Typescript 2023-10-25

Text extraction. See Typescript Archive


10:07:34 From Jeff Miller http://wiki.thought.garden/ (I see there's a Welsh/Wales question in the FedWiki Element channel!)

10:08:39 From Jeff Miller back to the BBS days surfacing briefly into the Internet

10:10:08 From Jeff Miller I seem to have gotten redirected to HTTPS Let's Encrypt cert is working


10:13:05 From Jeff Miller You're ahead of me, Ward - I can't authenticate.

10:14:21 From Paul Rodwell No need to authenticate, it is running in legacy mode.

10:14:52 From Jeff Miller I think I need to get my browser to not bump me to https:443

10:17:06 From Jeff Miller :80 and :443, with Let's Encrypt


10:30:30 From Robert Sterbal For the KWIC indexes... Can you add a line to the output to say how many lines were excluded and included?

10:31:01 From Jeff Miller Hmm let me start a suggestions page, we could even fork them back and forth.

10:31:34 From Robert Sterbal We would have to teach me code management first

10:31:40 From Jeff Miller maybe I could *present* on FedWiki at Hacker School http://jeff.dojo.fed.wiki/view/transcript-suggestions

10:32:12 From Robert Sterbal Reacted to "http://jeff.dojo.fed..." with 👍

10:32:29 From Jeff Miller I'll go ahead and add the KWIC suggestion. I haven't actually tried touching the scripts yet!


10:35:13 From Ward Cunningham "admin": "080809079698", "farm": true, "allowed": "*", "security_type": "friends",


10:38:47 From Jeff Miller not enough Welsh to make me understood "Cynefin" the complexity classes Hacker school hasn't claimed me yet.

10:40:06 From Jeff Miller the phases of Federated Wiki figuring it out
lots of sites for lots of people
feeling the burden of running the site

10:41:20 From Robert Sterbal Hejdå, "gamla" mobil! Det var roligt! Hwyl fawr, "hen" ffôn! Wedi bod yn hwyl, yn wir! Tschüss, "altes" Handy! Hat Spaß gemacht! Bye, "old" phone! It's been real! multiple languages yes

10:42:05 From viki I like your 'strange loop' patch Jeff

10:42:56 From Robert Sterbal https://www.facebook.com/welshsociety.pittsburgh

10:42:57 From Jeff Miller Sounds Christopher Alexander-esque, a strongly built old building ends up as a community resource.

10:43:58 From Paul Rodwell https://astralship.org/

10:44:35 From Jeff Miller Patagonia and brewing yeasts Earthworms reducing local diversity in New World soils

10:45:52 From Eric Dobbs https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invasive_earthworms_of_North_America

10:47:32 From Jeff Miller https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eisteddfod Openverse ?

10:49:03 From Jeff Miller https://openverse.org/ "free stock photos, images, and audio" https://openverse.org/search/?q=welsh%20tea%20room


10:52:18 From viki https://chess.viki.wiki/view/welcome-visitors

10:53:15 From Jeff Miller Viki describes an art collection catalogued effectively with wiki the images, assets, description, history - like reading a story. the solution doesn't fit in this margin :)

10:54:07 From viki https://chess.viki.wiki/view/welcome-visitors/view/the-marcel-duchamp-fund-of-the-american-chess-foundation/view/wallach-stein-collection/view/collection-overview/view/white-to-play-and-win


10:58:14 From Jeff Miller oui-ki

10:58:24 From Robert Best I likely shared this repo by a friend https://github.com/ddd-mtl/holochess The readme gives two open source libraries that might be useful for chess on wiki... For the UI, and for the logic of containing you to legal moves.

10:58:24 From Jeff Miller just say yes

10:59:13 From Robert Best There's Chess960 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fischer_random_chess

11:00:27 From Jeff Miller http://jeff.dojo.fed.wiki/view/transcript-suggestions/view/typescript-archive/view/typescript-lab working recipe for formulaic script creation

11:01:42 From Jeff Miller demonstrations in http://ward.dojo.fed.wiki/ Dojo practices include how to work on different parts of wiki, with records of experiments and practices; http://ward.dojo.fed.wiki/view/dojo-practice-yearbooks

11:02:45 From Jeff Miller a workflow that starts by creating a page such as http://ward.dojo.fed.wiki/view/frame-scripting

11:03:53 From Jeff Miller A place to *put* the script, an Assets folder, called after the page name: assets/frame-scripting Github copies as external reference

11:05:13 From Jeff Miller "new folder, new file, and a html page with an empty result; name the script, save it in the assets folder you create in the file space" "working" as the contents of the HTML div to show that it's a script page. <div id=result>working</div>

11:06:54 From Jeff Miller window.result.innerHTML = `The result of 2+2 is ${2+2}.`; backtick script for including an expression result upload a version that has a script, and see the result

11:08:03 From Jeff Miller you can reach into other pages in the lineup for data to operate on;

11:08:29 From viki I love being kind of bad at this because when else does 2+2 = MAGIC

11:09:38 From Jeff Miller I love riding along with the process, because looking at the result is not in itself a pointer to how to get there a little at a time; I tend to STARE a lot. "Frame Integration Promises", can use async / await if you're using module type scripts. frame.js - reading from the frame your script is in;

11:10:52 From viki Are these the scripts that are used to publish static blog' posts, Ward?

11:10:59 From Jeff Miller index.js - looking at what else is on the page. http://code.fed.wiki/view/frame-integration-promises/view/about-frame-integrations

11:12:23 From viki Reacted to "index.js - looking..." with 👍

11:13:22 From Jeff Miller The Frame Script "test.html" provides some buttons to exercise "frame.js" .

11:14:40 From Jeff Miller the frame script is bound like this in the test.html code:

<script type=module>

import * as frame from 'http://code.fed.wiki/assets/v1/frame.js ' Ward reflects on being a Hypertalk fan - the things in the Hypertalk coding environment made the other cards available for working within other pieces in the environment.

11:16:12 From Jeff Miller The hooks for the Frame plugin made accessible to the "frame.js" script provide these graceful affordances.

11:17:32 From Jeff Miller Knowing about a third of Javascript, and looking up the rest on MDN, is a strong set of moves for interacting with content on FedWiki.

11:18:52 From Jeff Miller (Ward and David Bovill discuss interfacing outside wiki) - I find that the UI affordances of browser and especially browser + wiki are compelling. The external data that I'm interested in, I wrap in a network service that the wiki can communicate with -- radio equipment, for example.

11:20:38 From Jeff Miller exploring more of the built-in exercise pages: http://code.fed.wiki/view/frame-integration-promises/view/about-frame-integrations/view/about-frame-plugin example of how to add browsing to an assets folder http://ward.dojo.fed.wiki/plugin/assets/index

11:23:05 From Jeff Miller "the assets plugin has an index URL" The file hierarchy has a path name; each file has a size; so "Browse Asset Folders" operates on the basic list of assets and provides an explorer / browsing tree "Look, here's the new page and new asset folder, and the new script we just created, demo.html"

11:24:36 From Jeff Miller This is helpful especially in the case where we're moving a site, and we want to see where the assets -- plugins, shared images, items under pages http://ward.dojo.fed.wiki/view/browse-asset-folders


11:28:03 From Ward Cunningham http://ward.dojo.fed.wiki/view/frame-scripting

11:29:54 From Jeff Miller http://jeff.dojo.fed.wiki/view/welcome-visitors/view/browse-asset-folders/view/preview-82271-bytes

11:31:09 From Jeff Miller http://jeff.dojo.fed.wiki/view/welcome-visitors/view/jeff-miller the embedded image in the page JSON same lifecycle as all items in the page


11:35:28 From Jeff Miller PAGE = look on the page to anything offering coordinates, and add a map pin. the common protocol is that the new image plugin offers coordinates, and the map plugin reads and uses coordinates

11:37:25 From Jeff Miller LINEUP = look in this page and pages preceding it to the left in the lineup to get coordinates to add map pins.

11:37:46 From viki Reacted to "Knowing about a th..." with ❤️

11:39:19 From Jeff Miller hard links - multiple files pointing to the same on-disk content The coordinates are read once at upload time.

11:40:36 From Jeff Miller The coordinates are removed from the squished file.

11:42:04 From Jeff Miller It's possible to retrace your steps by looking in your separate photo repository for photos in the same location, in case you need the original metadata.

11:42:39 From viki Reacted to "the common protoco..." with 😲

11:43:21 From Jeff Miller David Bovill considers an ipfs style hash; you can always find the content in a way that's robust in finding the content in a large distributed system. "robust in locating the content in a large distributed system"

11:43:56 From viki Reacted to ""robust in locatin..." with ❤️

11:44:05 From Jeff Miller Ward describes a wiki as database mechanism Site surveys, survey results, incremental changes. Ward's Daily photo challenge.

11:45:52 From Jeff Miller http://whotos.ward.dojo.fed.wiki/view/daily-photo-challenge

11:45:57 From viki Reacted to "Ward describes a w..." with 👏

11:46:05 From Jeff Miller "this week I'll take a photo of a bench every day" "May 7th photos" benches "May 14th photos" chairs

11:47:18 From Jeff Miller "I wanted to do something with tagging, based on the photo caption interpreted as keywords." http://photos.ward.dojo.fed.wiki/view/daily-photo-challenge (fixed)

11:48:47 From Jeff Miller "this featured photograph shares a tag with each of the following photos" as a query http://photos.ward.dojo.fed.wiki/view/photo-aggregations/view/frequent-subjects You can re-edit a photo caption to normalize your preferred tags for aggregating images in tagged groups.

11:49:49 From Jeff Miller And then re-run the survey Here's the results of running an image caption survey.

11:50:58 From Jeff Miller And here's a script that constructed the results, and it looks at the past results and reports the differences from the previous result; you can then update the cached survey results by forking the result page. Right in the page, in JSON, are all the pages listed when you look at a page in JSON format.


11:53:51 From Jeff Miller and Seattle has a giant troll clutching a VW bug chassis "Look for pages which share a picture, via the image code"

11:54:54 From Jeff Miller http://photos.ward.dojo.fed.wiki/view/photo-aggregations/view/some-photo-details

11:57:15 From Jeff Miller a photo where I was nearby at the time: http://photos.ward.dojo.fed.wiki/view/photo-aggregations/view/some-photo-details/view/ballard-lockmaster-controls

11:59:02 From Jeff Miller discussing the frame script used in the daily photo queries https://github.com/WardCunningham/assets/blob/master/pages/photo-challenge-automation/photo-details.html


12:02:02 From Jeff Miller in outline, import and bind the scripts;
do a probe from the site-survey-factory probes subdirectory....

the script above is demonstrates a fairly common pattern of working with data fetched in JSON format from wiki pages, based on filtering and joining Eric + Paul adding Frame Plugin affordances and surfacing more JSON attributes which make the items intelligible to probes and surveys

12:04:29 From Jeff Miller David Bovill asks ... here's a one-page script that has these various sections. Could you have an interactive structure where you could compose a little app out of scripts that you could edit in smaller chunks, maybe within wiki? "Have you thought of assembling the script from smaller parts?"

12:06:12 From Jeff Miller Ward says: "If I could edit Javascript in wiki without going to GitHub, I would ; however, the current wiki client uses jQuery which tends to interfere with code editing"

12:07:25 From Jeff Miller Ward has a demonstration of Thompson Morrison's book creation workflow starting from wiki; Ward and Thompson are rebuilding an updated book creation workflow supporting circulating draft pages for editing. "I think I can break this down into a series of steps where I can learn the pieces as I go." - active work

12:08:42 From Jeff Miller http://blog.ward.dojo.fed.wiki/view/think-and-write/view/compose-and-publish

12:09:17 From Paul Rodwell There is are some templates that Eric created that use the code and frame plugin to give a literate way of putting a script together on a page. An example, without too many words about what is happening - https://goals.pod.rodwell.me/enrich-kumu-svg.html

12:09:18 From Jeff Miller the new work is "Draft and Copyedit" http://blog.ward.dojo.fed.wiki/view/think-and-write/view/draft-and-copyedit Thank you, Paul! (this has been a very good Wednesday Wiki for my current interest points)

12:09:59 From viki My video is draining battery but am still here - I like it when we talk about these processes

12:10:47 From Paul Rodwell the base template is http://frame.wiki.dbbs.co/js-snippet-template.html - but there are some other experimental templates over there.

12:10:56 From Jeff Miller viki: 100%! I'm starting to flag, but the process with examples and details is very helpful for giving me a working knowledge.


12:13:35 From Jeff Miller http://blog.ward.dojo.fed.wiki/view/think-and-write/view/draft-and-copyedit/view/mock-doc-copyedit/view/mock-doc-i


12:17:49 From Jeff Miller (Ward demonstrates the results of the edit review tool) Github: https://github.com/WardCunningham/assets/tree/master/pages/compose-and-publish/copyedit/mockdoc

12:19:04 From Jeff Miller All of the scripts here are from Ward, to explore the workflow in the review process.

12:19:25 From Robert Sterbal Reacted to "My video is draining..." with 👍

12:20:34 From Jeff Miller http://blog.ward.dojo.fed.wiki/view/think-and-write/view/draft-and-copyedit/view/mock-doc-copyedit The process includes "resolve", which brings the results of edits to be brought back into the source wiki.

12:21:40 From Jeff Miller The scripts and the basic workflow are aimed at demonstrating to Thompson a set of scripts to show a minimal version of the review workflow.


12:27:36 From Jeff Miller The "Resolve" step in "Mock Doc Copyedit" shows a helpful view for the book editor.

12:28:44 From Robert Sterbal https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ua58RhApb86wwZOY8Zuhk7YMXkKWa1Fxn6gFjIpz2Vo/edit#gid=1747086003


12:35:56 From Robert Sterbal https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ua58RhApb86wwZOY8Zuhk7YMXkKWa1Fxn6gFjIpz2Vo/edit#gid=325629655&range=A1 This sheet has a count of states and countries

12:38:25 From Jeff Miller (Robert and Ward describe a possible way of generating a set of wiki pages by importing a spreadsheet with Moments in Nature, having name, location, and video link)

12:38:37 From Paul Rodwell I need to leave.. until next time

12:39:26 From Jeff Miller looks totally CSV'able (download option) generate a JSON file in wiki format and open it in wiki, take a look "Where could I publish this in a public wiki where I wouldn't have to administer it?" Or run it on your own machine and port-forward it.

12:41:46 From Robert Sterbal Pexels Unsplash are also good sources with minor limits

12:42:19 From Jeff Miller Openverse did have some pictures identified as Welsh tea rooms. David Bovill describes a project by Lawrence Lessig with a collaborative publishing project.

12:43:11 From Robert Sterbal Tagging photos is an excellent use of AI

12:45:02 From Jeff Miller David Bovill asks about an Electron version of wiki; Ward describes a project using Electron to host a local wiki fairly straightforwardly.

12:45:21 From Robert Sterbal Bitnami is a wonderful way of sharing a server

12:46:14 From Jeff Miller The consequence of an Electron-hosted wiki ... "how do I do those things?" and we ask "how did you configure your server?" and it's an idiosyncratic configuration with a large footprint on local disk. Tauri - an Electron-like framework in Rust https://tauri.app/

12:47:31 From Jeff Miller https://tauri.app/releases - 2.0.0-alpha.16

12:49:04 From Jeff Miller "What if we rewrite the client side entirely?" various experiments, such as a phone-based wiki browser that takes audio dictation. Modern environments give you a lot of options that are pretty easy to get to through a browser-like interface or others.

12:50:16 From Jeff Miller "If you want to have a nice interface on the phone, it will have to be done differently than from the desktop." Ward points out to Element as having done a good job by writing localized UIs for each mobile format. (localized = adapted to the platform conventions" )

12:51:49 From Jeff Miller Ward describes experiments with Deno to find more capabilities for the server. We break most people's expectations of what a web site looks like, and our model doesn't require that we hold onto our users.

12:53:31 From Jeff Miller What does dependency management of data look like for Wiki? Versus Observable, where each Observable notebook has a checked ordered graph (a directed acyclic graph) of obseerving events within a notebook. Mike Bostock
d3 libraries 
Observable Notebook at ObservableHQ Observable doesn't depend on the ordering of the items within a presentation page.

12:54:48 From Jeff Miller You can fork and share components across notebooks. (for Observable, collaboration is part of the buisness model)

12:56:40 From Jeff Miller "please create a module with the semantics preserved (in Observable), and export the module" import a module into wiki to work with local data, possibly.


12:59:25 From Jeff Miller Eric's experiments with Observable are a proof of concept that is able to interact with the existing federation pages.

13:00:40 From Jeff Miller Ward made an experiment with an Observable notebook where elevation was represented by color. "We can see you have a range of 50-150 feet", picking a color scheme where the endpoints matched the range of the data.

13:01:23 From Robert Sterbal Robert@sterbal.com no there is a gmail that sends email No one lets you fake domains anymore --Robert Sterbal robert@sterbal.com 412-977-3526 Mosaics by Robert: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1783957901820381/ (for a fun distraction)

13:02:28 From Jeff Miller mailto:robert@sterbal.com

13:02:28 From Robert Sterbal mailto:robert@sterbal.com Jeff should be writing instructions That would awesome

13:03:37 From Jeff Miller I also have six weeks of hacker school and I could use FedWiki as part of my project area


13:07:47 From Jeff Miller ZTD, Zen to Done

13:08:06 From Robert Sterbal https://zenhabits.net/zen-to-done-ztd-the-ultimate-simple-productivity-system/


13:22:20 From Robert Sterbal https://sterbalssundrystudies.miraheze.org/wiki/Category:Masters_in_Business#Pages

13:23:37 From Robert Sterbal https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/j0pabqtsg6ltpag435jyj/apple-podcasts-list.xlsx?rlkey=iao93tzxqgfk2mw2x3g29boae&dl=0