Near Pocket Park

â–·Seattle. Walking back on NW 74th from the neighborhood grocery past front yards, turning on 6th NW to see the gradual redevelopment. 6th Ave NW is a relic neighborhood business street shown by 1-story flat-roofed brick buildings with plate glass windows on several corners south of NW 80th Street - most of them residences, but one medical lab. There are also 1960s-1970s apartment buildings; recent updates are townhouse clusters similar to others in North Seattle.

Let's try Make New Places. It works! And it reports which images in the Assets item are not yet situated in display items within the page.

Along NW 74th from 3rd NW toward 6th NW. Re-purposing single election campaign signs into enduring endorsements of peace.
I think of Coroplast (corrugated polypropylene) as the rainproof answer to corrugated cardboard.

Past the cat, I turned right onto 6th Ave NW and looked for the gradual residential densification. 8th Ave NW has a bus route, and 6th Ave NW is a little wider than most residential streets, so this is a fine place for a little infill.

47.6826444, -122.3611861 47.6825083, -122.3623056 cat 47.6834083, -122.3633 intersection 47.6839667, -122.3633694 pocket park 47.6845, -122.3635 labcor storefront 47.6845, -122.3632 facing labcor 47.6848139, -122.3634778 redev at 77th google map

Sixth Street Pocket Park. Try Google Maps, focus on the park, and run the Street View timeline forward and back in time. Google Street View may also offer you a lower strip featuring panoramic photos near your Street View location. When I looked in November 2021, there was a photo sphere / panorama view from within the pocket park.

Small medical lab in the one-story brick of a relict corner store.

Two diagonally opposite corners of NW 75th have been redeveloped recently. The unchanged corners are single-story, flat-roofed brick buildings. The picture above shows NE and SE corners. The picture below shows all but the SE corner.

6th NW at NW 77th has recent corner redevelopment of both townhouses (across the circle) and new apartments.

Saturday, November 27, 2021
