Text extraction. See Typescript Archive
09:42:22 From Jeff Miller oops Zoom crashed on me! http://search.fed.wiki.org:3030/title.html?item-type-survey
09:48:00 From Jeff Miller "a wiki still in communication with sitemap" "a wiki whose URL does not serve a sitemap"
09:49:30 From Jeff Miller "I remember these sites..." (updating results in the background for presence or no presence) caching, naming things, off-by-one (the classic distributed state issues) [static participants in FedWiki as a case that Eric did some exploration on]
09:50:39 From Jeff Miller edit locally, publish to a static site including a static sitemap
09:52:11 From Jeff Miller from Paul: "updates to a site's map follow immediately on an edit to the site; updates to the federation search are per-six-hours" a moldable scripting environment small pieces loosely joined
09:53:46 From Jeff Miller the search corpus is a flat-file index which can be text-searched
09:54:59 From Jeff Miller there's an index file per site of all indexable words; an index per page-of-a-site for what words are present on that page, used for full-text search. Ralf's usage models as an alternative perspective on FedWiki indexing.
09:56:23 From Jeff Miller (Google has to deal with attempts to game PageRank, while FedWiki, not so much) "why aren't we using something like Neo4J for querying?" Neo4J - explicit connections in a database pointer sense FedWiki - pointers are queries
09:57:51 From Jeff Miller and the queries have fallback logic and more limited (non-schema) fidelity vs. the Neo4J case whereas Neo4J expects firmer definitions of "these nodes are linked".
09:59:39 From Jeff Miller coupon clipping: you can get the thing by more work existing networked communities are perhaps the PHP forum sites? e.g. if you're a quilter or something like that
10:00:59 From Jeff Miller different topic-specific sources of info my old algorithms professor Udi Manber was famous for his "agrep" approximate grep search-with-errors later hired by A9 Amazon Search and then Google.
10:02:58 From Jeff Miller "it works a different way!" maybe? Marc-style pages
10:04:06 From Jeff Miller Thompson-style wikis what predated the Bourne shell?
10:05:19 From Jeff Miller like innovation tokens in "Choose Boring Software" :) another old professor of mine SNOBOL, and then Icon
10:06:28 From Jeff Miller Ralph Griswold!
10:07:15 From Marc Pierson Will log off for transfer
10:07:58 From Paul Rodwell https://www2.cs.arizona.edu/icon/
10:08:05 From Jeff Miller yes exactly! (sed, grep) -> (awk) -> (perl) or Icon
10:08:45 From Paul Rodwell latest version was 2 years ago…
10:09:26 From Jeff Miller Icon had its own core community, 2 years ago is pretty good, actually! lex and yacc (flex and bison, for the GNU-ized versions)
10:11:23 From Jeff Miller a.out ? :)
10:16:20 From Jeff Miller "genetic Sleeping Beauty" grass -- not especially successful but ready when a dry climate happened bacteria -- unused capabilities
10:17:36 From Jeff Miller "reserve adaptive capacity" in an ecosystem?
10:19:01 From Jeff Miller "drag a flag from one tab to another" as an emergent capacity coming from implementation of gestures
10:19:26 From Paul Rodwell https://www.theguardian.com/news/audio/2023/may/15/sleeping-beauties-the-evolutionary-innovations-that-wait-millions-of-years-to-come-good-podcast https://www.theguardian.com/science/2023/apr/18/evolution-biology-sleeping-beauties-innovations-that-wait-millions-of-years-to-come-good
10:20:30 From Jeff Miller thank you! (text)
10:23:03 From Jeff Miller the single-word link text for example - I was "um, no, how would that work?" but it's the preferred convention in FedWiki
10:24:41 From Jeff Miller grass (a bamboo forest) in Kunming, from the article on Sleeping Beauty genetics
10:24:59 From Paul Rodwell https://github.com/fedwiki/wiki-client/blob/master/lib/synopsis.coffee
10:27:27 From Jeff Miller wiki on wiki maybe the wiki template could be more obviously style-forward?
10:28:39 From Jeff Miller subdomains with the same backing store? (I did that with two WikiBase scripts, a readonly and a read-write URL)
10:29:41 From Jeff Miller zettelkasten as lexicon (I'm about to set up a class notes site; probably a markdown-with-front-matter site)
10:31:40 From Jeff Miller the Sleeping Beauty text talks about innovations in genetics and technology being invented and forgotten and reinvented polysemic ? (multiple seed sources)
10:35:18 From Jeff Miller Sleeping Beauties: the Mystery of Dormant Innovations in Nature and Culture by Andreas Wagner "The Extended Phenotype" an answer to the criticism of "The Selfish Gene" Dawkins' 2nd book
10:36:28 From Jeff Miller Sleeping Beauties: the Mystery of Dormant Innovations in Nature and Culture by Andreas Wagner linked from the Guardian excerpt animal-in-ecosystem
10:37:32 From Jeff Miller the extended phenotype
10:38:54 From Jeff Miller George Lakoff (linguist) - a source for XP's metaphor practice C3 struggled to describe the payroll system until they had an organizing metaphor of an assembly line
10:41:12 From Jeff Miller what is a tree? (digital or botanical) a tree is a structural or behavioral habit a tree is a tree-shaped thing that does tree-like things skeomorphism - a deliberate nod to "it's like this other thing"
10:42:13 From Jeff Miller in a metaphorical way I've seen fabric-art bracelets with a set of buttons like the Apple Watch Microsoft Bob as the too-realistic version of a virtual office? (although too-realistic may be the right way in?)
10:44:18 From Jeff Miller single point of intake auditable? :) oh they don't use it as biomass fuel? compost? insulation? (shredded postal mail to the Swedish company)
10:45:50 From Jeff Miller Xerox Corporation's original desktop environment being an over-specific simulation of an office environment.
10:46:53 From Jeff Miller (Ward's anecdote)
10:49:56 From Paul Rodwell https://www.cnet.com/science/she-brought-her-younger-self-back-to-life-as-an-ai-chatbot-to-talk-to-her-inner-child/
10:51:22 From Paul Rodwell https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0ft0gwm
10:55:18 From Jeff Miller Bret Victor, worrydream (I was very unclear on what a tablet would be for) Bret says: "I learned to be pixel perfect in my prototyping"
10:57:20 From Jeff Miller (because of Apple's review techniques, where Steve Jobs was pixel-perfect in attention)
10:58:22 From Jeff Miller paper prototyping; the "sketch" model style for prototype image tools 4' 33" (and what is art?)
11:00:18 From Jeff Miller the practice of daily art can create emerging themes sometimes art can be discovered or happen to you (Ward's daily photo exercises) "I'm doing an art project!" as permission.
11:05:35 From Jeff Miller (discussion of the Map plugin revived from the abandoned back end to the OpenStreetMap Leaflet, without change to the wiki item state, old maps were reconstituted with the new plugin)
11:05:49 From Paul Rodwell https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mapbox - the open tile API we used as discontinued in 2016
11:06:47 From Jeff Miller being modest in how to connect with the back end's capabilities (stay in the problem domain / model domain) allowed a not-very-difficult switch from Mapbox to Leaflet
11:07:12 From Paul Rodwell routing in leaflet - https://www.liedman.net/leaflet-routing-machine/
11:07:13 From Jeff Miller (Ward's observation about FedWiki and external rendering tools) where external could be an external API or a rendering library (Andrew asks about phototelling / map photo workflow)
11:09:13 From Jeff Miller Early phototelling on maps related to bicycle trails near home; photos were selected and imported on the laptop at home; save-as smaller images because originals were large)
11:10:22 From Jeff Miller select, export as smaller image from Preview; upload into an Assets item; eventually using a bulk processing script for squishing and uploading photos then using a Phototelling preview script which would take photos not yet on a wiki page and preview them on a ghost page then using a templating approach
11:11:51 From Jeff Miller the triangle convention for identifying a location tag Thompson Morrison coined "Phototelling" a step-by-step guide for how to upload, how to capture the locations (if in the JPEG properties), etc.
11:13:41 From Jeff Miller the new "drop-on-a-factory" to import an image, squish it, and capture the map coordinates in the image item created -- smooths the workflow. (circling back to Ward's storytelling within a week of daily photos with a chosen or emergent theme, to tell a story)
11:15:02 From Jeff Miller "here's what stood out to me" oh yeah a ton (of writing)
11:17:00 From Jeff Miller I felt like the photos needed a little context, and kaboom, it was a local blog entry with photos http://photos.pixiereport.com/view/sunday-bike-exploring/view/fire-dragon/view/ship-canal-locks/view/downtown-ballard/view/ballard-healthy-streets (to Andrew) > I'm getting wordier and wordier with each episode. Skip to the pagefold "Preface Above Phototelling Below" for the pics from Sunday Bike Exploring.
11:21:30 From Jeff Miller (I have a little bit of a Little Free Library photo collection) [Andrew describes the personalities of the public libraries in the southern Wisconsin library system] Carnegie libraries?
11:22:31 From Jeff Miller older libraries (access to books) / newer libraries (all the public services) Seattle has "all the public services" in branch libraries Berkeley and Oakland have tool libraries
11:24:05 From Paul Rodwell https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tool_library
11:24:25 From Jeff Miller (my neighborhood has a tool library hosted by the neighborhood association, in a room of a retired public school building) Seattle has converted multiple former public school buildings to other uses oh hi Eric! didn't see you come in
11:27:21 From Jeff Miller (former pair of school buildings, now a community center: https://www.phinneycenter.org ) [interestingly, completely swamped in Google Search by non-original references in others' catalogues]
11:28:47 From Jeff Miller supercomputer in your pocket, making a plausible photo out of your quivering hand-held view by the magic of image processing the color balance is most obviously faked or over-adjusted (yellow / green / blue in foliage)
11:30:34 From Jeff Miller https://www.phinneycenter.org/tools/ my neighborhood tool library
11:32:25 From Jeff Miller (Ward describes an occasion where the early morning light on picnic tables looked out of place among other pictures of picnic tables assembled together) [composing a set of photos as an editor, versus taking photographs of a time and a place]