Keyword Index. See Typescript 2023-09-10
the supercollaborator has some [ability](/view/10:30:56) to operate in looks totally do [able](/view/10:00:35) with what we is talking with vensim [about](/view/10:34:40) alternatives a lot of preconception [about](/view/09:35:42) david heinemeier hansson thats how i know [about](/view/09:56:45) distrokid marc talking [about](/view/10:56:53) episodes a discussion [about](/view/09:43:33) information security a their reputation and livelihood [about](/view/09:38:09) loyalty to a we need to think [about](/view/10:47:11) sequences of patterns of information is this [about](/view/11:17:23) the same as
dont be evil by [accident](/view/09:44:47) a lineup ordered [according](/view/10:00:27) to time stamps com cloud kumu io [accounts](/view/09:50:08) c f ac grand central an [acquisition](/view/09:57:13) which became google
it had some [advantages](/view/10:58:59)
marc describes the [affordances](/view/10:33:57) of the supercollaborator storyboard what are new [affordances](/view/10:49:16) we d want
and hovering on the [aggregate](/view/10:32:22) graph do to manipulate the [aggregated](/view/10:32:12) connected larger graph
distrokid [aimed](/view/09:56:29) at getting you
c [alexander](/view/10:47:11) we need to graph where wards selector [allows](/view/10:31:23) you to look merchant of venice is [almost](/view/11:03:18) readable spot virtual open source [alternatives](/view/10:01:33) talking with vensim about [alternatives](/view/10:34:40)
https s [amazonaws](/view/09:50:08) com cloud kumu https www [amusingplanet](/view/10:54:13) com book posters
not a very good [analog](/view/09:31:46) to a clocked small graphs be overlaid [andconnected](/view/10:31:57) which doesnt resolve to [anything](/view/11:14:21) outside [anyway](/view/09:38:50)
i jumped mostly off [apple](/view/09:43:54) i [applied](/view/09:56:45) and was declined [apply](/view/10:47:22) the patterns in
writing stories and new [articles](/view/09:59:47) https marc relocalizecreativity
bring in the interactive [aspects](/view/10:28:37)
you re building an [attractor](/view/10:56:46) to get them
http matthewalunbrown com [autostitch](/view/11:05:03) autostitch html http matthewalunbrown com autostitch [autostitch](/view/11:05:03) html
be right [back](/view/10:34:58) kumu stores svg [background](/view/09:52:43) images in s pattern from the big [ball](/view/09:38:29) of mud pattern [bandcamp](/view/09:55:39) site design for musicians hosting [bandcamp](/view/09:56:12) soundcloud thing in fortran and [basic](/view/10:44:34) right some [basic](/view/10:44:12) implementations didnt have [basic](/view/10:43:06) line numbers
central an acquisition which [became](/view/09:57:13) google voice [because](/view/09:39:02) hahaha yes [because](/view/09:39:37) utilitarianism jeremy [bentham](/view/09:27:42) john stuart mill [bentham](/view/09:28:33) was a strange robert [best](/view/11:12:02) has a link robert [best](/view/11:14:44) on login to but people are [betting](/view/09:38:09) their reputation and do you manage relationships [between](/view/10:45:04) episodes
gather town bulletin [boards](/view/10:52:55) www thearthunters com a [book](/view/11:01:11) on one page https www amusingplanet com [book](/view/10:54:13) posters from postertext [book](/view/10:53:29) text on a [both](/view/09:44:41) jeff and peter
[breaking](/view/10:46:01) sailing story up a frame plugin to [bring](/view/10:28:37) in the interactive marc [brings](/view/10:44:52) up wards episodes
every step you re [building](/view/10:56:46) an attractor to gather town [bulletin](/view/10:52:55) boards
pulse width and [cadence](/view/09:31:22) of patterns ended up [calling](/view/10:47:11) them recipes tried [capturing](/view/09:34:17) a local copy to neighborhood level use [cases](/view/10:34:26) including viewing a [causal](/view/10:28:51) loop diagram from we go from a [causal](/view/10:30:23) loop diagram to at it from a [causal](/view/10:33:57) loop or driver posters from postertext html [caution](/view/10:54:13) terrible popups
grand [central](/view/09:57:13) an acquisition which
bentham was a strange [character](/view/09:28:33) when they have a [choice](/view/09:26:08) want to force that [choice](/view/09:26:24) wikipedia org wiki clayton [christensen](/view/11:22:35) marc discusses clayton [christensens](/view/11:22:13) model of innovation small human sized [chunks](/view/10:31:42) over the eldorado
analog to a clocked [circuit](/view/09:31:46) going on
written for [clarity](/view/09:55:32) en wikipedia org wiki [clayton](/view/11:22:35) christensen marc discusses [clayton](/view/11:22:13) christensens model of about loyalty to a [clique](/view/09:38:09) teenage [cliques](/view/09:37:48) in programming language good analog to a [clocked](/view/09:31:46) circuit going on possibly [closer](/view/10:46:37) to the second not quite but its [closest](/view/11:04:06) https s amazonaws com [cloud](/view/09:50:08) kumu io accounts
versus tight and powerful [code](/view/09:36:32) so a single yes the [community](/view/09:22:25) will help you discussion of what [companies](/view/11:17:23) might want for private dns within the [company](/view/11:14:21) which doesnt resolve for [composition](/view/10:59:07) purposes language as an important [conceptual](/view/10:44:52) thing google voice terms and [conditions](/view/09:55:25) written for humans to manipulate the aggregated [connected](/view/10:32:12) larger graph show me the things [connected](/view/10:32:59) to whatcom county which will be mostly [consistent](/view/10:29:55) for parsing terms of service for [content](/view/09:53:54) [content](/view/09:48:31) distribution reference cdn thearthunters com wp [content](/view/10:55:57) uploads x jpg cdn thearthunters com wp [content](/view/11:04:13) uploads x jpg [convenient](/view/09:44:09) for everything but tries fed wiki view [converted](/view/09:20:11) svg tries fed wiki view [converted](/view/09:21:07) svg tried capturing a local [copy](/view/09:34:17) of model as the types front that [could](/view/09:37:33) be resolved by how [could](/view/10:49:16) we use fedwikis things connected to whatcom [county](/view/10:32:59) as a way
separately routed the microsoft [credentials](/view/09:43:33) hack details separate the [croquet](/view/10:51:56) curiosity room virtual meeting spaces using [croquet](/view/10:02:13) exist does [croquet](/view/10:02:13) have reasonable virtual
the croquet [curiosity](/view/10:51:56) room
isnt there timestamp like [data](/view/10:46:14) in the journal over the eldorado graph [database](/view/10:31:42) of keeping up to [date](/view/09:44:31) lot of preconception about [david](/view/09:35:42) heinemeier hansson right
i applied and was [declined](/view/09:56:45) so thats how marc [describes](/view/10:29:55) an intention to marc [describes](/view/10:33:57) the affordances of as a thing that [describes](/view/09:26:08) what people seek bandcamp site [design](/view/09:55:39) the microsoft credentials hack [details](/view/09:43:33) separate laptops
loop or driver tree [diagram](/view/10:33:57) viewing a causal loop [diagram](/view/10:28:51) from different points from a causal loop [diagram](/view/10:30:23) to driver trees right some basic implementations [didnt](/view/10:44:12) have line numbers causal loop diagram from [different](/view/10:28:51) points of view marc [discusses](/view/11:22:13) clayton christensens model a [discussion](/view/09:43:33) about information security [discussion](/view/11:14:21) of how a [discussion](/view/10:51:42) of vrml and [discussion](/view/11:17:23) of what companies a snapshot which can [dispatch](/view/10:29:15) to named pages aimed at getting you [distributed](/view/09:56:29) [distributed](/view/09:38:43) ledger with proof content [distribution](/view/09:48:31) reference how i know about [distrokid](/view/09:56:45) [distrokid](/view/09:56:29) aimed at getting
https www electronjs org [docs](/view/11:12:47) latest tutorial security [does](/view/10:02:13) croquet have reasonable within the company which [doesnt](/view/11:14:21) resolve to anything [dont](/view/09:44:47) be evil by maybe you [dont](/view/09:26:24) want to force the one from my [download](/view/09:47:11) from marcs page [downloaded](/view/09:46:33) and uploading
to the solution via [drawing](/view/10:56:46) them in with a causal loop or [driver](/view/10:33:57) tree diagram causal loop diagram to [driver](/view/10:30:23) trees [driver](/view/10:30:36) trees can be
lot of talking past [each](/view/09:37:33) other on the
makes them intelligible to [economists](/view/09:25:07)
sized chunks over the [eldorado](/view/10:31:42) graph database eric says learning from [eldorado](/view/10:31:23) the massive graph to the localwiki on [electron](/view/11:12:02) implementation he ll recommendations from [electronjs](/view/11:12:55) on security https www [electronjs](/view/11:12:05) org https www [electronjs](/view/11:12:47) org docs latest
eps [encapsulated](/view/10:58:33) postscript about sequences of patterns [ended](/view/10:47:11) up calling them thats fedwiki with enough [enhancements](/view/11:20:53) for making it now thats fedwiki with [enough](/view/11:20:53) enhancements for making versus the import and [enrich](/view/10:29:15) svg functionality as multiple [entry](/view/10:44:26) functions
you manage relationships between [episodes](/view/10:45:04) is a sequence of [episodes](/view/10:45:55) pages a sequence of [episodes](/view/10:46:01) storyboard a sequence of [episodes](/view/10:48:07) marc talking about [episodes](/view/10:56:53) marc brings up wards [episodes](/view/10:44:52) pattern language as
or [eric](/view/10:31:23) says learning from [erics](/view/11:09:56) local fedwiki
wikipedia org wiki utilitarianism [etymology](/view/09:31:22)
with [every](/view/10:56:46) step you re convenient for [everything](/view/09:44:09) but programming dont be [evil](/view/09:44:47) by accident
as an [example](/view/10:52:00) by reference to specific [examples](/view/09:37:33) use of word and [excel](/view/11:17:23) he seems to be [exercising](/view/09:34:47) impatience meeting spaces using croquet [exist](/view/10:02:13) the walled garden the [expense](/view/09:44:31) of keeping up marc shares his [experience](/view/09:20:37) with https www point just that he [expressed](/view/09:35:08) it very poorly
see through the [eyes](/view/10:05:21) of your flying
eyes of your flying [familiar](/view/10:05:21) for thompsons student wiki [farm](/view/11:15:00) of how a private [farm](/view/11:14:21) might use private
prolific writer in the [fedwiki](/view/11:09:17) erics local [fedwiki](/view/11:09:56) patterns right now thats [fedwiki](/view/11:20:53) with enough enhancements how could we use [fedwikis](/view/10:49:16) lineup as a
movie storyboards can [fill](/view/10:51:22) whole walls
the eyes of your [flying](/view/10:05:21) familiar
as a way of [focusing](/view/10:32:59) thought other [folks](/view/09:35:08) have suggested that you dont want to [force](/view/09:26:24) that choice a thing in [fortran](/view/10:44:34) and basic
io maybe use a [frame](/view/10:28:37) plugin to bring pricing model is not [friendly](/view/10:34:26) to neighborhood level how can we go [from](/view/10:30:23) a causal loop re looknig at it [from](/view/10:33:57) a causal loop a causal loop diagram [from](/view/10:28:51) different points of or eric says learning [from](/view/10:31:23) eldorado the massive recommendations [from](/view/11:12:55) electronjs on security one from my download [from](/view/09:47:11) marcs page the one [from](/view/09:47:11) my download from amusingplanet com book posters [from](/view/10:54:13) postertext html caution winning team pattern [from](/view/09:38:29) the big ball want to get people [from](/view/10:56:46) the problem to trying have an svg [from](/view/09:20:37) there in wiki svg [from](/view/09:46:23) wiki other on the types [front](/view/09:37:33) that could be
book on one page [full](/view/11:01:11) text novel posters import and enrich svg [functionality](/view/10:29:15) as a snapshot multiple entry [functions](/view/10:44:26)
the walled [garden](/view/09:44:31) the expense of [gather](/view/10:01:33) dot town spot [gather](/view/10:52:55) town bulletin boards
code so a single [genius](/view/09:36:32) lisp programmer can distrokid aimed at [getting](/view/09:56:29) you distributed
to a clocked circuit [going](/view/09:31:46) on theres not a very [good](/view/09:31:46) analog to a an acquisition which became [google](/view/09:57:13) voice [google](/view/09:55:25) voice terms and labels for goto or [gosub](/view/10:43:58) labels for [goto](/view/10:43:58) or gosub
[grand](/view/09:57:13) central an acquisition interesting subsets of a [graph](/view/10:31:23) the aggregated connected larger [graph](/view/10:32:12) hovering on the aggregate [graph](/view/10:32:22) chunks over the eldorado [graph](/view/10:31:42) database from eldorado the massive [graph](/view/10:31:23) where wards selector the supercollaborator lets small [graphs](/view/10:31:57) be overlaid andconnected
routed the microsoft credentials [hack](/view/09:43:33) details separate laptops [hahaha](/view/09:39:37) yes because needed a lot of [handholding](/view/09:22:11) still do preconception about david heinemeier [hansson](/view/09:35:42) right now people seek when they [have](/view/09:26:08) a choice kumu io and trying [have](/view/09:20:37) an svg from some basic implementations didnt [have](/view/10:44:12) line numbers able with what we [have](/view/10:00:35) now does croquet [have](/view/10:02:13) reasonable virtual meeting thought other folks [have](/view/09:35:08) suggested that he
of preconception about david [heinemeier](/view/09:35:42) hansson right now yes the community will [help](/view/09:22:25) you get onboard yea i m still [here](/view/10:51:47) listening okay [heres](/view/10:55:49) one
for musicians [hosting](/view/09:56:12) bandcamp soundcloud zooming and [hovering](/view/10:32:22) on the aggregate now works pretty well [however](/view/10:34:26) their pricing model
matthewalunbrown com autostitch autostitch [html](/view/11:05:03) book posters from postertext [html](/view/10:54:13) caution terrible popups [http](/view/09:20:11) marc tries fed [http](/view/09:21:07) marc tries fed [http](/view/11:05:03) matthewalunbrown com autostitch island as a poster [https](/view/10:55:57) cdn thearthunters com [https](/view/11:04:13) cdn thearthunters com [https](/view/09:31:22) en wikipedia org [https](/view/11:22:35) en wikipedia org [https](/view/09:46:04) kumu io stw stories and new articles [https](/view/09:59:47) marc relocalizecreativity net [https](/view/10:54:27) postertext com [https](/view/09:50:08) s amazonaws com [https](/view/10:54:13) www amusingplanet com [https](/view/11:12:05) www electronjs org [https](/view/11:12:47) www electronjs org shares his experience with [https](/view/09:20:37) www kumu io [https](/view/11:01:11) www thearthunters com [https](/view/11:05:03) www virtualyosemite org
small [human](/view/10:31:42) sized chunks over and conditions written for [humans](/view/09:55:25)
an [ideas](/view/09:59:47) for writing stories
kumu stores svg background [images](/view/09:52:43) in s seems to be exercising [impatience](/view/09:34:47) the localwiki on electron [implementation](/view/11:12:02) he ll send right some basic [implementations](/view/10:44:12) didnt have line versus the [import](/view/10:29:15) and enrich svg pattern language as an [important](/view/10:44:52) conceptual thing
[including](/view/10:28:51) viewing a causal or zettelkasten permanent [index](/view/10:43:37) numbers want for security of [information](/view/11:17:23) is this about a discussion about [information](/view/09:43:33) security a new clayton christensens model of [innovation](/view/11:22:13) money terms makes them [intelligible](/view/09:25:07) to economists marc describes an [intention](/view/10:29:55) to work out to bring in the [interactive](/view/10:28:37) aspects you to look at [interesting](/view/10:31:23) subsets of a information security a new [internet](/view/09:43:33) separately routed the you turn a sequence [into](/view/10:47:48) a lineup turning things [into](/view/09:25:07) money terms makes breaking sailing story up [into](/view/10:46:01) multiple pages a
treasure [island](/view/10:55:57) as a poster likely missed something but [isnt](/view/10:46:14) there timestamp like
both [jeff](/view/09:44:41) and peter utilitarianism [jeremy](/view/09:27:42) bentham john stuart
utilitarianism jeremy bentham [john](/view/09:27:42) stuart mill like data in the [journal](/view/10:46:14)
i [jumped](/view/09:43:54) mostly off apple now [just](/view/10:32:59) show me the he had a point [just](/view/09:35:08) that he expressed
garden the expense of [keeping](/view/09:44:31) up to date it to marc and [kerry](/view/11:12:02) ward and [kerry](/view/10:30:23) are looking at [kerry](/view/11:09:17) as a prolific [kerry](/view/10:34:40) is talking with
dhh is [kicking](/view/09:34:38) out some stuff
so thats how i [know](/view/09:56:45) about distrokid
s amazonaws com cloud [kumu](/view/09:50:08) io accounts c experience with https www [kumu](/view/09:20:37) io and trying kumu [kumu](/view/10:28:37) io maybe use https [kumu](/view/09:46:04) io stw world [kumu](/view/10:28:37) kumu io maybe [kumu](/view/09:52:43) stores svg background a style for using [kumu](/view/10:29:55) which will be
[labels](/view/10:43:58) for goto or ball of mud pattern [language](/view/09:38:29) up wards episodes pattern [language](/view/10:44:52) as an important [language](/view/09:32:09) model thinking model teenage cliques in programming [language](/view/09:37:48) world credentials hack details separate [laptops](/view/09:43:33) manipulate the aggregated connected [larger](/view/10:32:12) graph www electronjs org docs [latest](/view/11:12:47) tutorial security
or eric says [learning](/view/10:31:23) from eldorado the distributed [ledger](/view/09:38:43) with proof of while the supercollaborator [lets](/view/10:31:57) small graphs be not friendly to neighborhood [level](/view/10:34:26) use cases
but isnt there timestamp [like](/view/10:46:14) data in the to add timestamps more [like](/view/10:46:14) optional metadata on i [likely](/view/10:46:14) missed something but basic [line](/view/10:43:06) numbers basic implementations didnt have [line](/view/10:44:12) numbers a sequence into a [lineup](/view/10:47:48) [lineup](/view/10:48:07) as a storyboard could we use fedwikis [lineup](/view/10:49:16) as a storyboard marc relocalizecreativity net view [lineup](/view/09:59:47) as timeline a [lineup](/view/10:00:27) ordered according to options for presenting multiple [lineups](/view/10:51:42) together robert best has a [link](/view/11:12:02) to the localwiki so a single genius [lisp](/view/09:36:32) programmer can see i m still here [listening](/view/10:51:47) betting their reputation and [livelihood](/view/09:38:09) about loyalty to
tried capturing a [local](/view/09:34:17) copy of model erics [local](/view/11:09:56) fedwiki visual [locality](/view/09:36:39) a link to the [localwiki](/view/11:12:02) on electron implementation robert best on [login](/view/11:14:44) to view [login](/view/11:17:26) to view dns on top of [login](/view/11:15:42) to viwe selector allows you to [look](/view/10:31:23) at interesting subsets ward and kerry are [looking](/view/10:30:23) at how can powerful if you re [looknig](/view/10:33:57) at it from [looks](/view/10:00:35) totally do able including viewing a causal [loop](/view/10:28:51) diagram from different go from a causal [loop](/view/10:30:23) diagram to driver it from a causal [loop](/view/10:33:57) or driver tree reputation and livelihood about [loyalty](/view/09:38:09) to a clique
things into money terms [makes](/view/09:25:07) them intelligible to with enough enhancements for [making](/view/11:20:53) it usable for how do you [manage](/view/10:45:04) relationships between episodes can we do to [manipulate](/view/10:32:12) the aggregated connected driver trees can be [manipulated](/view/10:30:36) in neo j ll send it to [marc](/view/11:12:02) and kerry [marc](/view/10:44:52) brings up wards [marc](/view/10:29:55) describes an intention [marc](/view/10:33:57) describes the affordances [marc](/view/11:22:13) discusses clayton christensens and new articles https [marc](/view/09:59:47) relocalizecreativity net view [marc](/view/11:20:53) says a platform [marc](/view/09:20:37) shares his experience [marc](/view/10:56:53) talking about episodes http [marc](/view/09:20:11) tries fed wiki http [marc](/view/09:21:07) tries fed wiki from my download from [marcs](/view/09:47:11) page learning from eldorado the [massive](/view/10:31:23) graph where wards http [matthewalunbrown](/view/11:05:03) com autostitch autostitch kumu kumu io [maybe](/view/10:28:37) use a frame [maybe](/view/09:26:24) you dont want
or you [mean](/view/10:46:14) you want to the patterns in a [meaningful](/view/10:47:22) order virtual [meeting](/view/10:01:16) spaces croquet have reasonable virtual [meeting](/view/10:02:13) spaces or do spaces or do virtual [meeting](/view/10:02:13) spaces using croquet types for weak minds [mentioned](/view/09:36:09) by peter d the [merchant](/view/11:03:18) of venice is timestamps more like optional [metadata](/view/10:46:14) on pages
internet separately routed the [microsoft](/view/09:43:33) credentials hack details how a private farm [might](/view/11:14:21) use private dns discussion of what companies [might](/view/11:17:23) want for security jeremy bentham john stuart [mill](/view/09:27:42) strong types for weak [minds](/view/09:36:09) mentioned by peter i likely [missed](/view/10:46:14) something but isnt
language model thinking [model](/view/09:32:09) a local copy of [model](/view/09:34:17) as story a security [model](/view/11:15:00) for thompsons student well however their pricing [model](/view/10:34:26) is not friendly marc discusses clayton christensens [model](/view/11:22:13) of innovation language [model](/view/09:32:09) thinking model turning things into [money](/view/09:25:07) terms makes them want to add timestamps [more](/view/10:46:14) like optional metadata kumu which will be [mostly](/view/10:29:55) consistent for parsing i jumped [mostly](/view/09:43:54) off apple [movie](/view/10:51:22) storyboards can fill
[multiple](/view/10:44:26) entry functions other options for presenting [multiple](/view/10:51:42) lineups together sailing story up into [multiple](/view/10:46:01) pages a sequence for [musicians](/view/09:56:12) hosting bandcamp soundcloud
which can dispatch to [named](/view/10:29:15) pages
c alexander we [need](/view/10:47:11) to think about i [needed](/view/09:22:11) a lot of is not friendly to [neighborhood](/view/10:34:26) level use cases it usable for the [neighborhood](/view/11:20:53) organizations your [neocities](/view/09:22:53) pals whats the [next](/view/10:47:58) step in this get them to the [next](/view/10:56:46) step you want
s i g h [nfts](/view/10:54:41)
[nonbreaking](/view/09:17:13) white space one page full text [novel](/view/11:01:11) posters
basic line [numbers](/view/10:43:06) or zettelkasten permanent index [numbers](/view/10:43:37) implementations didnt have line [numbers](/view/10:44:12)
[okay](/view/10:55:49) heres one
will help you get [onboard](/view/09:22:25)
dot town spot virtual [open](/view/10:01:33) source alternatives has some ability to [operate](/view/10:30:56) in a neo add timestamps more like [optional](/view/10:46:14) metadata on pages of vrml and other [options](/view/10:51:42) for presenting multiple
patterns in a meaningful [order](/view/10:47:22) a lineup [ordered](/view/10:00:27) according to time usable for the neighborhood [organizations](/view/11:20:53)
thought [other](/view/09:35:08) folks have suggested of talking past each [other](/view/09:37:33) on the types discussion of vrml and [other](/view/10:51:42) options for presenting
doesnt resolve to anything [outside](/view/11:14:21)
small human sized chunks [over](/view/10:31:42) the eldorado graph lets small graphs be [overlaid](/view/10:31:57) andconnected
it all on one [page](/view/09:36:32) my download from marcs [page](/view/09:47:11) a book on one [page](/view/11:01:11) full text novel can dispatch to named [pages](/view/10:29:15) like optional metadata on [pages](/view/10:46:14) story up into multiple [pages](/view/10:46:01) a sequence of your neocities [pals](/view/09:22:53) be mostly consistent for [parsing](/view/10:29:55) a lot of talking [past](/view/09:37:33) each other on is it a [path](/view/10:46:03) winning team [pattern](/view/09:38:29) from the big big ball of mud [pattern](/view/09:38:29) language brings up wards episodes [pattern](/view/10:44:52) language as an think about sequences of [patterns](/view/10:47:11) ended up calling apply the [patterns](/view/10:47:22) in a meaningful a platform for sharing [patterns](/view/11:20:53) right now thats
but [people](/view/09:38:09) are betting their you want to get [people](/view/10:56:46) from the problem thing that describes what [people](/view/09:26:08) seek when they or zettelkasten [permanent](/view/10:43:37) index numbers both jeff and [peter](/view/09:44:41) weak minds mentioned by [peter](/view/09:36:09) d
marc says a [platform](/view/11:20:53) for sharing patterns maybe use a frame [plugin](/view/10:28:37) to bring in uploads x jpg jpg [plus](/view/11:04:13) width
that he had a [point](/view/09:35:08) just that he loop diagram from different [points](/view/10:28:51) of view he expressed it very [poorly](/view/09:35:08) postertext html caution terrible [popups](/view/10:54:13) [possibly](/view/10:46:37) closer to the book text on a [poster](/view/10:53:29) treasure island as a [poster](/view/10:55:57) https cdn thearthunters page full text novel [posters](/view/11:01:11) www amusingplanet com book [posters](/view/10:54:13) from postertext html https [postertext](/view/10:54:27) com com book posters from [postertext](/view/10:54:13) html caution terrible [postscript](/view/10:58:16) eps encapsulated [postscript](/view/10:58:33) versus tight and [powerful](/view/09:36:32) code so a of the supercollaborator as [powerful](/view/10:33:57) if you re
a lot of [preconception](/view/09:35:42) about david heinemeier and other options for [presenting](/view/10:51:42) multiple lineups together vensim right now works [pretty](/view/10:34:26) well however their pretty well however their [pricing](/view/10:34:26) model is not vpn or [private](/view/11:15:42) dns on top private farm might use [private](/view/11:14:21) dns within the discussion of how a [private](/view/11:14:21) farm might use get people from the [problem](/view/10:56:46) to the solution kumu io stw world [problems](/view/09:46:04) a single genius lisp [programmer](/view/09:36:32) can see it convenient for everything but [programming](/view/09:44:09) teenage cliques in [programming](/view/09:37:48) language world kerry as a [prolific](/view/11:09:17) writer in the distributed ledger with [proof](/view/09:38:43) of work
[pulse](/view/09:31:22) width and cadence for composition [purposes](/view/10:59:07)
well not [quite](/view/11:04:06) but its closest
of venice is almost [readable](/view/11:03:18) does croquet have [reasonable](/view/10:02:13) virtual meeting spaces ended up calling them [recipes](/view/10:47:11) [recommendations](/view/11:12:55) from electronjs on content distribution [reference](/view/09:48:31) could be resolved by [reference](/view/09:37:33) to specific examples how do you manage [relationships](/view/10:45:04) between episodes new articles https marc [relocalizecreativity](/view/09:59:47) net view lineup people are betting their [reputation](/view/09:38:09) and livelihood about the company which doesnt [resolve](/view/11:14:21) to anything outside front that could be [resolved](/view/09:37:33) by reference to
[right](/view/09:48:23) be [right](/view/10:34:58) back about david heinemeier hansson [right](/view/09:35:42) now platform for sharing patterns [right](/view/11:20:53) now thats fedwiki vensim [right](/view/10:34:26) now works pretty [right](/view/10:44:12) some basic implementations
[robert](/view/11:12:02) best has a [robert](/view/11:14:44) best on login the croquet curiosity [room](/view/10:51:56) a new internet separately [routed](/view/09:43:33) the microsoft credentials
breaking [sailing](/view/10:46:01) story up into is this about the [same](/view/11:17:23) as use of marc [says](/view/11:20:53) a platform for or eric [says](/view/10:31:23) learning from eldorado
possibly closer to the [second](/view/10:46:37) org docs latest tutorial [security](/view/11:12:47) recommendations from electronjs on [security](/view/11:12:55) a discussion about information [security](/view/09:43:33) a new internet a [security](/view/11:15:00) model for thompsons companies might want for [security](/view/11:17:23) of information is that describes what people [seek](/view/09:26:08) when they have he [seems](/view/09:34:47) to be exercising massive graph where wards [selector](/view/10:31:23) allows you to electron implementation he ll [send](/view/11:12:02) it to marc microsoft credentials hack details [separate](/view/09:43:33) laptops security a new internet [separately](/view/09:43:33) routed the microsoft next step in this [sequence](/view/10:47:58) can you turn a [sequence](/view/10:47:48) into a lineup what is a [sequence](/view/10:45:55) of episodes into multiple pages a [sequence](/view/10:46:01) of episodes as a storyboard a [sequence](/view/10:48:07) of episodes need to think about [sequences](/view/10:47:11) of patterns ended under what terms of [service](/view/09:53:54) for content
marc [shares](/view/09:20:37) his experience with says a platform for [sharing](/view/11:20:53) patterns right now who [should](/view/09:53:31) use what website now just [show](/view/10:32:59) me the things
powerful code so a [single](/view/09:36:32) genius lisp programmer bandcamp [site](/view/09:55:39) design small human [sized](/view/10:31:42) chunks over the
while the supercollaborator lets [small](/view/10:31:57) graphs be overlaid [small](/view/10:31:42) human sized chunks
svg functionality as a [snapshot](/view/10:29:15) which can dispatch
should use what website [solution](/view/09:53:31) the problem to the [solution](/view/10:56:46) via drawing them the supercollaborator has [some](/view/10:30:56) ability to operate it had [some](/view/10:58:59) advantages right [some](/view/10:44:12) basic implementations didnt dhh is kicking out [some](/view/09:34:38) stuff on typescript i likely missed [something](/view/10:46:14) but isnt there for musicians hosting bandcamp [soundcloud](/view/09:56:12) town spot virtual open [source](/view/10:01:33) alternatives
nonbreaking white [space](/view/09:17:13) virtual meeting [spaces](/view/10:01:16) have reasonable virtual meeting [spaces](/view/10:02:13) or do virtual or do virtual meeting [spaces](/view/10:02:13) using croquet exist resolved by reference to [specific](/view/09:37:33) examples gather dot town [spot](/view/10:01:33) virtual open source
ordered according to time [stamps](/view/10:00:27) whats the next [step](/view/10:47:58) in this sequence with every [step](/view/10:56:46) you re building them to the next [step](/view/10:56:46) you want to a lot of handholding [still](/view/09:22:11) do yea i m [still](/view/10:51:47) here listening kumu [stores](/view/09:52:43) svg background images an ideas for writing [stories](/view/09:59:47) and new articles copy of model as [story](/view/09:34:17) them in with a [story](/view/10:56:46) and art breaking sailing [story](/view/10:46:01) up into multiple lineup as a [storyboard](/view/10:48:07) a sequence of fedwikis lineup as a [storyboard](/view/10:49:16) what are new movie [storyboards](/view/10:51:22) can fill whole bentham was a [strange](/view/09:28:33) character [strong](/view/09:36:09) types for weak utilitarianism jeremy bentham john [stuart](/view/09:27:42) mill security model for thompsons [student](/view/11:15:00) wiki farm is kicking out some [stuff](/view/09:34:38) on typescript to work out a [style](/view/10:29:55) for using kumu
to look at interesting [subsets](/view/10:31:23) of a graph thought other folks have [suggested](/view/09:35:08) that he had the affordances of the [supercollaborator](/view/10:33:57) as powerful if the [supercollaborator](/view/10:30:56) has some ability while the [supercollaborator](/view/10:31:57) lets small graphs
marc [talking](/view/10:56:53) about episodes theres a lot of [talking](/view/09:37:33) past each other kerry is [talking](/view/10:34:40) with vensim about
winning [team](/view/09:38:29) pattern from the [teenage](/view/09:37:48) cliques in programming google voice [terms](/view/09:55:25) and conditions written turning things into money [terms](/view/09:25:07) makes them intelligible under what [terms](/view/09:53:54) of service for from postertext html caution [terrible](/view/10:54:13) popups on one page full [text](/view/11:01:11) novel posters book [text](/view/10:53:29) on a poster
dont want to force [that](/view/09:26:24) choice on the types front [that](/view/09:37:33) could be resolved utility as a thing [that](/view/09:26:08) describes what people had a point just [that](/view/09:35:08) he expressed it other folks have suggested [that](/view/09:35:08) he had a sharing patterns right now [thats](/view/11:20:53) fedwiki with enough and was declined so [thats](/view/09:56:45) how i know https www [thearthunters](/view/11:01:11) com a book a poster https cdn [thearthunters](/view/10:55:57) com wp content https cdn [thearthunters](/view/11:04:13) com wp content works pretty well however [their](/view/10:34:26) pricing model is but people are betting [their](/view/09:38:09) reputation and livelihood the solution via drawing [them](/view/10:56:46) in with a into money terms makes [them](/view/09:25:07) intelligible to economists patterns ended up calling [them](/view/10:47:11) recipes an attractor to get [them](/view/10:56:46) to the next have an svg from [there](/view/09:20:37) in wiki missed something but isnt [there](/view/10:46:14) timestamp like data [theres](/view/09:37:33) a lot of [theres](/view/09:31:46) not a very what people seek when [they](/view/09:26:08) have a choice as an important conceptual [thing](/view/10:44:52) a [thing](/view/10:44:34) in fortran and utility as a [thing](/view/09:26:08) that describes what just show me the [things](/view/10:32:59) connected to whatcom turning [things](/view/09:25:07) into money terms alexander we need to [think](/view/10:47:11) about sequences of language model [thinking](/view/09:32:09) model security of information is [this](/view/11:17:23) about the same the next step in [this](/view/10:47:58) sequence a security model for [thompsons](/view/11:15:00) student wiki farm [thought](/view/09:35:08) other folks have see [through](/view/10:05:21) the eyes of
versus [tight](/view/09:36:32) and powerful code is it [time](/view/10:45:58) lineup ordered according to [time](/view/10:00:27) stamps net view lineup as [timeline](/view/09:59:47) something but isnt there [timestamp](/view/10:46:14) like data in you want to add [timestamps](/view/10:46:14) more like optional
for presenting multiple lineups [together](/view/10:51:42) looks [totally](/view/10:00:35) do able with gather [town](/view/10:52:55) bulletin boards gather dot [town](/view/10:01:33) spot virtual open
[treasure](/view/10:55:57) island as a causal loop or driver [tree](/view/10:33:57) diagram loop diagram to driver [trees](/view/10:30:23) driver [trees](/view/10:30:36) can be manipulated [tried](/view/09:34:17) capturing a local http marc [tries](/view/09:20:11) fed wiki view http marc [tries](/view/09:21:07) fed wiki view www kumu io and [trying](/view/09:20:37) have an svg
how can you [turn](/view/10:47:48) a sequence into [turning](/view/09:25:07) things into money electronjs org docs latest [tutorial](/view/11:12:47) security
strong [types](/view/09:36:09) for weak minds each other on the [types](/view/09:37:33) front that could out some stuff on [typescript](/view/09:34:38)
[under](/view/09:53:54) what terms of
downloaded and [uploading](/view/09:46:33) thearthunters com wp content [uploads](/view/10:55:57) x jpg thearthunters com wp content [uploads](/view/11:04:13) x jpg jpg
enhancements for making it [usable](/view/11:20:53) for the neighborhood do virtual meeting spaces [using](/view/10:02:13) croquet exist out a style for [using](/view/10:29:55) kumu which will
en wikipedia org wiki [utilitarianism](/view/09:31:22) etymology [utilitarianism](/view/09:27:42) jeremy bentham john [utility](/view/09:26:08) as a thing
the merchant of [venice](/view/11:03:18) is almost readable kerry is talking with [vensim](/view/10:34:40) about alternatives [vensim](/view/10:34:26) right now works [versus](/view/10:29:15) the import and [versus](/view/09:36:32) tight and powerful theres not a [very](/view/09:31:46) good analog to that he expressed it [very](/view/09:35:08) poorly
from different points of [view](/view/10:28:51) best on login to [view](/view/11:14:44) login to [view](/view/11:17:26) marc tries fed wiki [view](/view/09:20:11) converted svg marc tries fed wiki [view](/view/09:21:07) converted svg https marc relocalizecreativity net [view](/view/09:59:47) lineup as timeline including [viewing](/view/10:28:51) a causal loop [virtual](/view/10:01:16) meeting spaces does croquet have reasonable [virtual](/view/10:02:13) meeting spaces or meeting spaces or do [virtual](/view/10:02:13) meeting spaces using gather dot town spot [virtual](/view/10:01:33) open source alternatives https www [virtualyosemite](/view/11:05:03) org [visual](/view/09:36:39) locality top of login to [viwe](/view/11:15:42)
acquisition which became google [voice](/view/09:57:13) google [voice](/view/09:55:25) terms and conditions
discussion of [vrml](/view/10:51:42) and other options
the [walled](/view/09:44:31) garden the expense storyboards can fill whole [walls](/view/10:51:22) new affordances we d [want](/view/10:49:16) of what companies might [want](/view/11:17:23) for security of or you mean you [want](/view/10:46:14) to add timestamps maybe you dont [want](/view/09:26:24) to force that the next step you [want](/view/10:56:46) to get people [ward](/view/10:30:23) and kerry are marc brings up [wards](/view/10:44:52) episodes pattern language the massive graph where [wards](/view/10:31:23) selector allows you
strong types for [weak](/view/09:36:09) minds mentioned by who should use what [website](/view/09:53:31) solution right now works pretty [well](/view/10:34:26) however their pricing [well](/view/11:04:06) not quite but
lineup as a storyboard [what](/view/10:49:16) are new affordances and [what](/view/10:32:12) can we do discussion of [what](/view/11:17:23) companies might want [what](/view/10:45:55) is a sequence a thing that describes [what](/view/09:26:08) people seek when under [what](/view/09:53:54) terms of service totally do able with [what](/view/10:00:35) we have now who should use [what](/view/09:53:31) website solution the things connected to [whatcom](/view/10:32:59) county as a [whats](/view/10:47:58) the next step describes what people seek [when](/view/09:26:08) they have a eldorado the massive graph [where](/view/10:31:23) wards selector allows grand central an acquisition [which](/view/09:57:13) became google voice functionality as a snapshot [which](/view/10:29:15) can dispatch to dns within the company [which](/view/11:14:21) doesnt resolve to style for using kumu [which](/view/10:29:55) will be mostly [while](/view/10:31:57) the supercollaborator lets nonbreaking [white](/view/09:17:13) space movie storyboards can fill [whole](/view/10:51:22) walls
x jpg jpg plus [width](/view/11:04:13) pulse [width](/view/09:31:22) and cadence svg from there in [wiki](/view/09:20:37) svg from [wiki](/view/09:46:23) https en wikipedia org [wiki](/view/11:22:35) clayton christensen model for thompsons student [wiki](/view/11:15:00) farm https en wikipedia org [wiki](/view/09:31:22) utilitarianism etymology http marc tries fed [wiki](/view/09:20:11) view converted svg http marc tries fed [wiki](/view/09:21:07) view converted svg https en [wikipedia](/view/11:22:35) org wiki clayton https en [wikipedia](/view/09:31:22) org wiki utilitarianism for using kumu which [will](/view/10:29:55) be mostly consistent yes the community [will](/view/09:22:25) help you get [winning](/view/09:38:29) team pattern from via drawing them in [with](/view/10:56:46) a story and right now thats fedwiki [with](/view/11:20:53) enough enhancements for [with](/view/10:56:46) every step you marc shares his experience [with](/view/09:20:37) https www kumu distributed ledger [with](/view/09:38:43) proof of work kerry is talking [with](/view/10:34:40) vensim about alternatives looks totally do able [with](/view/10:00:35) what we have might use private dns [within](/view/11:14:21) the company which
same as use of [word](/view/11:17:23) and excel ledger with proof of [work](/view/09:38:43) describes an intention to [work](/view/10:29:55) out a style vensim right now [works](/view/10:34:26) pretty well however cliques in programming language [world](/view/09:37:48) https kumu io stw [world](/view/09:46:04) problems
kerry as a prolific [writer](/view/11:09:17) in the fedwiki an ideas for [writing](/view/09:59:47) stories and new [written](/view/09:55:32) for clarity voice terms and conditions [written](/view/09:55:25) for humans
through the eyes of [your](/view/10:05:21) flying familiar [your](/view/09:22:53) neocities pals
or [zettelkasten](/view/10:43:37) permanent index numbers
[zooming](/view/10:32:22) and hovering on