Openverse Drag and Drop from 2023-11-01 wiki meetup experiment - why does drag and drop work,and when?
A collection of tools to help with the identifying pages with problems, and for addressing some of them.
# Scanning Tools
Two tools for scanning for problems:
Scan Site: Scans your wiki looking for pages with problems.
Scan Page: Scan an single page for problems. You may need to try Firefox rather than Chrome in order to allow Scan Page to accept a drag and drop of the page flag.
# Remedial Tools
__WARNING__: It is recommended you take a backup of your pages before using these tools, by saving a wiki export , or taking a backup of the wiki files if you have access to them.
Each tool will indicate which problems it will try to correct.
Rectify Chronology: Sorts a page's journal, to fix CHRONOLOGY errors.
Gentle Compactor: Sorts and gently compresses a page's journal. Will fix CHRONOLOGY errors, and help with HUGE and BLOATED.