Hypertext Supercollaborator

A combination of a Croquet reflector, a chat pane driven by Croquet, a "beam" of overlapping graphs (using the particle accelerator / collider terminology theme), a property graph editor/creator similar to Marc Pierson's tetrahedron model (Person, Ideal, Org, Action), and a large graph pane showing all the graphs selected in the "beam" pane.

"A conversation among systems thinkers expressed as a set of graphs."

"How do you go back to an earlier state to try another path? The beam (list of graphs) is chronological, which helps orient to the ongoing conversation."

The Hypertext Supercollaborator was used and refined in the context of Thompson Morrison's work with a co-authored book using Federated Wiki as the authoring and editing platform.

See [HSC site](http://hsc.fed.wiki/assets/home/index.html) See [Croquet.io](https://croquet.io/global-reflector-network/) See Hypertext Super Collaborator forked from HSC site.

Hypertext Supercollaborator Assets

ward.dojo.fed.wiki ward