Text extraction. See Typescript Archive, Typescript Index 2024-02-21, Typescript Transcripts, Transcriber Notes 2024-02-21.
10:18:43 From Peter Dimitrios Speaking about space bugs, found a TV show on Netflix and Peacock called Resident Alien that is a humorous alien-out-of-water story. A guy named Alan Tudyk is the star, does a good job with the material.
10:21:52 From Paul Rodwell My deeper digging involved creating a roster with sites to investigate, and then running `s = new Map(Object.entries(wiki.neighborhood)) s.forEach((v,k,m)=>m.set(k,v.sitemap.filter((e)=>e.slug != wiki.asSlug(e.title.trim())).map((e)=>e.title)))` in the browser console.
10:24:23 From Marc Pierson Would it be a useful idea to alert the user when creating a misinformed new page title?
10:25:54 From Robert Sterbal I like showing the name with parentheses around it
10:27:48 From Robert Sterbal Is there ever a reason for a space at the end of a title?
10:31:49 From Jeff Miller Restarting my wiki host, since Digital Ocean has been super solid (and so has wiki)
10:34:30 From Paul Rodwell You didn’t restart it when updating Node.js earlier this month…
10:39:44 From Jeff Miller It turns out that I didn't need to restart the server (no kernel changes or similarly dependent ones), but my wiki npm package is in a strange state which I don't recall, with no package-lock.json so I'm copying the .wiki directory to a snapshot and restarting the wiki server
10:43:34 From Jeff Miller restarted: http://pixiereport.com/view/welcome-visitors
10:44:31 From Carolina Cullington I love that, Robert!
10:44:44 From Robert Sterbal thank you
10:45:57 From Jeff Miller Rock and Roll, Put A Bird On It Edition :)
10:46:08 From Robert Sterbal Reacted to "Rock and Roll, Put A..." with 👍
10:47:27 From Peter Dimitrios Any thoughts on using Json5 rather than original Json for new development?
10:48:51 From Robert Sterbal https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Usa_counties_large.svg (My Favorite svg)
10:49:24 From Jeff Miller Reacted to "(My Favorite svg)" with ❤️
10:50:02 From Robert Sterbal https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/dc/USA_Counties.svg
11:07:55 From Jeff Miller That's a very programmer thing to do: look at the script code for SVG enrichment.
11:08:03 From Paul Rodwell the click handler in the html plugin is - https://github.com/fedwiki/wiki-plugin-html/blob/6ea6895679aa92d6064e2cb721d3621bc64bcafa/client/html.js#L94C3-L94C35
11:16:25 From Jeff Miller Welcome Visitors As Left Navigation Pane
11:17:34 From Jeff Miller assets plugin shares across neighborhood right (this was a point of confusion for me about the use of the Assets plugin for the Zoom chats)
11:19:43 From Jeff Miller not clickable yet? OK.
11:21:15 From Jeff Miller wow! it's a literate programming apprroach esm.html Control-I for information, I forgot that today I had to search all over to get "About [...] Plugin".
11:23:09 From Peter Dimitrios "we've forgotten more than we ever known"
11:24:40 From Jeff Miller an SVG of the halo state machine? Reacted to ""we've forgotten mor..." with ❤️ I do have "the undiscoverable country" feelings sometimes.
11:26:06 From Jeff Miller trashcan as eject volume? THAT was a "what??"
11:28:12 From Paul Rodwell http://fedwikiriver.com/
11:30:59 From Marc Pierson http://fedwikiriver.com/
11:32:50 From Jeff Miller The Baylands frontage road for US-101 in Palo Alto always has fresh litter. (A pattern for walking in the neighborhood with my dad).
11:35:16 From Jeff Miller I miss link text.
11:36:33 From Jeff Miller Link previews are now a UI pattern. OpenGraph API. aha, "description of site is... [URL 'site']'.
11:37:55 From Jeff Miller hmmm I'm still stuck in old-fashioned mode wiki like it's 1997.
11:39:35 From Peter Dimitrios Era of "The Matrix" movies
11:41:00 From Jeff Miller "nobody forks my pages" is my presumption, generally (since I'm not a member of a project or discussion team localized to wiki conversations) except (somewhat) the typescripts
11:51:12 From Peter Dimitrios Gotta go, morning is moving on here....Aloha!
11:57:45 From Jeff Miller Does wiki have a how-to for templates beyond "a page whose name ends in Template is made available as a template for page creation" ?
12:01:43 From Paul Rodwell No how-to, a template is just a wiki page with a name ending with template
12:03:25 From Jeff Miller Reacted to "No how-to, a templat..." with ❤️ it's too simple to explain, and I couldn't find examples of patterns in the main FedWiki documentation (template pages)
12:04:32 From Jeff Miller Now I'm trying to find the Create Page function which surfaces the template options.
12:07:38 From Jeff Miller OK, it just looks like the "We could not find this page" ghost would include the template options.
12:07:40 From Carolina Cullington This is the pattern template on Marc’s site: https://marc.relocalizecreativity.net/view/welcome-visitors/view/pattern-template
12:07:54 From Jeff Miller Thank you, Carolina!
12:09:09 From Jeff Miller That's a nice example of a template page, where each section in the template is a link to the explanation of that section. I keep forgetting Control-I
12:10:15 From Jeff Miller and then fixing bicycles is its own thing Marc suggests keeping track of wiki crashes experienced by a reader of FedWiki.
12:11:33 From Jeff Miller Ward suggests that it's a possible affordance to activate crash reporting for a wiki site.
12:11:39 From Carolina Cullington A ‘report bug’ button (that sends to Paul!)
12:12:18 From Jeff Miller Readers outside wiki mode, especially, as the point of interest.
12:17:48 From Jeff Miller Esther Dyson (an editor for Esther Dyson, using a deep archive in "The Brain", for the Release 2.0 newsletter)
12:19:18 From Jeff Miller a brilliant dreamer