Transcriber Notes 2023-10-04

Temperature sensor graph from datalog plugin rendering.


Ward demonstrates Federation Search; search logs and error formatting "the New York error" fixed by converting a newline to a hyphen in rendering, when and how do we remove sites from Federation search results, navigation from an annotated search script sequence to the public archive of that source file on GitHub.

Brian asks about migrating a fedwiki site which he has public but not filesystem access to.

Ward shows the datalog plugin and his home sensors logging to the assets folder and then a display script to show the output of the sensors (e.g. temperature from various rooms). Various microcontrollers / sensors discussed. Raspberry Pi's long relationship with chip makers allowing re-use of pinout, boards, and software happily across multiple generations of chips and boards.

Virtual machine based deployment of microcontroller driver software recalls the Hundred Rabbits' small-footprint virtual machine aimed at being hosted on small, old, pre-existing hardware. Source for the Hundred Rabbits' name and for the name of their sailboat whose power and network limitations have driven some of their software designs.

Inexpensive nutritious recipes for WIC food recipients; a comparison to the Hundred Rabbits' recipe blog site.

Where did the Hundred Rabbits name come from?

Also FedWikiRiver feeds.