Phototelling Quickstart enables uploading and processing photos. It will map photos which have EXIF information about latitude, longitude, and date. My first little story page is Northgate Changes.
There are also clever links on the ghost page created by Make New Places which allow you to navigate to existing places and pull in successive photos from the same trip or from later. The place tag ▷ Northgate marks a page as a place which can be found in search or via scripted search. Visited Places is a ghost page of scripted search results generated from a link on Make New Places from Phototelling Quickstart. For more on Visited Places, see Visited Places Script.
Skill with phototelling depends on familiarity with manipulating the lineup in Federated Wiki and extracting first the map pin and then the picture from the "Make New Places" ghost page.
Near Pocket Park was my next try, followed by At the Zoo. I've been keeping an eye on the changes at Greenwood Avenue, so Greenwood Infill.