) to make a concept of a natural [ordering](/view/10:55:20) advancing by date the experts and their [organization](/view/11:09:15) most relevant points of [orientation](/view/10:20:14) task oriented vs people [oriented](/view/09:55:16) early exposure to service [oriented](/view/10:16:44) architecture and jar other one is task [oriented](/view/09:55:16) vs people oriented the [origin](/view/10:32:11) of the ddd describes skin as the [original](/view/11:11:02) brain https en
fun integrating meadows and [ostrom](/view/10:29:19) in the eip donella meadows and elinor [ostroms](/view/12:04:14) work into a
i need to use [other](/view/09:59:40) methods techniques asking or by telling [other](/view/09:55:16) one is task places is it pulling [other](/view/10:38:07) parts of the something and use it [other](/view/10:38:07) places is it be taken forward by [other](/view/10:30:21) team members and column or in some [other](/view/12:02:52) way like data game know more than [others](/view/11:07:19) because the svgs could [otherwise](/view/11:41:22) bloat the journal
we can delight [ourselves](/view/11:02:25) by doing these
over and [over](/view/10:59:32) again i see [over](/view/10:59:32) and over again out on the net [over](/view/11:51:00) here if you tyrant from which rpc [over](/view/10:14:05) http was a
and jar and war [package](/view/10:16:44) and deployment schemes the journal of a [page](/view/11:41:22) json from a wiki [page](/view/11:55:05) and dragging it go into the assets [page](/view/11:41:22) carefully coordinated with expands a given wiki [page](/view/12:00:34) column in the of a particular wiki [page](/view/11:58:19) column rendering to like data within the [page](/view/12:02:52) heres a generated temporarily re size a [page](/view/11:58:19) in the lineup it recognizes a wiki [page](/view/11:56:50) json document heres a generated ghost [page](/view/12:02:52) of double width speculates whether an expanded [page](/view/12:02:52) should be controlled between eric and his [pair](/view/10:30:21) for design the the code with the [pair](/view/10:26:53) on the code did you [pair](/view/11:22:41) program that script like code review than [pair](/view/11:22:59) programming comparison to erics experience [pair](/view/10:26:53) programming with a as a result of [pairing](/view/10:51:18) and refactoring which view welcome visitors view [pancakerecipe](/view/10:05:05) the definitions of the [panel](/view/12:00:34) the example that [paniolo](/view/09:34:55) gov havo learn historyculture [paniolo](/view/09:35:54) htm the nps my recipe http [paniolo](/view/10:05:05) xyz view welcome higher speed and flexibility [paraphrase](/view/10:30:21) membrane being the interesting [part](/view/11:11:02) of a cell marc says the cool [part](/view/11:10:35) of the cell rubber meets the road [part](/view/09:56:39) of the problem maintained so that all [participants](/view/09:50:12) participate equally so that all participants [participate](/view/09:50:12) equally political recursions and a [particular](/view/10:31:02) institutional network bridging the width of a [particular](/view/11:58:19) wiki page column of the eip diagrams [particularized](/view/11:26:20) to individual things of all the factored [parts](/view/10:42:16) e g subroutines the problem especially the [parts](/view/09:56:39) of the program i find that spiking [parts](/view/09:56:39) of the solution is it pulling other [parts](/view/10:38:07) of the world based on observables message [passing](/view/11:19:02) system and html that i copy and [paste](/view/10:33:27) or times before lots of copy and [paste](/view/11:11:11) reuse origin of the ddd [patterns](/view/10:32:11) for eric evans [paul](/view/12:06:14) compares his editor marc and [paul](/view/12:09:26) discuss how close [paul](/view/11:24:59) right that local [paul](/view/09:48:32) yes that one
syntegration committee of five [people](/view/09:52:30) around each of large group of influential [people](/view/09:41:26) i got no it matter that some [people](/view/11:07:19) in the game is task oriented vs [people](/view/09:55:16) oriented computer code or do [people](/view/09:55:19) start working with do [people](/view/09:55:19) study a problem you form with the [people](/view/09:53:32) the tasks topic problems are not most [peoples](/view/10:13:09) problems junior staff focusing on [performance](/view/09:42:32) and tech progression evaluating individuals on individual [performance](/view/09:42:46) defeats the principle i m thinking for [permanent](/view/11:18:07) archive individual things that the [person](/view/11:26:20) already knows the [pete](/view/10:22:27) recounts the typical be interesting to read [peter](/view/09:44:39) robertson s always
useful because seeing the [pieces](/view/11:05:19) moving and connected is it a [pile](/view/11:17:33) of old scripts at [pivotal](/view/10:04:59) labs alas i
move wikis to another [place](/view/11:18:07) and possibly turn in a much better [place](/view/10:12:15) today and use it other [places](/view/10:38:07) is it pulling s or docker beyond [plain](/view/11:03:35) old unix hosting crop project build soil [plant](/view/11:15:37) chestnuts stumbled upon your start [playing](/view/10:31:02) with wiki and could use a browser [plugin](/view/11:56:27) a browser [plugin](/view/11:56:50) embedding wiki client you eric figuring out [plugins](/view/11:52:46) and the concept paul compares his editor [plus](/view/12:06:14) renderer prototype as
nodding to erics [point](/view/10:59:44) about spending the just about domination the [point](/view/11:07:05) behind a hierarchical from a very different [point](/view/10:26:53) of experience his ward put together our [pointers](/view/11:32:22) go one way highlight the most relevant [points](/view/10:20:14) of orientation where an incisive critic [points](/view/09:50:12) to the nature the ecological recursions the [political](/view/10:31:02) recursions and a eip diagram environment institutions [politics](/view/11:24:24) the eip environment institutions [politics](/view/12:04:14) diagram synthesized donella end of the server [port](/view/11:24:59) confection jeff mentions a [portland](/view/11:15:37) based chestnuts as seen as a power [position](/view/09:46:20) for micro managing the code were strongly [positive](/view/10:26:53) in that there with scrum masters than [positive](/view/09:46:20) ones scrum master solution as early as [possible](/view/09:56:39) is really beneficial the most uncertainty and [possible](/view/09:56:39) risk quality management where its [possible](/view/09:41:44) that hes misinterpreted to another place and [possibly](/view/11:18:07) turn a fedwiki ward recalls a blog [post](/view/09:52:46) about an offsite as code like a [potter](/view/09:55:19) with clay was seen as a [power](/view/09:46:20) position for micro working on an elm [powered](/view/11:19:08) client
watch v h e [ppki](/view/10:51:49) k
in the non automated [practice](/view/10:37:14) debated based on everyones [preconceptions](/view/11:08:14) are writers and talkers [present](/view/09:52:53) html item renderers was [pretty](/view/11:19:02) dramatic its [pretty](/view/11:20:30) exciting that alternate tends to result in [pretty](/view/10:34:06) factored code the tasks topic is [pretty](/view/09:53:32) irrelevant static vs dynamic is [pretty](/view/10:53:58) mismatched in this code is probably still [pretty](/view/11:52:01) tightly coupled to erics editor [preview](/view/11:19:02) based on observables in the observable fedwiki [preview](/view/11:33:58) explorer that the ability to [preview](/view/11:42:36) svg rendering in eric had a editor [preview](/view/11:18:07) thing i m individual performance defeats the [principle](/view/09:42:46) of systems thinking [prior](/view/10:10:42) to spring the source code is [probably](/view/11:52:01) still pretty tightly account of the relocalize [problem](/view/11:17:24) is about understanding the [problem](/view/10:57:52) and customer need do people study a [problem](/view/09:55:19) deeply before committing road part of the [problem](/view/09:56:39) especially the parts are not most peoples [problems](/view/10:13:09) version of the googles [problems](/view/10:13:09) are not most bundle we could solve [problems](/view/11:09:42) at the right decomposing big [problems](/view/10:40:57) into small problems big problems into small [problems](/view/10:40:57) is basically hierarchy eric describes the [process](/view/12:00:34) by which he i can sell you [process](/view/10:48:47) enterprise mode did you want [process](/view/10:48:47) i can sell as the developers were [producing](/view/10:24:37) incremental updates responsive we will buy the [product](/view/10:42:06) if you handle ve created some work [product](/view/09:54:07) together three years into the [product](/view/10:42:06) where we were the parts of the [program](/view/09:56:39) that i know did you pair [program](/view/11:22:41) that script up that make the [program](/view/10:38:38) work and all pair programming with a [programmer](/view/10:26:53) who had come a language and the [programmers](/view/09:57:23) brain is chiding concepts emerge that the [programmers](/view/10:40:50) give names to code review than pair [programming](/view/11:22:59) the trick in the [programming](/view/11:38:24) in [programming](/view/10:42:16) call tree is [programming](/view/10:57:52) is about understanding to erics experience pair [programming](/view/10:26:53) with a programmer value of having a [progress](/view/11:24:23) map wrapped in brian a [progress](/view/11:26:20) map wrapped in on performance and tech [progression](/view/09:42:32) is useful for as main calorie crop [project](/view/11:15:37) build soil plant years not the funnest [project](/view/10:12:15) i ve ever does the [project](/view/11:05:43) manager not have hierarchy has dag like [properties](/view/10:40:57) its generally useful on what sorts of [proteins](/view/11:11:29) they re using [proteomics](/view/11:11:29) what cells are the copybook approach to [protocols](/view/10:14:36) his editor plus renderer [prototype](/view/12:06:14) as a double shows how in the [prototype](/view/11:58:19) observable browser how side effect of the [prototype](/view/11:42:36) work on using zoom into it or [provide](/view/11:55:05) a wider view to [provide](/view/09:48:27) the accountability pieces moving and connected [provided](/view/11:05:19) insights which were
then just pushing and [pulling](/view/10:14:05) json other places is it [pulling](/view/10:38:07) other parts of erics [punchline](/view/11:37:12) with his svg wsdl and then just [pushing](/view/10:14:05) and pulling json
i tried to remove [python](/view/10:06:53) from linux and like iterator in [python](/view/09:56:40) vs ruby vs
w edwards demings total [quality](/view/09:41:44) management where its brian there was a [question](/view/11:26:35) for brian and also the [question](/view/09:55:58) of do you now you have a [queue](/view/11:10:42) with related rates own brain and not [quite](/view/11:52:01) readable
http aristobit com svg [radar](/view/11:34:13) svg [ralf](/view/11:19:08) has been working jam the law of [raspberry](/view/09:39:06) jam its an instance of [raspberry](/view/09:39:31) jam a queue with related [rates](/view/11:10:42) and is turing date of the exchange [rates](/view/10:43:03) in order to currencies because of exchange [rates](/view/10:47:48) that was a
they re within close [reach](/view/11:20:30) talkers felt they had [reached](/view/09:53:02) consensus the bikeshed versus nuclear [reactor](/view/11:07:45) decision making issues nuclear [reactor](/view/11:09:15) only the experts i [read](/view/11:03:14) a fair bit write once [read](/view/10:14:36) never the copybook might be interesting to [read](/view/09:44:39) peter robertson s brain and not quite [readable](/view/11:52:01) nd or rd order [readers](/view/09:41:44) and exponents early as possible is [really](/view/09:56:39) beneficial need to that the relationshps are [really](/view/09:54:07) established unless you github copilot is reputedly [really](/view/09:56:25) good about remembering question of do you [really](/view/09:55:58) need that horizontal jam analogy is [really](/view/09:39:11) stretching needed and you could [reason](/view/10:58:52) about it over http was a [rebellion](/view/10:14:05) first things like ward [recalls](/view/09:52:46) a blog post you look up a [recipe](/view/09:59:43) for making food my [recipe](/view/10:05:05) http paniolo xyz rendering logic if it [recognizes](/view/11:56:50) a wiki page eric [recounts](/view/10:24:37) a comparison between pete [recounts](/view/10:22:27) the typical scenario aspect if not a [rectangle](/view/11:39:53) with a circle ecological recursions the political [recursions](/view/10:31:02) and a particular learning about the ecological [recursions](/view/10:31:02) the political recursions evolves i may never [refactor](/view/10:33:27) or times before i [refactor](/view/10:33:27) and depending on ve found that before [refactoring](/view/10:33:27) i should always result of pairing and [refactoring](/view/10:51:18) which would survive a small amount of [refactoring](/view/10:30:21) wrestled between eric map where you can [refer](/view/11:32:22) back from the changing their code to [reflect](/view/10:59:32) what they learned improvement through iteration feedback [reflection](/view/09:52:14) etc jeff [reflects](/view/11:05:19) that erics demo marc [reflects](/view/12:04:14) that the eip the webcrawler search the [registration](/view/11:18:07) on farm thing have a queue with [related](/view/11:10:42) rates and is to compose various languages [related](/view/09:58:08) to subprocess or level without breaking the [relationships](/view/10:39:40) among them if intense workshops is the [relationships](/view/09:53:32) you form with not convinced that the [relationshps](/view/09:54:07) are really established themselves highlight the most [relevant](/view/10:20:14) points of orientation local in it like [relocalize](/view/11:18:24) the account of the [relocalize](/view/11:17:24) problem the hunt for [relocalize](/view/11:17:12) why did marcs [relocalizecreativity](/view/11:23:17) index this reputedly really good about [remembering](/view/09:56:25) boilerplate bit off topic but [reminds](/view/10:51:49) me of this eric [reminds](/view/09:41:44) us of w i tried to [remove](/view/10:06:53) python from linux and use it to [render](/view/11:37:51) a sofi diagram source and right as [rendered](/view/12:01:42) view could be compares his editor plus [renderer](/view/12:06:14) prototype as a system and html item [renderers](/view/11:19:02) was pretty dramatic gradients from another visual [rendering](/view/11:37:12) left and a wide [rendering](/view/12:00:34) canvas on the tom sawyer ui for [rendering](/view/12:01:42) graphs in a ability to preview svg [rendering](/view/11:42:36) in this way plugin embedding wiki client [rendering](/view/11:56:50) logic if it particular wiki page column [rendering](/view/11:58:19) to allow what marc [replies](/view/11:07:05) to ward when order to make a [report](/view/10:43:03) wanted to make a [report](/view/10:43:03) converting money to a model of the [report](/view/10:55:20) object aka the you could have a [report](/view/10:56:43) some computations are report object aka the [report](/view/10:55:20) writer that some marc [reports](/view/09:52:30) from superior az in with ward the [reports](/view/10:47:48) needing an as as of date for [reports](/view/10:47:48) to add up and red horizontal stripes [representing](/view/11:40:15) the sofi vote on heuristics and checklists [reputation](/view/11:09:15) of the experts github copilot is [reputedly](/view/09:56:25) really good about theres a surprise which [requires](/view/10:40:50) you to fix project manager not have [requisit](/view/11:05:43) variety to direct [requisite](/view/11:05:55) variety to direct a system which allowed [resilient](/view/10:49:57) cascading of a documentation intended for incident [response](/view/10:20:14) are such that were producing incremental updates [responsive](/view/10:24:37) to business needs it this tends to [result](/view/10:34:06) in pretty factored of code as a [result](/view/10:51:18) of pairing and cases first this often [results](/view/10:33:27) in that i that there was good [results](/view/10:26:53) in the message of copy and paste [reuse](/view/11:11:11) already knows the example [reveals](/view/11:26:20) what the eip more like code [review](/view/11:22:59) than pair programming and [reviewed](/view/09:48:15) against the values
[riffing](/view/11:11:02) on marc s rendering canvas on the [right](/view/12:00:34) [right](/view/11:47:31) although that would as editor source and [right](/view/12:01:42) as rendered view solve problems at the [right](/view/11:09:42) level of the which i can do [right](/view/11:47:42) now paul [right](/view/11:24:59) that local can most uncertainty and possible [risk](/view/09:56:39)
the rubber meets the [road](/view/09:56:39) part of the interesting to read peter [robertson](/view/09:44:39) s always change competing in a wyoming [rodeo](/view/09:36:36) in is a difference between [roles](/view/09:45:14) and individuals i find that thinking about [roles](/view/09:45:14) can be more representing the sofi vote [roll](/view/11:40:15) up for that diagram with an aggregate [roll](/view/11:37:51) up of votes considers whether the sofi [roll](/view/11:41:22) up svgs should lineargradient id grad gradienttransform [rotate](/view/11:46:23)
get feedback from the [rubber](/view/09:56:39) meets the road a jim weirich ism [ruby](/view/10:05:30) koans iterator in python vs [ruby](/view/09:56:40) vs go vs another [rule](/view/10:34:06) i generally follow bohmian dialogue [rules](/view/09:46:33) times around the a cumulative column the [running](/view/10:58:37) balance needed to [running](/view/11:11:11) system tests unit
big contract using the [same](/view/10:30:21) core message flow is that the [same](/view/11:21:51) found as found decision makers at the [same](/view/11:07:05) level that cells use the [same](/view/11:11:58) signaling mechanism in browser tab in the [same](/view/11:55:05) way that you wikipedia org wiki mitsugi [saotome](/view/11:11:02) part of a cell [saotome](/view/11:11:02) sensei describes skin [save](/view/12:08:41) chat marc describes [saving](/view/11:55:05) json from a marc describes a tom [sawyer](/view/12:01:42) ui for rendering ward [says](/view/11:09:42) because smalltalk was brian [says](/view/11:32:22) before you get ward [says](/view/10:42:06) it was three ward [says](/view/10:39:40) smalltalk actually is marc [says](/view/11:10:35) the cool part i m a listener [says](/view/09:53:35) ward ward [says](/view/10:38:38) yes because there ward [says](/view/10:48:14) you can set
i think jvm java [scala](/view/10:12:15) is in a really need that horizontal [scaling](/view/09:55:58) and all its pete recounts the typical [scenario](/view/10:22:27) where if you war package and deployment [schemes](/view/10:16:44) also very glad you pair program that [script](/view/11:22:41) a pile of old [scripts](/view/11:17:33) with interesting behavior the [scrum](/view/09:45:36) master seems to masters than positive ones [scrum](/view/09:46:20) master was seen more negative experiences with [scrum](/view/09:46:20) masters than positive
dojo fed wiki view [search](/view/11:21:33) index logs things on the webcrawler [search](/view/11:18:07) the registration on decision making committee cannot [second](/view/11:09:15) guess the details demo was useful because [seeing](/view/11:05:19) the pieces moving be more objective but [seems](/view/09:45:14) like everyone focuses the scrum master [seems](/view/09:45:36) to be the cory doctorow [seems](/view/09:59:59) to have put ones scrum master was [seen](/view/09:46:20) as a power i ve [seen](/view/11:18:07) things on the want process i can [sell](/view/10:48:47) you process enterprise progression is useful for [senior](/view/09:42:32) staff focusing on order temporal in this [sense](/view/10:56:43) once this is of a cell saotome [sensei](/view/11:11:02) describes skin as linear gradient needs a [separately](/view/11:38:41) named and id report some computations are [sequenced](/view/10:56:43) by natural order thinking of stanley tucci [series](/view/10:04:12) on italy the end of the [server](/view/11:24:59) port confection for early exposure to [service](/view/10:16:44) oriented architecture and
that before refactoring i [should](/view/10:33:27) always have or you [should](/view/12:06:35) be able to whether an expanded page [should](/view/12:02:52) be controlled by chiding me that i [should](/view/09:57:23) be doing my sofi roll up svgs [should](/view/11:41:22) go into the that that format could [should](/view/10:31:02) will be used eip diagram is doing [showing](/view/11:26:20) voila eric [shows](/view/11:40:15) a colored circle eric [shows](/view/11:58:19) how in the
way is a happy [side](/view/11:42:36) effect of the cells use the same [signaling](/view/11:11:58) mechanism in wildly are made are more [significantly](/view/11:10:35) at the cell another [similar](/view/09:55:16) system has axes circle mask might do [similar](/view/11:39:53) thing rendering graphs in a [similar](/view/12:01:42) way to left money your base currency [simple](/view/10:42:06) and also money because smalltalk was a [single](/view/11:09:42) bundle we could ostroms work into a [single](/view/12:04:14) diagram mapped onto demmings deadly [sins](/view/09:41:26) who then forwarded relocalize why did marcs [site](/view/11:17:12) disappear from the a markdown static html [site](/view/11:18:07) i m thinking inspector to temporarily re [size](/view/11:58:19) a page in
cell saotome sensei describes [skin](/view/11:11:02) as the original
surprising to convert that [slice](/view/10:59:11) of understanding into from superior az a [slow](/view/09:52:30) syntegration committee of
with a [small](/view/10:30:21) amount of refactoring decomposing big problems into [small](/view/10:40:57) problems is basically ward says [smalltalk](/view/10:39:40) actually is composed ward says because [smalltalk](/view/11:09:42) was a single a container or collection [smalltalks](/view/10:36:29) collection classes later the evolution doesnt go [smoothly](/view/10:22:27)
have more than one [sofi](/view/11:39:10) diagram then you it to render a [sofi](/view/11:37:51) diagram with an eric considers whether the [sofi](/view/11:41:22) roll up svgs horizontal stripes representing the [sofi](/view/11:40:15) vote roll up was more typical for [software](/view/10:46:43) teams to believe the customer demonstrates the [software](/view/11:01:27) to the implementation calorie crop project build [soil](/view/11:15:37) plant chestnuts spiking parts of the [solution](/view/09:56:39) as early as single bundle we could [solve](/view/11:09:42) problems at the could have a report [some](/view/10:56:43) computations are sequenced the column or in [some](/view/12:02:52) other way like does it matter that [some](/view/11:07:19) people in the some views did need [some](/view/10:55:20) special handling things svg import nodes with [some](/view/11:37:12) statistics like the the report writer that [some](/view/10:55:20) views did need could be useful for [some](/view/12:01:42) wiki cases unless you ve created [some](/view/09:54:07) work product together see teams who learned [something](/view/10:59:32) and then never asks when you name [something](/view/10:38:07) and use it time when they learned [something](/view/10:59:11) surprising to convert supporting multicurrency this is [something](/view/10:49:57) that most designers or while do or [something](/view/09:57:03) totally different give names to and [sometimes](/view/10:40:50) theres a surprise see y all again [soon](/view/11:53:58) [sort](/view/10:59:53) of a version balance while also allowing [sorting](/view/10:55:20) by the magnitude doing based on what [sorts](/view/11:11:29) of proteins they it [sounds](/view/10:05:30) like a jim [sounds](/view/09:59:43) like when you or left as editor [source](/view/12:01:42) and right as dbbs co pwa and [source](/view/11:51:00) code is https i think the [source](/view/11:52:01) code is probably view [source](/view/11:34:13) http aristobit com
looking for an openapi [spec](/view/11:18:50) for fedwiki might views did need some [special](/view/10:55:20) handling things like eric [speculates](/view/12:02:52) whether an expanded tuned for a higher [speed](/view/10:30:21) and flexibility paraphrase to do is actually [spend](/view/10:59:11) the time when to erics point about [spending](/view/10:59:44) the time except github com dobbs wiki [spike](/view/11:51:00) css tree main the tires https css [spikes](/view/11:51:00) dbbs co pwa i find that [spiking](/view/09:56:39) parts of the prior to [spring](/view/10:10:42) [spring](/view/10:10:56) is super late
is useful for senior [staff](/view/09:42:32) focusing on how find that for junior [staff](/view/09:42:32) focusing on performance cooking travelogues thinking of [stanley](/view/10:04:12) tucci series on just stumbled upon your [start](/view/10:31:02) playing with wiki have needed a new [start](/view/10:46:43) to the entire code or do people [start](/view/09:55:19) working with the fedwiki into a markdown [static](/view/11:18:07) html site i the [static](/view/10:53:58) vs dynamic is import nodes with some [statistics](/view/11:37:12) like the hard or function call exit [status](/view/09:58:08) source code is probably [still](/view/11:52:01) pretty tightly coupled one [stop](/view/11:46:23) color hsl deg two [stop](/view/11:46:23) color hsl deg three [stop](/view/11:46:23) color hsl deg four [stop](/view/11:46:23) color hsl deg five [stop](/view/11:46:23) color hsl deg six [stop](/view/11:46:23) color hsl deg [stop](/view/11:46:23) offset class one [stop](/view/11:46:23) offset class one [stop](/view/11:46:23) offset class three [stop](/view/11:46:23) offset class three [stop](/view/11:46:23) offset class two [stop](/view/11:46:23) offset class two riffing on marc s [story](/view/11:11:02) about cell membrane follows of a wiki [story](/view/11:56:27) as a document so having the eight [story](/view/11:32:22) guide going from you get into a [story](/view/11:32:22) like the hobbit in a metaphor for [story](/view/11:24:23) telling or encouraging weinberg the law of [strawberry](/view/09:39:06) jam the law jam analogy is really [stretching](/view/09:39:11) yellow and red horizontal [stripes](/view/11:40:15) representing the sofi on the code were [strongly](/view/10:26:53) positive in that point behind a hierarchical [structure](/view/11:07:05) is to match have a hierarchical management [structure](/view/11:07:05) thats not just wiki the tyranny of [structurelessness](/view/09:47:40) apache [struts](/view/10:10:48) cgi for java on farm thing for [students](/view/11:18:07) eric had a do people [study](/view/09:55:19) a problem deeply an idea all that [stuff](/view/10:16:44) has been re ward i just [stumbled](/view/10:31:02) upon your start [style](/view/11:46:23) [style](/view/11:46:23)
better metric both are [subjective](/view/09:42:32) various languages related to [subprocess](/view/09:58:08) or function call factored parts e g [subroutines](/view/10:42:16) cross cutting design change [such](/view/10:51:18) as multicurrency for incident response are [such](/view/10:20:14) that the docs then things can drift [such](/view/10:22:27) that the evolution eric [suggests](/view/10:46:43) that wards experience [super](/view/10:11:02) late spring is [super](/view/10:10:56) late in the the demo is the [supercollaborator](/view/12:00:34) a narrow edit marc reports from [superior](/view/09:52:30) az a slow wycash had a [supple](/view/10:51:18) composition of code just another feature to [support](/view/10:46:43) multicurrency where it believe a feature like [support](/view/10:46:43) multicurrency would have the multiple levels of [supporting](/view/10:40:50) code ward yes the layers due to [supporting](/view/10:49:57) multicurrency this is increasingly less useful not [sure](/view/09:59:40) if that is significantly at the cell [surface](/view/11:10:35) and not so and sometimes theres a [surprise](/view/10:40:50) which requires you when they learned something [surprising](/view/10:59:11) to convert that and refactoring which would [survive](/view/10:51:18) a a cross
the journal because the [svgs](/view/11:41:22) could otherwise bloat the sofi roll up [svgs](/view/11:41:22) should go into
need about coding and [syntax](/view/10:57:52) superior az a slow [syntegration](/view/09:52:30) committee of five environment institutions politics diagram [synthesized](/view/12:04:14) donella meadows and start to the entire [system](/view/10:46:43) on observables message passing [system](/view/11:19:02) and html item design the central message [system](/view/10:30:21) could then be another similar [system](/view/09:55:16) has axes one running [system](/view/11:11:11) tests unit tests observation wycash as a [system](/view/10:49:57) which allowed resilient got introduced to distributed [systems](/view/10:16:44) and concurrency by defeats the principle of [systems](/view/09:42:46) thinking
the experts at the [table](/view/11:09:15) understand the details that you can [take](/view/11:37:51) the svg linear system could then be [taken](/view/10:30:21) forward by other and the [talkers](/view/09:53:02) felt they had there are writers and [talkers](/view/09:52:53) present telling other one is [task](/view/09:55:16) oriented vs people with the people the [tasks](/view/09:53:32) topic is pretty i can [taste](/view/11:07:45) the edge of
always change a winning [team](/view/09:44:39) software to the implementation [team](/view/11:01:27) taken forward by other [team](/view/10:30:21) members and improved i think what ward [team](/view/10:59:11) were able to that most designers and [teams](/view/10:49:57) are unable to more typical for software [teams](/view/10:46:43) to believe a over again i see [teams](/view/10:59:32) who learned something focusing on performance and [tech](/view/09:42:32) progression is useful large is that the [technical](/view/10:59:58) landscape is unreadable to use other methods [techniques](/view/09:59:40) a metaphor for story [telling](/view/11:24:23) or encouraging an by asking or by [telling](/view/09:55:16) other one is sequenced by natural order [temporal](/view/10:56:43) in this sense chrome web inspector to [temporarily](/view/11:58:19) re size a control in it this [tends](/view/10:34:06) to result in wycash an un named [term](/view/10:34:58) in the actual making food they re [terrible](/view/09:59:43) user experiences running system tests unit [tests](/view/11:11:11) lots of copy running system [tests](/view/11:11:11) unit tests lots [text](/view/09:48:29) https www jofreeman
the discourse changes faster [than](/view/11:00:24) i can learn if you have more [than](/view/11:39:10) one sofi diagram the game know more [than](/view/11:07:19) others more like code review [than](/view/11:22:59) pair programming experiences with scrum masters [than](/view/09:46:20) positive ones scrum [thank](/view/11:52:46) you eric figuring is great option for [that](/view/10:05:48) must be maintained so [that](/view/09:50:12) all participants participate its pretty exciting [that](/view/11:20:30) alternate clients look blog author left uncertain [that](/view/09:53:23) anything at all i ve found [that](/view/10:33:27) before refactoring i that was a feature [that](/view/10:47:48) came in alongside marc describes the way [that](/view/11:11:58) cells use the interest for the community [that](/view/09:52:30) chris casillas is a functional language [that](/view/11:19:59) compiles to javascript a fair bit of [that](/view/11:03:14) content eric if i got [that](/view/11:17:24) correct as the python from linux and [that](/view/10:06:53) didnt work out and documents [that](/view/10:22:19) don t get is [that](/view/11:38:41) each linear gradient very glad to have [that](/view/10:16:44) early exposure to sins who then forwarded [that](/view/09:41:26) email to a jeff reflects [that](/view/11:05:19) erics demo was i find [that](/view/09:42:32) for junior staff wiki and saw that [that](/view/10:31:02) format could should generally follow now is [that](/view/10:34:06) functions can only domain names [that](/view/11:18:24) had the word at least [that](/view/10:58:06) has been mostly management where its possible [that](/view/09:41:44) hes misinterpreted by do you really need [that](/view/09:55:58) horizontal scaling and this often results in [that](/view/10:33:27) i copy and parts of the program [that](/view/09:56:39) i know the brain is chiding me [that](/view/09:57:23) i should be useful not sure if [that](/view/09:59:40) is because the unusual in the field [that](/view/10:46:43) it was just paul right [that](/view/11:24:59) local can be are layers built up [that](/view/10:38:38) make the program at work how everything [that](/view/09:41:26) management was doing diagram then you have [that](/view/11:39:10) many times eleven the panel the example [that](/view/12:00:34) matches up with multicurrency this is something [that](/view/10:49:57) most designers and vote roll up for [that](/view/11:40:15) node paul yes [that](/view/09:48:32) one automate a common function [that](/view/10:35:27) operates differently for yes [that](/view/09:58:33) or whatever eclipse did you pair program [that](/view/11:22:41) script something surprising to convert [that](/view/10:59:11) slice of understanding does it matter [that](/view/11:07:19) some people in aka the report writer [that](/view/10:55:20) some views did i find [that](/view/09:56:39) spiking parts of as an idea all [that](/view/10:16:44) stuff has been with wiki and saw [that](/view/10:31:02) that format could eric observes [that](/view/11:42:36) the ability to incident response are such [that](/view/10:20:14) the docs dont marc reflects [that](/view/12:04:14) the eip environment things can drift such [that](/view/10:22:27) the evolution doesnt particularized to individual things [that](/view/11:26:20) the person already financial domain concepts emerge [that](/view/10:40:50) the programmers give i m not convinced [that](/view/09:54:07) the relationshps are is [that](/view/11:21:51) the same found complaint in large is [that](/view/10:59:58) the technical landscape were strongly positive in [that](/view/10:26:53) there was good currencies so we decided [that](/view/10:42:06) theres money your and individuals i find [that](/view/09:45:14) thinking about roles eric suggests [that](/view/10:46:43) wards experience with because of exchange rates [that](/view/10:47:48) was a feature responsive to business needs [that](/view/10:24:37) was good enough are six of them [that](/view/10:59:17) we do right although [that](/view/11:47:31) would be a in the same way [that](/view/11:55:05) you can drag [that](/view/11:37:51) you can take a hierarchical management structure [thats](/view/11:07:05) not just about [thats](/view/11:01:44) what a weekly get around to changing [their](/view/10:59:32) code to reflect of the experts and [their](/view/11:09:15) organization or fission [them](/view/09:34:37) breaking the relationships among [them](/view/10:39:40) if done cautiously there are six of [them](/view/10:59:17) that we do that the docs dont [themselves](/view/10:20:14) highlight the most central message system could [then](/view/10:30:21) be taken forward fed up way before [then](/view/10:08:11) dont worry demmings deadly sins who [then](/view/09:41:26) forwarded that email things like wsdl and [then](/view/10:14:05) just pushing and who learned something and [then](/view/10:59:32) never get around flip datacenters frequently enough [then](/view/10:22:27) things can drift than one sofi diagram [then](/view/11:39:10) you have that a genghis khan maneuver [there](/view/09:34:13) ward says yes because [there](/view/10:38:38) are layers built of column computations and [there](/view/10:59:17) are six of where [there](/view/09:52:53) are writers and useful i wonder if [there](/view/10:40:57) is a better [there](/view/09:45:14) is a difference t get updated cause [there](/view/10:22:19) never any time brian [there](/view/11:26:35) was a question strongly positive in that [there](/view/10:26:53) was good results future goals but not [there](/view/11:52:46) yet story like the hobbit [theres](/view/11:32:22) a map where names to and sometimes [theres](/view/10:40:50) a surprise which so we decided that [theres](/view/10:42:06) money your base in kubernetes but mostly [theres](/view/11:03:35) not a big delight ourselves by doing [these](/view/11:02:25) things in this to drag both of [these](/view/12:06:35) together once dragging staff focusing on how [they](/view/09:42:32) adhere to values paul discuss how close [they](/view/12:09:26) are in england if they embedded lisp [they](/view/10:54:20) d have a if [they](/view/10:54:20) embedded lisp they and the talkers felt [they](/view/09:53:02) had reached consensus code to reflect what [they](/view/10:59:32) learned spend the time when [they](/view/10:59:11) learned something surprising recipe for making food [they](/view/09:59:43) re terrible user what sorts of proteins [they](/view/11:11:29) re using alternate clients look like [they](/view/11:20:30) re within close bikeshed everyone thinks [they](/view/11:08:14) understand a bikeshed mask might do similar [thing](/view/11:39:53) the registration on farm [thing](/view/11:18:07) for students eric had a editor preview [thing](/view/11:18:07) i m dabbling when we discovered new [things](/view/10:39:40) about money and and all the higher [things](/view/10:38:38) assume a common datacenters frequently enough then [things](/view/10:22:27) can drift such requires you to fix [things](/view/10:40:50) down below in ourselves by doing these [things](/view/11:02:25) in this way need some special handling [things](/view/10:55:20) like the balance was a rebellion first [things](/view/10:14:05) like wsdl and i ve seen [things](/view/11:18:07) on the webcrawler diagrams particularized to individual [things](/view/11:26:20) that the person ve ever had i [think](/view/10:12:15) jvm java scala i [think](/view/11:52:01) the source code agree and i [think](/view/10:59:11) what ward team the principle of systems [thinking](/view/09:42:46) individuals i find that [thinking](/view/09:45:14) about roles can html site i m [thinking](/view/11:18:07) for permanent archive like the cooking travelogues [thinking](/view/10:04:12) of stanley tucci bikeshed everyone [thinks](/view/11:08:14) they understand a c local dont index [this](/view/11:22:59) localhost dont index [this](/view/11:23:07) relocalizecreativity index [this](/view/11:23:17) is pretty mismatched in [this](/view/10:53:58) case local don t index [this](/view/11:23:42) either in this sense once [this](/view/10:56:43) is clear the due to supporting multicurrency [this](/view/10:49:57) is something that andrew brian [this](/view/11:51:00) live editor is examples use cases first [this](/view/10:33:27) often results in natural order temporal in [this](/view/10:56:43) sense once this flow control in it [this](/view/10:34:06) tends to result preview svg rendering in [this](/view/11:42:36) way is a doing these things in [this](/view/11:02:25) way ward on but reminds me of [this](/view/10:51:49) web framework in svg linear gradient demo [this](/view/11:37:12) will allow enriching the value of [those](/view/09:53:32) intense workshops is browser doesnt know about [though](/view/11:56:27) we could use stop offset class [three](/view/11:46:23) stop offset class [three](/view/11:46:23) [three](/view/11:46:23) stop color hsl ward says it was [three](/view/10:42:06) years into the cascading of a change [through](/view/10:49:57) all the layers better way continuous improvement [through](/view/09:52:14) iteration feedback reflection
is probably still pretty [tightly](/view/11:52:01) coupled to my point about spending the [time](/view/10:59:44) except its m cause there never any [time](/view/10:22:19) put aside for is actually spend the [time](/view/10:59:11) when they learned bohmian dialogue rules [times](/view/09:46:33) around the group copy and paste or [times](/view/10:33:27) before i refactor you have that many [times](/view/11:39:10) eleven you wanna kick the [tires](/view/11:51:00) https css spikes happy [title](/view/11:46:23) r fill url grad [title](/view/11:46:23) fizbuz [title](/view/11:46:23) urgent
a much better place [today](/view/10:12:15) you can default to [todays](/view/10:48:14) date created some work product [together](/view/09:54:07) drag both of these [together](/view/12:06:35) once dragging is escalators what ward put [together](/view/11:32:22) our pointers go the idea of the [toggle](/view/12:02:23) button but maybe product where we were [told](/view/10:42:06) we will buy a bit off [topic](/view/10:51:49) but reminds me the people the tasks [topic](/view/09:53:32) is pretty irrelevant of about six issues [topics](/view/09:52:30) of interest for of w edwards demings [total](/view/09:41:44) quality management where while do or something [totally](/view/09:57:03) different
[traceable](/view/09:34:29) in the y long as you were [trading](/view/10:42:06) in dollars dba who explained why [transactions](/view/10:16:44) were important and like the cooking [travelogues](/view/10:04:12) thinking of stanley in programming call [tree](/view/10:42:16) is basically the dobbs wiki spike css [tree](/view/11:51:00) main pwa the [trick](/view/11:38:24) in the programming i [tried](/view/10:06:53) to remove python for fedwiki might consider [trying](/view/11:18:50) to make it eric describing his experience [trying](/view/11:03:35) to run fedwiki own machine and also [trying](/view/11:03:35) to run it
travelogues thinking of stanley [tucci](/view/10:04:12) series on italy same core message flow [tuned](/view/10:30:21) for a higher related rates and is [turing](/view/11:10:42) complete another place and possibly [turn](/view/11:18:07) a fedwiki into
my mind as a [type](/view/09:50:12) example where an story as a document [type](/view/11:56:27) which the browser where it was more [typical](/view/10:46:43) for software teams pete recounts the [typical](/view/10:22:27) scenario where if www jofreeman com joreen [tyranny](/view/09:48:29) htm wikipedia org wiki the [tyranny](/view/09:47:40) of structurelessness ejbs the [tyrant](/view/10:14:05) from which rpc
designers and teams are [unable](/view/10:49:57) to do the business managers were [unable](/view/10:24:37) to micromanage the the blog author left [uncertain](/view/09:53:23) that anything at about hence the most [uncertainty](/view/09:56:39) and possible risk common definition is woefully [under](/view/10:43:54) defined dont [underestimate](/view/11:24:23) the value of bikeshed everyone thinks they [understand](/view/11:08:14) a bikeshed it experts at the table [understand](/view/11:09:15) the details the convert that slice of [understanding](/view/10:59:11) into changes in programming is about [understanding](/view/10:57:52) the problem and running system tests [unit](/view/11:11:11) tests lots of docker beyond plain old [unix](/view/11:03:35) hosting relationshps are really established [unless](/view/09:54:07) you ve created the technical landscape is [unreadable](/view/10:59:58) to me experience with wycash was [unusual](/view/10:46:43) in the field
that don t get [updated](/view/10:22:19) cause there never developers were producing incremental [updates](/view/10:24:37) responsive to business ward i just stumbled [upon](/view/10:31:02) your start playing
title [urgent](/view/11:46:23)
depending on how its [used](/view/10:33:27) and evolves i could should will be [used](/view/10:31:02) to have fun that erics demo was [useful](/view/11:05:19) because seeing the and tech progression is [useful](/view/09:42:32) for senior staff rendered view could be [useful](/view/12:01:42) for some wiki like properties its generally [useful](/view/10:40:57) i wonder if is getting increasingly less [useful](/view/09:59:40) not sure if food they re terrible [user](/view/09:59:43) experiences of proteins they re [using](/view/11:11:29) the prototype work on [using](/view/11:42:36) observable as a land a big contract [using](/view/10:30:21) the same core
dont underestimate the [value](/view/11:24:23) of having a the [value](/view/09:53:32) of those intense how they adhere to [values](/view/09:42:32) is a better and reviewed against the [values](/view/09:48:15) of the community manager not have requisit [variety](/view/11:05:43) to direct development requisite [variety](/view/11:05:55) to direct development our models of the [various](/view/10:58:37) columns a cumulative of how to compose [various](/view/09:58:08) languages related to
a [version](/view/10:13:09) of the googles sort of a [version](/view/10:59:53) of yagni you edge of the bikeshed [versus](/view/11:07:45) nuclear reactor decision had come from a [very](/view/10:26:53) different point of and deployment schemes also [very](/view/10:16:44) glad to have
or provide a wider [view](/view/11:55:05) and right as rendered [view](/view/12:01:42) could be useful xyz view welcome visitors [view](/view/10:05:05) pancakerecipe ward dojo fed wiki [view](/view/11:21:33) search index logs [view](/view/11:34:13) source http aristobit recipe http paniolo xyz [view](/view/10:05:05) welcome visitors view svg [viewbox](/view/11:46:23) report writer that some [views](/view/10:55:20) did need some paniolo xyz view welcome [visitors](/view/10:05:05) view pancakerecipe linear gradients from another [visual](/view/11:37:12) rendering
[voila](/view/11:40:15) eric shows a stripes representing the sofi [vote](/view/11:40:15) roll up for aggregate roll up of [votes](/view/11:37:51) from assessors
over here if you [wanna](/view/11:51:00) kick the tires did you [want](/view/10:48:47) process i can do you [want](/view/11:39:53) the gradient aspect double width do you [want](/view/12:02:52) to fork it but if you [wanted](/view/10:43:03) to make a m a listener says [ward](/view/09:53:35) [ward](/view/10:55:20) describes a model http [ward](/view/11:21:33) dojo fed wiki same found as found [ward](/view/11:21:51) fed wiki [ward](/view/10:31:02) i just stumbled [ward](/view/11:01:27) observes the customer things in this way [ward](/view/11:02:25) on the fedwiki up the escalators what [ward](/view/11:32:22) put together our [ward](/view/09:52:46) recalls a blog [ward](/view/11:09:42) says because smalltalk [ward](/view/10:42:06) says it was [ward](/view/10:39:40) says smalltalk actually [ward](/view/10:38:38) says yes because [ward](/view/10:48:14) says you can and i think what [ward](/view/10:59:11) team were able eric checks in with [ward](/view/10:47:48) the reports needing marc replies to [ward](/view/11:07:05) when you have levels of supporting code [ward](/view/10:40:50) yes eric suggests that [wards](/view/10:46:43) experience with wycash recounts a comparison between [wards](/view/10:24:37) wycash experience where https www youtube com [watch](/view/10:51:49) v h e but we ll find [ways](/view/11:32:22) to go back
seen things on the [webcrawler](/view/11:18:07) search the registration thats what a [weekly](/view/11:01:44) demo is about gerald [weinberg](/view/09:39:06) the law of sounds like a jim [weirich](/view/10:05:30) ism ruby koans http paniolo xyz view [welcome](/view/10:05:05) visitors view pancakerecipe think what ward team [were](/view/10:59:11) able to do who explained why transactions [were](/view/10:16:44) important and got connected provided insights which [were](/view/11:05:19) not obvious in long as the developers [were](/view/10:24:37) producing incremental updates pair on the code [were](/view/10:26:53) strongly positive in the product where we [were](/view/10:42:06) told we will as long as you [were](/view/10:42:06) trading in dollars where the business managers [were](/view/10:24:37) unable to micromanage
thats [what](/view/11:01:44) a weekly demo proteomics [what](/view/11:11:29) cells are doing i ve forgotten [what](/view/09:57:23) it feels like i m dabbling with [what](/view/11:18:07) it means to column rendering to allow [what](/view/11:58:19) marc was interested are doing based on [what](/view/11:11:29) sorts of proteins knows the example reveals [what](/view/11:26:20) the eip diagram their code to reflect [what](/view/10:59:32) they learned floor up the escalators [what](/view/11:32:22) ward put together agree and i think [what](/view/10:59:11) ward team were yes that or [whatever](/view/09:58:33) eclipse or idea marc asks [whats](/view/11:15:54) new in fedwiki actually spend the time [when](/view/10:59:11) they learned something them if done cautiously [when](/view/10:39:40) we discovered new marc replies to ward [when](/view/11:07:05) you have a sounds like [when](/view/09:59:43) you look up marc asks [when](/view/10:38:07) you name something as a type example [where](/view/09:50:12) an incisive critic marc may map out [where](/view/12:09:26) he goes on java experience it s [where](/view/10:16:44) i got introduced recounts the typical scenario [where](/view/10:22:27) if you dont feature to support multicurrency [where](/view/10:46:43) it was more the complexity was concentrated [where](/view/10:58:52) it was needed demings total quality management [where](/view/09:41:44) its possible that between wards wycash experience [where](/view/10:24:37) the business managers part of the cell [where](/view/11:10:35) the decisions are [where](/view/09:52:53) there are writers years into the product [where](/view/10:42:06) we were told hobbit theres a map [where](/view/11:32:22) you can refer eric speculates [whether](/view/12:02:52) an expanded page eric considers [whether](/view/11:41:22) the sofi roll wycash as a system [which](/view/10:49:57) allowed resilient cascading composed in a way [which](/view/10:39:40) allows making modifications describes the process by [which](/view/12:00:34) he expands a [which](/view/11:47:42) i can do is basically the hierarchy [which](/view/10:42:16) is enabled by to name code objects [which](/view/10:37:14) may not be sometimes theres a surprise [which](/view/10:40:50) requires you to ejbs the tyrant from [which](/view/10:14:05) rpc over http as a document type [which](/view/11:56:27) the browser doesnt and connected provided insights [which](/view/11:05:19) were not obvious a natural order concept [which](/view/10:58:37) would fit gracefully of pairing and refactoring [which](/view/10:51:18) would survive a drawing a daily balance [while](/view/10:55:20) also allowing sorting do while or [while](/view/09:57:03) do or something used to have fun [while](/view/10:31:02) learning about the do [while](/view/09:57:03) or while do [while](/view/09:53:23) the blog author
the left and a [wide](/view/12:00:34) rendering canvas on it or provide a [wider](/view/11:55:05) view be controlled by a [widget](/view/12:02:52) on the column prototype as a double [width](/view/12:06:14) column in the ghost page of double [width](/view/12:02:52) do you want to re set the [width](/view/11:58:19) of a particular as found ward fed [wiki](/view/11:21:51) your start playing with [wiki](/view/10:31:02) and saw that be useful for some [wiki](/view/12:01:42) cases in the observable framework [wiki](/view/12:06:14) client a browser plugin embedding [wiki](/view/11:56:50) client rendering logic https en wikipedia org [wiki](/view/11:11:02) mitsugi saotome saving json from a [wiki](/view/11:55:05) page and dragging he expands a given [wiki](/view/12:00:34) page column in width of a particular [wiki](/view/11:58:19) page column rendering if it recognizes a [wiki](/view/11:56:50) page json document he goes on a [wiki](/view/12:09:26) pin https github com dobbs [wiki](/view/11:51:00) spike css tree discussion follows of a [wiki](/view/11:56:27) story as a https en wikipedia org [wiki](/view/09:47:40) the tyranny of http ward dojo fed [wiki](/view/11:21:33) view search index original brain https en [wikipedia](/view/11:11:02) org wiki mitsugi https en [wikipedia](/view/09:47:40) org wiki the it means to move [wikis](/view/11:18:07) to another place same signaling mechanism in [wildly](/view/11:11:58) different contexts linear gradient demo this [will](/view/11:37:12) allow enriching svg that format could should [will](/view/10:31:02) be used to we were told we [will](/view/10:42:06) buy the product s always change a [winning](/view/09:44:39) team chris casillas is working [with](/view/09:52:30) if not a rectangle [with](/view/11:39:53) a circle mask erics experience pair programming [with](/view/10:26:53) a programmer who [with](/view/10:30:21) a small amount me fooling [with](/view/11:34:39) a svg render a sofi diagram [with](/view/11:37:51) an aggregate roll code like a potter [with](/view/09:55:19) clay toggle button but maybe [with](/view/12:02:23) defaults based on shows a colored circle [with](/view/11:40:15) green yellow and erics punchline [with](/view/11:37:12) his svg linear pile of old scripts [with](/view/11:17:33) interesting behavior parts of the world [with](/view/10:38:07) it may not be distinguished [with](/view/10:37:14) names in the you have a queue [with](/view/11:10:42) related rates and way more negative experiences [with](/view/09:46:20) scrum masters than enriching svg import nodes [with](/view/11:37:12) some statistics like example that matches up [with](/view/12:00:34) the demo is checks in in discussions [with](/view/10:40:50) the experts in do people start working [with](/view/09:55:19) the ideas as assets page carefully coordinated [with](/view/11:41:22) the journal because disputes on the code [with](/view/10:26:53) the pair on the relationships you form [with](/view/09:53:32) the people the eric checks in [with](/view/10:47:48) ward the reports thing i m dabbling [with](/view/11:18:07) what it means upon your start playing [with](/view/10:31:02) wiki and saw suggests that wards experience [with](/view/10:46:43) wycash was unusual look like they re [within](/view/11:20:30) close reach other way like data [within](/view/12:02:52) the page heres modifications at any level [without](/view/10:39:40) breaking the relationships
the common definition is [woefully](/view/10:43:54) under defined its generally useful i [wonder](/view/10:40:57) if there is names that had the [word](/view/11:18:24) local in it that make the program [work](/view/10:38:38) and all the to a friend at [work](/view/09:41:26) how everything that meadows and elinor ostroms [work](/view/12:04:14) into a single effect of the prototype [work](/view/11:42:36) on using observable linux and that didnt [work](/view/10:06:53) out you ve created some [work](/view/09:54:07) product together ralf has been [working](/view/11:19:08) on an elm that chris casillas is [working](/view/09:52:30) with or do people start [working](/view/09:55:19) with the ideas value of those intense [workshops](/view/09:53:32) is the relationships other parts of the [world](/view/10:38:07) with it the e and p [worlds](/view/10:31:02) [worried](/view/11:46:23) way before then dont [worry](/view/10:08:11) npm is the [worst](/view/10:06:30) right although that [would](/view/11:47:31) be a manual natural order concept which [would](/view/10:58:37) fit gracefully into feature like support multicurrency [would](/view/10:46:43) have needed a pairing and refactoring which [would](/view/10:51:18) survive a a
can [wrap](/view/11:47:00) it in html having a progress map [wrapped](/view/11:24:23) in a metaphor brian a progress map [wrapped](/view/11:26:20) in a metaphor small amount of refactoring [wrestled](/view/10:30:21) between eric and i was forced to [write](/view/10:12:15) java for a [write](/view/10:14:36) once read never object aka the report [writer](/view/10:55:20) that some views where there are [writers](/view/09:52:53) and talkers present makes it [written](/view/09:49:11) down too no i [wrote](/view/09:41:26) an email to
rebellion first things like [wsdl](/view/10:14:05) and then just
[wycash](/view/10:48:20) domain like advancers in [wycash](/view/10:34:58) an un named erics observation [wycash](/view/10:49:57) as a system a comparison between wards [wycash](/view/10:24:37) experience where the [wycash](/view/10:51:18) had a supple that wards experience with [wycash](/view/10:46:43) was unusual in competing in a [wyoming](/view/09:36:36) rodeo in
of a version of [yagni](/view/10:59:53) you arent going
says it was three [years](/view/10:42:06) into the product for a couple of [years](/view/10:12:15) not the funnest colored circle with green [yellow](/view/11:40:15) and red horizontal
decided that theres money [your](/view/10:42:06) base currency simple simple and also money [your](/view/10:42:06) here is a i just stumbled upon [your](/view/10:31:02) start playing with in ocaml https www [youtube](/view/10:51:49) com watch v
an isolated svg to [zoom](/view/11:55:05) into it or