Typescript Index 2023-06-07

Keyword Index. See Typescript 2023-06-07


campus i didnt know [about](/view/11:59:53) the conversation we had [about](/view/11:14:15) fedwiki servers doing was a good podcast [about](/view/12:18:08) that you re right [about](/view/11:28:49) the domain names or was that [about](/view/11:41:21) the gnome kite


no inbox which [according](/view/11:06:36) to activitypub is inbox which according to [activitypub](/view/11:06:36) is federation


throwaway ip [addresses](/view/12:23:41) throwaway email [addresses](/view/12:23:48)


partly sponsored by [aeropress](/view/12:19:35)


bus was [almost](/view/11:31:40) hours late liked that there was [also](/view/11:38:02) a wiggle mouse interesting as [always](/view/11:56:35) see you next


then [anyone](/view/11:03:14) there is suspicious [anything](/view/11:09:35) goes discovered latest window has [anything](/view/11:36:43) if you double not served or editable [anywhere](/view/11:28:49)


http ward [asia](/view/11:48:31) wiki org site http ward [asia](/view/11:48:21) wiki org view http ward [asia](/view/11:56:50) wiki org view


would frame up the [author](/view/11:00:12) as significant


should come from an [available](/view/11:46:45) table


edge hosting leading edge [backbone](/view/12:23:14) about fedwiki servers doing [backup](/view/11:14:15) for each other thing for potential federated [backup](/view/11:14:15) schemes since you guess you just dont [backup](/view/11:14:15) the status folder for reading and storing [backups](/view/11:14:15) i guess you limits collisions for the [backups](/view/11:28:49) the trick is trick is for the [backups](/view/11:28:49) to be stored s was the red [balloon](/view/11:40:58) a scenario illustration robert s a red [balloon](/view/11:38:56) for me settings page with the [balloon](/view/11:41:20) on it of a farm dns [based](/view/11:01:34) subdomain [based](/view/11:01:34) rules can usefully


inbox is a mess [because](/view/11:07:08) for each other going [beyond](/view/11:14:15) just what forking


girl string [birds](/view/11:41:43) string kite


https tim [blog](/view/12:18:27) eric cressey https tim [blog](/view/12:19:07) eric cressey transcript https tim [blog](/view/12:32:21) eric cressey transcript


[bostocks](/view/11:50:46) original bundle display


day or so says [brian](/view/11:02:21) [brian](/view/11:05:47) gives a useful video minutes probes data [brokers](/view/11:44:19) and online tracking downloads view title network [browser](/view/11:56:50)


i like those [bundle](/view/11:39:41) connection diagrams bostocks original [bundle](/view/11:50:46) display as linked github io d talk [bundle](/view/11:50:46) html a code or [button](/view/11:02:21) clicks and a


a standing skype friend [call](/view/11:10:19) every week extra remote wsu vancouver [campus](/view/11:59:53) i didnt know i guess in this [case](/view/11:14:15) how wiki does


https www [cbsnews](/view/11:44:19) com video minutes


d js cord diagram [chord](/view/11:43:02) diagram i went with a [chromebook](/view/12:08:23)


of pages in the [circle](/view/11:44:06) diagram [circo](/view/11:43:10) in graphviz aha [circos](/view/11:44:24) of was circos http [circos](/view/11:44:13) ca was thinking of was [circos](/view/11:44:13) http circos ca package dependencies in that [circular](/view/11:43:31) diagram format pretty


anything if you double [click](/view/11:36:43) ctrl it helps shift [clickon](/view/12:26:27) the snowflake to or button [clicks](/view/11:02:21) and a day is that heraclitus as [clothing](/view/12:18:28)


talk bundle html a [code](/view/11:50:46) usage diagram a namespace that limits [collisions](/view/11:28:49) for the backups you shouldnt have name [collisions](/view/11:14:15) in your wiki numbers at the title [column](/view/12:05:25) tops the diagrams should [come](/view/11:46:45) from an available federated and [communicating](/view/11:39:54) slide from marcs ward displays a [connection](/view/11:47:23) diagram of federated i like those bundle [connection](/view/11:39:41) diagrams fed wiki as a [container](/view/11:44:06) for a miscellaneous others fork this site [content](/view/11:47:23) red this site forks [content](/view/11:47:23) in and outbound had relating to the [conversation](/view/11:14:15) we had about d js [cord](/view/11:43:02) diagram chord diagram domain and subdomain with [cords](/view/11:47:23) showing inbound red for notifications as a [counter](/view/11:06:35) to a feature


about the domain names [creating](/view/11:28:49) a namespace that https tim blog eric [cressey](/view/12:18:27) https tim blog eric [cressey](/view/12:19:07) transcript https tim blog eric [cressey](/view/12:32:21) transcript


if you double click [ctrl](/view/11:36:43) it helps you


com video minutes probes [data](/view/11:44:19) brokers and online one for taking your [data](/view/11:40:03) from a website


package [dependencies](/view/11:43:31) in that circular brian gives a useful [description](/view/11:05:47) of the following i still have a [desktop](/view/12:09:13)


js cord diagram chord [diagram](/view/11:43:02) pages in the circle [diagram](/view/11:44:06) org view site network [diagram](/view/11:48:21) html a code usage [diagram](/view/11:50:46) d js cord [diagram](/view/11:43:02) chord diagram dependencies in that circular [diagram](/view/11:43:31) format pretty good wiki org site network [diagram](/view/11:48:31) html ward displays a connection [diagram](/view/11:47:23) of federated wiki like those bundle connection [diagrams](/view/11:39:41) the [diagrams](/view/11:46:45) should come from wsu vancouver campus i [didnt](/view/11:59:53) know about where you subscribe with [different](/view/11:08:57) letters in your like the [direct](/view/11:08:27) postal mail era [discovered](/view/11:36:43) latest window has bostocks original bundle [display](/view/11:50:46) as linked http ward [displays](/view/11:47:23) a connection diagram


this case how wiki [does](/view/11:14:15) domains and stores the url schema [doesnt](/view/11:00:43) mix well had about fedwiki servers [doing](/view/11:14:15) backup for each [dojo](/view/11:44:06) fed wiki as in folders with the [domain](/view/11:14:15) all the sites wiki sites sorted by [domain](/view/11:47:23) and subdomain with re right about the [domain](/view/11:28:49) names creating a case how wiki does [domains](/view/11:14:15) and stores its i guess you just [dont](/view/11:14:15) backup the status has anything if you [double](/view/11:36:43) click ctrl it visitors view search index [downloads](/view/11:56:50) view title network


servers doing backup for [each](/view/11:14:15) other going beyond


lagging edge hosting leading [edge](/view/12:23:14) backbone net hurricane electric lagging [edge](/view/12:23:14) hosting leading edge re not served or [editable](/view/11:28:49) anywhere


he net hurricane [electric](/view/12:23:14) lagging edge hosting


throwaway [email](/view/12:23:48) addresses the [email](/view/11:09:23) rfc is a


https tim blog [eric](/view/12:18:27) cressey https tim blog [eric](/view/12:19:07) cressey transcript https tim blog [eric](/view/12:32:21) cressey transcript are reading my stuff [eric](/view/11:06:35) observes the spam


[ever](/view/11:40:03) see the one standing skype friend call [every](/view/11:10:19) week


markup with wards [explanation](/view/12:05:25) of the x hmm maybe an [extra](/view/11:59:53) remote wsu vancouver


the resources of a [farm](/view/11:01:34) dns based the sites on the [farm](/view/11:14:15) i take it


a counter to a [feature](/view/11:06:35) request for this [federated](/view/11:39:54) and communicating slide good thing for potential [federated](/view/11:14:15) backup schemes since a connection diagram of [federated](/view/11:47:23) wiki sites sorted mastodon [federates](/view/11:02:56) site by site according to activitypub is [federation](/view/11:06:36) to migrate in the [fediverse](/view/11:02:31) conversation we had about [fedwiki](/view/11:14:15) servers doing backup


domains and stores its [files](/view/11:14:15) in folders with i [finally](/view/11:41:57) got it a ctrl it helps you [find](/view/11:36:43) your pointer on moderation is not [fine](/view/11:04:34) grained


about the gnome kite [flying](/view/11:41:21) pic


collisions in your wiki [folder](/view/11:14:15) dont backup the status [folder](/view/11:14:15) outside of the wiki [folder](/view/11:28:49) so they re stores its files in [folders](/view/11:14:15) with the domain useful description of the [following](/view/11:05:47) limit issue on and outbound green others [fork](/view/11:47:23) this site content going beyond just what [forking](/view/11:14:15) provides inbound red this site [forks](/view/11:47:23) content in and in that circular diagram [format](/view/11:43:31) pretty good


oh interesting that would [frame](/view/11:00:12) up the author have a standing skype [friend](/view/11:10:19) call every week for taking your data [from](/view/11:40:03) a website the diagrams should come [from](/view/11:46:45) an available table federated and communicating slide [from](/view/11:39:54) marcs talk


mouse to locate pointer [gesture](/view/11:38:02)


[girl](/view/11:41:43) string birds string as linked http mbostock [github](/view/11:50:46) io d talk brian [gives](/view/11:05:47) a useful description


my [gmail](/view/11:07:08) inbox is a


was that about the [gnome](/view/11:41:21) kite flying pic


anything [goes](/view/11:09:35) backup for each other [going](/view/11:14:15) beyond just what think i should have [gone](/view/12:22:06) ieee rather than circular diagram format pretty [good](/view/11:43:31) there was a [good](/view/12:18:08) podcast about that it this is a [good](/view/11:14:15) thing for potential i ve [gotta](/view/11:59:05) get to my


moderation is not fine [grained](/view/11:04:34) circo in [graphviz](/view/11:43:10) content in and outbound [green](/view/11:47:23) others fork this needs a sneeze [grip](/view/11:47:53) like a radio


i [guess](/view/11:14:15) in this case and storing backups i [guess](/view/11:14:15) you just dont


[hachyderm](/view/11:03:22) had this issue laptops though i still [have](/view/12:09:13) a desktop i [have](/view/11:10:19) a standing skype i think i should [have](/view/12:22:06) gone ieee rather scenario illustration i may [have](/view/11:40:58) missed something schemes since you shouldnt [have](/view/11:14:15) name collisions in i [have](/view/11:41:49) those photos too


double click ctrl it [helps](/view/11:36:43) you find your jacket twice is that [heraclitus](/view/12:18:28) as clothing


with a string up [high](/view/11:41:57)


hurricane electric lagging edge [hosting](/view/12:23:14) leading edge backbone bus was almost [hours](/view/11:31:40) late [hover](/view/12:26:13) over the snowflake


org site network diagram [html](/view/11:48:31) io d talk bundle [html](/view/11:50:46) a code usage thinking of was circos [http](/view/11:44:13) circos ca bundle display as linked [http](/view/11:50:46) mbostock github io [http](/view/11:48:21) ward asia wiki [http](/view/11:48:31) ward asia wiki [http](/view/11:56:50) ward asia wiki [https](/view/12:18:27) tim blog eric [https](/view/12:19:07) tim blog eric [https](/view/12:32:21) tim blog eric [https](/view/11:44:19) www cbsnews com


he net [hurricane](/view/12:23:14) electric lagging edge


i should have gone [ieee](/view/12:22:06) rather than acm


red balloon a scenario [illustration](/view/11:40:58) i may have


me know how to [improve](/view/11:46:54) it


subdomain with cords showing [inbound](/view/11:47:23) red this site my gmail [inbox](/view/11:07:08) is a mess no [inbox](/view/11:06:36) which according to welcome visitors view search [index](/view/11:56:50) downloads view title [interesting](/view/11:56:35) as always see oh [interesting](/view/11:00:12) that would frame but then would this [introduce](/view/11:14:15) the problem of


hachyderm had this [issue](/view/11:03:22) of the following limit [issue](/view/11:05:47) on mastodon dot


leaflet [item](/view/12:26:07)


never wear the same [jacket](/view/12:17:46) twice what never the same [jacket](/view/12:18:28) twice is that


for [jeff](/view/11:37:23)


backups i guess you [just](/view/11:14:15) dont backup the where the rest are [just](/view/11:14:15) for reading and hi [just](/view/11:29:35) got to manchester each other going beyond [just](/view/11:14:15) what forking provides


hi marc and [kerry](/view/11:28:31)


ah a [kite](/view/11:41:30) girl string birds string [kite](/view/11:41:43) that about the gnome [kite](/view/11:41:21) flying pic


vancouver campus i didnt [know](/view/11:59:53) about you do let me [know](/view/11:46:54) how to improve i want to [know](/view/11:06:35) when people are


he net hurricane electric [lagging](/view/12:23:14) edge hosting leading of updates on windows [laptops](/view/12:09:13) though i still bus was almost hours [late](/view/11:31:40) discovered [latest](/view/11:36:43) window has anything


electric lagging edge hosting [leading](/view/12:23:14) edge backbone [leaflet](/view/12:26:07) item you subscribe with different [letters](/view/11:08:57) in your middle


needs a sneeze grip [like](/view/11:47:53) a radio pro try this if you [like](/view/11:46:54) if you do [like](/view/11:08:27) the direct postal i [like](/view/11:39:41) those bundle connection yes i [liked](/view/11:38:02) that there was description of the following [limit](/view/11:05:47) issue on mastodon creating a namespace that [limits](/view/11:28:49) collisions for the original bundle display as [linked](/view/11:50:46) http mbostock github


a wiggle mouse to [locate](/view/11:38:02) pointer gesture


like the direct postal [mail](/view/11:08:27) era hi just got to [manchester](/view/11:29:35) hi [marc](/view/11:28:31) and kerry and communicating slide from [marcs](/view/11:39:54) talk [markup](/view/12:05:25) with wards explanation following limit issue on [mastodon](/view/11:05:47) dot social [mastodon](/view/11:02:56) federates site by hmm [maybe](/view/11:59:53) an extra remote


display as linked http [mbostock](/view/11:50:46) github io d


get to my next [meeting](/view/11:59:05) bye gmail inbox is a [mess](/view/11:07:08) because


different letters in your [middle](/view/11:08:57) name to [migrate](/view/11:02:31) in the fediverse www cbsnews com video [minutes](/view/11:44:19) probes data brokers a container for a [miscellaneous](/view/11:44:06) set of pages illustration i may have [missed](/view/11:40:58) something


[moderation](/view/11:04:34) is not fine always see you next [month](/view/11:56:35) was also a wiggle [mouse](/view/11:38:02) to locate pointer


letters in your middle [name](/view/11:08:57) since you shouldnt have [name](/view/11:14:15) collisions in your right about the domain [names](/view/11:28:49) creating a namespace domain names creating a [namespace](/view/11:28:49) that limits collisions


[needs](/view/11:47:53) a sneeze grip index downloads view title [network](/view/11:56:50) browser wiki org view site [network](/view/11:48:21) diagram asia wiki org site [network](/view/11:48:31) diagram html wait what [never](/view/12:18:28) the same jacket you can [never](/view/12:17:46) wear the same gotta get to my [next](/view/11:59:05) meeting bye as always see you [next](/view/11:56:35) month


the transcript is a [nice](/view/12:19:23) touch


the spam vector for [notifications](/view/11:06:35) as a counter


of the x y [numbers](/view/12:05:25) at the title


reading my stuff eric [observes](/view/11:06:35) the spam vector


probes data brokers and [online](/view/11:44:19) tracking




bostocks [original](/view/11:50:46) bundle display as


doing backup for each [other](/view/11:14:15) going beyond just i get [other](/view/11:07:34) peoples spam or in and outbound green [others](/view/11:47:23) fork this site


forks content in and [outbound](/view/11:47:23) green others fork backups to be stored [outside](/view/11:28:49) of the wiki


hover [over](/view/12:26:13) the snowflake to


[package](/view/11:43:31) dependencies in that you showed the settings [page](/view/11:41:20) with the balloon a miscellaneous set of [pages](/view/11:44:06) in the circle based rules can usefully [partition](/view/11:01:34) the resources of [partly](/view/12:19:35) sponsored by aeropress typosquatting a [pattern](/view/11:04:03)


want to know when [people](/view/11:06:35) are reading my i get other [peoples](/view/11:07:34) spam or subscriptions


i have those [photos](/view/11:41:49) too


there was a good [podcast](/view/12:18:08) about that a poisoned starting [point](/view/11:04:25) wiggle mouse to locate [pointer](/view/11:38:02) gesture helps you find your [pointer](/view/11:36:43) on the screen a [poisoned](/view/11:04:25) starting point like the direct [postal](/view/11:08:27) mail era a good thing for [potential](/view/11:14:15) federated backup schemes


that circular diagram format [pretty](/view/11:43:31) good snowflake to get a [preview](/view/12:26:13) cbsnews com video minutes [probes](/view/11:44:19) data brokers and site has a spam [problem](/view/11:03:07) would this introduce the [problem](/view/11:14:15) of how to beyond just what forking [provides](/view/11:14:15)


one [question](/view/11:14:15) i had relating


sneeze grip like a [radio](/view/11:47:53) pro should have gone ieee [rather](/view/12:22:06) than acm


rest are just for [reading](/view/11:14:15) and storing backups know when people are [reading](/view/11:06:35) my stuff eric one question i had [relating](/view/11:14:15) to the conversation hmm maybe an extra [remote](/view/11:59:53) wsu vancouver campus counter to a feature [request](/view/11:06:35) for this can usefully partition the [resources](/view/11:01:34) of a farm do writes where the [rest](/view/11:14:15) are just for


oh [right](/view/11:41:30) you re [right](/view/11:28:49) about the domain


[robert](/view/11:38:56) s a red [robert](/view/11:40:58) s was the


subdomain based [rules](/view/11:01:34) can usefully partition


can never wear the [same](/view/12:17:46) jacket twice wait what never the [same](/view/12:18:28) jacket twice is a day or so [says](/view/11:02:21) brian


the red balloon a [scenario](/view/11:40:58) illustration i may the url [schema](/view/11:00:43) doesnt mix well for potential federated backup [schemes](/view/11:14:15) since you shouldnt your pointer on the [screen](/view/11:36:43)


view welcome visitors view [search](/view/11:56:50) index downloads view so they re not [served](/view/11:28:49) or editable anywhere how to specify which [server](/view/11:14:15) is the one we had about fedwiki [servers](/view/11:14:15) doing backup for thought you showed the [settings](/view/11:41:20) page with the


[shift](/view/12:26:27) clickon the snowflake the diagrams [should](/view/11:46:45) come from an sometimes i think i [should](/view/12:22:06) have gone ieee backup schemes since you [shouldnt](/view/11:14:15) have name collisions i thought you [showed](/view/11:41:20) the settings page and subdomain with cords [showing](/view/11:47:23) inbound red this


up the author as [significant](/view/11:00:12) potential federated backup schemes [since](/view/11:14:15) you shouldnt have mastodon federates site by [site](/view/11:02:56) but site by [site](/view/11:04:39) mastodon federates [site](/view/11:02:56) by site but [site](/view/11:04:39) by site green others fork this [site](/view/11:47:23) content showing inbound red this [site](/view/11:47:23) forks content in so if a big [site](/view/11:03:07) has a spam asia wiki org view [site](/view/11:48:21) network diagram ward asia wiki org [site](/view/11:48:31) network diagram html the domain all the [sites](/view/11:14:15) on the farm diagram of federated wiki [sites](/view/11:47:23) sorted by domain


i have a standing [skype](/view/11:10:19) friend call every


federated and communicating [slide](/view/11:39:54) from marcs talk


needs a [sneeze](/view/11:47:53) grip like a hover over the [snowflake](/view/12:26:13) to get a shift clickon the [snowflake](/view/12:26:27) to unlock the


issue on mastodon dot [social](/view/11:05:47) i may have missed [something](/view/11:40:58) [sometimes](/view/12:22:06) i think i of federated wiki sites [sorted](/view/11:47:23) by domain and


i get other peoples [spam](/view/11:07:34) or subscriptions big site has a [spam](/view/11:03:07) problem stuff eric observes the [spam](/view/11:06:35) vector for notifications problem of how to [specify](/view/11:14:15) which server is partly [sponsored](/view/12:19:35) by aeropress


i have a [standing](/view/11:10:19) skype friend call a poisoned [starting](/view/11:04:25) point just dont backup the [status](/view/11:14:15) folder windows laptops though i [still](/view/12:09:13) have a desktop the backups to be [stored](/view/11:28:49) outside of the wiki does domains and [stores](/view/11:14:15) its files in just for reading and [storing](/view/11:14:15) backups i guess girl [string](/view/11:41:43) birds string kite girl string birds [string](/view/11:41:43) kite a thing with a [string](/view/11:41:57) up high people are reading my [stuff](/view/11:06:35) eric observes the


[subdomain](/view/11:01:34) based rules can sorted by domain and [subdomain](/view/11:47:23) with cords showing where you [subscribe](/view/11:08:57) with different letters other peoples spam or [subscriptions](/view/11:07:34) then anyone there is [suspicious](/view/11:03:14)


come from an available [table](/view/11:46:45) on the farm i [take](/view/11:14:15) it this is see the one for [taking](/view/11:40:03) your data from communicating slide from marcs [talk](/view/11:39:54) mbostock github io d [talk](/view/11:50:46) bundle html a


have gone ieee rather [than](/view/12:22:06) acm a good podcast about [that](/view/12:18:08) or was [that](/view/11:41:21) about the gnome server is the one [that](/view/11:14:15) can do writes package dependencies in [that](/view/11:43:31) circular diagram format same jacket twice is [that](/view/12:18:28) heraclitus as clothing names creating a namespace [that](/view/11:28:49) limits collisions for yes i liked [that](/view/11:38:02) there was also oh interesting [that](/view/11:00:12) would frame up [then](/view/11:03:14) anyone there is but [then](/view/11:14:15) would this introduce then anyone [there](/view/11:03:14) is suspicious [there](/view/12:18:08) was a good yes i liked that [there](/view/11:38:02) was also a the wiki folder so [they](/view/11:28:49) re not served email rfc is a [thing](/view/11:09:23) this is a good [thing](/view/11:14:15) for potential federated finally got it a [thing](/view/11:41:57) with a string sometimes i [think](/view/12:22:06) i should have the app i was [thinking](/view/11:44:13) of was circos a feature request for [this](/view/11:06:35) i guess in [this](/view/11:14:15) case how wiki try [this](/view/11:46:54) if you like but then would [this](/view/11:14:15) introduce the problem farm i take it [this](/view/11:14:15) is a good hachyderm had [this](/view/11:03:22) issue outbound green others fork [this](/view/11:47:23) site content cords showing inbound red [this](/view/11:47:23) site forks content i like [those](/view/11:39:41) bundle connection diagrams i have [those](/view/11:41:49) photos too updates on windows laptops [though](/view/12:09:13) i still have i [thought](/view/11:41:20) you showed the [throwaway](/view/12:23:48) email addresses [throwaway](/view/12:23:41) ip addresses


i got [tired](/view/12:09:13) of updates on y numbers at the [title](/view/12:05:25) column tops search index downloads view [title](/view/11:56:50) network browser


at the title column [tops](/view/12:05:25) transcript is a nice [touch](/view/12:19:23)


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