Typescript Index 2023-07-30

Keyword Index. See Typescript 2023-07-30


broadcast origin i was [able](/view/10:25:54) to demonstrate keeping i want to be [able](/view/10:27:58) to manipulate a the structure in being [able](/view/09:33:07) to shape the federated wiki is [about](/view/10:16:55) a fourth as answer to thompsons question [about](/view/09:59:00) beautiful code with of the cool tricks [about](/view/10:08:21) observables library is throw it away how [about](/view/09:36:13) this eric on can we take these [abstract](/view/10:21:00) concepts and make a magic of an [abstraction](/view/10:56:58) general purpose hypermedia interface well named composed [abstractions](/view/10:35:34) eric on observables not one set of [abstractions](/view/10:56:58) for code humans


participation and experimentation is [accessible](/view/09:46:53) and that the in hypermedia is as [accessible](/view/10:57:44) as working with and interests should be [accessible](/view/09:48:32) to and with morrisons intent making programming [accessible](/view/09:46:53) to learners at on structural behavior common [across](/view/09:27:50) multiple domains programming xp spikes represent [activities](/view/09:53:48) such as exploration


kerry just [added](/view/10:34:07) beauty is coherence you can then do [additional](/view/10:08:21) work on like [adjacent](/view/10:28:32) and related to


the observable code worked [after](/view/10:25:54) an hour of make something work and [after](/view/09:50:56) going around the


mode on and off [again](/view/09:24:44) reconstitute the backlinks javascript [against](/view/10:49:13) the dom


metaphor where we re [ahead](/view/10:56:58) of the other


fed wiki view los [alamos](/view/09:50:32) from below learned from at los [alamos](/view/09:49:32) think differently of people at los [alamos](/view/09:50:56) who raised different a book translating christopher [alexander](/view/09:42:13) s work to i recognize as christopher [alexanders](/view/09:56:14) language which of c [alexanders](/view/09:27:14) principles could generate [aliveness](/view/09:56:14) is a somewhat some would say something [along](/view/09:34:16) the lines of contributors to glamorous toolkit [alongside](/view/09:37:02) tibor thought linked notes and [also](/view/10:04:34) in conversation with thought side and its [also](/view/10:59:11) interesting seeing where t m s book [also](/view/09:33:07) the emergent gains


push down stack by [analogy](/view/10:42:25) of a spring filtering in hypermedia is [annoying](/view/10:57:57) as a stack is [another](/view/10:40:18) concept which emerges gives me the wrong [answer](/view/09:21:10) definition moves toward an [answer](/view/10:37:42) how is coherence my [answer](/view/09:59:00) to thompsons question


plugin what are the [apis](/view/10:27:58) that i want ways that others can [appreciate](/view/10:21:00) once you demonstrate risk of a technical [approach](/view/09:53:48) better understand a


are not remote and [arcane](/view/09:48:32) limited to the built [architectural](/view/09:27:28) world activities such as exploration [architecture](/view/09:53:48) infrastructure research design move the cards [around](/view/10:44:00) call an operator work and after going [around](/view/09:50:56) the table they at the williamson gallery [artcenter](/view/09:53:20) college for design


thompson [asks](/view/10:17:53) eric when you


interesting if the main [attraction](/view/09:39:11) in the fedwiki


diagrams are art science [authenticity](/view/09:53:20) precision beauty insight and the visual explanations [author](/view/09:52:14) likes them a theoretical physicist at fermilab [author](/view/09:53:20) of gauge theories general purpose hypermedia that [authoring](/view/10:56:58) in hypermedia is thompson morrison to co [authors](/view/09:31:40) of the few literate [authors](/view/10:56:58) here who writes


open source reactive library [available](/view/10:12:54) for use per


nothing else to take [away](/view/10:00:09) as a measure might be fifty years [away](/view/10:56:58) from programming as but should throw it [away](/view/09:36:13) how about this everything else is taken [away](/view/10:19:57) if you do


off again reconstitute the [backlinks](/view/09:24:44) cuneiform to sound [based](/view/10:56:26) language seems like


https www edwardtufte com [bboard](/view/10:07:14) q and a


[beautiful](/view/09:51:45) and expressive that the principles of [beautiful](/view/10:23:16) code are the to thompsons question about [beautiful](/view/09:59:00) code with reference the garden make it [beautiful](/view/09:31:40) thompson morrison to while maintaining properties of [beauty](/view/09:33:43) the shared experience of [beauty](/view/09:39:11) properties of wholeness view [beauty](/view/09:30:34) good truth economy explain these principles of [beauty](/view/10:21:00) in code in art science authenticity precision [beauty](/view/09:53:20) insight chris quigg kerry just added [beauty](/view/10:34:07) is coherence and how is [beauty](/view/10:36:47) realized at each a poem maintain the [beauty](/view/09:33:07) ward on the if we look for [beauty](/view/09:34:18) we might find code with respect to [beauty](/view/10:17:53) what did you of completion related to [beauty](/view/10:00:09) with reference to want something minimal is [because](/view/10:18:58) i have to one else would find [because](/view/09:34:18) no one else ward eric marc has [been](/view/10:48:09) a really generative has in many ways [been](/view/10:48:58) a successful effort thompson has [been](/view/10:45:48) excellent for framing has felt like its [been](/view/10:04:34) in a design pragmas that ward has [been](/view/10:28:32) working on for emergence depends on structural [behavior](/view/09:27:50) common across multiple svg definitions of reactive [behavior](/view/10:15:03) from observable me of observing plugin [behavior](/view/10:34:19) like the lineup from the structure in [being](/view/09:33:07) able to shape of the code as [being](/view/10:10:31) very closely mapped view los alamos from [below](/view/09:50:32) a [benefit](/view/09:33:43) of the wiki of a technical approach [better](/view/09:53:48) understand a requirement i would like to [better](/view/10:41:54) understand stack communication [between](/view/10:27:58) the frame and


industry has paid the [bills](/view/10:53:58) for getting html honoring richard feynmans th [birthday](/view/09:53:20)


hinsen i think http [blog](/view/09:38:12) khinsen net posts konrad hinsens old [blog](/view/09:40:21) was succeeded by [bluetooth](/view/09:44:34) replying to [bluetooth](/view/09:45:24)


look at observable the [boilerplate](/view/10:18:58) that i have able to shape the [book](/view/09:33:07) supporting t m s [book](/view/09:33:07) also the emergent did bringing that last [book](/view/11:00:02) to life convinced is gradually writing a [book](/view/09:42:13) translating christopher alexander mike [bostocks](/view/10:12:54) libraries a standard of photos on the [bottom](/view/10:07:14) of this page


work that we did [bringing](/view/11:00:02) that last book of wiki and patterns [brings](/view/10:44:53) inevitably to my i think i should [broadcast](/view/10:25:54) changes to the the discussion of the [broadcast](/view/10:37:10) channel experience and [broadcast](/view/10:25:54) channel once i go everywhere but the [broadcast](/view/10:25:54) origin i was tabli chrome [browser](/view/10:05:48) specific tab organizer


new world trade center [building](/view/09:53:20) fermilabs hogpen hill not limited to the [built](/view/09:27:28) architectural world


dish stack in a [cafeteria](/view/10:42:25) move the cards around [call](/view/10:44:00) an operator that i listen to the [call](/view/09:41:03) when i m mess people say you [cant](/view/09:36:13) refactor css but javascript is still [capable](/view/10:48:58) of inventing its of working with crc [cards](/view/10:44:53) move the [cards](/view/10:44:00) around call an me a lineup of [cards](/view/10:44:53) in the context wants the last three [cards](/view/10:44:00) in this order the [cards](/view/10:43:41) on the table can share understand and [carry](/view/10:23:16) forward paraphrase interpretation


the new world trade [center](/view/09:53:20) building fermilabs hogpen


take this as a [challenge](/view/10:23:16) how do we when a page [changes](/view/10:26:29) in a sites with programming languages what [changes](/view/10:56:58) is what counts method named update which [changes](/view/10:27:37) the lineup a think i should broadcast [changes](/view/10:25:54) to the sitemap discussion of the broadcast [channel](/view/10:37:10) experience and demo broadcast [channel](/view/10:25:54) once i understood this work the next [chapter](/view/11:00:02) the next years [chatgpt](/view/09:21:10) constantly gives me who is likely to [check](/view/09:47:38) out authenticity precision beauty insight [chris](/view/09:53:20) quigg theoretical physicist writing a book translating [christopher](/view/09:42:13) alexander s work that i recognize as [christopher](/view/09:56:14) alexanders language tabli [chrome](/view/10:05:48) browser specific tab


those qualities simple and [clear](/view/10:23:48) and composable usable right there it was [clear](/view/10:40:18) and simple describing goodness is the value [clear](/view/09:26:03) and uncluttered delight lower level than a [click](/view/10:28:32) fedwiki items live and [clickable](/view/10:15:03) by making use the lineup diagram of [clicking](/view/10:34:19) the hamburger menu of reimplementing the fedwiki [client](/view/10:17:53) renderer code as being very [closely](/view/10:10:31) mapped to the


to live with this [code](/view/10:18:58) and i want the principles of beautiful [code](/view/10:23:16) are the way the structure of the [code](/view/10:10:31) as being very i d describe wards [code](/view/09:58:09) as revelatory crystals set of abstractions for [code](/view/10:56:58) humans invent languages you can use the [code](/view/10:19:57) in other implementations the evidence of the [code](/view/10:27:37) in the spike principles of beauty in [code](/view/10:21:00) in ways that really not very much [code](/view/10:09:54) on top of a lot of observable [code](/view/10:09:54) that makes it by lines of rendering [code](/view/10:16:55) ward everyone looking at erics [code](/view/10:36:26) was delighted that other work that the [code](/view/10:40:18) was right there thompsons question about beautiful [code](/view/09:59:00) with reference to you reflect on the [code](/view/10:17:53) with respect to understood how the observable [code](/view/10:25:54) worked after an attraction in the fedwiki [coding](/view/09:39:11) community is the to a user community [coffeescript](/view/10:48:58) has in many just added beauty is [coherence](/view/10:34:07) and harmony elegance rs [coherence](/view/10:35:34) and harmony kerry an answer how is [coherence](/view/10:37:42) realized at each when [collaborating](/view/09:30:24) the structure i and in many private [collections](/view/09:53:20) a current exhibition the williamson gallery artcenter [college](/view/09:53:20) for design planning oh the three [column](/view/09:55:05) work depends on structural behavior [common](/view/09:27:50) across multiple domains wrestle with has a [common](/view/10:18:58) shape theres a [communication](/view/10:27:58) between the frame empowering to a user [community](/view/10:48:58) coffeescript has in work and in the [community](/view/10:38:58) heres responses to in the fedwiki coding [community](/view/09:39:11) is the shared system sparks interest engagement [competence](/view/09:46:53) and cooperation the smallest [complete](/view/09:58:30) working demonstration of as a measure of [completion](/view/10:00:09) related to beauty compliant learner the non [compliant](/view/09:47:38) learner a troublemaker the [compliant](/view/09:47:38) learner the non about a fourth as [complicated](/view/10:16:55) as enriching and simple and clear and [composable](/view/10:23:48) usable simple interface well named [composed](/view/10:35:34) abstractions eric on all nodded and said [compton](/view/09:50:56) had the right me and [compulsive](/view/09:19:18) note taking can enable tools for [computation](/view/10:59:11) and tools for to know that the [computational](/view/10:02:02) notebook field has also in conversation with [computational](/view/10:04:34) notebooks and literate feynman diagrams for [computing](/view/09:51:26) is interesting as a [concept](/view/10:13:33) for wiki as a stack is another [concept](/view/10:40:18) which emerges we take these abstract [concepts](/view/10:21:00) and make them with a lot of [confidence](/view/11:00:02) it saves me from [connecting](/view/09:45:24) multiple times to the enduser the google [console](/view/10:07:22) seem to return css as vendor driven [consortium](/view/10:53:08) driven work chatgpt [constantly](/view/09:21:10) gives me the in a [context](/view/09:27:28) not limited to of cards in the [context](/view/10:44:53) of wiki and possibly one of the [contributors](/view/09:37:02) to glamorous toolkit on neighborhood and lineup [control](/view/10:35:01) lead to end user [control](/view/10:35:01) on neighborhood and really generative set of [conversation](/view/10:48:09) partners eric reports a [conversation](/view/09:37:02) with a programmer notes and also in [conversation](/view/10:04:34) with computational notebooks been in a design [conversation](/view/10:04:34) with knowledge gardens so that he could [convey](/view/09:49:32) how the people rs elegant [conveys](/view/10:23:48) some of those last book to life [convinced](/view/11:00:02) me that we one of the [cool](/view/10:08:21) tricks about observables interest engagement competence and [cooperation](/view/09:46:53) i ll [copy](/view/09:53:48) in this definition partially so that he [could](/view/09:49:32) convey how the years are ones that [could](/view/11:00:02) create an inflection of c alexanders principles [could](/view/09:27:14) generate the others what changes is what [counts](/view/10:56:58) as literacy we


are ones that could [create](/view/11:00:02) an inflection point when do we [create](/view/10:29:09) ghost pages wards code as revelatory [crystals](/view/09:58:09)


[cuneiform](/view/10:56:26) to sound based many private collections a [current](/view/09:53:20) exhibition is at treats the stack as [current](/view/10:42:01) workspace


this is the entire [cycle](/view/10:38:58) of wholeness goodness


up and left for [data](/view/10:41:19) topological sort of the [data](/view/10:13:33) processing dependencies in stack as [data](/view/10:42:25) structure push down the lines of immutable [data](/view/09:34:16) structures pure functions functions mutators for modifying [data](/view/09:34:16) ui storage


of safe enabler story [defined](/view/09:53:48) initially in extreme maybe kerry s [definition](/view/10:37:42) moves toward an ll copy in this [definition](/view/09:53:48) of spike from the html md svg [definitions](/view/10:15:03) of reactive behavior by emergence wholeness goodness [delight](/view/09:27:14) deployments later wholeness goodness [delight](/view/10:19:57) value clear and uncluttered [delight](/view/09:26:03) can you see of wholeness goodness and [delight](/view/10:38:58) in erics work at erics code was [delighted](/view/10:36:26) that it was other people feel the [delightful](/view/09:29:45) unfolding that i for the [demo](/view/10:27:37) a single method plugin interpreter for the [demo](/view/10:08:21) is this todom broadcast channel experience and [demo](/view/10:37:10) that yielded jeffs i was able to [demonstrate](/view/10:25:54) keeping two pages can appreciate once you [demonstrate](/view/10:21:00) them can we the smallest complete working [demonstration](/view/09:58:30) of the notion of the data processing [dependencies](/view/10:13:33) in observable notebook emergence [depends](/view/09:27:50) on structural behavior other implementations in other [deployments](/view/10:19:57) later wholeness goodness i d [describe](/view/09:58:09) wards code as ward [describes](/view/09:50:56) the engaged discussion eric [describes](/view/10:10:31) the structure of was clear and simple [describing](/view/10:40:18) the lineup as wards [description](/view/09:49:54) of feynmans experience exploration architecture infrastructure research [design](/view/09:53:48) and prototyping their its been in a [design](/view/10:04:34) conversation with knowledge knowledge [design](/view/09:20:29) patterns gallery artcenter college for [design](/view/09:53:20) planning in underway feasible [desirable](/view/09:56:36) sustainable we show up as [developers](/view/10:23:16) how do we


to return too many [diagnoses](/view/10:07:22) to return a likely [diagnosis](/view/10:07:22) when various functions paragraphs three links a [diagram](/view/09:30:24) behavior like the lineup [diagram](/view/10:34:19) of clicking the and exhibits ets feynman [diagrams](/view/09:53:20) are art science ets stainless steel feynman [diagrams](/view/09:53:20) are installed at feynman [diagrams](/view/09:53:20) edward tufte sculptures feynman [diagrams](/view/09:51:26) for computing and history are in [dialogue](/view/10:33:01) so i can los alamos who raised [different](/view/09:50:56) ideas of how puts you in a [different](/view/10:57:44) world at los alamos think [differently](/view/09:49:32) https science in the [digital](/view/09:40:21) era khinsen net tools so that the [digital](/view/09:48:32) tools are not fedwiki in a very [direct](/view/10:02:02) way manipulate the lineup in [direct](/view/10:42:01) ways that remind that was something i [discovered](/view/10:11:38) in running wards ward describes the engaged [discussion](/view/09:50:56) of a set [discussion](/view/10:53:08) of evolution of observes and then the [discussion](/view/10:37:10) of the broadcast ward and eric in [discussion](/view/10:28:53) over functional testing placing or removing one [dish](/view/10:42:48) of a spring loaded [dish](/view/10:42:25) stack in a humans invent languages that [divide](/view/10:56:58) each other and


how [does](/view/09:33:07) a translator of wholeness [does](/view/09:26:03) it work goodness and we ll keep [doing](/view/10:56:58) that with programming code in the spike [doing](/view/10:27:37) things that i behavior common across multiple [domains](/view/09:27:50) little form sorry havent [done](/view/09:21:00) a lot of [dorian](/view/09:42:13) taylor is gradually marc mentions dov [doris](/view/10:50:48) systems modeling language https [dovdori](/view/10:52:23) technion ac il as data structure push [down](/view/10:42:25) stack by analogy in this wiki spike [down](/view/10:09:54) to a few had to [download](/view/10:11:59) and save a


es css as vendor [driven](/view/10:53:08) consortium driven work as vendor driven consortium [driven](/view/10:53:08) work


is beauty realized at [each](/view/10:36:47) of the steps is coherence realized at [each](/view/10:37:42) of the steps invent languages that divide [each](/view/10:56:58) other and we delighted that it was [easy](/view/10:36:26) to see the


view beauty good truth [economy](/view/09:30:34)


just [edit](/view/09:19:17) the image and feynman diagrams [edward](/view/09:53:20) tufte sculptures and this page https www [edwardtufte](/view/10:07:14) com bboard q


ways been a successful [effort](/view/10:48:58) inspiring es


the strong weak and [electromagnetic](/view/09:53:20) interactions ets stainless [elegance](/view/10:35:34) rs coherence and [elegant](/view/10:20:17) rs [elegant](/view/10:23:48) conveys some of give you a dom [element](/view/10:08:21) that you can find because no one [else](/view/09:34:18) is looking you can name everything [else](/view/10:19:57) is taken away eric when theres nothing [else](/view/10:00:09) to take away things that no one [else](/view/09:34:18) would find because definition of spike from [elsewhere](/view/09:53:48) spikes are a


[emergence](/view/09:27:50) depends on structural generate the others by [emergence](/view/09:27:14) wholeness goodness delight of what if as [emergent](/view/10:37:10) s book also the [emergent](/view/09:33:07) gains from the stack and nesting recursion [emergent](/view/10:40:38) nesting is another concept which [emerges](/view/10:40:18) twenty versions are not [empowering](/view/10:48:58) to a user


seeing where we can [enable](/view/10:59:11) tools for computation a type of safe [enabler](/view/09:53:48) story defined initially the pov of the [enduser](/view/10:07:22) the google console ward describes the [engaged](/view/09:50:56) discussion of a knowledge system sparks interest [engagement](/view/09:46:53) competence and cooperation that makes sense of [engaging](/view/10:41:19) with it by there still enough rope [enough](/view/10:53:58) freedom of movement laptop is there still [enough](/view/10:53:58) rope enough freedom fourth as complicated as [enriching](/view/10:16:55) and rendering sofi observes this is the [entire](/view/10:38:58) cycle of wholeness for wiki as programming [environment](/view/10:13:33) as part of the [environment](/view/10:59:11)


[eric](/view/10:10:31) describes the structure [eric](/view/10:57:44) i imagine that ward and [eric](/view/10:28:53) in discussion over thompson ward [eric](/view/10:48:09) marc has been [eric](/view/10:40:18) observes trying to away how about this [eric](/view/09:36:13) on css for well named composed abstractions [eric](/view/10:35:34) on observables libraries [eric](/view/09:37:02) reports a conversation [eric](/view/10:18:58) says the reason [eric](/view/10:35:01) this feels like [eric](/view/10:56:58) to marc i from [eric](/view/10:00:09) when theres nothing thompson asks [eric](/view/10:17:53) when you reflect observes everyone looking at [erics](/view/10:36:26) code was delighted goodness and delight in [erics](/view/10:38:58) work and in safer safety prevent inevitable [errors](/view/10:59:36)


reliability of a story [estimate](/view/09:53:48)


[every](/view/09:31:40) page you write thompson observes [everyone](/view/10:36:26) looking at erics html and es on [everyones](/view/10:53:58) laptop is there that you can name [everything](/view/10:19:57) else is taken where the messages go [everywhere](/view/10:25:54) but the broadcast visual to see the [evidence](/view/10:27:37) of the code discussion of [evolution](/view/10:53:08) of web standards


[exactly](/view/10:43:27) much more like heres an [example](/view/10:15:52) showing observables markdown my question from seeing [examples](/view/10:34:19) over time of thompson has been [excellent](/view/10:45:48) for framing the you learn in your [exercise](/view/10:17:53) of reimplementing the in underway for an [exhibit](/view/09:53:20) at the nobel private collections a current [exhibition](/view/09:53:20) is at the edward tufte sculptures and [exhibits](/view/09:53:20) ets feynman diagrams wards description of feynmans [experience](/view/09:49:54) of the broadcast channel [experience](/view/10:37:10) and demo that community is the shared [experience](/view/09:39:11) of beauty trying to recreate the [experience](/view/10:40:18) of working in accessible and that the [experience](/view/09:46:53) of working with way that participation and [experimentation](/view/09:46:53) is accessible and to and the visual [expl](/view/09:53:20) to and the visual [expl](/view/10:07:14) thompson can you [explain](/view/10:21:00) these principles of of getting frame scripts [explained](/view/10:34:19) to me of and the visual [explanations](/view/09:52:14) author likes them re css factoring and [exploration](/view/09:37:18) represent activities such as [exploration](/view/09:53:48) architecture infrastructure research beautiful and [expressive](/view/09:51:45) have you tried the [extension](/view/10:04:57) tabli the marble that is [extraneous](/view/10:00:09) story defined initially in [extreme](/view/09:53:48) programming xp spikes


makes it possible to [factor](/view/10:09:54) the plugin item re css [factoring](/view/09:37:18) and exploration it [factors](/view/10:10:55) well into the functions seem to be [failing](/view/10:07:22) from the pov building fermilabs hogpen hill [farms](/view/09:53:20) and in many


[feasible](/view/09:56:36) desirable sustainable has a nice search [feature](/view/10:06:07) [federated](/view/10:16:55) wiki is about as an inspiration for [federated](/view/10:40:18) wiki or for fedwiki view search for [fedwiki](/view/09:23:49) testing frame plugins scripting [fedwiki](/view/10:28:53) how can the [fedwiki](/view/10:59:36) be a way exercise of reimplementing the [fedwiki](/view/10:17:53) client renderer main attraction in the [fedwiki](/view/09:39:11) coding community is [fedwiki](/view/10:04:34) has felt like programmer s pages on [fedwiki](/view/09:23:49) https marc relocalizecreativity has something to offer [fedwiki](/view/10:02:02) in a very invented todom making the [fedwiki](/view/10:15:03) items live and and possible for the [fedwiki](/view/10:07:22) to return a view welcome visitors view [fedwiki](/view/09:23:49) view search for delightful unfolding that i [feel](/view/09:29:45) practice can other people [feel](/view/09:29:45) the delightful unfolding eric this [feels](/view/10:35:01) like it may theres a lot the [feels](/view/10:18:58) maintainable fedwiki has [felt](/view/10:04:34) like its been quigg theoretical physicist at [fermilab](/view/09:53:20) author of gauge world trade center building [fermilabs](/view/09:53:20) hogpen hill farms bboard q and a [fetch](/view/10:07:14) msg msg id sculptures and exhibits ets [feynman](/view/09:53:20) diagrams are art interactions ets stainless steel [feynman](/view/09:53:20) diagrams are installed [feynman](/view/09:53:20) diagrams edward tufte [feynman](/view/09:51:26) diagrams for computing [feynman](/view/09:49:32) known as a wards description of [feynmans](/view/09:49:54) experience in stockholm honoring richard [feynmans](/view/09:53:20) th birthday


that the computational notebook [field](/view/10:02:02) has something to be a nerd other [fields](/view/09:48:32) and interests should literacy we might be [fifty](/view/10:56:58) years away from save a single css [file](/view/10:11:59) sorting and [filtering](/view/10:57:57) in hypermedia is no one else would [find](/view/09:34:18) because no one for beauty we might [find](/view/09:34:18) things that no after an hour of [finding](/view/10:25:54) where the messages i use [firefox](/view/10:06:27) where is the


interactive visual [flexible](/view/10:49:31)


morrison the intention is [focused](/view/10:19:57) something that you so we don t [forget](/view/09:42:15) unless it is oh yea i [forgot](/view/09:21:00) it has that if you [fork](/view/10:31:53) something from history pages in a poetic [form](/view/09:29:45) inspired by richard it has that little [form](/view/09:21:00) sorry havent done of the wiki haiku [format](/view/09:33:43) is that it lot of how the [forth](/view/10:42:01) language treats the exactly much more like [forth](/view/10:43:27) treats a stack share understand and carry [forward](/view/10:23:16) paraphrase interpretation of we want to move [forward](/view/11:00:02) with a lot http [found](/view/09:50:32) ward fed wiki wiki is about a [fourth](/view/10:16:55) as complicated as


communication between the [frame](/view/10:27:58) and the parent the parent in the [frame](/view/10:27:58) plugin what are discussion over functional testing [frame](/view/10:28:53) plugins scripting fedwiki used pages of getting [frame](/view/10:34:19) scripts explained to making use of observables [framework](/view/10:00:57) on for the test [framework](/view/10:28:32) maybe a slightly has been excellent for [framing](/view/10:45:48) the shape of still enough rope enough [freedom](/view/10:53:58) of movement for the people he learned [from](/view/09:49:32) at los alamos wiki view los alamos [from](/view/09:50:32) below it saves me [from](/view/09:45:24) connecting multiple times this definition of spike [from](/view/09:53:48) elsewhere spikes are [from](/view/10:00:09) eric when theres if you fork something [from](/view/10:31:53) history then the definitions of reactive behavior [from](/view/10:15:03) observable be fifty years away [from](/view/10:56:58) programming as part i inferred my question [from](/view/10:34:19) seeing examples over seem to be failing [from](/view/10:07:22) the pov of also the emergent gains [from](/view/09:33:07) the structure in [from](/view/09:34:34) ward


demo is this todom [function](/view/10:08:21) eric in discussion over [functional](/view/10:28:53) testing frame plugins discovered in running wards [functional](/view/10:11:38) tests the lineup immutable data structures pure [functions](/view/09:34:16) mutators for modifying likely diagnosis when various [functions](/view/10:07:22) seem to be of inventing its own [future](/view/10:48:58) but twenty versions a gift to my [future](/view/09:28:58) self and others


form inspired by richard [gabriels](/view/09:29:45) haiku practice can their purpose is to [gain](/view/09:53:48) the knowledge necessary book also the emergent [gains](/view/09:33:07) from the structure is at the williamson [gallery](/view/09:53:20) artcenter college for a reference to the [garden](/view/09:38:45) and the stream you write in the [garden](/view/09:31:40) make it beautiful by a new knowledge [garden](/view/09:40:21) site with multiple use for a knowledge [garden](/view/09:30:24) six paragraphs three that it can be [gardened](/view/09:33:43) shaped reconnected selected design conversation with knowledge [gardens](/view/10:04:34) tools for thought at fermilab author of [gauge](/view/09:53:20) theories of the


magic of an abstraction [general](/view/10:56:58) purpose hypermedia that c alexanders principles could [generate](/view/09:27:14) the others by can you see its [generative](/view/09:26:03) potential has been a really [generative](/view/10:48:09) set of conversation people used pages of [getting](/view/10:34:19) frame scripts explained paid the bills for [getting](/view/10:53:58) html and es


page should be a [ghost](/view/10:31:53) when do we create [ghost](/view/10:29:09) pages


self is writing a [gift](/view/09:28:58) to my future library is that they [give](/view/10:08:21) you a dom chatgpt constantly [gives](/view/09:21:10) me the wrong


of the contributors to [glamorous](/view/09:37:02) toolkit alongside tibor python jupyter observable notebook [glamorous](/view/10:04:34) toolkit lepiter notebook


something work and after [going](/view/09:50:56) around the table of wholeness view beauty [good](/view/09:30:34) truth economy entire cycle of wholeness [goodness](/view/10:38:58) and delight in others by emergence wholeness [goodness](/view/09:27:14) delight other deployments later wholeness [goodness](/view/10:19:57) delight wholeness does it work [goodness](/view/09:26:03) is the value of the enduser the [google](/view/10:07:22) console seem to


at the th th [grade](/view/09:46:53) levels in a dorian taylor is [gradually](/view/09:42:13) writing a book net view testing eip [graphviz](/view/09:52:35)


benefit of the wiki [haiku](/view/09:33:43) format is that inspired by richard gabriels [haiku](/view/09:29:45) practice can other the white or no [halo](/view/10:32:20) presentation diagram of clicking the [hamburger](/view/10:34:19) menu and seeing thompson i m pushing [hard](/view/10:59:11) on the tools beauty is coherence and [harmony](/view/10:34:07) elegance rs coherence and [harmony](/view/10:35:34) kerry simple interface you shouldnt [have](/view/09:48:32) to be a minimal is because i [have](/view/10:18:58) to live with the boilerplate that i [have](/view/10:18:58) to wrestle with [have](/view/10:04:57) you tried the [have](/view/09:24:44) you tried turning that little form sorry [havent](/view/09:21:00) done a lot


see where we re [heading](/view/11:00:02) with this work for tab searching which [helps](/view/10:06:27) a lot [here](/view/10:02:36) is a label [here](/view/09:23:49) is a list the few literate authors [here](/view/10:56:58) who writes for [heres](/view/10:15:52) an example showing and in the community [heres](/view/10:38:58) responses to it


center building fermilabs hogpen [hill](/view/09:53:20) farms and in konrad [hinsen](/view/09:38:12) i think http konrad [hinsens](/view/09:40:21) old blog was way the pages and [history](/view/10:33:01) are in dialogue you fork something from [history](/view/10:31:53) then the old


trade center building fermilabs [hogpen](/view/09:53:20) hill farms and nobel museum in stockholm [honoring](/view/09:53:20) richard feynmans th code worked after an [hour](/view/10:25:54) of finding where [however](/view/10:42:01) we manipulate the


the bills for getting [html](/view/10:53:58) and es on evolution of web standards [html](/view/10:53:08) es css as making use of the [html](/view/10:15:03) md svg definitions konrad hinsen i think [http](/view/09:38:12) blog khinsen net [http](/view/09:50:32) found ward fed reacted to [http](/view/09:52:37) marc relocali with [http](/view/09:52:35) marc relocalizecreativity net here is a label [http](/view/10:02:36) this is the [https](/view/10:52:23) dovdori technion ac s pages on fedwiki [https](/view/09:23:49) marc relocalizecreativity net [https](/view/09:28:04) marc relocalizecreativity net [https](/view/09:30:34) marc relocalizecreativity net [https](/view/10:36:15) marc relocalizecreativity net s nyc [https](/view/09:20:18) s nyc map site with multiple tabs [https](/view/09:40:21) science in the s work to software [https](/view/09:42:13) the natureof software bottom of this page [https](/view/10:07:14) www edwardtufte com


of abstractions for code [humans](/view/10:56:58) invent languages that


sorting and filtering in [hypermedia](/view/10:57:57) is annoying that writing scripts in [hypermedia](/view/10:57:44) is as accessible hypermedia that authoring in [hypermedia](/view/10:56:58) is rare thompson an abstraction general purpose [hypermedia](/view/10:56:58) that authoring in


compton had the right [idea](/view/09:50:56) thats what will alamos who raised different [ideas](/view/09:50:56) of how to


just edit the [image](/view/09:19:17) and modify the when i left the [image](/view/09:21:20) location off on done a lot of [image](/view/09:21:00) uploading to wiki eric i [imagine](/view/10:57:44) that writing scripts along the lines of [immutable](/view/09:34:16) data structures pure the code in other [implementations](/view/10:19:57) in other deployments


understand a requirement or [increase](/view/09:53:48) the reliability of [industry](/view/10:53:58) has paid the living safer safety prevent [inevitable](/view/10:59:36) errors wiki and patterns brings [inevitably](/view/10:44:53) to my mind i [inferred](/view/10:34:19) my question from that could create an [inflection](/view/11:00:02) point we want such as exploration architecture [infrastructure](/view/09:53:48) research design and safe enabler story defined [initially](/view/09:53:48) in extreme programming science authenticity precision beauty [insight](/view/09:53:20) chris quigg theoretical in smalltalk as an [inspiration](/view/10:40:18) for federated wiki in a poetic form [inspired](/view/09:29:45) by richard gabriels been a successful effort [inspiring](/view/10:48:58) es steel feynman diagrams are [installed](/view/09:53:20) at the new doing things that i [intended](/view/10:27:37) thompson morrisons [intent](/view/09:46:53) making programming accessible thompson morrison the [intention](/view/10:19:57) is focused something see the shape and [intention](/view/10:36:26) para strong weak and electromagnetic [interactions](/view/09:53:20) ets stainless steel [interactive](/view/10:49:31) visual flexible the knowledge system sparks [interest](/view/09:46:53) engagement competence and regulars are [interested](/view/09:57:48) in the shape in observable notebook is [interesting](/view/10:13:33) as a concept wouldn t it be [interesting](/view/09:39:11) if the main side and its also [interesting](/view/10:59:11) seeing where we nerd other fields and [interests](/view/09:48:32) should be accessible and harmony kerry simple [interface](/view/10:35:34) well named composed other kids on the [internet](/view/10:56:58) theres a magic paraphrase and [interpretation](/view/09:47:02) if i got that [interpretation](/view/10:16:09) like and carry forward paraphrase [interpretation](/view/10:23:16) of last setting targets my plugin [interpreter](/view/10:08:21) for the demo it factors well [into](/view/10:10:55) the observable libraries https the natureof software [introduction](/view/09:42:13) abstractions for code humans [invent](/view/10:56:58) languages that divide i [invented](/view/10:15:03) todom making the is still capable of [inventing](/view/10:48:58) its own future


a few lines per [item](/view/10:09:54) lineup page panel and [item](/view/10:10:31) to factor the plugin [item](/view/10:09:54) in this wiki todom making the fedwiki [items](/view/10:15:03) live and clickable can reorder and remove [items](/view/10:43:01) other than the stigmergic [iteration](/view/09:45:25) aha i can


[javascript](/view/10:49:13) against the dom [javascript](/view/10:48:58) is still capable


and demo that yielded [jeffs](/view/10:37:10) question of what


and literate programming python [jupyter](/view/10:04:34) observable notebook glamorous its [just](/view/10:58:36) a little weird kerry [just](/view/10:34:07) added beauty is [just](/view/09:19:17) edit the image my middle schooler [just](/view/09:47:36) wants to do


other and we ll [keep](/view/10:56:58) doing that with was able to demonstrate [keeping](/view/10:25:54) two pages in reminds me of what [keeps](/view/10:45:48) me showing up thanks to [kerry](/view/10:34:33) for that [kerry](/view/10:34:07) just added beauty maybe [kerry](/view/10:37:42) s definition moves rs coherence and harmony [kerry](/view/10:35:34) simple interface well


i think http blog [khinsen](/view/09:38:12) net posts pharo in the digital era [khinsen](/view/09:40:21) net welcome


ahead of the other [kids](/view/10:56:58) on the internet the css is [kind](/view/09:36:13) of a mess


i m pleased to [know](/view/10:02:02) that the computational [knowledge](/view/09:20:29) design patterns succeeded by a new [knowledge](/view/09:40:21) garden site with i use for a [knowledge](/view/09:30:24) garden six paragraphs a design conversation with [knowledge](/view/10:04:34) gardens tools for is to gain the [knowledge](/view/09:53:48) necessary to reduce of working with the [knowledge](/view/09:46:53) system sparks interest feynman [known](/view/09:49:32) as a bit


[konrad](/view/09:38:12) hinsen i think [konrad](/view/09:40:21) hinsens old blog


here is a [label](/view/10:02:36) http this is [label](/view/10:02:50) link recognize as christopher alexanders [language](/view/09:56:14) dov doris systems modeling [language](/view/10:50:48) whats underway now is [language](/view/10:56:58) its not one cuneiform to sound based [language](/view/10:56:26) seems like a of how the forth [language](/view/10:42:01) treats the stack for code humans invent [languages](/view/10:56:58) that divide each doing that with programming [languages](/view/10:56:58) what changes is and es on everyones [laptop](/view/10:53:58) is there still forward paraphrase interpretation of [last](/view/10:23:16) we did bringing that [last](/view/11:00:02) book to life operator that wants the [last](/view/10:44:00) three cards in implementations in other deployments [later](/view/10:19:57) wholeness goodness delight


feels like it may [lead](/view/10:35:01) to end user beauty what did you [learn](/view/10:17:53) in your exercise how the people he [learned](/view/09:49:32) from at los learner the non compliant [learner](/view/09:47:38) a troublemaker who the compliant [learner](/view/09:47:38) the non compliant making programming accessible to [learners](/view/09:46:53) at the th by looking up and [left](/view/10:41:19) for data right when i [left](/view/09:21:20) the image location observable notebook glamorous toolkit [lepiter](/view/10:04:34) notebook maybe a slightly lower [level](/view/10:28:32) than a click the th th grade [levels](/view/09:46:53) in a way


abstractions eric on observables [libraries](/view/10:35:34) mike bostocks [libraries](/view/10:12:54) a standard open well into the observable [libraries](/view/10:10:55) for dom manipulation top of the observable [libraries](/view/10:09:54) theres a lot standard open source reactive [library](/view/10:12:54) available for use cool tricks about observables [library](/view/10:08:21) is that they that last book to [life](/view/11:00:02) convinced me that [lightbulb](/view/10:00:57) making use of i got that interpretation [like](/view/10:16:09) sound based language seems [like](/view/10:56:26) a paradigm shift exactly much more [like](/view/10:43:27) forth treats a eric this feels [like](/view/10:35:01) it may lead fedwiki has felt [like](/view/10:04:34) its been in do additional work on [like](/view/10:08:21) setting targets my can ask a question [like](/view/10:33:01) that of observing plugin behavior [like](/view/10:34:19) the lineup diagram i would [like](/view/10:41:54) to better understand i d [like](/view/10:23:16) us to take a thing that looks [like](/view/10:27:37) wiki that needs fedwiki to return a [likely](/view/10:07:22) diagnosis when various a troublemaker who is [likely](/view/09:47:38) to check out the visual explanations author [likes](/view/09:52:14) them a lot in a context not [limited](/view/09:27:28) to the built say something along the [lines](/view/09:34:16) of immutable data and rendering sofi by [lines](/view/10:16:55) of rendering code down to a few [lines](/view/10:09:54) per item and not to the [lineup](/view/10:25:54) pop up in the [lineup](/view/10:34:19) update which changes the [lineup](/view/10:27:37) a thing that and simple describing the [lineup](/view/10:40:18) as a stack [lineup](/view/10:41:19) as stack is control on neighborhood and [lineup](/view/10:35:01) control plugin behavior like the [lineup](/view/10:34:19) diagram of clicking however we manipulate the [lineup](/view/10:42:01) in direct ways wards functional tests the [lineup](/view/10:11:38) is css and for me a [lineup](/view/10:44:53) of cards in structure of a wiki [lineup](/view/10:10:31) page panel and sites sitemap then any [lineup](/view/10:26:29) with that page http this is the [link](/view/10:02:36) label [link](/view/10:02:50) a sofi svg via [link](/view/10:15:52) gardens tools for thought [linked](/view/10:04:34) notes and also garden six paragraphs three [links](/view/09:30:24) a diagram here is a [list](/view/09:23:49) of a non how i [listen](/view/09:41:03) to the call programming as part of [literacy](/view/10:56:58) but programming is is what counts as [literacy](/view/10:56:58) we might be one of the few [literate](/view/10:56:58) authors here who with computational notebooks and [literate](/view/10:04:34) programming python jupyter forgot it has that [little](/view/09:21:00) form sorry havent its just a [little](/view/10:58:36) weird still e making the fedwiki items [live](/view/10:15:03) and clickable by because i have to [live](/view/10:18:58) with this code a way to make [living](/view/10:59:36) safer safety prevent


analogy of a spring [loaded](/view/10:42:25) dish stack in image and modify the [location](/view/09:19:17) i left the image [location](/view/09:21:20) off on the the other day to [look](/view/09:42:15) at i can when i [look](/view/10:18:58) at observable the if we [look](/view/09:34:18) for beauty we no one else is [looking](/view/09:34:18) thompson observes everyone [looking](/view/10:36:26) at erics code engaging with it by [looking](/view/10:41:19) up and left lineup a thing that [looks](/view/10:27:37) like wiki that [lots](/view/10:07:14) of photos on framework maybe a slightly [lower](/view/10:28:32) level than a


the internet theres a [magic](/view/10:56:58) of an abstraction be interesting if the [main](/view/09:39:11) attraction in the translator of a poem [maintain](/view/09:33:07) the beauty ward a lot the feels [maintainable](/view/10:18:58) shaped reconnected selected while [maintaining](/view/09:33:43) properties of beauty and i want to [make](/view/10:18:58) it as small write in the garden [make](/view/09:31:40) it beautiful thompson be a way to [make](/view/10:59:36) living safer safety ideas of how to [make](/view/09:50:56) something work and these abstract concepts and [make](/view/10:21:00) them transferrable to of observable code that [makes](/view/10:09:54) it possible to is a way that [makes](/view/10:41:19) sense of engaging thompson morrisons intent [making](/view/09:46:53) programming accessible to i invented todom [making](/view/10:15:03) the fedwiki items lightbulb [making](/view/10:00:57) use of observables live and clickable by [making](/view/10:15:03) use of the to be able to [manipulate](/view/10:27:58) a wiki page however we [manipulate](/view/10:42:01) the lineup in observable libraries for dom [manipulation](/view/10:10:55) seem to return too [many](/view/10:07:22) diagnoses hill farms and in [many](/view/09:53:20) private collections a community coffeescript has in [many](/view/10:48:58) ways been a as being very closely [mapped](/view/10:10:31) to the structure by removing all the [marble](/view/10:00:09) that is extraneous thompson ward eric [marc](/view/10:48:09) has been a eric to [marc](/view/10:56:58) i think whats [marc](/view/10:50:48) mentions dov doris reacted to http [marc](/view/09:52:37) relocali with pages on fedwiki https [marc](/view/09:23:49) relocalizecreativity net view https [marc](/view/09:28:04) relocalizecreativity net view https [marc](/view/09:30:34) relocalizecreativity net view http [marc](/view/09:52:35) relocalizecreativity net view https [marc](/view/10:36:15) relocalizecreativity net view is the problem that [marc](/view/09:42:15) shared the other an example showing observables [markdown](/view/10:15:52) syntax to point for the test framework [maybe](/view/10:28:32) a slightly lower [maybe](/view/10:37:42) kerry s definition


what would it [mean](/view/09:29:45) to write wiki take away as a [measure](/view/10:00:09) of completion related times to a zoom [meeting](/view/09:45:24) marc [mentions](/view/10:50:48) dov doris systems of clicking the hamburger [menu](/view/10:34:19) and seeing a is kind of a [mess](/view/09:36:13) people say you of finding where the [messages](/view/10:25:54) go everywhere but press in a social [metaphor](/view/10:56:58) where we re the demo a single [method](/view/10:27:37) named update which object process [methodology](/view/10:52:12) iso


beauty with reference to [michaelangelos](/view/10:00:09) revealing a statue my [middle](/view/09:47:36) schooler just wants counts as literacy we [might](/view/10:56:58) be fifty years look for beauty we [might](/view/09:34:18) find things that [mike](/view/10:12:54) bostocks libraries a brings inevitably to my [mind](/view/10:44:53) the process of reason i want something [minimal](/view/10:18:58) is because i


eric on css for [mobile](/view/09:36:13) etc you tried turning wiki [mode](/view/09:24:44) on and off mentions dov doris systems [modeling](/view/10:50:48) language edit the image and [modify](/view/09:19:17) the location pure functions mutators for [modifying](/view/09:34:16) data ui storage exactly much [more](/view/10:43:27) like forth treats thompson [morrison](/view/10:19:57) the intention is make it beautiful thompson [morrison](/view/09:31:40) to co authors thompson [morrisons](/view/09:46:53) intent making programming items other than the [most](/view/10:43:01) recent the [most](/view/09:38:45) recent post is point we want to [move](/view/11:00:02) forward with a [move](/view/10:44:00) the cards around rope enough freedom of [movement](/view/10:53:58) for us to maybe kerry s definition [moves](/view/10:37:42) toward an answer


its really not very [much](/view/10:09:54) code on top exactly [much](/view/10:43:27) more like forth structural behavior common across [multiple](/view/09:27:50) domains knowledge garden site with [multiple](/view/09:40:21) tabs https science saves me from connecting [multiple](/view/09:45:24) times to a exhibit at the nobel [museum](/view/09:53:20) in stockholm honoring data structures pure functions [mutators](/view/09:34:16) for modifying data


something that you can [name](/view/10:19:57) everything else is kerry simple interface well [named](/view/10:35:34) composed abstractions eric demo a single method [named](/view/10:27:37) update which changes to software https the [natureof](/view/09:42:13) software introduction


to gain the knowledge [necessary](/view/09:53:48) to reduce the looks like wiki that [needs](/view/10:27:37) to be visual end user control on [neighborhood](/view/10:35:01) and lineup control have to be a [nerd](/view/09:48:32) other fields and and nesting recursion emergent [nesting](/view/10:40:38) is a stack and [nesting](/view/10:40:38) recursion emergent nesting a panda [netsuke](/view/09:42:36) speaker to rs with this work the [next](/view/11:00:02) chapter the next the next chapter the [next](/view/11:00:02) years are ones


has a [nice](/view/10:06:07) search feature


an exhibit at the [nobel](/view/09:53:20) museum in stockholm the table they all [nodded](/view/09:50:56) and said compton per paul r s [note](/view/10:12:54) me and compulsive [note](/view/09:19:18) taking notebook glamorous toolkit lepiter [notebook](/view/10:04:34) know that the computational [notebook](/view/10:02:02) field has something programming python jupyter observable [notebook](/view/10:04:34) glamorous toolkit lepiter processing dependencies in observable [notebook](/view/10:13:33) is interesting as in conversation with computational [notebooks](/view/10:04:34) and literate programming tools for thought linked [notes](/view/10:04:34) and also in from eric when theres [nothing](/view/10:00:09) else to take working demonstration of the [notion](/view/09:58:30)


s nyc map photo [nynyma](/view/09:20:18) rec


[object](/view/10:52:12) process methodology iso of reactive behavior from [observable](/view/10:15:03) theres a lot of [observable](/view/10:09:54) code that makes i understood how the [observable](/view/10:25:54) code worked after factors well into the [observable](/view/10:10:55) libraries for dom on top of the [observable](/view/10:09:54) libraries theres a literate programming python jupyter [observable](/view/10:04:34) notebook glamorous toolkit data processing dependencies in [observable](/view/10:13:33) notebook is interesting when i look at [observable](/view/10:18:58) the boilerplate that lightbulb making use of [observables](/view/10:00:57) framework composed abstractions eric on [observables](/view/10:35:34) libraries the cool tricks about [observables](/view/10:08:21) library is that heres an example showing [observables](/view/10:15:52) markdown syntax to thompson [observes](/view/10:37:10) and then the thompson [observes](/view/10:36:26) everyone looking at thompson [observes](/view/10:38:58) this is the eric [observes](/view/10:40:18) trying to recreate explained to me of [observing](/view/10:34:19) plugin behavior like


field has something to [offer](/view/10:02:02) fedwiki in a


broadcast channel [once](/view/10:25:54) i understood how that others can appreciate [once](/view/10:21:00) you demonstrate them the next years are [ones](/view/11:00:02) that could create [only](/view/10:43:01) not really a you [only](/view/10:42:48) operate on the


bostocks libraries a standard [open](/view/10:12:54) source reactive library when do we [operate](/view/10:29:04) on pages you only [operate](/view/10:42:48) on the top cards around call an [operator](/view/10:44:00) that wants the


three cards in this [order](/view/10:44:00) chrome browser specific tab [organizer](/view/10:05:48) everywhere but the broadcast [origin](/view/10:25:54) i was able


languages that divide each [other](/view/10:56:58) and we ll that marc shared the [other](/view/09:42:15) day to look in other implementations in [other](/view/10:19:57) deployments later wholeness to be a nerd [other](/view/09:48:32) fields and interests use the code in [other](/view/10:19:57) implementations in other re ahead of the [other](/view/10:56:58) kids on the gabriels haiku practice can [other](/view/09:29:45) people feel the reorder and remove items [other](/view/10:43:01) than the most federated wiki or for [other](/view/10:40:18) work that the my future self and [others](/view/09:28:58) make them transferrable to [others](/view/10:21:00) principles could generate the [others](/view/09:27:14) by emergence wholeness code in ways that [others](/view/10:21:00) can appreciate once


and eric in discussion [over](/view/10:28:53) functional testing frame question from seeing examples [over](/view/10:34:19) time of how


to manipulate a wiki [page](/view/10:27:58) when a [page](/view/10:26:29) changes in a the bottom of this [page](/view/10:07:14) https www edwardtufte paul update to which [page](/view/10:32:20) is the white of a wiki lineup [page](/view/10:10:31) panel and item menu and seeing a [page](/view/10:34:19) pop up in any lineup with that [page](/view/10:26:29) present can be history then the old [page](/view/10:31:53) should be a every [page](/view/09:31:40) you write in do we operate on [pages](/view/10:29:04) do we create ghost [pages](/view/10:29:09) see the way the [pages](/view/10:33:01) and history are mean to write wiki [pages](/view/09:29:45) in a poetic to demonstrate keeping two [pages](/view/10:25:54) in sync i of how people used [pages](/view/10:34:19) of getting frame a non programmer s [pages](/view/09:23:49) on fedwiki https industry has [paid](/view/10:53:58) the bills for a [panda](/view/09:42:36) netsuke speaker to a wiki lineup page [panel](/view/10:10:31) and item the shape and intention [para](/view/10:36:26) language seems like a [paradigm](/view/10:56:26) shift a knowledge garden six [paragraphs](/view/09:30:24) three links a [paraphrase](/view/10:15:09) [paraphrase](/view/09:47:02) and interpretation understand and carry forward [paraphrase](/view/10:23:16) interpretation of last the frame and the [parent](/view/10:27:58) in the frame away from programming as [part](/view/10:56:58) of literacy but tools for thinking as [part](/view/10:59:11) of the environment of a showman but [partially](/view/09:49:32) so that he in a way that [participation](/view/09:46:53) and experimentation is generative set of conversation [partners](/view/10:48:09) knowledge design [patterns](/view/09:20:29) context of wiki and [patterns](/view/10:44:53) brings inevitably to available for use per [paul](/view/10:12:54) r s note a ward and [paul](/view/10:32:20) update to which


of a set of [people](/view/09:50:56) at los alamos haiku practice can other [people](/view/09:29:45) feel the delightful could convey how the [people](/view/09:49:32) he learned from kind of a mess [people](/view/09:36:13) say you cant over time of how [people](/view/10:34:19) used pages of lot he did a [personal](/view/09:52:14) art project on


blog khinsen net posts [pharo](/view/09:38:12) year one off on the new [phone](/view/09:21:20) https s nyc map [photo](/view/09:20:18) nynyma rec lots of [photos](/view/10:07:14) on the bottom insight chris quigg theoretical [physicist](/view/09:53:20) at fermilab author


top of the stack [placing](/view/10:42:48) or removing one artcenter college for design [planning](/view/09:53:20) in underway for i m [pleased](/view/10:02:02) to know that to me of observing [plugin](/view/10:34:19) behavior like the like setting targets my [plugin](/view/10:08:21) interpreter for the possible to factor the [plugin](/view/10:09:54) item in this parent in the frame [plugin](/view/10:27:58) what are the over functional testing frame [plugins](/view/10:28:53) scripting fedwiki


a translator of a [poem](/view/09:33:07) maintain the beauty wiki pages in a [poetic](/view/09:29:45) form inspired by observables markdown syntax to [point](/view/10:15:52) to a sofi could create an inflection [point](/view/11:00:02) we want to it be useful and [possible](/view/10:07:22) for the fedwiki code that makes it [possible](/view/10:09:54) to factor the conversation with a programmer [possibly](/view/09:37:02) one of the the most recent [post](/view/09:38:45) is a reference http blog khinsen net [posts](/view/09:38:12) pharo year one you see its generative [potential](/view/09:26:03)


by richard gabriels haiku [practice](/view/09:29:45) can other people and related to the [pragmas](/view/10:28:32) that ward has are art science authenticity [precision](/view/09:53:20) beauty insight chris firefox where is the [prefix](/view/10:06:27) for tab searching lineup with that page [present](/view/10:26:29) can be updated my [present](/view/09:28:58) self is writing white or no halo [presentation](/view/10:32:20) use our new printing [press](/view/10:56:58) in a social make living safer safety [prevent](/view/10:59:36) inevitable errors which of c alexanders [principles](/view/09:27:14) could generate the together so that the [principles](/view/10:23:16) of beautiful code can you explain these [principles](/view/10:21:00) of beauty in you use our new [printing](/view/10:56:58) press in a farms and in many [private](/view/09:53:20) collections a current working there is the [problem](/view/09:42:15) that marc shared object [process](/view/10:52:12) methodology iso beauty ward on the [process](/view/09:33:07) of supporting t to my mind the [process](/view/10:44:53) of working with sort of the data [processing](/view/10:13:33) dependencies in observable a conversation with a [programmer](/view/09:37:02) possibly one of list of a non [programmer](/view/09:23:49) s pages on thompson morrisons intent making [programming](/view/09:46:53) accessible to learners fifty years away from [programming](/view/10:56:58) as part of concept for wiki as [programming](/view/10:13:33) environment part of literacy but [programming](/view/10:56:58) is how you keep doing that with [programming](/view/10:56:58) languages what changes computational notebooks and literate [programming](/view/10:04:34) python jupyter observable defined initially in extreme [programming](/view/09:53:48) xp spikes represent did a personal art [project](/view/09:52:14) on them tufte reconnected selected while maintaining [properties](/view/09:33:43) of beauty marc relocalizecreativity net view [properties](/view/09:28:04) of wholeness marc relocalizecreativity net view [properties](/view/09:30:34) of wholeness view infrastructure research design and [prototyping](/view/09:53:48) their purpose is


of immutable data structures [pure](/view/09:34:16) functions mutators for of an abstraction general [purpose](/view/10:56:58) hypermedia that authoring design and prototyping their [purpose](/view/09:53:48) is to gain stack as data structure [push](/view/10:42:25) down stack by thompson i m [pushing](/view/10:59:11) hard on the with a spreadsheet that [puts](/view/10:57:44) you in a


notebooks and literate programming [python](/view/10:04:34) jupyter observable notebook


conveys some of those [qualities](/view/10:23:48) simple and clear my answer to thompsons [question](/view/09:59:00) about beautiful code i inferred my [question](/view/10:34:19) from seeing examples i can ask a [question](/view/10:33:01) like that demo that yielded jeffs [question](/view/10:37:10) of what if precision beauty insight chris [quigg](/view/09:53:20) theoretical physicist at


at los alamos who [raised](/view/09:50:56) different ideas of authoring in hypermedia is [rare](/view/10:56:58) thompson is one


[reacted](/view/09:52:37) to http marc md svg definitions of [reactive](/view/10:15:03) behavior from observable a standard open source [reactive](/view/10:12:54) library available for how is beauty [realized](/view/10:36:47) at each of answer how is coherence [realized](/view/10:37:42) at each of only not [really](/view/10:43:01) a stack as marc has been a [really](/view/10:48:09) generative set of its [really](/view/10:09:54) not very much eric says the [reason](/view/10:18:58) i want something other than the most [recent](/view/10:43:01) the most [recent](/view/09:38:45) post is a specific term that i [recognize](/view/09:56:14) as christopher alexanders can be gardened shaped [reconnected](/view/09:33:43) selected while maintaining on and off again [reconstitute](/view/09:24:44) the backlinks eric observes trying to [recreate](/view/10:40:18) the experience of a stack and nesting [recursion](/view/10:40:38) emergent nesting the knowledge necessary to [reduce](/view/09:53:48) the risk of people say you cant [refactor](/view/09:36:13) css but should related to beauty with [reference](/view/10:00:09) to michaelangelos revealing recent post is a [reference](/view/09:38:45) to the garden about beautiful code with [reference](/view/09:59:00) to wards style asks eric when you [reflect](/view/10:17:53) on the code [regulars](/view/09:57:48) are interested in in your exercise of [reimplementing](/view/10:17:53) the fedwiki client a measure of completion [related](/view/10:00:09) to beauty with adjacent and [related](/view/10:28:32) to the pragmas requirement or increase the [reliability](/view/09:53:48) of a story reacted to http marc [relocali](/view/09:52:37) with https marc [relocalizecreativity](/view/09:28:04) net view properties https marc [relocalizecreativity](/view/09:30:34) net view properties https marc [relocalizecreativity](/view/10:36:15) net view ps http marc [relocalizecreativity](/view/09:52:35) net view testing on fedwiki https marc [relocalizecreativity](/view/09:23:49) net view welcome in direct ways that [remind](/view/10:42:01) me a lot of the work that [reminds](/view/10:45:48) me of what digital tools are not [remote](/view/09:48:32) and arcane you can reorder and [remove](/view/10:43:01) items other than revealing a statue by [removing](/view/10:00:09) all the marble the stack placing or [removing](/view/10:42:48) one dish reimplementing the fedwiki client [renderer](/view/10:17:53) sofi by lines of [rendering](/view/10:16:55) code ward complicated as enriching and [rendering](/view/10:16:55) sofi by lines stack as you can [reorder](/view/10:43:01) and remove items [replying](/view/09:53:20) to and the [replying](/view/10:07:14) to and the [replying](/view/09:45:24) to bluetooth eric [reports](/view/09:37:02) a conversation with extreme programming xp spikes [represent](/view/09:53:48) activities such as approach better understand a [requirement](/view/09:53:48) or increase the as exploration architecture infrastructure [research](/view/09:53:48) design and prototyping on the code with [respect](/view/10:17:53) to beauty what in the community heres [responses](/view/10:38:58) to it for the fedwiki to [return](/view/10:07:22) a likely diagnosis google console seem to [return](/view/10:07:22) too many diagnoses with reference to michaelangelos [revealing](/view/10:00:09) a statue by describe wards code as [revelatory](/view/09:58:09) crystals


museum in stockholm honoring [richard](/view/09:53:20) feynmans th birthday poetic form inspired by [richard](/view/09:29:45) gabriels haiku practice said compton had the [right](/view/09:50:56) idea thats what that the code was [right](/view/10:40:18) there it was [right](/view/09:21:20) when i left necessary to reduce the [risk](/view/09:53:48) of a technical


is there still enough [rope](/view/10:53:58) enough freedom of


something i discovered in [running](/view/10:11:38) wards functional tests


are a type of [safe](/view/09:53:48) enabler story defined way to make living [safer](/view/10:59:36) safety prevent inevitable to make living safer [safety](/view/10:59:36) prevent inevitable errors they all nodded and [said](/view/09:50:56) compton had the had to download and [save](/view/10:11:59) a single css it [saves](/view/09:45:24) me from connecting eric [says](/view/10:18:58) the reason i


my middle [schooler](/view/09:47:36) just wants to feynman diagrams are art [science](/view/09:53:20) authenticity precision beauty with multiple tabs https [science](/view/09:40:21) in the digital functional testing frame plugins [scripting](/view/10:28:53) fedwiki pages of getting frame [scripts](/view/10:34:19) explained to me i imagine that writing [scripts](/view/10:57:44) in hypermedia is feynman diagrams edward tufte [sculptures](/view/09:53:20) and exhibits ets


has a nice [search](/view/10:06:07) feature visitors view fedwiki view [search](/view/09:23:49) for fedwiki the prefix for tab [searching](/view/10:06:27) which helps a the hamburger menu and [seeing](/view/10:34:19) a page pop inferred my question from [seeing](/view/10:34:19) examples over time and its also interesting [seeing](/view/10:59:11) where we can diagnosis when various functions [seem](/view/10:07:22) to be failing enduser the google console [seem](/view/10:07:22) to return too to sound based language [seems](/view/10:56:26) like a paradigm be gardened shaped reconnected [selected](/view/09:33:43) while maintaining properties gift to my future [self](/view/09:28:58) and others my present [self](/view/09:28:58) is writing a a way that makes [sense](/view/10:41:19) of engaging with additional work on like [setting](/view/10:08:21) targets my plugin


easy to see the [shape](/view/10:36:26) and intention para excellent for framing the [shape](/view/10:45:48) of the work the [shape](/view/09:57:28) of things are interested in the [shape](/view/09:57:48) of things in being able to [shape](/view/09:33:07) the book with has a common [shape](/view/10:18:58) theres a lot it can be gardened [shaped](/view/09:33:43) reconnected selected while ways that we can [share](/view/10:23:16) understand and carry coding community is the [shared](/view/09:39:11) experience of beauty the problem that marc [shared](/view/09:42:15) the other day seems like a paradigm [shift](/view/10:56:26) then the old page [should](/view/10:31:53) be a ghost other fields and interests [should](/view/09:48:32) be accessible to sync i think i [should](/view/10:25:54) broadcast changes to cant refactor css but [should](/view/09:36:13) throw it away you [shouldnt](/view/09:48:32) have to be challenge how do we [show](/view/10:23:16) up as developers heres an example [showing](/view/10:15:52) observables markdown syntax of what keeps me [showing](/view/10:45:48) up a bit of a [showman](/view/09:49:32) but partially so


the tools for thought [side](/view/10:59:11) and its also some of those qualities [simple](/view/10:23:48) and clear and it as small and [simple](/view/10:18:58) as i can it was clear and [simple](/view/10:40:18) describing the lineup coherence and harmony kerry [simple](/view/10:35:34) interface well named download and save a [single](/view/10:11:59) css file for the demo a [single](/view/10:27:37) method named update a new knowledge garden [site](/view/09:40:21) with multiple tabs broadcast changes to the [sitemap](/view/10:25:54) and not to changes in a sites [sitemap](/view/10:26:29) then any lineup page changes in a [sites](/view/10:26:29) sitemap then any


test framework maybe a [slightly](/view/10:28:32) lower level than


to make it as [small](/view/10:18:58) and simple as the [smallest](/view/09:58:30) complete working demonstration experience of working in [smalltalk](/view/10:40:18) as an inspiration


printing press in a [social](/view/10:56:58) metaphor where we as enriching and rendering [sofi](/view/10:16:55) by lines of to point to a [sofi](/view/10:15:52) svg via link alexander s work to [software](/view/09:42:13) https the natureof software https the natureof [software](/view/09:42:13) introduction rs elegant conveys [some](/view/10:23:48) of those qualities [some](/view/09:34:16) would say something some would say [something](/view/09:34:16) along the lines if you fork [something](/view/10:31:53) from history then that was [something](/view/10:11:38) i discovered in the reason i want [something](/view/10:18:58) minimal is because the intention is focused [something](/view/10:19:57) that you can computational notebook field has [something](/view/10:02:02) to offer fedwiki of how to make [something](/view/09:50:56) work and after aliveness is a [somewhat](/view/09:56:14) specific term that has that little form [sorry](/view/09:21:00) havent done a the topological [sort](/view/10:13:33) of the data [sorting](/view/10:57:57) and filtering in cuneiform to [sound](/view/10:56:26) based language seems libraries a standard open [source](/view/10:12:54) reactive library available


with the knowledge system [sparks](/view/09:46:53) interest engagement competence a panda netsuke [speaker](/view/09:42:36) to rs tabli chrome browser [specific](/view/10:05:48) tab organizer aliveness is a somewhat [specific](/view/09:56:14) term that i the code in the [spike](/view/10:27:37) doing things that item in this wiki [spike](/view/10:09:54) down to a in this definition of [spike](/view/09:53:48) from elsewhere spikes of spike from elsewhere [spikes](/view/09:53:48) are a type in extreme programming xp [spikes](/view/09:53:48) represent activities such as working with a [spreadsheet](/view/10:57:44) that puts you by analogy of a [spring](/view/10:42:25) loaded dish stack


like to better understand [stack](/view/10:41:54) is a [stack](/view/10:40:38) and nesting recursion like forth treats a [stack](/view/10:43:27) as a workspace forth language treats the [stack](/view/10:42:01) as current workspace [stack](/view/10:42:25) as data structure only not really a [stack](/view/10:43:01) as you can data structure push down [stack](/view/10:42:25) by analogy of a spring loaded dish [stack](/view/10:42:25) in a cafeteria lineup as [stack](/view/10:41:19) is a way the lineup as a [stack](/view/10:40:18) is another concept the top of the [stack](/view/10:42:48) placing or removing and electromagnetic interactions ets [stainless](/view/09:53:20) steel feynman diagrams mike bostocks libraries a [standard](/view/10:12:54) open source reactive of evolution of web [standards](/view/10:53:08) html es css to michaelangelos revealing a [statue](/view/10:00:09) by removing all electromagnetic interactions ets stainless [steel](/view/09:53:20) feynman diagrams are at each of the [steps](/view/10:36:47) at each of the [steps](/view/10:37:42) [stigmergic](/view/09:45:25) iteration aha i javascript is [still](/view/10:48:58) capable of inventing just a little weird [still](/view/10:58:36) e everyones laptop is there [still](/view/10:53:58) enough rope enough the nobel museum in [stockholm](/view/09:53:20) honoring richard feynmans for modifying data ui [storage](/view/09:34:16) type of safe enabler [story](/view/09:53:48) defined initially in the reliability of a [story](/view/09:53:48) estimate the garden and the [stream](/view/09:38:45) gauge theories of the [strong](/view/09:53:20) weak and electromagnetic emergence depends on [structural](/view/09:27:50) behavior common across when collaborating the [structure](/view/09:30:24) i use for emergent gains from the [structure](/view/09:33:07) in being able closely mapped to the [structure](/view/10:10:31) of a wiki eric describes the [structure](/view/10:10:31) of the code stack as data [structure](/view/10:42:25) push down stack lines of immutable data [structures](/view/09:34:16) pure functions mutators with reference to wards [style](/view/09:59:00)


hinsens old blog was [succeeded](/view/09:40:21) by a new many ways been a [successful](/view/10:48:58) effort inspiring es xp spikes represent activities [such](/view/09:53:48) as exploration architecture on the process of [supporting](/view/09:33:07) t m s feasible desirable [sustainable](/view/09:56:36)


keeping two pages in [sync](/view/10:25:54) i think i example showing observables markdown [syntax](/view/10:15:52) to point to working with the knowledge [system](/view/09:46:53) sparks interest engagement marc mentions dov doris [systems](/view/10:50:48) modeling language


the cards on the [table](/view/10:43:41) after going around the [table](/view/09:50:56) they all nodded you tried the extension [tabli](/view/10:04:57) [tabli](/view/10:05:48) chrome browser specific garden site with multiple [tabs](/view/09:40:21) https science in theres nothing else to [take](/view/10:00:09) away as a demonstrate them can we [take](/view/10:21:00) these abstract concepts d like us to [take](/view/10:23:16) this as a name everything else is [taken](/view/10:19:57) away if you its [taken](/view/10:33:01) me a while me and compulsive note [taking](/view/09:19:18) work on like setting [targets](/view/10:08:21) my plugin interpreter dorian [taylor](/view/09:42:13) is gradually writing


the risk of a [technical](/view/09:53:48) approach better understand https dovdori [technion](/view/10:52:23) ac il is a somewhat specific [term](/view/09:56:14) that i recognize working on for the [test](/view/10:28:32) framework maybe a marc relocalizecreativity net view [testing](/view/09:52:35) eip graphviz in discussion over functional [testing](/view/10:28:53) frame plugins scripting in running wards functional [tests](/view/10:11:38) the lineup is


a slightly lower level [than](/view/10:28:32) a click and remove items other [than](/view/10:43:01) the most recent [thanks](/view/10:34:33) to kerry for aha i can do [that](/view/09:45:25) ask a question like [that](/view/10:33:01) thanks to kerry for [that](/view/10:34:33) abstraction general purpose hypermedia [that](/view/10:56:58) authoring in hypermedia next years are ones [that](/view/11:00:02) could create an code humans invent languages [that](/view/10:56:58) divide each other showman but partially so [that](/view/09:49:32) he could convey feel the delightful unfolding [that](/view/09:29:45) i feel at observable the boilerplate [that](/view/10:18:58) i have to the spike doing things [that](/view/10:27:37) i intended a somewhat specific term [that](/view/09:56:14) i recognize as what are the apis [that](/view/10:27:58) i want to if i got [that](/view/10:16:09) interpretation like removing all the marble [that](/view/10:00:09) is extraneous wiki haiku format is [that](/view/09:33:43) it can be erics code was delighted [that](/view/10:36:26) it was easy that we did bringing [that](/view/11:00:02) last book to i forgot it has [that](/view/09:21:00) little form sorry the lineup a thing [that](/view/10:27:37) looks like wiki lot of observable code [that](/view/10:09:54) makes it possible stack is a way [that](/view/10:41:19) makes sense of there is the problem [that](/view/09:42:15) marc shared the that looks like wiki [that](/view/10:27:37) needs to be we might find things [that](/view/09:34:18) no one else in code in ways [that](/view/10:21:00) others can appreciate then any lineup with [that](/view/10:26:29) page present can levels in a way [that](/view/09:46:53) participation and experimentation working with a spreadsheet [that](/view/10:57:44) puts you in lineup in direct ways [that](/view/10:42:01) remind me a shape of the work [that](/view/10:45:48) reminds me of or for other work [that](/view/10:40:18) the code was m pleased to know [that](/view/10:02:02) the computational notebook with the tools so [that](/view/09:48:32) the digital tools experimentation is accessible and [that](/view/09:46:53) the experience of we work together so [that](/view/10:23:16) the principles of about observables library is [that](/view/10:08:21) they give you around call an operator [that](/view/10:44:00) wants the last related to the pragmas [that](/view/10:28:32) ward has been [that](/view/10:11:38) was something i to life convinced me [that](/view/11:00:02) we can see we work in ways [that](/view/10:23:16) we can share thompson the work [that](/view/11:00:02) we did bringing we ll keep doing [that](/view/10:56:58) with programming languages here who writes for [that](/view/10:56:58) world eric i imagine [that](/view/10:57:44) writing scripts in channel experience and demo [that](/view/10:37:10) yielded jeffs question intention is focused something [that](/view/10:19:57) you can name you a dom element [that](/view/10:08:21) you can then away if you do [that](/view/10:19:57) you can use had the right idea [thats](/view/09:50:56) what will go just wants to do [theatre](/view/09:47:36) research design and prototyping [their](/view/09:53:48) purpose is to visual explanations author likes [them](/view/09:52:14) a lot he appreciate once you demonstrate [them](/view/10:21:00) can we take abstract concepts and make [them](/view/10:21:00) transferrable to others personal art project on [them](/view/09:52:14) tufte in a sites sitemap [then](/view/10:26:29) any lineup with element that you can [then](/view/10:08:21) do additional work thompson observes and [then](/view/10:37:10) the discussion of fork something from history [then](/view/10:31:53) the old page beauty insight chris quigg [theoretical](/view/09:53:20) physicist at fermilab fermilab author of gauge [theories](/view/09:53:20) of the strong it is now working [there](/view/09:42:15) is the problem the code was right [there](/view/10:40:18) it was clear on everyones laptop is [there](/view/10:53:58) still enough rope of the observable libraries [theres](/view/10:09:54) a lot of has a common shape [theres](/view/10:18:58) a lot the kids on the internet [theres](/view/10:56:58) a magic of from eric when [theres](/view/10:00:09) nothing else to them can we take [these](/view/10:21:00) abstract concepts and thompson can you explain [these](/view/10:21:00) principles of beauty going around the table [they](/view/09:50:56) all nodded and observables library is that [they](/view/10:08:21) give you a changes the lineup a [thing](/view/10:27:37) that looks like the shape of [things](/view/09:57:28) in the shape of [things](/view/09:57:48) in the spike doing [things](/view/10:27:37) that i intended beauty we might find [things](/view/09:34:18) that no one from at los alamos [think](/view/09:49:32) differently konrad hinsen i [think](/view/09:38:12) http blog khinsen pages in sync i [think](/view/10:25:54) i should broadcast eric to marc i [think](/view/10:56:58) whats underway now computation and tools for [thinking](/view/10:59:11) as part of like us to take [this](/view/10:23:16) as a challenge have to live with [this](/view/10:18:58) code and i i ll copy in [this](/view/09:53:48) definition of spike it away how about [this](/view/09:36:13) eric on css eric [this](/view/10:35:01) feels like it thompson observes [this](/view/10:38:58) is the entire is a label http [this](/view/10:02:36) is the link last three cards in [this](/view/10:44:00) order on the bottom of [this](/view/10:07:14) page https www for the demo is [this](/view/10:08:21) todom function the plugin item in [this](/view/10:09:54) wiki spike down we re heading with [this](/view/11:00:02) work the next [thompson](/view/10:17:53) asks eric when [thompson](/view/10:21:00) can you explain [thompson](/view/10:45:48) has been excellent [thompson](/view/10:59:11) i m pushing in hypermedia is rare [thompson](/view/10:56:58) is one of [thompson](/view/10:19:57) morrison the intention garden make it beautiful [thompson](/view/09:31:40) morrison to co [thompson](/view/09:46:53) morrisons intent making [thompson](/view/10:37:10) observes and then [thompson](/view/10:36:26) observes everyone looking [thompson](/view/10:38:58) observes this is [thompson](/view/11:00:02) the work that [thompson](/view/10:48:09) ward eric marc my answer to [thompsons](/view/09:59:00) question about beautiful elegant conveys some of [those](/view/10:23:48) qualities simple and knowledge gardens tools for [thought](/view/10:04:34) linked notes and on the tools for [thought](/view/10:59:11) side and its that wants the last [three](/view/10:44:00) cards in this oh the [three](/view/09:55:05) column work knowledge garden six paragraphs [three](/view/09:30:24) links a diagram refactor css but should [throw](/view/09:36:13) it away how


to glamorous toolkit alongside [tibor](/view/09:37:02) from seeing examples over [time](/view/10:34:19) of how people me from connecting multiple [times](/view/09:45:24) to a zoom


the demo is this [todom](/view/10:08:21) function i invented [todom](/view/10:15:03) making the fedwiki how do we work [together](/view/10:23:16) so that the the contributors to glamorous [toolkit](/view/09:37:02) alongside tibor jupyter observable notebook glamorous [toolkit](/view/10:04:34) lepiter notebook so that the digital [tools](/view/09:48:32) are not remote where we can enable [tools](/view/10:59:11) for computation and tools for computation and [tools](/view/10:59:11) for thinking as conversation with knowledge gardens [tools](/view/10:04:34) for thought linked pushing hard on the [tools](/view/10:59:11) for thought side to and with the [tools](/view/09:48:32) so that the the [topological](/view/10:13:33) sort of the kerry s definition moves [toward](/view/10:37:42) an answer how


at the new world [trade](/view/09:53:20) center building fermilabs concepts and make them [transferrable](/view/10:21:00) to others gradually writing a book [translating](/view/09:42:13) christopher alexander s how does a [translator](/view/09:33:07) of a poem much more like forth [treats](/view/10:43:27) a stack as how the forth language [treats](/view/10:42:01) the stack as one of the cool [tricks](/view/10:08:21) about observables library have you [tried](/view/10:04:57) the extension tabli have you [tried](/view/09:24:44) turning wiki mode non compliant learner a [troublemaker](/view/09:47:38) who is likely wholeness view beauty good [truth](/view/09:30:34) economy eric observes [trying](/view/10:40:18) to recreate the


art project on them [tufte](/view/09:52:14) feynman diagrams edward [tufte](/view/09:53:20) sculptures and exhibits have you tried [turning](/view/09:24:44) wiki mode on


its own future but [twenty](/view/10:48:58) versions are not


elsewhere spikes are a [type](/view/09:53:48) of safe enabler


the value clear and [uncluttered](/view/09:26:03) delight can you a technical approach better [understand](/view/09:53:48) a requirement or that we can share [understand](/view/10:23:16) and carry forward would like to better [understand](/view/10:41:54) stack broadcast channel once i [understood](/view/10:25:54) how the observable for design planning in [underway](/view/09:53:20) for an exhibit marc i think whats [underway](/view/10:56:58) now is language people feel the delightful [unfolding](/view/09:29:45) that i feel we don t forget [unless](/view/09:42:15) it is now


a ward and paul [update](/view/10:32:20) to which page a single method named [update](/view/10:27:37) which changes the page present can be [updated](/view/10:26:29) a lot of image [uploading](/view/09:21:00) to wiki yet


and clear and composable [usable](/view/10:23:48) time of how people [used](/view/10:34:19) pages of getting would it be [useful](/view/10:07:22) and possible for not empowering to a [user](/view/10:48:58) community coffeescript has may lead to end [user](/view/10:35:01) control on neighborhood


work goodness is the [value](/view/09:26:03) clear and uncluttered a likely diagnosis when [various](/view/10:07:22) functions seem to


html es css as [vendor](/view/10:53:08) driven consortium driven own future but twenty [versions](/view/10:48:58) are not empowering the code as being [very](/view/10:10:31) closely mapped to offer fedwiki in a [very](/view/10:02:02) direct way its really not [very](/view/10:09:54) much code on


view properties of wholeness [view](/view/09:30:34) beauty good truth net view welcome visitors [view](/view/09:23:49) fedwiki view search found ward fed wiki [view](/view/09:50:32) los alamos from https marc relocalizecreativity net [view](/view/09:28:04) properties of wholeness https marc relocalizecreativity net [view](/view/09:30:34) properties of wholeness https marc relocalizecreativity net [view](/view/10:36:15) ps welcome visitors view fedwiki [view](/view/09:23:49) search for fedwiki http marc relocalizecreativity net [view](/view/09:52:35) testing eip graphviz https marc relocalizecreativity net [view](/view/09:23:49) welcome visitors view relocalizecreativity net view welcome [visitors](/view/09:23:49) view fedwiki view replying to and the [visual](/view/09:53:20) expl replying to and the [visual](/view/10:07:14) expl and the [visual](/view/09:52:14) explanations author likes interactive [visual](/view/10:49:31) flexible that needs to be [visual](/view/10:27:37) to see the


says the reason i [want](/view/10:18:58) something minimal is the apis that i [want](/view/10:27:58) to be able this code and i [want](/view/10:18:58) to make it an inflection point we [want](/view/11:00:02) to move forward call an operator that [wants](/view/10:44:00) the last three my middle schooler just [wants](/view/09:47:36) to do theatre from [ward](/view/09:34:34) via [ward](/view/09:36:23) lines of rendering code [ward](/view/10:16:55) [ward](/view/10:28:53) and eric in a [ward](/view/10:32:20) and paul update [ward](/view/09:50:56) describes the engaged thompson [ward](/view/10:48:09) eric marc has http found [ward](/view/09:50:32) fed wiki view to the pragmas that [ward](/view/10:28:32) has been working poem maintain the beauty [ward](/view/09:33:07) on the process i d describe [wards](/view/09:58:09) code as revelatory [wards](/view/09:49:54) description of feynmans i discovered in running [wards](/view/10:11:38) functional tests the code with reference to [wards](/view/09:59:00) style coffeescript has in many [ways](/view/10:48:58) been a successful beauty in code in [ways](/view/10:21:00) that others can the lineup in direct [ways](/view/10:42:01) that remind me way we work in [ways](/view/10:23:16) that we can


theories of the strong [weak](/view/09:53:20) and electromagnetic interactions its just a little [weird](/view/10:58:36) still e digital era khinsen net [welcome](/view/09:40:21) marc relocalizecreativity net view [welcome](/view/09:23:49) visitors view fedwiki it factors [well](/view/10:10:55) into the observable harmony kerry simple interface [well](/view/10:35:34) named composed abstractions


in the frame plugin [what](/view/10:27:58) are the apis that with programming languages [what](/view/10:56:58) changes is what languages what changes is [what](/view/10:56:58) counts as literacy with respect to beauty [what](/view/10:17:53) did you learn yielded jeffs question of [what](/view/10:37:10) if as emergent that reminds me of [what](/view/10:45:48) keeps me showing the right idea thats [what](/view/09:50:56) will go with [what](/view/09:29:45) would it mean to marc i think [whats](/view/10:56:58) underway now is [when](/view/10:26:29) a page changes [when](/view/09:30:24) collaborating the structure [when](/view/10:29:09) do we create [when](/view/10:29:04) do we operate right [when](/view/09:21:20) i left the simple as i can [when](/view/10:18:58) i look at listen to the call [when](/view/09:41:03) i m afk from eric [when](/view/10:00:09) theres nothing else return a likely diagnosis [when](/view/10:07:22) various functions seem thompson asks eric [when](/view/10:17:53) you reflect on i use firefox [where](/view/10:06:27) is the prefix an hour of finding [where](/view/10:25:54) the messages go its also interesting seeing [where](/view/10:59:11) we can enable in a social metaphor [where](/view/10:56:58) we re ahead that we can see [where](/view/11:00:02) we re heading single method named update [which](/view/10:27:37) changes the lineup stack is another concept [which](/view/10:40:18) emerges prefix for tab searching [which](/view/10:06:27) helps a lot [which](/view/09:27:14) of c alexanders and paul update to [which](/view/10:32:20) page is the gardened shaped reconnected selected [while](/view/09:33:43) maintaining properties of its taken me a [while](/view/10:33:01) to see the which page is the [white](/view/10:32:20) or no halo net view properties of [wholeness](/view/09:28:04) [wholeness](/view/09:26:03) does it work the entire cycle of [wholeness](/view/10:38:58) goodness and delight the others by emergence [wholeness](/view/09:27:14) goodness delight in other deployments later [wholeness](/view/10:19:57) goodness delight net view properties of [wholeness](/view/09:30:34) view beauty good


in the context of [wiki](/view/10:44:53) and patterns brings as a concept for [wiki](/view/10:13:33) as programming environment a benefit of the [wiki](/view/09:33:43) haiku format is federated [wiki](/view/10:16:55) is about a the structure of a [wiki](/view/10:10:31) lineup page panel have you tried turning [wiki](/view/09:24:44) mode on and an inspiration for federated [wiki](/view/10:40:18) or for other able to manipulate a [wiki](/view/10:27:58) page it mean to write [wiki](/view/09:29:45) pages in a plugin item in this [wiki](/view/10:09:54) spike down to thing that looks like [wiki](/view/10:27:37) that needs to http found ward fed [wiki](/view/09:50:32) view los alamos of image uploading to [wiki](/view/09:21:00) yet right idea thats what [will](/view/09:50:56) go with exhibition is at the [williamson](/view/09:53:20) gallery artcenter college thats what will go [with](/view/09:50:56) to http marc relocali [with](/view/09:52:37) want to move forward [with](/view/11:00:02) a lot of eric reports a conversation [with](/view/09:37:02) a programmer possibly as accessible as working [with](/view/10:57:44) a spreadsheet that and also in conversation [with](/view/10:04:34) computational notebooks and the process of working [with](/view/10:44:53) crc cards i have to wrestle [with](/view/10:18:58) has a common makes sense of engaging [with](/view/10:41:19) it by looking in a design conversation [with](/view/10:04:34) knowledge gardens tools new knowledge garden site [with](/view/09:40:21) multiple tabs https ll keep doing that [with](/view/10:56:58) programming languages what completion related to beauty [with](/view/10:00:09) reference to michaelangelos question about beautiful code [with](/view/09:59:00) reference to wards reflect on the code [with](/view/10:17:53) respect to beauty sitemap then any lineup [with](/view/10:26:29) that page present the experience of working [with](/view/09:46:53) the knowledge system be accessible to and [with](/view/09:48:32) the tools so i have to live [with](/view/10:18:58) this code and where we re heading [with](/view/11:00:02) this work the


oh the three column [work](/view/09:55:05) vendor driven consortium driven [work](/view/10:53:08) movement for us to [work](/view/10:53:58) how to make something [work](/view/09:50:56) and after going and delight in erics [work](/view/10:38:58) and in the wholeness does it [work](/view/09:26:03) goodness is the are the way we [work](/view/10:23:16) in ways that can then do additional [work](/view/10:08:21) on like setting the shape of the [work](/view/10:45:48) that reminds me wiki or for other [work](/view/10:40:18) that the code thompson the [work](/view/11:00:02) that we did re heading with this [work](/view/11:00:02) the next chapter translating christopher alexander s [work](/view/09:42:13) to software https developers how do we [work](/view/10:23:16) together so that how the observable code [worked](/view/10:25:54) after an hour the smallest complete [working](/view/09:58:30) demonstration of the recreate the experience of [working](/view/10:40:18) in smalltalk as that ward has been [working](/view/10:28:32) on for the unless it is now [working](/view/09:42:15) there is the is as accessible as [working](/view/10:57:44) with a spreadsheet mind the process of [working](/view/10:44:53) with crc cards that the experience of [working](/view/09:46:53) with the knowledge the stack as current [workspace](/view/10:42:01) a stack as a [workspace](/view/10:43:27) to the built architectural [world](/view/09:27:28) who writes for that [world](/view/10:56:58) you in a different [world](/view/10:57:44) installed at the new [world](/view/09:53:20) trade center building that no one else [would](/view/09:34:18) find because no [would](/view/10:07:22) it be useful what [would](/view/09:29:45) it mean to i [would](/view/10:41:54) like to better some [would](/view/09:34:16) say something along [wouldn](/view/09:39:11) t it be


that i have to [wrestle](/view/10:18:58) with has a every page you [write](/view/09:31:40) in the garden would it mean to [write](/view/09:29:45) wiki pages in literate authors here who [writes](/view/10:56:58) for that world dorian taylor is gradually [writing](/view/09:42:13) a book translating my present self is [writing](/view/09:28:58) a gift to eric i imagine that [writing](/view/10:57:44) scripts in hypermedia constantly gives me the [wrong](/view/09:21:10) answer


khinsen net posts pharo [year](/view/09:38:12) one next chapter the next [years](/view/11:00:02) are ones that we might be fifty [years](/view/10:56:58) away from programming


experience and demo that [yielded](/view/10:37:10) jeffs question of


did you learn in [your](/view/10:17:53) exercise of reimplementing


multiple times to a [zoom](/view/09:45:24) meeting