Transcriber Notes 2024-04-03

Thompson Morrison presents an extended exploration with Ward of the new tools for exploring wiki structure and connections. Following the Supercollaborator (groups of nodes, overlapping graph nodes highlighted as pages/items in common) and the Solo Supercollaborator (subtracting realtime Croquet event feed for adding groups of nodes), there's new work inspired by the Markov Monkey, incrementally exploring wiki using page links, taking note of in- and out-link structures and building a graph as the process proceeds. The newness of a link or reference is included as a point of interest, and as a parameter to the tool for what links might be shown or navigated. Thompson is finding the tool to be of immediate interest.

Marc and Ward discuss plug-ins and alternate views of item content, with Paul reflecting on the pop-up Image detail view as an example previously existing. Marc's point of interest is the Solo Plugin which supports rendering Solo Supercollaborator content as a pop-up window within a wiki lineup, staying within the context of a set of pages.

Discussion of plug-ins leads to reflection on geo-coding within wiki. Currently, the relationship among geographically located items in wiki is that the new Image plugin captures image metadata and copies them into the item in the story along with a file reference to the picture. The image location is then offered as a Marker in the lineup.

Map items (via the Map plugin) can consume (using the LINEUP or PAGE directive) store (as item content) and offer markers to other items in the lineup.

There's a plan to try and render a list of markers as a prototype / demonstration of using a Frame plugin script (html script) to offer Marker data to the lineup.