Sunday Explorers.
Exploration of wiki conversation and collaboration styles.
An experience report from Jeff during Recurse Center, working on exploring a public interest legal form creation tool (Docassemble) along with others, using Pharo Smalltalk and Glamorous Toolkit for Moldable Development.
How old is frame scripting in FedWiki? Since about 2020.
Tagged paragraphs and a frame script survey about tagging, Ward's script and Marc's notes and tagged summaries while reading Mary Parker Follett's The New State. wikipedia bio
Standard EBooks as a "better Gutenberg Project" for readability in multiple formats. site also note that they host their toolset and book sources and updates on GitHub. github
Getting a new dojo wiki set up for Santhosh.
Diagrams in FedWiki, diagrams in systems which better support dynamical systems depictions.
Application and conversations around Marc's EIP model; relationships between levels of organizations which might be well hosted by a fedwiki or wiki farm.
Convening a wiki farm for a topical discussion or common interests among the authors.
Dramatic identity as a possible shared wiki authorship.
Patterns of conversation and sense-making in a federation, wiki neighborhood, wiki farm. What patterns do we observe? What approaches might we try?
Prompting good communication interactions using timing, grouping, proximity, activities in common.
Campfire conversations, cave drawings, and how those differ from business and government gatherings and documents.
The Future of Text project; overlapping with the notion of cave drawings, also the Croquet project, and its virtual art gallery notion - what cues in the participant's environment tell them about how to participate?
Pirsig's "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" re self-maintained tools vs. professionally or commercially maintained tools.
Affordances of various materials as cues to their user, and prompts for more generative interactions that aren't simply mechanical.
Actual caves, cave exploration, cave diving. Battery-operated lights that gradually dim (incandescent) or snap off (LED).
Ward demonstrates a digital amateur radio tracing wiki app with activity noted per time slice with ":" or inactivity as ".", also displayed as map pins. Adding an overlay for daylight hours helped make more sense of the activity patterns.