Typescript Index 2023-09-17

Keyword Index. See Typescript 2023-09-17


steps away from being [able](/view/10:33:05) to double click that we should be [able](/view/11:00:23) to have an be useful to be [able](/view/10:51:27) to remove everything side discussion [about](/view/09:59:39) chat based api that a human cares [about](/view/10:58:10) goes into the but what was beautiful [about](/view/12:10:43) it was that i ll need [about](/view/09:26:18) more minutes or the story so what [about](/view/12:14:48) people who are will figure out whats [about](/view/09:50:19) right ward offers a story [about](/view/11:44:30) teachers who meshed of an interesting question [about](/view/12:14:48) the company details community of storytellers talking [about](/view/12:14:05) the condition of pendulum as a book [about](/view/10:06:26) the danger of the difference of opinion [about](/view/11:48:45) things a div element everything [about](/view/10:36:52) this editor pretends an authoritative decider from [above](/view/11:16:39) wikipedia org wiki norman [abramson](/view/09:24:59) the stories is an [abstraction](/view/12:14:05) of one interesting


http www sustasis net [acinat](/view/11:30:51) lr pdf low but instead waited for [acknowledgement](/view/09:29:55) of successful receipt synergetic can play productively [across](/view/11:40:17) each other entanglement between and [across](/view/11:37:06) layers doesnt get mechanisms to make assessments [across](/view/11:48:36) levels of neighborhoods are the conversations [across](/view/12:00:58) that edge happening not prevent you from [acting](/view/11:15:17) productively and collaboratively powerful position to coordinate [action](/view/11:20:03) so how do producing things taking direct [actions](/view/11:09:17) actual citizen layer a custom email that [acts](/view/09:53:31) as how you things taking direct actions [actual](/view/11:09:17) citizen layer what when you dont have [actual](/view/11:25:15) nesting in all where there are no [actual](/view/10:21:42) tags was that it was [actually](/view/12:11:11) a recommender engine you shouldnt need to [actually](/view/09:35:14) restart it when and nothing here is [actually](/view/10:36:52) specific to observable then you let it [actually](/view/09:34:35) stop


watcher on [adddir](/view/09:38:00) detects the new editing dot just having [added](/view/10:24:09) the plugin now wiki you mean that [adding](/view/09:42:18) a new empty concept of run versus [adding](/view/10:58:10) new paragraphs to code that detects [adding](/view/09:36:12) wiki https github and by [adding](/view/09:42:18) wiki you mean to enter an email [address](/view/09:27:23) and remember it useful how do you [address](/view/11:46:14) things at different like alexanders pattern language [addressing](/view/11:46:14) patterns at different new directorys name and [adds](/view/09:38:00) it to allowed is the wikipedia page [adequate](/view/11:17:07) https en wikipedia


the journal gets updated [after](/view/10:58:10) you ve interactively


on the [agenda](/view/09:32:16) tightening the loops morrison learned from the [agile](/view/11:40:17) software community people system do evaluations of [agreements](/view/11:48:36) and relationships to


not run too far [ahead](/view/09:50:59) of implementation


[alexander](/view/11:27:33) s thought on within different areas like [alexanders](/view/11:46:14) pattern language addressing same probably the digital [algorithm](/view/09:21:59) for gradient descent the county it helps [align](/view/11:58:49) the contractors interests state nation c multinational [alliance](/view/11:13:48) c united nations and adds it to [allowed](/view/09:38:00) wiki hosts my wiki and almost [allows](/view/11:01:57) a static output which then [allows](/view/11:57:57) not to have from my wiki and [almost](/view/11:01:57) allows a static [alohanet](/view/09:22:08) en wikipedia org wiki [alohanet](/view/09:24:28) [alohanet](/view/09:29:55) collision detection and [alohanet](/view/09:24:26) history whats the tech history april hawaiis [alohanet](/view/09:23:36) system becomes the ward you can [also](/view/11:03:49) export an export file system nextcloud could [also](/view/11:04:51) get you the [also](/view/10:52:32) how can kerry an updated export that [also](/view/11:06:33) includes assets plugin interpretation but i [also](/view/10:30:57) put the item not received nodes would [also](/view/09:29:55) stop and re i think there are [alus](/view/10:02:26) in minecraft


going [analog](/view/09:21:59) for the weights get us to an [analog](/view/09:21:59) ship we use [analogies](/view/10:05:39) metaphors and formalisms paraphrase the thing thats [annoying](/view/10:58:23) is still a interesting this is an [anonymous](/view/10:28:00) variable which defines creativity tool to one [another](/view/10:31:36) http marc relocalizecreativity one interesting story to [another](/view/12:14:05) interesting story thats [another](/view/12:08:28) thought on your questions had no fixed [answers](/view/12:16:43) ever even own anything [anymore](/view/10:15:44) with the recurring we ever even own [anything](/view/10:15:44) anymore with the [anything](/view/10:13:01) in the last the result ward says [anything](/view/10:58:10) that a human e g [anything](/view/10:14:33) with onstar has


invasive than our smartphone [apps](/view/10:12:41) to build targeted mobile [apps](/view/12:12:02) that contribute to pages of tech history [april](/view/09:23:36) hawaiis alohanet system


different scales within different [areas](/view/11:46:14) like alexanders pattern continuing work in superior [arizona](/view/11:56:01) must be a community [around](/view/09:52:51) it doing all other ways to collaborate [around](/view/11:57:57) money new empty folder gets [around](/view/09:42:18) the oops page first satellite connection on [arpanet](/view/09:23:36) a click on the [arrow](/view/12:12:59) its not just i like the wikipedia [article](/view/11:17:58) fine mozilla org en privacynotincluded [articles](/view/10:13:54) its official cars when should [artists](/view/11:52:01) be paid marc to pursue curiosity like [artists](/view/11:51:42) who dont have


robin [asby](/view/11:06:43) a book by robin [asby](/view/11:06:57) on to functions from [asby](/view/11:10:56) and beer marcs [asby](/view/11:07:38) how do you a link to robin [asby](/view/10:32:41) s chapter index a spreadsheet in numbers [ashby](/view/11:06:26) and eip numbers [asks](/view/10:00:59) good questions is brian [asks](/view/11:18:40) so wheres the scale is an important [aspect](/view/11:40:05) both in volume the da vinci code [assembling](/view/10:05:01) a set of create mechanisms to make [assessments](/view/11:48:36) across levels of that should work less [assets](/view/11:03:25) also get you the [assets](/view/11:04:51) export that also includes [assets](/view/11:06:33) updates go into the [assets](/view/12:07:58) humans edit the [assimilates](/view/09:54:42) down to neighborhood community [association](/view/11:09:57) citizen member each level human community [association](/view/11:13:48) neighborhood municipality couty influence and power of [associations](/view/11:20:33) marc says those are [associations](/view/11:19:16) ad hoc interest ended up with an [asynchronous](/view/10:03:15) bit cpu


a dom input element [attached](/view/10:36:52) to a div i must continue to [attempt](/view/11:44:45) to move that i got more individual [attention](/view/11:43:23) in high school coordinating folks to pay [attention](/view/11:20:03) to the needs


is diversity [authentic](/view/11:32:38) for not parachuting an [authoritative](/view/11:16:39) decider from above marc says [authority](/view/11:35:12) starts at the its not [auto](/view/10:18:16) pairing its auto not auto pairing its [auto](/view/10:18:16) resume pairing how do people have [autonomy](/view/11:33:48) no [autopairing](/view/10:17:56)


having different notebooks [available](/view/10:25:47) in the observable really a summary or [average](/view/10:09:17) of the micro collective how do you [avoid](/view/11:09:17) stepping on each try to [avoid](/view/09:55:41) the too many


ubi potentially factors [away](/view/11:57:23) a lot of think i m steps [away](/view/10:33:05) from being able


[back](/view/11:09:57) to a spreadsheet conversations good qualiity ward [back](/view/12:00:58) to marcs model i need to switch [back](/view/10:18:04) to mobile mode export json file goes [back](/view/11:06:33) to the early [back](/view/12:14:04) to the telephone need to be delegated [back](/view/09:28:00) to tina and how to migrate or [backup](/view/11:02:45) a site as way of sharing storing [backups](/view/09:52:32) billiard [ball](/view/10:10:15) mechanics can follow side discussion about chat [based](/view/09:59:39) api programming programming chat [based](/view/10:05:23) conversational ai failure a malicious genie chat [based](/view/09:59:39) programming output as a markdown [based](/view/11:01:57) site available in the observable [based](/view/10:25:47) wiki client i updated [bash](/view/10:00:14) responses in college wikipedia org wiki universal [basic](/view/11:56:49) income charles moore [basically](/view/10:03:15) did that and


machinery but what was [beautiful](/view/12:10:43) about it was page in a lineup [because](/view/10:29:04) i ve chosen sheet model into opm [because](/view/11:44:45) it handles recursions april hawaiis alohanet system [becomes](/view/09:23:36) the first satellite work that i ve [been](/view/10:09:06) doing anything with onstar has [been](/view/10:14:33) tracking and can functions from asby and [beer](/view/11:10:56) marcs insight of vsms system from stafford [beers](/view/11:07:38) work more minutes or so [before](/view/09:26:18) i can be provisions a site and [before](/view/09:49:01) its claimed he channel to be clear [before](/view/09:29:55) sending but instead are on the representative [before](/view/11:21:00) you have a mb of data right [behind](/view/12:01:47) the screen and m steps away from [being](/view/10:33:05) able to double and make a living [being](/view/11:49:53) that person styling a diagram for [being](/view/10:58:00) usable for marcs falling into your conspiracy [beliefs](/view/10:06:26) theory doing for the [believers](/view/10:07:37) what need is for reasoning its the [best](/view/10:05:39) we got so everything we need a [better](/view/10:15:44) compensation model minutes you ll understand [better](/view/11:18:29) how citizens and but the [better](/view/10:07:37) question to ask jeff it would be [better](/view/11:49:28) than nextdoor recorded that might be [better](/view/12:12:02) to build targeted entanglement [between](/view/11:37:06) and across layers ward describes the competition [between](/view/12:17:27) data collection and or dichotomy [between](/view/11:23:03) eastern and western get represented a lot [between](/view/11:37:06) federal governments and ward work for interoperability [between](/view/11:00:23) pages erics demo for the i bridge [between](/view/11:23:43) people who live tension [between](/view/11:25:15) the border of translating [between](/view/12:22:18) the domain of agenda tightening the loops [between](/view/09:32:16) the needs and income versus property tax [between](/view/11:23:18) washington and oregon wikis for working together [beyond](/view/09:45:16) the original middle


neighborhoods function in the [bigger](/view/11:18:29) picture [billiard](/view/10:10:15) ball mechanics can refactoring it into smaller [bites](/view/12:08:28) will be useful how many people or [bits](/view/12:15:59) of time from [bittorrent](/view/12:04:06)


[blackhat](/view/10:15:00) has enjoyed breaking while [blink](/view/10:48:04) is deprecated marquee github com fedwiki wiki [blob](/view/09:36:12) master farm coffee a pattern [block](/view/11:50:54) grandmas in china oh [bluetooth](/view/12:04:09) [bluetooth](/view/10:17:45) fights whos connected [bluetooth](/view/12:04:35) has made multiple


change with a catalyst [boiling](/view/10:08:39) chip nucleation crystal foucaults pendulum as a [book](/view/10:06:26) about the danger thinking systems a [book](/view/11:06:57) by robin asby the [bootstrap](/view/10:30:57) for preview is tension between the [border](/view/11:25:15) of governance matching of governance matching the [border](/view/11:25:15) of taxation when data item id observable [borrows](/view/10:35:30) conventions from dom similar to [bostocks](/view/10:26:00) terminology i thank you [both](/view/12:09:30) is an important aspect [both](/view/11:40:05) in volume and be full feature on [both](/view/12:12:02) mobile and desktop


blackhat has enjoyed [breaking](/view/10:15:00) into cars remotely works and where it [breaks](/view/10:21:42) querying for html emerge vs create ty [brian](/view/09:51:56) of overlap of membership [brian](/view/11:26:44) [brian](/view/11:18:40) asks so wheres [brian](/view/11:49:53) community participation takes [brian](/view/11:22:20) marcs picture could hang on this touches [brian](/view/11:52:21) maricks collaborative circles [brian](/view/11:02:45) related to how [brian](/view/11:04:36) robert marc discussing [brian](/view/11:01:57) says i ve [brian](/view/11:32:55) says quality starts [brian](/view/11:18:29) suggests at the [brian](/view/11:54:56) the median citation [brian](/view/11:20:33) yes maybe theres [brian](/view/11:21:00) you have to marc [brians](/view/12:20:17) critical questions erics [brians](/view/11:59:24) example from his pays for the i [bridge](/view/11:23:43) between people who be especially deep and [broad](/view/12:18:43) dan [brown](/view/10:05:41)


[buckminster](/view/11:52:37) fuller lets do time how can you [build](/view/11:49:53) expertise and make might be better to [build](/view/12:12:02) targeted mobile apps the federation rather than [building](/view/12:12:02) something to be relevance is [built](/view/12:12:56) in to the per child had mesh [built](/view/10:18:03) in which was have too many pages [built](/view/09:50:19) into a site robert bs and wards [business](/view/09:26:59) connecting folks related when you push the [button](/view/09:28:38) it does something paragraphs have an edit [button](/view/10:58:10) that previews to


add a new plugin [call](/view/10:23:07) it dot say observation in a previous [call](/view/12:12:02) probably not recorded observable source code they [call](/view/10:26:15) them modules not just where it [came](/view/10:58:00) from but what citizenship he liked his [canada](/view/11:28:47) registered plane with have a residence in [canada](/view/11:28:47) you shouldnt have thermodynamics random localities [cancel](/view/10:10:02) out mixed enough that things [cancel](/view/10:10:55) out to a [cant](/view/12:18:16) we put this eric regulatory [capture](/view/11:38:27) by insiders power right panel the next [card](/view/10:20:22) in the lineup the map or moving [cards](/view/10:58:10) in the lineup top experience during whole [career](/view/11:32:55) anything that a human [cares](/view/10:58:10) about goes into privacynotincluded articles its official [cars](/view/10:13:54) are the worst side topic [cars](/view/10:12:41) as more invasive all modern [cars](/view/10:13:05) failed the privacy has enjoyed breaking into [cars](/view/10:15:00) remotely [carver](/view/09:20:09) mead and team work well for marcs [case](/view/10:58:00) for styling a useful for some many [cases](/view/12:08:28) client platforms and use [cases](/view/12:09:35) neo j modeling www computerhistory org collections [catalog](/view/09:26:58) state change with a [catalyst](/view/10:08:39) boiling chip nucleation state change without [catalysts](/view/10:08:21) superheating supersaturation are the worst product [category](/view/10:13:54) we have ever of edits which might [cause](/view/12:06:55) things to disappear


charing cross as the [center](/view/10:11:22) of london


probably dont have the [chance](/view/10:16:34) to decline the before you have a [chance](/view/11:21:00) to influence them to force it to [change](/view/09:33:31) by using a i [change](/view/10:36:04) the type create state [change](/view/10:08:39) with a catalyst state [change](/view/10:08:21) without catalysts superheating there were other life [changes](/view/11:42:55) at the same preview which is observing [changes](/view/10:25:28) in the itemstate whenever the viewof item [changes](/view/10:30:57) then generators listens defines a listener to [changes](/view/10:28:00) to the plugin not wait for the [channel](/view/09:29:55) to be clear view welcome visitors view [chapter](/view/10:32:41) view welcome visitors view [chapter](/view/11:07:53) index to robin asby s [chapter](/view/10:32:41) index https robina expertise whoever is in [charge](/view/11:16:14) of housing for kings cross or [charing](/view/10:11:22) cross as the [charles](/view/10:03:15) moore basically did to save half the [chat](/view/12:22:39) side discussion about [chat](/view/09:59:39) based api programming [chat](/view/10:05:23) based conversational ai from a malicious genie [chat](/view/09:59:39) based programming re a debugger to [chatgpt](/view/10:03:07) the one laptop per [child](/view/10:18:03) had mesh built pattern block grandmas in [china](/view/11:50:54) supported for efforts [chip](/view/09:22:01) with a catalyst boiling [chip](/view/10:08:39) nucleation crystal recall the digit recognition [chip](/view/09:20:04) work ais making a million [chips](/view/09:21:59) the same probably is diversity a [choice](/view/11:32:28) of flavors lineup because i ve [chosen](/view/10:29:04) to have the how can we fund [chris](/view/11:56:01) to do continuing patterns you need to [chunk](/view/11:46:14) information and relationship


touches brian maricks collaborative [circles](/view/11:52:21) brian the median [citation](/view/11:54:56) for papers in planners tend to design [cities](/view/11:29:49) as tree diagrams node while successful unplanned [cities](/view/11:29:49) have a semi taking direct actions actual [citizen](/view/11:09:17) layer what do to neighborhood community association [citizen](/view/11:09:57) member a member of a [citizen](/view/11:12:50) of the nested every [citizen](/view/11:12:01) on earth is ll understand better how [citizens](/view/11:18:29) and neighborhoods function your column on [citizens](/view/11:37:20) explains the entanglement what is participation [citizenship](/view/11:11:46) at all these dual [citizenship](/view/11:28:47) he liked his a [city](/view/11:27:06) is not a a [city](/view/11:29:49) is not a pdf of a [city](/view/11:30:51) is not a


register vs [claim](/view/09:51:28) setup vs provision site and before its [claimed](/view/09:49:01) he forks pages be setup for each [class](/view/09:44:37) think this was the students of tinas [class](/view/09:32:16) to marcs question because it handles recursions [cleanly](/view/11:44:45) and computationally the channel to be [clear](/view/09:29:55) before sending but being able to double [click](/view/10:33:05) and set map if you [click](/view/12:11:49) on a node ddd conference that a [click](/view/12:12:59) on the arrow the observable based wiki [client](/view/10:25:47) it with a wiki [client](/view/10:26:46) fedwiki observable library prototype [client](/view/12:09:35) platforms and use demonstration of the flexible [client](/view/12:20:17) the in depth have an observable wiki [client](/view/11:00:23) which understands our [clockless](/view/09:19:37) simulation [clone](/view/09:54:29) the ideas from few noughts maybe getting [close](/view/12:06:25) about teachers who meshed [closely](/view/11:44:30) with particular students


explore code preview [code](/view/10:19:03) reminds me of low [code](/view/10:33:39) and codebehind the da vinci [code](/view/10:05:01) assembling a set or rather explore [code](/view/10:19:14) preview explore [code](/view/10:19:03) preview code replying to [code](/view/09:42:18) that detects ad [code](/view/09:36:12) that detects adding ghost page for explore [code](/view/10:38:30) the editor plugin in the observable source [code](/view/10:26:15) they call them of low code and [codebehind](/view/10:33:39) wiki blob master farm [coffee](/view/09:36:12) l l of other ways to [collaborate](/view/11:57:57) around money robert working with wiki [collaboration](/view/12:21:02) setup for thompsons this touches brian maricks [collaborative](/view/11:52:21) circles for work in other [collaborative](/view/12:21:02) fields like neighborhoods from acting productively and [collaboratively](/view/11:15:17) the competition between data [collection](/view/12:17:27) and data projection thats connected its a [collection](/view/12:14:05) of different projections danger of a single [collection](/view/12:06:55) point the danger dorado data management data [collection](/view/12:06:55) representation of systems https www computerhistory org [collections](/view/09:26:58) catalog vsm system the community [collective](/view/11:09:17) how do you updated bash responses in [college](/view/10:00:14) we werent very alohanet [collision](/view/09:29:55) detection and retransmission details are relevant to [coloring](/view/12:14:48) the story so [colossus](/view/10:01:07) the forbin project en wikipedia org wiki [colossus](/view/10:02:55) the forbin project the three [column](/view/11:06:35) form your [column](/view/11:37:20) on citizens explains is someone who has [come](/view/11:16:14) up through working people learning in a [common](/view/11:40:17) context can be is sort of like [communicating](/view/09:56:06) with only questions for efforts to maintain [communities](/view/11:50:54) but there are other [communities](/view/11:26:44) you re a there must be a [community](/view/09:52:51) around it doing world down to neighborhood [community](/view/11:09:57) association citizen member at each level human [community](/view/11:13:48) association neighborhood municipality knowledge vsm system the [community](/view/11:09:17) collective how do ward a [community](/view/12:14:05) of storytellers talking brian [community](/view/11:49:53) participation takes time from the agile software [community](/view/11:40:17) people learning in how the [community](/view/11:33:41) views an individual interesting question about the [company](/view/12:14:48) details are relevant comprehensive picture of the [companys](/view/12:15:08) reality of projects we need a better [compensation](/view/10:15:44) model ward describes the [competition](/view/12:17:27) between data collection question did we want [complete](/view/09:44:37) wiki server so re exponential [complexity](/view/12:07:18) mesoscale systems too [complicated](/view/10:10:55) to follow everything a form in a [complicated](/view/09:50:19) way tina and decisions subject to real [complications](/view/11:21:45) in the world a more [comprehensive](/view/12:15:08) picture of the handles recursions cleanly and [computationally](/view/11:44:45) from the [computer](/view/09:26:58) history museum https history museum https www [computerhistory](/view/09:26:58) org collections catalog the journal like observables [concept](/view/10:58:10) of run versus that humans like things [concepts](/view/12:08:28) at once so and pressure are simplified [concepts](/view/10:09:17) to describe the storytellers talking about the [condition](/view/12:14:05) of the world conversational ai failure mode [confabulation](/view/10:05:23) demonstration at the ddd [conference](/view/12:12:59) that a click wiki [configuration](/view/09:32:34) setup if it pulls the [configurations](/view/10:58:00) out of the fedwiki wiki server pull [configure](/view/09:46:53) to overlay defaults another interesting story thats [connected](/view/12:14:05) its a collection and [connected](/view/10:07:04) them about people who are [connected](/view/12:14:48) to more than bluetooth fights whos [connected](/view/10:17:45) to what bs and wards business [connecting](/view/09:26:59) folks related to becomes the first satellite [connection](/view/09:23:36) on arpanet a person with [connections](/view/11:37:35) and relationships at [consistently](/view/11:33:12) steering toward a add in the javascript [console](/view/10:23:36) with a big navigation [console](/view/10:13:39) but would not of falling into your [conspiracy](/view/10:06:26) beliefs is what is a [conspiracy](/view/10:07:37) theory doing for which modifies the item [content](/view/10:33:18) editor plugin interprets the [content](/view/10:38:30) as an element tree wikipedia its core [contention](/view/11:29:49) is that urban preview which renders the [contents](/view/10:20:22) of the editor learning in a common [context](/view/11:40:17) can be synergetic avoid the too many [contexts](/view/09:55:41) having to understand many [contexts](/view/09:55:29) in order to i must [continue](/view/11:44:45) to attempt to fund chris to do [continuing](/view/11:56:01) work in superior of the editor seeing [continuous](/view/10:58:10) updates maybe paragraphs it helps align the [contractors](/view/11:58:49) interests with the targeted mobile apps that [contribute](/view/12:12:02) to the federation and have some supervisory [control](/view/12:07:58) hope i got can take over some [control](/view/10:14:33) of your car can use this same [convention](/view/10:35:30) a wiki item item id observable borrows [conventions](/view/10:35:30) from dom elements chat based [conversational](/view/10:05:23) ai failure mode are the [conversations](/view/12:00:58) across that edge edge happening are the [conversations](/view/12:00:58) good qualiity ward this is very [cool](/view/10:24:26) eric doing all kinds of [cool](/view/09:52:51) things a powerful position to [coordinate](/view/11:20:03) action so how to mobile mode ill [coordinate](/view/10:18:04) with getting an do we get those [coordinating](/view/11:20:03) folks to pay pdf low resolution courtesy [copy](/view/11:30:51) [copying](/view/10:57:41) from erics preview a tree wikipedia its [core](/view/11:29:49) contention is that rental car was a [corolla](/view/10:13:39) sedan with a signal in the error [correction](/view/09:26:20) protocol you know we [could](/view/09:50:43) flat file system nextcloud [could](/view/11:04:51) also get you set of default pages [could](/view/09:44:37) be setup for we [could](/view/12:01:47) have tens of page state itself we [could](/view/10:58:00) make a whole it was that you [could](/view/12:10:43) make the lines that demonstrates that we [could](/view/10:40:25) quickly create new we probably [could](/view/12:10:43) redo sofi from brian marcs picture [could](/view/11:22:20) use an explicit to live in the [county](/view/11:58:49) it helps align of [course](/view/12:03:46) these days if lr pdf low resolution [courtesy](/view/11:30:51) copy community association neighborhood municipality [couty](/view/11:13:48) state nation c


i change the type [create](/view/10:36:04) a new item when you [create](/view/09:33:31) a new site restart it when you [create](/view/09:35:14) a new wiki [create](/view/10:26:46) a notebook in students then we can [create](/view/09:45:16) a pattern for wiki would be nice [create](/view/11:06:33) an updated export agreements and relationships to [create](/view/11:48:36) mechanisms to make that we could quickly [create](/view/10:40:25) new item types it has to [create](/view/09:40:30) the right directory emerge vs [create](/view/09:51:56) ty brian a viewof and it [creates](/view/10:38:30) a listener to to the story it [creates](/view/10:38:30) a viewof and the demo [creating](/view/10:40:25) a simple dot just major events page [creation](/view/10:53:02) and forks should how to use the [creative](/view/12:20:17) governance models in visitors view explaining relocalize [creativity](/view/10:31:36) me relating the relocalize [creativity](/view/10:31:36) tool to one this is how [creole](/view/10:43:25) gets made a [creole](/view/09:55:29) of federation things marc brians [critical](/view/12:20:17) questions erics dramatic kings cross or charing [cross](/view/10:11:22) as the center kings [cross](/view/10:11:22) or charing cross of two states at [cross](/view/11:23:18) purposes for tax catalyst boiling chip nucleation [crystal](/view/10:08:39)


our [culture](/view/11:52:53) has a money pops up is a [curated](/view/12:12:59) query designed to a human [curated](/view/12:13:10) understanding of what we get to pursue [curiosity](/view/11:51:42) like artists who a [custom](/view/09:53:31) email that acts view welcome visitors view [custom](/view/09:39:03) registration a [custom](/view/09:27:23) registration window to


responsible for data the [danger](/view/12:06:55) of a single single collection point the [danger](/view/12:06:55) of edits which a book about the [danger](/view/10:06:26) of falling into describes the competition between [data](/view/12:17:27) collection and data el dorado data management [data](/view/12:06:55) collection representation of a graph making shareable [data](/view/12:09:35) easily shared via stop and re transmit [data](/view/09:29:55) if they detected cases neo j modeling [data](/view/12:09:35) in a graph properties to it like [data](/view/10:35:30) item id observable discussion of el dorado [data](/view/12:06:55) management data collection between data collection and [data](/view/12:17:27) projection ni eldorado tens of mb of [data](/view/12:01:47) right behind the who is responsible for [data](/view/12:06:55) the danger of layered network similar to [david](/view/11:36:39) woods graceful extensible of course these [days](/view/12:03:46) if everything has back to the early [days](/view/11:06:33) of wiki would


https css spikes [dbbs](/view/10:40:56) co pwa


imagine you re a [debugger](/view/10:03:07) to chatgpt not parachuting an authoritative [decider](/view/11:16:39) from above of transmitting needs and [decisions](/view/11:21:45) subject to real [decline](/view/10:16:34) everything but you have the chance to [decline](/view/10:16:34) the things you seemed to be especially [deep](/view/12:18:43) and broad lookup table its as [deep](/view/09:56:45) as the table is shown as the [default](/view/10:53:02) for the viewer a larger set of [default](/view/09:44:37) pages could be site which hosts the [default](/view/09:46:53) pags pull configure to overlay [defaults](/view/09:46:53) from site a the formally [defiined](/view/10:11:42) one an anonymous variable which [defines](/view/10:28:00) a listener to big difference in the [degrees](/view/10:01:57) of freedom i parts need to be [delegated](/view/09:28:00) back to tina the [demo](/view/10:40:25) creating a simple a [demo](/view/10:18:30) from eric interoperability between pages erics [demo](/view/11:00:23) shows that there is an example that [demonstrates](/view/10:40:25) that we could eric refers to wards [demonstration](/view/12:12:59) at the ddd critical questions erics dramatic [demonstration](/view/12:20:17) of the flexible wards [demonstration](/view/09:40:55) of the html dot say that it [depends](/view/10:23:07) on html and create a pattern for [deploying](/view/09:45:16) groups of wikis while blink is [deprecated](/view/10:48:04) marquee isn t flexible client the in [depth](/view/12:20:17) discussion of how digital algorithm for gradient [descent](/view/09:21:59) etc will get are simplified concepts to [describe](/view/10:09:17) the macro state ward [describes](/view/12:17:27) the competition between ward [describes](/view/09:49:28) thompsons procedure [description](/view/09:26:20) of the french urban planners tend to [design](/view/11:29:49) cities as tree [designated](/view/09:48:15) template wiki is a curated query [designed](/view/12:12:59) to be helpful of the make the [desired](/view/12:02:31) thing easy and easy and the less [desired](/view/12:02:31) thing hard when on both mobile and [desktop](/view/12:12:02) not just revealing more [detail](/view/12:12:59) you are editing the [detail](/view/10:54:49) are hidden unless question about the company [details](/view/12:14:48) are relevant to transmit data if they [detected](/view/09:29:55) any other messages alohanet collision [detection](/view/09:29:55) and retransmission is replying to code that [detects](/view/09:42:18) ad code that [detects](/view/09:36:12) adding wiki https watcher on adddir [detects](/view/09:38:00) the new directorys its a moldable [development](/view/10:24:19) environment


case for styling a [diagram](/view/10:58:00) for being usable design cities as tree [diagrams](/view/11:29:49) with each node or [dichotomy](/view/11:23:03) between eastern and big [difference](/view/10:01:57) in the degrees whats the [difference](/view/11:48:45) of opinion about at different scales within [different](/view/11:46:14) areas like alexanders same but its a [different](/view/10:58:00) kind of thing laws and governance at [different](/view/11:11:34) levels language addressing patterns at [different](/view/11:46:14) levels for observable events use [different](/view/10:32:12) mechanisms residents where there are [different](/view/11:23:18) models for income having [different](/view/10:25:47) notebooks available in its a collection of [different](/view/12:14:05) projections you address things at [different](/view/11:46:14) scales within different think of rules for [different](/view/11:16:14) sorts of systems oh i recall the [digit](/view/09:20:04) recognition chip work the same probably the [digital](/view/09:21:59) algorithm for gradient multi hop [digital](/view/09:22:18) packet radio maybe theres a third [dimension](/view/11:20:33) of influence and are producing things taking [direct](/view/11:09:17) actions actual citizen to create the right [directory](/view/09:40:30) in the wikicafe adddir detects the new [directorys](/view/09:38:00) name and adds might cause things to [disappear](/view/12:06:55) [disaster](/view/11:54:12) help mode i brian robert marc [discussing](/view/11:04:36) migration nextcloud as side [discussion](/view/09:59:39) about chat based [discussion](/view/12:06:55) of el dorado client the in depth [discussion](/view/12:20:17) of how to [discussion](/view/09:50:59) of trying to ward by [disengaging](/view/11:51:42) from many hierarchies middle school a [dislocating](/view/11:42:19) experience middle school was [dislocating](/view/11:42:55) for me but would provide interesting information [distinct](/view/12:11:49) from merely navigating for the public utility [district](/view/11:59:24) contractors interests with the [districts](/view/11:58:49) interest is [diversity](/view/11:32:28) a choice of is [diversity](/view/11:32:38) authentic


directory in the wikicafe [docker](/view/09:40:30) environment what [does](/view/11:33:18) identity mean push the button it [does](/view/09:28:38) something provisions a between and across layers [doesnt](/view/11:37:06) get represented a the menu [doesnt](/view/10:23:36) immediately update to at the individual level [doesnt](/view/11:14:48) make sense how page yes this process [doesnt](/view/09:42:18) need a restart that i ve been [doing](/view/10:09:06) a community around it [doing](/view/09:52:51) all kinds of is a conspiracy theory [doing](/view/10:07:37) for the believers spy app on troops [doing](/view/10:14:43) their physical training translating between the [domain](/view/12:22:18) of students teachers in the lineup those [dont](/view/10:58:10) go in the number but if you [dont](/view/11:28:47) have a residence of taxation when you [dont](/view/11:25:15) have actual nesting everything but you probably [dont](/view/10:16:34) have the chance curiosity like artists who [dont](/view/11:51:42) have to make top so that you [dont](/view/11:22:20) lose those in two weeks but i [dont](/view/11:54:12) want to be via fedwiki and el [dorado](/view/11:39:15) and other tools discussion of el [dorado](/view/12:06:55) data management data from being able to [double](/view/10:33:05) click and set think of a number [double](/view/12:06:25) it add a political orgs from world [down](/view/11:09:57) to neighborhood community private editor view with [download](/view/10:58:23) to upload as of time from a [dozen](/view/12:15:59)


the form and can [draft](/view/09:41:17) it with the brians critical questions erics [dramatic](/view/12:20:17) demonstration of the


[dual](/view/11:28:47) citizenship he liked at the top experience [during](/view/11:32:55) whole career


lets do this via [dynamic](/view/11:52:37) maximization


could be setup for [each](/view/09:44:37) class think this number of entities at [each](/view/11:13:48) level human community the safety function at [each](/view/11:17:06) level whos responsible semi lattice structure where [each](/view/11:29:49) node has relationships as tree diagrams with [each](/view/11:29:49) node only having of the world that [each](/view/12:14:05) of the stories the population numbers in [each](/view/11:40:32) of the various panels to listen to [each](/view/10:18:42) other can play productively across [each](/view/11:40:17) other you avoid stepping on [each](/view/11:09:17) other the people [each](/view/12:14:48) query is a goes back to the [early](/view/11:06:33) days of wiki every citizen on [earth](/view/11:12:01) is potentially a are oregonians making life [easier](/view/11:24:07) for tax evaders graph making shareable data [easily](/view/12:09:35) shared via query or dichotomy between [eastern](/view/11:23:03) and western wa make the desired thing [easy](/view/12:02:31) and the less low bid no [easy](/view/11:59:07) recourse to a


reach in the observable [ecosystem](/view/11:01:03)


the conversations across that [edge](/view/12:00:58) happening are the maybe paragraphs have an [edit](/view/10:58:10) button that previews pattern to forward the [edit](/view/10:25:28) operations from the into the assets humans [edit](/view/12:07:58) the pages and a live preview of [editing](/view/10:24:09) dot just having a page you are [editing](/view/10:54:49) the detail are eric [editor](/view/10:58:23) as a private of the editor the [editor](/view/10:20:22) can be selectable when i add the [editor](/view/10:38:30) element to the the [editor](/view/10:35:30) is a dom add items inside the [editor](/view/10:35:30) or add properties take input is the [editor](/view/10:33:05) plugin but i for explore code the [editor](/view/10:38:30) plugin interprets the element everything about this [editor](/view/10:36:52) pretends to be the right of the [editor](/view/10:58:10) seeing continuous updates the contents of the [editor](/view/10:20:22) the editor can panel is an open [editor](/view/10:20:22) the right panel edit operations from the [editor](/view/10:25:28) to the preview dom events on the [editor](/view/10:30:57) to the preview editor as a private [editor](/view/10:58:23) view with download point the danger of [edits](/view/12:06:55) which might cause


this results in an [efficiency](/view/09:29:55) of only in china supported for [efforts](/view/11:50:54) to maintain communities


[eldorado](/view/12:09:35) fedwiki observable library what made [eldorado](/view/12:11:11) surprisingly powerful was and data projection ni [eldorado](/view/12:17:27) that making the input events on that [element](/view/10:30:57) and yields them be a dom input [element](/view/10:36:52) attached to a i have a div [element](/view/10:36:52) everything about this editor is a dom [element](/view/10:35:30) its the outside the content as an [element](/view/10:38:30) of the dom i add the editor [element](/view/10:38:30) to the story probably missed some [elements](/view/10:31:06) borrows conventions from dom [elements](/view/10:35:30) and they have such as an input [elements](/view/10:35:30) value i can that work for everyone [else](/view/11:14:48) at the individual


window to enter an [email](/view/09:27:23) address and remember a custom [email](/view/09:53:31) that acts as [emerge](/view/09:51:56) vs create ty [emergent](/view/09:51:41) that adding a new [empty](/view/09:42:18) folder gets around


near by levels to [enable](/view/11:15:17) and not prevent basically did that and [ended](/view/10:03:15) up with an at the top and [enforces](/view/11:35:12) whatever worldview it was actually a recommender [engine](/view/12:11:11) marc is in [england](/view/09:31:09) north of london blackhat has [enjoyed](/view/10:15:00) breaking into cars everything not thoroughly mixed [enough](/view/10:10:55) that things cancel the graph recomputation fast [enough](/view/12:17:27) to have it folks perspectives they have [enough](/view/11:41:23) to start with step is to get [enough](/view/09:42:38) wikis provisioned to pierson paul did the [enrich](/view/12:09:21) kumu svg paul for making the [enrich](/view/09:48:50) kumu svg work woods graceful extensible systems [entangled](/view/11:36:39) hierarchy ostroms polycentric ward [entangled](/view/11:40:17) learning is something on citizens explains the [entanglement](/view/11:37:20) [entanglement](/view/11:37:06) between and across panama papers revealed [entanglements](/view/11:39:27) marc make the [entanglements](/view/11:39:15) and the inferences custom registration window to [enter](/view/09:27:23) an email address number of [entities](/view/11:13:48) at each level in the wikicafe docker [environment](/view/09:40:30) its a moldable development [environment](/view/10:24:19)


a demo from [eric](/view/10:18:30) this is very cool [eric](/view/10:24:26) [eric](/view/10:58:23) editor as a [eric](/view/12:12:59) refers to wards [eric](/view/11:38:27) regulatory capture by [eric](/view/10:21:42) shows how the [eric](/view/11:36:39) tangled layered network [eric](/view/10:58:10) the supercollaborator is [eric](/view/10:28:00) this trick was events wards paraphrase of [eric](/view/10:31:29) yes [eric](/view/12:09:21) you pulled a for interoperability between pages [erics](/view/11:00:23) demo shows that marc brians critical questions [erics](/view/12:20:17) dramatic demonstration of that [erics](/view/12:16:02) executives are wishing copying from [erics](/view/10:57:41) preview page financial signal in the [error](/view/09:26:20) correction protocol


meeting seemed to be [especially](/view/12:18:43) deep and broad pp is the original [essay](/view/11:31:26)


metcalfe re used in [ethernet](/view/09:29:55) nodes did not


life easier for tax [evaders](/view/11:24:07) within a system do [evaluations](/view/11:48:36) of agreements and do we ever [even](/view/10:15:44) own anything anymore [even](/view/11:01:03) the map plugin and send an input [event](/view/10:36:04) the [event](/view/10:32:12) forwarding for dom dom events and the [event](/view/10:32:12) forwarding for observable event forwarding for dom [events](/view/10:32:12) and the event the generator translates dom [events](/view/10:31:29) into observable events generators listens for input [events](/view/10:30:57) on that element notebook forwards the dom [events](/view/10:30:57) on the editor just major [events](/view/10:53:02) page creation and generators library for input [events](/view/10:38:30) thats all the event forwarding for observable [events](/view/10:32:12) use different mechanisms dom events into observable [events](/view/10:31:29) wards paraphrase of do we [ever](/view/10:15:44) even own anything product category we have [ever](/view/10:13:54) reviewed for privacy [every](/view/11:12:01) citizen on earth ball mechanics can follow [every](/view/10:10:15) particle level that work for [everyone](/view/11:14:48) else at the have a div element [everything](/view/10:36:52) about this editor decline [everything](/view/10:16:34) but you probably be able to remove [everything](/view/10:51:27) from a journal course these days if [everything](/view/12:03:46) has usb too complicated to follow [everything](/view/10:10:55) not thoroughly mixed how can kerry grab [everything](/view/10:52:32) on one page with but havent had [everything](/view/11:41:23) set recurring monthly fees for [everything](/view/10:15:44) we need a


provisions a students wiki [exactly](/view/09:28:38) how the student and state governments for [example](/view/11:37:06) brians [example](/view/11:59:24) from his neighbor kind of thing for [example](/view/10:58:00) is a sofi [example](/view/11:17:06) of the safety [example](/view/11:23:18) of two states page references is an [example](/view/10:40:25) that demonstrates that everything from a journal [except](/view/10:51:27) the flags for s thought on non [exclusive](/view/11:27:33) sets the outside world the [executive](/view/11:09:17) where do they that erics [executives](/view/12:16:02) are wishing for them and they do [exist](/view/11:19:16) from the neighborhood middle schools should not [exist](/view/11:40:08) in my opinion client which understands our [existing](/view/11:00:23) wikis libraries that the function [expects](/view/10:23:07) all of the middle school a dislocating [experience](/view/11:42:19) starts at the top [experience](/view/11:32:55) during whole career would a good mobile [experience](/view/12:08:46) give us a provisioned to run an [experiment](/view/09:42:38) with tina and how can you build [expertise](/view/11:49:53) and make a onboarding path for learning [expertise](/view/11:54:56) until you re there are recursions of [expertise](/view/11:16:14) whoever is in view welcome visitors view [explaining](/view/10:31:36) relocalize creativity your column on citizens [explains](/view/11:37:20) the entanglement the relationships implicit not [explicit](/view/12:18:16) picture could use an [explicit](/view/11:22:20) statement of governing or rather [explore](/view/10:19:14) code preview [explore](/view/10:19:03) code preview code a ghost page for [explore](/view/10:38:30) code the editor re [exponential](/view/12:07:18) complexity you can [export](/view/10:26:20) a notebook ward you can also [export](/view/11:03:49) an export json a notebook in observable [export](/view/10:26:46) it as a the [export](/view/11:06:33) json file goes can also export an [export](/view/11:03:49) json summary of nice create an updated [export](/view/11:06:33) that also includes ward theres an [express](/view/09:34:11) app the server to david woods graceful [extensible](/view/11:36:39) systems entangled hierarchy marc [extension](/view/11:48:36) of the sofi i ve written an [extract](/view/11:01:57) which pulls the


ubi potentially [factors](/view/11:57:23) away a lot set of places and [facts](/view/10:05:01) but presenting them all modern cars [failed](/view/10:13:05) the privacy test chat based conversational ai [failure](/view/10:05:23) mode confabulation about the danger of [falling](/view/10:06:26) into your conspiracy new wiki in the [farm](/view/09:35:14) fedwiki wiki blob master [farm](/view/09:36:12) coffee l l it works for wiki [farms](/view/09:34:11) making the graph recomputation [fast](/view/12:17:27) enough to have


annoying is still a [feature](/view/10:58:23) something to be full [feature](/view/12:12:02) on both mobile represented a lot between [federal](/view/11:37:06) governments and state acts as how you [federate](/view/09:53:31) with other nextcloud that contribute to the [federation](/view/12:12:02) rather than building a creole of [federation](/view/09:55:29) things having to from them visible via [fedwiki](/view/11:39:15) and el dorado eldorado [fedwiki](/view/12:09:35) observable library prototype wiki https github com [fedwiki](/view/09:36:12) wiki blob master https github com [fedwiki](/view/09:46:53) wiki server pull questions is a positive [feedback](/view/10:00:59) mark for people into a site it [feels](/view/09:50:19) like you re with the recurring monthly [fees](/view/10:15:44) for everything we


work in other collaborative [fields](/view/12:21:02) like neighborhoods script with the same [fields](/view/09:28:38) when you push bluetooth [fights](/view/10:17:45) whos connected to and her students will [figure](/view/09:50:19) out whats about the export json [file](/view/11:06:33) goes back to its the same flat [file](/view/11:04:51) system nextcloud could outer wrapper watches the [file](/view/09:35:14) system so you feels like you re [filling](/view/09:50:19) out a form and people front running [financial](/view/09:26:20) signal in the like the wikipedia article [fine](/view/11:17:58) it would work just [fine](/view/12:01:47) in neo j alohanet system becomes the [first](/view/09:23:36) satellite connection on [fitbit](/view/10:14:43) as spy app the questions had no [fixed](/view/12:16:43) answers


you hover over the [flag](/view/10:58:00) on a page a journal except the [flags](/view/10:51:27) for forks its the same [flat](/view/11:04:51) file system nextcloud diversity a choice of [flavors](/view/11:32:28) dramatic demonstration of the [flexible](/view/12:20:17) client the in


adding a new empty [folder](/view/09:42:18) gets around the work and the wikicafe [folks](/view/09:26:59) can we get and the other relevant [folks](/view/09:32:16) for wiki provisioning place to shape young [folks](/view/11:41:23) perspectives they have and wards business connecting [folks](/view/09:26:59) related to thompsons we get those coordinating [folks](/view/11:20:03) to pay attention billiard ball mechanics can [follow](/view/10:10:15) every particle systems too complicated to [follow](/view/10:10:55) everything not thoroughly the preview page to [follow](/view/10:29:04) the same pattern colossus the [forbin](/view/10:01:07) project org wiki colossus the [forbin](/view/10:02:55) project site you have to [force](/view/09:33:31) it to change where you update plugins [forces](/view/09:33:31) a server restart of stepped up but [forgot](/view/12:22:39) to save half except the flags for [forks](/view/10:51:27) before its claimed he [forks](/view/09:49:01) pages in events page creation and [forks](/view/10:53:02) should be one the three column [form](/view/11:06:35) thompson understands the [form](/view/09:41:17) and can draft re filling out a [form](/view/09:50:19) in a complicated demonstration of the html [form](/view/09:40:55) used to register we need more [formal](/view/09:59:24) methods in our use analogies metaphors and [formalisms](/view/10:05:39) for reasoning its the [formally](/view/10:11:42) defiined one provisioning scripts and the [forms](/view/09:44:16) are set up to make thompsons registration [forms](/view/10:18:04) work a generator pattern to [forward](/view/10:25:28) the edit operations the event [forwarding](/view/10:32:12) for dom events events and the event [forwarding](/view/10:32:12) for observable events listening the previous notebook [forwards](/view/10:30:57) the dom events en wikipedia org wiki [foucault](/view/10:06:57) s pendulum [foucaults](/view/10:06:26) pendulum as a https [foundation](/view/10:13:54) mozilla org en


in the degrees of [freedom](/view/10:01:57) i think mode i ll help [freely](/view/11:54:12) for two weeks by paying for the [freeway](/view/11:24:32) improvement description of the [french](/view/09:26:20) semaphore telegraph system college we werent very [friendly](/view/10:00:14) to the user or bits of time [from](/view/12:15:59) a dozen able to remove everything [from](/view/10:51:27) a journal except like having infinite wishes [from](/view/09:59:39) a malicious genie parachuting an authoritative decider [from](/view/11:16:39) above and not prevent you [from](/view/11:15:17) acting productively and mapped on to functions [from](/view/11:10:56) asby and beer i m steps away [from](/view/10:33:05) being able to just where it came [from](/view/10:58:00) but what kind id observable borrows conventions [from](/view/10:35:30) dom elements and a demo [from](/view/10:18:30) eric copying [from](/view/10:57:41) erics preview page brians example [from](/view/11:59:24) his neighbor who ward by disengaging [from](/view/11:51:42) many hierarchies we ward so the picture [from](/view/11:21:45) marc is an provide interesting information distinct [from](/view/12:11:49) merely navigating nodes which pulls the pages [from](/view/11:01:57) my wiki and clone the ideas [from](/view/09:54:29) nextcloud and wire configure to overlay defaults [from](/view/09:46:53) site a named of representatives vsms system [from](/view/11:07:38) stafford beers work that thompson morrison learned [from](/view/11:40:17) the agile software [from](/view/09:26:58) the computer history forward the edit operations [from](/view/10:25:28) the editor to a spreadsheet which scales [from](/view/11:09:57) the hierarchy of and they do exist [from](/view/11:19:16) the neighborhood level of patrick j mcgovern [from](/view/09:23:36) the pages of this was left over [from](/view/09:44:37) the previous school of london just traveled [from](/view/09:31:09) the us entanglements and the inferences [from](/view/11:39:15) them visible via [from](/view/11:41:23) thompson middle school probably could redo sofi [from](/view/12:10:43) two years ago hierarchy of political orgs [from](/view/11:09:57) world down to ward the transition [from](/view/11:46:37) yourself to your telegraph system and people [front](/view/09:26:20) running financial signal that story in a [frozen](/view/12:16:02) snapshot that means


what need is it [fulfilling](/view/10:07:37) building something to be [full](/view/12:12:02) feature on both can go to a [full](/view/09:44:16) scale of students buckminster [fuller](/view/11:52:37) lets do this before i can be [fully](/view/09:26:18) present example of the safety [function](/view/11:17:06) at each level dot libraries that the [function](/view/10:23:07) expects all of recursion of a specific [function](/view/11:11:34) house of representatives how citizens and neighborhoods [function](/view/11:18:29) in the bigger as references in the [function](/view/10:23:07) starting with the systems mapped on to [functions](/view/11:10:56) from asby and to how can we [fund](/view/11:56:01) chris to do twenty minutes into the [future](/view/09:45:45)


things on the telephone [game](/view/12:22:18) back to the telephone [games](/view/12:14:04)


the [generally](/view/10:09:41) unobservable micro states the item using the [generator](/view/10:30:57) library whenever the it needs a [generator](/view/10:25:28) pattern to forward the [generator](/view/10:31:29) translates dom events that listens using the [generators](/view/10:38:30) library for input viewof item changes then [generators](/view/10:30:57) listens for input wishes from a malicious [genie](/view/09:59:39) chat based programming a new empty folder [gets](/view/09:42:18) around the oops this is how creole [gets](/view/10:43:25) made save and the journal [gets](/view/10:58:10) updated after you mode ill coordinate with [getting](/view/10:18:04) an hour with a few noughts maybe [getting](/view/12:06:25) close


how i add a [ghost](/view/10:38:30) page for explore


detects adding wiki https [github](/view/09:36:12) com fedwiki wiki https [github](/view/09:46:53) com fedwiki wiki a good mobile experience [give](/view/12:08:46) us a motivation slugs json [gives](/view/11:02:54) me all the on a node it [gives](/view/12:11:49) you a query


a lot like the [glamorous](/view/10:24:57) toolkits patterns


the export json file [goes](/view/11:06:33) back to the a human cares about [goes](/view/10:58:10) into the journal [going](/view/09:21:59) analog for the restart it unless is [going](/view/09:34:35) on then you are the wikicafe people [going](/view/09:28:00) to do and replying to would a [good](/view/12:12:02) mobile would a [good](/view/12:08:46) mobile experience give this sound [good](/view/10:54:49) or whenever on happening are the conversations [good](/view/12:00:58) qualiity ward back asks [good](/view/10:00:59) questions is a we have a pretty [good](/view/09:45:16) way of provisioning matrix a get off [google](/view/09:53:08) package entangled hierarchy ostroms polycentric [governance](/view/11:36:39) representatives for laws and [governance](/view/11:11:34) at different levels of the nested human [governance](/view/11:12:50) layers whats required how do the nested [governance](/view/11:14:48) layers work between the border of [governance](/view/11:25:15) matching the border to use the creative [governance](/view/12:20:17) models in specific levels of neighborhoods of [governance](/view/11:48:36) of how people an explicit statement of [governing](/view/11:22:20) values at the a lot between federal [governments](/view/11:37:06) and state governments federal governments and state [governments](/view/11:37:06) for example


then if i [grab](/view/11:03:02) all the pages also how can kerry [grab](/view/10:52:32) everything on one similar to david woods [graceful](/view/11:36:39) extensible systems entangled the digital algorithm for [gradient](/view/09:21:59) descent etc will pass laws at a [grand](/view/11:14:48) level that work a pattern block [grandmas](/view/11:50:54) in china supported modeling data in a [graph](/view/12:09:35) making shareable data helpful in navigating the [graph](/view/12:12:59) not just revealing eldorado that making the [graph](/view/12:17:27) recomputation fast enough [graphs](/view/12:13:59) and stories are middle school is a [great](/view/11:41:23) place to shape the original middle school [group](/view/09:45:16) wards plans associations ad hoc interest [groups](/view/11:19:16) not sure how a pattern for deploying [groups](/view/09:45:16) of wikis for


but forgot to save [half](/view/12:22:39) the chat it must be [hamiltonians](/view/11:49:59) for volunteers ll redefine the preview [handler](/view/10:28:00) such that the into opm because it [handles](/view/11:44:45) recursions cleanly and oh [hang](/view/11:52:21) on this touches conversations across that edge [happening](/view/12:00:58) are the conversations the less desired thing [hard](/view/12:02:31) when setting up in canada you shouldnt [have](/view/11:28:47) a c tail the representative before you [have](/view/11:21:00) a chance to now i [have](/view/10:36:52) a div element the dot interpretation i [have](/view/10:24:09) a live preview they [have](/view/09:56:45) a lookup table once we [have](/view/09:45:16) a pretty good but if you dont [have](/view/11:28:47) a residence in while successful unplanned cities [have](/view/11:29:49) a semi lattice ll be ready to [have](/view/09:44:16) a teacher provision taxation when you dont [have](/view/11:25:15) actual nesting in continuous updates maybe paragraphs [have](/view/10:58:10) an edit button should be able to [have](/view/11:00:23) an observable wiki how do people [have](/view/11:33:48) autonomy young folks perspectives they [have](/view/11:41:23) enough to start worst product category we [have](/view/10:13:54) ever reviewed for discussion of trying to [have](/view/09:50:59) ideas not run recomputation fast enough to [have](/view/12:17:27) it update multiple then allows not to [have](/view/11:57:57) micromanagement of other edit the pages and [have](/view/12:07:58) some supervisory control we could [have](/view/12:01:47) tens of mb but you probably dont [have](/view/10:16:34) the chance to i ve chosen to [have](/view/10:29:04) the preview page a new site you [have](/view/09:33:31) to force it any utility subcontractors [have](/view/11:58:49) to live in like artists who dont [have](/view/11:51:42) to make a brian you [have](/view/11:21:00) to understand what if you [have](/view/09:50:19) too many pages dom elements and they [have](/view/10:35:30) values such as to start with but [havent](/view/11:41:23) had everything set with each node only [having](/view/11:29:49) a relationship with of editing dot just [having](/view/10:24:09) added the plugin [having](/view/10:25:47) different notebooks available api programming programming like [having](/view/09:59:39) infinite wishes from creole of federation things [having](/view/09:55:29) to understand many of tech history april [hawaiis](/view/09:23:36) alohanet system becomes


help mode i ll [help](/view/11:54:12) freely for two disaster [help](/view/11:54:12) mode i ll want to be the [helper](/view/11:54:12) query designed to be [helpful](/view/12:12:59) in navigating the in the county it [helps](/view/11:58:49) align the contractors [here](/view/10:32:41) is a link [here](/view/10:31:36) is a video a div and nothing [here](/view/10:36:52) is actually specific the listener side and [here](/view/10:29:04) the preview page you do it look [heres](/view/10:24:09) a sample of [heres](/view/10:38:30) how i add but [heres](/view/10:24:09) how you do


editing the detail are [hidden](/view/10:54:49) unless by disengaging from many [hierarchies](/view/11:51:42) we get to which scales from the [hierarchy](/view/11:09:57) of political orgs graceful extensible systems entangled [hierarchy](/view/11:36:39) ostroms polycentric governance more individual attention in [high](/view/11:43:23) school but i it in neo j [highlight](/view/12:01:26) useful relationships the pages of tech [history](/view/09:23:36) april hawaiis alohanet from the computer [history](/view/09:26:58) museum https www alohanet [history](/view/09:24:26) whats the progression


have some supervisory control [hope](/view/12:07:58) i got that it to allowed wiki [hosts](/view/09:38:00) a named site which [hosts](/view/09:46:53) the default pags coordinate with getting an [hour](/view/10:18:04) with you soon structure of your own [house](/view/11:46:37) of a specific function [house](/view/11:11:34) of representatives for get people into a [house](/view/11:07:38) of representatives vsms is in charge of [housing](/view/11:16:14) for the un if you [hover](/view/10:58:00) over the flag


that it depends on [html](/view/10:23:07) and dot libraries be rendered fn item [html](/view/10:23:07) dot wards demonstration of the [html](/view/09:40:55) form used to it breaks querying for [html](/view/10:21:42) tags where there tool to one another [http](/view/10:31:36) marc relocalizecreativity net is not a tree [http](/view/11:30:51) www sustasis net [https](/view/10:40:56) css spikes dbbs [https](/view/09:24:28) en wikipedia org [https](/view/09:24:59) en wikipedia org [https](/view/10:02:55) en wikipedia org [https](/view/10:06:57) en wikipedia org the wikipedia page adequate [https](/view/11:17:07) en wikipedia org [https](/view/11:56:49) en wikipedia org [https](/view/10:13:54) foundation mozilla org that detects adding wiki [https](/view/09:36:12) github com fedwiki [https](/view/09:46:53) github com fedwiki asby s chapter index [https](/view/10:32:41) robina relocalizecreativity net [https](/view/11:07:53) robina relocalizecreativity net [https](/view/09:39:03) sep wcs ustawi the computer history museum [https](/view/09:26:58) www computerhistory org [https](/view/09:23:36) www mcgovern org


says anything that a [human](/view/10:58:10) cares about goes entities at each level [human](/view/11:13:48) community association neighborhood a [human](/view/12:13:10) curated understanding of citizen of the nested [human](/view/11:12:50) governance layers whats go into the assets [humans](/view/12:07:58) edit the pages matrix marc is that [humans](/view/12:08:28) like things concepts


from marc is an [ideal](/view/11:21:45) way of transmitting clone the [ideas](/view/09:54:29) from nextcloud and of trying to have [ideas](/view/09:50:59) not run too what does [identity](/view/11:33:18) mean


[imagine](/view/10:03:07) you re a the menu doesnt [immediately](/view/10:23:36) update to recognize transmitting while simple to [implement](/view/09:29:55) this results in too far ahead of [implementation](/view/09:50:59) spreadsheet makes the relationships [implicit](/view/12:18:16) not explicit your neighbor is as [important](/view/11:46:37) as the structure maybe scale is an [important](/view/11:40:05) aspect both in an [important](/view/12:17:51) property in making has made multiple bad [impressions](/view/12:04:35) on me paying for the freeway [improvement](/view/11:24:32)


for preview is an [incantation](/view/10:30:57) to get a was one phone that [included](/view/12:03:28) a projector might updated export that also [includes](/view/11:06:33) assets org wiki universal basic [income](/view/11:56:49) are different models for [income](/view/11:23:18) versus property tax welcome visitors view chapter [index](/view/11:07:53) the spreadsheet is an [index](/view/11:46:14) for patterns you robin asby s chapter [index](/view/10:32:41) https robina relocalizecreativity i got more [individual](/view/11:43:23) attention in high everyone else at the [individual](/view/11:14:48) level doesnt make the community views an [individual](/view/11:33:41) more than who more than who the [individual](/view/11:33:41) views themselves the entanglements and the [inferences](/view/11:39:15) from them visible programming programming like having [infinite](/view/09:59:39) wishes from a a third dimension of [influence](/view/11:20:33) and power of have a chance to [influence](/view/11:21:00) them you need to chunk [information](/view/11:46:14) and relationship for that would provide interesting [information](/view/12:11:49) distinct from merely to be a dom [input](/view/10:36:52) element attached to values such as an [input](/view/10:35:30) elements value i text and send an [input](/view/10:36:04) event then generators listens for [input](/view/10:30:57) events on that the generators library for [input](/view/10:38:30) events thats all plugin which will take [input](/view/10:33:05) is the editor other plugins which take [input](/view/10:33:18) which modifies the rather a practice of [inquiry](/view/12:16:02) can then add items [inside](/view/10:35:30) the editor or eric regulatory capture by [insiders](/view/11:38:27) power plants and asby and beer marcs [insight](/view/11:10:56) of how the the supercollaborator is an [inspiration](/view/10:58:10) for the preview the same pattern but [instead](/view/10:29:04) of a story clear before sending but [instead](/view/09:29:55) waited for acknowledgement not sure how to [integrate](/view/11:19:16) them and they marc a major [integration](/view/10:09:06) of the work without our logic for [inter](/view/10:40:25) page references is of power in observables [interaction](/view/11:00:23) pattern that we updated after you ve [interactively](/view/10:58:10) worked with it interests with the districts [interest](/view/11:58:49) are associations ad hoc [interest](/view/11:19:16) groups not sure query that would provide [interesting](/view/12:11:49) information distinct from a projection of an [interesting](/view/12:14:48) question about the interesting story to another [interesting](/view/12:14:05) story thats connected an abstraction of one [interesting](/view/12:14:05) story to another eric this trick was [interesting](/view/10:28:00) this is an helps align the contractors [interests](/view/11:58:49) with the districts ward work for [interoperability](/view/11:00:23) between pages erics to get a plugin [interpretation](/view/10:30:57) but i also sample of the dot [interpretation](/view/10:24:09) i have a now uses a new [interpreter](/view/10:28:00) for the new code the editor plugin [interprets](/view/10:38:30) the content as do you get people [into](/view/11:07:38) a house of page and paste it [into](/view/10:52:32) a new page too many pages built [into](/view/09:50:19) a site it blackhat has enjoyed breaking [into](/view/10:15:00) cars remotely generator translates dom events [into](/view/10:31:29) observable events wards that spread sheet model [into](/view/11:44:45) opm because it so some refactoring it [into](/view/12:08:28) smaller bites will nextcloud and wire them [into](/view/09:54:29) something thats intrinsically mechanical updates go [into](/view/12:07:58) the assets humans twenty minutes [into](/view/09:45:45) the future human cares about goes [into](/view/10:58:10) the journal but thats all published now [into](/view/10:40:43) the spikes site the danger of falling [into](/view/10:06:26) your conspiracy beliefs them into something thats [intrinsically](/view/09:54:29) wiki ward q trying to [introduce](/view/11:17:07) others to wtf topic cars as more [invasive](/view/10:12:41) than our smartphone thats all the machinery [involved](/view/10:38:30)


for which type of [item](/view/10:20:22) has a preview listener [item](/view/10:29:04) the item and the [item](/view/10:29:21) a view of the [item](/view/10:29:21) and the item library whenever the viewof [item](/view/10:30:57) changes then generators input which modifies the [item](/view/10:33:18) content same convention a wiki [item](/view/10:35:30) has an id to be rendered fn [item](/view/10:23:07) html dot to it like data [item](/view/10:35:30) id observable borrows [item](/view/10:25:32) state when i add the [item](/view/10:36:52) to a story starting with the wiki [item](/view/10:23:07) to be rendered could quickly create new [item](/view/10:40:25) types in the i also put the [item](/view/10:30:57) using the generator type create a new [item](/view/10:36:04) with a type i can then add [items](/view/10:35:30) inside the editor observing changes in the [itemstate](/view/10:25:28) it wasnt in wiki [itself](/view/12:10:43) the sofi page state [itself](/view/10:58:00) we could make


i add in the [javascript](/view/10:23:36) console


[jeff](/view/11:49:28) it would be


about goes into the [journal](/view/10:58:10) but zooming the remove everything from a [journal](/view/10:51:27) except the flags you save and the [journal](/view/10:58:10) gets updated after dont go in the [journal](/view/10:58:10) like observables concept one option for the [journal](/view/10:53:02) view maybe what


the export [json](/view/11:06:33) file goes back slugs [json](/view/11:02:54) gives me all also export an export [json](/view/11:03:49) summary of your


and it would work [just](/view/12:01:47) fine in neo preview of editing dot [just](/view/10:24:09) having added the [just](/view/10:53:02) major events page navigating the graph not [just](/view/12:12:59) revealing more detail the arrow its not [just](/view/12:12:59) the kafka topic england north of london [just](/view/09:31:09) traveled from the it tells you not [just](/view/10:58:00) where it came


its not just the [kafka](/view/12:12:59) topic but what experiment with tina and [kavita](/view/09:42:38) and thompson


also how can [kerry](/view/10:52:32) grab everything on


built in which was [kind](/view/10:18:03) of nice that would be a [kind](/view/10:58:00) of page if came from but what [kind](/view/10:58:00) of page it make a whole new [kind](/view/10:58:00) of panel which [kind](/view/11:40:32) of reflected in i [kind](/view/12:22:39) of stepped up but its a different [kind](/view/10:58:00) of thing for around it doing all [kinds](/view/09:52:51) of cool things [kings](/view/10:11:22) cross or charing


you [know](/view/09:50:43) we could go with the system [knowledge](/view/11:09:17) vsm system the


paul did the enrich [kumu](/view/12:09:21) svg for making the enrich [kumu](/view/09:48:50) svg work


the preferred words and [language](/view/09:41:17) areas like alexanders pattern [language](/view/11:46:14) addressing patterns at ll go with the [language](/view/09:21:59) models ais making the one [laptop](/view/10:18:03) per child had a wiki with a [larger](/view/09:44:37) set of default anything in the [last](/view/10:13:01) years is pretty progression toward wifi and [later](/view/09:24:26) protocols my [latest](/view/10:13:39) rental car was cities have a semi [lattice](/view/11:29:49) structure where each house of representatives for [laws](/view/11:11:34) and governance at that you can pass [laws](/view/11:14:48) at a grand direct actions actual citizen [layer](/view/11:09:17) what do they eric tangled [layered](/view/11:36:39) network similar to entanglement between and across [layers](/view/11:37:06) doesnt get represented the nested human governance [layers](/view/11:12:50) whats required whats do the nested governance [layers](/view/11:14:48) work


something that thompson morrison [learned](/view/11:40:17) from the agile of students teachers and [learning](/view/12:22:18) and the technical the onboarding path for [learning](/view/11:54:56) expertise until you agile software community people [learning](/view/11:40:17) in a common ward entangled [learning](/view/11:40:17) is something that closely with particular students [learning](/view/11:44:30) styles with scripts i ll [leave](/view/09:47:36) that unasked good or whenever on [leaves](/view/10:54:49) a page you class think this was [left](/view/09:44:37) over from the the [left](/view/10:20:22) panel is an www mcgovern org the [legacy](/view/09:23:36) of patrick j dir that should work [less](/view/11:03:25) assets thing easy and the [less](/view/12:02:31) desired thing hard system usefully live within [less](/view/12:17:51) than a day [lets](/view/10:23:07) add a new buckminster fuller [lets](/view/11:52:37) do this via and power plant regulators [lets](/view/11:38:27) say else at the individual [level](/view/11:14:48) doesnt make sense of entities at each [level](/view/11:13:48) human community association laws at a grand [level](/view/11:14:48) that work for exist from the neighborhood [level](/view/11:19:16) up safety function at each [level](/view/11:17:06) whos responsible for and governance at different [levels](/view/11:11:34) member of all these [levels](/view/11:12:01) the other more particular [levels](/view/11:16:14) and relationships at many [levels](/view/11:37:35) each of the various [levels](/view/11:40:32) addressing patterns at different [levels](/view/11:46:14) to make assessments across [levels](/view/11:48:36) of neighborhoods of citizenship at all these [levels](/view/11:11:46) of scale need your near by [levels](/view/11:15:17) to enable and


on html and dot [libraries](/view/10:23:07) that the function listens using the generators [library](/view/10:38:30) for input events types in the observable [library](/view/10:40:25) platform in the eldorado fedwiki observable [library](/view/12:09:35) prototype client platforms item using the generator [library](/view/10:30:57) whenever the viewof but there were other [life](/view/11:42:55) changes at the why are oregonians making [life](/view/11:24:07) easier for tax page looks a lot [like](/view/10:29:04) a wiki page scales within different areas [like](/view/11:46:14) alexanders pattern language get to pursue curiosity [like](/view/11:51:42) artists who dont that is sort of [like](/view/09:56:06) communicating with only add properties to it [like](/view/10:35:30) data item id based api programming programming [like](/view/09:59:39) having infinite wishes in other collaborative fields [like](/view/12:21:02) neighborhoods go in the journal [like](/view/10:58:10) observables concept of looks a lot [like](/view/10:24:57) the glamorous toolkits with it until you [like](/view/10:58:10) the result ward i [like](/view/11:17:58) the wikipedia article marc is that humans [like](/view/12:08:28) things concepts at a site it feels [like](/view/09:50:19) you re filling dual citizenship he [liked](/view/11:28:47) his canada registered you could make the [lines](/view/12:10:43) point the right wiki page in a [lineup](/view/10:29:04) because i ve next card in the [lineup](/view/10:20:22) is a preview configurations out of the [lineup](/view/10:58:00) rather than the sofi notebook in a [lineup](/view/10:58:00) that would be moving cards in the [lineup](/view/10:58:10) those dont go here is a [link](/view/10:32:41) to robin asby get two panels to [listen](/view/10:18:42) to each other it has a preview [listener](/view/10:29:04) item this is the [listener](/view/10:29:04) side and here variable which defines a [listener](/view/10:28:00) to changes to and it creates a [listener](/view/10:38:30) to that div them to whoever is [listening](/view/10:30:57) the previous notebook item changes then generators [listens](/view/10:30:57) for input events to that div that [listens](/view/10:38:30) using the generators utility subcontractors have to [live](/view/11:58:49) in the county bridge between people who [live](/view/11:23:43) in vancouver wa [live](/view/10:21:56) markdown preview works interpretation i have a [live](/view/10:24:09) preview of editing making the system usefully [live](/view/12:17:51) within less than how people get their [livelihood](/view/11:57:23) expertise and make a [living](/view/11:49:53) being that person have to make a [living](/view/11:51:42) with our art


provisioning provisioning the site [loading](/view/09:41:46) in thompsons starting so wheres the tobacco [lobby](/view/11:18:40) in this picture marc says that [lobbyists](/view/11:20:03) are in a thermodynamics random [localities](/view/10:10:02) cancel out single neighborhood by spatial [location](/view/11:26:44) but there are dot plugin without our [logic](/view/10:40:25) for inter page as the center of [london](/view/10:11:22) in england north of [london](/view/09:31:09) just traveled from how you do it [look](/view/10:24:09) heres a sample [looks](/view/10:24:57) a lot like here the preview page [looks](/view/10:29:04) a lot like something or other it [looks](/view/10:58:00) the same but they have a [lookup](/view/09:56:45) table its as the agenda tightening the [loops](/view/09:32:16) between the needs so that you dont [lose](/view/11:22:20) those in the make things work without [losing](/view/12:22:18) things on the


years ago with todays [machinery](/view/12:10:43) but what was events thats all the [machinery](/view/10:38:30) involved concepts to describe the [macro](/view/10:09:17) state of the is how creole gets [made](/view/10:43:25) thompson [made](/view/09:49:01) a prototype site what [made](/view/12:11:11) eldorado surprisingly powerful bluetooth has [made](/view/12:04:35) multiple bad impressions supported for efforts to [maintain](/view/11:50:54) communities just [major](/view/10:53:02) events page creation marc a [major](/view/10:09:06) integration of the you build expertise and [make](/view/11:49:53) a living being who dont have to [make](/view/11:51:42) a living with state itself we could [make](/view/10:58:00) a whole new to create mechanisms to [make](/view/11:48:36) assessments across levels the individual level doesnt [make](/view/11:14:48) sense how do reminded of the [make](/view/12:02:31) the desired thing marc [make](/view/11:39:15) the entanglements and was that you could [make](/view/12:10:43) the lines point technical plumbers who can [make](/view/12:22:18) things work without you soon ward to [make](/view/10:18:04) thompsons registration forms a spreadsheet the spreadsheet [makes](/view/12:18:16) the relationships implicit the language models ais [making](/view/09:21:59) a million chips why are oregonians [making](/view/11:24:07) life easier for data in a graph [making](/view/12:09:35) shareable data easily [making](/view/10:03:18) the cpu and thank you paul for [making](/view/09:48:50) the enrich kumu projection ni eldorado that [making](/view/12:17:27) the graph recomputation an important property in [making](/view/12:17:51) the system usefully infinite wishes from a [malicious](/view/09:59:39) genie chat based of el dorado data [management](/view/12:06:55) data collection representation be useful for some [many](/view/12:08:28) cases to avoid the too [many](/view/09:55:41) contexts things having to understand [many](/view/09:55:29) contexts in order ward by disengaging from [many](/view/11:51:42) hierarchies we get connections and relationships at [many](/view/11:37:35) levels node has relationships with [many](/view/11:29:49) nodes if you have too [many](/view/09:50:19) pages built into how [many](/view/12:15:59) people or bits vsm systems [mapped](/view/11:10:56) on to functions site a map of [maps](/view/11:03:49) but would not offer [maps](/view/10:13:39) if i wasnt should artists be paid [marc](/view/11:52:01) [marc](/view/10:09:06) a major integration [marc](/view/12:20:17) brians critical questions brian robert [marc](/view/11:04:36) discussing migration nextcloud [marc](/view/11:48:36) extension of the so the picture from [marc](/view/11:21:45) is an ideal [marc](/view/09:31:09) is in england thought on your matrix [marc](/view/12:08:28) is that humans [marc](/view/11:39:15) make the entanglements to one another http [marc](/view/10:31:36) relocalizecreativity net view [marc](/view/11:35:12) says authority starts [marc](/view/11:20:03) says that lobbyists [marc](/view/11:19:16) says those are [marc](/view/11:05:51) screen share presentation [marc](/view/11:46:14) the spreadsheet is [marc](/view/12:18:43) this meeting seemed would work well for [marcs](/view/10:58:00) case for styling from asby and beer [marcs](/view/11:10:56) insight of how qualiity ward back to [marcs](/view/12:00:58) model of relationships brian [marcs](/view/11:22:20) picture could use for being usable for [marcs](/view/10:58:00) purposes of tinas class to [marcs](/view/09:32:16) question [marcs](/view/11:16:39) thoughts for not on this touches brian [maricks](/view/11:52:21) collaborative circles is a positive feedback [mark](/view/10:00:59) for people static output as a [markdown](/view/11:01:57) based site live [markdown](/view/10:21:56) preview works while blink is deprecated [marquee](/view/10:48:04) isn t com fedwiki wiki blob [master](/view/09:36:12) farm coffee l the border of governance [matching](/view/11:25:15) the border of nextcloud paired with [matrix](/view/09:53:08) a get off another thought on your [matrix](/view/12:08:28) marc is that do this via dynamic [maximization](/view/11:52:37) add a few noughts [maybe](/view/12:06:25) getting close editor seeing continuous updates [maybe](/view/10:58:10) paragraphs have an [maybe](/view/11:40:05) scale is an brian yes [maybe](/view/11:20:33) theres a third for the journal view [maybe](/view/10:53:02) what is shown [maybe](/view/11:26:44) you re a


legacy of patrick j [mcgovern](/view/09:23:36) from the pages https www [mcgovern](/view/09:23:36) org the legacy


carver [mead](/view/09:20:09) and team what does identity [mean](/view/11:33:18) by adding wiki you [mean](/view/09:42:18) that adding a a frozen snapshot that [means](/view/12:16:02) something while what [mechanical](/view/12:07:58) updates go into billiard ball [mechanics](/view/10:10:15) can follow every nextcloud as a migration [mechanism](/view/11:04:36) observable events use different [mechanisms](/view/10:32:12) and relationships to create [mechanisms](/view/11:48:36) to make assessments brian the [median](/view/11:54:56) citation for papers we get wikicafe to [meet](/view/09:26:59) tinas needs marc this [meeting](/view/12:18:43) seemed to be neighborhood community association citizen [member](/view/11:09:57) a [member](/view/11:12:50) of a citizen communities you re a [member](/view/11:26:44) of a lot maybe you re a [member](/view/11:26:44) of a single earth is potentially a [member](/view/11:12:01) of all these the needs of the [members](/view/11:20:03) of the systems lot of overlap of [membership](/view/11:26:44) brian making the cpu and [memory](/view/10:03:18) rails very hot the [menu](/view/10:23:36) doesnt immediately update interesting information distinct from [merely](/view/12:11:49) navigating nodes laptop per child had [mesh](/view/10:18:03) built in which story about teachers who [meshed](/view/11:44:30) closely with particular [mesoscale](/view/10:10:55) systems too complicated successful receipt of a [message](/view/09:29:55) and re sent they detected any other [messages](/view/09:29:55) while transmitting while we use analogies [metaphors](/view/10:05:39) and formalisms for i recall that bob [metcalfe](/view/09:29:55) re used in we need more formal [methods](/view/09:59:24) in our programming


or average of the [micro](/view/10:09:17) states the generally unobservable [micro](/view/10:09:41) states allows not to have [micromanagement](/view/11:57:57) of other ways did get some in [middle](/view/11:43:23) school [middle](/view/11:42:19) school a dislocating together beyond the original [middle](/view/09:45:16) school group wards from thompson [middle](/view/11:41:23) school is a [middle](/view/11:42:55) school was dislocating should there be [middle](/view/11:41:39) schools [middle](/view/11:40:08) schools should not worldview it has which [might](/view/11:35:12) be a bad even the map plugin [might](/view/11:01:03) be a quick probably not recorded that [might](/view/12:12:02) be better to that included a projector [might](/view/12:03:28) be misremembering that danger of edits which [might](/view/12:06:55) cause things to related to how to [migrate](/view/11:02:45) or backup a migration nextcloud as a [migration](/view/11:04:36) mechanism brian robert marc discussing [migration](/view/11:04:36) nextcloud as a models ais making a [million](/view/09:21:59) chips the same there are alus in [minecraft](/view/10:02:26) twenty [minutes](/view/09:45:45) into the future ll need about more [minutes](/view/09:26:18) or so before the end of these [minutes](/view/11:18:29) you ll understand a projector might be [misremembering](/view/12:03:28) that though probably [missed](/view/10:31:06) some elements follow everything not thoroughly [mixed](/view/10:10:55) enough that things


to would a good [mobile](/view/12:12:02) full feature on both [mobile](/view/12:12:02) and desktop better to build targeted [mobile](/view/12:12:02) apps that contribute would a good [mobile](/view/12:08:46) experience give us to switch back to [mobile](/view/10:18:04) mode ill coordinate based conversational ai failure [mode](/view/10:05:23) confabulation disaster help [mode](/view/11:54:12) i ll help switch back to mobile [mode](/view/10:18:04) ill coordinate with need a better compensation [model](/view/10:15:44) org wiki viable system [model](/view/11:17:07) move that spread sheet [model](/view/11:44:45) into opm because ward back to marcs [model](/view/12:00:58) of relationships use cases neo j [modeling](/view/12:09:35) data in a go with the language [models](/view/09:21:59) ais making a where there are different [models](/view/11:23:18) for income versus use the creative governance [models](/view/12:20:17) in specific ways sofi [models](/view/11:09:17) of the org models of the org [models](/view/11:09:17) of the outside all [modern](/view/10:13:05) cars failed the which take input which [modifies](/view/10:33:18) the item content code they call them [modules](/view/10:26:15) its a [moldable](/view/10:24:19) development environment ways to collaborate around [money](/view/11:57:57) our culture has a [money](/view/11:52:53) as virtue thing [money](/view/11:53:23) is a substitute anymore with the recurring [monthly](/view/10:15:44) fees for everything charles [moore](/view/10:03:15) basically did that a [more](/view/12:15:08) comprehensive picture of graph not just revealing [more](/view/12:12:59) detail we need [more](/view/09:59:24) formal methods in i got [more](/view/11:43:23) individual attention in side topic cars as [more](/view/10:12:41) invasive than our i ll need about [more](/view/09:26:18) minutes or so working at the other [more](/view/11:16:14) particular levels who are connected to [more](/view/12:14:48) than one project community views an individual [more](/view/11:33:41) than who the is something that thompson [morrison](/view/11:40:17) learned from the experience give us a [motivation](/view/12:08:46) to work on continue to attempt to [move](/view/11:44:45) that spread sheet zooming the map or [moving](/view/10:58:10) cards in the https foundation [mozilla](/view/10:13:54) org en privacynotincluded


[multi](/view/09:22:18) hop digital packet couty state nation c [multinational](/view/11:13:48) alliance c united bluetooth has made [multiple](/view/12:04:35) bad impressions on to have it update [multiple](/view/12:17:27) times a day human community association neighborhood [municipality](/view/11:13:48) couty state nation from the computer history [museum](/view/09:26:58) https www computerhistory there [must](/view/09:52:51) be a community it [must](/view/11:49:59) be hamiltonians for i [must](/view/11:44:45) continue to attempt


detects the new directorys [name](/view/09:38:00) and adds it defaults from site a [named](/view/09:46:53) site which hosts me all the page [names](/view/11:02:54) the pages by those [names](/view/11:03:02) neighborhood municipality couty state [nation](/view/11:13:48) c multinational alliance multinational alliance c united [nations](/view/11:13:48) information distinct from merely [navigating](/view/12:11:49) nodes to be helpful in [navigating](/view/12:12:59) the graph not sedan with a big [navigation](/view/10:13:39) console but would


you need your [near](/view/11:15:17) by levels to fees for everything we [need](/view/10:15:44) a better compensation yes this process doesnt [need](/view/09:42:18) a restart i ll [need](/view/09:26:18) about more minutes for the believers what [need](/view/10:07:37) is it fulfilling we [need](/view/09:59:24) more formal methods system so you shouldnt [need](/view/09:35:14) to actually restart do and what parts [need](/view/09:28:00) to be delegated index for patterns you [need](/view/11:46:14) to chunk information layer what do they [need](/view/11:09:17) to do i [need](/view/10:18:04) to switch back you [need](/view/11:15:17) your near by something while what is [needed](/view/12:16:02) is not a wikicafe to meet tinas [needs](/view/09:26:59) it [needs](/view/10:25:28) a generator pattern ideal way of transmitting [needs](/view/11:21:45) and decisions subject the loops between the [needs](/view/09:32:16) and the other exactly how the student [needs](/view/09:28:38) it pay attention to the [needs](/view/11:20:03) of the members from yourself to your [neighbor](/view/11:46:37) is as important brians example from his [neighbor](/view/11:59:24) who worked for member of a single [neighborhood](/view/11:26:44) by spatial location from world down to [neighborhood](/view/11:09:57) community association citizen do exist from the [neighborhood](/view/11:19:16) level up level human community association [neighborhood](/view/11:13:48) municipality couty state other collaborative fields like [neighborhoods](/view/12:21:02) better how citizens and [neighborhoods](/view/11:18:29) function in the assessments across levels of [neighborhoods](/view/11:48:36) of governance of of how the systems [nest](/view/11:10:56) sense how do the [nested](/view/11:14:48) governance layers work a citizen of the [nested](/view/11:12:50) human governance layers [nested](/view/11:11:34) recursion of a you dont have actual [nesting](/view/11:25:15) in all respects the weights in the [network](/view/09:21:59) is a way eric tangled layered [network](/view/11:36:39) similar to david the right panel the [next](/view/10:20:22) card in the the [next](/view/09:42:38) step is to [nextcloud](/view/09:52:32) a way of clone the ideas from [nextcloud](/view/09:54:29) and wire them robert marc discussing migration [nextcloud](/view/11:04:36) as a migration same flat file system [nextcloud](/view/11:04:51) could also get [nextcloud](/view/09:53:08) paired with matrix you federate with other [nextcloud](/view/09:53:31) users would be better than [nextdoor](/view/11:49:28)


which was kind of [nice](/view/10:18:03) of wiki would be [nice](/view/11:06:33) create an updated


lattice structure where each [node](/view/11:29:49) has relationships with you click on a [node](/view/12:11:49) it gives you tree diagrams with each [node](/view/11:29:49) only having a relationship with a parent [node](/view/11:29:49) while successful unplanned has relationships with many [nodes](/view/11:29:49) distinct from merely navigating [nodes](/view/12:11:49) re used in ethernet [nodes](/view/09:29:55) did not wait for number of [nodes](/view/12:06:25) think of a this was not received [nodes](/view/09:29:55) would also stop what do we [normally](/view/09:47:36) do with scripts en wikipedia org wiki [norman](/view/09:24:59) abramson marc is in england [north](/view/09:31:09) of london just you can export a [notebook](/view/10:26:20) paragraphs to an observable [notebook](/view/10:58:10) is listening the previous [notebook](/view/10:30:57) forwards the dom example is a sofi [notebook](/view/10:58:00) in a lineup create a [notebook](/view/10:26:46) in observable export it is ward a [notebook](/view/10:58:00) of type something export it as a [notebook](/view/10:26:46) open it with for observable [notebooks](/view/10:26:07) having different [notebooks](/view/10:25:47) available in the to a div and [nothing](/view/10:36:52) here is actually it add a few [noughts](/view/12:06:25) maybe getting close


a catalyst boiling chip [nucleation](/view/10:08:39) crystal to a useful summary [number](/view/10:10:55) have a c tail [number](/view/11:28:47) with a c tail [number](/view/11:28:47) but if you nodes think of a [number](/view/12:06:25) double it add [number](/view/11:13:48) of entities at for [number](/view/12:06:25) of nodes think numbers ashby and eip [numbers](/view/11:06:26) a spreadsheet in [numbers](/view/11:06:26) ashby and eip reflected in the population [numbers](/view/11:40:32) in each of


notebooks available in the [observable](/view/10:25:47) based wiki client like data item id [observable](/view/10:35:30) borrows conventions from quick reach in the [observable](/view/11:01:03) ecosystem the event forwarding for [observable](/view/10:32:12) events use different translates dom events into [observable](/view/10:31:29) events wards paraphrase create a notebook in [observable](/view/10:26:46) export it as is actually specific to [observable](/view/10:36:52) its only when item types in the [observable](/view/10:40:25) library platform in eldorado fedwiki [observable](/view/12:09:35) library prototype client new paragraphs to an [observable](/view/10:58:10) notebook for [observable](/view/10:26:07) notebooks in the [observable](/view/10:26:15) source code they able to have an [observable](/view/11:00:23) wiki client which in the journal like [observables](/view/10:58:10) concept of run lot of power in [observables](/view/11:00:23) interaction pattern that there was an [observation](/view/12:12:02) in a previous the preview which is [observing](/view/10:25:28) changes in the


console but would not [offer](/view/10:13:39) maps if i ward [offers](/view/11:44:30) a story about en privacynotincluded articles its [official](/view/10:13:54) cars are the


is zero whats the [onboarding](/view/11:54:56) path for learning like things concepts at [once](/view/12:08:28) so some refactoring [once](/view/09:44:16) the provisioning scripts [once](/view/09:45:16) we have a in an efficiency of [only](/view/09:29:55) diagrams with each node [only](/view/11:29:49) having a relationship the [only](/view/10:33:05) plugin which will of like communicating with [only](/view/09:56:06) questions specific to observable its [only](/view/10:36:52) when i add e g anything with [onstar](/view/10:14:33) has been tracking


folder gets around the [oops](/view/09:42:18) page yes this


left panel is an [open](/view/10:20:22) editor the right it as a notebook [open](/view/10:26:46) it with a to forward the edit [operations](/view/10:25:28) from the editor not exist in my [opinion](/view/11:40:08) whats the difference of [opinion](/view/11:48:45) about things forks should be one [option](/view/10:53:02) for the journal


understand many contexts in [order](/view/09:55:29) to do things tax between washington and [oregon](/view/11:23:18) why are [oregonians](/view/11:24:07) making life easier the hierarchy of political [orgs](/view/11:09:57) from world down pp is the [original](/view/11:31:26) essay working together beyond the [original](/view/09:45:16) middle school group


extensible systems entangled hierarchy [ostroms](/view/11:36:39) polycentric governance


to listen to each [other](/view/10:18:42) play productively across each [other](/view/11:40:17) prepare for work in [other](/view/12:21:02) collaborative fields like location but there are [other](/view/11:26:44) communities you re of type something or [other](/view/10:58:00) it looks the me but there were [other](/view/11:42:55) life changes at if they detected any [other](/view/09:29:55) messages while transmitting through working at the [other](/view/11:16:14) more particular levels how you federate with [other](/view/09:53:31) nextcloud users [other](/view/10:33:18) plugins which take the needs and the [other](/view/09:32:16) relevant folks for avoid stepping on each [other](/view/11:09:17) the people who and el dorado and [other](/view/11:39:15) tools to have micromanagement of [other](/view/11:57:57) ways to collaborate back to tina and [others](/view/09:28:00) q trying to introduce [others](/view/11:17:07) to wtf is


paul the [outer](/view/09:35:14) wrapper watches the almost allows a static [output](/view/11:01:57) as a markdown dom element its the [outside](/view/10:35:30) div i can org models of the [outside](/view/11:09:17) world the executive


think this was left [over](/view/09:44:37) from the previous tracking and can take [over](/view/10:14:33) some control of if you hover [over](/view/10:58:00) the flag on away a lot of [overhead](/view/11:57:23) in how people of a lot of [overlap](/view/11:26:44) of membership brian server pull configure to [overlay](/view/09:46:53) defaults from site


a get off google [package](/view/09:53:08) multi hop digital [packet](/view/09:22:18) radio it into a new [page](/view/10:52:32) copying from erics preview [page](/view/10:57:41) vsm is the wikipedia [page](/view/11:17:07) adequate https en grab everything on one [page](/view/10:52:32) and paste it just major events [page](/view/10:53:02) creation and forks i add a ghost [page](/view/10:38:30) for explore code be a kind of [page](/view/10:58:00) if it pulls lot like a wiki [page](/view/10:29:04) in a lineup but what kind of [page](/view/10:58:00) it is ward the flag on a [page](/view/10:58:00) it tells you and here the preview [page](/view/10:29:04) looks a lot gives me all the [page](/view/11:02:54) names our logic for inter [page](/view/10:40:25) references is an rather than the sofi [page](/view/10:58:00) state itself we to have the preview [page](/view/10:29:04) to follow the gets around the oops [page](/view/09:42:18) yes this process whenever on leaves a [page](/view/10:54:49) you are editing loading in thompsons starting [pages](/view/09:41:46) [pages](/view/09:47:03) assets humans edit the [pages](/view/12:07:58) and have some you have too many [pages](/view/09:50:19) built into a i grab all the [pages](/view/11:03:02) by those names larger set of default [pages](/view/09:44:37) could be setup put them in the [pages](/view/11:03:25) dir that should work for interoperability between [pages](/view/11:00:23) erics demo shows extract which pulls the [pages](/view/11:01:57) from my wiki its claimed he forks [pages](/view/09:49:01) in j mcgovern from the [pages](/view/09:23:36) of tech history which hosts the default [pags](/view/09:46:53) when should artists be [paid](/view/11:52:01) marc nextcloud [paired](/view/09:53:08) with matrix a pairing its auto resume [pairing](/view/10:18:16) its not auto [pairing](/view/10:18:16) its auto resume [panama](/view/11:39:27) papers revealed entanglements inspiration for the preview [panel](/view/10:58:10) as to the the left [panel](/view/10:20:22) is an open open editor the right [panel](/view/10:20:22) the next card whole new kind of [panel](/view/10:58:00) which would work trying to get two [panels](/view/10:18:42) to listen to the median citation for [papers](/view/11:54:56) in science is panama [papers](/view/11:39:27) revealed entanglements marcs thoughts for not [parachuting](/view/11:16:39) an authoritative decider seeing continuous updates maybe [paragraphs](/view/10:58:10) have an edit run versus adding new [paragraphs](/view/10:58:10) to an observable into observable events wards [paraphrase](/view/10:31:29) of eric yes as the public view [paraphrase](/view/10:58:23) the thing thats a relationship with a [parent](/view/11:29:49) node while successful [part](/view/10:18:53) of css spikes what [part](/view/09:28:00) of tinas job of projects and project [participants](/view/12:15:08) what is [participation](/view/11:11:46) citizenship at all brian community [participation](/view/11:49:53) takes time how mechanics can follow every [particle](/view/10:10:15) at the other more [particular](/view/11:16:14) levels who meshed closely with [particular](/view/11:44:30) students learning styles to do and what [parts](/view/09:28:00) need to be two [parts](/view/09:41:46) of provisioning provisioning think that you can [pass](/view/11:14:48) laws at a on one page and [paste](/view/10:52:32) it into a zero whats the onboarding [path](/view/11:54:56) for learning expertise org the legacy of [patrick](/view/09:23:36) j mcgovern from a [pattern](/view/11:50:54) block grandmas in to follow the same [pattern](/view/10:29:04) but instead of we can create a [pattern](/view/09:45:16) for deploying groups different areas like alexanders [pattern](/view/11:46:14) language addressing patterns power in observables interaction [pattern](/view/11:00:23) that we should it needs a generator [pattern](/view/10:25:28) to forward the like the glamorous toolkits [patterns](/view/10:24:57) alexanders pattern language addressing [patterns](/view/11:46:14) at different levels is an index for [patterns](/view/11:46:14) you need to you pulled a pierson [paul](/view/12:09:21) did the enrich thank you [paul](/view/09:48:50) for making the [paul](/view/09:35:14) the outer wrapper by [paying](/view/11:24:32) for the freeway who [pays](/view/11:23:43) for the i


org wiki foucault s [pendulum](/view/10:06:57) foucaults [pendulum](/view/10:06:26) as a book positive feedback mark for [people](/view/10:00:59) semaphore telegraph system and [people](/view/09:26:20) front running financial of overhead in how [people](/view/11:57:23) get their livelihood job are the wikicafe [people](/view/09:28:00) going to do how do [people](/view/11:33:48) have autonomy how do you get [people](/view/11:07:38) into a house the agile software community [people](/view/11:40:17) learning in a how many [people](/view/12:15:59) or bits of of governance of how [people](/view/11:48:36) perceive things story so what about [people](/view/12:14:48) who are connected on each other the [people](/view/11:09:17) who are producing the i bridge between [people](/view/11:23:43) who live in governance of how people [perceive](/view/11:48:36) things a living being that [person](/view/11:49:53) a [person](/view/11:37:35) with connections and to shape young folks [perspectives](/view/11:41:23) they have enough


there was one [phone](/view/12:03:28) that included a can [phones](/view/12:02:22) project on a on troops doing their [physical](/view/10:14:43) training


function in the bigger [picture](/view/11:18:29) tobacco lobby in this [picture](/view/11:18:40) brian marcs [picture](/view/11:22:20) could use an ward so the [picture](/view/11:21:45) from marc is a more comprehensive [picture](/view/12:15:08) of the companys and retransmission is the [piece](/view/09:29:55) of the protocol eric you pulled a [pierson](/view/12:09:21) paul did the click and set map [pins](/view/10:33:05)


it in the right [place](/view/09:27:23) on the wikicafe school is a great [place](/view/11:41:23) to shape young assembling a set of [places](/view/10:05:01) and facts but liked his canada registered [plane](/view/11:28:47) with a c contention is that urban [planners](/view/11:29:49) tend to design middle school group wards [plans](/view/09:45:16) power plants and power [plant](/view/11:38:27) regulators lets say capture by insiders power [plants](/view/11:38:27) and power plant in the observable library [platform](/view/10:40:25) in the same observable library prototype client [platforms](/view/12:09:35) and use cases presenting them as a [plausible](/view/10:05:01) story without any can be synergetic can [play](/view/11:40:17) productively across each input is the editor [plugin](/view/10:33:05) but i think lets add a new [plugin](/view/10:23:07) call it dot to recognize a new [plugin](/view/10:23:36) i add in to changes to the [plugin](/view/10:28:00) i ll redefine incantation to get a [plugin](/view/10:30:57) interpretation but i explore code the editor [plugin](/view/10:38:30) interprets the content even the map [plugin](/view/11:01:03) might be a just having added the [plugin](/view/10:24:09) now interpreter for the new [plugin](/view/10:28:00) type the only [plugin](/view/10:33:05) which will take creating a simple dot [plugin](/view/10:40:25) without our logic one where you update [plugins](/view/09:33:31) forces a server other [plugins](/view/10:33:18) which take input forces a server restart [plugmatic](/view/09:33:31) learning and the technical [plumbers](/view/12:22:18) who can make


of a single collection [point](/view/12:06:55) the danger of could make the lines [point](/view/12:10:43) the right way from the hierarchy of [political](/view/11:09:57) orgs from world systems entangled hierarchy ostroms [polycentric](/view/11:36:39) governance easy recourse to a [poor](/view/11:59:07) job kafka topic but what [pops](/view/12:12:59) up is a of reflected in the [population](/view/11:40:32) numbers in each wa and work in [portland](/view/11:23:43) or are in a powerful [position](/view/11:20:03) to coordinate action good questions is a [positive](/view/10:00:59) feedback mark for citizen on earth is [potentially](/view/11:12:01) a member of ubi [potentially](/view/11:57:23) factors away a is a lot of [power](/view/11:00:23) in observables interaction dimension of influence and [power](/view/11:20:33) of associations insiders power plants and [power](/view/11:38:27) plant regulators lets regulatory capture by insiders [power](/view/11:38:27) plants and power lobbyists are in a [powerful](/view/11:20:03) position to coordinate what made eldorado surprisingly [powerful](/view/12:11:11) was that it


view but rather a [practice](/view/12:16:02) of inquiry draft it with the [preferred](/view/09:41:17) words and language thompsons work which will [prepare](/view/12:21:02) for work in i can be fully [present](/view/09:26:18) marc screen share [presentation](/view/11:05:51) places and facts but [presenting](/view/10:05:01) them as a temperature and [pressure](/view/10:09:17) are simplified concepts have to understand what [pressures](/view/11:21:00) are on the everything about this editor [pretends](/view/10:36:52) to be a that is [pretty](/view/11:52:58) bad once we have a [pretty](/view/09:45:16) good way of the last years is [pretty](/view/10:13:01) suspect to enable and not [prevent](/view/11:15:17) you from acting or rather explore code [preview](/view/10:19:14) the editor to the [preview](/view/10:30:57) explore code [preview](/view/10:19:03) code i ll redefine the [preview](/view/10:28:00) handler such that the bootstrap for [preview](/view/10:30:57) is an incantation story it has a [preview](/view/10:29:04) listener item i have a live [preview](/view/10:24:09) of editing dot copying from erics [preview](/view/10:57:41) page side and here the [preview](/view/10:29:04) page looks a chosen to have the [preview](/view/10:29:04) page to follow an inspiration for the [preview](/view/10:58:10) panel as to handler such that the [preview](/view/10:28:00) variable now uses the editor to the [preview](/view/10:25:28) which is observing the lineup is a [preview](/view/10:20:22) which renders the live markdown [preview](/view/10:21:56) works eric shows how the [preview](/view/10:21:42) works and where an edit button that [previews](/view/10:58:10) to the side an observation in a [previous](/view/12:12:02) call probably not whoever is listening the [previous](/view/10:30:57) notebook forwards the left over from the [previous](/view/09:44:37) school project consistently steering toward a [principle](/view/11:33:12) for [privacy](/view/10:12:53) have ever reviewed for [privacy](/view/10:13:54) modern cars failed the [privacy](/view/10:13:05) test foundation mozilla org en [privacynotincluded](/view/10:13:54) articles its official eric editor as a [private](/view/10:58:23) editor view with we [probably](/view/12:10:43) could redo sofi decline everything but you [probably](/view/10:16:34) dont have the [probably](/view/10:31:06) missed some elements in a previous call [probably](/view/12:12:02) not recorded that million chips the same [probably](/view/09:21:59) the digital algorithm ward describes thompsons [procedure](/view/09:49:28) oops page yes this [process](/view/09:42:18) doesnt need a the people who are [producing](/view/11:09:17) things taking direct cars are the worst [product](/view/10:13:54) category we have be synergetic can play [productively](/view/11:40:17) across each other prevent you from acting [productively](/view/11:15:17) and collaboratively then theres a wrapper [program](/view/09:34:11) that relaunches the with all the [programmers](/view/12:16:43) working on various formal methods in our [programming](/view/09:59:24) malicious genie chat based [programming](/view/09:59:39) chat based api programming [programming](/view/09:59:39) like having infinite about chat based api [programming](/view/09:59:39) programming like having alohanet history whats the [progression](/view/09:24:26) toward wifi and layers whats required whats [prohibited](/view/11:12:50) from the previous school [project](/view/09:44:37) colossus the forbin [project](/view/10:01:07) wiki colossus the forbin [project](/view/10:02:55) to more than one [project](/view/12:14:48) can phones [project](/view/12:02:22) on a wall reality of projects and [project](/view/12:15:08) participants data collection and data [projection](/view/12:17:27) ni eldorado that each query is a [projection](/view/12:14:48) of an interesting a collection of different [projections](/view/12:14:05) phone that included a [projector](/view/12:03:28) might be misremembering the companys reality of [projects](/view/12:15:08) and project participants the editor or add [properties](/view/10:35:30) to it like an important [property](/view/12:17:51) in making the models for income versus [property](/view/11:23:18) tax between washington in the error correction [protocol](/view/09:26:20) the piece of the [protocol](/view/09:29:55) which i recall toward wifi and later [protocols](/view/09:24:26) a ui [prototype](/view/09:28:38) a script with eldorado fedwiki observable library [prototype](/view/12:09:35) client platforms and thompson made a [prototype](/view/09:49:01) site and he a query that would [provide](/view/12:11:49) interesting information distinct vs claim setup vs [provision](/view/09:51:28) to have a teacher [provision](/view/09:44:16) sites for their to get enough wikis [provisioned](/view/09:42:38) to run an relevant folks for wiki [provisioning](/view/09:32:16) for the students two parts of [provisioning](/view/09:41:46) provisioning the site once the [provisioning](/view/09:44:16) scripts and the pretty good way of [provisioning](/view/09:45:16) students then we two parts of provisioning [provisioning](/view/09:41:46) the site loading prototype site and he [provisions](/view/09:49:01) a site and button it does something [provisions](/view/09:28:38) a students wiki


who worked for the [public](/view/11:59:24) utility district to upload as the [public](/view/10:58:23) view paraphrase the thats all [published](/view/10:40:43) now into the com fedwiki wiki server [pull](/view/09:46:53) configure to overlay eric you [pulled](/view/12:09:21) a pierson paul of page if it [pulls](/view/10:58:00) the configurations out written an extract which [pulls](/view/11:01:57) the pages from being usable for marcs [purposes](/view/10:58:00) two states at cross [purposes](/view/11:23:18) for tax on hierarchies we get to [pursue](/view/11:51:42) curiosity like artists same fields when you [push](/view/09:28:38) the button it


are the conversations good [qualiity](/view/12:00:58) ward back to brian says [quality](/view/11:32:55) starts at the built in to the [queries](/view/12:12:56) data easily shared via [query](/view/12:09:35) up is a curated [query](/view/12:12:59) designed to be each [query](/view/12:14:48) is a projection it gives you a [query](/view/12:11:49) that would provide and where it breaks [querying](/view/10:21:42) for html tags tinas class to marcs [question](/view/09:32:16) projection of an interesting [question](/view/12:14:48) about the company [question](/view/09:44:37) did we want but the better [question](/view/10:07:37) to ask is like communicating with only [questions](/view/09:56:06) marc brians critical [questions](/view/12:20:17) erics dramatic demonstration on various systems the [questions](/view/12:16:43) had no fixed asks good [questions](/view/10:00:59) is a positive plugin might be a [quick](/view/11:01:03) reach in the demonstrates that we could [quickly](/view/10:40:25) create new item


multi hop digital packet [radio](/view/09:22:18) the cpu and memory [rails](/view/10:03:18) very hot thermodynamics [random](/view/10:10:02) localities cancel out not a view but [rather](/view/12:16:02) a practice of or [rather](/view/10:19:14) explore code preview contribute to the federation [rather](/view/12:12:02) than building something out of the lineup [rather](/view/10:58:00) than the sofi


in volume and in [reach](/view/11:40:05) might be a quick [reach](/view/11:01:03) in the observable step they ll be [ready](/view/09:44:16) to have a and decisions subject to [real](/view/11:21:45) complications in the picture of the companys [reality](/view/12:15:08) of projects and the system which is [really](/view/10:09:17) a summary or metaphors and formalisms for [reasoning](/view/10:05:39) its the best the protocol which i [recall](/view/09:29:55) that bob metcalfe oh i [recall](/view/09:20:04) the digit recognition for acknowledgement of successful [receipt](/view/09:29:55) of a message if this was not [received](/view/09:29:55) nodes would also i recall the digit [recognition](/view/09:20:04) chip work doesnt immediately update to [recognize](/view/10:23:36) a new plugin it was actually a [recommender](/view/12:11:11) engine that making the graph [recomputation](/view/12:17:27) fast enough to previous call probably not [recorded](/view/12:12:02) that might be low bid no easy [recourse](/view/11:59:07) to a poor anything anymore with the [recurring](/view/10:15:44) monthly fees for nested [recursion](/view/11:11:34) of a specific opm because it handles [recursions](/view/11:44:45) cleanly and computationally systems where there are [recursions](/view/11:16:14) of expertise whoever the plugin i ll [redefine](/view/10:28:00) the preview handler we probably could [redo](/view/12:10:43) sofi from two at once so some [refactoring](/view/12:08:28) it into smaller of the things as [references](/view/10:23:07) in the function logic for inter page [references](/view/10:40:25) is an example eric [refers](/view/12:12:59) to wards demonstration kind of [reflected](/view/11:40:32) in the population html form used to [register](/view/09:40:55) a new student [register](/view/09:51:28) vs claim setup he liked his canada [registered](/view/11:28:47) plane with a welcome visitors view custom [registration](/view/09:39:03) ward to make thompsons [registration](/view/10:18:04) forms work a custom [registration](/view/09:27:23) window to enter plants and power plant [regulators](/view/11:38:27) lets say eric [regulatory](/view/11:38:27) capture by insiders brian [related](/view/11:02:45) to how to wards business connecting folks [related](/view/09:26:59) to thompsons work a video of me [relating](/view/10:31:36) the relocalize creativity to chunk information and [relationship](/view/11:46:14) for how its node only having a [relationship](/view/11:29:49) with a parent to marcs model of [relationships](/view/12:00:58) neo j highlight useful [relationships](/view/12:01:26) person with connections and [relationships](/view/11:37:35) at many levels the spreadsheet makes the [relationships](/view/12:18:16) implicit not explicit evaluations of agreements and [relationships](/view/11:48:36) to create mechanisms where each node has [relationships](/view/11:29:49) with many nodes a wrapper program that [relaunches](/view/09:34:11) the server when [relevance](/view/12:15:55) [relevance](/view/12:12:56) is built in needs and the other [relevant](/view/09:32:16) folks for wiki the company details are [relevant](/view/12:14:48) to coloring the [relevant](/view/11:56:01) to how can welcome visitors view explaining [relocalize](/view/10:31:36) creativity of me relating the [relocalize](/view/10:31:36) creativity tool to one another http marc [relocalizecreativity](/view/10:31:36) net view welcome chapter index https robina [relocalizecreativity](/view/10:32:41) net view welcome https robina [relocalizecreativity](/view/11:07:53) net view welcome an email address and [remember](/view/09:27:23) it in the [reminded](/view/12:02:31) of the make this [reminds](/view/10:33:39) me of low enjoyed breaking into cars [remotely](/view/10:15:00) to be able to [remove](/view/10:51:27) everything from a wiki item to be [rendered](/view/10:23:07) fn item html is a preview which [renders](/view/10:20:22) the contents of my latest [rental](/view/10:13:39) car was a [replying](/view/09:42:18) to code that [replying](/view/12:12:02) to would a data management data collection [representation](/view/12:06:55) of systems who pressures are on the [representative](/view/11:21:00) before you have specific function house of [representatives](/view/11:11:34) for laws and into a house of [representatives](/view/11:07:38) vsms system from across layers doesnt get [represented](/view/11:37:06) a lot between human governance layers whats [required](/view/11:12:50) whats prohibited you dont have a [residence](/view/11:28:47) in canada you for tax on their [residents](/view/11:23:18) where there are acinat lr pdf low [resolution](/view/11:30:51) courtesy copy actual nesting in all [respects](/view/11:25:15) i updated bash [responses](/view/10:00:14) in college we of systems who is [responsible](/view/12:06:55) for data the at each level whos [responsible](/view/11:17:06) for what and process doesnt need a [restart](/view/09:42:18) you [restart](/view/09:34:35) it unless is shouldnt need to actually [restart](/view/09:35:14) it when you plugins forces a server [restart](/view/09:33:31) plugmatic until you like the [result](/view/10:58:10) ward says anything simple to implement this [results](/view/09:29:55) in an efficiency auto pairing its auto [resume](/view/10:18:16) pairing alohanet collision detection and [retransmission](/view/09:29:55) is the piece panama papers [revealed](/view/11:39:27) entanglements the graph not just [revealing](/view/12:12:59) more detail category we have ever [reviewed](/view/10:13:54) for privacy to work on a [rewrite](/view/12:08:46)


figure out whats about [right](/view/09:50:19) [right](/view/12:02:43) hope i got that [right](/view/12:07:58) of mb of data [right](/view/12:01:47) behind the screen has to create the [right](/view/09:40:30) directory in the panel as to the [right](/view/10:58:10) of the editor an open editor the [right](/view/10:20:22) panel the next remember it in the [right](/view/09:27:23) place on the the lines point the [right](/view/12:10:43) way though it


[robert](/view/09:26:59) bs and wards brian [robert](/view/11:04:36) marc discussing migration ward and [robert](/view/12:21:02) working with wiki [robin](/view/11:06:43) asby systems a book by [robin](/view/11:06:57) asby is a link to [robin](/view/10:32:41) asby s chapter s chapter index https [robina](/view/10:32:41) relocalizecreativity net view https [robina](/view/11:07:53) relocalizecreativity net view


you can think of [rules](/view/11:16:14) for different sorts system and people front [running](/view/09:26:20) financial signal in


example of the [safety](/view/11:17:06) function at each other it looks the [same](/view/10:58:00) but its a i can use this [same](/view/10:35:30) convention a wiki a script with the [same](/view/09:28:38) fields when you its the [same](/view/11:04:51) flat file system page to follow the [same](/view/10:29:04) pattern but instead a million chips the [same](/view/09:21:59) probably the digital life changes at the [same](/view/11:42:55) time library platform in the [same](/view/10:40:25) way it look heres a [sample](/view/10:24:09) of the dot system becomes the first [satellite](/view/09:23:36) connection on arpanet the side then you [save](/view/10:58:10) and the journal up but forgot to [save](/view/12:22:39) half the chat like the result ward [says](/view/10:58:10) anything that a marc [says](/view/11:35:12) authority starts at brian [says](/view/11:01:57) i ve written brian [says](/view/11:32:55) quality starts at marc [says](/view/11:20:03) that lobbyists are marc [says](/view/11:19:16) those are associations


all these levels of [scale](/view/11:11:46) maybe [scale](/view/11:40:05) is an important go to a full [scale](/view/09:44:16) of students to a spreadsheet which [scales](/view/11:09:57) from the hierarchy address things at different [scales](/view/11:46:14) within different areas get some in middle [school](/view/11:43:23) middle [school](/view/11:42:19) a dislocating experience individual attention in high [school](/view/11:43:23) but i did beyond the original middle [school](/view/09:45:16) group wards plans from thompson middle [school](/view/11:41:23) is a great over from the previous [school](/view/09:44:37) project middle [school](/view/11:42:55) was dislocating for should there be middle [schools](/view/11:41:39) middle [schools](/view/11:40:08) should not exist citation for papers in [science](/view/11:54:56) is zero whats data right behind the [screen](/view/12:01:47) and it would marc [screen](/view/11:05:51) share presentation a ui prototype a [script](/view/09:28:38) with the same once the provisioning [scripts](/view/09:44:16) and the forms we normally do with [scripts](/view/09:47:36) i ll leave


car was a corolla [sedan](/view/10:13:39) with a big right of the editor [seeing](/view/10:58:10) continuous updates maybe marc this meeting [seemed](/view/12:18:43) to be especially the server when it [sees](/view/09:34:11) that its stopped the editor can be [selectable](/view/10:20:22) for which type description of the french [semaphore](/view/09:26:20) telegraph system and unplanned cities have a [semi](/view/11:29:49) lattice structure where and a text and [send](/view/10:36:04) an input event to be clear before [sending](/view/09:29:55) but instead waited individual level doesnt make [sense](/view/11:14:48) how do the a message and re [sent](/view/09:29:55) it if this place on the wikicafe [server](/view/09:27:23) an express app the [server](/view/09:34:11) and then theres github com fedwiki wiki [server](/view/09:46:53) pull configure to update plugins forces a [server](/view/09:33:31) restart plugmatic we want complete wiki [server](/view/09:44:37) so that a program that relaunches the [server](/view/09:34:11) when it sees thought on non exclusive [sets](/view/11:27:33) desired thing hard when [setting](/view/12:02:31) up systems wiki configuration [setup](/view/09:32:34) default pages could be [setup](/view/09:44:37) for each class working with wiki collaboration [setup](/view/12:21:02) for thompsons work register vs claim [setup](/view/09:51:28) vs provision


a great place to [shape](/view/11:41:23) young folks perspectives marc screen [share](/view/11:05:51) presentation in a graph making [shareable](/view/12:09:35) data easily shared making shareable data easily [shared](/view/12:09:35) via query nextcloud a way of [sharing](/view/09:52:32) storing backups to move that spread [sheet](/view/11:44:45) model into opm us to an analog [ship](/view/09:21:59) when [should](/view/11:52:01) artists be paid interaction pattern that we [should](/view/11:00:23) be able to page creation and forks [should](/view/10:53:02) be one option middle schools [should](/view/11:40:08) not exist in [should](/view/11:41:39) there be middle the pages dir that [should](/view/11:03:25) work less assets residence in canada you [shouldnt](/view/11:28:47) have a c file system so you [shouldnt](/view/09:35:14) need to actually view maybe what is [shown](/view/10:53:02) as the default eric [shows](/view/10:21:42) how the preview between pages erics demo [shows](/view/11:00:23) that there is


this is the listener [side](/view/10:29:04) and here the [side](/view/09:59:39) discussion about chat that previews to the [side](/view/10:58:10) then you save [side](/view/10:12:41) topic cars as people front running financial [signal](/view/09:26:20) in the error maps if i wasnt [signed](/view/10:13:39) in [similar](/view/10:26:00) to bostocks terminology eric tangled layered network [similar](/view/11:36:39) to david woods the demo creating a [simple](/view/10:40:25) dot plugin without messages while transmitting while [simple](/view/09:29:55) to implement this temperature and pressure are [simplified](/view/10:09:17) concepts to describe clockless [simulation](/view/09:19:37) the danger of a [single](/view/12:06:55) collection point the a member of a [single](/view/11:26:44) neighborhood by spatial now into the spikes [site](/view/10:40:43) as a markdown based [site](/view/11:01:57) json summary of your [site](/view/11:03:49) a map of to overlay defaults from [site](/view/09:46:53) a named site and he provisions a [site](/view/09:49:01) and before its thompson made a prototype [site](/view/09:49:01) and he provisions migrate or backup a [site](/view/11:02:45) as a site pages built into a [site](/view/09:50:19) it feels like of provisioning provisioning the [site](/view/09:41:46) loading in thompsons a site as a [site](/view/11:02:45) user from site a named [site](/view/09:46:53) which hosts the you create a new [site](/view/09:33:31) you have to have a teacher provision [sites](/view/09:44:16) for their students


[slugs](/view/11:02:54) json gives me


some refactoring it into [smaller](/view/12:08:28) bites will be more invasive than our [smartphone](/view/10:12:41) apps


story in a frozen [snapshot](/view/12:16:02) that means something


we probably could redo [sofi](/view/12:10:43) from two years [sofi](/view/11:09:17) models of the for example is a [sofi](/view/10:58:00) notebook in a lineup rather than the [sofi](/view/10:58:00) page state itself marc extension of the [sofi](/view/11:48:36) work within a learned from the agile [software](/view/11:40:17) community people learning and can take over [some](/view/10:14:33) control of your probably missed [some](/view/10:31:06) elements but i did get [some](/view/11:43:23) in middle school will be useful for [some](/view/12:08:28) many cases concepts at once so [some](/view/12:08:28) refactoring it into the pages and have [some](/view/12:07:58) supervisory control hope or the us is [someone](/view/11:16:14) who has come a notebook of type [something](/view/10:58:00) or other it the button it does [something](/view/09:28:38) provisions a students ward entangled learning is [something](/view/11:40:17) that thompson morrison and wire them into [something](/view/09:54:29) thats intrinsically wiki federation rather than building [something](/view/12:12:02) to be full frozen snapshot that means [something](/view/12:16:02) while what is an hour with you [soon](/view/10:18:04) ward to make that is [sort](/view/09:56:06) of like communicating of rules for different [sorts](/view/11:16:14) of systems where this [sound](/view/10:54:49) good or whenever in the observable [source](/view/10:26:15) code they call


a single neighborhood by [spatial](/view/11:26:44) location but there nested recursion of a [specific](/view/11:11:34) function house of nothing here is actually [specific](/view/10:36:52) to observable its creative governance models in [specific](/view/12:20:17) ways part of css [spikes](/view/10:18:53) https css [spikes](/view/10:40:56) dbbs co pwa published now into the [spikes](/view/10:40:43) site attempt to move that [spread](/view/11:44:45) sheet model into a [spreadsheet](/view/11:06:26) in numbers ashby marc the [spreadsheet](/view/11:46:14) is an index on a spreadsheet the [spreadsheet](/view/12:18:16) makes the relationships put this on a [spreadsheet](/view/12:18:16) the spreadsheet makes back to a [spreadsheet](/view/11:09:57) which scales from


representatives vsms system from [stafford](/view/11:07:38) beers work they have enough to [start](/view/11:41:23) with but havent site loading in thompsons [starting](/view/09:41:46) pages references in the function [starting](/view/10:23:07) with the wiki brian says quality [starts](/view/11:32:55) at the top marc says authority [starts](/view/11:35:12) at the top item [state](/view/10:25:32) [state](/view/10:08:39) change with a [state](/view/10:08:21) change without catalysts between federal governments and [state](/view/11:37:06) governments for example than the sofi page [state](/view/10:58:00) itself we could association neighborhood municipality couty [state](/view/11:13:48) nation c multinational to describe the macro [state](/view/10:09:17) of the system could use an explicit [statement](/view/11:22:20) of governing values average of the micro [states](/view/10:09:17) the generally unobservable micro [states](/view/10:09:41) example of two [states](/view/11:23:18) at cross purposes and almost allows a [static](/view/11:01:57) output as a consistently [steering](/view/11:33:12) toward a principle the next [step](/view/09:42:38) is to get are set up then [step](/view/09:44:16) they ll be i kind of [stepped](/view/12:22:39) up but forgot how do you avoid [stepping](/view/11:09:17) on each other i think i m [steps](/view/10:33:05) away from being thing thats annoying is [still](/view/10:58:23) a feature you let it actually [stop](/view/09:34:35) received nodes would also [stop](/view/09:29:55) and re transmit it sees that its [stopped](/view/09:34:11) it works for graphs and [stories](/view/12:13:59) are wonderfully synergist that each of the [stories](/view/12:14:05) is an abstraction a way of sharing [storing](/view/09:52:32) backups the item to a [story](/view/10:36:52) ward offers a [story](/view/11:44:30) about teachers who way to tell that [story](/view/12:16:02) in a frozen editor element to the [story](/view/10:38:30) it creates a but instead of a [story](/view/10:29:04) it has a relevant to coloring the [story](/view/12:14:48) so what about story to another interesting [story](/view/12:14:05) thats connected its abstraction of one interesting [story](/view/12:14:05) to another interesting them as a plausible [story](/view/10:05:01) without any substance ward a community of [storytellers](/view/12:14:05) talking about the as important as the [structure](/view/11:46:37) of your own have a semi lattice [structure](/view/11:29:49) where each node to register a new [student](/view/09:40:55) wiki exactly how the [student](/view/09:28:38) needs it a full scale of [students](/view/09:44:16) provision sites for their [students](/view/09:44:16) and can go meshed closely with particular [students](/view/11:44:30) learning styles wiki provisioning for the [students](/view/09:32:16) of tinas class between the domain of [students](/view/12:22:18) teachers and learning good way of provisioning [students](/view/09:45:16) then we can does something provisions a [students](/view/09:28:38) wiki exactly how way tina and her [students](/view/09:50:19) will figure out what that web of [stuff](/view/12:13:10) is with particular students learning [styles](/view/11:44:30) for marcs case for [styling](/view/10:58:00) a diagram for


any utility [subcontractors](/view/11:58:49) have to live transmitting needs and decisions [subject](/view/11:21:45) to real complications plausible story without any [substance](/view/10:05:01) money is a [substitute](/view/11:53:23) for all things waited for acknowledgement of [successful](/view/09:29:55) receipt of a a parent node while [successful](/view/11:29:49) unplanned cities have and they have values [such](/view/10:35:30) as an input redefine the preview handler [such](/view/10:28:00) that the preview brian [suggests](/view/11:18:29) at the end out to a useful [summary](/view/10:10:55) number export an export json [summary](/view/11:03:49) of your site which is really a [summary](/view/10:09:17) or average of eric the [supercollaborator](/view/10:58:10) is an inspiration state change without catalysts [superheating](/view/10:08:21) supersaturation do continuing work in [superior](/view/11:56:01) arizona change without catalysts superheating [supersaturation](/view/10:08:21) pages and have some [supervisory](/view/12:07:58) control hope i block grandmas in china [supported](/view/11:50:54) for efforts to hoc interest groups not [sure](/view/11:19:16) how to integrate we got so not [surprised](/view/10:05:39) what made eldorado [surprisingly](/view/12:11:11) powerful was that last years is pretty [suspect](/view/10:13:01) a tree http www [sustasis](/view/11:30:51) net acinat lr


i need to [switch](/view/10:18:04) back to mobile


common context can be [synergetic](/view/11:40:17) can play productively and stories are wonderfully [synergist](/view/12:13:59) working out of the [system](/view/11:22:20) the french semaphore telegraph [system](/view/09:26:20) and people front history april hawaiis alohanet [system](/view/09:23:36) becomes the first sofi work within a [system](/view/11:48:36) do evaluations of house of representatives vsms [system](/view/11:07:38) from stafford beers they go with the [system](/view/11:09:17) knowledge vsm system wikipedia org wiki viable [system](/view/11:17:07) model the same flat file [system](/view/11:04:51) nextcloud could also wrapper watches the file [system](/view/09:35:14) so you shouldnt the system knowledge vsm [system](/view/11:09:17) the community collective property in making the [system](/view/12:17:51) usefully live within macro state of the [system](/view/10:09:17) which is really the members of the [systems](/view/11:20:03) hard when setting up [systems](/view/12:02:31) thinking [systems](/view/11:06:57) a book by david woods graceful extensible [systems](/view/11:36:39) entangled hierarchy ostroms vsm [systems](/view/11:10:56) mapped on to insight of how the [systems](/view/11:10:56) nest programmers working on various [systems](/view/12:16:43) the questions had mesoscale [systems](/view/10:10:55) too complicated to for different sorts of [systems](/view/11:16:14) where there are data collection representation of [systems](/view/12:06:55) who is responsible


as deep as the [table](/view/09:56:45) is they have a lookup [table](/view/09:56:45) its as deep put it in the [table](/view/12:01:26) put it in there are no actual [tags](/view/10:21:42) breaks querying for html [tags](/view/10:21:42) where there are shouldnt have a c [tail](/view/11:28:47) number plane with a c [tail](/view/11:28:47) number but if only plugin which will [take](/view/10:33:05) input is the other plugins which [take](/view/10:33:18) input which modifies been tracking and can [take](/view/10:14:33) over some control brian community participation [takes](/view/11:49:53) time how can who are producing things [taking](/view/11:09:17) direct actions actual a community of storytellers [talking](/view/12:14:05) about the condition eric [tangled](/view/11:36:39) layered network similar be better to build [targeted](/view/12:12:02) mobile apps that matching the border of [taxation](/view/11:25:15) when you dont


ready to have a [teacher](/view/09:44:16) provision sites for the domain of students [teachers](/view/12:22:18) and learning and offers a story about [teachers](/view/11:44:30) who meshed closely carver mead and [team](/view/09:20:09) from the pages of [tech](/view/09:23:36) history april hawaiis and learning and the [technical](/view/12:22:18) plumbers who can of the french semaphore [telegraph](/view/09:26:20) system and people losing things on the [telephone](/view/12:22:18) game back to the [telephone](/view/12:14:04) games for a way to [tell](/view/12:16:02) that story in on a page it [tells](/view/10:58:00) you not just [temperature](/view/10:09:17) and pressure are designated [template](/view/09:48:15) wiki is that urban planners [tend](/view/11:29:49) to design cities we could have [tens](/view/12:01:47) of mb of [tension](/view/11:25:15) between the border similar to bostocks [terminology](/view/10:26:00) cars failed the privacy [test](/view/10:13:05) a type and a [text](/view/10:35:30) a type and a [text](/view/10:36:04) and send an


usefully live within less [than](/view/12:17:51) a day to the federation rather [than](/view/12:12:02) building something to it would be better [than](/view/11:49:28) nextdoor are connected to more [than](/view/12:14:48) one project cars as more invasive [than](/view/10:12:41) our smartphone apps of the lineup rather [than](/view/10:58:00) the sofi page views an individual more [than](/view/11:33:41) who the individual i [thank](/view/12:09:30) you both [thank](/view/09:48:50) you paul for at the ddd conference [that](/view/12:12:59) a click on result ward says anything [that](/view/10:58:10) a human cares complete wiki server so [that](/view/09:44:37) a wiki with a custom email [that](/view/09:53:31) acts as how adding wiki you mean [that](/view/09:42:18) adding a new create an updated export [that](/view/11:06:33) also includes assets charles moore basically did [that](/view/10:03:15) and ended up protocol which i recall [that](/view/09:29:55) bob metcalfe re build targeted mobile apps [that](/view/12:12:02) contribute to the references is an example [that](/view/10:40:25) demonstrates that we replying to code [that](/view/09:42:18) detects ad code [that](/view/09:36:12) detects adding wiki creates a listener to [that](/view/10:38:30) div that listens condition of the world [that](/view/12:14:05) each of the are the conversations across [that](/view/12:00:58) edge happening are for input events on [that](/view/10:30:57) element and yields [that](/view/12:16:02) erics executives are your matrix marc is [that](/view/12:08:28) humans like things integration of the work [that](/view/10:09:06) i ve been there was one phone [that](/view/12:03:28) included a projector [that](/view/11:52:58) is pretty bad [that](/view/09:56:06) is sort of call it dot say [that](/view/10:23:07) it depends on eldorado surprisingly powerful was [that](/view/12:11:11) it was actually server when it sees [that](/view/09:34:11) its stopped it listener to that div [that](/view/10:38:30) listens using the marc says [that](/view/11:20:03) lobbyists are in data projection ni eldorado [that](/view/12:17:27) making the graph in a frozen snapshot [that](/view/12:16:02) means something while call probably not recorded [that](/view/12:12:02) might be better make a living being [that](/view/11:49:53) person have an edit button [that](/view/10:58:10) previews to the theres a wrapper program [that](/view/09:34:11) relaunches the server control hope i got [that](/view/12:07:58) right in the pages dir [that](/view/11:03:25) should work less to attempt to move [that](/view/11:44:45) spread sheet model a way to tell [that](/view/12:16:02) story in a html and dot libraries [that](/view/10:23:07) the function expects the preview handler such [that](/view/10:28:00) the preview variable pages erics demo shows [that](/view/11:00:23) there is a not thoroughly mixed enough [that](/view/10:10:55) things cancel out entangled learning is something [that](/view/11:40:17) thompson morrison learned projector might be misremembering [that](/view/12:03:28) though scripts i ll leave [that](/view/09:47:36) unasked its core contention is [that](/view/11:29:49) urban planners tend an example that demonstrates [that](/view/10:40:25) we could quickly in observables interaction pattern [that](/view/11:00:23) we should be curated understanding of what [that](/view/12:13:10) web of stuff at a grand level [that](/view/11:14:48) work for everyone notebook in a lineup [that](/view/10:58:00) would be a gives you a query [that](/view/12:11:49) would provide interesting to think [that](/view/11:14:48) you can pass so [that](/view/11:16:14) you can think beautiful about it was [that](/view/12:10:43) you could make at the top so [that](/view/11:22:20) you dont lose [thats](/view/10:40:43) all published now library for input events [thats](/view/10:38:30) all the machinery view paraphrase the thing [thats](/view/10:58:23) annoying is still to another interesting story [thats](/view/12:14:05) connected its a wire them into something [thats](/view/09:54:29) intrinsically wiki ward in how people get [their](/view/11:57:23) livelihood app on troops doing [their](/view/10:14:43) physical training purposes for tax on [their](/view/11:23:18) residents where there teacher provision sites for [their](/view/09:44:16) students and can and connected [them](/view/10:07:04) a chance to influence [them](/view/11:21:00) sure how to integrate [them](/view/11:19:16) and they do and facts but presenting [them](/view/10:05:01) as a plausible then i put [them](/view/11:03:25) in the pages from nextcloud and wire [them](/view/09:54:29) into something thats source code they call [them](/view/10:26:15) modules that element and yields [them](/view/10:30:57) to whoever is and the inferences from [them](/view/11:39:15) visible via fedwiki who the individual views [themselves](/view/11:33:41) outside div i can [then](/view/10:35:30) add items inside which [then](/view/11:57:57) allows not to the viewof item changes [then](/view/10:30:57) generators listens for [then](/view/11:03:25) i put them [then](/view/11:03:02) if i grab forms are set up [then](/view/09:44:16) step they ll app the server and [then](/view/09:34:11) theres a wrapper way of provisioning students [then](/view/09:45:16) we can create unless is going on [then](/view/09:34:35) you let it previews to the side [then](/view/10:58:10) you save and what is a conspiracy [theory](/view/10:07:37) doing for the i think [there](/view/10:02:26) are alus in on their residents where [there](/view/11:23:18) are different models for html tags where [there](/view/10:21:42) are no actual by spatial location but [there](/view/11:26:44) are other communities sorts of systems where [there](/view/11:16:14) are recursions of should [there](/view/11:41:39) be middle schools erics demo shows that [there](/view/11:00:23) is a lot [there](/view/09:52:51) must be a [there](/view/12:12:02) was an observation [there](/view/12:03:28) was one phone dislocating for me but [there](/view/11:42:55) were other life brian yes maybe [theres](/view/11:20:33) a third dimension the server and then [theres](/view/09:34:11) a wrapper program ward [theres](/view/09:34:11) an express app [thermodynamics](/view/10:10:02) random localities cancel of course [these](/view/12:03:46) days if everything a member of all [these](/view/11:12:01) levels participation citizenship at all [these](/view/11:11:46) levels of scale at the end of [these](/view/11:18:29) minutes you ll the observable source code [they](/view/10:26:15) call them modules re transmit data if [they](/view/09:29:55) detected any other to integrate them and [they](/view/11:19:16) do exist from the executive where do [they](/view/11:09:17) go with the [they](/view/09:56:45) have a lookup shape young folks perspectives [they](/view/11:41:23) have enough to from dom elements and [they](/view/10:35:30) have values such set up then step [they](/view/09:44:16) ll be ready citizen layer what do [they](/view/11:09:17) need to do a money as virtue [thing](/view/11:52:53) the make the desired [thing](/view/12:02:31) easy and the a different kind of [thing](/view/10:58:00) for example is and the less desired [thing](/view/12:02:31) hard when setting public view paraphrase the [thing](/view/10:58:23) thats annoying is all kinds of cool [things](/view/09:52:51) in order to do [things](/view/09:55:29) of how people perceive [things](/view/11:48:36) difference of opinion about [things](/view/11:48:45) a substitute for all [things](/view/11:53:23) the key [things](/view/10:29:21) are two variables expects all of the [things](/view/10:23:07) as references in how do you address [things](/view/11:46:14) at different scales thoroughly mixed enough that [things](/view/10:10:55) cancel out to is that humans like [things](/view/12:08:28) concepts at once a creole of federation [things](/view/09:55:29) having to understand things work without losing [things](/view/12:22:18) on the telephone people who are producing [things](/view/11:09:17) taking direct actions edits which might cause [things](/view/12:06:55) to disappear plumbers who can make [things](/view/12:22:18) work without losing chance to decline the [things](/view/10:16:34) you d want degrees of freedom i [think](/view/10:01:57) editor plugin but i [think](/view/10:33:05) i m steps for number of nodes [think](/view/12:06:25) of a number so that you can [think](/view/11:16:14) of rules for to [think](/view/11:14:48) that you can i [think](/view/10:02:26) there are alus setup for each class [think](/view/09:44:37) this was left [thinking](/view/11:06:57) systems a book yes maybe theres a [third](/view/11:20:33) dimension of influence div element everything about [this](/view/10:36:52) editor pretends to this trick was interesting [this](/view/10:28:00) is an anonymous [this](/view/10:43:25) is how creole [this](/view/10:29:04) is the listener [this](/view/10:24:26) is very cool marc [this](/view/12:18:43) meeting seemed to cant we put [this](/view/12:18:16) on a spreadsheet the tobacco lobby in [this](/view/11:18:40) picture the oops page yes [this](/view/09:42:18) process doesnt need [this](/view/10:33:39) reminds me of while simple to implement [this](/view/09:29:55) results in an value i can use [this](/view/10:35:30) same convention a [this](/view/10:54:49) sound good or oh hang on [this](/view/11:52:21) touches brian maricks eric [this](/view/10:28:00) trick was interesting buckminster fuller lets do [this](/view/11:52:37) via dynamic maximization for each class think [this](/view/09:44:37) was left over re sent it if [this](/view/09:29:55) was not received tina and kavita and [thompson](/view/09:42:38) [thompson](/view/09:49:01) made a prototype from [thompson](/view/11:41:23) middle school is learning is something that [thompson](/view/11:40:17) morrison learned from [thompson](/view/09:41:17) understands the form ward describes [thompsons](/view/09:49:28) procedure soon ward to make [thompsons](/view/10:18:04) registration forms work the site loading in [thompsons](/view/09:41:46) starting pages connecting folks related to [thompsons](/view/09:26:59) work and the wiki collaboration setup for [thompsons](/view/12:21:02) work which will to follow everything not [thoroughly](/view/10:10:55) mixed enough that marc says [those](/view/11:19:16) are associations ad how do we get [those](/view/11:20:03) coordinating folks to cards in the lineup [those](/view/10:58:10) dont go in that you dont lose [those](/view/11:22:20) in the working all the pages by [those](/view/11:03:02) names might be misremembering that [though](/view/12:03:28) point the right way [though](/view/12:10:43) it wasnt in alexander s [thought](/view/11:27:33) on non exclusive another [thought](/view/12:08:28) on your matrix marcs [thoughts](/view/11:16:39) for not parachuting the [three](/view/11:06:35) column form who has come up [through](/view/11:16:14) working at the


on the agenda [tightening](/view/09:32:16) the loops between changes at the same [time](/view/11:42:55) people or bits of [time](/view/12:15:59) from a dozen brian community participation takes [time](/view/11:49:53) how can you have it update multiple [times](/view/12:17:27) a day in a complicated way [tina](/view/09:50:19) and her students run an experiment with [tina](/view/09:42:38) and kavita and be delegated back to [tina](/view/09:28:00) and others for the students of [tinas](/view/09:32:16) class to marcs what part of [tinas](/view/09:28:00) job are the get wikicafe to meet [tinas](/view/09:26:59) needs


asks so wheres the [tobacco](/view/11:18:40) lobby in this two years ago with [todays](/view/12:10:43) machinery but what of wikis for working [together](/view/09:45:16) beyond the original change by using a [tool](/view/09:33:31) the one where relating the relocalize creativity [tool](/view/10:31:36) to one another lot like the glamorous [toolkits](/view/10:24:57) patterns el dorado and other [tools](/view/11:39:15) not just the kafka [topic](/view/12:12:59) but what pops side [topic](/view/10:12:41) cars as more oh hang on this [touches](/view/11:52:21) brian maricks collaborative consistently steering [toward](/view/11:33:12) a principle history whats the progression [toward](/view/09:24:26) wifi and later


with onstar has been [tracking](/view/10:14:33) and can take troops doing their physical [training](/view/10:14:43) ward the [transition](/view/11:46:37) from yourself to the generator [translates](/view/10:31:29) dom events into [translating](/view/12:22:18) between the domain also stop and re [transmit](/view/09:29:55) data if they an ideal way of [transmitting](/view/11:21:45) needs and decisions any other messages while [transmitting](/view/09:29:55) while simple to north of london just [traveled](/view/09:31:09) from the us city is not a [tree](/view/11:27:06) to design cities as [tree](/view/11:29:49) diagrams with each city is not a [tree](/view/11:30:51) http www sustasis city is not a [tree](/view/11:29:49) wikipedia its core eric this [trick](/view/10:28:00) was interesting this as spy app on [troops](/view/10:14:43) doing their physical [trying](/view/10:18:42) to get two discussion of [trying](/view/09:50:59) to have ideas q [trying](/view/11:17:07) to introduce others


[twenty](/view/09:45:45) minutes into the


for the new plugin [type](/view/10:28:00) an id and a [type](/view/10:35:30) and a text new item with a [type](/view/10:36:04) and a text i change the [type](/view/10:36:04) create a new be selectable for which [type](/view/10:20:22) of item ward a notebook of [type](/view/10:58:00) something or other quickly create new item [types](/view/10:40:25) in the observable


i ll leave that [unasked](/view/09:47:36) these minutes you ll [understand](/view/11:18:29) better how citizens federation things having to [understand](/view/09:55:29) many contexts in brian you have to [understand](/view/11:21:00) what pressures are a human curated [understanding](/view/12:13:10) of what that observable wiki client which [understands](/view/11:00:23) our existing wikis thompson [understands](/view/09:41:17) the form and c multinational alliance c [united](/view/11:13:48) nations en wikipedia org wiki [universal](/view/11:56:49) basic income the detail are hidden [unless](/view/10:54:49) you restart it [unless](/view/09:34:35) is going on the generally [unobservable](/view/10:09:41) micro states parent node while successful [unplanned](/view/11:29:49) cities have a interactively worked with it [until](/view/10:58:10) you like the path for learning expertise [until](/view/11:54:56) you re useful


enough to have it [update](/view/12:17:27) multiple times a the one where you [update](/view/09:33:31) plugins forces a the menu doesnt immediately [update](/view/10:23:36) to recognize a and the journal gets [updated](/view/10:58:10) after you ve i [updated](/view/10:00:14) bash responses in be nice create an [updated](/view/11:06:33) export that also mechanical [updates](/view/12:07:58) go into the the editor seeing continuous [updates](/view/10:58:10) maybe paragraphs have view with download to [upload](/view/10:58:23) as the public


core contention is that [urban](/view/11:29:49) planners tend to


a diagram for being [usable](/view/10:58:00) for marcs purposes that bob metcalfe re [used](/view/09:29:55) in ethernet nodes of the html form [used](/view/09:40:55) to register a expertise until you re [useful](/view/11:54:56) smaller bites will be [useful](/view/12:08:28) for some many relationship for how its [useful](/view/11:46:14) how do you in neo j highlight [useful](/view/12:01:26) relationships cancel out to a [useful](/view/10:10:55) summary number would it be [useful](/view/10:51:27) to be able in making the system [usefully](/view/12:17:51) live within less very friendly to the [user](/view/10:00:14) site as a site [user](/view/11:02:45) federate with other nextcloud [users](/view/09:53:31) the preview variable now [uses](/view/10:28:00) a new interpreter it to change by [using](/view/09:33:31) a tool the also put the item [using](/view/10:30:57) the generator library that div that listens [using](/view/10:38:30) the generators library https sep wcs [ustawi](/view/09:39:03) wiki view welcome


worked for the public [utility](/view/11:59:24) district any [utility](/view/11:58:49) subcontractors have to


as an input elements [value](/view/10:35:30) i can use explicit statement of governing [values](/view/11:22:20) at the top elements and they have [values](/view/10:35:30) such as an people who live in [vancouver](/view/11:23:43) wa and work such that the preview [variable](/view/10:28:00) now uses a this is an anonymous [variable](/view/10:28:00) which defines a key things are two [variables](/view/10:29:21) a view of in each of the [various](/view/11:40:32) levels the programmers working on [various](/view/12:16:43) systems the questions


observables concept of run [versus](/view/10:58:10) adding new paragraphs different models for income [versus](/view/11:23:18) property tax between this is [very](/view/10:24:26) cool eric in college we werent [very](/view/10:00:14) friendly to the cpu and memory rails [very](/view/10:03:18) hot


en wikipedia org wiki [viable](/view/11:17:07) system model here is a [video](/view/10:31:36) of me relating be a bad world [view](/view/11:35:12) needed is not a [view](/view/12:16:02) but rather a net view welcome visitors [view](/view/10:32:41) chapter net view welcome visitors [view](/view/11:07:53) chapter index wiki view welcome visitors [view](/view/09:39:03) custom registration net view welcome visitors [view](/view/10:31:36) explaining relocalize creativity option for the journal [view](/view/10:53:02) maybe what is are two variables a [view](/view/10:29:21) of the item upload as the public [view](/view/10:58:23) paraphrase the thing sep wcs ustawi wiki [view](/view/09:39:03) welcome visitors view http marc relocalizecreativity net [view](/view/10:31:36) welcome visitors view https robina relocalizecreativity net [view](/view/10:32:41) welcome visitors view https robina relocalizecreativity net [view](/view/11:07:53) welcome visitors view as a private editor [view](/view/10:58:23) with download to the default for the [viewer](/view/10:53:02) story it creates a [viewof](/view/10:38:30) and it creates generator library whenever the [viewof](/view/10:30:57) item changes then how the community [views](/view/11:33:41) an individual more than who the individual [views](/view/11:33:41) themselves the da [vinci](/view/10:05:01) code assembling a has a money as [virtue](/view/11:52:53) thing the inferences from them [visible](/view/11:39:15) via fedwiki and relocalizecreativity net view welcome [visitors](/view/10:32:41) view chapter relocalizecreativity net view welcome [visitors](/view/11:07:53) view chapter index ustawi wiki view welcome [visitors](/view/09:39:03) view custom registration relocalizecreativity net view welcome [visitors](/view/10:31:36) view explaining relocalize


important aspect both in [volume](/view/11:40:05) and in reach must be hamiltonians for [volunteers](/view/11:49:59)


a house of representatives [vsms](/view/11:07:38) system from stafford


ethernet nodes did not [wait](/view/09:29:55) for the channel before sending but instead [waited](/view/09:29:55) for acknowledgement of phones project on a [wall](/view/12:02:22) question did we [want](/view/09:44:37) complete wiki server the things you d [want](/view/10:16:34) to weeks but i dont [want](/view/11:54:12) to be the something thats intrinsically wiki [ward](/view/09:54:29) [ward](/view/12:14:05) a community of of page it is [ward](/view/10:58:00) a notebook of [ward](/view/12:21:02) and robert working the conversations good qualiity [ward](/view/12:00:58) back to marcs [ward](/view/11:51:42) by disengaging from [ward](/view/12:17:27) describes the competition [ward](/view/09:49:28) describes thompsons procedure [ward](/view/11:40:17) entangled learning is [ward](/view/11:44:30) offers a story you like the result [ward](/view/10:58:10) says anything that [ward](/view/11:21:45) so the picture [ward](/view/11:46:37) the transition from [ward](/view/09:34:11) theres an express hour with you soon [ward](/view/10:18:04) to make thompsons [ward](/view/11:00:23) work for interoperability [ward](/view/11:03:28) yes [ward](/view/11:03:49) you can also robert bs and [wards](/view/09:26:59) business connecting folks eric refers to [wards](/view/12:12:59) demonstration at the [wards](/view/09:40:55) demonstration of the events into observable events [wards](/view/10:31:29) paraphrase of eric original middle school group [wards](/view/09:45:16) plans versus property tax between [washington](/view/11:23:18) and oregon right way though it [wasnt](/view/12:10:43) in wiki itself offer maps if i [wasnt](/view/10:13:39) signed in [watcher](/view/09:38:00) on adddir detects paul the outer wrapper [watches](/view/09:35:14) the file system governance models in specific [ways](/view/12:20:17) have micromanagement of other [ways](/view/11:57:57) to collaborate around


help freely for two [weeks](/view/11:54:12) but i dont going analog for the [weights](/view/09:21:59) in the network robina relocalizecreativity net view [welcome](/view/10:32:41) visitors view chapter robina relocalizecreativity net view [welcome](/view/11:07:53) visitors view chapter wcs ustawi wiki view [welcome](/view/09:39:03) visitors view custom marc relocalizecreativity net view [welcome](/view/10:31:36) visitors view explaining panel which would work [well](/view/10:58:00) for marcs case for me but there [were](/view/11:42:55) other life changes responses in college we [werent](/view/10:00:14) very friendly to dichotomy between eastern and [western](/view/11:23:03) wa or or


fights whos connected to [what](/view/10:17:45) coloring the story so [what](/view/12:14:48) about people who level whos responsible for [what](/view/11:17:06) and why actions actual citizen layer [what](/view/11:09:17) do they need [what](/view/09:47:36) do we normally [what](/view/11:33:18) does identity mean question to ask is [what](/view/10:07:37) is a conspiracy that means something while [what](/view/12:16:02) is needed is [what](/view/11:11:46) is participation citizenship the journal view maybe [what](/view/10:53:02) is shown as it came from but [what](/view/10:58:00) kind of page [what](/view/12:11:11) made eldorado surprisingly doing for the believers [what](/view/10:07:37) need is it [what](/view/09:28:00) part of tinas going to do and [what](/view/09:28:00) parts need to the kafka topic but [what](/view/12:12:59) pops up is you have to understand [what](/view/11:21:00) pressures are on human curated understanding of [what](/view/12:13:10) that web of with todays machinery but [what](/view/12:10:43) was beautiful about the top and enforces [whatever](/view/11:35:12) worldview it has students will figure out [whats](/view/09:50:19) about right governance layers whats required [whats](/view/11:12:50) prohibited nested human governance layers [whats](/view/11:12:50) required whats prohibited [whats](/view/11:48:45) the difference of in science is zero [whats](/view/11:54:56) the onboarding path alohanet history [whats](/view/09:24:26) the progression toward to observable its only [when](/view/10:36:52) i add the element of the dom [when](/view/10:38:30) i add the that relaunches the server [when](/view/09:34:11) it sees that less desired thing hard [when](/view/12:02:31) setting up systems [when](/view/11:52:01) should artists be [when](/view/09:33:31) you create a to actually restart it [when](/view/09:35:14) you create a the border of taxation [when](/view/11:25:15) you dont have with the same fields [when](/view/09:28:38) you push the this sound good or [whenever](/view/10:54:49) on leaves a using the generator library [whenever](/view/10:30:57) the viewof item outside world the executive [where](/view/11:09:17) do they go a semi lattice structure [where](/view/11:29:49) each node has the preview works and [where](/view/10:21:42) it breaks querying tells you not just [where](/view/10:58:00) it came from tax on their residents [where](/view/11:23:18) there are different querying for html tags [where](/view/10:21:42) there are no different sorts of systems [where](/view/11:16:14) there are recursions a tool the one [where](/view/09:33:31) you update plugins brian asks so [wheres](/view/11:18:40) the tobacco lobby is an anonymous variable [which](/view/10:28:00) defines a listener site a named site [which](/view/09:46:53) hosts the default piece of the protocol [which](/view/09:29:55) i recall that editor to the preview [which](/view/10:25:28) is observing changes state of the system [which](/view/10:09:17) is really a whatever worldview it has [which](/view/11:35:12) might be a the danger of edits [which](/view/12:06:55) might cause things plugins which take input [which](/view/10:33:18) modifies the item ve written an extract [which](/view/11:01:57) pulls the pages lineup is a preview [which](/view/10:20:22) renders the contents back to a spreadsheet [which](/view/11:09:57) scales from the other plugins [which](/view/10:33:18) take input which [which](/view/11:57:57) then allows not can be selectable for [which](/view/10:20:22) type of item an observable wiki client [which](/view/11:00:23) understands our existing had mesh built in [which](/view/10:18:03) was kind of setup for thompsons work [which](/view/12:21:02) will prepare for the only plugin [which](/view/10:33:05) will take input new kind of panel [which](/view/10:58:00) would work well [while](/view/10:48:04) blink is deprecated other messages while transmitting [while](/view/09:29:55) simple to implement with a parent node [while](/view/11:29:49) successful unplanned cities detected any other messages [while](/view/09:29:55) transmitting while simple snapshot that means something [while](/view/12:16:02) what is needed are recursions of expertise [whoever](/view/11:16:14) is in charge and yields them to [whoever](/view/10:30:57) is listening the the top experience during [whole](/view/11:32:55) career we could make a [whole](/view/10:58:00) new kind of bluetooth fights [whos](/view/10:17:45) connected to what function at each level [whos](/view/11:17:06) responsible for what


whats the progression toward [wifi](/view/09:24:26) and later protocols designated template [wiki](/view/09:48:15) https en wikipedia org [wiki](/view/09:24:28) alohanet the pages from my [wiki](/view/11:01:57) and almost allows https github com fedwiki [wiki](/view/09:36:12) blob master farm in the observable based [wiki](/view/10:25:47) client open it with a [wiki](/view/10:26:46) client to have an observable [wiki](/view/11:00:23) client which understands and robert working with [wiki](/view/12:21:02) collaboration setup for https en wikipedia org [wiki](/view/10:02:55) colossus the forbin [wiki](/view/09:32:34) configuration setup something provisions a students [wiki](/view/09:28:38) exactly how the stopped it works for [wiki](/view/09:34:11) farms https en wikipedia org [wiki](/view/10:06:57) foucault s pendulum adds it to allowed [wiki](/view/09:38:00) hosts code that detects adding [wiki](/view/09:36:12) https github com you create a new [wiki](/view/09:35:14) in the farm this same convention a [wiki](/view/10:35:30) item has an function starting with the [wiki](/view/10:23:07) item to be though it wasnt in [wiki](/view/12:10:43) itself https en wikipedia org [wiki](/view/09:24:59) norman abramson a lot like a [wiki](/view/10:29:04) page in a other relevant folks for [wiki](/view/09:32:16) provisioning for the https github com fedwiki [wiki](/view/09:46:53) server pull configure did we want complete [wiki](/view/09:44:37) server so that https en wikipedia org [wiki](/view/11:56:49) universal basic income https en wikipedia org [wiki](/view/11:17:07) viable system model https sep wcs ustawi [wiki](/view/09:39:03) view welcome visitors into something thats intrinsically [wiki](/view/09:54:29) ward server so that a [wiki](/view/09:44:37) with a larger the early days of [wiki](/view/11:06:33) would be nice and by adding [wiki](/view/09:42:18) you mean that right directory in the [wikicafe](/view/09:40:30) docker environment thompsons work and the [wikicafe](/view/09:26:59) folks can we tinas job are the [wikicafe](/view/09:28:00) people going to right place on the [wikicafe](/view/09:27:23) server folks can we get [wikicafe](/view/09:26:59) to meet tinas i like the [wikipedia](/view/11:17:58) article fine is not a tree [wikipedia](/view/11:29:49) its core contention https en [wikipedia](/view/09:24:28) org wiki alohanet https en [wikipedia](/view/10:02:55) org wiki colossus https en [wikipedia](/view/10:06:57) org wiki foucault https en [wikipedia](/view/09:24:59) org wiki norman https en [wikipedia](/view/11:56:49) org wiki universal page adequate https en [wikipedia](/view/11:17:07) org wiki viable is vsm is the [wikipedia](/view/11:17:07) page adequate https which understands our existing [wikis](/view/11:00:23) for deploying groups of [wikis](/view/09:45:16) for working together is to get enough [wikis](/view/09:42:38) provisioned to run it into smaller bites [will](/view/12:08:28) be useful for tina and her students [will](/view/09:50:19) figure out whats for gradient descent etc [will](/view/09:21:59) get us to for thompsons work which [will](/view/12:21:02) prepare for work the only plugin which [will](/view/10:33:05) take input is a custom registration [window](/view/09:27:23) to enter an ideas from nextcloud and [wire](/view/09:54:29) them into something programming like having infinite [wishes](/view/09:59:39) from a malicious that erics executives are [wishing](/view/12:16:02) for a way was a corolla sedan [with](/view/10:13:39) a big navigation his canada registered plane [with](/view/11:28:47) a c tail state change [with](/view/10:08:39) a catalyst boiling so that a wiki [with](/view/09:44:37) a larger set only having a relationship [with](/view/11:29:49) a parent node create a new item [with](/view/10:36:04) a type and a notebook open it [with](/view/10:26:46) a wiki client [with](/view/12:16:43) all the programmers that and ended up [with](/view/10:03:15) an asynchronous bit have enough to start [with](/view/11:41:23) but havent had a person [with](/view/11:37:35) connections and relationships a private editor view [with](/view/10:58:23) download to upload cities as tree diagrams [with](/view/11:29:49) each node only mobile mode ill coordinate [with](/view/10:18:04) getting an hour you ve interactively worked [with](/view/10:58:10) it until you each node has relationships [with](/view/11:29:49) many nodes nextcloud paired [with](/view/09:53:08) matrix a get sort of like communicating [with](/view/09:56:06) only questions e g anything [with](/view/10:14:33) onstar has been as how you federate [with](/view/09:53:31) other nextcloud users to make a living [with](/view/11:51:42) our art teachers who meshed closely [with](/view/11:44:30) particular students learning do we normally do [with](/view/09:47:36) scripts i ll align the contractors interests [with](/view/11:58:49) the districts interest way we ll go [with](/view/09:21:59) the language models and can draft it [with](/view/09:41:17) the preferred words even own anything anymore [with](/view/10:15:44) the recurring monthly ui prototype a script [with](/view/09:28:38) the same fields where do they go [with](/view/11:09:17) the system knowledge in the function starting [with](/view/10:23:07) the wiki item to run an experiment [with](/view/09:42:38) tina and kavita from two years ago [with](/view/12:10:43) todays machinery but ward and robert working [with](/view/12:21:02) wiki collaboration setup with getting an hour [with](/view/10:18:04) you soon ward of the sofi work [within](/view/11:48:36) a system do things at different scales [within](/view/11:46:14) different areas like the system usefully live [within](/view/12:17:51) less than a as a plausible story [without](/view/10:05:01) any substance state change [without](/view/10:08:21) catalysts superheating supersaturation can make things work [without](/view/12:22:18) losing things on a simple dot plugin [without](/view/10:40:25) our logic for


graphs and stories are [wonderfully](/view/12:13:59) synergist network similar to david [woods](/view/11:36:39) graceful extensible systems it with the preferred [words](/view/09:41:17) and language the digit recognition chip [work](/view/09:20:04) the enrich kumu svg [work](/view/09:48:50) make thompsons registration forms [work](/view/10:18:04) system from stafford beers [work](/view/11:07:38) the nested governance layers [work](/view/11:14:48) folks related to thompsons [work](/view/09:26:59) and the wikicafe a grand level that [work](/view/11:14:48) for everyone else ward [work](/view/11:00:23) for interoperability between which will prepare for [work](/view/12:21:02) in other collaborative in vancouver wa and [work](/view/11:23:43) in portland or chris to do continuing [work](/view/11:56:01) in superior arizona screen and it would [work](/view/12:01:47) just fine in pages dir that should [work](/view/11:03:25) less assets us a motivation to [work](/view/12:08:46) on a rewrite major integration of the [work](/view/10:09:06) that i ve of panel which would [work](/view/10:58:00) well for marcs collaboration setup for thompsons [work](/view/12:21:02) which will prepare extension of the sofi [work](/view/11:48:36) within a system who can make things [work](/view/12:22:18) without losing things from his neighbor who [worked](/view/11:59:24) for the public after you ve interactively [worked](/view/10:58:10) with it until has come up through [working](/view/11:16:14) at the other with all the programmers [working](/view/12:16:43) on various systems lose those in the [working](/view/11:22:20) out of the groups of wikis for [working](/view/09:45:16) together beyond the ward and robert [working](/view/12:21:02) with wiki collaboration live markdown preview [works](/view/10:21:56) shows how the preview [works](/view/10:21:42) and where it that its stopped it [works](/view/09:34:11) for wiki farms real complications in the [world](/view/11:21:45) of political orgs from [world](/view/11:09:57) down to neighborhood the condition of the [world](/view/12:14:05) that each of models of the outside [world](/view/11:09:17) the executive where might be a bad [world](/view/11:35:12) view top and enforces whatever [worldview](/view/11:35:12) it has which official cars are the [worst](/view/10:13:54) product category we [would](/view/12:08:46) a good mobile replying to [would](/view/12:12:02) a good mobile was not received nodes [would](/view/09:29:55) also stop and in a lineup that [would](/view/10:58:00) be a kind jeff it [would](/view/11:49:28) be better than early days of wiki [would](/view/11:06:33) be nice create [would](/view/10:51:27) it be useful big navigation console but [would](/view/10:13:39) not offer maps you a query that [would](/view/12:11:49) provide interesting information the screen and it [would](/view/12:01:47) work just fine kind of panel which [would](/view/10:58:00) work well for


and then theres a [wrapper](/view/09:34:11) program that relaunches paul the outer [wrapper](/view/09:35:14) watches the file brian says i ve [written](/view/11:01:57) an extract which


redo sofi from two [years](/view/12:10:43) ago with todays anything in the last [years](/view/10:13:01) is pretty suspect


on that element and [yields](/view/10:30:57) them to whoever


great place to shape [young](/view/11:41:23) folks perspectives they over some control of [your](/view/10:14:33) car [your](/view/11:37:20) column on citizens danger of falling into [your](/view/10:06:26) conspiracy beliefs another thought on [your](/view/12:08:28) matrix marc is you need [your](/view/11:15:17) near by levels transition from yourself to [your](/view/11:46:37) neighbor is as as the structure of [your](/view/11:46:37) own house export json summary of [your](/view/11:03:49) site a map ward the transition from [yourself](/view/11:46:37) to your neighbor


papers in science is [zero](/view/11:54:56) whats the onboarding


into the journal but [zooming](/view/10:58:10) the map or