Future of FedWiki, MASVFWiki/MassiveWiki, protocols, interoperability, balance between a simple essence (page JSON, sitemap JSON, site index, Assets folders, core plugins) and keeping those interactions working, comparison with other projects including Beaker Browser and the At Protocol behind BlueSky, future-proofing content versus preserving behavior and interactions, Marc demonstrates EIP templates partly filled out, including examples from the Copper Corridor in Arizona, usage of FedWiki as personal page authoring space, exportable and publishable as a static site.
See also Typescript Transcripts for a reverse chronological catalogue.
Simple-in-essence data model offering flexible authoring, presentation, and migration of the data.
Density and complexity of information versus simplicity and composition (WikiHaiku three-piece composition), with different values, forms present in larger grained work, though some of Wiki's particular affordances like dragging paragraphs around are lost in the larger-grained work.
Edward Tufte as an advisor on information density and accessibility, Tufte's commentary on the US National Weather Service web site as simple at the top "It's sunny today!" and increasing in complexity with scrolling down, like a journalistic inverted pyramid style of arrangement.
Attribution of work in a Federated Wiki structure, contra the Chorus of Voices pattern? Or identifying speakers. PKI signatures on content maintained by what authority? W3C distributed identity protocols?
Eric reflecting on the history of network interoperability protocols, reviewing Java, JDBC, JNDI, Jini, CORBA, etc., with applications to a FedWiki core specification, starting with the work and pages of Ward, Paul, etc.