Transcriber Notes 2023-10-01

The road to the Sequoia Retreat Center in Ben Lomond, California, via Google Street View

See Typescript 2023-10-01 Today's call had more discussion about community building and less (but some) about FedWiki technology and mechanisms.

Also my problem with typing certain characters like - is back and the arrow keys aren't functioning correctly. This might be the Map item below, pointing out the location of the Sequoia Retreat Center in the redwoods above Santa Cruz California, as a place where PLoP was hatched.

One of my thoughts that didn't quite connect during the call was an analogy between Chris's organizing work at the neighborhood level and how to scale it to more people and more communities beyond Superior, Arizona, the disconnected bit being a reference to Sumana Harihareswara (@brainwane on Twitter) who has been working with open source communities for a long time, especially but not exclusively Python software. tools-and-practices .

She said that the knowledge of how to sustain voluntary communities over the long term is lore which belongs to the practice of religions, and so she has been reading handbooks in this area. Unfortunately I'm having trouble tracking down this remark, so instead I'll drop a couple more "Cogito Ergo Sumana" links about ways to build community around maintaining an open source project and how to pass it on / pass it along. maintainer burnout and guidance on open source projects, a list of books with gaps noted guidance .

37.0975241, -122.1144909 Sequoia