Text extraction. See Typescript Archive
10:15:07 From Jeff Miller (Now I'm thinking of Viki's hexagram titles) story the items in the page journal the history of the story
10:16:40 From Jeff Miller (Ward is discussing the search logs and trying to parse some edge cases, "Oops, the New York error!")
10:16:56 From Marc Pierson Are computers “foolish”?
10:17:46 From Jeff Miller "straightforward" perhaps?
10:17:49 From Marc Pierson If so what would a foolish computer do that is foolish?
10:17:50 From Paul Rodwell They blindly do what they are told.
10:17:52 From Jeff Miller newlines become '-' as Ward's fix for the parsing issue
10:18:08 From Marc Pierson So we have foolish programers?
10:18:30 From Jeff Miller clueless until clued into the context, maybe? "it never occurred to me that [...]" where [...] is something a different person is doing related to code the programmer wrote
10:20:18 From Jeff Miller altavista for the 21st C hahaha
10:23:57 From Ward Cunningham http://ward.dojo.fed.wiki/view/welcome-visitors/view/search-index-logs
10:24:34 From Jeff Miller (Ward demonstrates Federation Search and mentions where sites might be retired or when a site might be re-tried because it's referred to by other indexed sites)
10:25:41 From Jeff Miller "Requested Wiki Does Not Exist" -- removed from a wiki farm, e.g. Marc's relocalizecreativity sites. There are references from other pages in Relocalize Creativity's sites. What makes a site go away? Remove mentions, and/or mention them as retired in the central Federation Search configuration.
10:27:00 From Jeff Miller Hi Eric! visual-literacy.org refused to connect? (the unhappy image placeholder in the TEST page. )
10:28:51 From Paul Rodwell maybe the scape could recognise that a site is no longer being referenced.
10:33:17 From Jeff Miller I have a personal side question related to coding practice, since I have been appreciating your experimental code. Do you have suggestions for exercises to practice Javascript up to a useful facility for experimenting with DOM collections? ("No" is fine as a suggestion.) Relevance for me in both personal and job search work.
10:35:26 From Marc Pierson Paul, please explain what you mean.
10:35:39 From Jeff Miller Ward describes a design principle in wiki where a reference which can't be interpreted is returned as a simple rendering (e.g. a roster site that can't be found shows up as a gray flag with the name of the site) so Paul's suggestion is "here's a site being scraped, which is not responding; but there are no other sites pointing to that site name, maybe time to forget that site?"
10:41:15 From Jeff Miller Ward's return to the design principle about echoing and continuing in the code: the "New York" error being logged in the federation scrape search -- a human-readable surprise in the log format.
10:42:45 From Jeff Miller Ward describes the federation search activity logging, where the Glitch hosted wikis are often slow to respond -- free tier Glitch apps need to be warmed up before they respond, and if not interacted with, they return to cold storage. "curl request timeout" as a typical Glitch glitch for a less-often used site.
10:44:29 From Jeff Miller bye Marc! hope you got your questions answered
10:45:12 From Eric Dobbs The free tier for Glitch apps go to sleep. So the timeout will be related to the time it takes a glitch app to wake up from sleep.
10:45:40 From Jeff Miller Ward demonstrates that the annotations on the federation scraper script for search can be navigated to the GitHub source code for that line in the cron job running the search job.
10:45:49 From Eric Dobbs sigh… got a work item calling. Catch up with you soon
10:46:12 From Jeff Miller "Search Script Annotations Graph" from Federation Search Explained to Search Script Annotations.
10:46:33 From Michael Martin Thanks everyone - will present some interesting work w/questions as I further develop my ventures with InfraNodus, next week!! I have to run!
10:47:01 From Jeff Miller A GitHub action to create the diagrams would be useful for making the search work easier to understand. (Ward describes this as an affordance which seems within reach).
10:52:00 From Jeff Miller (a discussion about the relationship of religious study to Papers We Love to Patterns discussion groups)
10:52:26 From Paul Rodwell https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-66989386
10:52:26 From Jeff Miller Villa of the Papyri
10:54:03 From Jeff Miller x-ray tomography and reading the rolled-up carbonized letters from the scrolls
10:59:02 From Jeff Miller WikiWomenInRed transforming red links to blue
11:08:33 From Jeff Miller https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/lup/publication/f8c76481-a422-445d-9c38-f0174b853f70 (Resilience Engineering at Lund; you would want a tablet which allows you to annotate your reading)
11:09:23 From Brian Sort of off topic, I've been helping Marc copy a wiki site...is there a way to get a comprehensive list of the assets folder? I see plugin/assets/list?assets=<dir> gets me things if I know that <dir> exists...is there something else?
11:10:01 From Paul Rodwell https://blog.jonudell.net/
11:10:04 From Brian So far, I've just been parsing links from pages.
11:11:34 From Paul Rodwell https://turbot.com/
11:11:40 From Brian Look at the access logs of your fed wiki and see all the brute force internet scanners that hit your site.
11:11:47 From Jeff Miller hmm
11:13:34 From Jeff Miller Ward's approach to copying a wiki site: take an archive of the whole site subdirectory, and then extract it into the new site's location. The 'ssh' commands in Ward's recipe contain checks to see if the site is present. Brian considers the case where the site is public-only and does not include the filesystem of the site.
11:14:37 From Paul Rodwell really need a better export, at least for the owner of the wiki.
11:15:03 From Jeff Miller Ward remarks that the assets might be not quite public but rather could be addressed by wiki scripts which can see the filesystem. There is a survey which can find the frame plugins of a wiki site. And the site history can be helpful for finding assets which were added and then removed from public view.
11:16:50 From Jeff Miller Brian remarks that the references to the assets on a site are variable in form, sometimes literal URLs, sometimes relative references in the site. zip is as good as tar for the purpose, one might think or having an export-as-archive like we have a sitemap endpoint
11:18:27 From Robert Best If it's his relocalizecreativity site, he has access to all site folders through nextcloud
11:19:03 From Jeff Miller Ward suggests an incremental approach where you copy all the publicly visible content and then follow any broken links to content, taking a closer look at the original wiki. A server-side plugin for link checking.
11:20:31 From Jeff Miller if the export.json had a directory structure it could help the export (says Brian) A plugin could be a good facility to experiment with asset inventorying for export
11:22:39 From Jeff Miller asset folders with metadata for the datalog plugin, a list of the sequences that are ready to look at
11:32:33 From Brian https://www.adafruit.com/product/3660
11:32:46 From Jeff Miller http http://found.ward.bay.wiki.org/assets/plugins/datalog/plot-datalog.html?slug=esp8266-datalog&chunk=day&keep=5
11:34:59 From Jeff Miller Ward shows an array of four thermometers around a heated wire coil which detects wind direction based on which thermometer is warmer Rather than calibrate the individual temperature sensors, it's been practical to average the readings. for an overall temperature result, if that's what you're looking for.
11:37:09 From Jeff Miller http://found.ward.bay.wiki.org/assets/esp/esp_sensor_server.cpp (329) sensor reading (329 / 16.0) -> a sensor reading in degrees C
11:38:33 From Jeff Miller 20.6 degrees C
11:40:25 From Paul Rodwell The ESP8266 has been succeeded by the ESP32
11:40:46 From Jeff Miller https://arduino.stackexchange.com/questions/47806/what-is-farylink-access-point (Stack Overflow for Arduino)
11:43:05 From Brian I recommend people have something equivalent to https://store.ui.com/us/en/products/usg for their home network. It's easy to set up virtual wifi access networks, for your guests, your IOTs, etc.
11:43:05 From Jeff Miller https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ESP32
11:44:47 From Jeff Miller small format virtual machine enthusiasts, the Hundred Rabbits Collective https://100r.co/site/home.html
11:46:03 From Jeff Miller (They are game and art developers, but their VM spec is something one could use presumably for sensor reading, for bitsy little things)
11:48:36 From Jeff Miller Ward describes Raspberry Pi's approach with long-term relationships with its chip vendors; by being extra specific in how they ask for the chips, it's easier to have boards compatible with multiple generations of chips, or have other happy re-use.
11:48:50 From Brian A pi is a different tier than the ESPs...and depending on what your application is, might be better microcontrollers than a pi.
11:49:03 From Jeff Miller other happy re-use cases for Raspberry Pi software and boards
11:49:30 From Brian Pis are great computers for kids to have their own machine.
11:49:30 From Paul Rodwell Eben Upton
11:49:48 From Ward Cunningham https://www.raspberrypi.com/news/james-adams-and-eben-upton-on-designing-raspberry-pi-5/
11:50:16 From Jeff Miller https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eben_Upton
11:50:21 From Robert Sterbal Robert Best... keeping the chat public will this chat be automatically captured?
11:52:27 From Robert Sterbal The last 4 tends to work more automagically
11:52:51 From Brian Victoria, I've seen your activity on https://fedwikiriver.com/ looks interesting
11:53:31 From Jeff Miller http://jeff.dojo.fed.wiki/view/typescript-archive/view/typescript-transcripts http://jeff.dojo.fed.wiki/view/typescript-archive/view/typescript-transcripts/view/transcript-suggestions
11:54:54 From Robert Sterbal This is the end of an index I wanted to play with: Vegetable Jambalaya ......................................97 Vegetable Quiche, Hold the Crust.................. 114 Whole-Wheat Jalapeño Cheddar Scones..........22 wine, red ............................................... 39, 105 winter squash.................... 62, 71, 113, 114, 122 Lightly Curried Butternut Squash Soup.....40 yogurt...........................21, 52, 54, 93, 132, 158 Drinkable Yogurt....................................150 Raita.......................................................164 Tzatziki ..................................................165 Yogurt Smash!..........................................32 zucchini.................................26, 49, 55, 62, 114 Chocolate Zucchini Muffins ......................21 Creamy Zucchini Fettucine .......................89 Savory Summer Cobbler ......................... 110
11:56:08 From Jeff Miller http://grimgrains.com/site/home.html
11:56:33 From Robert Sterbal https://books.leannebrown.com/good-and-cheap.pdf
11:56:38 From Jeff Miller the Hundred Rabbits cookbook site
11:57:47 From Robert Sterbal https://wiki.xxiivv.com/site/hundred_rabbits.html
11:57:59 From Victoria I'm excited to play with these datalogs
11:59:20 From Robert Sterbal The name Hundred Rabbits comes from the name of the sailboat in the animated show Ergo proxy, while the sailboat's name Pino comes from the android sailor aboard the sailboat from that same show.
12:01:58 From Brian https://fedwikiriver.com/
12:01:59 From Victoria Victoria, I've seen your activity on https://fedwikiriver.com/ looks interesting like RSS for wiki???
12:02:38 From Paul Rodwell http://feeds.fedwikiriver.com/
12:02:42 From Robert Best http://feeds.fedwikiriver.com/
12:02:51 From Paul Rodwell snap
12:03:25 From Jeff Miller LOCKSS
12:03:28 From Brian Replying to "Victoria, I've seen ..." I think it's more like the fedwiki server stream, like from mastodon.