Another note about Clay Shirky's A Group Is The Enemy of Itself. Scaling limits and overhead of larger groups.
Greg Wilson, Edsger Dijkstra, Richard Gabriel, and Beautiful Code.
Political issues in story form, to make them accessible to interested parties and spur discussion of changing the narrative in small ways, perhaps participants or time scales.
Toolkits (Marc's RelocalizeCreativity site) for creating maps and stories about issues of interest to a community, creating "cave drawings" as reference points from discussions.
Summer of Protocols for group self-organization, kit site and Dorian Taylor, taylor site
"The Protocol Kit ... is a packed 3-ring binder with over 400 pages of inserts (mailed out in the form of 6 modules of around 80 pages over the next 8 months) designed to support systematic study, research, policy-making, scene-making, and entrepreneurship efforts." also Geoff Manaugh, known for a blog about buildings and urban structures.
FedWiki's community as multiple communication flows, Matrix Chat, Zoom gatherings, and the FedWiki sites and software.
The history of JUnit and FIT, and test-driven development.
Looking back at and seeking ways to improve FedWiki's handling of system dynamics diagrams, that being able to arrange nodes and loops to better tell a story or highlight an arrangement is important, and not given by GraphViz itself.
The ability to manifest a FedWiki neighborhood as a ghost page, related to the neighborhood as a search context. Editing to expand or contract the neighborhood.
The serendipities found in simple design, such as backlinks; are there things that might make it simpler if removed from FedWiki?