Transcriber Notes 2023-10-29

Simon Willison, Datasette and DogSheep (pun-driven riff on Wolfram, after Stephen Wolfram's personal data tracking). Combinations of a SQLite DB and a query-based front end.

Experimentally pinning a lineup of today's notes. lineup .

When you have awkwardly close coupling between back-end and front-end services, add a middle tier -- similar to "front-office" and "back-office" finance, where the middle tier might be a real estate escrow agent or escrow service, mediating the temporally decoupled endpoints.

GraphQL, what is it for? Does it do a good job of making front-end vs. back-end loosely coupled, or does it have its own ways that it gets inflexible?

GraphQL history, allowing specifying a small payload of data from a larger bill of materials available on the server; efficient flexible caching at the GraphQL API server; federated queries over back-end data sources.

EIP progress from Marc, a large Miro board as a way of investigating values and questions, and creating interactions in the space between the nested Environment and nested Politics levels.

More notes about putting the right people in contact; about Conway's law in failure mode as people try to solve their own problems / mitigate breakages locally; what does a federated query look like to the front-end API user ("your UI is your application").

Microsoft's strong practice of internal office hours from the example of Azure platform support and its interlocking practices of online video meetings taking a question queue, experts to do one to one troubleshooting, links to documentation, and people helping each other with problems (users can see each other, comment on each others' work and problem solving).

FedWiki front end, FedWiki back end, the margins around HTML scripts, embedding a favicon to quell insistent browser noise for pages that are really intended as backing scripts, generating gradients as SVGs, SVG to canvas to PNG, Deno for headless browser runtime affordances; embedding a large V8 (or V8 port to Rust?) Javascript runtime as their interoperability choice; versus Go leaning on being able to compile to many platforms, and a community of user-developers contributing libraries, ending up with very small binaries.

Cats and pacifying pheromone diffusers to calm their behavior.