The cult of HTTPS, analogies to other cults, certificate registrars as anointed sources of truth, documents for travel on an airplane, establishing your identity or creditworthiness in new contexts.
Meta: On today's notes page I've experimented with shift-dragging links from the transcript where they appear useful in this casual topical thoughts page.
Meta, afterthought: I did the shift-drag links for convenience, but also: a shift-drag leaves an item ID match which could be harvested or followed by page-scraping searches.
Mike Caulfield's work around evaluating the credibility of online information. Recently noted as working with WSU Vancouver Washington campus. Web Literacy for Student Fact-Checkers. opentextbook library
11:17:55 From Paul Rodwell
How to know who to trust and what to believe. Dunbar's number.Separating the artist as a person with actions and beliefs from their body of work. Or not separating them. Curating federation feeds in Mastodon.
See also (addendum in these notes not in transcript) the famous Reflections on Trusting Trust recurse-center and the paper as hosted PDF cmu pdf
Ward demonstrates a frame script intended for a more enriched template for creating pages with trip maps.
Victoria Campbell shows a wiki farm intended to help with collaborating on top ten lists.
11:24:20 From viki
One-day projects as a recent theme for Ward.
Recollections of the participants in C3, and who remembers details in various ways; what they're up to these days.
12:07:51 From Brian
House calls by veterinarians.
History of how software systems evolve under various constraints, e.g. "Bank Python", Erlang/BEAM.
12:17:09 From Paul Rodwell
12:19:37 From Paul Rodwell
Enumerating a journal, do all Journal items have types? (e.g. a "Create" item was observed to be missing a type when Brian was experimenting with journal parsing via OCAML).