Keyword Index. See Typescript 2023-08-27
i want to be [able](/view/11:37:28) to write a is on a page [about](/view/09:50:59) a podcast jeff to marc [about](/view/09:22:00) advantages of a team or group cares [about](/view/09:25:13) and bring up french one who putters [about](/view/10:58:07) from bricoler also we have been talking [about](/view/10:04:34) map marker survey of this striking story [about](/view/11:05:06) programming by voice side of my head [about](/view/11:40:33) why y seems dov doris work linked [above](/view/09:14:03) the most elegant [abuse](/view/09:59:06) of computing that
are faster than human [accommodation](/view/09:53:15) that they are as a modern software [account](/view/10:57:14) of bricolage g q bricolage si [acfman](/view/10:55:06) hzzsjqsgxiylkgc z vmp can be rolled up [across](/view/11:35:54) pages a site when the functions are [actually](/view/10:37:40) needed
switzerlands mountain [adaptations](/view/10:23:39) figure in as or does it make [adaptations](/view/09:39:40) to new use time tested and [adapted](/view/11:41:10) functions was how i [added](/view/11:17:06) the needed function svg dom would support [adding](/view/10:36:22) click handlers this [adding](/view/10:34:45) css classes and that as a page [adjecent](/view/11:34:05) to a wiki that i have to [admire](/view/09:59:06) it jeff to marc about [advantages](/view/09:22:00) of a visual any [advice](/view/09:24:20) i have has
mace which offered hackable [affordances](/view/10:01:42) court reporters for disability [affordances](/view/11:05:14) for ai based evolution of features and [affordances](/view/09:37:35) was project driven go back to edit [after](/view/11:03:57) build things from scratch [after](/view/10:54:08) having spent much post processing cleanup [after](/view/10:42:54) observables rendering on a lazy [afternoon](/view/10:58:15) two bored brothers
pipeline and to defending [against](/view/10:50:40) exploitation
en wikipedia org wiki [aircraft](/view/10:25:16) cavern building and flying an [airplane](/view/10:58:15) https www amazon
luca dellanna com lindy [albert](/view/11:40:33) goldman antifragile talen sanitized script alert hi [alert](/view/11:47:18) this appropriately sanitized script [alert](/view/11:47:18) hi alert script [alert](/view/11:20:30) hi marc script when are these two [aligned](/view/09:57:24) when are these where is the [alignment](/view/11:51:03) of other projects i worked for eric [allman](/view/12:06:20) at sendmail dot and paste inspector which [allow](/view/11:25:19) events to be vr glasses etc may [allow](/view/11:03:07) fedwiki and other the inspect library to [allow](/view/11:29:20) the user to filter around html can [allow](/view/10:28:10) user generated content and conceptual stuff wolfram [alpha](/view/12:14:32) oh wow [also](/view/11:29:47) a way of [also](/view/10:04:39) dov doris opm putters about from bricoler [also](/view/10:58:07) https en wiktionary enrichment of svg and [also](/view/11:37:28) prompting gathering data starting with css and [also](/view/09:29:52) using observable d scope and an unofficial [alternative](/view/10:01:42) os cdc mace [always](/view/11:03:01) open and editable
an airplane https www [amazon](/view/10:58:15) com bored nothing integrating systems as translating [among](/view/10:54:52) tree structured information fed wiki streets of [amsterdam](/view/09:42:24) html nick niemeirs streets of [amsterdam](/view/09:43:23) wiki project local
on html linked and [annotatelinks](/view/11:16:05) as function names plugin rendering function says [annotatelinks](/view/11:16:05) on the result and post processing with [annotatelinks](/view/10:34:14) where a non from one place to [another](/view/09:43:23) another one item to [another](/view/09:34:11) consistent based on from one page to [another](/view/09:34:11) one item to expected forms asynchronous the [answer](/view/10:37:40) is that libraries com lindy albert goldman [antifragile](/view/11:40:33) talen https en to marcs looking for [antonyms](/view/09:57:24) for elegant sure observable didnt leave [anything](/view/10:46:01) sense to pre purify [anything](/view/10:46:39) before having observable
[apologies](/view/09:48:21) for the noise probescommon to federated wikican [apply](/view/09:51:00) to many thingsbecause observers could review and [appreciate](/view/10:51:15) it and understand marc [appreciates](/view/09:30:43) that erics work jeff [appreciates](/view/09:31:58) that the observable helped us gain that [appreciation](/view/10:52:12) in a way learning now hes developing [appreciations](/view/10:54:08) for how to a javascript version that [approaches](/view/11:38:48) gtoolkit is this [appropriately](/view/11:47:18) sanitized script alert
the filter [around](/view/10:28:10) html can allow proof kept him hanging [around](/view/09:53:48) long enough to intending by moving things [around](/view/11:30:40) on the lineup whats the collaborative story [around](/view/11:34:54) that move include the dompurify wrapper [around](/view/11:11:59) the observable html kerry kerry will explore [around](/view/09:25:13) things which a
[aside](/view/10:36:22) from jeff i an [aside](/view/10:02:24) on seymour cray but marc [asks](/view/10:46:39) if it makes marc [asks](/view/11:18:44) if the observable ward [asks](/view/09:42:27) what would a marc [asks](/view/10:43:16) would it make showing the moldable development [aspects](/view/09:12:07) of federated wiki [async](/view/10:39:28) html definition uses are the expected forms [asynchronous](/view/10:37:40) the answer is
metaphorum [attendees](/view/09:26:46) to marc and reflects that his strong [attraction](/view/09:53:48) to social proof accommodation that they are [attractive](/view/09:53:15) but fedwiki by
of lines of code [authored](/view/09:55:03) as part of
the moves and choices [available](/view/10:50:40) to injecting exploitation does better when you [avoid](/view/09:34:11) using javascript with
from observable using orightml [await](/view/10:40:54) stdlib html
[back](/view/09:10:50) into opcloud http go [back](/view/11:03:57) to edit after yard as a big [barn](/view/10:58:02) with the universe item to another consistent [based](/view/09:34:11) on named references disability affordances for ai [based](/view/11:05:14) prompting and fill internal map and name [based](/view/09:41:24) records a page that some of the [basic](/view/10:54:08) concepts data structures discussion of keeping [basic](/view/11:08:18) platform and libraries opm methodology [basis](/view/09:12:28)
examples of erlang [beam](/view/11:57:58) etc british telecom like erlang [beam](/view/11:53:31) in ericsson to of opm that can [become](/view/11:35:40) a third leg conditions it must have [been](/view/11:40:33) fit for thus digital ocean has [been](/view/12:09:49) pretty solid for hi eric we have [been](/view/10:04:34) talking about map to pre purify anything [before](/view/10:46:39) having observable do to sanitize the html [before](/view/10:43:16) having observable render as the last step [before](/view/10:46:01) joining the browsers observation and that meaningless [behavior](/view/11:30:40) will be exposed based records a page [being](/view/09:41:24) a section of the little paragraph editor [being](/view/11:03:07) a tiny snap early wealth or by [being](/view/10:15:56) dedicated to a sight of curiosity by [being](/view/10:15:56) insulated from consequences idle and the other [being](/view/11:51:03) vital like wikibase didnt count [berkeley](/view/09:54:47) db and perl ward paul is the [best](/view/11:51:03) for finding those discussion of robert [best](/view/09:27:50) helping thompson morrison projects would be the [best](/view/09:39:40) way i could i should be a [better](/view/12:09:49) operator of my doing however dompurify is [better](/view/10:48:16) than heres a observes that observable does [better](/view/09:34:11) when you avoid not very long [between](/view/12:06:38) layoffs in the transforming [between](/view/09:19:45) opcloud model of view of observable is [beyond](/view/10:48:16) what eric is
caps marc bicycle marc [bicycle](/view/11:10:19) i am getting [bicycle](/view/09:54:23) for the mind clarification all caps marc [bicycle](/view/11:10:19) marc bicycle a mention of burley [bicycle](/view/09:15:05) trailers for dogs data interaction models and [bicycles](/view/10:04:34) from a premillennial [bike](/view/09:10:25) brompton [bikes](/view/09:16:28) are pretty clever
https martinfowler com [bliki](/view/10:57:14) postmodernprogramming html as dobbs wiki spike css [blob](/view/10:40:40) main pwa wiki share as a building [block](/view/10:30:22) for more general
a lazy afternoon two [bored](/view/10:58:15) brothers keep themselves https www amazon com [bored](/view/10:58:15) nothing do peter marc recalls a comparison [bostock](/view/11:33:01) is working on with side effects mike [bostocks](/view/09:34:11) model of a have these dependencies as [bostocks](/view/09:36:47) observable model an much time on the [boundaries](/view/10:54:08) of systems getting
modern software account of [bricolage](/view/10:57:14) zxgllvurzxz pjhfkym g q [bricolage](/view/10:55:06) si acfman hzzsjqsgxiylkgc [bricolage](/view/10:55:21) working from ready who putters about from [bricoler](/view/10:58:07) also https en en wiktionary org wiki [bricoleur](/view/10:58:07) group cares about and [bring](/view/09:25:13) up its relevance of telecom systems like [british](/view/11:53:31) telecom like erlang fit for thus the [broader](/view/11:40:33) range of possible discussion of the [broken](/view/10:20:03) tramway in pakistan [brompton](/view/09:16:28) bikes are pretty lazy afternoon two bored [brothers](/view/10:58:15) keep themselves busy case for fedwiki of [browing](/view/11:08:52) and editing with no refactoring [browser](/view/11:21:22) needed as html for the [browser](/view/10:45:00) or render html step before joining the [browsers](/view/10:46:01) context is a
lines of code [budgetary](/view/09:56:04) importance says we need to [build](/view/11:30:40) the machinery that appreciations for how to [build](/view/10:54:08) things from scratch keep themselves busy by [building](/view/10:58:15) and flying an to share as a [building](/view/10:30:22) block for more a mention of [burley](/view/09:15:05) bicycle trailers for bored brothers keep themselves [busy](/view/10:58:15) by building and
and the change from [caja](/view/11:51:03) to dompurify was caps and its all [caps](/view/11:07:17) just say all [caps](/view/11:07:17) and its all all [caps](/view/11:09:14) command works one ty for clarification all [caps](/view/11:10:19) marc bicycle marc eric shows how to [capture](/view/10:40:54) a reference to history of rob mees [career](/view/11:58:49) in technologies from paul describes the [careful](/view/10:03:18) orchestration of working the wrong thing so [carefully](/view/09:59:06) that i have a team or group [cares](/view/09:25:13) about and bring motivational [case](/view/11:08:52) for fedwiki of marcs use [case](/view/11:37:28) i want to adaptations to new use [cases](/view/09:39:40) easier this is here we are my [catchphrase](/view/12:06:12) for the last sofi a tetrahedron a [causal](/view/11:37:28) loop diagram wikipedia org wiki aircraft [cavern](/view/10:25:16)
what was at the [center](/view/09:23:52) of the diagram the thing at the [center](/view/09:24:20) of the teams simaks big front yard [centers](/view/10:59:19) on a tinkerer
time helps narrow the [challenge](/view/11:01:16) of editing in finding those and the [change](/view/11:51:03) from caja to plugin code needed to [change](/view/11:17:06) injecting the dependencies sca esv rlz c [chfa](/view/10:55:06) enus us sxsrf good in shaping what [choices](/view/11:53:31) are good long to the moves and [choices](/view/10:50:40) available to injecting
ty for [clarification](/view/11:10:19) all caps marc with the internal css [class](/view/10:34:14) and post processing adding css [classes](/view/10:34:45) and click handlers to move from community [clds](/view/11:37:07) into opm models post processing [cleanup](/view/10:42:54) after observables rendering brompton bikes are pretty [clever](/view/09:16:28) i got to links will have a [click](/view/10:34:31) handle adding css classes and [click](/view/10:34:45) handlers are examples might be enriched with [click](/view/10:35:31) handlers in an dom would support adding [click](/view/10:36:22) handlers this is no double [click](/view/11:03:01) to edit long [clickable](/view/09:11:30) the standard fedwiki [client](/view/10:30:22) does include a asks if the observable [client](/view/11:18:44) editor in an that the standard fedwiki [client](/view/11:19:56) uses rhode gear [clip](/view/09:10:08) on panniers the results of a [clipboard](/view/11:25:19) event getting dropped the op language have [close](/view/09:22:39) two way correspondences xp to ruby rails [cloud](/view/11:58:49) foundry pivotal labs much code is inelegant [clumsy](/view/09:55:36)
and perl lines of [code](/view/09:54:47) dependencies for the plugin [code](/view/11:17:06) terms of lines of [code](/view/09:55:03) authored as part lines of [code](/view/09:56:04) budgetary importance org view welcome visitors [code](/view/09:48:12) fed wiki map with the universe of [code](/view/10:58:02) in it out that too much [code](/view/09:55:36) is inelegant clumsy paul discuss lines of [code](/view/09:55:36) marc points out none of the plugin [code](/view/11:17:06) needed to change a link to the [code](/view/10:40:40) that eric is observes that the observable [code](/view/10:51:15) was written and io perl programmer pioneers [coding](/view/11:05:06) by voice for user programming and [collaboration](/view/11:31:47) as a tool for [collaboration](/view/09:27:50) to make operations of wiki whats the [collaborative](/view/11:34:54) story around that do to do for [collaborative](/view/11:35:54) work can we ward is working on [colllaboration](/view/11:33:01) and history and describes inspiration from miller [columns](/view/11:38:48) as used in all caps [command](/view/11:09:14) works one word how to move from [community](/view/11:37:07) clds into opm an example of one [community](/view/11:51:03) going idle and model of equipping creative [community](/view/09:19:45) work and kerrys marc recalls a [comparison](/view/11:33:01) bostock is working monkey patching the pascal [compiler](/view/09:58:29) concepts data structures and [compilers](/view/10:54:08) which were less system diagrams and their [components](/view/09:22:00) regions does our informal [computation](/view/09:39:40) model have limitations of things to re [compute](/view/09:34:11) the observable notebook then it can be [computed](/view/09:36:47) on request perhaps most elegant abuse of [computing](/view/09:59:06) that the grad some of the basic [concepts](/view/10:54:08) data structures and hopelessness at math and [conceptual](/view/12:14:32) stuff wolfram alpha something is the more [conditions](/view/11:40:33) it must have oxidase is fit for [conditions](/view/11:51:48) over a good other data eric has [connected](/view/11:33:01) these worlds observables form of [connecting](/view/10:37:40) why are the colllaboration and history and [connection](/view/11:33:01) of textual data by being insulated from [consequences](/view/10:15:56) by early wealth and understand the internal [considerations](/view/10:51:15) discussion of general [considerations](/view/10:49:11) of security is is that useful for [considering](/view/10:49:11) rendering pipelines eric [considers](/view/11:53:31) that the viability one item to another [consistent](/view/09:34:11) based on named map they should provide [consistent](/view/09:39:40) views however a inspector on the dom [constructed](/view/11:13:31) using the html html and how its [constructing](/view/10:47:30) dom objects are map might want to [consume](/view/09:39:40) many sorts of filtering potentially hazardous federated [content](/view/10:29:03) can allow user generated [content](/view/10:28:10) while scrubbing out lineup in a meaningful [context](/view/11:34:54) as part of governing or creating the [context](/view/09:25:13) for what the before joining the browsers [context](/view/10:46:01) is a way for the i o [context](/view/11:03:07) keyboard and screen to edit long press [context](/view/11:03:01) menu long press [context](/view/11:03:54) menu sounds right and understandable in the [context](/view/11:28:07) of regular data modalities in the current [context](/view/11:05:14) special input modalities in an iphone mobile [context](/view/11:18:44) will look the new uis in new [contexts](/view/11:01:16) erics demo [continues](/view/11:11:59) the plugins registry attractive but fedwiki by [contrast](/view/09:53:15) is a technology an operating room and [control](/view/10:49:11) of infection is have an opportunity to [control](/view/11:31:47) the programming environment amsterdam wiki project local [conventions](/view/09:43:23) for directions from a technology which invites [conversational](/view/09:53:15) interaction vision which you re [convinced](/view/10:15:56) of have close two way [correspondences](/view/09:22:39) way that external observers [could](/view/10:51:15) review and appreciate the best way i [could](/view/09:39:40) think of to look like and how [could](/view/09:42:27) we use it but i [couldnt](/view/09:54:04) have figured it like wikibase didnt [count](/view/09:54:47) berkeley db and special input modalities for [court](/view/11:05:14) reporters for disability
zlc eve ztdwjo us [cpla](/view/10:55:06) s eanjmd ls
in the dot com [crash](/view/12:06:38) era an aside on seymour [cray](/view/10:02:24) disliking virtual memory doagram notebook which i [created](/view/11:34:05) for myself that items rather than ones [created](/view/09:52:18) via querying using relevance as governing or [creating](/view/09:25:13) the context for opcloud model of equipping [creative](/view/09:19:45) community work and marc relocalizecreativity net view [creativity](/view/09:10:50) equipping opcloud style diagram for [creativity](/view/09:18:17) equipping view welcome visitors view [creativity](/view/11:36:19) equipping view search [crude](/view/09:57:24) and elegant when
can lose sight of [curiosity](/view/10:15:56) by being insulated input modalities in the [current](/view/11:05:14) context special input ward reflects on the [current](/view/09:29:52) investigation of rewriting m here listening but [currently](/view/09:28:05) trying to help go to school by [cutting](/view/10:20:03) hours of walking
[cytochrome](/view/11:51:48) c oxidase is
and connection of textual [data](/view/11:33:01) and other data textual data and other [data](/view/11:33:01) eric has connected working on visualizations and [data](/view/11:33:01) flow ward is the context of regular [data](/view/11:28:07) handling which wraps the input [data](/view/11:29:20) in a div plugin provides or sources [data](/view/09:39:40) in the style reflecting on well factored [data](/view/10:04:34) interaction models and consume many sorts of [data](/view/09:39:40) regions does our of the basic concepts [data](/view/10:54:08) structures and compilers and also prompting gathering [data](/view/11:37:28) using fedwiki site was visiting her in [davis](/view/09:16:28)
ward observes a [decade](/view/11:39:14) into an inquiry libraries are trying to [decide](/view/10:45:00) whether to treat and is a link [decorated](/view/10:34:14) with the internal i did a perfect [decorator](/view/11:17:06) pattern so none wealth or by being [dedicated](/view/10:15:56) to a unified processing pipeline and to [defending](/view/10:50:40) against exploitation the enriched html handler [defined](/view/11:11:59) to include the async html [definition](/view/10:39:28) uses dompurify for to survive https luca [dellanna](/view/11:40:33) com lindy albert erics [demo](/view/11:11:59) continues the plugins ward [demonstrates](/view/09:44:33) a map marker eric [demonstrates](/view/10:26:17) the observable front eric [demonstrates](/view/11:25:19) the results of observable libraries does not [depend](/view/09:30:43) on observables servers not explicitly have these [dependencies](/view/09:36:47) as bostocks observable to change injecting the [dependencies](/view/11:17:06) as named functions added the needed function [dependencies](/view/11:17:06) for the plugin model depends on keeping [dependencies](/view/09:34:11) from one page the shape of the [dependency](/view/09:36:47) graph and then libraries open source not [dependent](/view/11:08:18) on proprietary services a paragraph plugin [depends](/view/11:16:05) on html linked the observable notebook model [depends](/view/09:34:11) on keeping dependencies ward [describes](/view/10:01:42) cdc scope and eric [describes](/view/11:38:48) inspiration from miller ward [describes](/view/09:58:29) monkey patching the ward [describes](/view/11:01:16) that in fedwiki ward [describes](/view/09:37:35) that the fedwikis marc [describes](/view/09:22:39) that the opcloud paul [describes](/view/10:03:18) the careful orchestration user to navigate the [details](/view/11:29:20) heres a random web [developers](/view/10:48:16) prototype his learning now hes [developing](/view/10:54:08) appreciations for how re showing the moldable [development](/view/09:12:07) aspects of federated keyboard and screen mobile [device](/view/11:03:07) with touchscreen vr and editing with mobile [devices](/view/11:08:52)
handlers in an svg [diagram](/view/10:35:31) tetrahedron a causal loop [diagram](/view/11:37:28) describes that the opcloud [diagram](/view/09:22:39) and the op discusses the opcloud style [diagram](/view/09:18:17) for creativity equipping up who drew the [diagram](/view/09:23:52) on the whiteboard center of the teams [diagram](/view/09:24:20) or they wont the top level sofi [diagram](/view/11:34:05) panel and then the center of the [diagram](/view/09:23:52) wards technique for visual cue to system [diagrams](/view/09:22:00) and their components and kerrys system dynamics [diagrams](/view/09:19:45) as a way www siriuserguide com siri [dictation](/view/11:10:17) guide like wikibase [didnt](/view/09:54:47) count berkeley db you learn that you [didnt](/view/09:26:19) expect to learn observables libraries [didnt](/view/10:29:03) include the dompurify of making sure observable [didnt](/view/10:46:01) leave anything plugin type has a [different](/view/11:11:59) renderer starting with question what will be [different](/view/09:25:33) when you re terrain and military preparedness [digging](/view/10:23:08) tunnels through mountains [digital](/view/12:09:49) ocean has been project local conventions for [directions](/view/09:43:23) from one place for court reporters for [disability](/view/11:05:14) affordances for ai is leftovers from a [discovery](/view/09:37:35) process ward and paul [discuss](/view/09:55:36) lines of code ward and marc [discuss](/view/10:15:56) ways in which marc [discusses](/view/09:18:17) the opcloud style [discussion](/view/11:00:26) of easy and [discussion](/view/10:49:11) of general considerations [discussion](/view/11:08:18) of keeping basic [discussion](/view/09:27:50) of robert best [discussion](/view/10:23:08) of swiss expedients [discussion](/view/10:20:03) of the broken [discussion](/view/11:58:49) of the history [discussion](/view/10:47:30) of the machinery [discussion](/view/10:43:42) of where it same wiki source on [disk](/view/11:19:56) that the standard aside on seymour cray [disliking](/view/10:02:24) virtual memory monkey patch to the [disney](/view/09:59:56) web registration protocol a non internal link [dispatches](/view/10:34:14) to a new when you start seeing [distinctive](/view/11:39:14) results
to take the sofi [doagram](/view/11:34:05) notebook which i through https github com [dobbs](/view/10:40:40) wiki spike css independently in one big [document](/view/11:03:01) like obsidian ward observes that observable [does](/view/09:34:11) better when you the standard fedwiki client [does](/view/10:30:22) include a dompurify model have limitations or [does](/view/09:39:40) it make adaptations and an internal link [does](/view/10:34:14) not with the observable libraries [does](/view/09:30:43) not depend on uses a model which [does](/view/09:36:47) not explicitly have sorts of data regions [does](/view/09:39:40) our informal computation ward says what [does](/view/11:35:54) simple graphical manipulation source the editable source [doesnt](/view/11:19:21) have any sanitization burley bicycle trailers for [dogs](/view/09:15:05) what thompson co are [doing](/view/09:29:01) input tapes needed when [doing](/view/10:03:18) a sequence of beyond what eric is [doing](/view/10:48:16) however dompurify is http nick [dojo](/view/09:42:24) fed wiki streets trying out the [dompurify](/view/11:46:50) and seeing a html or svg using [dompurify](/view/10:28:10) as a standard async html definition uses [dompurify](/view/10:39:28) for erics fedwiki updated prototype now includes [dompurify](/view/10:29:03) for filtering potentially putting the [dompurify](/view/10:46:01) guard as the todays work with [dompurify](/view/10:54:52) has the same eric is doing however [dompurify](/view/10:48:16) is better than and that reference to [dompurify](/view/10:39:28) is loaded only client does include a [dompurify](/view/10:30:22) pass so this sense to put the [dompurify](/view/10:43:42) step libraries didnt include the [dompurify](/view/10:29:03) style filtering erics change from caja to [dompurify](/view/11:51:03) was an example defined to include the [dompurify](/view/11:11:59) wrapper around the ever seen you ve [done](/view/09:59:06) the wrong thing also dov [doris](/view/10:04:39) opm dov [doris](/view/09:14:03) work linked above no [double](/view/11:03:01) click to edit help my twins get [down](/view/09:28:05) for a nap
who stood up who [drew](/view/09:23:52) the diagram on and affordances was project [driven](/view/09:37:35) how can we a page on each [driving](/view/11:37:28) erics dom enrichment there is now a [drop](/view/11:25:19) handler drop inspector now a drop handler [drop](/view/11:25:19) inspector and paste a clipboard event getting [dropped](/view/11:25:19) into an inspector
work and kerrys system [dynamics](/view/09:19:45) diagrams as a
with a page on [each](/view/11:37:28) driving erics dom ztdwjo us cpla s [eanjmd](/view/10:55:06) ls t la which were less interesting [earlier](/view/10:54:08) in his learning insulated from consequences by [early](/view/10:15:56) wealth or by to new use cases [easier](/view/09:39:40) this is uncharted in opcloud its [easier](/view/09:21:30) to see what discussion of [easy](/view/11:00:26) and hard things is well factored and [easy](/view/09:31:58) to re use
go back to [edit](/view/11:03:57) after no double click to [edit](/view/11:03:01) long press context as editable source the [editable](/view/11:19:21) source doesnt have an item rendered as [editable](/view/11:19:21) source the editable always open and [editable](/view/11:03:01) to rendering paragraphs describes that in fedwiki [editing](/view/11:01:16) a paragraph at narrow the challenge of [editing](/view/11:01:16) in new uis fedwiki of browing and [editing](/view/11:08:52) with mobile devices having the little paragraph [editor](/view/11:03:07) being a tiny if the observable client [editor](/view/11:18:44) in an iphone or long press for [editor](/view/11:03:54) plus some widgets mediocre job at the [editor](/view/11:01:38) will take you
wikipedia org wiki lindy [effect](/view/11:40:33) using javascript with side [effects](/view/09:34:11) mike bostocks model
looking for antonyms for [elegant](/view/09:57:24) the most [elegant](/view/09:59:06) abuse of computing crude and [elegant](/view/09:57:24) when are these sanitize observables html dom [element](/view/10:42:37) example in svgs of [elements](/view/10:35:31) which might be jeff says who [else](/view/11:28:07) is getting smalltalk here cut here everything [else](/view/09:59:56) stays the same
page is invoked an [embedded](/view/11:34:54) observable notebook as be expressed as an [embedded](/view/11:37:55) observable page as
on a tinkerer who [ends](/view/10:59:19) up as a him hanging around long [enough](/view/09:53:48) to see how plugin handler using the [enriched](/view/11:11:59) html handler defined elements which might be [enriched](/view/10:35:31) with click handlers are examples of dom [enrichment](/view/10:34:45) each driving erics dom [enrichment](/view/11:37:28) of svg and esv rlz c chfa [enus](/view/10:55:06) us sxsrf ab to control the programming [environment](/view/11:31:47) in ways that we have an [environment](/view/11:31:47) that we have
relocalizecreativity net view creativity [equipping](/view/09:10:50) style diagram for creativity [equipping](/view/09:18:17) between opcloud model of [equipping](/view/09:19:45) creative community work welcome visitors view creativity [equipping](/view/11:36:19) view search for
i worked for [eric](/view/12:06:20) allman at sendmail [eric](/view/11:53:31) considers that the [eric](/view/10:26:17) demonstrates the observable [eric](/view/11:25:19) demonstrates the results [eric](/view/11:38:48) describes inspiration from data and other data [eric](/view/11:33:01) has connected these observable is beyond what [eric](/view/10:48:16) is doing however to the code that [eric](/view/10:40:40) is walking through [eric](/view/10:54:08) observes that some [eric](/view/11:29:20) observes that the [eric](/view/11:34:05) says one of [eric](/view/10:40:54) shows how to hi [eric](/view/10:04:34) we have been [eric](/view/11:19:21) yes it will [erics](/view/11:11:59) demo continues the page on each driving [erics](/view/11:37:28) dom enrichment of definition uses dompurify for [erics](/view/10:39:28) fedwiki front end the same feel for [erics](/view/10:54:52) understanding of integrating the dompurify style filtering [erics](/view/10:29:03) updated prototype now and that [erics](/view/10:52:12) work in re marc appreciates that [erics](/view/09:30:43) work with the like erlang beam in [ericsson](/view/11:53:31) to be good examples of [erlang](/view/11:57:58) beam etc like british telecom like [erlang](/view/11:53:31) beam in ericsson
or render html as [escaped](/view/10:45:00) visible text lt https [esml](/view/09:12:54) technion ac il https [esml](/view/09:13:08) technion ac il about programming by voice [especially](/view/11:05:06) programming a punctuation
[etymology](/view/10:58:07) french one who
results of a clipboard [event](/view/11:25:19) getting dropped into ward observes that the [event](/view/11:26:30) inspection is something what is in the [events](/view/11:29:47) paste inspector which allow [events](/view/11:25:19) to be seen the observable inspector making [events](/view/11:28:07) visible and understandable the grad student had [ever](/view/09:59:06) seen you ve write a wiki with [every](/view/11:37:28) leaders opinion on cut here cut here [everything](/view/09:59:56) else stays the describes that the fedwikis [evolution](/view/09:37:35) of features and
text is an [example](/view/10:35:31) in svgs of to dompurify was an [example](/view/11:51:03) of one community and click handlers are [examples](/view/10:34:45) of dom enrichment [examples](/view/11:57:58) of erlang beam was fun and [exciting](/view/09:28:05) to start this the reasons that they [exist](/view/10:20:03) that they make learn that you didnt [expect](/view/09:26:19) to learn ward connecting why are the [expected](/view/10:37:40) forms asynchronous the discussion of swiss [expedients](/view/10:23:08) for using mountain model which does not [explicitly](/view/09:36:47) have these dependencies and to defending against [exploitation](/view/10:50:40) choices available to injecting [exploitation](/view/10:50:40) into the processing is uncharted territory to [explore](/view/09:39:40) and a set on kerry kerry will [explore](/view/09:25:13) around things which could think of to [explore](/view/09:39:40) this territory marc [explores](/view/11:06:59) voice typing with t la d d [expnd](/view/10:55:06) biw bih dpr meaningless behavior will be [exposed](/view/11:30:40) immediately in an the result might be [expressed](/view/11:37:55) as an embedded in a way that [external](/view/10:51:15) observers could review
end api is well [factored](/view/09:31:58) and easy to probes reflecting on well [factored](/view/10:04:34) data interaction models code was written and [factored](/view/10:51:15) in a way pivotal fixing twitter whale [fails](/view/11:57:22) using ruby https there will be a [family](/view/11:37:28) of pages a operator of my wiki [farm](/view/12:09:49) a pace which are [faster](/view/09:53:15) than human accommodation
the fedwikis evolution of [features](/view/09:37:35) and affordances was for filtering potentially hazardous [federated](/view/10:29:03) content for [federated](/view/10:26:26) wiki moldable development aspects of [federated](/view/09:12:07) wiki scripts of survey probescommon to [federated](/view/09:51:00) wikican apply to as in the original [fedwiki](/view/11:18:44) opm models all in [fedwiki](/view/11:37:07) glasses etc may allow [fedwiki](/view/11:03:07) and other information they are attractive but [fedwiki](/view/09:53:15) by contrast is the standard [fedwiki](/view/10:30:22) client does include disk that the standard [fedwiki](/view/11:19:56) client uses ward describes that in [fedwiki](/view/11:01:16) editing a paragraph uses dompurify for erics [fedwiki](/view/10:39:28) front end and how big is [fedwiki](/view/09:55:03) in terms of morrison to scale up [fedwiki](/view/09:27:50) installations as a and libraries with what [fedwiki](/view/11:51:03) needs ward paul motivational case for [fedwiki](/view/11:08:52) of browing and prompting gathering data using [fedwiki](/view/11:37:28) site surveys maybe do too much to [fedwiki](/view/09:29:01) that scrambles what ward notes that [fedwiki](/view/09:36:47) uses a model ward describes that the [fedwikis](/view/09:37:35) evolution of features current investigation of rewriting [fedwikis](/view/09:29:52) front end starting dompurify has the same [feel](/view/10:54:52) for erics understanding probe uses static markers [fetched](/view/09:52:18) from the map
switzerlands mountain adaptations [figure](/view/10:23:39) in as part but i couldnt have [figured](/view/09:54:04) it out by ai based prompting and [fill](/view/11:05:14) in the [filter](/view/10:28:10) around html can include the dompurify style [filtering](/view/10:29:03) erics updated prototype now includes dompurify for [filtering](/view/10:29:03) potentially hazardous federated and what might we [find](/view/09:42:27) on other wikis is the best for [finding](/view/11:51:03) those and the orchard origins with pivotal [fixing](/view/11:57:22) twitter whale fails
on visualizations and data [flow](/view/11:33:01) ward is working busy by building and [flying](/view/10:58:15) an airplane https
a teams point of [focus](/view/09:23:52) quick [fold](/view/09:16:42) once you learn one marker on my [forage](/view/09:50:59) site and that survey in observable page [form](/view/11:35:54) observables [form](/view/10:37:40) of connecting why why are the expected [forms](/view/10:37:40) asynchronous the answer http [found](/view/09:48:12) ward bay wiki to ruby rails cloud [foundry](/view/11:58:49) pivotal labs now
etymology [french](/view/10:58:07) one who putters got to try my [friend](/view/09:16:28) megans when i in hand is leftovers [from](/view/09:37:35) a discovery process [from](/view/09:10:25) a premillennial bike will lean important things [from](/view/11:35:40) a study of one who putters about [from](/view/10:58:07) bricoler also https those and the change [from](/view/11:51:03) caja to dompurify understand how to move [from](/view/11:37:07) community clds into curiosity by being insulated [from](/view/10:15:56) consequences by early mees career in technologies [from](/view/11:58:49) java xp to aside [from](/view/10:36:22) jeff i was eric describes inspiration [from](/view/11:38:48) miller columns as the original html library [from](/view/10:40:54) observable using orightml depends on keeping dependencies [from](/view/09:34:11) one page to local conventions for directions [from](/view/09:43:23) one place to bricolage working [from](/view/10:55:21) ready made parts how to build things [from](/view/10:54:08) scratch after having uses static markers fetched [from](/view/09:52:18) the map items is getting smalltalk vibes [from](/view/11:28:07) the observable inspector loaded it gets processed [from](/view/11:19:56) the same wiki using observable d s [front](/view/09:29:52) end eric demonstrates the observable [front](/view/10:26:17) end dompurify for erics fedwiki [front](/view/10:39:28) end and that appreciates that the observable [front](/view/09:31:58) end api is investigation of rewriting fedwikis [front](/view/09:29:52) end starting with org wiki the big [front](/view/10:58:02) yard as a simaks big [front](/view/10:59:19) yard centers on
i added the needed [function](/view/11:17:06) dependencies for the api needs the internal [function](/view/10:31:51) linked text which a [function](/view/10:31:51) linked which is linked and annotatelinks as [function](/view/11:16:05) names then the then the plugin rendering [function](/view/11:16:05) says annotatelinks on loaded only when the [functions](/view/10:37:40) are actually needed the dependencies as named [functions](/view/11:17:06) was how i the ministry for the [future](/view/10:23:39) broader range of possible [futures](/view/11:40:33) it is fit
use has helped us [gain](/view/10:52:12) that appreciation in svg and also prompting [gathering](/view/11:37:28) data using fedwiki
rhode [gear](/view/09:10:08) clip on panniers discussion of [general](/view/10:49:11) considerations of security building block for more [general](/view/10:30:22) work html can allow user [generated](/view/10:28:10) content while scrubbing when the page [gets](/view/11:19:56) loaded it gets page gets loaded it [gets](/view/11:19:56) processed from the i am [getting](/view/09:54:23) bicycle for the of a clipboard event [getting](/view/11:25:19) dropped into an says who else is [getting](/view/11:28:07) smalltalk vibes from the boundaries of systems [getting](/view/10:54:08) them to work
in smalltalk in tudor [girbas](/view/11:38:48) glamorous toolkit we is walking through https [github](/view/10:40:40) com dobbs wiki
smalltalk in tudor girbas [glamorous](/view/11:38:48) toolkit we have device with touchscreen vr [glasses](/view/11:03:07) etc may allow
example of one community [going](/view/11:51:03) idle and the dellanna com lindy albert [goldman](/view/11:40:33) antifragile talen https in ericsson to be [good](/view/11:53:31) in shaping what shaping what choices are [good](/view/11:53:31) long term ones for conditions over a [good](/view/11:51:48) long time https www [google](/view/10:55:06) com search sca up its relevance as [governing](/view/09:25:13) or creating the
of computing that the [grad](/view/09:59:06) student had ever shape of the dependency [graph](/view/09:36:47) and then it says what does simple [graphical](/view/11:35:54) manipulation do to small tweaks to the [graphical](/view/11:35:54) representation which can which a team or [group](/view/09:25:13) cares about and a programmer in this [group](/view/11:35:40) will lean important
javascript version that approaches [gtoolkit](/view/11:38:48)
putting the dompurify [guard](/view/10:46:01) as the last siriuserguide com siri dictation [guide](/view/11:10:17)
the same sort of [hack](/view/09:59:56) cut here cut cdc mace which offered [hackable](/view/10:01:42) affordances a [hackers](/view/10:48:16) eye view of what we have in [hand](/view/09:37:35) is leftovers from will have a click [handle](/view/10:34:31) using the enriched html [handler](/view/11:11:59) defined to include is now a drop [handler](/view/11:25:19) drop inspector and constructed using the html [handler](/view/11:13:31) marking it with with an unknown plugin [handler](/view/11:11:59) using the enriched css classes and click [handlers](/view/10:34:45) are examples of be enriched with click [handlers](/view/10:35:31) in an svg would support adding click [handlers](/view/10:36:22) this is the context of regular data [handling](/view/11:28:07) social proof kept him [hanging](/view/09:53:48) around long enough from jeff i was [happily](/view/10:36:22) surprised that the discussion of easy and [hard](/view/11:00:26) things in ui internal links will [have](/view/10:34:31) a click handle girbas glamorous toolkit we [have](/view/11:38:48) a javascript version reflects on technologies which [have](/view/09:53:15) a pace which we [have](/view/11:31:47) an environment that an environment that we [have](/view/11:31:47) an opportunity to the editable source doesnt [have](/view/11:19:21) any sanitization step more conditions it must [have](/view/11:40:33) been fit for hi eric we [have](/view/10:04:34) been talking about and the op language [have](/view/09:22:39) close two way but i couldnt [have](/view/09:54:04) figured it out any advice i [have](/view/09:24:20) has to touch this so what we [have](/view/09:37:35) in hand is our informal computation model [have](/view/09:39:40) limitations or does which does not explicitly [have](/view/09:36:47) these dependencies as so carefully that i [have](/view/09:59:06) to admire it pre purify anything before [having](/view/10:46:39) observable do its sanitize the html before [having](/view/10:43:16) observable render it things from scratch after [having](/view/10:54:08) spent much time peter petedaguru reflects on [having](/view/11:03:07) the little paragraph dompurify for filtering potentially [hazardous](/view/10:29:03) federated content out more obvious or [hazardous](/view/10:28:10) script references in
the side of my [head](/view/11:40:33) about why y especially programming a punctuation [heavy](/view/11:05:06) language like perl but currently trying to [help](/view/09:28:05) my twins get stephen wolfram i can [help](/view/12:14:32) you with llms in re use has [helped](/view/10:52:12) us gain that discussion of robert best [helping](/view/09:27:50) thompson morrison to paragraph at a time [helps](/view/11:01:16) narrow the challenge for the mind vibes [here](/view/09:54:23) sort of hack cut [here](/view/09:59:56) cut here everything hack cut here cut [here](/view/09:59:56) everything else stays which parses and wikilinks [here](/view/10:31:51) in pwa wiki yep sorry i m [here](/view/09:28:05) listening but currently and [here](/view/12:06:12) we are my we show [herehow](/view/09:51:00) the process of dompurify is better than [heres](/view/10:48:16) a random web
working on colllaboration and [history](/view/11:33:01) and connection of discussion of the [history](/view/11:58:49) of rob mees
help you with llms [hopelessness](/view/12:14:32) at math and to school by cutting [hours](/view/10:20:03) of walking out should provide consistent views [however](/view/09:39:40) a map might what eric is doing [however](/view/10:48:16) dompurify is better
wiki streets of amsterdam [html](/view/09:42:24) using orightml await stdlib [html](/view/10:40:54) machinery inside observable stdlib [html](/view/10:47:30) and how its martinfowler com bliki postmodernprogramming [html](/view/10:57:14) as a modern the browser or render [html](/view/10:45:00) as escaped visible sense to sanitize the [html](/view/10:43:16) before having observable the filter around [html](/view/10:28:10) can allow user async [html](/view/10:39:28) definition uses dompurify html renderer sanitize observables [html](/view/10:42:37) dom element whether to treat as [html](/view/10:45:00) for the browser handler using the enriched [html](/view/11:11:59) handler defined to dom constructed using the [html](/view/11:13:31) handler marking it in an [html](/view/11:47:42) item reference to the original [html](/view/10:40:54) library from observable paragraph plugin depends on [html](/view/11:16:05) linked and annotatelinks hazardous script references in [html](/view/10:28:10) or svg using result of a sanitized [html](/view/11:16:05) paragraph on the wrapper around the observable [html](/view/11:11:59) renderer a sanitizing [html](/view/10:42:37) renderer sanitize observables now rendered using an [html](/view/10:27:14) sanitizer sanitiser [http](/view/09:48:12) found ward bay back into opcloud [http](/view/09:10:50) marc relocalizecreativity net [http](/view/11:36:19) marc relocalizecreativity net [http](/view/11:37:51) marc relocalizecreativity net [http](/view/09:42:24) nick dojo fed [https](/view/10:25:16) en wikipedia org [https](/view/10:58:02) en wikipedia org albert goldman antifragile talen [https](/view/11:40:33) en wikipedia org about from bricoler also [https](/view/10:58:07) en wiktionary org [https](/view/09:12:54) esml technion ac [https](/view/09:13:08) esml technion ac eric is walking through [https](/view/10:40:40) github com dobbs is likely to survive [https](/view/11:40:33) luca dellanna com [https](/view/10:57:14) martinfowler com bliki [https](/view/11:34:41) metapho relocalizecreativity net heavy language like perl [https](/view/11:05:06) thenewstack io perl and flying an airplane [https](/view/10:58:15) www amazon com [https](/view/10:55:06) www google com [https](/view/11:57:14) www mechanical orchard whale fails using ruby [https](/view/11:57:22) www mechanical orchard [https](/view/11:10:17) www siriuserguide com
which are faster than [human](/view/09:53:15) accommodation that they
q bricolage si acfman [hzzsjqsgxiylkgc](/view/10:55:06) z vmp y
of one community going [idle](/view/11:51:03) and the other
behavior will be exposed [immediately](/view/11:30:40) in an inspector my paraphrase of the [implications](/view/09:51:16) lines of code budgetary [importance](/view/09:56:04) wont regard it as [important](/view/09:24:20) np sleep is [important](/view/09:28:15) this group will lean [important](/view/11:35:40) things from a
standard fedwiki client does [include](/view/10:30:22) a dompurify pass observables libraries didnt [include](/view/10:29:03) the dompurify style html handler defined to [include](/view/11:11:59) the dompurify wrapper erics updated prototype now [includes](/view/10:29:03) dompurify for filtering editable to rendering paragraphs [independently](/view/11:03:01) in one big view welcome visitors view [index](/view/11:34:41) view sofi vsm too much code is [inelegant](/view/09:55:36) clumsy room and control of [infection](/view/10:49:11) is that useful data regions does our [informal](/view/09:39:40) computation model have translating among tree structured [information](/view/10:54:52) allow fedwiki and other [information](/view/11:03:07) systems to be that some things are [informational](/view/09:21:30) objects other things and choices available to [injecting](/view/10:50:40) exploitation into the code needed to change [injecting](/view/11:17:06) the dependencies as mechanism which wraps the [input](/view/11:29:20) data in a the current context special [input](/view/11:05:14) modalities for court pete reflects on various [input](/view/11:05:14) modalities in the careful orchestration of working [input](/view/10:03:18) tapes needed when a decade into an [inquiry](/view/11:39:14) is when you discussion of the machinery [inside](/view/10:47:30) observable stdlib html and possibly uses the [inspect](/view/11:29:20) library to allow to be seen and [inspected](/view/11:25:19) for their internal also a way of [inspecting](/view/11:29:47) your platforms and observes that the event [inspection](/view/11:26:30) is something that exposed immediately in an [inspector](/view/11:30:40) a drop handler drop [inspector](/view/11:25:19) and paste inspector getting dropped into an [inspector](/view/11:25:19) and there is observes that the observable [inspector](/view/11:29:20) is a remarkably vibes from the observable [inspector](/view/11:28:07) making events visible says open an observable [inspector](/view/11:13:31) on the dom drop inspector and paste [inspector](/view/11:25:19) which allow events eric describes [inspiration](/view/11:38:48) from miller columns to scale up fedwiki [installations](/view/09:27:50) as a tool of curiosity by being [insulated](/view/10:15:56) from consequences by for erics understanding of [integrating](/view/10:54:52) systems as translating understands what you re [intending](/view/11:30:40) by moving things technology which invites conversational [interaction](/view/09:53:15) bostocks observable model an [interaction](/view/09:36:47) model where moving on well factored data [interaction](/view/10:04:34) models and bicycles compilers which were less [interesting](/view/10:54:08) earlier in his it and understand the [internal](/view/10:51:15) considerations link decorated with the [internal](/view/10:34:14) css class and observables api needs the [internal](/view/10:31:51) function linked text annotatelinks where a non [internal](/view/10:34:14) link dispatches to window tab and an [internal](/view/10:34:14) link does not [internal](/view/10:34:31) links will have streets as his personal [internal](/view/09:41:24) map and name and inspected for their [internal](/view/11:25:19) members and structure ward observes a decade [into](/view/11:39:14) an inquiry is clipboard event getting dropped [into](/view/11:25:19) an inspector and back [into](/view/09:10:50) opcloud http marc move from community clds [into](/view/11:37:07) opm models all available to injecting exploitation [into](/view/10:50:40) the processing pipeline that things might be [introduced](/view/10:47:30) there technion ac il opm [introduction](/view/09:12:54) to opm as a way of [investigating](/view/09:19:45) these relationships reflects on the current [investigation](/view/09:29:52) of rewriting fedwikis is a technology which [invites](/view/09:53:15) conversational interaction a special page is [invoked](/view/11:34:54) an embedded observable
client editor in an [iphone](/view/11:18:44) mobile context will
in an html [item](/view/11:47:42) views rendered as an [item](/view/11:19:21) rendered as editable html paragraph on the [item](/view/11:16:05) text processed with page to another one [item](/view/09:34:11) to another consistent it with unknown type [item](/view/11:13:31) type site map as reference [items](/view/10:26:38) fetched from the map [items](/view/09:52:18) rather than ones
career in technologies from [java](/view/11:58:49) xp to ruby toolkit we have a [javascript](/view/11:38:48) version that approaches when you avoid using [javascript](/view/09:34:11) with side effects
[jeff](/view/09:31:58) appreciates that the aside from [jeff](/view/10:36:22) i was happily [jeff](/view/09:53:48) reflects that his [jeff](/view/11:28:07) says who else [jeff](/view/09:22:00) to marc about
doing a sequence of [jobs](/view/10:03:18) which required reading the last step before [joining](/view/10:46:01) the browsers context
[just](/view/11:07:17) say all caps depend on observables servers [just](/view/09:30:43) the libraries
to many thingsbecause we [keep](/view/09:51:00) the pattern simple afternoon two bored brothers [keep](/view/10:58:15) themselves busy by discussion of [keeping](/view/11:08:18) basic platform and notebook model depends on [keeping](/view/09:34:11) dependencies from one attraction to social proof [kept](/view/09:53:48) him hanging around ward on [kerry](/view/09:25:13) kerry will explore attendees to marc and [kerry](/view/09:26:46) we learned things ward on kerry [kerry](/view/09:25:13) will explore around marc [kerrys](/view/09:25:33) key question what creative community work and [kerrys](/view/09:19:45) system dynamics diagrams the i o context [keyboard](/view/11:03:07) and screen mobile
ends up as a [knowledge](/view/10:59:19) trader some street which nick [knows](/view/09:41:24)
rails cloud foundry pivotal [labs](/view/11:58:49) now mechanical orchard diagram and the op [language](/view/09:22:39) have close two programming a punctuation heavy [language](/view/11:05:06) like perl https my catchphrase for the [last](/view/12:06:12) several years dompurify guard as the [last](/view/10:46:01) step before joining not very long between [layoffs](/view/12:06:38) in the dot on a [lazy](/view/10:58:15) afternoon two bored that libraries can by [lazy](/view/10:37:40) loaded only when
a wiki with every [leaders](/view/11:37:28) opinion on the in this group will [lean](/view/11:35:40) important things from question what did you [learn](/view/09:26:19) that you didnt quick fold once you [learn](/view/09:16:42) the trick that we would not [learn](/view/09:26:46) using our own you didnt expect to [learn](/view/09:26:19) ward thank you marc and kerry we [learned](/view/09:26:46) things that we interesting earlier in his [learning](/view/10:54:08) now hes developing [learning](/view/09:41:24) the streets as making sure observable didnt [leave](/view/10:46:01) anything have in hand is [leftovers](/view/09:37:35) from a discovery and compilers which were [less](/view/10:54:08) interesting earlier in be a timeframe for [letting](/view/11:40:33) things simmer can name the top [level](/view/11:34:05) sofi diagram panel
observables servers just the [libraries](/view/09:30:43) all of these [libraries](/view/10:45:00) are trying to the answer is that [libraries](/view/10:37:40) can by lazy observables [libraries](/view/10:29:03) didnt include the work with the observable [libraries](/view/09:30:43) does not depend keeping basic platform and [libraries](/view/11:08:18) open source not of other projects and [libraries](/view/11:51:03) with what fedwiki dompurify as a standard [library](/view/10:28:10) to the original html [library](/view/10:40:54) from observable using possibly uses the inspect [library](/view/11:29:20) to allow the map marker survey look [like](/view/09:42:27) and how could needs of telecom systems [like](/view/11:53:31) british telecom like systems like british telecom [like](/view/11:53:31) erlang beam in in one big document [like](/view/11:03:01) obsidian a punctuation heavy language [like](/view/11:05:06) perl https thenewstack [like](/view/09:54:47) wikibase didnt count the longer it is [likely](/view/11:40:33) to survive https informal computation model have [limitations](/view/09:39:40) or does it https luca dellanna com [lindy](/view/11:40:33) albert goldman antifragile en wikipedia org wiki [lindy](/view/11:40:33) effect [lindys](/view/11:40:33) law the older berkeley db and perl [lines](/view/09:54:47) of code fedwiki in terms of [lines](/view/09:55:03) of code authored [lines](/view/09:56:04) of code budgetary ward and paul discuss [lines](/view/09:55:36) of code marc querying using page and [lineup](/view/09:52:18) adjecent to a wiki [lineup](/view/11:34:05) as a wiki page [lineup](/view/11:34:54) in a meaningful things around on the [lineup](/view/11:30:40) or on a where is a plain [link](/view/10:34:14) and is a link and is a [link](/view/10:34:14) decorated with the where a non internal [link](/view/10:34:14) dispatches to a tab and an internal [link](/view/10:34:14) does not a [link](/view/10:40:40) to the code item text processed with [linked](/view/11:16:05) dov doris work [linked](/view/09:14:03) above plugin depends on html [linked](/view/11:16:05) and annotatelinks as do some preprocessing with [linked](/view/10:34:14) text where is needs the internal function [linked](/view/10:31:51) text which parses a function [linked](/view/10:31:51) which is part all the page [links](/view/10:27:14) are now rendered internal [links](/view/10:34:31) will have a sorry i m here [listening](/view/09:28:05) but currently trying reflects on having the [little](/view/11:03:07) paragraph editor being
can help you with [llms](/view/12:14:32) hopelessness at math
when the page gets [loaded](/view/11:19:56) it gets processed reference to dompurify is [loaded](/view/10:39:28) only if when libraries can by lazy [loaded](/view/10:37:40) only when the of amsterdam wiki project [local](/view/09:43:23) conventions for directions on proprietary services with [lock](/view/11:08:18) in and the rendering [logic](/view/11:13:31) says open an not very [long](/view/12:06:38) between layoffs in kept him hanging around [long](/view/09:53:48) enough to see double click to edit [long](/view/11:03:01) press context menu [long](/view/11:03:54) press context menu menu sounds right or [long](/view/11:03:54) press for editor what choices are good [long](/view/11:53:31) term ones conditions over a good [long](/view/11:51:48) time will take you a [long](/view/11:01:38) way fit for thus the [longer](/view/11:40:33) it is likely we use it to [look](/view/09:42:27) at nicks wiki a map marker survey [look](/view/09:42:27) like and how iphone mobile context will [look](/view/11:18:44) the same as in opposition to marcs [looking](/view/09:57:24) for antonyms for a tetrahedron a causal [loop](/view/11:37:28) diagram in which you can [lose](/view/10:15:56) sight of curiosity
likely to survive https [luca](/view/11:40:33) dellanna com lindy
unofficial alternative os cdc [mace](/view/10:01:42) which offered hackable discussion of the [machinery](/view/10:47:30) inside observable stdlib need to build the [machinery](/view/11:30:40) that understands what bricolage working from ready [made](/view/10:55:21) parts wiki spike css blob [main](/view/10:40:40) pwa wiki js limitations or does it [make](/view/09:39:40) adaptations to new driven how can we [make](/view/09:37:35) it do this they exist that they [make](/view/10:20:03) it practical to marc asks would it [make](/view/10:43:16) more sense to tool for collaboration to [make](/view/09:27:50) operations usefully scalable collaborative work can we [make](/view/11:35:54) small tweaks to m pausing that to [make](/view/11:34:54) sure that how marc asks if it [makes](/view/10:46:39) sense to pre discussion of where it [makes](/view/10:43:42) sense to put from the observable inspector [making](/view/11:28:07) events visible and is a way of [making](/view/10:46:01) sure observable didnt what does simple graphical [manipulation](/view/11:35:54) do to do might want to consume [many](/view/09:39:40) sorts of data federated wikican apply to [many](/view/09:51:00) thingsbecause we keep jeff to [marc](/view/09:22:00) about advantages of metaphorum attendees to [marc](/view/09:26:46) and kerry we [marc](/view/09:30:43) appreciates that erics but [marc](/view/10:46:39) asks if it [marc](/view/11:18:44) asks if the [marc](/view/10:43:16) asks would it all caps marc bicycle [marc](/view/11:10:19) bicycle for clarification all caps [marc](/view/11:10:19) bicycle marc bicycle [marc](/view/09:22:39) describes that the ward and [marc](/view/10:15:56) discuss ways in [marc](/view/09:18:17) discusses the opcloud [marc](/view/11:06:59) explores voice typing [marc](/view/09:25:33) kerrys key question discuss lines of code [marc](/view/09:55:36) points out that [marc](/view/11:33:01) recalls a comparison [marc](/view/09:53:15) reflects on technologies back into opcloud http [marc](/view/09:10:50) relocalizecreativity net view http [marc](/view/11:36:19) relocalizecreativity net view http [marc](/view/11:37:51) relocalizecreativity net view script alert hi [marc](/view/11:20:30) script two in opposition to [marcs](/view/09:57:24) looking for antonyms [marcs](/view/11:37:28) use case i only the one [marker](/view/09:50:59) on my forage what would a map [marker](/view/09:42:27) survey look like ward demonstrates a map [marker](/view/09:44:33) survey map marker map marker survey map [marker](/view/09:44:33) survey probe code fed wiki map [marker](/view/09:48:12) survey probe been talking about map [marker](/view/10:04:34) survey probes reflecting hmm my [markers](/view/09:51:32) are mostly page survey probe uses static [markers](/view/09:52:18) fetched from the using the html handler [marking](/view/11:13:31) it with unknown https [martinfowler](/view/10:57:14) com bliki postmodernprogramming with llms hopelessness at [math](/view/12:14:32) and conceptual stuff using fedwiki site surveys [maybe](/view/11:37:28) there will be
page lineup in a [meaningful](/view/11:34:54) context as part observable to get a [meaningful](/view/11:30:40) observation and that and a set of [meaningful](/view/09:39:40) projects would be a [meaningful](/view/11:30:55) representation and meaningful observation and that [meaningless](/view/11:30:40) behavior will be [mechanical](/view/11:54:48) orchard post the seeds of [mechanical](/view/11:57:22) orchard foundry pivotal labs now [mechanical](/view/11:58:49) orchard https www [mechanical](/view/11:57:14) orchard com using ruby https www [mechanical](/view/11:57:22) orchard com post [mechanical](/view/11:57:22) orchard origins with is a remarkably simple [mechanism](/view/11:29:20) which wraps the a [mediocre](/view/11:01:38) job at the the history of rob [mees](/view/11:58:49) career in technologies to try my friend [megans](/view/09:16:28) when i was inspected for their internal [members](/view/11:25:19) and structure seymour cray disliking virtual [memory](/view/10:02:24) a [mention](/view/09:15:05) of burley bicycle edit long press context [menu](/view/11:03:01) long press context [menu](/view/11:03:54) sounds right or https [metapho](/view/11:34:41) relocalizecreativity net view of security is a [metaphor](/view/10:49:11) for an operating usefulness of running system [metaphors](/view/10:50:40) and their suitability [metaphorum](/view/09:26:46) attendees to marc opm [methodology](/view/09:12:28) basis learn using our own [methods](/view/09:26:46)
explores voice typing with [microsoft](/view/11:06:59) word svgs of elements which [might](/view/10:35:31) be enriched with and the result [might](/view/11:37:55) be expressed as there places that things [might](/view/10:47:30) be introduced there views however a map [might](/view/09:39:40) want to consume nicks wiki and what [might](/view/09:42:27) we find on javascript with side effects [mike](/view/09:34:11) bostocks model of using mountain terrain and [military](/view/10:23:08) preparedness digging tunnels eric describes inspiration from [miller](/view/11:38:48) columns as used getting bicycle for the [mind](/view/09:54:23) vibes here the plot of the [ministry](/view/10:23:39) for the future
editor in an iphone [mobile](/view/11:18:44) context will look context keyboard and screen [mobile](/view/11:03:07) device with touchscreen browing and editing with [mobile](/view/11:08:52) devices current context special input [modalities](/view/11:05:14) for court reporters reflects on various input [modalities](/view/11:05:14) in the current dependencies as bostocks observable [model](/view/09:36:47) an interaction model compute the observable notebook [model](/view/09:34:11) depends on keeping does our informal computation [model](/view/09:39:40) have limitations or side effects mike bostocks [model](/view/09:34:11) of a dag transforming between opcloud [model](/view/09:19:45) of equipping creative observable model an interaction [model](/view/09:36:47) where moving pages that fedwiki uses a [model](/view/09:36:47) which does not community clds into opm [models](/view/11:37:07) all in fedwiki well factored data interaction [models](/view/10:04:34) and bicycles view welcome visitors view [models](/view/11:37:51) for seeing systems postmodernprogramming html as a [modern](/view/10:57:14) software account of we re showing the [moldable](/view/09:12:07) development aspects of i did a [monkey](/view/09:59:56) patch to the ward describes [monkey](/view/09:58:29) patching the pascal older something is the [more](/view/11:40:33) conditions it must a building block for [more](/view/10:30:22) general work content while scrubbing out [more](/view/10:28:10) obvious or hazardous asks would it make [more](/view/10:43:16) sense to sanitize [more](/view/10:07:04) tea robert best helping thompson [morrison](/view/09:27:50) to scale up the [most](/view/09:59:06) elegant abuse of you for sharing your [most](/view/09:26:19) valuable pattern hmm my markers are [mostly](/view/09:51:32) page now [motivational](/view/11:08:52) case for fedwiki switzerlands [mountain](/view/10:23:39) adaptations figure in digging tunnels through mountains [mountain](/view/10:23:08) runways swiss expedients for using [mountain](/view/10:23:08) terrain and military preparedness digging tunnels through [mountains](/view/10:23:08) mountain runways collaborative story around that [move](/view/11:34:54) to understand how to [move](/view/11:37:07) from community clds is a security parity [move](/view/10:30:22) of the prototype their suitability to the [moves](/view/10:50:40) and choices available an interaction model where [moving](/view/09:36:47) pages sets up you re intending by [moving](/view/11:30:40) things around on
points out that too [much](/view/09:55:36) code is inelegant scratch after having spent [much](/view/10:54:08) time on the not to do too [much](/view/09:29:01) to fedwiki that the more conditions it [must](/view/11:40:33) have been fit
figured it out by [myself](/view/09:54:04) which i created for [myself](/view/11:34:05) that i can
personal internal map and [name](/view/09:41:24) based records a myself that i can [name](/view/11:34:05) the top level injecting the dependencies as [named](/view/11:17:06) functions was how another consistent based on [named](/view/09:34:11) references and annotatelinks as function [names](/view/11:16:05) then the plugin at a time helps [narrow](/view/11:01:16) the challenge of allow the user to [navigate](/view/11:29:20) the details
to be re used [near](/view/11:03:07) whole ward says we [need](/view/11:30:40) to build the i [need](/view/11:23:48) to run unfortunately i [need](/view/11:37:07) to understand how the functions are actually [needed](/view/10:37:40) only if when its [needed](/view/10:39:28) no refactoring browser [needed](/view/11:21:22) how i added the [needed](/view/11:17:06) function dependencies for of the plugin code [needed](/view/11:17:06) to change injecting of working input tapes [needed](/view/10:03:18) when doing a considers that the viability [needs](/view/11:53:31) of telecom systems part of observables api [needs](/view/10:31:51) the internal function libraries with what fedwiki [needs](/view/11:51:03) ward paul is
oh [nice](/view/09:11:28) http [nick](/view/09:42:24) dojo fed wiki of some street which [nick](/view/09:41:24) knows re per paul [nick](/view/09:43:23) niemeirs streets of it to look at [nicks](/view/09:42:27) wiki and what niemeyer [niemeir](/view/09:42:04) re per paul nick [niemeirs](/view/09:43:23) streets of amsterdam [niemeyer](/view/09:42:04) niemeir
apologies for the [noise](/view/09:48:21) perfect decorator pattern so [none](/view/11:17:06) of the plugin invoked an embedded observable [notebook](/view/11:34:54) as a wiki re compute the observable [notebook](/view/09:34:11) model depends on take the sofi doagram [notebook](/view/11:34:05) which i created ward [notes](/view/09:36:47) that fedwiki uses www amazon com bored [nothing](/view/10:58:15) do peter spier
easier to see what [objects](/view/09:21:30) are that some how its constructing dom [objects](/view/10:47:30) are there places some things are informational [objects](/view/09:21:30) other things are marc asks if the [observable](/view/11:18:44) client editor in ward observes that the [observable](/view/10:51:15) code was written css and also using [observable](/view/09:29:52) d s front way of making sure [observable](/view/10:46:01) didnt leave anything purify anything before having [observable](/view/10:46:39) do its standard ward observes that [observable](/view/09:34:11) does better when eric demonstrates the [observable](/view/10:26:17) front end jeff appreciates that the [observable](/view/09:31:58) front end api dompurify wrapper around the [observable](/view/11:11:59) html renderer eric observes that the [observable](/view/11:29:20) inspector is a smalltalk vibes from the [observable](/view/11:28:07) inspector making events logic says open an [observable](/view/11:13:31) inspector on the hackers eye view of [observable](/view/10:48:16) is beyond what erics work with the [observable](/view/09:30:43) libraries does not these dependencies as bostocks [observable](/view/09:36:47) model an interaction is invoked an embedded [observable](/view/11:34:54) notebook as a to re compute the [observable](/view/09:34:11) notebook model depends expressed as an embedded [observable](/view/11:37:55) page as a a site survey in [observable](/view/11:35:54) page form the html before having [observable](/view/10:43:16) render it of the machinery inside [observable](/view/10:47:30) stdlib html and then we ll use [observable](/view/11:30:40) to get a original html library from [observable](/view/10:40:54) using orightml await which is part of [observables](/view/10:31:51) api needs the [observables](/view/10:37:40) form of connecting sanitizing html renderer sanitize [observables](/view/10:42:37) html dom element [observables](/view/10:29:03) libraries didnt include post processing cleanup after [observables](/view/10:42:54) rendering does not depend on [observables](/view/09:30:43) servers just the to get a meaningful [observation](/view/11:30:40) and that meaningless a way that external [observers](/view/10:51:15) could review and ward [observes](/view/11:39:14) a decade into ward [observes](/view/09:34:11) that observable does eric [observes](/view/10:54:08) that some of ward [observes](/view/11:26:30) that the event ward [observes](/view/10:51:15) that the observable eric [observes](/view/11:29:20) that the observable one big document like [obsidian](/view/11:03:01) while scrubbing out more [obvious](/view/10:28:10) or hazardous script
digital [ocean](/view/12:09:49) has been pretty
os cdc mace which [offered](/view/10:01:42) hackable affordances
lindys law the [older](/view/11:40:33) something is the
quick fold [once](/view/09:16:42) you learn the are good long term [ones](/view/11:53:31) map items rather than [ones](/view/09:52:18) created via querying to dompurify is loaded [only](/view/10:39:28) if when its [only](/view/09:50:59) the one marker can by lazy loaded [only](/view/10:37:40) when the functions
technion ac il opm [opcloud](/view/09:13:08) marc describes that the [opcloud](/view/09:22:39) diagram and the back into [opcloud](/view/09:10:50) http marc relocalizecreativity in [opcloud](/view/09:21:30) its easier to transforming between [opcloud](/view/09:19:45) model of equipping marc discusses the [opcloud](/view/09:18:17) style diagram for the rendering logic says [open](/view/11:13:31) an observable inspector always [open](/view/11:03:01) and editable to basic platform and libraries [open](/view/11:08:18) source not dependent a metaphor for an [operating](/view/10:49:11) room and control for collaboration to make [operations](/view/09:27:50) usefully scalable should be a better [operator](/view/12:09:49) of my wiki wiki with every leaders [opinion](/view/11:37:28) on the sofi that we have an [opportunity](/view/11:31:47) to control the are these two in [opposition](/view/09:57:24) to marcs looking
mechanical [orchard](/view/11:54:48) the seeds of mechanical [orchard](/view/11:57:22) pivotal labs now mechanical [orchard](/view/11:58:49) https www mechanical [orchard](/view/11:57:14) com ruby https www mechanical [orchard](/view/11:57:22) com post the mechanical [orchard](/view/11:57:22) origins with pivotal paul describes the careful [orchestration](/view/10:03:18) of working input library from observable using [orightml](/view/10:40:54) await stdlib html same as in the [original](/view/11:18:44) fedwiki a reference to the [original](/view/10:40:54) html library from mechanical orchard [origins](/view/11:57:22) with pivotal fixing
going idle and the [other](/view/11:51:03) being vital of textual data and [other](/view/11:33:01) data eric has may allow fedwiki and [other](/view/11:03:07) information systems to is the alignment of [other](/view/11:51:03) projects and libraries things are informational objects [other](/view/09:21:30) things are processes might we find on [other](/view/09:42:27) wikis
is fit for conditions [over](/view/11:51:48) a good long jobs which required reading [overlays](/view/10:03:18)
cytochrome c [oxidase](/view/11:51:48) is fit for
technologies which have a [pace](/view/09:53:15) which are faster that is on a [page](/view/09:50:59) about a podcast render that as a [page](/view/11:34:05) adjecent to a created via querying using [page](/view/09:52:18) and lineup as an embedded observable [page](/view/11:37:55) as a panel name based records a [page](/view/09:41:24) being a section site survey in observable [page](/view/11:35:54) form when the [page](/view/11:19:56) gets loaded it that how a special [page](/view/11:34:54) is invoked an notebook as a wiki [page](/view/11:34:54) lineup in a all the [page](/view/10:27:14) links are now my markers are mostly [page](/view/09:51:32) now sofi relationshps with a [page](/view/11:37:28) on each driving lineup or on a [page](/view/11:30:40) then we ll keeping dependencies from one [page](/view/09:34:11) to another one the premise of single [page](/view/10:36:22) wumpus svg js be rolled up across [pages](/view/11:35:54) a site survey be a family of [pages](/view/11:37:28) a sofi a interaction model where moving [pages](/view/09:36:47) sets up the the broken tramway in [pakistan](/view/10:20:03) and the reasons observable page as a [panel](/view/11:37:55) top level sofi diagram [panel](/view/11:34:05) and then render rhode gear clip on [panniers](/view/09:10:08) in fedwiki editing a [paragraph](/view/11:01:16) at a time on having the little [paragraph](/view/11:03:07) editor being a of a sanitized html [paragraph](/view/11:16:05) on the item a [paragraph](/view/11:16:05) plugin depends on and editable to rendering [paragraphs](/view/11:03:01) independently in one my [paraphrase](/view/09:51:16) of the implications this is a security [parity](/view/10:30:22) move of the function linked text which [parses](/view/10:31:51) and wikilinks here function linked which is [part](/view/10:31:51) of observables api adaptations figure in as [part](/view/10:23:39) of the plot of code authored as [part](/view/09:55:03) of the project a meaningful context as [part](/view/11:34:54) of wiki whats working from ready made [parts](/view/10:55:21) describes monkey patching the [pascal](/view/09:58:29) compiler does include a dompurify [pass](/view/10:30:22) so this is handler drop inspector and [paste](/view/11:25:19) inspector which allow i did a monkey [patch](/view/09:59:56) to the disney ward describes monkey [patching](/view/09:58:29) the pascal compiler sharing your most valuable [pattern](/view/09:26:19) thingsbecause we keep the [pattern](/view/09:51:00) simple did a perfect decorator [pattern](/view/11:17:06) so none of [paul](/view/10:03:18) describes the careful ward and [paul](/view/09:55:36) discuss lines of what fedwiki needs ward [paul](/view/11:51:03) is the best re per [paul](/view/09:43:23) nick niemeirs streets i m [pausing](/view/11:34:54) that to make
i did a [perfect](/view/11:17:06) decorator pattern so be computed on request [perhaps](/view/09:36:47) punctuation heavy language like [perl](/view/11:05:06) https thenewstack io count berkeley db and [perl](/view/09:54:47) lines of code perl https thenewstack io [perl](/view/11:05:06) programmer pioneers coding the streets as his [personal](/view/09:41:24) internal map and [pete](/view/11:05:14) reflects on various peter [petedaguru](/view/11:03:07) reflects on having ty [peter](/view/11:40:55) [peter](/view/11:03:07) petedaguru reflects on com bored nothing do [peter](/view/10:58:15) spier dp
to see how the [pieces](/view/09:53:48) fit together thenewstack io perl programmer [pioneers](/view/11:05:06) coding by voice exploitation into the processing [pipeline](/view/10:50:40) and to defending something that a sanitization [pipeline](/view/11:20:39) would remove useful for considering rendering [pipelines](/view/10:49:11) mechanical orchard origins with [pivotal](/view/11:57:22) fixing twitter whale ruby rails cloud foundry [pivotal](/view/11:58:49) labs now mechanical
sxsrf ab stbjmddb zxgllvurzxz [pjhfkym](/view/10:55:06) g q bricolage
for directions from one [place](/view/09:43:23) to another dom objects are there [places](/view/10:47:30) that things might text where is a [plain](/view/10:34:14) link and is discussion of keeping basic [platform](/view/11:08:18) and libraries open way of inspecting your [platforms](/view/11:29:47) and what is as part of the [plot](/view/10:23:39) of the ministry function dependencies for the [plugin](/view/11:17:06) code so none of the [plugin](/view/11:17:06) code needed to a paragraph [plugin](/view/11:16:05) depends on html starting with an unknown [plugin](/view/11:11:59) handler using the ward suggests if a [plugin](/view/09:39:40) provides or sources function names then the [plugin](/view/11:16:05) rendering function says the plugins registry by [plugin](/view/11:11:59) type has a erics demo continues the [plugins](/view/11:11:59) registry by plugin long press for editor [plus](/view/11:03:54) some widgets
a page about a [podcast](/view/09:50:59) for understanding a teams [point](/view/09:23:52) of focus lines of code marc [points](/view/09:55:36) out that too a script tag go [poof](/view/11:46:50) the broader range of [possible](/view/11:40:33) futures it is in a div and [possibly](/view/11:29:20) uses the inspect [post](/view/10:42:54) processing cleanup after internal css class and [post](/view/10:34:14) processing with annotatelinks www mechanical orchard com [post](/view/11:57:22) the seeds of https martinfowler com bliki [postmodernprogramming](/view/10:57:14) html as a includes dompurify for filtering [potentially](/view/10:29:03) hazardous federated content
that they make it [practical](/view/10:20:03) to go to from a [premillennial](/view/09:10:25) bike handlers this is the [premise](/view/10:36:22) of single page mountain terrain and military [preparedness](/view/10:23:08) digging tunnels through i do some [preprocessing](/view/10:34:14) with linked text click to edit long [press](/view/11:03:01) context menu long [press](/view/11:03:54) context menu sounds sounds right or long [press](/view/11:03:54) for editor plus brompton bikes are [pretty](/view/09:16:28) clever i got digital ocean has been [pretty](/view/12:09:49) solid for me survey map marker survey [probe](/view/09:44:33) wiki map marker survey [probe](/view/09:48:12) the survey [probe](/view/09:52:18) uses static markers about map marker survey [probes](/view/10:04:34) reflecting on well the process of survey [probescommon](/view/09:51:00) to federated wikican leftovers from a discovery [process](/view/09:37:35) we show herehow the [process](/view/09:51:00) of survey probescommon gets loaded it gets [processed](/view/11:19:56) from the same on the item text [processed](/view/11:16:05) with linked objects other things are [processes](/view/09:21:30) etc post [processing](/view/10:42:54) cleanup after observables injecting exploitation into the [processing](/view/10:50:40) pipeline and to css class and post [processing](/view/10:34:14) with annotatelinks where a [programmer](/view/11:35:40) in this group https thenewstack io perl [programmer](/view/11:05:06) pioneers coding by it supports vernacular [programming](/view/11:26:38) programming by voice especially [programming](/view/11:05:06) a punctuation heavy to do for user [programming](/view/11:31:47) and collaboration this striking story about [programming](/view/11:05:06) by voice especially opportunity to control the [programming](/view/11:31:47) environment in ways as part of the [project](/view/09:55:03) features and affordances was [project](/view/09:37:35) driven how can streets of amsterdam wiki [project](/view/09:43:23) local conventions for exciting to start this [project](/view/09:28:05) with thompson the alignment of other [projects](/view/11:51:03) and libraries with a set of meaningful [projects](/view/09:39:40) would be the affordances for ai based [prompting](/view/11:05:14) and fill in of svg and also [prompting](/view/11:37:28) gathering data using strong attraction to social [proof](/view/09:53:48) kept him hanging source not dependent on [proprietary](/view/11:08:18) services with lock the disney web registration [protocol](/view/09:59:56) which strikes me a random web developers [prototype](/view/10:48:16) style filtering erics updated [prototype](/view/10:29:03) now includes dompurify parity move of the [prototype](/view/10:30:22) toward readiness to hard things in ui [prototyping](/view/11:00:26) and work a map they should [provide](/view/09:39:40) consistent views however suggests if a plugin [provides](/view/09:39:40) or sources data
voice especially programming a [punctuation](/view/11:05:06) heavy language like makes sense to pre [purify](/view/10:46:39) anything before having etymology french one who [putters](/view/10:58:07) about from bricoler [putting](/view/10:46:01) the dompurify guard
than ones created via [querying](/view/09:52:18) using page and wards revealing [question](/view/09:26:19) what did you marc kerrys key [question](/view/09:25:33) what will be [quick](/view/09:16:42) fold once you
java xp to ruby [rails](/view/11:58:49) cloud foundry pivotal better than heres a [random](/view/10:48:16) web developers prototype for thus the broader [range](/view/11:40:33) of possible futures from the map items [rather](/view/09:52:18) than ones created
things that is in [reach](/view/11:34:05) for me is of the prototype toward [readiness](/view/10:30:22) to share as of jobs which required [reading](/view/10:03:18) overlays bricolage working from [ready](/view/10:55:21) made parts in pakistan and the [reasons](/view/10:20:03) that they exist marc [recalls](/view/11:33:01) a comparison bostock map and name based [records](/view/09:41:24) a page being no [refactoring](/view/11:21:22) browser needed rendered site map as [reference](/view/10:26:38) items front end and that [reference](/view/10:39:28) to dompurify is how to capture a [reference](/view/10:40:54) to the original consistent based on named [references](/view/09:34:11) obvious or hazardous script [references](/view/10:28:10) in html or map marker survey probes [reflecting](/view/10:04:34) on well factored peter petedaguru [reflects](/view/11:03:07) on having the marc [reflects](/view/09:53:15) on technologies which ward [reflects](/view/09:29:52) on the current pete [reflects](/view/11:05:14) on various input jeff [reflects](/view/09:53:48) that his strong diagram or they wont [regard](/view/09:24:20) it as important many sorts of data [regions](/view/09:39:40) does our informal to the disney web [registration](/view/09:59:56) protocol which strikes demo continues the plugins [registry](/view/11:11:59) by plugin type in the context of [regular](/view/11:28:07) data handling way of investigating these [relationships](/view/09:19:45) opinion on the sofi [relationshps](/view/11:37:28) with a page and bring up its [relevance](/view/09:25:13) as governing or [relevant](/view/09:24:25) etc into opcloud http marc [relocalizecreativity](/view/09:10:50) net view creativity https metapho [relocalizecreativity](/view/11:34:41) net view welcome http marc [relocalizecreativity](/view/11:36:19) net view welcome http marc [relocalizecreativity](/view/11:37:51) net view welcome observable inspector is a [remarkably](/view/11:29:20) simple mechanism which [reminding](/view/11:05:06) me of this a sanitization pipeline would [remove](/view/11:20:39) for the browser or [render](/view/10:45:00) html as escaped html before having observable [render](/view/10:43:16) it diagram panel and then [render](/view/11:34:05) that as a the same two views [rendered](/view/11:19:21) as an item rendered as an item [rendered](/view/11:19:21) as editable source starting with a [rendered](/view/10:26:38) site map as page links are now [rendered](/view/10:27:14) using an html around the observable html [renderer](/view/11:11:59) a sanitizing html [renderer](/view/10:42:37) sanitize observables html type has a different [renderer](/view/11:11:59) starting with an processing cleanup after observables [rendering](/view/10:42:54) names then the plugin [rendering](/view/11:16:05) function says annotatelinks and the [rendering](/view/11:13:31) logic says open open and editable to [rendering](/view/11:03:01) paragraphs independently in that useful for considering [rendering](/view/10:49:11) pipelines observable do its standard [rendering](/view/10:46:39) step input modalities for court [reporters](/view/11:05:14) for disability affordances a meaningful [representation](/view/11:30:55) and tweaks to the graphical [representation](/view/11:35:54) which can be can be computed on [request](/view/09:36:47) perhaps sequence of jobs which [required](/view/10:03:18) reading overlays and the [result](/view/11:37:55) might be expressed says annotatelinks on the [result](/view/11:16:05) of a sanitized you start seeing distinctive [results](/view/11:39:14) eric demonstrates the [results](/view/11:25:19) of a clipboard that we want to [retain](/view/11:26:30) wards [revealing](/view/09:26:19) question what did that external observers could [review](/view/10:51:15) and appreciate it the current investigation of [rewriting](/view/09:29:52) fedwikis front end
[rhode](/view/09:10:08) gear clip on
press context menu sounds [right](/view/11:03:54) or long press
discussion of [robert](/view/09:27:50) best helping thompson representation which can be [rolled](/view/11:35:54) up across pages metaphor for an operating [room](/view/10:49:11) and control of
twitter whale fails using [ruby](/view/11:57:22) https www mechanical from java xp to [ruby](/view/11:58:49) rails cloud foundry usefulness of [running](/view/10:50:40) system metaphors and tunnels through mountains mountain [runways](/view/10:23:08)
everything else stays the [same](/view/09:59:56) context will look the [same](/view/11:18:44) as in the with dompurify has the [same](/view/10:54:52) feel for erics strikes me as the [same](/view/09:59:56) sort of hack it will be the [same](/view/11:19:21) two views rendered gets processed from the [same](/view/11:19:56) wiki source on using an html sanitizer [sanitiser](/view/10:27:14) as something that a [sanitization](/view/11:20:39) pipeline would remove source doesnt have any [sanitization](/view/11:19:21) step a sanitizing html renderer [sanitize](/view/10:42:37) observables html dom make more sense to [sanitize](/view/10:43:16) the html before the result of a [sanitized](/view/11:16:05) html paragraph on is this appropriately [sanitized](/view/11:47:18) script alert hi rendered using an html [sanitizer](/view/10:27:14) sanitiser a [sanitizing](/view/10:42:37) html renderer sanitize the plugin rendering function [says](/view/11:16:05) annotatelinks on the eric [says](/view/11:34:05) one of the and the rendering logic [says](/view/11:13:31) open an observable ward [says](/view/11:30:40) we need to ward [says](/view/11:35:54) what does simple jeff [says](/view/11:28:07) who else is
to make operations usefully [scalable](/view/09:27:50) helping thompson morrison to [scale](/view/09:27:50) up fedwiki installations practical to go to [school](/view/10:20:03) by cutting hours ward describes cdc [scope](/view/10:01:42) and an unofficial much to fedwiki that [scrambles](/view/09:29:01) what thompson co to build things from [scratch](/view/10:54:08) after having spent o context keyboard and [screen](/view/11:03:07) mobile device with script alert hi marc [script](/view/11:20:30) is this appropriately sanitized [script](/view/11:47:18) alert hi alert [script](/view/11:20:30) alert hi marc more obvious or hazardous [script](/view/10:28:10) references in html dompurify and seeing a [script](/view/11:46:50) tag go poof aspects of federated wiki [scripts](/view/09:12:07) user generated content while [scrubbing](/view/10:28:10) out more obvious
view creativity equipping view [search](/view/11:36:19) for opm https www google com [search](/view/10:55:06) sca esv rlz a page being a [section](/view/09:41:24) of some street of general considerations of [security](/view/10:49:11) is a metaphor so this is a [security](/view/10:30:22) parity move of orchard com post the [seeds](/view/11:57:22) of mechanical orchard out the dompurify and [seeing](/view/11:46:50) a script tag is when you start [seeing](/view/11:39:14) distinctive results visitors view models for [seeing](/view/11:37:51) systems head about why y [seems](/view/11:40:33) to be a allow events to be [seen](/view/11:25:19) and inspected for grad student had ever [seen](/view/09:59:06) you ve done for eric allman at [sendmail](/view/12:06:20) dot com asks if it makes [sense](/view/10:46:39) to pre purify of where it makes [sense](/view/10:43:42) to put the would it make more [sense](/view/10:43:16) to sanitize the needed when doing a [sequence](/view/10:03:18) of jobs which not depend on observables [servers](/view/09:30:43) just the libraries not dependent on proprietary [services](/view/11:08:18) with lock in model where moving pages [sets](/view/09:36:47) up the shape catchphrase for the last [several](/view/12:06:12) years an aside on [seymour](/view/10:02:24) cray disliking virtual
pages sets up the [shape](/view/09:36:47) of the dependency to be good in [shaping](/view/11:53:31) what choices are prototype toward readiness to [share](/view/10:30:22) as a building way that we can [share](/view/10:52:12) it ward thank you for [sharing](/view/09:26:19) your most valuable for me though i [should](/view/12:09:49) be a better of a map they [should](/view/09:39:40) provide consistent views we [show](/view/09:51:00) herehow the process we re [showing](/view/09:12:07) the moldable development eric [shows](/view/10:40:54) how to capture
avoid using javascript with [side](/view/09:34:11) effects mike bostocks whack on the [side](/view/11:40:33) of my head which you can lose [sight](/view/10:15:56) of curiosity by [simaks](/view/10:59:19) big front yard timeframe for letting things [simmer](/view/11:40:33) we keep the pattern [simple](/view/09:51:00) ward says what does [simple](/view/11:35:54) graphical manipulation do inspector is a remarkably [simple](/view/11:29:20) mechanism which wraps is the premise of [single](/view/10:36:22) page wumpus svg https www siriuserguide com [siri](/view/11:10:17) dictation guide https www [siriuserguide](/view/11:10:17) com siri dictation marker on my forage [site](/view/09:50:59) and that is starting with a rendered [site](/view/10:26:38) map as reference up across pages a [site](/view/11:35:54) survey in observable gathering data using fedwiki [site](/view/11:37:28) surveys maybe there
index view sofi vsm [sketch](/view/11:34:41)
np [sleep](/view/09:28:15) is important
work can we make [small](/view/11:35:54) tweaks to the columns as used in [smalltalk](/view/11:38:48) in tudor girbas who else is getting [smalltalk](/view/11:28:07) vibes from the
editor being a tiny [snap](/view/11:03:07) in for the
his strong attraction to [social](/view/09:53:48) proof kept him family of pages a [sofi](/view/11:37:28) a tetrahedron a name the top level [sofi](/view/11:34:05) diagram panel and is to take the [sofi](/view/11:34:05) doagram notebook which leaders opinion on the [sofi](/view/11:37:28) relationshps with a visitors view index view [sofi](/view/11:34:41) vsm sketch html as a modern [software](/view/10:57:14) account of bricolage ocean has been pretty [solid](/view/12:09:49) for me though eric observes that [some](/view/10:54:08) of the basic i do [some](/view/10:34:14) preprocessing with linked being a section of [some](/view/09:41:24) street which nick what objects are that [some](/view/09:21:30) things are informational press for editor plus [some](/view/11:03:54) widgets lindys law the older [something](/view/11:40:33) is the more as [something](/view/11:20:39) that a sanitization the event inspection is [something](/view/11:26:30) that we want yep [sorry](/view/09:28:05) i m here me as the same [sort](/view/09:59:56) of hack cut want to consume many [sorts](/view/09:39:40) of data regions long press context menu [sounds](/view/11:03:54) right or long editable source the editable [source](/view/11:19:21) doesnt have any platform and libraries open [source](/view/11:08:18) not dependent on from the same wiki [source](/view/11:19:56) on disk that item rendered as editable [source](/view/11:19:21) the editable source a plugin provides or [sources](/view/09:39:40) data in the
in the current context [special](/view/11:05:14) input modalities for sure that how a [special](/view/11:34:54) page is invoked from scratch after having [spent](/view/10:54:08) much time on bored nothing do peter [spier](/view/10:58:15) dp github com dobbs wiki [spike](/view/10:40:40) css blob main
the [standard](/view/10:30:22) fedwiki client does on disk that the [standard](/view/11:19:56) fedwiki client uses using dompurify as a [standard](/view/10:28:10) library having observable do its [standard](/view/10:46:39) rendering step inquiry is when you [start](/view/11:39:14) seeing distinctive results fun and exciting to [start](/view/09:28:05) this project with [starting](/view/10:26:38) with a rendered has a different renderer [starting](/view/11:11:59) with an unknown rewriting fedwikis front end [starting](/view/09:29:52) with css and the survey probe uses [static](/view/09:52:18) markers fetched from cut here everything else [stays](/view/09:59:56) the same enus us sxsrf ab [stbjmddb](/view/10:55:06) zxgllvurzxz pjhfkym g observable using orightml await [stdlib](/view/10:40:54) html the machinery inside observable [stdlib](/view/10:47:30) html and how to put the dompurify [step](/view/10:43:42) do its standard rendering [step](/view/10:46:39) doesnt have any sanitization [step](/view/11:19:21) guard as the last [step](/view/10:46:01) before joining the [stephen](/view/12:14:32) wolfram i can who [stood](/view/09:23:52) up who drew third leg on this [stool](/view/11:35:40) me of this striking [story](/view/11:05:06) about programming by wiki whats the collaborative [story](/view/11:34:54) around that move a section of some [street](/view/09:41:24) which nick knows learning the [streets](/view/09:41:24) as his personal nick dojo fed wiki [streets](/view/09:42:24) of amsterdam html per paul nick niemeirs [streets](/view/09:43:23) of amsterdam wiki web registration protocol which [strikes](/view/09:59:56) me as the reminding me of this [striking](/view/11:05:06) story about programming jeff reflects that his [strong](/view/09:53:48) attraction to social their internal members and [structure](/view/11:25:19) as translating among tree [structured](/view/10:54:52) information the basic concepts data [structures](/view/10:54:08) and compilers which computing that the grad [student](/view/09:59:06) had ever seen important things from a [study](/view/11:35:40) of opm that at math and conceptual [stuff](/view/12:14:32) wolfram alpha marc discusses the opcloud [style](/view/09:18:17) diagram for creativity didnt include the dompurify [style](/view/10:29:03) filtering erics updated sources data in the [style](/view/09:39:40) of a map
different when you re [successful](/view/09:25:33) ward [suggests](/view/09:39:40) if a plugin system metaphors and their [suitability](/view/10:50:40) to the moves the svg dom would [support](/view/10:36:22) adding click handlers environment in ways that [support](/view/11:31:47) what we want it [supports](/view/11:26:38) vernacular programming a way of making [sure](/view/10:46:01) observable didnt leave pausing that to make [sure](/view/11:34:54) that how a jeff i was happily [surprised](/view/10:36:22) that the svg across pages a site [survey](/view/11:35:54) in observable page would a map marker [survey](/view/09:42:27) look like and demonstrates a map marker [survey](/view/09:44:33) map marker survey marker survey map marker [survey](/view/09:44:33) probe fed wiki map marker [survey](/view/09:48:12) probe the [survey](/view/09:52:18) probe uses static talking about map marker [survey](/view/10:04:34) probes reflecting on herehow the process of [survey](/view/09:51:00) probescommon to federated data using fedwiki site [surveys](/view/11:37:28) maybe there will it is likely to [survive](/view/11:40:33) https luca dellanna
is an example in [svgs](/view/10:35:31) of elements which
discussion of [swiss](/view/10:23:08) expedients for using [switzerlands](/view/10:23:39) mountain adaptations figure
hzzsjqsgxiylkgc z vmp y [sxefx](/view/10:55:06) j xe xzlkj c chfa enus us [sxsrf](/view/10:55:06) ab stbjmddb zxgllvurzxz
a visual cue to [system](/view/09:22:00) diagrams and their community work and kerrys [system](/view/09:19:45) dynamics diagrams as usefulness of running [system](/view/10:50:40) metaphors and their view models for seeing [systems](/view/11:37:51) erics understanding of integrating [systems](/view/10:54:52) as translating among on the boundaries of [systems](/view/10:54:08) getting them to viability needs of telecom [systems](/view/11:53:31) like british telecom fedwiki and other information [systems](/view/11:03:07) to be re
for me is to [take](/view/11:34:05) the sofi doagram at the editor will [take](/view/11:01:38) you a long lindy albert goldman antifragile [talen](/view/11:40:33) https en wikipedia eric we have been [talking](/view/10:04:34) about map marker orchestration of working input [tapes](/view/10:03:18) needed when doing
around things which a [team](/view/09:25:13) or group cares the center of the [teams](/view/09:24:20) diagram or they technique for understanding a [teams](/view/09:23:52) point of focus https esml [technion](/view/09:12:54) ac il opm https esml [technion](/view/09:13:08) ac il opm of the diagram wards [technique](/view/09:23:52) for understanding a rob mees career in [technologies](/view/11:58:49) from java xp marc reflects on [technologies](/view/09:53:15) which have a by contrast is a [technology](/view/09:53:15) which invites conversational telecom systems like british [telecom](/view/11:53:31) like erlang beam the viability needs of [telecom](/view/11:53:31) systems like british choices are good long [term](/view/11:53:31) ones big is fedwiki in [terms](/view/09:55:03) of lines of expedients for using mountain [terrain](/view/10:23:08) and military preparedness of to explore this [territory](/view/09:39:40) easier this is uncharted [territory](/view/09:39:40) to explore and time [tested](/view/11:41:10) and adapted pages a sofi a [tetrahedron](/view/11:37:28) a causal loop [text](/view/10:35:31) is an example html as escaped visible [text](/view/10:45:00) lt and gt paragraph on the item [text](/view/11:16:05) processed with linked some preprocessing with linked [text](/view/10:34:14) where is a the internal function linked [text](/view/10:31:51) which parses and history and connection of [textual](/view/11:33:01) data and other
however dompurify is better [than](/view/10:48:16) heres a random pace which are faster [than](/view/09:53:15) human accommodation that the map items rather [than](/view/09:52:18) ones created via expect to learn ward [thank](/view/09:26:19) you for sharing as something [that](/view/11:20:39) a sanitization pipeline has helped us gain [that](/view/10:52:12) appreciation in a have a javascript version [that](/view/11:38:48) approaches gtoolkit panel and then render [that](/view/11:34:05) as a page a study of opm [that](/view/11:35:40) can become a link to the code [that](/view/10:40:40) eric is walking and [that](/view/10:52:12) erics work in marc appreciates [that](/view/09:30:43) erics work with factored in a way [that](/view/10:51:15) external observers could ward notes [that](/view/09:36:47) fedwiki uses a jeff reflects [that](/view/09:53:48) his strong attraction that to make sure [that](/view/11:34:54) how a special i created for myself [that](/view/11:34:05) i can name wrong thing so carefully [that](/view/09:59:06) i have to ward describes [that](/view/11:01:16) in fedwiki editing one of the things [that](/view/11:34:05) is in reach my forage site and [that](/view/09:50:59) is on a asynchronous the answer is [that](/view/10:37:40) libraries can by a meaningful observation and [that](/view/11:30:40) meaningless behavior will the collaborative story around [that](/view/11:34:54) move ward observes [that](/view/09:34:11) observable does better fedwiki front end and [that](/view/10:39:28) reference to dompurify too much to fedwiki [that](/view/09:29:01) scrambles what thompson eric observes [that](/view/10:54:08) some of the see what objects are [that](/view/09:21:30) some things are programming environment in ways [that](/view/11:31:47) support what we ward observes [that](/view/11:26:30) the event inspection ward describes [that](/view/09:37:35) the fedwikis evolution elegant abuse of computing [that](/view/09:59:06) the grad student ward observes [that](/view/10:51:15) the observable code jeff appreciates [that](/view/09:31:58) the observable front eric observes [that](/view/11:29:20) the observable inspector marc describes [that](/view/09:22:39) the opcloud diagram wiki source on disk [that](/view/11:19:56) the standard fedwiki i was happily surprised [that](/view/10:36:22) the svg dom eric considers [that](/view/11:53:31) the viability needs faster than human accommodation [that](/view/09:53:15) they are attractive pakistan and the reasons [that](/view/10:20:03) they exist that reasons that they exist [that](/view/10:20:03) they make it objects are there places [that](/view/10:47:30) things might be i m pausing [that](/view/11:34:54) to make sure code marc points out [that](/view/09:55:36) too much code to build the machinery [that](/view/11:30:40) understands what you control of infection is [that](/view/10:49:11) useful for considering appreciation in a way [that](/view/10:52:12) we can share we have an environment [that](/view/11:31:47) we have an event inspection is something [that](/view/11:26:30) we want to kerry we learned things [that](/view/09:26:46) we would not what did you learn [that](/view/09:26:19) you didnt expect to system diagrams and [their](/view/09:22:00) components seen and inspected for [their](/view/11:25:19) internal members and running system metaphors and [their](/view/10:50:40) suitability to the boundaries of systems getting [them](/view/10:54:08) to work two bored brothers keep [themselves](/view/10:58:15) busy by building the dependency graph and [then](/view/09:36:47) it can be sofi diagram panel and [then](/view/11:34:05) render that as annotatelinks as function names [then](/view/11:16:05) the plugin rendering or on a page [then](/view/11:30:40) we ll use language like perl https [thenewstack](/view/11:05:06) io perl programmer things might be introduced [there](/view/10:47:30) into an inspector and [there](/view/11:25:19) is now a constructing dom objects are [there](/view/10:47:30) places that things fedwiki site surveys maybe [there](/view/11:37:28) will be a does not explicitly have [these](/view/09:36:47) dependencies as bostocks all of [these](/view/10:45:00) libraries are trying a way of investigating [these](/view/09:19:45) relationships and elegant when are [these](/view/09:57:24) two aligned when two aligned when are [these](/view/09:57:24) two in opposition data eric has connected [these](/view/11:33:01) worlds than human accommodation that [they](/view/09:53:15) are attractive but and the reasons that [they](/view/10:20:03) exist that they that they exist that [they](/view/10:20:03) make it practical style of a map [they](/view/09:39:40) should provide consistent the teams diagram or [they](/view/09:24:20) wont regard it has to touch the [thing](/view/09:24:20) at the center ve done the wrong [thing](/view/09:59:06) so carefully that objects are that some [things](/view/09:21:30) are informational objects are informational objects other [things](/view/09:21:30) are processes etc re intending by moving [things](/view/11:30:40) around on the group will lean important [things](/view/11:35:40) from a study for how to build [things](/view/10:54:08) from scratch after of easy and hard [things](/view/11:00:26) in ui prototyping are there places that [things](/view/10:47:30) might be introduced a timeframe for letting [things](/view/11:40:33) simmer says one of the [things](/view/11:34:05) that is in and kerry we learned [things](/view/09:26:46) that we would of a dag of [things](/view/09:34:11) to re compute kerry will explore around [things](/view/09:25:13) which a team wikican apply to many [thingsbecause](/view/09:51:00) we keep the best way i could [think](/view/09:39:40) of to explore that can become a [third](/view/11:35:40) leg on this is [this](/view/11:47:18) appropriately sanitized script a programmer in [this](/view/11:35:40) group will lean a dompurify pass so [this](/view/10:30:22) is a security support adding click handlers [this](/view/10:36:22) is the premise new use cases easier [this](/view/09:39:40) is uncharted territory and exciting to start [this](/view/09:28:05) project with thompson we make it do [this](/view/09:37:35) so what we a third leg on [this](/view/11:35:40) stool reminding me of [this](/view/11:05:06) striking story about think of to explore [this](/view/09:39:40) territory start this project with [thompson](/view/09:28:05) fedwiki that scrambles what [thompson](/view/09:29:01) co are doing of robert best helping [thompson](/view/09:27:50) morrison to scale the best for finding [those](/view/11:51:03) and the change pretty solid for me [though](/view/12:09:49) i should be that eric is walking [through](/view/10:40:40) https github com military preparedness digging tunnels [through](/view/10:23:08) mountains mountain runways have been fit for [thus](/view/11:40:33) the broader range it is fit for [thus](/view/11:40:33) the longer it
one word at a [time](/view/11:09:14) over a good long [time](/view/11:51:48) a paragraph at a [time](/view/11:01:16) helps narrow the after having spent much [time](/view/10:54:08) on the boundaries [time](/view/11:41:10) tested and adapted seems to be a [timeframe](/view/11:40:33) for letting things yard centers on a [tinkerer](/view/10:59:19) who ends up paragraph editor being a [tiny](/view/11:03:07) snap in for
[todays](/view/10:54:52) work with dompurify how the pieces fit [together](/view/09:53:48) fedwiki installations as a [tool](/view/09:27:50) for collaboration to in tudor girbas glamorous [toolkit](/view/11:38:48) we have a i have has to [touch](/view/09:24:20) the thing at screen mobile device with [touchscreen](/view/11:03:07) vr glasses etc move of the prototype [toward](/view/10:30:22) readiness to share
up as a knowledge [trader](/view/10:59:19) mention of burley bicycle [trailers](/view/09:15:05) for dogs discussion of the broken [tramway](/view/10:20:03) in pakistan and [transforming](/view/09:19:45) between opcloud model of integrating systems as [translating](/view/10:54:52) among tree structured to decide whether to [treat](/view/10:45:00) as html for systems as translating among [tree](/view/10:54:52) structured information once you learn the [trick](/view/09:16:42) [trying](/view/11:46:50) out the dompurify of these libraries are [trying](/view/10:45:00) to decide whether here listening but currently [trying](/view/09:28:05) to help my
used in smalltalk in [tudor](/view/11:38:48) girbas glamorous toolkit and military preparedness digging [tunnels](/view/10:23:08) through mountains mountain
can we make small [tweaks](/view/11:35:54) to the graphical trying to help my [twins](/view/09:28:05) get down for origins with pivotal fixing [twitter](/view/11:57:22) whale fails using
with unknown type item [type](/view/11:13:31) plugins registry by plugin [type](/view/11:11:59) has a different marking it with unknown [type](/view/11:13:31) item type marc explores voice [typing](/view/11:06:59) with microsoft word
cases easier this is [uncharted](/view/09:39:40) territory to explore i need to [understand](/view/11:37:07) how to move and appreciate it and [understand](/view/10:51:15) the internal considerations making events visible and [understandable](/view/11:28:07) in the context diagram wards technique for [understanding](/view/09:23:52) a teams point same feel for erics [understanding](/view/10:54:52) of integrating systems build the machinery that [understands](/view/11:30:40) what you re i need to run [unfortunately](/view/11:23:48) being dedicated to a [unified](/view/10:15:56) vision which you big barn with the [universe](/view/10:58:02) of code in renderer starting with an [unknown](/view/11:11:59) plugin handler using handler marking it with [unknown](/view/11:13:31) type item type cdc scope and an [unofficial](/view/10:01:42) alternative os cdc
dompurify style filtering erics [updated](/view/10:29:03) prototype now includes
from miller columns as [used](/view/11:38:48) in smalltalk in systems to be re [used](/view/11:03:07) near whole of infection is that [useful](/view/10:49:11) for considering rendering collaboration to make operations [usefully](/view/09:27:50) scalable [usefulness](/view/10:50:40) of running system around html can allow [user](/view/10:28:10) generated content while want to do for [user](/view/11:31:47) programming and collaboration library to allow the [user](/view/11:29:20) to navigate the the standard fedwiki client [uses](/view/11:19:56) ward notes that fedwiki [uses](/view/09:36:47) a model which async html definition [uses](/view/10:39:28) dompurify for erics the survey probe [uses](/view/09:52:18) static markers fetched a div and possibly [uses](/view/11:29:20) the inspect library links are now rendered [using](/view/10:27:14) an html sanitizer in html or svg [using](/view/10:28:10) dompurify as a also prompting gathering data [using](/view/11:37:28) fedwiki site surveys better when you avoid [using](/view/09:34:11) javascript with side of swiss expedients for [using](/view/10:23:08) mountain terrain and with css and also [using](/view/09:29:52) observable d s html library from observable [using](/view/10:40:54) orightml await stdlib we would not learn [using](/view/09:26:46) our own methods ones created via querying [using](/view/09:52:18) page and lineup fixing twitter whale fails [using](/view/11:57:22) ruby https www an unknown plugin handler [using](/view/11:11:59) the enriched html on the dom constructed [using](/view/11:13:31) the html handler
for sharing your most [valuable](/view/09:26:19) pattern pete reflects on [various](/view/11:05:14) input modalities in
it supports [vernacular](/view/11:26:38) programming we have a javascript [version](/view/11:38:48) that approaches gtoolkit not [very](/view/12:06:38) long between layoffs
eric considers that the [viability](/view/11:53:31) needs of telecom else is getting smalltalk [vibes](/view/11:28:07) from the observable bicycle for the mind [vibes](/view/09:54:23) here http marc relocalizecreativity net [view](/view/09:10:50) creativity equipping net view welcome visitors [view](/view/11:36:19) creativity equipping view net view welcome visitors [view](/view/11:34:41) index view sofi net view welcome visitors [view](/view/11:37:51) models for seeing a hackers eye [view](/view/10:48:16) of observable is visitors view creativity equipping [view](/view/11:36:19) search for opm welcome visitors view index [view](/view/11:34:41) sofi vsm sketch ward bay wiki org [view](/view/09:48:12) welcome visitors code https metapho relocalizecreativity net [view](/view/11:34:41) welcome visitors view http marc relocalizecreativity net [view](/view/11:36:19) welcome visitors view http marc relocalizecreativity net [view](/view/11:37:51) welcome visitors view they should provide consistent [views](/view/09:39:40) however a map be the same two [views](/view/11:19:21) rendered as an on seymour cray disliking [virtual](/view/10:02:24) memory observable inspector making events [visible](/view/11:28:07) and understandable in render html as escaped [visible](/view/10:45:00) text lt and dedicated to a unified [vision](/view/10:15:56) which you re megans when i was [visiting](/view/09:16:28) her in davis wiki org view welcome [visitors](/view/09:48:12) code fed wiki relocalizecreativity net view welcome [visitors](/view/11:36:19) view creativity equipping relocalizecreativity net view welcome [visitors](/view/11:34:41) view index view relocalizecreativity net view welcome [visitors](/view/11:37:51) view models for about advantages of a [visual](/view/09:22:00) cue to system bostock is working on [visualizations](/view/11:33:01) and data flow and the other being [vital](/view/11:51:03)
programmer pioneers coding by [voice](/view/11:05:06) story about programming by [voice](/view/11:05:06) especially programming a marc explores [voice](/view/11:06:59) typing with microsoft
by cutting hours of [walking](/view/10:20:03) out code that eric is [walking](/view/10:40:40) through https github marcs use case i [want](/view/11:37:28) to be able however a map might [want](/view/09:39:40) to consume many that support what we [want](/view/11:31:47) to do for is something that we [want](/view/11:26:30) to retain [ward](/view/10:15:56) and marc discuss [ward](/view/09:55:36) and paul discuss [ward](/view/09:42:27) asks what would http found [ward](/view/09:48:12) bay wiki org [ward](/view/09:44:33) demonstrates a map [ward](/view/10:01:42) describes cdc scope [ward](/view/09:58:29) describes monkey patching [ward](/view/11:01:16) describes that in [ward](/view/09:37:35) describes that the visualizations and data flow [ward](/view/11:33:01) is working on [ward](/view/09:36:47) notes that fedwiki [ward](/view/11:39:14) observes a decade [ward](/view/09:34:11) observes that observable [ward](/view/10:51:15) observes that the [ward](/view/11:26:30) observes that the [ward](/view/09:25:13) on kerry kerry with what fedwiki needs [ward](/view/11:51:03) paul is the [ward](/view/09:29:52) reflects on the [ward](/view/11:30:40) says we need [ward](/view/11:35:54) says what does [ward](/view/09:39:40) suggests if a didnt expect to learn [ward](/view/09:26:19) thank you for [wards](/view/09:26:19) revealing question what center of the diagram [wards](/view/09:23:52) technique for understanding ward and marc discuss [ways](/view/10:15:56) in which you the programming environment in [ways](/view/11:31:47) that support what
from consequences by early [wealth](/view/10:15:56) or by being bay wiki org view [welcome](/view/09:48:12) visitors code fed marc relocalizecreativity net view [welcome](/view/11:36:19) visitors view creativity metapho relocalizecreativity net view [welcome](/view/11:34:41) visitors view index marc relocalizecreativity net view [welcome](/view/11:37:51) visitors view models front end api is [well](/view/09:31:58) factored and easy survey probes reflecting on [well](/view/10:04:34) factored data interaction structures and compilers which [were](/view/10:54:08) less interesting earlier
[whack](/view/11:40:33) on the side with pivotal fixing twitter [whale](/view/11:57:22) fails using ruby be good in shaping [what](/view/11:53:31) choices are good wards revealing question [what](/view/09:26:19) did you learn ward says [what](/view/11:35:54) does simple graphical of observable is beyond [what](/view/10:48:16) eric is doing projects and libraries with [what](/view/11:51:03) fedwiki needs ward inspecting your platforms and [what](/view/11:29:47) is in the at nicks wiki and [what](/view/09:42:27) might we find its easier to see [what](/view/09:21:30) objects are that creating the context for [what](/view/09:25:13) the re working to fedwiki that scrambles [what](/view/09:29:01) thompson co are diagram on the whiteboard [what](/view/09:23:52) was at the it do this so [what](/view/09:37:35) we have in in ways that support [what](/view/11:31:47) we want to marc kerrys key question [what](/view/09:25:33) will be different ward asks [what](/view/09:42:27) would a map the machinery that understands [what](/view/11:30:40) you re intending as part of wiki [whats](/view/11:34:54) the collaborative story crude and elegant [when](/view/09:57:24) are these two are these two aligned [when](/view/09:57:24) are these two working input tapes needed [when](/view/10:03:18) doing a sequence try my friend megans [when](/view/09:16:28) i was visiting is loaded only if [when](/view/10:39:28) its needed by lazy loaded only [when](/view/10:37:40) the functions are [when](/view/11:19:56) the page gets that observable does better [when](/view/09:34:11) you avoid using what will be different [when](/view/09:25:33) you re successful into an inquiry is [when](/view/11:39:14) you start seeing post processing with annotatelinks [where](/view/10:34:14) a non internal preprocessing with linked text [where](/view/10:34:14) is a plain [where](/view/11:51:03) is the alignment discussion of [where](/view/10:43:42) it makes sense model an interaction model [where](/view/09:36:47) moving pages sets are trying to decide [whether](/view/10:45:00) to treat as will explore around things [which](/view/09:25:13) a team or inspector and paste inspector [which](/view/11:25:19) allow events to which have a pace [which](/view/09:53:15) are faster than to the graphical representation [which](/view/11:35:54) can be rolled fedwiki uses a model [which](/view/09:36:47) does not explicitly marc reflects on technologies [which](/view/09:53:15) have a pace the sofi doagram notebook [which](/view/11:34:05) i created for contrast is a technology [which](/view/09:53:15) invites conversational interaction a function linked [which](/view/10:31:51) is part of in svgs of elements [which](/view/10:35:31) might be enriched section of some street [which](/view/09:41:24) nick knows alternative os cdc mace [which](/view/10:01:42) offered hackable affordances internal function linked text [which](/view/10:31:51) parses and wikilinks a sequence of jobs [which](/view/10:03:18) required reading overlays disney web registration protocol [which](/view/09:59:56) strikes me as data structures and compilers [which](/view/10:54:08) were less interesting a remarkably simple mechanism [which](/view/11:29:20) wraps the input marc discuss ways in [which](/view/10:15:56) you can lose to a unified vision [which](/view/10:15:56) you re convinced allow user generated content [while](/view/10:28:10) scrubbing out more the diagram on the [whiteboard](/view/09:23:52) what was at be re used near [whole](/view/11:03:07)
for editor plus some [widgets](/view/11:03:54) for federated [wiki](/view/10:26:26) https en wikipedia org [wiki](/view/10:25:16) aircraft cavern to look at nicks [wiki](/view/09:42:27) and what might https en wiktionary org [wiki](/view/10:58:07) bricoleur better operator of my [wiki](/view/12:09:49) farm wikilinks here in pwa [wiki](/view/10:31:51) js css blob main pwa [wiki](/view/10:40:40) js https en wikipedia org [wiki](/view/11:40:33) lindy effect page adjecent to a [wiki](/view/11:34:05) lineup welcome visitors code fed [wiki](/view/09:48:12) map marker survey http found ward bay [wiki](/view/09:48:12) org view welcome observable notebook as a [wiki](/view/11:34:54) page lineup in niemeirs streets of amsterdam [wiki](/view/09:43:23) project local conventions development aspects of federated [wiki](/view/09:12:07) scripts processed from the same [wiki](/view/11:19:56) source on disk https github com dobbs [wiki](/view/10:40:40) spike css blob http nick dojo fed [wiki](/view/09:42:24) streets of amsterdam https en wikipedia org [wiki](/view/10:58:02) the big front context as part of [wiki](/view/11:34:54) whats the collaborative able to write a [wiki](/view/11:37:28) with every leaders like [wikibase](/view/09:54:47) didnt count berkeley survey probescommon to federated [wikican](/view/09:51:00) apply to many text which parses and [wikilinks](/view/10:31:51) here in pwa https en [wikipedia](/view/10:25:16) org wiki aircraft antifragile talen https en [wikipedia](/view/11:40:33) org wiki lindy https en [wikipedia](/view/10:58:02) org wiki the we find on other [wikis](/view/09:42:27) bricoler also https en [wiktionary](/view/10:58:07) org wiki bricoleur site surveys maybe there [will](/view/11:37:28) be a family kerrys key question what [will](/view/09:25:33) be different when and that meaningless behavior [will](/view/11:30:40) be exposed immediately eric yes it [will](/view/11:19:21) be the same ward on kerry kerry [will](/view/09:25:13) explore around things internal links [will](/view/10:34:31) have a click programmer in this group [will](/view/11:35:40) lean important things an iphone mobile context [will](/view/11:18:44) look the same job at the editor [will](/view/11:01:38) take you a dispatches to a new [window](/view/10:34:14) tab and an on the sofi relationshps [with](/view/11:37:28) a page on starting [with](/view/10:26:38) a rendered site a different renderer starting [with](/view/11:11:59) an unknown plugin class and post processing [with](/view/10:34:14) annotatelinks where a which might be enriched [with](/view/10:35:31) click handlers in fedwikis front end starting [with](/view/09:29:52) css and also todays work [with](/view/10:54:52) dompurify has the to write a wiki [with](/view/11:37:28) every leaders opinion the item text processed [with](/view/11:16:05) linked i do some preprocessing [with](/view/10:34:14) linked text where i can help you [with](/view/12:14:32) llms hopelessness at dependent on proprietary services [with](/view/11:08:18) lock in marc explores voice typing [with](/view/11:06:59) microsoft word of browing and editing [with](/view/11:08:52) mobile devices mechanical orchard origins [with](/view/11:57:22) pivotal fixing twitter you avoid using javascript [with](/view/09:34:11) side effects mike is a link decorated [with](/view/10:34:14) the internal css appreciates that erics work [with](/view/09:30:43) the observable libraries as a big barn [with](/view/10:58:02) the universe of to start this project [with](/view/09:28:05) thompson and screen mobile device [with](/view/11:03:07) touchscreen vr glasses html handler marking it [with](/view/11:13:31) unknown type item other projects and libraries [with](/view/11:51:03) what fedwiki needs
math and conceptual stuff [wolfram](/view/12:14:32) alpha stephen [wolfram](/view/12:14:32) i can help teams diagram or they [wont](/view/09:24:20) regard it as voice typing with microsoft [word](/view/11:06:59) caps command works one [word](/view/11:09:14) at a time block for more general [work](/view/10:30:22) systems getting them to [work](/view/10:54:08) in ui prototyping and [work](/view/11:00:26) of equipping creative community [work](/view/09:19:45) and kerrys system to do for collaborative [work](/view/11:35:54) can we make and that erics [work](/view/10:52:12) in re use dov doris [work](/view/09:14:03) linked above todays [work](/view/10:54:52) with dompurify has marc appreciates that erics [work](/view/09:30:43) with the observable i [worked](/view/12:06:20) for eric allman bricolage [working](/view/10:55:21) from ready made the careful orchestration of [working](/view/10:03:18) input tapes needed for what the re [working](/view/09:25:13) on data flow ward is [working](/view/11:33:01) on colllaboration and a comparison bostock is [working](/view/11:33:01) on visualizations and all caps command [works](/view/11:09:14) one word at eric has connected these [worlds](/view/11:33:01) ward asks what [would](/view/09:42:27) a map marker set of meaningful projects [would](/view/09:39:40) be the best marc asks [would](/view/10:43:16) it make more learned things that we [would](/view/09:26:46) not learn using that a sanitization pipeline [would](/view/11:20:39) remove that the svg dom [would](/view/10:36:22) support adding click
to include the dompurify [wrapper](/view/11:11:59) around the observable remarkably simple mechanism which [wraps](/view/11:29:20) the input data to be able to [write](/view/11:37:28) a wiki with the observable code was [written](/view/10:51:15) and factored in you ve done the [wrong](/view/09:59:06) thing so carefully
premise of single page [wumpus](/view/10:36:22) svg js
y sxefx j xe [xzlkj](/view/10:55:06) ycodswt zlc eve
wiki the big front [yard](/view/10:58:02) as a big simaks big front [yard](/view/10:59:19) centers on a
sxefx j xe xzlkj [ycodswt](/view/10:55:06) zlc eve ztdwjo
for the last several [years](/view/12:06:12)
thank you for sharing [your](/view/09:26:19) most valuable pattern a way of inspecting [your](/view/11:29:47) platforms and what
xzlkj ycodswt zlc eve [ztdwjo](/view/10:55:06) us cpla s
us sxsrf ab stbjmddb [zxgllvurzxz](/view/10:55:06) pjhfkym g q