Habits and Workflows

Starting a page to collect some thoughts emerging during Sunday Pioneers 2021-12-19.

In the context of a discussion around Journal Tools, Ward mentioned that it is helpful to reload the Federated Wiki Lineup from the server to make sure you have a consistent state. I asked "Is that FedWiki's mise en place ?

*Mise en place* points to Knolling in the wikipedia article for Tom Sachs, who got it from working in Frank Gehry's workshop, and is quoted from his "Ten Bullets" thus.

BULLET VIII: ALWAYS BE KNOLLING (ABK) 1. Scan your environment for materials, tools, books, music, etc. which are not in use. 2. Put away everything not in use. If you aren't sure, leave it out. 3. Group all 'like' objects. 4. Align or square all objects to either the surface they rest on, or the studio itself.

"Knolling" is named for Florence Knoll, an exponent of modernist design and pioneer of interior design (not *decoration*) as a distinct vocation | wikipedia

Many simple things that could be a button in a centralized system turn into a series of steps in federated wiki. We'll catalog them here as we notice them.