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09:21:51 From Paul Rodwell Unknowability: How Do We Know What Cannot Be Known? | Unknowable Unknowns - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UmxoTGMZMg ?
09:22:51 From Jeff Miller structural parts vs. behavioral parts, influences, connections -> equal to the sum of the invisible parts and the visible parts.
09:28:59 From Jeff Miller I was giving an acquaintance from CoffeeOps a walkthrough of Federated Wiki. (a) "FedWiki was a way to carry on conversations in the ideal C2/PPR way while being immune to spam" (b) lineup, frame, scripts, articulation of pieces, story and plugins, journal, wiki neighborhood; (c) applications for organizing conversation and collaboration in neighborhoods, schools, groups beyond Software Patterns folks. (d) phototelling as an articulation among factory, map plugin, image plugin, paragraphs people at the sharp end are always making tradeoffs around goal conflicts; do the pressures constrain or enable consequential decisions about safety?
09:30:10 From Jeff Miller (from Eric on learning from incidents approach)
09:31:22 From Jeff Miller "when was that decision the correct one? when was that same decision the incorrect one?" "normalization of deviance" patterns?
09:32:28 From Jeff Miller (to Marc's note about multiple levels of decision making setting context for sharp-end acts and decisions) principal-agent problems discount rate short-term / long-term tradeoff
09:33:28 From Peter Dimitrios Systemic Contributors and Adaptations Diagramming (SCAD)
09:33:48 From Jeff Miller add 👍
09:33:58 From Eric Dobbs https://systemsthinkinglab.wordpress.com/accimap/
09:34:41 From Jeff Miller https://systemsthinkinglab.files.wordpress.com/2017/09/accimap-e1504777314715.png?w=656 an accimap link
09:35:56 From Paul Rodwell https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1350630712001458?via%3Dihub (paper about using hybrid Reason and AcciMap model)
09:38:27 From Peter Dimitrios Systemic Factors Influencing Risk Aversion: Diagnosing Behaviors and Tailring Interventions for Lasting Transformation - Systemic Contributors and Adaptations Diagramming (SCAD) interviews with USAF- Stevens Institute of Technology SERC-2022-TR-007,WRT 1049.8.4 (Amanda Girth 2022-07-05): https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD1174815.pdf
09:40:29 From Jeff Miller "environment", "metasystem", "operations", "outcomes" yes rushed out before quarterly analysis is hashed out
09:43:20 From Jeff Miller (peeking at the AcciMap picture of an overprescription incident and seeing a vicious circle among staff workload +> staff turn-over +> understaffing +> workload CIA analysts do a lot of sense-making (thus The Brain seems apt)
09:44:36 From Jeff Miller "Garden Day", community garden hangout time, on Wednesdays [Thompson Morrison] "there was no management structure, nobody was telling anyone what to do, how was T.M. to decide how best to do things?"
09:45:41 From Jeff Miller How does stigmergy related to self-org? "a mechanism of indirect coordination, through the environment, between agents or actions" -> Wikipedia
09:46:45 From Jeff Miller "work via signs in the environment" I have been seeing the top-down hierarchy model as pushing for speed and simplification
09:47:46 From Jeff Miller but not the way you want to do things not-in-a-hurry. advice to followers is to try to make arguments in the leaders' terms. (so it's worth asking what they want)
09:49:13 From Marc Pierson This is why Speech Acts skills are critical. Especially the negotiation and the rhythm of conversations.
09:49:23 From Peter Dimitrios Multiple Systemic Contributors versus Root Cause: Learning from a NASA Near Miss - EVA on 2013-07-09 - SCAD (Katherine E. Walker, David D. Woods, and Michael F. Rayo 2013): https://www.researchgate.net/publication/308194080_Multiple_Systemic_Contributors_versus_Root_Cause_Learning_from_a_NASA_Near_Miss
09:49:49 From Paul Rodwell do they really know what they want? maybe only something they will know when they see it, or maybe don’t see it.
09:50:09 From Jeff Miller "Hey boss, what story do you want me to help you tell to your bosses?"
09:50:18 From Marc Pierson Understanding Computers and Cognition, Winograd and Florez.
09:52:04 From Jeff Miller my one white-knuckle incident in a small business; apparently I actually looked scary (when I responded to the boss's "what were you thinking?" with a silent stare) (He sent his wife to apologize for his tirade)
09:53:11 From Jeff Miller "Okay, let's see if we can fix this together, where would you start?" (to Eric's story)
09:56:35 From Jeff Miller Amazon is doing Chaos Gorilla on you? lift-and-shift exposed vulnerabilities later on, when the hazards of the cloud caused an incident
09:57:37 From Jeff Miller the fragile operating conditions
09:59:12 From Jeff Miller Disney did some lift-and-shift from datacenters, with that same sort of self-congratulation.
10:00:19 From Jeff Miller "an interpretation of lyrics which took both the lyrics' words and the fluidity of the resulting animation into account in making the movements" "Tortoise Explains the Dance" / "First Dancing Turtle" What does "turn it upside down" do?
10:02:41 From Jeff Miller a Gloria Estefan hit!
10:02:53 From Paul Rodwell Pete Seeger’s Turn! Turn! Turn! might not create such a nice turtle pattern.
10:03:11 From Jeff Miller and a TIME to every PURPOSE maybe add a little heartbeat or something
10:03:35 From Marc Pierson https://muse.jhu.edu/book/3527 The Virtues of Ignorance. On the way to deal with unknowable (details) of systems.
10:04:37 From Jeff Miller staying with the turtle (just "move" and "turn")
10:06:26 From Jeff Miller multiple moves (fifteen) and then to see the turn, add a little move between turns (one step)
10:07:41 From Paul Rodwell left side of the road, and changing over to the right has an interesting history
10:07:55 From Peter Dimitrios Jousting?
10:08:14 From Jeff Miller was it Sweden that had a flag day for flipping road sides?
10:08:53 From Paul Rodwell no, far far older - probably neolithic but at least as old as the romans
10:09:31 From Jeff Miller "What is it about the problem that inspires an evident innovation that you would not have discovered otherwise?"
10:10:37 From Paul Rodwell the switch to right comes from the French Revolution, a papal edict and defying it by the French.
10:10:38 From Jeff Miller adding a little space around the edges of the turns (in this case) or adding time-steps to the animation: discovered as part of working with the problem
10:10:48 From Paul Rodwell https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left-_and_right-hand_traffic
10:11:21 From Jeff Miller designing ambient animations ? "frames per second, progress of turtle draw, small moves around a turnaround point"
10:12:27 From Jeff Miller oh hey I think I might know what boss would ask for it
10:14:04 From Jeff Miller 30fps is plenty smooth (I'm trying to remember the slide show progression that took you in an animated pan from slide to slide, with a similar fluidity to Eric's drawing)
10:15:38 From Jeff Miller http://ward.dojo.fed.wiki for lots of Move and Turn synesthetic animation, just using "move" and "turn"
10:17:29 From Jeff Miller (springing from the notion of depicting the Sailing story from Marc as a graph, map, or directional story)
10:17:30 From Marc Pierson PLAY!!!!
10:17:38 From Jeff Miller press PLAY to play this wiki :) "I make links between pages by copying a picture" "I have a script which finds and matches pages by sharing a common picture" "The script looks at the fabricated original ID of the picture, so I can change the caption."
10:25:58 From Peter Dimitrios restriction of choices that Apple provides makes it easier for consumers to choose
10:27:59 From Jeff Miller Alt-Tab! Alt-Tab! Alt-Tab! :)
10:29:21 From Jeff Miller Certainly in Debian I had choices I didn't understand. # ! also true on my Smith-Corona shift-4
10:31:53 From Jeff Miller shift-4 is $ (the book is O'Reilly pubs, Building Microservices 2nd Ed)
10:33:29 From Jeff Miller "how to swap two variables in source code using mouse gestures" (Smalltalk-80 idioms, shared among users for happy discoveries of effectiveness)
10:34:45 From Jeff Miller "the menus opened up with the same operation selected, so cut-and-paste was fast with mouse menus" "the clerical posture" / "the executive posture" Smalltalk-80 affordances lost in later window and pointer systems
10:37:05 From Jeff Miller Dan Ingalls (Smalltalk-80 programmer, junk car mechanic, demolition derby participant, a nerd for parts)
10:38:07 From Jeff Miller "not having the interface overspecified allows space for exploration and discovery" discovering how this space built intentionally for collaboration offers surprising happy juxtapositions of the parts a backplane a breadboard
10:39:00 From Peter Dimitrios sorry -- severe weather alerts popping up on all my devices here :-)
10:39:00 From Jeff Miller a set of compositional patterns
10:41:29 From Jeff Miller which wiki you start from may leave you lost 1900 gmt ~ 1400 US-East, 1300 US-Central, 1200 US-Mtn, 11 US-Pacific
10:42:57 From Jeff Miller oh there's a public turtle site?
10:45:31 From Jeff Miller I always worry about socks, wood stairs, and slipping hazards "Recent Changes" ? :)
10:47:28 From Jeff Miller I follow examples and don't have other kids to play with so mostly it's been phototelling and results of pairing with Ward
10:48:16 From Paul Rodwell 19:00, that around about 12 minutes time
10:50:23 From Jeff Miller Flagmatic (on home page?)
10:52:16 From Jeff Miller "there wasn't good PNG support on the server" (oh look it's me and node-canvas)
10:53:25 From Jeff Miller I found the turtle! http://wiki.dbbs.co/view/welcome-visitors/view/first-dancing-turtle
10:53:57 From Marc Pierson http://ipbsm.edu.tries.fed.wiki/view/welcome-visitors/view/about-ipbsm/view/index-ipbsm
10:54:43 From Jeff Miller afk
10:55:49 From Paul Rodwell https://guitarcraft.com/aim/
11:11:08 From Paul Rodwell In the JSON export Perspectives contain an array of nodes in that perspective